Health and Human Services -

Proposal for Course Change
(Select if this will be a fast track item. Refer to Fast Track Policy for
If the changes included in this proposal are significant, attach copies of original and proposed
syllabi in approved university format.
1. Course subject and number: NUR 212L
2. Units:
See upper and lower division undergraduate course definitions.
3. College:
Health and Human Services
5. Current Student Learning Outcomes of the
Clinical Practice and Prevention
• Applies sound nursing judgment to clinical situations
using standards of care critical thinking, clinical reasoning,
research evidence, and prioritization and delegation skills.
• Applies an expanding range of knowledge to promote
health and well-being and prevent complications in adults
experiencing illness and disease.
• Applies the nursing process to increasingly complex
patient learning needs.
• Demonstrates professional and therapeutic
communication skills in all learning situations.
Critical Reasoning
• Utilizes nursing knowledge, information technologies and
research evidence to construct and implement safe,
effective, patient-centered nursing care.
• Applies principles of collaboration, delegation, and
advocacy to manage safe patient care.
Professionalism and Professional Values
• Demonstrates professionalism in all clinical situations.
• Applies professional values and their associated
behaviors to the practice of nursing.
• Applies ethical and legal principles and professional
Effective Fall 2012
4. Academic Unit:
Show the proposed changes in this column (if
applicable). Bold the proposed changes in this
column to differentiate from what is not
changing, and Bold with strikethrough what is
being deleted. (Resources & Examples for
Developing Course Learning Outcomes)
standards to nursing practice.
• Applies caring’s affective characteristics into patientcentered care and with other healthcare professionals.
Global Health
• Develops effective strategies to implement culturally
appropriate care.
6. Current title, description and units. Cut and
paste, in its entirety, from the current on-line
academic catalog*
Show the proposed changes in this column
Bold the proposed changes in this column to
differentiate from what is not changing, and
Bold with strikethrough what is being deleted.
Description: Required clinical practicum for
Adult Health & Illness II. Letter grade only.
Units: 4
Prerequisite: NUR 208 and NUR 208L
Co requisite: NUR 212, NUR 216, NUR 216L
Description: Required clinical practicum for
Adult Health & Illness II. Letter grade only.
Units: 4
Prerequisite: NUR 208 and NUR 208L NUR
345, NUR 345L
Co requisite: NUR 212 347, NUR 216, NUR
216L NUR 349, NUR 349L
*if there has been a previously approved UCC/UGC/ECCC change since the last catalog year, please copy the approved
text from the proposal form into this field.
7. Justification for course change.
NUR 212 and NUR 212L are required in the third semester of the professional program
(second semester junior year). Course number change to upper division better reflects the
course content and how it is currently offered.
8. Effective BEGINNING of what term and year?
FALL 2015
See effective dates calendar.
Current course subject and number:
Proposed course subject and number:
NUR 212L
NUR 347L
Current number of units:
Proposed number of units:
Current short course title:
Proposed short course title (max 30 characters):
Current long course title:
Proposed long course title (max 100 characters):
Current grading option:
letter grade
or both
Current repeat for additional units:
Proposed grading option:
letter grade
or both
Proposed repeat for additional units:
Effective Fall 2012
Current max number of units:
Proposed max number of units:
Current prerequisite:
Current co-convene with:
Proposed prerequisite (include rationale in the
Proposed co-requisite (include rationale in the
Proposed co-convene with:
Current cross list with:
Proposed cross list with:
Current co-requisite:
9. Is this course in any plan (major, minor, or certificate) or sub plan (emphasis)? Yes
If yes, describe the impact. If applicable, include evidence of notification to and/or response
from each impacted academic unit.
Nursing; B.S.N.
10. Is there a related plan or sub plan change proposal being submitted?
If no, explain.
11. Does this course include combined lecture and lab components?
If yes, include the units specific to each component in the course description above.
Answer 12-15 for UCC/ECCC only:
12. Is this course an approved Liberal Studies or Diversity course?
If yes, select all that apply.
Liberal Studies
13. Do you want to remove the Liberal Studies or Diversity designation?
If yes, select all that apply.
