Prayer for Israel Romans 10:1 Brethren, my heart's desire and

Prayer for Israel
Romans 10:1 Brethren,
my heart's desire and
prayer to God for Israel
is, that they might be
Pray for the
peace of
they shall
prosper that
love thee.
Psalm 122:6
Why Do We Pray for
 God’s Blessing is upon
them that bless Israel!
Genesis 12:3
And I will bless them that
bless thee, and curse him
that curseth thee: and in
thee shall all families of the
earth be blessed.
God will prosper you
as a result!
Psalm 122:6 Pray for
the peace of
Jerusalem: they shall
prosper that love
Notice Where Israel is going
according to Bible Prophecy…
 They will be deceived into a
false peace agreement
Daniel 8:23 And in the latter time
of their kingdom, when the
transgressors are come to the full,
a king of fierce countenance, and
understanding dark sentences,
shall stand up.
24 And his power shall be mighty,
but not by his own power: and he
shall destroy wonderfully, and
shall prosper, and practice, and
shall destroy the mighty and the
holy people.
Daniel 8:25 And through his
policy also he shall cause
craft to prosper in his
hand; and he shall magnify
himself in his heart, and by
peace shall destroy many:
he shall also stand up
against the Prince of
princes; but he shall be
broken without hand.
26 And the vision of the
evening and the morning
which was told is true:
wherefore shut thou up the
vision; for it shall be for
many days.
Obadiah 1:7
All the men of thy
confederacy have
brought thee even to the
border: the men that
were at peace with thee
have deceived thee,
Jesus reiterated this
centuries later when he
For when they shall
say, Peace and safety;
then sudden
destruction cometh
upon them, as travail
upon a woman with
child; and they shall
not escape.
1 Thessalonians 5:3
The Nations of the
World will (perhaps
already have) turn their
backs on Israel….
 (Joel 3:1 KJV) For, behold, in
those days, and in that time,
when I shall bring again the
captivity of Judah and
 I will also gather all nations,
and will bring them down into
the valley of Jehoshaphat
(Armageddon), and will plead
with them there for my people
and for my heritage Israel,
whom they have scattered
among the nations, and parted
my land.
Jerusalem is the
center of the problem
Zechariah 12:2
Behold, I will make
Jerusalem a cup of trembling
unto all the people round
about, when they shall be in
the siege both against Judah
and against Jerusalem.
And in that day will I make
Jerusalem a burdensome
stone for all people: all that
burden themselves with it
shall be cut in pieces, though
all the people of the earth be
gathered together against it.
It will precipitate a
vicious world attack
on Israel…
Zechariah 14:2
For I will gather all
nations against
Jerusalem to battle;
and the city shall be
taken, and the houses
rifled, and the women
It will be a battle of
horrific weapons…
Zechariah 14:12
And this shall be the
plague wherewith the
LORD will smite all the
people that have fought
against Jerusalem; Their
flesh shall consume away
while they stand upon their
feet, and their eyes shall
consume away in their
holes, and their tongue
shall consume away in
their mouth.
The current conflict is
only the opening act…
That means that I
want to be on the
right side of the
struggle with Israel!
Notice Revelation 12
Revelation 12:13
And when the dragon saw
that he was cast unto the
earth, he persecuted the
woman which brought
forth the man child.
And to the woman were
given two wings of a
great eagle, that she
might fly into the
wilderness, into her
place, where she is
nourished for a time,
and times, and half a
time, from the face of
the serpent.
Who is this?
Woman is Israel
Man child was Christ
Dragon is Satan
Could the Eagle
possibly be America?
It would mean resisting
the trend of the rest of
the world!
Currently the U.S. is one
of the few friends of
God instructed
Solomon to pray
toward Jerusalemand we know that
Daniel continued this
2 Chronicles 6:19 Have
respect therefore to the
prayer of thy servant, and to
his supplication, O LORD my
God, to hearken unto the cry
and the prayer which thy
servant prayeth before thee:
2 Chronicles 6:20
That thine eyes may
be open upon this
house day and night,
upon the place
whereof thou hast said
that thou wouldest put
thy name there; to
hearken unto the
prayer which thy
servant prayeth
toward this place.
What Should Our Prayer
for Israel Consist of?
 Pray for the
peace of
 Psalm 137:5 If I forget
thee, O Jerusalem, let my
right hand forget her
cunning. If I do not
remember thee, let my
tongue cleave to the roof of
my mouth; if I prefer not
Jerusalem above my chief
Israel is under enormous
attack by terrorist
"Proportionately, Israel
has suffered more
casualties from this
violence than the US
did on September 11
(600, which in the US
would be equivalent
to 30,000)." - (The
Jerusalem Post,
March 21, 2002)
Israel’s Efforts at
Peace have been
“Arafat rejected a deal in
January 2001 that would
have given the Palestinians
97 percent of contiguous
territory on the disputed
West Bank, all of the Gaza
Strip, a capital in East
Jerusalem, a $30 billion
international fund to pay
for resettling Palestinians
in their own state and an
international force in the
Jordan Valley.” (San
Francisco Chronicle, April
23, 2002)
Pray for Israel’s Eyes to
be Open to Jesus Christ
 Romans 10:1 Brethren, my
heart's desire and prayer to
God for Israel is, that they
might be saved.
 Zechariah 13:6 And one
shall say unto him, What
are these wounds in thine
hands? Then he shall
answer, Those with which I
was wounded in the house
of my friends.
Pray for America’s
Leaders to Stay Faithful
Friends in the midst of
certain world opposition
God’s blessing on
America these past few
decades coincided with
our consistent support
of Israel, beginning in
If you note history
you will find that the
short periods when
our support wavered
were the times that
America also
experienced internal
problems such as