APPROVED by the Resolution of the Management Board of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC as of _______________ No______ Annual report on the activities of "Kazpost" JSC for 2014 Astana, 2015 Content 1. COMPANY IN FIGURES AND FACTS................................................................................5 2. ADDRESSES OF THE COMPANY'S MANAGEMENT ....................................................7 2.1. Address of the Chairman of the Board of Directors ......................................................7 2.2. Address of the Chairman of the Management Board ....................................................8 3. RESULTS OF 2014 ...................................................................................................................9 3.1. Major events and achievements .......................................................................................9 3.2. Significant projects ..........................................................................................................11 3.2.1. The "Transformation" Program ........................................................................11 3.2.2. Quality 12 3.2.3. 3.2.3. Technology & innovation ..........................................................................15 3.2.4. Business processes ................................................................................................20 3.2.5. Transportation .....................................................................................................23 3.2.6. Security .................................................................................................................25 3.2.7. Feedback ...............................................................................................................26 3.2.8. Image and information policy .............................................................................26 3.2.9. The implementation of a marketing plan ..........................................................27 4. INFORMATION ABOUT COMPANY................................................................................31 4.1. Company services ............................................................................................................31 4.2. Mission, vision, strategic targets.....................................................................................32 4.3. Form of incorporation and functional management structure ...................................33 4.4. Review of the regulatory environment ..........................................................................35 4.5. Licenses of the Company.................................................................................................36 4.6. Environmental analysis ...................................................................................................36 4.7. History and basic information ........................................................................................38 4.8. Cooperation with stakeholders .......................................................................................38 4.8.1. International cooperation ....................................................................................38 4.8.2. Participation in the charters, principles or other initiatives to which the organization has joined or which espouses ....................................................................40 4.8.3. Memberships in associations (such as industry associations) and/or national and international advocacy organizations .............................................................................41 4.8.4. The nature of the state's influence on the Company ........................................41 4.9. Открытые вопросы, требующие решения ................................................................42 5. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ...........................................................................................44 5.1. Management body (Board of directors) ........................................................................44 5.1.1. Information on the Board of Directors ..............................................................44 5.1.2. Committees of the Board of Directors ...............................................................45 5.1.3. The track record of the Board of Directors .......................................................50 5.1.4. Criteria for the selection of new members of the Board of Directors .............52 5.1.5. Report of the Board of Directors ........................................................................52 5.2. The Internal Audit Service .............................................................................................55 5.3. Management Board (Правление) ..................................................................................56 5.3.1. Information about Management Board .............................................................56 5.3.2. Track record of the Management Board members ..........................................57 5.3.3. Criteria for selection of the Chairman of the Management Board .................57 5.3.4. Report on the Work of the Management Board ...............................................58 5.4. Evaluation of the management performance ................................................................59 5.5. The remuneration of senior management .....................................................................60 5.6. Combining of the leadership positions ...........................................................................61 5.7. Risk Management ............................................................................................................61 5.7.1. Price risk ...............................................................................................................62 5.7.2. Projects risks ........................................................................................................63 5.7.3. Risks of internal fraud in the provision of financial services...........................63 5.7.4. Personnel risk .......................................................................................................64 5.7.5. Risks of IT systems and IT infrastructure .........................................................64 5.7.6. Currency exchange risk .......................................................................................64 5.7.7. Regulatory risks ...................................................................................................64 5.8. Internal control ................................................................................................................65 6. ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE ...........................................................................................67 6.1. Macroeconomic actuators affecting the market, and the Company's business .........67 6.2. Economic goals and objectives and results. Analysis of Results of Company's Operations ...............................................................................................................................67 6.2.1. Main financial and economic indicators ............................................................67 6.2.2. Key performance indicators................................................................................68 6.2.3. .Labor Productivity..............................................................................................68 6.2.4. Key performance indicators by segment ...........................................................69 6.2.5. Forecast of financial, economic and industrial indicators and targets for 201569 6.2.6. Industry average (rates) ......................................................................................71 6.3. The structure of revenues, expenditures, assets ............................................................72 6.3.1. 6.3.1 Structure of revenues .................................................................................72 6.3.2. Expenditure structure .........................................................................................73 6.3.3. Asset structure ......................................................................................................73 6.4. Segment Analysis .............................................................................................................74 6.4.1. Postal services .......................................................................................................74 6.4.2. Financial services .................................................................................................76 6.4.3. Transfer-agent activity ........................................................................................77 6.5. Accounting Policies ..........................................................................................................78 6.6. Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets ...............................................................78 6.7. Information about provisions .........................................................................................78 6.8. Forms of support from the government and the Fund ................................................79 6.9. Related party transactions ..............................................................................................79 6.9.1. Transactions with related parties .......................................................................79 6.9.2. Transaction ...........................................................................................................79 6.10. Financial activities .........................................................................................................80 6.10.1. Equity and debt securities and market capitalization ......................................80 6.10.2. Capital adequacy indicators ...............................................................................80 6.10.3. Liquidity indicators .............................................................................................80 6.10.4. Investment portfolio.............................................................................................81 6.10.5. Financial liabilities ...............................................................................................82 6.10.6. Interest rates on financial assets and liabilities .................................................82 6.11. Investment activity ........................................................................................................82 6.12. Procurement and interaction with the procurements and contractors ....................84 6.13. Tariff policy....................................................................................................................84 6.13.1. Natural monopoly market ...................................................................................84 6.13.2. The market of monopolistic competition ...........................................................85 7. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND DEVELOPMENT OF STAFF ..................................87 7.1. Improvement of working conditions ..............................................................................88 7.2. Settlement of complaints and appeals ............................................................................88 7.3. Collectively-contractual relationship .............................................................................88 7.4. Motivation ........................................................................................................................89 7.5. Training ............................................................................................................................89 7.6. Cultural events .................................................................................................................90 7.7. Charity and Sponsorship ................................................................................................91 7.8. Conflict Management ......................................................................................................92 7.9. Employment in the territory of the presence ................................................................92 7.10. Labor protection ............................................................................................................93 8. ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY ...........................................................................95 8.1. Energy Saving ..................................................................................................................96 9. ABOUT REPORT.................................................................................................................100 9.1. General information ......................................................................................................100 9.2. Reporting period and the report's time frame ............................................................100 9.3. Methodology and content ..............................................................................................100 9.4. Abbreviations and acronyms ........................................................................................100 10. Appendixes ......................................................................................................................102 10.1. Appendix 1. Consolidated Financial Statements ......................................................102 10.1.1. Consolidated statement on the financial position .............................................102 9.1.2. Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income ...103 9.1.3. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity ..................................................103 9.1.4. Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows ..............................................................104 9.2. Appendix 2 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements ....................................105 1. COMPANY IN FIGURES AND FACTS Infrastructure The network of production facilities. The number of production facilities As of January 1, 2015 amounted to 3137 units., including: 2224 post offices (560 urban and 1664 rural); 609 postal points (106 urban and 503 rural); 115 mobile postal points; 189 central operating areas There are also 14 regional branches, the post office 2 (Messrs. Astana and Almaty) 4 specialized divisions and branches: sorting center; Logistics Information Center "South"; Republican service of special communication; branch «EMS-Kazpost» Transportation. Daily mileage vehicles is 410 thousand. Km., With the number of vehicles is as follows: 1763 vehicles; 58 mail cars Employees List number - 22 907 people, including: 901 administrative staff; 21,974 production staff; 32 support staff Volumes The volumes of postal services - 320 750 000. Damage., Incl .: more than 213 million. Periodicals; more than 67 million. Written correspondence; more than 34 million. Other volumes (printing, packaging, converting) more than 4 million. Parcels; more than 0.5 million. Express mail (EMS) The volume of financial services - 874.4 billion. Tenge, incl .: 20 bn. Of remittances; about 260 bln. Of payments received; around 481 billion. Tenge payment of pensions and allowances Total in 2014 carried about 61 mln. Transactions Market coverage 100% market share in the payment of pensions and allowances (payments in rural areas, home delivery); 96% market share of periodicals; 85% of the market share of written correspondence; 65% market share in parcels; 34% market share of municipal and other payments Modernization 405 automated post offices; carried purchase of more than 2.5 thousand. Computer equipment; upgraded model 9 offices; 214 branches transferred to the single-level maintenance; 13 offices installed electronic queue 2. ADDRESSES OF THE COMPANY'S MANAGEMENT 2.1. Address of the Chairman of the Board of Directors 2014 was a year of a number of very significant events for the Company, which are reflected in the present Annual Report. We made considerable work to improve corporate governance, transparency of its activities, as well as the modernization of the process of client servicing. Openness and transparency in the interaction with the Shareholder, partners, customers, employees and state institutions are our top priorities. In 2014, the company in order to improve the efficiency and quality of service, introduced new types of postal and financial services with the use of innovative IT-technologies. It has shown dynamic growth in such a competitive market segments of postal services such as express mail service and Direct Mail, what was due to optimization of the routes of mail transportation and the successful implementation of quality standards of postal items movement. The Company approved the program and started working on optimization of costs and improvement of the production efficiency, determined basic initiatives and activities. The previous year is also marked with the start of the Transformation program of the group of companies of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC. This is a program of large-scale transformations of the Fund and the activities of controlled portfolio of the companies. "Kazpost" JSC has become one of the pilot companies that will become pioneers in the introduction of new standards of work.Tempo and mood which employees of the Company undertook this initiative with, inspire confidence in the success of all the key ideas of this program. In 2014, the company once again took an active part in the program of "People's IPO", as a broker and transfer agent for the sale of shares of «KEGOC» JSC through the post office. This program was successful. Company's post offices received more than 13 thousand of Customer orders for the purchase of more than 5 million Shares of «KEGOC» JSC in the amount of more than KZT 2.6 billion. Financial and operational achievements of the Company are quite satisfactory, despite the actual that this was a difficult year for the company and for the industry as a whole. The next year, 2015 promises to be even more difficult, experts' forecasts about the economic situation and the dynamics of the industry, as well as the development of the group of companies of the Fund as a whole, are quite exciting. However, I'm sure that a rich practical experience of the Company's employees, their energy, can help overcome any difficulties, and we will continue to serve the good of our country, the most advanced services provided by post offices in the most remote corners of our country will be familiar to Kazakhstan People. On behalf of the Board of Directors I would like to thank the management and employees of the Company for their dedication to their work and their high professionalism. Kind regards Yelena Bakhmutova 2.2. Address of the Chairman of the Management Board We would like to present to your attention an Annual Report of "Kazpost" JSC for 2014. This is already our fourth public annual report. We - the only national postal operator and one of the largest and most stable companies in Kazakhstan, which provides its services to the entire population of the Country and provides a permanent job for more than 22 thousand people throughout the country. During the reporting year, there have been significant changes - launch of the "Transformation Program", which will contribute to the development of our company, given the market and economic changes. "Transformation Program" is primarily aimed at changes in the consciousness of the people and mail processes with its traditional services. Our major challenge is an access to high-quality and quantitative level of mail exchange with the correct use of fast-growing e-commerce market. Indeed, abandoning the old principles of work and orientation of the Company on new technologies, development of new principles of the company's operation will be reflected in the increase of the company's financial indicators. During the reporting year, we have launched several groundbreaking initiatives - sms-notification on the parcels delivery, automated postal stations (postamats), the hybrid electronic mail (HEM), etc. We established a situation center which helps to cover objects of the Company with the video surveillance. Launch of the Situation Centre will reduce the number of errors and irregularities in the process of services rendering, as well as will simulate the effects of management decisions, using information-analytical systems. Among significant and large-scale projects of the previous year are modernization of offices and the transition to the so-called "single-level" services for the population, which will create favorable conditions not only for our employees, but also for our customers. It is important to note that the modernization of offices is the first step in this direction. As per today, the principle of a single-level service was introduced in many rural-type settlements. We strive to saturate our rural departments with new services, and the creation and delivery of new services go along with the introduction of innovative technologies. That is why we have been adjusted and revised strategic objectives of the company, taking into account the approved "Transformation Program". The advantage of our Company is that we are present in the most remote areas of the country, while many second-tier banks closed their offices due to the low profitability of branches. Under these circumstances, our branches will be the center of economic activity in rural areas and we will make every effort to do so. One of the strategic priorities of "Kazpost" JSC is the social responsibility of the employees before public. Our company has more than 16 thousand production personnel in the all over the country. Being aware of the responsibility to employees, we have decided that 2015 will be the year of the postman. We have planned a number of initiatives that will contribute to improvement of the conditions of employees: medical insurance, a new uniform, electronic gadgets and devices to reduce the time spent on paper procedures, new sorting lines. It is important for us that every employee is aware of his professional and personal responsibility and actively participates in the process of the Company's transformation. Undoubtedly, the key role in this process is played by all the staff of "Kazpost" JSC, as an efficient team of associates is key to the success of the Company's business. I want to thank the shareholders and partners for their trust, personnel for the efficient and professional work and our contribution to the development of the company. We are in constant search for new mechanisms of development of the postal industry, and I am pleased to invite you all to cooperate as part of a renewed successful company. Kind regards Bagdad Mussin 3. RESULTS OF 2014 3.1. Major events and achievements 2014 was a very bright and dynamic. In the presented calendar of major events and achievements in 2014, including corporate, we can see that the year has been eventful for our Company. Schedule of corporate events for 2014 № 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Event Period 2014 was declared as the Year of the operator Increase of the production staff wages by 7% Changes in the composition of the Board of Directors. Management Board of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC decided to elect to the Board of Directors as independent directors the following persons: Ilkyavichyus A.O., Shkodovs G.Y. Successful carrying out in Almaty of the international conference "Trade Mission in Kazakhstan" on "Remote trading, e-commerce" As part of the modernization of post offices we opened exemplary post office in the city of Karaganda on the basis of POC №17 with round the clock service area Post-24", equipped with modern postal, banking equipment, electronic queuing An enhanced annual reporting meeting on the results of work and tasks for the coming period with the participation of representatives of state bodies, the sole shareholder and branch trade unions Changes in the composition of the Board of Directors. Management Board of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC decided to elect to the Board of Directors of the following persons: - member of the Board of Directors Baydauletov N.T. (Managing Director of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC as the representative of the interests of the Sole Shareholder); - Independent directors: Berdalina Zh.K., Zhukov D.N., Zhandosov O.A. Increased the additional wages of production personnel by 10% Launched mechanized sorting newspaper site in Karaganda By results of 2013 the Company received "silver" in the category "Leader of exchange market of equity instruments" According to the Association of Kazakhstan Business Internet and mobile commerce "Kazpost" JSC became part of the largest players in e-commerce in Kazakhstan A new post office (PO) №21 inAstana January January January Conference in Astana on postal and financial services and electronic money transfers with the participation of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RCC) "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC and the postal services of different countries A solemn event dedicated to the launch of the Company's business transformation program Decision of the Board of Directors on early termination of the powers of Chairman of the Management Board of "Kazpost" JSC Beisenbayev A.N. Joint meeting of the 49th Council of Heads of Communication Administrations of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RCC Board) and the 20th Coordinating Council of the CIS member states for Informatization in Astana. Introduction of commemorative stamp dedicated to the 15th anniversary of Astana June February February February March April April May May June June July July July 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Participation of "Kazpost" JSC in a workshop on terminal dues within the Association of postal operators in Europe PostEurop ( Jurmala, Latvia) Decision of the Board of Directors to elect as a Chairman of the Management Board of "Kazpost" JSC Mussin B.B. 75 anniversary of the Special Communications Service! For the first time "Kazpost" JSC in order to develop SME in rural areas uses a classic scheme of the franchise in the village Akylbay, becoming more accessible to the population in the villages A meeting of the Chairman of the Management Board of the Company with the National Postal Service of China on reducing delivery times for online shopping, as well as the use of the transit potential of Kazakhstan for delivery to other countries the goods ordered on the internet resources of China Launched a joint project with "Kazakhinstrakh" JSC, insurance policy can now be purchased in the offices of the Company For the first time "Kazpost" JSC launched an online service - a free mobile application MyKazpost for owners of devices on iOS and Android platform, using which you can track the location of postal item, determine postcode to find on the map the nearest post office, learn the mode of its operation, to select the most convenient route to it First "Kazpost" JSC launched a pilot project of "custom hybrid mail with confirmation of receipt" in the cities of Aktobe and Almaty Launched the first automated postal station (postamat) in commercial operation in the city of Almaty Memorandum of Cooperation between "Kazpost" JSC and Emirates Post Group The sole shareholder of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC decided to increase the number of authorized shares of "Kazpost" JSC by 898,000 common shares with the placement through sale by the sole shareholder the pre-emptive rights at the price of 1000 tenge per 1 ordinary share According to the results of the expert survey aimed at obtaining the maximum objective assessments of the relative quality of the national companies, conducted by the research agency "", "Kazpost" JSC took 4 th place in the top five most effective national companies in Kazakhstan Chairman of the Management Board, together with the Chairman of the Board of Estonian Post Aavo Kёrmas participated in the International Forum on the Transformation with the participation of Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev We opened the first museum of postal services in the city of Kostanay At the end of the program "National IPO" "Kazpost" JSC, which took partas a broker and transfer agent with the largest branch network in all regions of the country, has taken a leading position in the number of applications received for the purchase of shares of «KEGOC» JSC among other brokerage companies Developed and launched a new, unique service «Print2Card» for Self-design of a postcard. This service involves online creation of cards through the mobile application "MyKazpost" which are further delivered to relatives and friends all over the world; Mashabayev A.Ye. was elected to the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC a as a deputy Chairman of the Management Board - a member of the Management Board of "Kazpost" JSC. Conduct of a meeting of the Board of directors of "Kazpost" JSC inRiga (Latvia). During the visit, the members of the Board of Directors visited the facilities of Latvia Post, Estonia Post. "Kazpost" JSC was given the status of the designated operator of Kazakhstan (the order of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the RK of November 27, 2014 №199) July August August August August August August September September September September October October October November November November November November 37. 