Do Now: Answer the following questions on the front of the index

9/8/15- Do Now: Answer the
following questions on the front of
the index card provided: Label Each
Line Please!
Full Name
Parents/Guardians Name(s)
Home Phone #
Your Email
Parent Email
Favorite Subject
Exit Ticket 9/8/15
On the back of your index Card, please answer
the following question:
• What are you most looking forward to this
year and why?
DoNow 9/9/15
Using the paper on your desk, create a name
card tent like the one below:
In the upper left-hand corner, write a Numerical Rating on scale of 1-10
of your reading level (in your opinion)
2. In the middle, print your first name in LARGE print
3. Upper right-hand corner, write 3 adjectives that best describe you
Mrs. Brandt
Exit Ticket 9/9/15
• On the back of your name card, answer the
following question in complete sentences:
Describe what your High School experience so
far. Do you think your point of view will change
as the year(s) go on? Explain your answer.
Do Now: 9/10/15
1. Set out your name card
2. Turn in your signed syllabus to your
period’s basket if you have it today
3. Complete both sides of the reading
survey you have been provided. If you
did not get one, please see the teacher.
Group Expectations
“Table Voices”
Stay within the vicinity of your table
Only talking to those in your group
Everyone participating
Exit Ticket: 9/10/15
• Thinking ahead, what are 2 goals that you
have for yourself this year? (These can be
academic or personal goals.
• What do you need to do in order to achieve
these goals?
Do Now: 9/11/15
• In a complete paragraph, write how you think
9/11 still impacts us today. If you do not think
that it does, please explain why.
Testing Expectations
1. There is no talking when tests are out (even if
you are finished)
2. If you finish before the end of class, raise
your hand and I will collect your test
3. If you finish early, you may work on your
letter to yourself, or read silently.
4. Try your best, but don’t stress, this is only a
pre-test 
Exit Ticket: 9/11/15
• What was the most difficult section for you on
the pre-test?
Do Now 9/14/15:
• Take out your KWL from yesterday, and finish
the K and W column:
Know: What do I
already know about
short stories?
Want: What do I want
to know about short
Learn: What did I learn
about short stories?
Do Now: 9/15/15
• Complete the Learn section on your KWL from
yesterday by answering- What is something
that you learned yesterday about short
Know: What do I
already know about
short stories?
Want: What do I want
to know about short
Learn: What did I learn
about short stories?
Anticipation Guide Expectations
• Wait for your turn to share
• Be an active listener (quiet when others are
• Disagree in a respectful manner
• Use examples and back up you opinions
• Allow for others to share (don’t hog the
spotlight )
• Don’t take it personally!
Exit Ticket 9/15/15:
On the back of your Anticipation Guide, choose 1 of
the following statements to complete:
1. I changed my mind about number ____ after
hearing the class discussion, because….
2. One thing that was mentioned during the class
discussion that I never thought about was….
3. During the class discussion, I was surprised
Do Now 9/16/15:
Please take out your notes from Monday. Study
them for the first few minutes of class, by
covering the answer side of your notes, and
trying to answer the questions. We will be using
these in class today 
Vocabulary Scramble Expectations
1. Actively participating (swapping cards and
working with your partner)
2. Trading with everyone you pass (no skipping)
3. Ask for help if needed
4. Using appropriate volume when moving
around the room
5. Be open to working with a variety of people
6. If the task seems hard- try!
Exit Ticket 9/16/15:
On the bottom or back of your vocab sheet,
answer the following question in a complete
Which reward sounds the most interesting to
you and why?
Do Now 9/17/15:
1. Get an orange ELA book and open to page
2. Quietly, read the Build Your Background
3. Once your tablemates are done reading,
discuss the Connect to You Life section with
those at your table.
Exit Ticket 9/17/15:
On the back of your guided notes paper, make 1
prediction about what will happen next, and
explain your reasoning.
Do Now 9/18/15:
Take out your guided reading notes from
yesterday. On the back, you should have written
1 prediction based on yesterday’s reading.
Share these with those in your group, and
together, discuss which predictions you think
will most likely take place and why.
We will be sharing with the class, so be prepared
to speak 
Exit Ticket 9/18/15:
Look at he prediction that you made Friday for
your exit ticket. Was your prediction accurate?
(if not, what ended up happening instead?)
If you haven’t found out yet, write down
whether or not you have changed your
prediction based on today’s reading, and explain
your answer.
DoNow 9/21/15:
Continue on the back of your guided notes, and
answer the following question:
If you were in Rainsford’s position, what would
you try to do in order to survive?
Exit Ticket 9/21/15:
• Why do you think the author chose to leave
the ending up to the reader’s imagination?
Explain your answer.
Do Now 9/22/15:
On the back of your paper, choose one of the
characters from “The Most Dangerous Game”
and use the author’s use of characterization to
write a short bio (paragraph) for them. Include
how the author directly describes the character
(direct characterization), and also your
assumptions of the character based on their
thoughts and actions (indirect characterization).
