Council Plan 2013-2017 Revised actions for Year 3 – 2015/16 Future Direction 1: Inclusive & Engaged Community Strategic Objective We encourage development community spirit Council Goal 2015/16 Action Council role the Council will work to Develop the Community Provider of build a stronger sense Building Strategy Facilitator of community within neighborhoods and across the municipality, and create new opportunities for social networks and civic engagement Future Direction 2: Accessibility in, out and around our City Strategic Objective We can expanded services Council Goal 2015/16 Action Council role access Council will plan to Develop a library plan for Provider library provide expanded Mernda and Epping North library services Our road network provides adequate access to the municipality and beyond Council will deliver capital works design and construction programs for extra carriageways, extension, duplications on identified Council roads Complete the signalisation of Provider the intersection of Bassetts Road and Bridge Inn Road Complete the design of the Provider signalisation of the intersection of Painted Hills Road and Bridge Inn Road Council Plan 2013-2017 Revised actions for Year 3 – 2015/16 Future Direction 2: Accessibility in, out and around our City Strategic Objective Our road network provides adequate access to the municipality and beyond Council Goal 2015/16 Action Council role Council will deliver Complete urbanisation (kerb Provider capital works design and channel construction) of and construction McKimmies Road programs for extra carriageways, extension, duplications on identified Council roads Council will ensure our Implement priority actions Provider road network from the Integrated integrates with other Transport Strategy transport elements We can access public Council will advocate transport to the State Government for improved public transport servicing this municipality We have walking paths We can broadband Advocate for high quality Advocate town centre and local access outcomes from the Mernda Rail Extension Council will work Progressive implementation Provider towards better of the Missing Footpath Links connectivity of safe program walking paths access Council will work partners stakeholders address access promote use of NBN with Review existing Intelligent Facilitator and Community Strategy (ICS) and Advocate to develop ICS 2016-18 and the Future Direction 3: Growing our Economy Strategic Objective Council Goal 2015/16 Action Council role We have strategies Council will promote Develop an Economic Provider that encourage new the municipality to Development Strategy business investment business as a destination for investment Future Direction 4: Places and spaces to connect people Strategic Objective Council Goal 2015/16 Action Council role We have areas that bring people together around services and entertainment experiences Council will ensure a Complete design of the Provider wide range of Ashley Park Community community meeting Activity Centre spaces are available Commence upgrade of the Provider Barry Road Community Activity Centre Our recreation facilities and open spaces are accessible and respond to local need Council will develop and implement a strategic plan for future leisure centres and aquatic facilities that meet local requirements Complete design of the Provider Harvest Home Road Soccer Pavilion Complete business case and Provider commence the design of Mill Park Leisure Centre redevelopment Complete construction of Provider Champions Parade Early Learning Centre Strategic Objective Council Goal Our urban design helps to build connection to place and the community 2015/16 Action Council role Council will work Commence construction of Provider towards strengthening the new Animal Welfare and implementing Facility Council planning tools to build better connections Future Direction 5: Health and Wellbeing Strategic Objective Council Goal We have family Council will support action violence to prevent family violence prevention and sexual assault by programs addressing the underlying causes of gender-based violence and promoting equal and respectful relationships in the community 2015/16 Action Council role Implement the Safe in our Provider homes, Safe in our Facilitator communities City of Advocate Whittlesea Family Violence Strategy 2014-2018 We take a prevention approach to health issues and health policy Council will plan for growth Implement stage one Provider by supporting the creation (2015/2016 actions) of the Facilitator of liveable socially Gender Equity Strategy connected communities We take a prevention approach to health issues and health policy Council will work in partnership with community and service providers to reduce and minimize the negative social, economic and health impacts of gambling Implement the Responsible Provider Gambling Strategy action Facilitator plans in partnership with key stakeholders Future Direction 6: Living Sustainably Strategic Objective We are environmentally sustainable City Council Goal an Council will continue to work on strategies and plans that are shaping the City of Whittlesea to be environmentally sustainable 2015/16 Action Council role Complete business case and Provider commence the works for the Sustainable Climate Control project at the Civic Centre (HVAC Upgrade) Review waste contracts collection Provider Facilitator Future Direction 7: Good Corporate Governance Strategic Objective Council Goal Council provides an Council will develop efficient and effective and implement a service to residents customer service improvement program 2015/16 Action Council role Review phase one of the Provider Customer Service Strategy, scope and commence the second phase of the strategy Implement a process to Provider manage and report customer requests from Councillors to Officers Council adopts best Council will build and Implement stage one of the Provider practice models of maintain a competent One Whittlesea Program operation workforce and leadership capability in order to deliver efficient and effective services to the community Strategic Objective Council Goal Council adopts best Council will build and practice models of maintain a competent operation workforce and leadership capability in order to deliver efficient and effective services to the community 2015/16 Action Council role Implement the 2014-2017 Provider Enterprise Agreement actions Facilitator Develop a Workforce Strategy Provider (Employee Lifecycle Strategy) Implement stage one of the Provider Human Resources Facilitator Information System Council will integrate Implement key actions of the Provider planning for services Procurement Strategy 2015to ensure alignment to 2017 community need Council services will Implement the ICT Strategy embrace new technology Provider Facilitator Advocate Council will integrate Implement stage one of the Provider planning for services Service Planning Project to ensure alignment to Develop an action plan to Provider community need manage corporate risks Develop a plan for the delivery of the future accommodation needs of Council Strategic Objective Council Goal 2015/16 Action Council role Council is financially Council will develop Presentation to Council of the Provider sustainable for the long and implement a 2015-2019 Financial Plans term financial sustainability Review Asset Management Provider program Policy Services and Council will develop Develop infrastructure keep and implement a plan Strategy pace with population for population growth growth the Advocacy Provider Advocate