Liberal Studies
14. Is this course listed in the Course Equivalency Guide?
15. Is this course a Shared Unique Numbering (SUN) course?
Scott Galland
Reviewed by Curriculum Process Associate
Department Chair/Unit Head (if appropriate)
Effective Fall 2012
Chair of college curriculum committee
Dean of college
For Committee use only:
UCC/UGC Approval
Approved as submitted:
Approved as modified:
Reviewed by Curriculum Process Associate
Academic Unit Head
Division Curriculum Committee (Yuma, Yavapai, or Personalized Learning)
Division Administrator in Extended Campuses (Yuma, Yavapai, or Personalized
Faculty Chair of Extended Campuses Curriculum Committee (Yuma, Yavapai, or
Personalized Learning)
Chief Academic Officer; Extended Campuses (or Designee)
Approved as submitted:
Approved as modified:
Effective Fall 2012
College of Health and Human Services
School of Nursing
Fall 2014
NUR 212L 347L
College/Department: College of Health and Human Services: School of Nursing
Course Number: Nursing 212L 347L
Course Title: Adult Health & Illness II
Semester: Fall 2014
Credit Hours: 4 credits/ 180 clock hours
Instructor and Contact Information:
Stephanie Donovan
Melanie Martin
Prerequisites: NUR 208, NUR 208L NUR 345, NUR 345L
Co Requisites: NUR 212, NUR 216, NUR 216L NUR 347, NUR 349, NUR 349L
Course Description
1. Focus is on nursing care to promote healthy transitions for individuals and families with health
conditions in acute care settings. Emphasis is on continued development of critical thinking, clinical
judgment, skills and time management concepts.
2. In addition to caring for patients in an acute care setting, you will be required to complete a variety
of written activities and exercises to demonstrate that you are able to apply your knowledge.
3. Over the course of the semester, you will complete approximately 180 clinical hours. Your clinical
time will be spent in the skills lab, at an acute care facility, critical thinking labs, and completing
simulated clinical experiences with SIM-MAN. You will be expected to review some skills on-line and
in your books as part of your homework for this course.
4. You will be expected to complete two self-evaluations of your performance this semester. These
forms will be provided to you in advance of the due date.
Effective Fall 2012
5. You will need to bring your skills checklist to all clinical experiences so that your clinical
instructor can sign you off for each skill performed during your clinical experience and monitor any
skill needs that you may have.
6. New nursing skills that are introduced in NUR 212L 347L: central venous access devices and
advanced intravenous medication administration, epidural and patient controlled analgesia, blood
administration, heparin drip algorithms and administration, advanced respiratory care, nasogastric
tubes, and advanced cardiac care and monitoring.
7. This clinical practicum is designed to be a co-requisite with NUR 212 347L.
Clinical Competencies and Clinical Evaluation Criteria
The following are the clinical competencies (listed under the course outcomes) that you will be
required to meet by the end of NUR 212L 347L:
NUR 212L 347L Course Outcomes
Clinical Practice and Prevention
• Applies sound nursing judgment to clinical situations using standards of care critical thinking, clinical
reasoning, research evidence, and prioritization and delegation skills.
• Applies an expanding range of knowledge to promote health and well-being and prevent
complications in adults experiencing illness and disease.
• Applies the nursing process to increasingly complex patient learning needs.
• Demonstrates professional and therapeutic communication skills in all learning situations.
Critical Reasoning
• Utilizes nursing knowledge, information technologies and research evidence to construct and
implement safe, effective, patient-centered nursing care.
• Applies principles of collaboration, delegation, and advocacy to manage safe patient care.
Professionalism and Professional Values
• Demonstrates professionalism in all clinical situations.
• Applies professional values and their associated behaviors to the practice of nursing.
• Applies ethical and legal principles and professional standards to nursing practice.
• Applies caring’s affective characteristics into patient-centered care and with other healthcare
Global Health
• Develops effective strategies to implement culturally appropriate care.
