
How can You Make a Difference ?
Fernande S. Pierre-Louis
• Official Name: Republic of Haiti
• Location: the western third of the island of Hispaniola in the West Indies
in the Caribbean Sea
• Area: 27,750km2 / 10,712m2
• Population: 10 million (pre-2009 estimate)
80% of Haitians live in poverty
• Capital: Port-au-Prince
• Chief Towns: Port-de-Paix, Cap-Haïtien, Gonaïves, Les Cayes, Jacmel,
Jérémie, Hinche, Frt-Liberté
• Currency: 1 Gourde (G, Gde)
• Languages: French, Creole
Haiti is mainly Creole, but 1 out of every 10 Haitians speak French
• Climate Tropical maritime
Average monthly temperatures 240 C – 290 C (800 F and 900F)
Wet Season: May – September Hurricanes are common
A Geography Lesson
Haiti History
The First recorded settlements in the islands date from 2500 BCE
The Tainos from Venezuela arrive on the island
Hispaniola “discovered”by Christopher Columbus in 1492 when he arrives in the
“New World”
The first Africans were brought to Hispaniola in 1503
There is almost complete Decimation of the Taino population by 1550-1600
France took over western third of the island in 1697 and with an intense slave
labor, Haiti was considered between 1697 – 1790 as the “King Sugar” and “The
Pearl of the Antilles”
The “Slave” rebellions begin around 1751
700 CE
Historians report that in 1778 the “Volontaires de Saint-Domingue” fight in the
American revolutionary War, in Savannah, Georgia.
1791-1804 Haitian Revolution, the only successful slave revolution in the New
People of color (mulattoes) had joined the slave rebellions
Haiti History
• 1804 Haitian Independence declared
• Haiti had an Emperor until 1806 then it became a Republic
• 1822-1844 Haiti was united with Santo Domingo (Dominican
• 1915-1934 Haiti under US occupation
• 1957 – 1986 Haiti under absolute power of Duvalier family
• 1990 – 2010
– Jean-Bertrand Aristide, René Préval elected president but violence,
political unstability, division continue to afflict the impoverished
• January 12th, 2010 Catastrophic earthquake killed more
than 250.000 people and plunged the country in more
chaos and more poverty
• President elected by popular vote for a five-year term
• Prime Minister appointed by the President
• Cabinet chosen by the Prime Minister in consultation
with the President
• We have a president named Michel Martelly.
• The type of government is a Republic.
• Haiti is one of the most underdeveloped countries in the hemisphere, and
one of the poorest in the world
• Economy has historically been mostly based on agriculture but the recent
struggle have seriously handicapped this sector as well
• Many plantations that grew coffee, sugar, sisal, rice, bananas, corn,
sorghum, cocoa, mangoes have disappeared !
• Other industries included in the past flour milling, cement, light assembly
industries, lobster fishing, tourism are also struggling !
This is because they do not have good arable land and other human
resources and also because people say that corruption has been
widespread !
• Even before the 2010 earthquake, Haiti was
recognised as the poorest country in the Americas
• The poverty wosened and an outbreak of
CHOLERA last year made the situation mnore
• 50% of the population are illiterate
• Many people live in slums
• Many children are forced into slavery, working as
unpaid servants
• Haiti survives essentially on Foreign Aid!
• Some Haitians practice vodoo but the official religion
of the country is Roman Catholic
• The Episcopal church was introduced in Haiti by the
Right Rev. Bishop James Theodore Holly In 1861.
• Today it works under the guidance of the Bishop of Haiti, The
Right Rev. Bishop Jean Zache Duracin
• Their contribution to Haiti through the years has been
enormous in diverse sectors: education, art , health …
Episcopal Church
• The Executive Council formed by the archdeacons, the chairmen of the
different diocesan permanent and especial comities lay person and the
Directors of the diocesan institutions help take decisions and ensure the
respect of the resolutions taken during diocesan Synod.
• Each parish or organized mission is under the supervision of the priest in
charge nominated by the Bishop of the diocese. The Chapter of the church
helps the priest in charge in his work and the administrative duties.