38. 39. Dykanbaeva A.FO of the Company, was elected by the resolution of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC to the Management Board of "Kazpost" JSC. Launched the service "Custom hybrid mail with confirmation about receipt" all RPOC/CPOC of the Company Presidential Decree on the eve of Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan the best employees of "Kazpost" JSC were awarded: - The Order of "Kurmet" they awarded Sarmuldina A.K., head of the section of processing and mail delivery of the organization and operation of the postal service of West Kazakhstan Regional Branch of "Kazpost" JSC; - The medal "Eren enbegi ushin" was awarded to postmen A. Akhmetov and Moldabayev K. (North Kazakhstan and Zhambyl regional branches) December December December 3.2. Significant projects In terms of the future prospects of the Company's development 2014 was marked by several important events and projects, such as: 3.2.1. The "Transformation" Program 1. About the program The Transformation program was launched in 2014, it aims to create a competitive and stable company with a high level of corporate governance, enhancing financial and operating efficiency by the revision of the principles of work with the use of global best practices. This is a thorough analysis and re-engineering of core business and production processes, their standardization and regulation. The transformation will determine the business model of the strategic development of the Company. This is the way to the totally new level of business and management of the Company, a new level of performance in accordance with the highest international standards. During the implementation of the program we will carry out standardization and optimization of business processes and conditions that ensure quality of service, will use best practices, identify and eliminate inconsistencies. As a result of transformation our services will be supplemented with the new requirements for the competence of employees of "Kazpost" JSC. Employees will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills, acquire new professional qualification. The company will gradually develop people, conduct retraining of workers, measures to improve skills through training and development. The company, developing features/abilities of employees, will help to effectively conduct business, work with the new system and processes designed during the transformation. Employees will be trained to use new methods, tools and procedures in the context of changes in the business processes in their daily activities. Business transformation program of "Kazpost" JSC is the beginning of transformation of the company, able to change in the face of global challenges and to rebuild its businesses. The basis of success of the program is the intention of the team to take the path of effective reforms and updates. It's worth noting that "Kazpost" JSC represents Kazakhstan is the Universal Postal Union, where the modernization process is not stopped, the leading postal administrations permanently reshaping business processes to reflect changes in domestic and foreign markets. 2. Report on the conducted Formation of the Council for modernization of "Kazpost" JSC formed from among the representatives of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC, Management Board members, directors of departments, heads of branches of "Kazpost" JSC. During the reporting period, there were five meetings of the Modernization Council of the Company. A project transformation team of 36 employees was formed, which consists of employees of "Kazpost" JSC (Transformation Team of "Kazpost" JSC), employees of the Fund (the central office of transformation) and involved experts. Organizational structure of the transformation program (face-chart) was developed and approved. The Charter of the transformation program of "Kazpost" JSC was approved, it defines the functional and organizational framework of the program content and results of the work, the organizational structure of management of the program, functions, and regulation of interaction of Program participants, program management procedures; standards for documenting of works and timetable for the Program implementation. Procedures on the organization and equipping of the Project Office were conducted, supply and assembling of furniture was made, the workplace was organized. Within the establishing of approaches and principles of the organization of information exchange, the Modernization Council developed and approved the Communication strategy of the Company. The objectives of the communication strategy are aimed at examination of involvement, understanding and readiness of employees to transformation, increase of the staff loyalty to the Program that is the ultimate goal of change management - to ensure a smooth transition to a new business standards. Development of "Justification for Changes", which allows to determine the changes in the processes and their impact on operations. The rationale for changes reflect the types of the upcoming changes and their purpose. Determination of a list of stakeholders of Transformation program of "Kazpost" JSC, which is a list of stakeholders, each of which is assessed in terms of relevance to the program, whose opinion is important for management decisions in the company. Such persons may include company executives, heads of departments, divisions and experts who are recognized experts. Determination of the target model of management, modeling work and carry out of the approval procedure by the stakeholders. A list of priorities for the transformation was development and agreed upon by all stakeholders: list of priority changes for the transformation, evaluation of the impact of changes, which allows to determine the changes in the processes and their impact on operations; key performance indicators, including the most important performance indicators for monitoring. The analysis of the current organizational structure, the number of staff of the Company (benchmarking) in comparison with other postal operators was conducted. As part of the work with the stakeholder of the company, the work was carried out to Assign the Name (proper name) of the Business Transformation program of "Kazpost" JSC. According to the results of voting, which took place on the corporate website, the e "Orken" title was the winning one, which recalculated from the Kazakh language means "increase", "expansion" or "prosperity". On December 5, 2014, the Modernization Council of Kazpost JSC was held, where the decision to award the title (proper name) "Orken" to the Business transformation program of "Kazpost" JSC was made. As part of the transformation program, we carried out work on the selection of companies to provide consulting services. According to the minutes of the open two-stage tender for consulting services for business transformation program of "Kazpost" JSC the winner is "Ernst & Young - consulting services" LLP. The role of the experts' is limited to the provision the best international experience to transform a part of the program and the formation of all the results in accordance with the requirements. 3.2.2. Quality Quality of services directly affect the main key performance indicators of business: the company's attractiveness, potential of employees, yields and international ratings of company. Management of the company in 2014, has worked on the implementation of integrated and systemic measures to create viable and sustainable brand, allowing not only to preserve and retain loyal customers but also attract new customer. Understanding the need to create in the company at all levels of the philosophy of customeroriented approach is a good tool to create the conditions for wanting to build a business and management, build mutually beneficial terms of cooperation with customers. After reviewing our disadvantages and problems in servicing our customers, we have delivered a clear and specific goals for organizing initiatives to improve the quality of their service. As part of measures to improve the quality, there are open questions to be addressed, namely: poor quality of service, particularly in urban post offices, our employees - operators, who have direct contact with clients. Our projects in this area: 3. Motivation In order to establish the interest of operators in high-quality services, improving their efficiency and increase sales, the 2014 was declared as the Year of the operator. Within the year of the operator, the operator carried out measures to equip the operator workstations, 2000 computers were replaced, they started work on the organization of training, developed and approved standards of service quality, the analysis of existing business processes and implemented a plan of measures for their re-engineering. They also initiated steps to organize nonmaterial motivation, such as a competition for the best operator. A major step in this direction was also the first to develop and implemented incentive programs for all operators, regardless of the location of territorial offices of basic services, such as: Remittances - 50 tenge per 1 transaction; bank cards - 100 tenge for each open payment card; on the program "People's IPO" - 300 tenge for each application to open a brokerage account. As a result, revenue growth for the year as compared to the previous year only for transfers was 12%, an increase of activated cards in December 2014 to April 2014 amounted to more than 20%. In this direction, a decision about the necessity of the organization of direct motivation system in the Company, not only in essential services, but to apply this practice to all types of services provided by operators. 4. Modernization of offices The company continues to work on the modernization of our offices. Modernizing department, we have taken care not only about improving the workplaces of employees, but also clients with limited mobility and young moms with strollers - the entrance to the departments is equipped with ramps. We have tried to create a comfortable environment for the service and brought new upholstered furniture: chairs, sofas, etc. The important point is to increase the number of operating windows for the service of large flows of population. These changes - one of the components of the program of transformation of our company. In order to improve the quality of postal services seven post offices in the cities of Aktobe, Taldykorgan, Taraz, Atyrau, Kyzylorda, Uralsk were modernized. Upgrading these offices includes not only overhaulbut the upgrade of the technological content. All modernized post offices are equipped with a single system of electronic queue, CCTV and fire safety. 5. Mystery shopping Quality of services directly affect the main key performance indicators of business: the company's attractiveness, potential of employees, yields and international ratings of company. In order to identify and analyze problems affecting the quality of service the Company has implemented the project «Mystery shopping», or a "Mystery shopper". The project started in September 2014. Mystery shopper (from English Mystery Shopper/Secret Shopper, is also an alleged buyer) - a method of research, which is used in the marketing research aimed at evaluation of consumer experience gained by the client in the process of goods or services acquisition, and to address organizational issues, such as measurement of the level of compliance with the standards of customer service by employees in the organization and ect. To collect information trained people are involved (mystery shoppers), who carry out checks under the guise of potential / actual customers. To this end, we involved mystery buyers in different regions of the country (in Astana, Almaty, Shymkent, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kostanai, Pavlodar, Aktobe, Atyrau, Petropavlovsk and Karaganda). The assessment covers 100 branches, including central operating areas, malls and offices in the outskirts of cities, districts. The company created 16 "focus groups" that evaluated the following factors, including: the quality of customer service; competence of staff; operating standards; exterior and interior appearance of the department. As a result of the evaluation they conducted 171 test purchase, identified more than 280 violations and identified areas for improvement. Report on findings and recommendations was presented to the management board of the Company on a monthly basis, based on the report appropriate measures were taken. Also in the central office of the Company, in the regions they actively cultivate and used in the practice the principle of using the services of senior and middle management, which are also "mystery shoppers". This initiative has found good use, by identifying and "promulgation" violations through the available chat on cell phones (WhatsApp), where everyone can see the existing shortcomings and violations: as a worker, both employee determined such a violation, and the employee and supervisor,from whom the absence of such functionality depends on. In general, companies have managed to break the fear of complaints to someone, create an appropriate corporate spirit - it is better to identify and correct themselves, all for the benefit of, and improvement of customer service. the queues in urban post offices, which is basically due to more democratic rates in comparison with competitorsboth in postal, and in the financial business 6. E-queue In order to improve service quality and increase yield rates of staff, optimization of customers service and queue management the work was carried out on the use of modern systems of the electronic-queue in branches, especiallywhere we watched a large flow of customers. Practice of introduction of the electronic-queue in branches not only improves the service and makes it organized, but also improves the working environment of our employees accordingly, demonstrates the company's commitment to the desire to improve and apply new technologies. Subsequently, implementation and installation of modern systems is planned to be used on an ongoing basis, the company has a clear plan in this regard. In 2014 they carried out the installation of a new unified electronic-queue in 5 urban (upgraded) offices in Kyzylorda, Pavlodar, Astana, Karaganda, Aktau. customer service complaints by the existing contact center of the company 7. Contact Center More than half the customers decide on cooperation during the first call to the company. Therefore, it is important to provide to the caller comfortable waiting for connection and fast connection to the right person. In order to enhance the company's reputation in the eyes of customers they carried out work on the receipt of more comfortable and short number of the contact center to complement the existing 8 800 080 08 80. The company has received and put a single number "1499" and organized a free dial-up from urban and cellular numbers. The allocated a space in AB "Almaty post office" to accommodate the contact center, provided comfortable and convenient working conditions for operators, seminarsare conducted not only for the study of the professional skills of conversation,but also in the necessary knowledge according to the existing product line. offices that do not meet modern requirements of the customer service 8. One level service In 2014, they also launched a project to improve the service and maintenance - single-level service on a "face to face" basis. The company has 17 offices which already serve on the above principle, which is designed to create a comfortable environment for our customers and accelerate the process of customer service. We understand the need for this project, since a large percentage of our clients - the elderly, who until last year served standing at the box office. The company planned transition to a single-level service in all regions of Kazakhstan. 