Course Structure and Approach:
This clinical practicum provides the opportunities to develop skills, and to practice the integration of
theory content, skills, critical reasoning in simulated and actual patient care activities. With laboratory,
simulation, and clinical learning, nursing practice is fostered with the mentorship and guidance of
faculty members and other professional nurses. While the faculty will provide guidance and
consultation, the student is responsible for identification of learning needs, self-direction, seeking
Effective Fall 2012
consultation and demonstration of clinical objectives. The clinical experience in this course will be
completed at hospitals in Arizona. You may be required to travel and spend at least one night a week
in distant areas in Arizona.
Required Textbooks:
* NAU has an Emergency Textbook Loan Program. Eligible students can apply for assistance with
acquisition of textbooks for the semester.
More information at:
EKG Calipers
ALL TEXTBOOKS from previous classes:
Kee, J.L. (2010). Laboratory and diagnostic tests with nursing implications (8th ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Lewis, S.L., Dirksen, S.R., Heitkemper, M.M & Bucher, L.& Camera, I.M. (2010). MedicalSurgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical of Clinical Problems (8th ed.). St.
Louis: Elsevier: Mosby
Silvestri, L.A. (2010). Saunders comprehensive review for NCLEX-RN examination (5th
ed.).Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders.
Wilson, Shannon and Shields. (2010). Pearson Nurse’s Drug Guide 2010: Prentice Hall.
Online Requirements
Mosby Online Skills videos and Potter and Perry Fundamental Online Skills:
Blackboard Learn assignments and readings:
Assessment of Student Learning:
In order to pass NUR 212L 347L, the student must achieve the following:
1. An overall course grade of 78% or higher.
2. A final evaluation score of three (3) or higher in all elements of the Clinical Evaluation tool;
students who do not achieve a three (3) in all elements of the Clinical Evaluation will receive
an F for the course regardless of course points achieved.
3. Satisfactory completion of a math exam with at least 90%; students who do not achieve 90% on
the math exam cannot pass medications and will be unable to receive three (3) on the Clinical
Evaluation Tool.
Effective Fall 2012
4. Completion of all required clinical requirements, including, but not limited to, clinical hours, patient
education brochure, care plans, skills check offs, simulation experiences, clinical portfolio, the math
exam and additional assignments required by clinical faculty.
5. Satisfactory demonstration of selected skills in laboratory, simulation, and clinical experiences.
Various activities will be used to assess student learning and mastery of content across the semester.
These include simulations, clinical experiences, care plans, an evidence based practice project, a
clinical portfolio, skills check offs, and other assignments required by clinical faculty. Weighting of
these activities and calculation of the course grade is as follows:
Evaluation Tool Points
Clinical portfolio= 5 points
Math exam (90% required in order to pass meds & continue in clinical course)= 5 points
Care plans (complete 3 and best 2 scores recorded, 20 points each)= 40 points
Leadership Experience= 5 points
Simulations/Skills preparation= 25 points
Evidence Based Practice= 15 points
Overall Professionalism= 5 points
Total= 100 points
Grading System
Grades will be calculated from the assessments above, and grades posted according to the standard
School of Nursing grading scale:
A = 93-100 points
B = 84-92 points
C = 78-83 points
F = below 78 points
Clinical Hours
1. At least 180 clinical hours.
2. All clinical, lab, simulation, prep work, case studies, and glucometer training must be completed in
order to complete the minimal number of required clinical hours.
3. NUR 212L 347L Clinical is 10 hours on assigned day with any exceptions noted in the Lab and
Simulation Schedule. Students should plan on clinical through December 1, 2014.
4. Students are expected to attend all assigned lab and simulation experiences outlined in the Lab
and Simulation Schedule.
5. Students are expected to complete any additional experiences as assigned.
Effective Fall 2012
Assignment due dates are printed on the clinical schedule or will be directed by the clinical faculty.
Late assignments will not be accepted unless prior arrangements have been made with the faculty.
All assignments are to be completed by each student individually without the help of others unless
specifically identified as a group project. Assignments include written paperwork, the math exam, the
portfolio, quizzes, the evidence based practice project, simulation preparation and any other
Written paperwork, including nursing care plans
All clinical written assignments must be satisfactorily completed to receive a passing grade nursing
212L 347L; the best three scores of complete care plans will be recorded. It is expected that students
will complete clinical paperwork weekly unless otherwise notified by their faculty. Faculty will direct
you regarding due dates and times.
