Day 1 Review elements of a short story/fiction

Short Story Unit: How short can a story be and still be considered a story?
Objectives: (By the end of the next 3 weeks you will)
 Answer the above question
 Examine the elements of short stories
 Discuss what makes a good short story
 Read and analyze a variety of short stories using the elements of fiction
 Compose a variety of short stories based on given prompts
 Present and share with the class your 5 best short stories
Alaska State Standards:
 A student should be able to speak and write well for a variety of purposes and audiences.
 A student should be a competent and thoughtful reader, listener, and viewer of literature,
technical materials, and a variety or other information.
 A student should understand and respect the perspectives of others in order to communicate
 Analyze the rules (conventions) of the four genres of fiction (short story, drama, novel and
poetry) and the techniques used in these genres, and evaluate the effects of these conventions
and techniques on the audience.
 Analyze the effects of cultural and historical influences on texts.
 You will keep your writing pieces in your writer’s notebook with all your stories and work in
it, which I will collect/check each day.
 I will randomly grade 2 stories, if you do not happen to have the stories I pick- you will
receive a “0”.
 You will create a “short story” book with at lease 5 of your best short stories, and present this
to class.
 You will receive participation grades each day for sharing your writing.
 You will create a “longer” short story; 2-3 pages.
 You will read, annotate, and be ready to discuss selected short stories daily.
 You will take a short story test over the stories we read, vocabulary terms from stories,
elements of short stories, and literary elements found in short stories.
Week of October 27, 2014
Day 1
Review elements of a short story/fiction –notes
Read a variety of short stories-55 words
Review Poe and Vocabulary for “Cask of Amontillado”
Read: “Cask of Amontillado” and answer study questions
Focus: Character development
Homework: Write two short stories: One with 55 words and one with 100 words
Day 2
Share homework stories
Jigsaw activity: Photos as prompts
Focus: Conflict
Read: “Cask of Amontillado” and complete study questions
Homework: Find a photo and create a story that explains the photo-at least 100 words!
Day 3
Field Trip! Surprise, Surprise! Bring writer’s Notebook!
Share Photo Short story!
Cask of Amontillado quiz