PowerPoint - Sam McGee knows Bitter Cold

Sam McGee Winter Fashion Franchise
Original Sam:
Denis Braun of Zug Switzerland
A Swiss-Canadian businessman
living in Asia
15 countries available including
USA, Canada, Scandinavia, CH,
Germany, Austria, France,
Russia, China, Japan, Korea,
Chile, New Zealand,
Costume: Fur coat, hat, & boots.
Theme: Bitter Cold + 200 jokes
Cultural and moral hooks
Audience participation. Interact.
CD’s. Slide Show. Sound.
Banknotes from the Yukon 1907
Biography of Robert Service
Store Displays
Sam McGee Fashion fur / apparel.
Sam McGee Winter Fashion
Our Label: Sam McGee knows Bitter Cold.
I design and contract manufacture a limited line of Bitter Cold
clothing in layers under the Sam McGee label for both recreation
and commercial, police, utility, mining, delivery, and union clients.
Different solutions for skiers and outdoor workers facing bitter cold.
Full Silk body stockings
2 piece neck-to-toe Long Underwear
Turtle neck and lined sweater uppers
Down Jackets, shells, and down sleeping bags.
Full Down Body Suits -500C
Caps, toques, and even nightcaps. (Revived from the Charles Dickens era.)
Loop shirts and blouses. Casual and very functional. New product / style
Core body warmers. New high efficiency products.
Body exfoliation soap and down detergent and care products. Full service.
Traditional fur coats, hats, boots, and mitts.
Brand Support
All Sam McGee franchisees (local Sam personas)
will support stores and buyer organizations in
their territory who purchase or endorse our
 This support activity will include store promotion,
appearances, skit performances, autograph
sessions, and local TV & media promotions.
 Take notice that Sam supports cold beer, ice
vodka, and the seal hunt in Canada and abroad;
together with fur farming throughout the World.
 Sam is transparent so let there be no surprises.
Sam visits retail clients
A Face to our Label
We put a face, a personality, art, history, and
culture onto our Sam McGee Bitter Cold brand
for the benefit of all our clients.
 Sam McGee franchisees (local Sam personas) in
15 countries will all be men 45-60 years of age;
tall, friendly, an extroverted personality;
articulate, bi-lingual, good diction and voice,
smart, non smokers and non drug users,
reliable, fit, and with grey hair. Retired police
officers, RCMP, or ex CEO’s are good candidates.
Apparel Range
Down shells, jackets, and full body suits for - 500 C
Apparel Range
Full body neck-to-toe silk base layer. Cotton Long Underwear 2nd layer
Apparel Range
Lined Sweaters, Denim Jeans, Scarves, and
Slacks for all Cultures and Cold Countries. Layer 3
Stores displays
One square meter. Two top mannequins. Full line inventory
Comedy Skit:
Theme: “Sam McGee knows Bitter Cold”
Everyone who lives above 35 degrees latitude (North or
South) knows Bitter Cold.
 The Sam McGee character personifies bitter cold and the
Robert Service short story published in 1907 is the heart
of the skit. It is a vibrant, colorful, humorous, and
intimate expression of the sensation of “Bitter Cold”.
 Sam McGee is a spirit from a virtual metropolis called
Purgatory (population 26 Billion). Core comedy material.
 Each Sam franchisee will have a local address in their
host country. Eg. Purgatory Alberta Canada; Purgatory
Colorado USA; Purgatory Hokkaido Prefecture Japan etc.
 The skit is super “clean” and is family oriented.
Sam McGee costume that we supply
Fur Coat
Seal boots
Fur Hat
Fur Mitts
Robert Service Biography
A colourful biography of Robert Service.
Immigrated to Canada from Britain in his early
twenties. Manager at the Canadian Bank of
Commerce in both Dawson and Whitehorse
Yukon.1898-1906. Sam McGee was a real client.
 8 years observing trappers, prospectors, and
gold miners during the Klondike ear 1890-1910.
 Published Sam McGee in 1907. World fame.
 Died wealthy and happy 1959 in Monte Carlo !!
1 minute max
1907 Robert Service Poem.
“Sam McGee knows Bitter Cold” aka
“The Cremation of Sam McGee”
See YouTube.com Search: Sam McGee Bitter Cold
 Good diction and speed is paramount. If the
audience is English speaking then the pace
can be quick.
 Audiences where English is not the first
language needs a much slower pace.
About 6 - 8 minutes to recite the short storey.
Moral Hook
We ask the audience to spot the two
lines that highlight the moral compass
of most Canadians (or Americans, Russians,
Germans, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese ….etc. etc.)
“A man’s last need is a thing to heed”
 “A promise made is a debt unpaid”
 Prize to winner: Swiss watch or pair of
Sam McGee Fashion Fur mitts.
Cultural Hook
All Canadians know bitter cold.
(the same for
Americans, Russians, Germans, Northern Chinese, Koreans,
and Japanese ….etc. ) No matter what their race, culture,
diet, color, or ethnic group:
No matter if they are Han, Mongol, Tibetan,
Manchu, foreigners, or new Immigrants.
No matter if they are Cossack, Uke, Aboriginal, or
new Immigrants.
No matter if they are East, West, Hamburger,
Frankfurter, or new Immigrants.
No matter if they are Union, Confederate, Native,
Indian, Ski Bum, or new Immigrant.
Yukon Historical Artifacts
* Slide show background of arctic scenes.
 * Sound effects of howling winds, snow storms,
and barking dog sled teams.
 Reproductions of Canadian Bank of Commerce
bank notes that Sam McGee and Robert Service
would have handled everyday. They are
counterfeit reproductions.
If the venue has power, overhead
projectors and a speaker system.