9. Situation Centre, CCTV In 2014, commissioned a situational center, carried out procurement and supply of special equipment. The spectrum of possibilities usage of the created situation center can improve the quality of service by increasing control over the quality of services, as well as rapid response to problems associated with customer service in the Company, including online monitoring: target dates for passage of postal items; electronic queue; cars of the company connected to the satellite navigation system (GPS) Situation Centre and the installed equipment also enables videoconferencing to conduct workshops, distance training and video monitoring of: front offices in post offices; postal wagons; the process of loading cargo and sorting process in sorting center; contact center; postamats 3.2.3. 3.2.3. Technology & innovation Development of the company is inextricably linked to its technological development. New technologies as such are innovations that provide social and economic benefits only after finding practical application. The emphasis on innovation and technology will allow us to implement the following projects: 1. Postamats Postamats (automated postal stations) - is a terminal for self-service when sending or receiving mail between corporations and individuals. The project aims to create a network of postamats in the country to receive and issue postal items. The service is a new type of service in self-service mode. The service is available for at least 16 hours a day7 days a week at the points of concentration of potential consumers of postal services (shopping centers, railway stations, etc.). In order to implement this project they made delivery and installation of 17 postamatsin the cities of Astana, Almaty and Karaganda, launched the service for issuing premises, completed work on the launch and commissioning of services for the issuance of shipments with cash on delivery and acceptance of shipments in postamats, contracts for delivery of goods in postamats from 4 online stores. This type of service has several advantages for the customer: they do not need to go to the post office for the parcel, the client can get it in the place which he often visits for other matters, in the business center or shopping center; postamats are working around the clock; there is no need to stand in line. 2. Automation of mail sorting line Under the "introduction of automated sorting lines for registered mail (parcels, small packages)" the installation and in December 2014 test mode launch of automated sorting line of parcels and small packages were performed at the Sorting center. The introduction of this line allowed: to increase productivity by 30%; eliminate errors when sorting by 99%; to sort without the knowledge of supply routes; cut 19 staff units In addition, the updated technological schemes for all types of written correspondence (ordinary, registered letter post, RM, parcels).Optimization of processes of reception and delivery of postal items (refusal from wax, twine, kraft paper, tissue) including customers informing via phone. The reduction in the number of deliveries of notices on registered mail, forms and books used . 3. Automation of periodicals sorting line In Kostanai, Aktobe, Karaganda and North Kazakhstan regional branches they implemented the project of mechanization of periodicals sorting process at a newspaper site that permits sorting of periodicals to the level of each regional center and to the level of the postman of rural and urban post offices, which reduces the time delivery of periodicals in the regional center by 3-4 hours and 10% of rural POCs by one day. Implementation of the project allowed: increase productivity of by 60% ; reduce "unnecessary" steps of the business process from 11 to 7; 4 hours reduction in the time of delivery in the regional centers 4. Hybrid e-mail The hybrid electronic mail (hereinafter - HEM) - a service which allows users to exchange messages and documents forwarded at the individual stageselectronically. The advantage for customers: the rejection of routine work on the formation of the letters; reducing the time of delivery of correspondence to remote regions; providing tracking of mail on-line; reducing the cost of notification of receipt. HEM provides such services as: receipt of letters electronically from consumers (senders); preprinting preparation; Printing of attachments; packing in an envelope; receipt, processing, transportation and delivery of registered letters; transmission to the information system of the legal entity the status on the delivery of registered letters. By using the technology of "Registered hybrid item with notificationon the receipt" the information from businesses intended for distribution, with a list of recipients by region is sent electronically in points GEO, where it is printed in the form of individualized paper and packed in the envelope. Transfer of the finished registered letter correspondence is carried out, after the process of receipt of letters in the software. As part of this project we studied the issue for the integration of information exchange with the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan when sending subpoenas.In 2014, in a pilot mode they launched service "Registered hybrid itemswith notification on the receipt" in Almaty and Aktobe. It was also launched in Astana and three regional post offices - RPOCs (Yereimentausky and Korgalzhynsky RPOC of the Astana post office and Osakarovsky RPOC of Karaganda regional branch). It was also launched in all regional post offices and in regional centers in South Kazakhstan and East Kazakhstan region. In the nearest future it is planned to integrate with such organizations as the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Tax Committee, "National Information Technologies" JSC and other interested state bodies and legal entities. 5. Mobile Postman The introduction of "Mobile Postman", aimed also at improvement of the quality and control of the services provided, allowed to extend the functionality of postmen and couriers. "Kazpost" JSC, becoming closer and more accessible to customers, can now serve customers by providing a check at the spot of payment for the service in their homes, apartments and offices. The potential of the range of services provided by the "Mobile Postman":from payment for services of mobile operators, utilities to the issuance of mail with the possibility of cash on delivery for the parcel. There are a total of 293 mobile postal devices, they have plans to purchase in the next year about 600 smartphones, which will be more modern and technological as per capabilities of the existing ones, more convenient and easy to use by our employees. In 2014 they delivered about 30 th.postal items using mobile postal devices. 6. Online postcard (Print2Card) With the growth of Internet penetration in Kazakhstan, the company's customers less often send written correspondence or postcards. Once the cards were one of the most valuable gifts for any celebration. Today, paper postcard were replaced by postcards and congratulations on the social networks. For the first time in 2014 we introduced a new and unique service using Internet technology, which allows you to create cards online through the mobile application «MyKazpost» with delivery to your family and friends all over the world. Print2Card - a combination of tradition and innovation. Print2Card service that allows you to send a paper card, made on the customers own, that is using their smartphone. We have updated the official website and presented a mobile application «MyKazpost» for gadgets, users of operating systems IOS and Android. According to data and statistics at the end of 2014 more than 6.3 thousand people are actively using this application, and about 4,500 downloads were made by customers of Android operating system and 1800 - customers of IOS. New sales channel showed the demand for this service among the population and has good prospects for its development. 7. SMS and e-mail notification In 2014, the company first introduced the service to notify clients through sms in the framework of the "People's IPO", when customers were reported about the opening of brokerage accounts on cell phones of customer. This format of works on the notification was positively valued by customersand in the subsequent the management of the company decided on the need for such a form of notification for other services. At the end of the year, we have reviewed the process for the other services and introduced a notice on mail delivery (parcels, small packages, etc.). The customer making the order, using e-commerce indicates the mobile number. This mobile number is used as soon as the package comes in Kazakhstan. The introduction of such technologies also allowed our postmen do not deliver the notice, making way to a few thousand kilometers a day.Due to the introduction of new technologies we were able to free up time of our postmen and more efficient use their working time. The plans for 2015 - the introduction of this service in the provision of services (Transfer transactions, the payment of pensions and benefits), the implementation of distribution services on the e-mail address (e-mail). 8. We have launched Trade Portal of "Kazpost" JSC -, intended for the sale of goods. The first manufacturers placed their products (domestic products, etc.). The Pavlodar branch launched a pilot project on the order and delivery of consumer goods from wholesale producers with subsequent transfer of the project to Postmarket. 9. Internet subscription We introduced the service "Internet subscription", the new modern format of subscription for periodicals online, which was launched in the framework of the corporate transformation program "Orken." Anyone will be able to subscribe via the Internet. Subscription is availableOnline on .Previously, customers had to go to the post office to subscribe, wait in the queues and fill out various kinds of forms. The introduction of this service allows you to subscribe to the required periodicals without leaving your home or office. The process of registration is simple - having Register Online and selecting the directory you need to subscribe to the publication, the client only needs to make a payment by credit card, and everything else for the client will be made by the company's employees. Now as the beginning only Kazakhstan leading newspapers "Yegemen Kazakhstan" and "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda" are available for subscription via Internet.In the future, customers will be able to choose from a catalog not only local, but also foreign publications posted in subscription catalogs. 10. Outsourcing of postal services The Company conducted business analysis for the provision of postal services among the owners of the premises (shop, pharmacy). After the conclusion of the corresponding contract, the entrepreneur provides services on the reception and delivery of postal items.Thus, for people in rural areas there is an opportunity for a day, seven days a week without breaks, use the postal services. The first pilot project in the framework of the plan for the organization of access to postal services in rural areas, was carried out in the village Akylbay located in Abylayhansk rural district. This project contributes to the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Subsequently, the project has been replicated to other locations in the country (Akmola, Aktobe, North Kazakhstan and Zhambyl region). 11. Other innovative projects In 2014, the Company also launched innovative projects such as: "Online Application" for the issue of payment cards and the "online shopping" of stamps, which will expand the geography of services; "The track numbers" - a project to update the system for tracking postal items, allowing a more detailed logistical information on the location of the postal item; "Internet access points" - a project that provides an opportunity to rural residents enjoy free internet access, as well as direct contact (to ask questions and to leave their appeals) with the Public reception of "Nur Otan", akim of the city and the region. 12. Future projects We are committed to continuously work on finding new and promising projects to which we can safely include the following projects: New zip codes We have studied the experience of developed countries in the use of new postal code (England, Ireland, USA, Canada, Israel, Lithuania, etc. New postal codes - is a postal code unique to each addresswith a unique code for every home and office, which will help everyone to easily find the address. We are working on the development of the pilot version of the information system and approved the terms of reference for making changes to the software associated with the use of new postal codes. Electronic Office Boxes ( Work is underway on the development of a prototype of an electronic mail service and a beta version of the portal Electronic Office Boxes ( - a national e-mail service, an analog of the portal, where they will have the binding of e-mail to the mail address. Each office box will have its virtual analogue boxwith the possibility of forwarding to personal mailboxes. 