• Almost all the organized missions have many associations in order to have
active members who engage themselves in the mission , because everyone
has to practice his or her ministry: Women, men, youth, children, scout,
acolyte, choirs, almost all the churches have parish choir, children choir,
parents choir, women choir , men choir, children choir , teachers of Sunday
• The important diocesan institution are: Seminary of Theology, Holy Trinity
School, Holy Trinity Music, BTI, School, Holy Trinity Trade School, College
St Pierre, CEDISEC, College St Martin de Tours, Hopital Sainte Croix,
Centre de Saint Barnabas,…
• January 12th 2010 an
earthquake measuring 7.0
on the Richter Scale strikes
Haiti and devastates the
capital Port-au-Prince as
well as other towns
• More than 250,000 people
believed to have been killed
• 3 million people affected by
the earthquake
Earthquake horror
Earthly treasure becomes true treasure
when it helps transform lives through
the Gospel of Jesus-Christ
• The world, the USA, YOU
responded with extraordinary
generosity and compassion
• The international community
collected funds which have yet
to be utilized due to political
• The earthquake may be more
than 2 years old but the
problems persist
• The level of desperation is so
deep that many families have
simply decided that education is
simply not worth it
• We still need help
How can you make a Difference?
Everywhere there is something to do for people who need help.
After the earthquake
In April 2010, after the earthquake, we kept
working with faith and courage by the grace of
God, your support and despite the non-ideal
The conditions are difficult (no reliable
electricity, no cafeteria, no library, no computer,
no lab, no food for the students, lack of space
crowded class room with 75 to 80 children)
The earthquake destroyed all the infrastructures
that we had for the canteen program (cafeteria,
tables, and kitchen).
During the months of August and September
2010 (academic year 2010-2011), we added
seven new classrooms including additional
space to serve as temporary lab and library
and a new space for Kindergarten.
we are trying not to abandon the children.
We can’t give up, we have to accomplish
our mission, God’s mission.
Matthew 25, 33-40
“I was hungry, you gave me food, thirsty you gave me water, I was a stranger you
welcomed me at your home, I was naked and you clothed me, I was in prison, you
visited me, I was sick, you took care of me. They asked, when did we make all these
things for you? And the king answered and declared: Every time you did it for the
little who is my brother / sister, you did it for me.”
In the context of the world or Haiti, we can make a difference.
The love of God is expressed through the mission and ministries of the partnership
program in a variety ways, ministries of Education, healthcare, agriculture, music,
micro enterprise, nutrition, food, sharing the joy of Christ and the story of the love of
God. Partnership is about building relationship.
We can do many wonderful things together in Christ’s name.
All that we do, and all that we are, by the grace of God grow out of our inspired
hearts which move us to serve.
Making a Difference…
Changing and transforming people especially the children and the youth.
We can make a difference with our participation in the education of the children,
because education is after food for survival, the most precious asset of a creature of
– When we participate in the education of the children, knowing that qualified
education means a factor of progress, we can try to say we have tried to answer
partially at our mission
We can make a difference by feeding a hungry child
It is a fact that if you don’t eat, you cannot learn.
We can make a difference by giving shelter
Making difference in proclaiming, sharing and living the gospel of Jesus Christ in
words, in gestures and actions of Love
Making a Difference…
Building a partnership
Partnership or companionship is only possible between parties which respect each
other, while maintaining their individual identities
In companionship there is no thought of one eclipsing the other’s identity.
Companionship accepts and celebrates the difference and the particularity between
the parties.
An agreed vision is essential
Companions or partners must stay faithful to one another.
Companionship is built on mutual trust and faithful commitment to one and other.
Trust is the bedrock of any relationship. It takes time to build and can be broken in an
In my opinion, loyalty and honesty create confidence which reinforces trust.
Financial transparency and making decision together are very important .
Maintaining partnership, because partnership is about relationship and is ongoing
and needs careful nurturing.
A Partnership Program
• It serves Haitians and North Americans by giving them a system
through which they can work in confidence, trust, good accountability,
and transparency.
• The love of God is expressed through the mission and ministries of
the Partnership Program in a variety of ways: ministries of education,
healthcare, agriculture, micro enterprise, nutrition, food and clothing,
sharing the joy of Christ, and the Story of the love of God.