Audience Interaction
Sam asks if anyone has a story about bitter
cold? Where are you from ?
 Just how cold does it get in ………………
A Stock of 200 humorous replies. All clean.
 We sometimes plant 5-6 replies in the audience
before the performance to kick-start the skit
 Max 30 minutes. Total skit: 45 minutes. Target.
Entertainment only Booking Rates
For comedy clubs, trade shows,
conferences, meetings, festivals, parties.
 Short program: Intro, poem, biography.
About 10-15 minutes. $200-500 plus
 Long program: Audience interaction and
banter on Bitter Cold. Target about 45-60
minutes. $600 - $1500 + expenses.
The Klondike Gold Rush 1890-1910
© This is a Confidential Draft for
evaluation and booking purposes only
Please keep this draft Power Point presentation
confidential until our Trade Mark application is
complete around February 20, 2010
Sam McGee Zug Switzerland
Skype: Megazebo.
China: 135 2478-7658. Canada 1 403 247-1615
On Skype:
Thanks for your support
See you this year at the Olympics
Colorado Ski resorts
Banff Ski resorts
Swiss resorts and Davos Summit
Harbin Ice Festival
Chan Bei San resorts
Sapporo Ice festival
Appendix: Sam’s Short Story.
Robert Service 1907
“Sam McGee knows Bitter Cold”
1. There are strange things done in the midnight sun
By the men who toil for gold;
The Arctic trails have their secret tales
That would make your blood run cold;
The Northern Lights have seen queer sights,
But the queerest they ever did see
Was that night on the marge of Lac Lebarge
I cremated Sam McGee.
2. Now, Sam McGee was from Tennessee
Where the cotton blooms and blows.
Why he left his home in the south to roam
'Round the pole, God only knows.
He was always cold, but the land of gold
Seemed to hold him like a spell,
Though he'd often say, in his homely way,
That he'd rather live in hell.
3. On a Christmas day we were mushing our way
Over the Dawson Trail.
Talk of your cold --- through the parka's fold
It stabbed like a driven nail.
If our eyes we'd close, then the lashes froze
'Till sometimes we couldn't see.
It wasn't much fun, but the only one
To whimper was Sam McGee.
4. And that very night as we lay packed tight
In our robes beneath the snow,
And the dogs were fed, and the stars overhead
Were dancing heel and toe,
Sam turned to me, and "Cap", says he,
"I'll cash in this trip, I guess,
And if I do, I'm asking that you
Won't refuse my last request."
5. Well, Sam seemed so low that I couldn't say no,
And he says with a sort of moan,
"It's that cursed cold, and it's got right hold
'Till I'm chilled clean through to the bone.
Yet not being dead, it's my awful dread
Of the icy grave that pains,
So I want you to swear that, foul or fair,
You'll cremate my last remains."
6. Well a pal's last need is a thing to heed,
And I swore that I would not fail.
So we started on at the streak of dawn,
But, God, he looked ghastly pale.
He crouched on the sleigh, and he raved all day
Of his home in Tennessee,
And before nightfall, a corpse was all
That was remained of Sam McGee.
7. There wasn't a breath in that land of death
As I hurried, horror driven,
With a corpse half hid that I couldn't get rid
Because of a promise given.
It was lashed to the sleigh, and it seemed to say,
"You may tax your braun and your brains,
But you promised true, and it's up to you
To cremate these last remains."
8. Now, a promise made is a debt unpaid,
And the trail has its own stern code.
In the days to come, 'though my lips were dumb,
In my heart, how I cursed that load.
In the long, long night by the lone firelight
While the huskies 'round in a ring
Howled out their woes to the homeless snows
Oh, God, how I loathed that thing.
9. And every day that silent clay
Seemed to heavier and heavier grow.
And on I went, though the dogs were spent
And the grub was getting low.
The trail was bad, and I felt half mad,
But I swore I would not give in,
And often I'd sing to the hateful thing,
And it hearkened with a grin.
10. 'Till I came to the marge of Lac LaBarge,
And a derelict there lay.
It was jammed in the ice, and I saw in a trice
It was called the "Alice May".
And I looked at it, and I thought a bit,
And I looked at my frozen chum,
Then, "Here", said I, with a sudden cry,
"Here Is my crem-a-tor-ium."
11. Some planks I tore from the cabin floor
And lit the boiler fire.
Some coal I found that was lying around
And heaped the fuel higher.
The flames just soared, and the furnace roared,
Such a blaze you seldom see.
Then I burrowed a hole in the glowing coal
And I stuffed in Sam McGee.
12. Then I made a hike, for I didn't like
To hear him sizzle so.
And the heavens scowled, and the huskies howled,
And the winds began to blow.
It was Bitter Cold, but the hot sweat rolled
Down my cheek, and I don't know why,
And the greasy smoke in an inky cloak
Went streaking down the sky.
13. I do not know how long in the snow
I wrestled with gristly fear.
But the stars came out, and they danced about
'Till again I ventured near.
I was sick with dread, but I bravely said,
"I'll just take a peek inside.
I guess he's cooked, and it's time I looked",
And the door I opened wide.
14. And there sat Sam, looking cool and calm
In the heart of the furnace roar.
He wore a smile you could see a mile,
And he said, "Please close the door.
You see it's fine in here, but I greatly fear
You'll let in the cold and the storm.
Since I left Plumtree down in Tennessee
It's the first time I've been warm."
15. There are strange things done in the twilight sun
By the men who Hunt for Seal;
The Arctic trails have their secret tales
That would make your gonads squeal;
The Northern Lights have seen queer sights,
But the queerest they ever did see
Was that night on the marge of Lac Lebarge
I cremated Sam McGee.
Edited Version © Denis Braun CH 2009