KERIO VALLEY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (KVDA). Water for Socioeconomic Development NATIONAL WATER SUMMITTURKANA 9TH – 10TH OCTOBER, 2014 PRESENTATION BY: DAVID KIMOSOP MANAGING DIRECTOR KERIO VALLEY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. water for socioeconomic development INTRODUCTION Water is one of the most basic human needs and is indispensable to almost all economic activities, in agriculture, energy production, industry and mining. It has impacts on health, gender equity, education and livelihood. water management is crucial to sustainable economic development and alleviation of poverty. water for socioeconomic development Introduction cont… Yet water is under unprecedented pressures as growing populations and competing economic sectors demand more of it leaving insufficient water to meet human needs, as well as sustaining the environmental flows that keep our ecosystems healthy. water for socioeconomic development Introduction cont… For Kenya to meet the great development challenges of the 21st century, which include: access to safe drinking water and sanitation for all, livable cities, food security, water for socioeconomic development Introduction cont… Energy security, Jobs through economic growth, And healthy ecosystems there is need to improve water resource development and management. water for socioeconomic development CHALLENGES TO WATER RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT Water quality degradation resulting from human activities- (e.g through degradation of land, agriculture, industrial waste, infrastructural development etc). These reduce available quality water for development and increase costs. Limited funding and high costs associated with water resources development. water for socioeconomic development Challenges cont… Insufficient capacity for management of developed water sources. Climate change: Increasing hydrologic variability's resulting in unmanageable frequent and intense weather events like droughts and floods. Unreliable/Insufficient recharge of water sources due to climate variability. water for socioeconomic development Challenges cont… Meeting the needs of the large populations without water. Experts estimate that by 2030, 43 to 50 percent of the global population will be living in water-scarce countries, compared to 28 percent at present. water for socioeconomic development Challenges cont… Water-resources management issues have become so pressing that the World Economic Forum named water as one of its top challenges two years in a row, in 2013 and 2014. water for socioeconomic development Challenges cont… With the changing physical and socio- economic landscape, water practices of the past are no longer adequate and Kenya cannot grow sustainably, or strengthen its resilience to climate change, without smart water management that takes into account decreasing water availability and quality, and there is need for deliberative allocation based on social, environmental, and economic needs. water for socioeconomic development Multi-Sectoral Solutions To Water Challenges Water and Agriculture: By 2050, feeding a country of 55.3 million people may require doubling of current water inputs to agriculture. Irrigation is by far the largest user of water, accounting for almost 70 percent of global withdrawals and 90 percent of global consumptive water use. water for socioeconomic development multi-sectoral solutions cont… In Kenya agriculture employs the largest share of people. Most viable agricultural land is already being used, and the significant growth in output required to feed the growing population will take place mostly on irrigated land. water for socioeconomic development multi-sectoral solutions cont… Water and energy: Today, over 33 million people in Kenya lack access to electricity. Currently, water withdrawals for energy are estimated at around 15% of water withdrawals. water for socioeconomic development multi-sectoral solutions cont… At the same time, estimates show that by 2030, energy consumption will increase by 35% and actual water consumption by the energy sector may double considering that significant amounts of water is needed in almost all energy generation processes, from generating hydropower, to cooling thermal power plants, to driving steam turbines in concentrated solar plants. water for socioeconomic development multi-sectoral solutions cont… Water and sustainable cities: over the next 20 years, urban areas in Kenya will double and so will their demand for integrated approaches to managing water supply, water quality, sanitation, drainage, recreational use, and flood management. water for socioeconomic development multi-sectoral solutions Water and disaster risk cont… management: Many of the impacts of natural disasters on socioeconomic development occur through water. Water-related hazards e.g. landslides floods and droughts account for 90% of all natural hazards, and their frequency and intensity is generally rising. water for socioeconomic development multi-sectoral solutions cont… Water and sanitation Providing these services sustainably requires integrated planning and management, including securing a quality water supply. water for socioeconomic development multi-sectoral solutions cont… Most economic activities (e.g. agriculture, energy, industry, and mining) affect not only the quantity but also the quality of water resources, thereby further limiting water availability. Allocation of limited water resources among competing economic sectors and environmental water needs will be an increasing challenge for many water for socioeconomic development multi-sectoral solutions cont… Failing to establish appropriate allocation mechanisms will impede development agenda, resulting in increased income inequality and exacerbating environmental pressures. water for socioeconomic development multi-sectoral solutions cont… The Kenyan government and development partners will be increasingly called upon to play a key role by working across sectors and counties to help communities build resilience to climate change through integrated water resources management (WRM) with a clear focus on building foundations for shared prosperity and poverty alleviation water for socioeconomic development multi-sectoral solutions cont… The government should promote Sustainable use of groundwater which is critical to drought and climate resilience, providing a sustainable water buffer during periods of low surface water availability. water for socioeconomic development Water Resources in the kerio valley region The region is endowed with several water resources: i. ii. iii. iv. Ground water Rain water Lakes Rivers Rain water Ground water Water resources Lakes water for socioeconomic development Rivers Water Basin Context of KVDA Region Covers 2 River Basins: Lake Turkana Basin: A shared Ecological footprint between three countries: Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda Lotikipi Plains Basin: A wetland shared between four countries: Kenya, Ethiopia, Southern Sudan and Uganda At the heart of Elemi triangle water for socioeconomic development There are 6 water catchments: water for socioeconomic development Lake Turkana Catchment Lotikipi Plains Basin Turkwell River Catchment Kerio River Catchment Suguta River Catchment Tarach River Catchment WATER PROJECTS • The projects include: Dam construction Irrigation development Water pans construction Community water supply projects. water for socioeconomic development Operational Dams. The Dams include: Turkwel Dam Kimao Dam Bartabwa water for socioeconomic development PLANNED DAMS Arror Embobut Kimwarer water for socioeconomic development IRRIGATION SCHEMES Weiwei Arror Tot Ptokou sangat Loyapat Sprinkler Irrigation water for socioeconomic development GROUND WATER DEVELOPMENT AND IRRIGATION Ground water development Center pivot irrigation system water for socioeconomic development Water pans undertaken more than 100no. water pans and small Dams. 80 no. planned for construction . water for socioeconomic development Way Forward Strong government support will be critical to secure the above achievements and increase the benefits to poverty alleviation and sustainable development. There is need to develop a new vision for water that strengthens the water practice to deliver on the bold leadership aspirations and meet changing client needs. water for socioeconomic develotopment Way Forward cont… The vision should place water at the center of helping people, economies and ecosystems thrive and thus contributing to a world free of poverty. water for socioeconomic development Way Forward cont… The national and county governments should: • Strengthen efforts to address climate variability for all its projects through improved storage and other adaptation measures, flood control, and emergency response preparedness water for socioeconomic development Way Forward cont… • Devote more resources to explore and strengthen the linkages between water and other sectors such as energy, agriculture and the environment, and support initiatives that aim at improving water allocation mechanisms and institutions. water for socioeconomic development Way Forward cont… • Ensure that water considerations are included in the country and counties sectoral planning considerations. • Improve efficiency of water supply systems • Ensure that the food security agenda considers irrigation and work with clients to improve water efficiency of existing irrigation schemes water for socioeconomic development Way Forward cont… • Strengthen the use and supply of data for decision making and dialogue between counties, and facilitate the integration of technologies for more reliable information • Continue its strong support to institutional reform and capacity building of relevant organizations, and strengthen global water partnerships for lasting impact. water for socioeconomic development Thank you For listening. water for socioeconomic development