Math exam
The first attempt for the math exam will be given in class and must be passed by week three of the
semester. A score of 90% or greater in two (2) attempts is passing. Failure to pass the exam with
90% on the first attempt will result in structured remediation. If the exam is not passed after
two (2) attempts, the student is not permitted to pass medications in the course and, therefore, unable
to achieve the ability to score “3” or higher on the clinical competence and/or the critical thinking
strand of the clinical evaluation. This will result in failure of NUR 212L 347L.
Student Clinical Portfolio
Maintaining and updating your Student Clinical Portfolio is a clinical requirement beginning in NUR
205 225, continues in NUR 212L 347L and will continue each semester throughout the Nursing
Program. Your Student Clinical Portfolio contains a table of contents, student health and clinical
requirements, clinical agency orientation forms, skills list, goals for clinical experiences, clinical
evaluations, and a portfolio review form. Students are encouraged to complete a resume for review.
Your portfolio will be reviewed at the beginning and end of the semester. The end of semester review
is what will be evaluated for your course grade; everything must be included and up to date to receive
the points. The portfolio is due with your final self-clinical evaluation. Students with incomplete
portfolios will receive zero points. See checklist for what needs to be included.
Online quizzes
There will be 3 Mosby Skills or Potter online course quizzes required. See the clinical schedule for
specific assignments and due dates. Quizzes are due at 11:59 pm Arizona Time on the date they
are due or the student will receive a zero for that assignment. Please submit your score to the
assignment tool in BBLearn; faculty will finalize the score after item analysis. Quizzes are located on
the Evolve website:
Evidence Based Practice Project
See instructions and rubric below.
Simulation preparation
Preparation for all simulation scenarios is expected and is due immediately following the simulation
scenario. You will be provided with preparation responsibilities based on your role for the specific
scenario. Grading consists of preparation, participation in the scenario, participation in debriefing, and
all documentation (narrative notes, MARs, care plans, etc.). Students may also be required to
complete an incident report. See the simulation rubric.
Other assignments
Effective Fall 2012
Students are required to complete any additional assignments as designated by their clinical faculty,
including glucometer testing. Failure to do so will result in paperwork not being accepted. In addition,
students may be awarded scores lower than three (3) on the clinical practice and prevention,
communication, critical reasoning, and professionalism and professional values sections of the
clinical evaluation form and, therefore, will not pass clinical. Finally, clinical and agency evaluations
are expected to be completed at the end of the semester. Your professional, constructive feedback is
Course Expectations
Nursing Care
We are looking for growth throughout the semester. The nursing care you provide to your assigned
patient(s) will be evaluated each week in view of the course objectives. Your assessment, nursing
diagnoses, planning, implementation, and evaluation of nursing care (the nursing process) will be
self-evaluated and faculty-evaluated each week. If your nursing care is not satisfactory, the clinical
instructor will advise you. Strategies for improvement of your nursing care will be discussed. Failure
to improve identified areas of concern documented in your clinical paperwork may result in
failure of the clinical component of NUR 212L 347L. This means that if your instructor writes a
comment in your clinical paperwork that suggests “add this” or “need to work on this” that we expect
you to make the changes AND improve upon that level of performance for the duration of the
semester. Students are expected to maintain and improve upon previously learned competencies. If
there is a need for improvement, a written contract may be implemented delineating the areas for
Professional behavior is expected in all aspects of NUR 212L 347L. Professionalism includes
behaviors addressed in the ANA Code of Ethics, the Arizona State Board of Nursing Unprofessional
Conduct, Unfitness to Practice Nursing, Department of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook
(current edition) and Northern Arizona University Student Handbook (current edition). Unsafe or
unprofessional conduct will constitute failure of NUR 212L 347L e.g. medication errors, failure
to identify critical situations, physical or mental impairment, etc. Please note it is possible to
fail NUR 212L 347L at any point during the semester for unsafe or unprofessional conduct
Nursing Supplies:
As part of being prepared for clinical, students must bring a pair of bandage scissors, a stethoscope,
a black pen, a penlight, a calculator and a watch with a second hand. Please see the handbook for
further information.