3.2.4. Business processes 1. Payments As part of the payment acceptance they automated customer information input in interface by scanning them with ID cards, eliminating manual filling of the forms by clients (AP -4) by automating print forms from the operating system. We automated the process of settlements with partners and retain fees. A process for the receipt o f tax payments in favor of the tax authorities of Kazakhstan without regional restrictions was introduced. Now, payment of tax is available at all branches of the Company in favor of the tax authorities. To comply with the requirements of the legislation we introduced automated forms - agreement to provide personal data on bank accounts, payments and transfers. Implemented process of rounding (tiyn) when receiving payments and transfers.In order to reduce operational risks changed the procedure for payment of the reversal they limitedthe right of operator for the "reverse" operation, the work is underway on the automation of receipt of cash on delivery.Rapidly developing technologies pose new challenges the Company to ensure receipt of online payments in favor of service suppliers "Astana-ERC","Kazakhtelecom" JSC, «AVON», «KMF» et al., receipt of fines through online payment gateway, as well as, electronic authentication of proxies through the system of ENIS and the E-notary. These projects will be implemented in 2015 within the approved action plan. In order to develop alternative sales channels the contract with LLP "Cash 24" was signed for the installation of 380 payment terminals in the offices of the Company to quickly pay for cellular, utilities and other payments. Given the demand from the population of the channel sales for 2015 we approved the budget for the purchase of own payment terminals for installation in a branch of the company, PSC premises, the tax committee. 2. Deposits The algorithm and the automated calculation of compensation in case of early termination of the Agreement, the accrual rate for the additional contributions, interest capitalization at the end of the deposit term, at the end of the term the transfer of contribution is automated with capitalized remuneration at the account of "On demand". 3. Money transfers Implemented automatic printing of forms for all types of transfer of the Company: «Western Union», international, express within the Republic of Kazakhstan, postal. The work was conducted on a new contract with the company «Western Union»and on the opening of new sales points. Optimized Customer Service processfor urgent transfer in the national currency in the own system of money transfers.In 2015 we plan the branding of own transfer systems. 4. Payment of pensions and benefits The company, together with the SCPP is constantly working to optimize the process of issuing and delivery of pensions and benefits to remote rural areas and villages. From September 2014 to January 2015 The company has worked on the transfer of the recipients of pensions and benefits, living in the villages on the way to a new payment "enrollment in the current account in the villages," which allowed automating the cash deposit in the form of MT 102, to strengthen control over the issuance of money from the accounts of recipients of pensions and benefits. During this period of time the have transferred 117,818 recipients of pensions and benefits in 794 villages, including transfer of about 22 thousand persons to the card accounts. In order to minimize operational risks in 2015 we will continue to automate the current process of issuing by the method of delivery, "Home delivery in the cities and district centers" with a special mobile device (the MPD). At the end of 2014 through the MPUthey implemented service on the issuing of pensions and benefits from current accounts. 5. IPO program In 2014 "Kazpost" JSC took an active part in the 2nd stage of the state program "The People's IPO", which acted as a broker and transfer agent for the sale of shares of «KEGOC» JSC through post offices.In order to improve customer service and bring the process into line with the requirements of the National Bank of Kazakhstan they carried out the work on the automation of functionality for receipt of payments under the program "People's IPO", they carried out online monitoring of payment details. Receipt of applications from investors was carried from 05 November to 5 December 2014. Through the post office they made more than 13 thousand client order to purchase more than 5 million of «KEGOC» JSC.-The Company's share in terms of the money involved in the second phase of the program was 28% (1st place) among all brokers, in the total number of applications received in the second phase of the program amounted to 31% (2nd place) among all brokers. By the number of customer orders far ahead is Aktobe and Karaganda regional branches. By the volume of customer orders in the lead are Astana, Almaty. In 2015, for customers of the securities market we are planning to launch the new service "Internet trading".In addition, in 2015, and within the approved Action Plan will continue to work on inventory and automation of required reports on brokerage activities as required by the National Bank of Kazakhstan. 6. Payment cards In 2014, we completed the certification for the transition to the status of principal participant in the IPS Visa, the certification of the trade and Internet acquiring, from July the Company carries out direct settlement with IPS Visa. This status is given only when a certain financial results was achieved and allows you to work directlywith international payment system Visa, expand the product line for payment cards, to develop a shopping and internet acquiring. Thus, the Company has moved to a new level of interaction with the IPS Visa, which provides an opportunity to compete with the largest banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Due to the wide penetration of the Internet from the trading companies and service a growing interest is to the e-commerce. In turn, one of the main directions of the company is the development of e-commerce and provision of a full cycle of product choice, physical delivery and cashless payment for the goods. Launching of e-commerce project is planned for 2015. The portfolio of corporate payment cards Visa accounts for a small share of the market of Kazakhstan, which provides a significant opportunity and a huge potential for business development in this segment. In 2014 we launched a project on the issue of corporate cards for travel and entertainment expenses of employees of the Central Administration of the Company. In the framework of cross-selling in 2015 they planned the issuance of corporate payment cards Visa Business for the payment for postal services by legal entities using non-cash method. In 2014 they implemented the service of express money transfers «VISA to VISA», allowing holders of Visa payment cards at ATMs of Kazpost send and receive money in real time. In order to increase sales of payment cards, in conjunction with the IPS Visa an action to stimulate the operators of the Company was held.As a result of the event, the Company's employees were awarded monetary compensation for the issuance of payment cards. In order to improve the skills of the Company's employees they conducted workshop on corporate payment cards, with the participation of the IPS Visa. During 2014, in order to reduce the costs of the Company together with "Kazkommertsbank" JSC they conducted a major work to reduce tariffs for processing services. Changes in Tariffs on payment cards, approved a new tariffon transfers from card to card through In 2015 they plan to abolish the tariff for cash withdrawals for pensioners in ATMs of "Kazkommertsbank" JSC and "BTA Bank" JSC, which will allow the Company to offer to pensioners comfortable service in the cities and reduce the cost of buying own ATM network. The total number of users of the service «SMS-banking" as of 1.01.2014 - 2,543 units, in 2014 2,508 users have joined of 01.01.2015 - the number has reached 5051 units.). In order to expand the range of services in 2015 they planned the introduction of new remote services Transfers CARD to Cash, USSD-SMS payments, as well as non-cash payment of cash on delivery in postamats, payment of postal, utilities and tax payments through POS-terminals. In addition, to maintain card accounts, automation of accounting and reporting on transactions with payment cards, the possibility of sale of joint retail products and services, loyalty programs it is planned to introduce the module "Back office card system" in CIS "Colvir". 7. Other transations As per operating activity in 2014, they implemented a number of measures aimed at the automation of the process in support of the financial business operations and minimize operational risks.For the due check of clients they acquired base of foreign public officials (hereinafter BFPO).Work is underway to import base in «Colvir» for on-line monitoring of belonging of customers to BFPO. Herewith, it should be noted a number of negative factors affecting the efficiency of the financial business in general, namely long-term revision and implementation of processes (for revision, testing and implementation of the most important business processes it is required from 3 to 9 months); Low equipping of departments, a lack of training documents, interfaces in the operating system in the national language and as a result, poor education and low-skilled operators, prolonged tender procedures, in the offices standards of customer service are not met, lack of client-based approach (closure of branches in major cities for lunch, shorter working day, etc.), the lack of advertising for the main types of payments - free taxes, low rates of payments. These problems will be solved in 2015.In addition, it is planned to carry out radical changes in terms of corporate services, procedural changes of back office on the service of entities in the automation of registers sending, formation of acts, reconciliations and tax invoices, records of cash transactions, arrangement of Provider Directory maintenance, tariffs, CSC codes , IIN, conduct a single electronic file of clients. Most processes will be implemented in the framework of the project of "Transformation", part will be implemented within the framework of the current work in 2015. 8. Development of international postal exchange To increase the volume of shipments by mail channels Agreement was signed between the China Post Group and "Kazpost" JSC for cross-border exchange of small packets.As a result, introduction of a new product "sending of small packets from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China to the Republic of Kazakhstan, and in the opposite direction." In order to optimize the process of incoming and outgoing international mails processing it was decided to open a place of international mail exchange (PIPE) on the air area of the branch "Sorting Center", of Almaty on the territory of a temporary storage warehouse of Almaty "International Airport" JSC, (AIA), with an area of 900 sq.m. Also, we opened an aurarea for processing of international correspondence PCI-5, in the processing station of EMS mailings shipment of the "Sorting Center" branch on the territory of the AIA of Almaty. In order to simplify the process of customs clearance of international mail, as well as to speed up the processing time in PIPE of Almaty, changes in bylaws "Rules for processing and sending of international mail in places and areas of international exchange of Kazakhstan" were made, which provide for the elimination of the stamp of the customs officer at each international small package that allows to speed up the processing of small packets to minimize the number of complaints, customer appeals etc. As a result of this change, we have the following results: acceleration in the processing of small packets; minimization in the number of complaints, appeals clients; labor saving (reduction from 6 units to 2 units per working day); saving of performance materials (adhesive tape, mastic). 3.2.5. Transportation 1. Motor vehicles fleet, fleet of postal vans and postal equipment Given that the basic network of ground ways of the Republic are the roads (about 93.6 thousand. km), the transportation of mail on in intraregional and intradistrict routes is made by road. In order to be competitive in the logistics market of the republic, the Company must maintain, systematically develop and improve the vehicle fleet. Percent of tear-off of the vehicles decreased from 60% to 40%. In accordance with the plan of capital investments in 2014 we purchased 83 units of vehicles including 35 units of heavy vehicles. The following types of mandatory repairs of postal vans were made: overhaul (CR-1), depot repair, maintenance in the volume (TO 3) actual repair of wheel pairs, replacement of batteries, maintenance in volumes (TO 1). 