1st 9 Weeks Vocabulary Terms-Answer Key 1. Genre: different categories of literature such as historical fiction, biography, or science fiction 2. Fiction: a made-up story: short story, novel, folk tales 3. Short Story: a brief fictional story told in ordinary language 4. Folk Literature: short fictional pieces including tales, myths, legends, and fables 5. Novel: an extended work of fictional literature 6. Drama: a story written to be performed by actors 7. Narrative Nonfiction: true works of literature including biographies, autobiographies, and personal essays 8. Biography: a narrative piece by one person (or group) about another person 9. Autobiography: a narrative that tells the life story of the author 10. Personal Essay: a short piece of writing about one’s personal experiences and opinions 11. Character Trait: what a character, says, thinks, does, and how they respond to other characters 12. Plot: sequence of events that support the central conflict and resolution in a story 13. Sequence: the order of events in a story 14. Setting: when and where a story takes place (time, place, and duration) 15. Conflict: a struggle or problem between opposing forces; a character can have internal or internal conflicts 16. Internal Conflict: a conflict that takes place within a character (when a character struggles to make a tough decision) 17. External Conflict: a conflict that takes place between the character and an outside force like another character or nature 18. Resolution: the solution to the conflict or problem 19. Theme: the central idea or purpose in a story 20. Main Idea: the central topic of the text; what the text is mainly about 21. Supporting Details: information that explain or describe the main idea 22. Paraphrase: rewriting something into your own words 23. Summarize: to shorten a passage without changing the meaning 24. Infer: to reason from information provided; reading between the lines 25. Conclude: using what you’ve read to reach a logical judgment or conclusion 26. Voice: the author’s personality revealed in the writing 27. Tone: word choices that express the author’s attitude toward the subject of the writing 28. Prewriting: gathering and organizing details before writing a paper (brainstorming, webbing, clustering, 4-square, etc) 42. Dictionary: used to find the meanings, pronunciations, origins, and parts of speech of words 29. Drafting: getting ideas down on paper in a rough format 43. Thesaurus: used to find synonyms and antonyms of words 30. Revising: correcting any major errors and correcting the 44. Glossary: found in the rear of a textbook, used to find writing’s form and content 31. Proofreading: polishing the writing by correcting errors in grammar, spelling, and mechanics 32. Publishing: writing a final copy of the work after all corrections have been made 33. Dialogue: the words spoken by characters in a book, a film, or a play, or a section of a work that contains spoken words definitions of particular words within the book 45. Online Sources: websites and resources on the Internet used to find information 46. Context Clues: clues such as pictures, definitions, phrases, and headings in the text used to gain meaning and understanding of unfamiliar words 47. Multiple Meanings: words that have more than one meaning 34. Double Negatives: 48. Noun: a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea 35. Synonyms: words that have similar meanings (happy-glad) 49. Verb: a word used to show action or to indicate a state or 36. Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings (open-close) 37. Origin: the language where a word came from 38. Prefix: an affix added to the front of a word to change the meaning of the word (add “re” to do to create redo) 39. Suffix: an affix added to the end of a word to change the meaning of that word (add “ment” to entertain to create entertainment) 40. Root: the base of a word where prefixes and suffixes are added 41. Cognates: words in two languages that share similar meaning, spelling, and pronunciation condition 50. Subject: the word or group of words that tells whom or what the sentence is about 1st 9 Weeks Vocabulary Terms 14. __________________: when and where a story takes place (time, place, and duration) 1. __________________: different categories of literature such as historical fiction, biography, or science fiction 2. __________________: a made-up story: short story, novel, folk tales 3. ____________________________________: a brief fictional story told in ordinary language 4. ____________________________________: short fictional pieces including tales, myths, legends, and fables 5. __________________: an extended work of fictional literature 6. __________________: a story written to be performed by actors 7. ____________________________________: true works of literature including biographies, autobiographies, and personal essays 8. __________________: a narrative piece by one person (or group) about another person 9. __________________: a narrative that tells the life story of the author 10. ____________________________________: a short piece of writing about one’s personal experiences and opinions 11. ____________________________________: what a character, says, thinks, does, and how they respond to other characters 12. __________________: sequence of events that support the central conflict and resolution in a story 13. __________________: the order of events in a story 15. __________________: a struggle or problem between opposing forces; a character can have internal or internal conflicts 16. ____________________________________: a conflict that takes place within a character (when a character struggles to make a tough decision) 17. ____________________________________: a conflict that takes place between the character and an outside force like another character or nature 18. __________________: the solution to the conflict or problem 19. __________________: the central idea or purpose in a story 20. ____________________________________: the central topic of the text; what the text is mainly about 21. ____________________________________: information that explain or describe the main idea 22. __________________: rewriting something into your own words 23. __________________: to shorten a passage without changing the meaning 24. __________________: to reason from information provided; reading between the lines 25. __________________: using what you’ve read to reach a logical judgment or conclusion 26. __________________: the author’s personality revealed in the writing 27. __________________: word choices that express the author’s attitude toward the subject of the writing 28. __________________: gathering and organizing details before writing a paper (brainstorm, web, cluster, 4-square, etc.) 29. __________________: getting ideas down on paper in a rough format 30. __________________: correcting any major errors and correcting the writing’s form and content 31. __________________: polishing the writing by correcting errors in grammar, spelling, and mechanics 32. __________________: writing a final copy of the work after all corrections have been made 33. __________________: the words spoken by characters in a book, a film, or a play, or a section of a work that contains spoken words 34. ____________________________________: occurs when you use two negative words in the same clause 35. __________________: words that have similar meanings (happyglad) 36. __________________: words that have opposite meanings (openclose) 37. __________________: the language where a word came from 38. __________________: an affix added to the front of a word to change the meaning of the word (add “re” to do to create redo) 39. __________________: an affix added to the end of a word to change the meaning of that word (add “ment” to entertain to create entertainment) 40. __________________: the base of a word where prefixes and suffixes are added 41. __________________: words in two languages that share similar meaning, spelling, and pronunciation 42. __________________: used to find the meanings, pronunciations, origins, and parts of speech of words 43. __________________: used to find synonyms and antonyms of words 44. __________________: found in the rear of a textbook, used to find definitions of particular words within the book 45. ____________________________________: websites and resources on the Internet used to find information 46. ____________________________________: clues such as pictures, definitions, phrases, and headings in the text used to gain meaning and understanding of unfamiliar words 47. ____________________________________: words that have more than one meaning 48. __________________: a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea 49. __________________: a word used to show action or to indicate a state or condition 50. __________________: the word or group of words that tells whom or what the sentence is about