Professional Appearance in the Clinical Setting:
Please review the Uniform Policy in the NAU Student Handbook:
Students may wear polo shirts to simulation lab. Scrubs are required at the clinical setting. In addition,
students should be clean-shaven or facial hair neatly groomed and trimmed.
Cell Phones:
Cell phones are not permitted in the patient care areas. Cell phones should be turned off during
all clinical experiences and put away in backpacks and purses unless otherwise directed. Nonemergency cell phone use is not allowed during the clinical shift unless you are off of the floor on
break. If you expect an emergency call (such as a sick child), you must get your instructor’s approval
before you may carry the phone, and then it must be on vibrate mode. Make sure day cares, schools,
Effective Fall 2012
etc. know how to reach you on clinical days. Please check with your instructor regarding the use of
cell phone apps to look up medications and labs.
Students must maintain patient confidentiality at all times. No discussion regarding patients is
acceptable outside the classroom or clinical setting. Do not refer to the patient by name in clinical
conferences or in the classroom.
You may not remove from the clinical setting ANY part of a medical record even if staff tell you “this is
extra” and “you just have to cross out their name” (i.e. medication administration record back-up
copies). Patient records are not to be photocopied under ANY circumstances. These forms contain
other identifying information on them and therefore must stay in the facility to avoid violating patient
confidentiality. Students must use caution regarding what is said in halls, elevators, bathrooms and
the cafeteria.
Failure to adhere to this policy may result in removal from the clinical experience, the course, and/or
referral in accordance with the communication of concerns process in the NAU School of Nursing
Student Handbook.
See the current NAU School of Nursing Student Handbook for additional information
Course policies
Policies and guidelines in the NUR 212L 347L course syllabus apply to all aspects of this course. You
are responsible for review and compliance with NUR 212L 347L, NAU School of Nursing, and NAU
policies. You are also responsible for review and adherence to the professional standards and rules
of the Arizona Nurse Practice Act, the State Board of Nursing, and the American Nurses’ Association
Code of Ethics. For full descriptions of policies, visit these websites:
Current NAU SON BSN Handbook:
NAU Student Handbook:
Arizona Nurse Practice Act:
American Nurses Association Code of Ethics:
Social Media Guidelines:
Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals (Hospital):
Ballard, K.A. (2003). Patient safety: A shared responsibility. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 8(3),
Retests/makeup tests:
Exams are not given in NUR 212L 347L with the exception of the math exam. A second attempt of
the math exam, with a different set of calculations, is permitted. Make up tests may be arranged for
valid reasons such as illness or personal/family emergencies. Arrangements to take a make-up exam
must be made with the faculty within one week of the exam.
Attendance Policy
Attendance of all on-campus and off- campus clinical experiences is required for students to be able
to achieve clinical competencies. Should an absence be unavoidable, notification of faculty via phone
(not text or email) must be done at least 1 hour prior to the start of the clinical day. Students are
Effective Fall 2012
considered tardy if they arrive even one minute after the beginning of clinical. Tardiness of more than
30 minutes will be considered a clinical absence. Tardiness or absence without faculty notification
may result in dismissal for the clinical day or other consequences as determined by faculty. Please
note: there may not be opportunities to make up missed clinical hours and faculty are not required to
make arrangements for additional clinical hours. Additional policies:
Clinical schedules are posted in advance so students can arrange work, other classes, and personal
Students are expected to be in the clinical area at designated times unless contagious or if there has
been a catastrophic life event. Clinical absence may result in failure to meet course objectives and,
therefore, failure of NUR 212L 347L. Notification must be made by phone (not text or email); we do
not have access to e-mail at the clinical sites. Students will be expected to consult faculty about
making up any missed clinical days. There are no “free” days off. Missing more than 10% of clinical
hours will result in clinical failure.
Failure to notify faculty of absence from clinical (including hospital experiences, lab, simulation, and
pre/post conference) prior to missing or being late will be considered unprofessional conduct and will
be handled as such. Being a no call/no show to clinical, lab
or simulation is a serious offense and will result in writing a ten page research paper about the
impact of no call/no show absences on patient care and morale in the work setting. At least two
citations are required, one being a research article. In addition, students are in danger of receiving
scores lower than three (3) on the professionalism and professional values and communication
section of the clinical evaluation form and, therefore, will not pass clinical. Second offenses will result
in failure of clinical.