Many ways emerge through which we can accomplish God’s work in
Missions in the diocese of Haiti
• There are many churches or organized Missions in the diocese of
• Urban churches
– Ste Croix, (Léogane), Holy Spirit (Cap Haitien), Saint-Sauveur
(Cayes), St Bazile (Gonaives), Resurection (Gros Morne), St
Innocents (Port de Paix), St-Thomas (Arcahaie), St Andre
(Hinche), St Simeon (Croix des Bouquets), St Martin (Delmas),
Ascension (Thor), St Pierre (Mirebalais)…
• Churches in rural area but strong in structures and from the
demographic point of view
• The stations
List of organized missions of
Haitian Diocese
Saint Paul
St Marc
Ste Croix
Notre Dame de l’Annonce
Eglise St- Michel
St André
St pierre
Saint Timothée
Saint-Simon et St- Jude
Saint Francoises
Saint Barthelemy
Saint Esprit
Saint Barnabas
Saints Innocents
St Jn Baptiste
Sainte Croix
Sts philippe & Jacques
Saint jacques
SoSt Jean Evangéliste
St Simon et St Jude
St Marc
Thor le Volant
4è Avenue Bolosse
Petit Orangers, Léogane
Mithon, Léogane
gros- Morne, Léogane
Château- Gaillard
Platon Balai
D’Assise Anse-à-Galets
Nan mango
Plaine Mapou
Nouvelle cité
Trou- Jacques
Bois Brulé
Petit- Harpon
List of organized missions of
Haitian Diocese
St Etienne
St Luc
St Nicolas
St Joseph d’Arimathée
Paroisse Ste Croix
Bonne Nouvelle
Saint Mathias
St Thomas
St Jean l’evangeliste
St Matthias
St Matthias
St Matthieu
St Barthelemy
Jean Dumas
Grand Colline
Saint Luc
Saint Cyprien
Sainte Marie madeleine
Saint Sacrement
St Esprit
Notre Dame
St Siméon
Saint Alban
Saint Marc
St Luc
St Joseph
St Etienne
La Bresilienne (Bainet)
Labiche, Cotes de fer
Bondeau Miragoane
Chevalier Nippes
Fonds Parisien
Cap Haitien
Croix des Bouquets
Crochu (Bouzi)
List of organized missions of
Haitian Diocese
St Esprit
Notre Dame
St Siméon
Saint Alban
Saint Marc
St Luc
St Joseph
St Etienne
Les Saints Inocents
Saint Aidan
Saint jacques
Saint Martin de Tours
Saint Matthieu
Ste Marguerite
Saint Jean Baptiste
Saint Thomas
Saint Barthelmy
St Jacques
Saint Augustin
Saint Jean baptiste
Saint Sauveur
Cap Haitien
Croix des Bouquets
Crochu (Bouzi)
Port- de paix
Ile de la Tortue)
Morne Rosette
Dumal/ aux parques
Petit Boucan
Maniche (Cayes)
Savanette (Cayes)
Stations of Episcopal Church in Haiti and different responsible
Rév. P. Accimé Max
St luc – ossée, Petite rivière de l’Artibonite
Rév. P. Ais Jean Nesly
Transfiguration, Chansolme
Rév. P. Lozama Abiade
St. Jacques Lindor
Rév. P. Alexandre Soner
Rév. P. Auguste Pierre
Bon Berger, Danot
Rév. P. Beauvoir Jean Jonas
Station St Patrick, Tom Gateau
Vén. Bernier Noé
Christ Roi, Terrier Rouge
Rév. P. Decamps Walin
St. Benoit Mombin Crochu
St. Marc Cerca la Source
N.D Annonciation Boc-Banique
St. Luc Thomassique
St. Grégoire, La victoire
Epipanie, loranette
St. Thomas, lamessette
Confession St Pierre, pacasse
St Innocent, La Bègue
Rév. P. DejardinsWisnel
St. Jude, Chalon
Rév. P. Délicat Kerwin
St Philippe et St Jacques, Colline
St Marc, Biré
Rév. P.Déravil Jean Jacques
St. Marc, Bois Blanc
Vén. Désiré Fritz
Ste. Marguerite, Meyer
St. Jean L’Evangéliste, K-ESS
St Joseph d’Arimathée, Pilard
St. Jacques, Apôtre, David
St Jean baptiste, Moreau
Notre Dame, Bois-Neuf
St. André, Cavanack
St. Barnabé, Lavallé de Jacmel
St. Thomas, Lavanna – jacmel
St Paul, Beaudin Jn Pierre
Christ-Roi Jacmel (Monchel)
Transfiguration, marigot – Duvillon
St. Esprit, Marigot
St. Pierre, Bero
St. Etienne, lamothe
Bonne Nouvelle, Lebeau
+ 3 missions
Stations of Episcopal Church in Haiti and different responsible
Vén. Diègue Joseph Tancrel
Redemption, Belair
Rév. P. Duveaux Irnel
Transfiguration, la Colline
St François D’Assise - Caburet
Rév. P. Estil Colbert
Ste Croix Jérémie
Marie Madeleine de Bonbon
St Mathias de Camp Perrin
Christ Roi Coline Cavaillon
St Esprit, Cavaillon
Vén. Gracia Kesner
Rév. P. Jean Philippe Jean Alphonse
St. Matthias Gracette
St. Marc, Lomord
St. André Maccabé
Vén. Joseph Jean Jeannot
St. Michel,Lachapelle
St. André Trianon
St. Marc, Cerca
St. Patrick, Nordette