Hot Seat Expectations
Waiting for your turn to ask
Ask school appropriate questions
Be respectful of the “characters”
Everyone participating
Exit Ticket 9/22/15:
• How do you feel about the Hot Seat activity?
List your pros and cons, and explain whether
or not you would like to use this activity again
for a different piece of literature.
Do Now 9/23/15:
1. Open your textbooks to page 59 and set
aside for later
2. On a half sheet of paper, answer the
following question using complete sentences:
Imagine that Rainsford’s friend, Whitney, came
looking for him and found him. What point in
the plot would this event fit, and how would it
change all the events that followed?
Assignment Expectations
Trial Argument:
• Minimum ¾ page
• ABC paragraph format:
-Start with your position
-List supporting
-Strong closing statement
• Written in the format of
a speech given to a jury
Illustrated Map:
• Neatly drawn, and
• Colorful
• Minimum of 3 items
mentioned in the
• Minimum of 3 items
from your imagination
Exit Ticket 9/23/15:
• On the other side of your Do Now half sheet,
write whether or not you believe “The Most
Dangerous Game” was intended to be a prohunting story or an anti-hunting story, and
explain your answer based on examples from
the text.
Do Now 9/23/15:
1. Take out your short story notes, or a new
page to take notes
2. Complete the plot chart handed to you on
your way into class
3. After we review, save this chart for review for
your quiz tomorrow!
Plot Chart- “The Most Dangerous Game”
Plot Chart- “The Most Dangerous Game”
Exit Ticket 9/28/15:
• write down an example of one of the literary
devices below:
Do Now 9/28/15:
• Turn in your journal
• Get out paper for notes
Exit Ticket 9/28/15:
• Make a prediction as to what “The Gift of the
Magi” will be about, based on the word
discussion and the title.
Do Now 9/29/15:
Directions: Choose 1 of the following questions to
answer on your paper:
1. What was the best gift you ever RECEIVED? Why?
Who gave it to you? What was the occasion? Did you
ever tell the person how much the gift meant to you?
2. What was the best gift you ever GAVE someone?
Why? Who did you give the gift you? What was the
occasion? Did you the person ever tell you how much
the gift meant to him/her?
3. If money was no issue, what is the best gift you would
give someone? Who would you give it to? Why do
you think it would be such a great gift for the person?
Exit Ticket 9/29/15:
• On the back of your mind map under your Do
Now, write a one paragraph explanation of the
items you chose to include on your map.
• Things to consider: Why are they important to
you? How do they reflect you individually?
DO Now 10/1:
• Pick up your journals- they’ve been graded
• Open your book to page 151
• Read the “Connect to your life” section at the
top of the page.
• Discuss your answer with those at your table,
and be ready to share with the class.
Do Now 10/1:
• Journals are ready to be picked up
• Jobs start today! If you have a job, get to work 
• At your table, write your answers on one page
and come up with an example of each type of
irony. We will be sharing by table, so be ready
with your answers:
1. Situational Irony
2. Dramatic Irony
3. Verbal Irony
Exit Ticket 10/1:
• Write your answer next to your name on your
reading packet:
• What literary device did you find the most
amount of examples of in “The Gift of the
Do Now 10/2/15:
• Think of a movie based off of a book you’ve
read and answer the questions below:
1. What was it called?
2. Was it exactly the same as the book, or did
the producer make some changes?
3. Which version did you like more: the book or
the movie? Why?
Exit Ticket 10/2/15:
• What were the changes that you made, and
why did you make the changes that you did in
your adaptation that you created?
Don Now: 10/5/15
• Turn in your journal
• Create a plot chart on the back of your
reading questions for “The Gift of the Magi”
Do Now 10/5/15
• Pick up your journal
• Complete a Big Red Bucks Communication
• These are to track any sports/clubs/leadership
roles that you currently have.
• They are also to be used if you have a
suggestion for how to improve BRB, and a
grievance (complaint).
• For example, you would fill out a grievance if
your birthday was accidentally left off the
birthday board.
• Login- englishclass9
• Password- ph1234 (all
• Exit Ticket:
• On the back of your BRB
Communication card,
write down the number
of slides that you have
COMPLETED and saved
so far
1. Clerk
2. Breton
3. Disconsolate
4. Curios
5. Sphinxlike
6. Prospects
7. Vexation
8. Francs
9. Forestier
10. Pauper
11. Adulation
12. Seine
13. Rue des Martyrs
14. Aghast
15. Ruinous
16. Gamut
17. Privation
18. Exorbiant
19. Askew
20. Garret
21. Sou
Exit Ticket 10/5/15:
• On the back of your BRB Communication card,
write down the number of slides that you
have COMPLETED and saved so far
Do Now 10/6/15:
• Open to page 26 in your literature book
• Read the Connect to Your Life Section
• Answer the questions on your do now sheet
Exit Ticket 10/6/15:
• On page 35 in your literature book, read and
answer question #7 in the Extend
Interpretations section.
• Put your answer on the exit ticket side of your