Students are expected to be punctual to all clinical experiences, including post-conference. Students
are expected to arrange travel to avoid tardiness. Extenuating circumstances will be evaluated on a
case by case basis. More than one tardy will result in completion of a 2 page paper regarding the
impact of tardiness on patient care and staff morale with a minimum of two references, one being a
research article. If you are tardy following this assignment, you will be sent home from clinical and
required to meet with an advisor. In addition, students may be awarded scores lower than three (3) on
the professionalism and professional values and communication sections of the clinical evaluation
form and, therefore, will not pass clinical.
In case of inclement weather where you feel that you are in jeopardy traveling on snowy or icy roads,
call or page your clinical instructor before you are scheduled to be in the clinical area as described
While in the clinical setting, you may accompany your patient to PT, OT, or Speech therapy without
informing your instructor. Make sure the RN you are working with knows where you are. Please
contact your instructor if you have the opportunity to accompany your patient to the cath lab, the
operating room, or any other procedural area. Your clinical faculty AND your staff nurse need to
know when you take a break (you are allowed one 15 minute break for each 4 hours and one 30
minute break for lunch/supper; you may not combine breaks to have an hour lunch/supper break).
You may not leave the facility for a break as you may need to be available if something were to
happen to your patient. Not being available could result in your patient not receiving care in a timely
fashion and could be construed as patient abandonment (translation – unsafe practice!). You will also
need to report off to your staff nurse and instructor at the end of your clinical shift. As the instructors
cannot leave the building until all students have left, failure to report off to the staff nurse AND clinical
faculty will also be viewed as unsafe practice.
Withdrawal Policy:
Effective Fall 2012
If a student is unable to attend the course or must drop the course for any reason, it will be the
responsibility of the student to withdraw from the course before the withdrawal deadline (see current
NAU Schedule of Classes for deadline).
Plagiarism, Cheating, and Academic Dishonesty:
Please refer to Appendix G of the NAU Student Handbook
( for
definitions, policies, penalties, and procedures related to various forms of academic dishonesty.
University Policies
* Link to NAU policy statements-updated 2014:
Review the following policies available on the Northern Arizona University Policy Statement website
1. Safe Environment Policy
2. Students with Disabilities Policy
3. Institutional Review Board Policy
4. Academic Integrity Policy (also see
5. Academic Contact Hour Policy
6. Sensitive Course Materials Policy
The Impaired Student policy will be strictly adhered to; there will be no tolerance in for any evidence
of substance abuse.
Skills and Simulation Schedule:
August 27, 2014
All Students
August 28, 2014
All Students
September 4, 2014
All Students
September 5, 2014
All Students
Effective Fall 2012
Introduction to 212L 347L.
Review skills: Foley cath placement, NG placement and IV placement. Medication administration:
PO, IM, IV, SQ, NG. Central Lines, ABG’s
New: Ventilators, Chest Tubes, Oral Airways, PCA, Arterial Lines
Readings: Lewis: 544-547, 1618-1627,
Math exam (Must pass with 90% or higher to progress in 212L 347L).
New: EKG Interpretation, EKG lead placement, Heparin Titration, Blood Transfusions, Care,
Trach Care & Suctioning
Readings: Lewis: 676-680, 131, 358, 787-808, 699-704, 851-852, 507-518, 1613-1627
Potter & Perry: Module 8 Airway Management Exam Due by 8am
Potter & Perry: Module 9 Chest Tubes Exam Due by 8am
Potter & Perry Module 10 Vascular Access Exam Due by 8am
Potter & Perry Module 14 Blood Therapy Exam Due by 8am
Introduction to Simulation
Open lab: practice skills
Skills Check Off
Simulation: Group A: September 18 Group B: September 11
Simulation: Group A: October 9 Group B: October 2
Effective Fall 2012
Simulation: Group A: October 23 Group B: October 16
Mock Code: All Students
Simulation: Group A: November 13 Group B: November 6
Simulation Check Off: All Students