St. Timothée, Chambeau
Sts. Innocents, Boromain
St. Pilippe et St. Jacques, Petite montagne
St Thomas, Thomas
St. Etienne, Machécana
Epiphanie, Diamond
Transfiguration, Petite Rivière de l’Artibonite
Rév. P. Lazard Amirold
St. Paul, caracol
St. Etienne, Salnadere
Rév. P. LeonSadoni
St Jean l’Evangeliste, Carrefour feuille
Rév. P. LozamaAbiade
Rév. P.Michaud jean Fruitho
Christ-Roi, Grande savanne
Rév. P. Medela Jean Milor
Christ-Roi Lahoye, Transfiguration belladère
Rév. P. MenelasFrederic
Rév. P. Phanord Jean Berthol
St. Paul, Grand Fond
Rév. P. Quatorze Jean Lenord
Station St. Paul, (Cher maitre)
Station St. Luc, (Figaro)
Stations of Episcopal Church in Haiti and different responsible
Rév. P. St Louis Jean Michelin
St. Matthieu, Chapeteau
Ascension, Blanchard
St jacques,Rogé
St. Paul, Morne Thomonde
Sts. Innocents, Bel-air
St. Thomas
St. Jean Baptiste
St. Jean
Bon Berger
St. Luc
Rév. P. St Louis Samuel
Christ Roi, Corail
St. Barnabas, Grand fond
St Agnes, la colline
Confession St. Pierre, sainte
Rév. P. Toussaint Louis Rosanas
St Luc, Trou du Nord
Rév. P. Valdema Henry. Fritz
ST Michel Archange Thomazeau
Rév. P. Jean Mardoché Vil
St. Timothée, La revoir
St. Nom de Jésus, Venant
Incarnation, Saurel
Bon Samaritain, Bras de gauche
Bon berger, Cavalier (Cotes-de-Fer)
St. Philippe et St.Jacques, Petite rivière
Ste. Croix, Gazou
St. Esprit, Chemin à Bœuf
La transfiguration, Corps
St. Jacques, Denard
Christ-Roi, Moise
Sts. Innocents, bellevue
Epiphanie, Gandou
St. Thomas, Dutete
La Toussaint, la feuillade
Our Mission
• As Baptized Christian, followers of Christ we have been called by
Jesus to continue the mission of God, proclaiming and living the
message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
• “Love each other. The love you share among yourselves, will
make me recognize you as my disciples. “ John 13, 34-35
• Being an engaged Christian does not only mean going to church every
Sunday, or pray 24 hours a day. ..
But, it is also in all words, gestures and actions expressing the love
of Jesus Christ. All that we do has to reflect the image of God in Jesus
• This is how can we make a difference.
Everywhere there is something to do for someone who need help.
Examples of successful partnership
• Many churches or institutions in partnership with the parishes/members
of the diocese of Connecticut are successful
Holy Trinity School has many sisters and brothers in Connecticut who
help HTS
– St Paul Fairfield, Trinity Parish in Wethersfield, St James in Glastonbury
scholarship and Canteen Program
– The program Trinity in motion
Library for people called by God for priesthood and sisterhood Audio visual
lab, Rice and beans
-Churches and sisters/brothers in Christ in Hartford and others areas…
• We are still working together for the students of HTS in confidence and
The Rebuilding Effort
After the earthquake, we kept working
with faith and courage by the grace of
God, your support and despite the nonideal conditions
One class room could have about 75 to
80 children which was at times a concern
for the personal safety of the students on
the site.
We added seven new classrooms
including additional space to serve as
temporary lab and library and a new
space for Kindergarten.
We are trying not to abandon the
We can’t give up, we have to accomplish
our mission, God’s mission.
The Rebuilding Effort
• We responded to the immediate
needs and built many temporary
• The Holy Trinity Cathedral was
completely destroyed after the
earthquake and the other “sister”
churches have collected funds to
rebuild it
Anything you can do can make a
Prayer for the world and Haiti
Thank you for the gift of life
Thank you for your unconditional love
May the world live in peace and Harmony
Bless everyone and put compassion in our heart
May your children in the world and those of Haiti see
beyond their problems and recognize that with your
love, there will be a better tomorrow filled with joy,
sharing and peace !