2. Transportation of mail and target dates To date, rail transport is the main means of transportation of mail on trunk routes of Kazakhstan. Existing fleet of postal wagons (58 units) involved 16 routes, providing a continuous daily connection between the cities of Astana, Almaty and all regional centers. Transportation of mail on intraregional and intradistrict routes is provided by 1637 road routes. To reduce the time of passage of mail and delivery of periodicals we provide the transportation of mail by air on 44 air routes for many years. We ensure compliance with established standards of quality of postal items: letter post, parcels. With the established requirement on the frequency of mail transportation the execution was as follows: • on trunk routes (between regional centers) - 100% in the daily norm; • on the intraregional routes (from the regional center to RPOC) - 100% with the standard of 4 times a week; • on the intradistrict routes (from the district center to VPOC) - 100%, with the standard of 2 times a week. The average frequency of mail transportation as of 01.01.2015, at the Company is as follows: • on intraregional routes (from the regional center to RPOC) - 5.6 times a week; • on intradistrict routes (from the district center to VPOC) - 3.5 times a week. • In addition to the above activities the Company has carried out other activities, including the following: • revised timeframe for the passage of mail, including international one. According to the results of the work, the time required for delivery was reduced and the time for the written correspondence, sent from Almaty were established: • D+1 - for the cities of Astana, Almaty, Taldykorgan; • D+2 - for the city of Atyrau, Aktau, Aktobe, Karaganda, Kokshetau, Kyzylorda, Kostanai, Pavlodar, Petropavlovsk, Uralsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Taraz, Shymkent; • due to changes in the frequency of routes, the maximum time for delivery of periodicals from "Day+8" to "Day+3" was reduced for 98% of rural post offices. For the reduction of the delivery of international mail by 7-10 days, together with "KTZ" JSC, «KTZ Express», China Post and the Russian Post the multimodal transportation of international mail from Zhengzhou - Astana - Moscow (Zhengzhou - Astana: container transportation, Astana - Moscow: vans) was organized in the test mode. 3. Trunk transportation To meet the deadline for the passage of postal items and the prevention of complaints from customers for the violation of milestones in 2014 the works were conducted on the optimization and discovery of new main rail and road routes: In connection with the transfer of passenger trains from Tver wagon plant to the People's Republic of China wagons in a train of 23/24 of the "Almaty -Aktobe" route and 691/692 of the "Atyrau - Uralsk" route in 2014 works were carried out to optimize the discovery of new Railway and road routes: • Railway route Almaty - Atyrau for the daily exchange with all the points in the south - west direction due to transition of passenger train of Tver wagon plant to the People's Republic of China wagons in a train of 23/24 of "Almaty -Aktobe" route; • The route "Uralsk - Atyrau - Uralsk" in connection with the transfer of passenger train of Tver wagon plant to the People's Republic of China wagons in the train of 691/692 of the "Atyrau - Aktobe" route; • Route "Kokshetau - Petropavlovsk" for the daily exchange in a northerly direction, to ensure timely shipping of mail. Total number of routes has increased by 7% and amounted to 1,763 (in 2013 - 1637). Serviced by departmental transport and hired transport increased by 12 %. The length of the route in 2013 - 2014. Total number of Serviced by hired and Name of the routes per departmental transport day route 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 Hired Dep. Urban 142 176 0 4 142 172 Total length Serviced by hired and (thousand departmental transport km / day) (thousand km) 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 Hired Dep 17 0 25 0 17 25 Intraregional 155 134 38 Intradistrict 1340 1453 493 Total 1637 1763 531 29 562 595 117 105 53 847 891 195 1106 1168 264 59 326 410 13 51 64 13 59 72 40 143 201 46 267 338 4. Transit "Kazpost" JSC in close cooperation with the Kazakh and Chinese railways, airlines and postal operators in China and Russia are increasing the pace of transit capacity with the introduction of a new mode of transportation of international mail in containers. So, on the basis of the Agreement between the China post Group and "Kazpost" JSC concluded in 2013 in 2014 they transported from "Khorgos-Orenburg" 1,800 tons of transit of international mail, with growth in 2013 in 8 times. In September 2014 "Kazpost" JSC together with the China Post and AirlinesKLM conducted testing of air mail transit from China to Brazil through Kazakhstan from "Khorgos - Almaty - Sao Paulo." In August-September 2014 in conjunction with KTZ they conducted testing of the container with the mail (2 containers: Urumqi - Dostyk - Almaty-1 and Chongqing - Altynkol - Almaty-1). On December 3, 2014 as part of a regular container train Zhengzhou - Hamburg they implemented a pilot sending of two 20-foot containers with consolidation and customs clearance of multimodal scheme: from Zhengzhou to Astana in containers from Astana to Moscow to the terminal of FSUP "Russian Post" via truck of "Kazpost" JSC. Terms of transportation of international mail at a distance of 7743 km at a route of Zhengzhou - Astana - Moscow amounted to 10 days. Successful pilot projects have shown the competitive advantages of the delivery of mail by road, which would reduce the time of delivery of international mail from China to Kazakhstan, Russia and Europe. 3.2.6. Security In order to ensure the information security of the Company, the basic principles of information security management system are: compliance with the legislation of Kazakhstan, winning of the trust of customers, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information assets. Compliance with the above principles, the Company achieved the following tasks: the active participation of the Company's management in the management of information security, the implementation of assessment and information risk management of the company, to increase the level of protection of information assets of the Company, ensuring the confidentiality of customer information and the mode of access to it, and others. The Company has approved the regulations for information security. These rules define the general procedure for the provision and use of software and hardware and information resources in the corporate information network. The constant work is being done to improve the technical equipment of the enterprises of the postal network and regional divisions of postal security. Introduction of measures to protect postal and financial interests and personnel. For example, employees are provided with personal protective equipment, and technical means of security and protection are supplied. A technical audit of "Kazpost" JSC was conducted on the issue of equipment with the technical security and CCTV cameras in Atyrau, Zhambyl, Kyzylorda regional branches. For the installation of video surveillance systems in regional branches the funds are provided totaling 14 435.3 thousand tenge which were promptly spent. Inspections was the mail van were made to comply with labor discipline on the routes and transportation of non-registered cargo. During inspections in 2014 there have been revealed 15 actuals of unregistered transportation of baggage and cargo of 954 seats, weighing more than 17 tons of the total amount of 1 million tenge, which is refunded in full. A meeting was conducted (10.12.2014) organized by the Department of Anti-Drug and Drug Control under MIA RK, work is underway on the issued assignments, and plan of joint activities was designed. Currently we introduced almost all of the necessary information technologies, the amount of information being processed is growing, the international best practices are studied. We constantly analyze the work of security departments in branches, aimed at efficient use of resources, timely detection and mitigation of commercial, financial risks faced by the Company in the implementation of agency agreements for the provision of credit and transfer agency services. During the reporting period, the Company implemented a plan of preventive actions to prevent thefts, burglaries, and a plan to minimize the risks of internal fraud in the provision of financial services. There have been also developed an "Action Plan to ensure the safety of mailings", measures were taken to identify persons inclined to commit theft of mail and/or replacement of enclosures using a chemical trap. In addition, two pilot postal wagon were launched with DVRs, the inspections of postal wagons are carried out constantly for transportation on the issue of the transportation of unregistered cargo, unauthorized persons and prohibited items. 3.2.7. Feedback The Company's corporate website has the functioning blog of the Chairman of the Management Board of "Kazpost" JSC and the "Contact Us" page. These Internet site receives applications of the service users and employees of the Company, which are checked officially, and according to the results the authors answered. We provide timely and quality responding to the application from the external blogs - Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Minister of Transport and Communications and other government agencies. Personal blog of the Company's Head is one of the most visited in the group companies of the Fund. Employees of company address to the Chairman of the Management Board of the Company through his personal blog on the issues of staff number, wages, working conditions, share their suggestions and ideas to improve the quality of work. The "Contact Us" page is referred by the visitors of the web-site on the following issues: tracing of mail (international, domestic), financial services, business cards, delivery time of subscriptions, poor performance of tracking system of postal items, the schedule of post offices, the time required for processing of mail shipments in the sorting center, etc. During 2014 the total number of applications amounted to 288,706 (growth of up to 15.3% in comparison with 2013.). The main topics of appeals are: • search of international and domestic mail in order to obtain information about the reasons of the non-received items from other countries (China, USA, UK, Russia) and their movement within the Republic of Kazakhstan; • frequent technical failures in the tracking system of "Kazpost" JSC on the website, see "Tracking"; • no update on the site (address and timetable of POs, zip codes); In order to improve the quality and construction of operative communication with clients we established quality management, where a single point of recording and processing of applications is operating, the call center of quality monitoring of services rendered by the Company was improved. 3.2.8. Image and information policy The Company's activities demonstrates its commitment to the principles of openness and transparency. One of the indicators of the index of transparency and informative source - is an annual public annual report of the Company. Report for 2013 was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the reporting system of GRI (Global reporting initiative) and was posted on the official website of the Company. Report participated in the Annual Report Competition organized by the rating agency "Expert RA Kazakhstan", and entered the "top 10 best", taking second place among the 131 companies in the country. The corporate events of the Company are accompanied by press releases and information messages to the media. The Company annually provides to investors, partners and customers advanced report on the financial and administrative operations. We ensure the timely publication of financial statements in the online resource of the depository of financial statements of the Ministry of Finance RK. Information about the Company's corporate events is posted on the official website of "Information and Accounting Center of the RK" according to the Regulations on Disclosure of Information. For public inspection we timely update on the corporate website ( the Resolutions of the Board of Directors relating to transactions with related parties and transactions with persons who have special relationship with the Company, the list of affiliated persons and other corporate events. Monitoring of information for public inspection, development of internal regulatory documents, conversion of corporate documents into the official languages and English for the required level of availability. There over 1753 published articles in newspapers, on TV and radio, news agencies, online media and social networks about the activities of the Company during the reporting period. According to the diagnostics of the corporate governance conducted by the Internal Audit Service, the level of corporate governance was 76, 8%. The level of the component "Transparency" for 2014 amounted to 84.1% (77% in 2013). The Company has an approved information policy, the detailed financial information d, strategic directions of development are disclosed. Shortcomings identified by this component are included in the action plan to improve the corporate governance of the Company for 2015. There is a new design of the official website of "Kazpost" JSC for the convenience of customers. The corporate website has the formed and introduced new map of the branch network (over 3,000 units), elaborated forms of address, the online application form and user profiles, updated tracking system for postal items and zip codes search tool. Centralization of all existing Web services, Web modules are worked out in the same block, constant updating of the information, conversion of key information to state and English languages. Quality management represents the report on received appeals, keep records and control. Quality management represents the report on received appeals, keep records and control. In addition, in order to enhance legal literacy of employees of the Company the legal department on a monthly basis informs workers on the changes in the legislation of Kazakhstan. 3.2.9. The implementation of a marketing plan As part of the Marketing Plan we launched mobile application MyKazpost for owners of iOS and Android devices, application was designed taking into account all the needs of customers. MyKazpost optimizes time costs of customers and facilitates the work of call center, offering convenient self-service "tracking" - the ability to track the movement of parcels online, "tariff calculator" - client can calculate the cost of services provided by the company. In addition, intuitively using the clear search engine, it is easy to find the necessary post office and/or zip code. The customer can also use a service of "Courier Call" and "Order payment via Visa Card». To improve the performance of post offices the customer can evaluate and make recommendations for improvement the work of offices. Introduction of User Echo service for express processing of requests from customers, responding to the questions and reduction of the load from the Call-center of the Company. The specified channel for the second half 2014 received applications from clients in the amount of 839 units. For the first time the official website of "Kazpost" JSC took second place in the category "Best Corporate Website" at the awarding of XII National Internet Award As a result of the expert group work of the Competition for the best web-sites in Kazakhstan the lists of nominees from 670 submitted applications were developed, 132 web-sites passed to the second stage out of which the web-site of "Kazpost" JSC took the prize. 1. Direct mail Direct mail and direct marketing is a type of marketing communication, which is to provide a direct interaction with the consumer. Direct marketing is based on the concept of individual approach to the client, which uses feedback from the client, carried out without information intermediaries. For the purpose of successful carrying out of interaction with the client, the client base is needed, where the information about individuals and entities will be constantly updated. It also contains information about requests, preferences, characteristics of each customer. Such information is necessary to ensure the quality of service requirements and needs of the client. As per this issue, the Company is working on a database to provide current and potential customers and services on the addressed and non-addressed mailing of advertising materials. In particular, automated report on contracts concluded at the level of regional branches, in accordance with the list of customers, branches the work was conducted to attract customers to the service of the addressed and unaddressed mailings of promotional materials. Work is underway to conduct quality control checks of the delivery after the mailing, it analyzes the quality of the distribution on the basis of information received from the Company's branches, customers with whom we signed the contract, consumers of postal services. In addition, work is underway to create online office for corporate clients with access via the Internet or mobile phone to provide a report on refunds, billing and feedback. Work is underway on the implementation of the technical basis for the online portal «Online marketing with Kazpost», which is designed to provide small and medium-sized businesses with the convenient services for the creation and sending of advertising material to the specific audience, without leaving the office. 2. Parcels The first automated postal station (postamat) was introduced to commercial operation in Almaty at the mall "Ritz Palace" with the further expansion of the network in Almaty (9 units), Astana (6 units), Karaganda (2 units). Introduction of the SMS service notifications when the incoming of mail to the post office for delivery to the addressee. Work is also underway to provide access for the corporate clients to online resources via the Internet or mobile phone to keep track of lots of items, provision of a report on the return and feedback. Within the framework of trilateral cooperation of the Company, financial institution of "Home Credit Bank" (hereinafter HCB) JSC, and chain of electronics sand household appliances stores "Mechta" (hereinafter - Mechta), HCB launched a pilot project on loans for the purchase of home appliances and electronics of Mechta with delivery of goods to customers via the Company. Having separated the online stores in a special target group, the Company has developed a separate set of services, offered to online stores under special flexible terms. The company has a permanent contract with the Kazakh companies that sell via the Internet, there are agreements that are being signed. For the development of e-commerce we use new organizational approaches, in terms of provision of market access for goods and services provided via the Internet, which will increase the markets. The Company is working to optimize organizational processes and logistics system of "Kazpost" JSC, implements new projects that will contribute to the development of Internet trading and e-commerce in the country. The company is actively working on the efficiency of the process of delivery of large-sized mail. In order to improve the quality of this type of services the Company considered the issues in the acquisition of heavy trucks, in particular, the decision was made to purchase a tractors with an allmetal semitrailer. We also developed plans, directions and schedules for road transport. 3. Large-Sized postal items (LSPI) The company is actively working on the efficiency of the process of delivery of large-sized mail. In order to improve the quality of this type of services the Company considered the issue on the acquisition of heavy trucks, in particular, the decision to purchase tractors with an all-metal semitrailer. The company produced 35 purchase of heavy trucks and is actively working on the efficiency of the transportation process of mailings and large mailings from corporate clients. Plans were developed on the directions and schedules for road transport. To accelerate and simplify the procedure of registration of applications, work is underway on the automation of the process of forms filling to send LSPI. The corporate website provides an accessible "My Account" for corporate clients with the ability to track lot parcels. In addition, work is underway on the introduction of the service "Full cycle LSPI". 4. State signs of postal charge and philatelic products Issue of postage stamps is one of the activities of "Kazpost" JSC, it is the stamps which confirm the payment of postal services. Kazakhstan Post was one of the first among the CIS countries, created a specialized unit for the production of postage stamps, the main task and function is the direct planning, publication, entry of postage stamps into the post-treatment, full maintenance of needs of communication companies of the Republic in postage stamps. For the purpose of further development of postage stamps and philatelic products, the Company worked to strengthen the primary market of philately, considering projects on the issuance of commercially focused stamps. A ceremony on the entry of SSPC of a special series "Paintings of Children" about "Heroes of the Kazakh fairy tales" to the postal circulation. In accordance with the thematic plan of the SSPS release for 2014, the following SSP S were released and deployed (using new printing technologies and innovative forms of issue): 1. Postage stamp of "Nauryz" series of a triangular shape; 2. Postal stamps block of three different sizes of the series "Memorable and anniversary dates" on the theme of "125 years since the birth of Charlie Chaplin." 3. Souvenir block of four stamps of different sizes of a series "Architectural monuments of Kazakhstan" on the theme of "Zhoshy Khan Mausoleum" using the technology of relief printing embossing. 4. Stamps under the program of «PostEurope» on the "National musical instruments" with the placement of the QR-code image with reference to the National Museum of Musical Instruments. Having read the QR-code with the mobile device you can hear the sound of folk musical instruments. 5. EMS-Kazpost In 2014 we introduced a new service of "Economy Shipping". The service on the receipt, transportation and delivery of shipments on the principle of "From door to door" by rail and by road within Almaty and Astana and within Kazakhstan (registration and payment for shipping and transportation of items are made locally). We introduced a service "Delivery by walking courier" receipt and delivery of lot items for the rendering of which only walking couriers are involved. At the beginning of the 3rd quarter of 2014 we introduced the procedure of Onboard Tracking, according to which the designated personnel conducted proactive tracking of shipments and promptly addressing of issues raised from the part of competitors and the most demanding customers. 6. Money transfer Conduct of works on the optimization of money transfer process. We updated the version of the software to generate reports, design of the guide for the operator for the acceptance and payment of international money transfers, renewal of transfers in foreign currency (US dollars) and cancellation of manual conversion of foreign currencies. Partners of "Kazpost" JSC are the national postal operators in other countries. Transfers are made via safe and reliable international network, providing high-quality service adapted to the needs of all its citizens of the country and its visitors. 4. INFORMATION ABOUT COMPANY The company provides a full range of postal and savings services to individuals and legal entities. Postal industry plays an important role in the economy of Kazakhstan and from and its operation plays the major role in the development and stability of systems of information exchange, financial transactions and other aspects of the activity. Currently, Kazakhstan has created the legal and institutional framework for the postal and savings system. The Company employs more than 22 thousand people in 3137 stationary production facilities of postal service (including 2167 - rural). The company has an extensive branch network: branches are available in all regions of the country, about 90% of rural areas have access to basic financial services only in the offices of the Company. On the territory of the country's rural areas there are 6828 settlements, which are served by the Company. Employees of the branches using mobile post offices, postmen of post offices and nearby post offices provide postal services, acceptance of utilities and other types of payments, and so on. Thus, all settlements of Kazakhstan are covered b y the Company's service. Thanks to a wide network of post offices there is a unique opportunity to promote e-commerce, transport and logistics services, financial and other services to individuals and legal entities. Year after year, the company is expanding range of services, the quality of provision increases. At the moment, business-processes are actively implemented that contributes to its emergence as a major player in the industry. The Company also pays special attention to the investment development and modernization of production. Information on all of these and other questions you will find in this report. 4.1. Company services The company provides a wide range of both mail and financial, agency and other services, and is a system through which information, monetary and commodity flows pass. In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan the company provides the following services: postal services: 1) Public postal services; 2) services on the delivery of registered mail; 3) express delivery and courier delivery of mail; 4) distribution of publications via subscription and their sale; 5) sale of philatelic products; 6) other postal services in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan; financial activities and financial services: 7) broker, dealer and transfer-agent activity in the manner prescribed by the National Bank of Kazakhstan; Services on the delivery of pension payments and social benefits 9) leasing activity; 10) factoring services; 11) forfeiting operations; 12) acceptance of deposits, opening and maintenance of bank accounts of individuals and legal entities; 13) cash transactions; 14) transfer operations; 15) collection of banknotes, coins and valuables; 16) carrying out of exchange transactions with foreign currency ; 17) settlements on behalf of legal persons for the service of public institutions using checks of territorial divisions of the authorized body on budget execution; 18) provision of loans on the terms of payment, urgency and payback in terms of cash withdrawals by checks of territorial divisions of the authorized body on budget execution; 19) opening and maintenance of correspondent accounts; 20) lotteries; 21) issuance of payment cards; 22) issue of own securities (except for shares); 23) borrowing transactions: provision of cash credits on the terms of payment of interest, maturity and repayment. The Company also provides services of hybrid electronic mail, ie delivery of a simple letter or congratulations, which at certain stages of delivery is transmitted in electronic form combining two technologies: traditional delivery by mail addresses and electronic transmission between units of hybrid e-mail via informational postal network. The company consists of the Republican Special Communication Service, which is engaged in transportation and delivery of the packet and parcel mail, parcels of important, business and urgent character, items containing any secrets protected by law, securities and high-value items both in the country and abroad. Valuable goods are precious and rare earth metals, precious stones, jewelry, art and antiquities, bank records, banknotes, special checks, credit cards, securities and others. The company has extensive experience in direct marketing, including services on the delivery of address (direct mail) and unaddressed distribution of advertising material, in particular to the periodicals subscribers. Transfer-agent network of the Company consists of 17 transfer-agent sectors in the regional branches, post offices of Astana and Almaty, the communications center of Semey. With a help of sectors transfer of documents of individuals and entities associated with the registration of transactions in the register of holders of securities is performed. Company provides advice and information on the issues of professional participants of the securities market and the stock market as a whole. Through the sectors the transfer of orders/sales orders of the Company's broker customers that are found in all regions of the country. 4.2. Mission, vision, strategic targets Mission of "Kazpost" JSC Provision of all clients with high-quality modern postal, financial, logistic services throughout the territory of Kazakhstan, satisfying their needs. Vision of "Kazpost" JSC By 2022: innovation-oriented, responsive to changes in the internal and external market environment business structure, which is a significant element of the country's economy, providing high quality services to international standards and in accordance with the main directions of social and economic policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Business portfolio of the Company is formed based on the most effective use of all three dimensions of the postal network - physical, financial, electronic, which complement each other on the principles of synergy: postal, financial, and logistical services. Business strategy is based on the Company's transformation program with the ultimate goal - to get a competitive advantage in these three markets, to achieve increase in market share and increase revenues. Strategic Goals Expansion of the core business of "Postal Services" Strengthening of logistics functions and preparation to enter the foreign market development of financial services; Increase of operational efficiency Development of a brand of reliability and quality Development of organizational capacity. Modern trends require changes in development strategy Current trends in the postal industry demonstrate a high degree of variability, especially under the influence of the current economic crisis in the world. The main factors influencing the dynamics of changes in the traditional model of work of the national postal operator, are: the decline of traditional mail (paper)as a result of the transition to electronic media; growth in parcel deliveries as a result of rapid growth dynamicsof e-commerce market; the growth of financial services in connection with a high level of confidence in the mailand the availability of a wide branch network. As a result, the management body of the Company and its Management Board decided about the need to adjust or develop new, relevant Development Strategy of "Kazpost" JSC until 2022, which is expected to be approved in the coming 2015. The main emphasis of the new development strategy of "Kazpost" JSC Key concepts for successful and sustainable development for the global postal industry, as an integral part of the global economy, as was recognized at the conference on the Strategy of the Universal Postal Union, are: Diversification - expansion of existing and development of new adjacent markets, introduction of complementary products on these markets; innovations - new processes and products based on the achievements of modern information and communication technologies on the use of the achievements of the economy, knowledge, which are the main priority of successful postal administrations. Diversification of "Kazpost" JSC must be based on fundamental market trends, where we see the need to existing postal and financial business the supplement of new lines of business that we need to clearly identify for themselves, namely: Agency services Logistics services; E-commerce services. Sales channels of "Kazpost" JSC should also be clearly diversifiedto the following types: physical sales channels: customer service by visiting the Company's existing branch network (direct contact of employees of the Company and the client); automated sales channels: independent customer service without the participation of employees of the Company (net of postamats and money receipt and transfer terminals). remote / on-line sales channels: the service via the company website and mobile applications. 4.3. Form of incorporation and functional management structure Form of incorporation The company was established in accordance with the Decree of the Government dated 20 December 1999 № 1940 "On the reorganization of the republican state enterprise of postal communication and its subsidiaries state-owned enterprises." The company is a legal entity established in the legal form of the company, and operates in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Company Charter, the Code of corporate governance and internal documents. The sole shareholder is a "National Welfare Fund" Samruk-Kazyna" joint-stock company. Subsidiaries and affiliates of "Kazpost" JSC as of 31.12.2014 are. Place of registration Name Percentage of ownership 2012 2013 2014 Main activity LLP "Elektronpostkz (KZ)" RK Printing and publishing activity 33% 100% 100% «Kazpost GmbH» JV Federal Republic of Germany Postal and logistic activities 50% 50% 50% In the reporting period there were no significant changes regarding size, structure or ownership. Functional Management Structure In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan the Company's management structure consists of the following controls: supreme body - the Sole Shareholder - "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC; management body - Board of Directors - the general management and control over the activities of the Company and the activities of the Management Board; executive body - Management Board - manages the Company's current operations. The Internal Audit Service (IAS) - oversees the financial and economic activities, evaluates the internal control, risk management, execution of documents in the field of corporate governance and consulting to improve the performance of the Company. Enforcement of procedures by bodies and officials of the Company aimed at ensuring the rights and interests of the Sole Shareholder and the Company's following the provisions of the legislation and regulations in the area of corporate governance, provisions of the Charter and other internal documents of the Company is assigned to the Corporate Secretary. Corporate Secretary as part of its authorities controls over the preparation and conduct of meetings of the Board of Directors ensures the formation of the materials on the agenda of the meeting of the Board of Directors, controls access to them. Corporate Secretary shall ensure the timely receipt of accurate and clear information by the members of the Board of Directors. . The Management Board of the Company, as a collegial executive body, makes decisions on all operational matters. "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC Board of Directors of Kazpost JSC Corporate Secretary Administration The Internal Audit Service Management Representation in the Russian Federation Branches Subsidiaries and affiliated companies State Service of Special Communication Almaty Post Office "Elektronpost.(KZ)" LLP (100%) Postal service Astana Post Office Kazpost GmbH (50%) Sorting center Regional branches (14) Management of Information Technologies Operation Corporate Sales Technical Services Branch EMS-Kazpost Logistics Information Center "South" Company's management is exercised by the Sole Shareholder. The management over branches and subsidiaries of the Company is made by the following processes: 1) receipt and execution of the expectations of the Sole Shareholder; 2) preparation and monitoring of the execution of Letters on the expectations of the Management Board towards the Company's affiliates, subsidiaries; 3) conduct of the Reporting meeting of the management staff on the outcome of branches, subsidiaries; 4) design of a common policy for branches, subsidiaries of the Company. As part of branches and subsidiaries management there is a planning of targets, bringing them to the destination, information about the Company's expectations, control and monitoring, and analysis of the performance of branches, subsidiaries of the Company. In the reporting period there were no significant changes in the ownership structure of the Company. 4.4. Review of the regulatory environment Activity of "Kazpost" JSC is regulated: for postal services: the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan, which is a department that carries out within its competence and in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulatory, control and realizable functions of communication and information; for Financial Services (acceptance of deposits, opening and maintenance of bank accounts of individuals): National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan; on brokering and transfer agent activity: National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Kazpost" JSC for universal postal services related to the field of natural monopolies (Article 4 of the Law of RK "On natural monopolies and regulated markets"). "Kazpost" JSC is included in the State Register of market subjects, having dominant or monopolistic position (Resolution of the Management Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Protection of Competition as of October 25, 2013 № 105-PP) as the subject of the telecommunication market with a dominant (monopolistic) position: by type of activity on the service of "delivery, distribution and delivery of printed periodicals" and "for sending registered letters", within the geographic boundaries of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on total domination share of more than 35%; by the type of activity "cash transactions in the settlements" within the geographic boundaries of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on total domination share of over 50%. 4.5. Licenses of the Company The Company is governed by the following license: license for broker-dealer activities in the securities market with the right to handle client accounts as a nominal holder (№ 0401200704 as of 03.02.2004, issued by the Agency for Regulation and supervision of financial market and financial organizations); license to conduct banking operations in national and foreign currency at the reception of deposits, opening and maintaining bank accounts of individuals (№ 14 dated 24.02.2006, issued by the Agency for Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Institutions); license on transfer-agent activity (№ 001 of 12.05.2006, issued by the Agency for Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Institutions); state license for activities related to drug trafficking (series NS №1 / 11 as of 28.01.2011, issued by the Anti-drugs and control over the drug trafficking Committee under the MIA RK); State license for activities related to the trafficking of precursors and psychotropic substances. 4.6. Environmental analysis The largest group of customers in the markets of letters sending are commercial organizations, government agencies and individuals. Undoubtedly, geographical and social status of consumers are much different, and this is due to the difference in the yield of certain segments of the market under certain conditions. "Kazpost" JSC remains the largest player in this market with a total share of about 85%. However, in many segments the competition already exists and continues to evolve. In the most attractive sub-segments of B2C, such as Direct Mail, according to expert estimates, the Company's share does not exceed 30%. Constraints of Direct Mail services development are the high cost of services (in terms of variable costs) and the lack of segmented databases for distribution, which reduces the effectiveness of advertising campaigns for clients. It is also expected a slight decrease in the total market due to the further development of the Internet and the switch to electronic communication channels. Segment of parcel shipments is growing, the market share of the company, according to experts, taking into account all market participants on common costs shipments is of more than 60%. More than half (55%) are in B2C segment - basically, these are catalog sales and online commerce. The proportion of B2B-segment is about 30%. At the same time, the Company is most widely represented in this market in remote areas, that are the least attractive segments. In the most attractive urban segment, the Company has strong competition from both local and international companies. "Kazpost" JSC to make a strong competition shall match the level of the major players in the market, including the recognized world leaders, both in price and quality of services provided. High costs, and as a consequence - the inability to quickly offer the market a product with the required quality-price ratio creates a risks of loss of the most attractive segments of the market. As you know Kazakhstan banking sector is represented by about 40 second-tier banks, which compete with companies mainly in large cities and regional centers. In the area of financial and banking services "Kazpost" JSC as was already noted, provides services such as foreign exchange transactions, deposits, receipt of payments, cash management services, collection and transportation of money and valuables, brokerage in the securities market, electronic money transfers, transfer agency and other activities. IN the financial services market it enjoys a steady growth. The most extensive network of service belongs to "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan" JSC (over 500 units), which covers mainly the cities and district centers. At the level of the district centers and villages, with almost a half of the population, "Kazpost" JSC is the only player in the financial services market, which has a network of service. In rural areas, the bulk of the income from financial services is mainly from the receipt of payments, issue of pensions/benefits and the payment of wages of budget structures. A significant potential belongs to the market of money transfers, both in the city and in the countryside, mainly depending on the intensity of labor migration from neighboring countries. In Kazakhstan, according to experts, the annual growth of the money transfer market is 11%, while there is the ratio of 86% of cross-border payments and 24% of domestic payments. Currency structure of remittances is as follows: US dollar (73.6%), tenge (3.4%), the euro (1.1%), Russian rubles (21.7%), other (0.3%). Weak infrastructure of financial services in rural areas, along with a large number of branches of "Kazpost" JSC in the regions causes the share of postal remittances of 5.2%. Bank of Kazakhstan and "Kazpost" JSC provide to their clients the money transfer services through 18 represented various international money transfer systems. The leaders of the money transfer market in Kazakhstan: Golden Crown (34,9%), Western Union (18,8%), Contact (15,1%), Unistream (11.0%), Blitz (5.8%), Fast Mail (3,8%), Faster (2,9%). Advantages and disadvantages of the branch network of the Company Advantages Disadvantages Postal services branch network of the Republic of the poor quality of customer service Kazakhstan; and maintenance of infrastructure; the absence of regional offices of STB at the not more than 15% automated offices level of districts, villages; in the regions; solid brand and financial postal banking in difficulty in managing sales regions (communication, business - planning, control of sales, efficiency, reporting on income and expenditure, motivation, training, marketing etc.); 100% proportion of cash transactions.The reason - the weak development of the card business and alternative sales channels (Internet and mobile acquiring) Financial services competitive rates as compared to the second- complex business processes in the tier banks; branches; the presence of postal services - high potential non-developed agency services of STB for the development of financial services; Redemption / delivery of credits, opening of potential customer base on the number of deposits, insurance services, etc; current accounts in the region - 1, 2 million customers - the opportunity to transfer to the card, and cross-selling the low level of access to services: the lack of advertising (leaflets, posters, articles). 4.7. History and basic information Postal History of Kazakhstan includes three main stages of development of postal services in the territory of our country: the pre-revolutionary, Soviet and independent (since 1991). The Company itself has emerged as a tool for communication and management of the state and only later became available to the general public. Despite the actual that the recent post has faced with the significant pressure from the part of the actively developing phones and the Internet, it is a kind of example of how communication and information contribute to the development of the process of country governance. Since centuries later, similar problems will be faced by "e-government" provision of access to information and servicing of the process of state governance. The first post office in the territory of modern Kazakhstan was opened in the days of the Russian Empire - in 1860 in Vernyi (now is Almaty). Soon, it was converted into a post and telegraph office, which in 1883 was subordinated to the 14 post offices. In the USSR, from 1924 till 1991 the Kazakh SSR-mail has been an integral part of the unified Soviet system of communication, and in the republic postage fees were paid by trademarks of the Soviet Union. Against the background of the formation of the Sovereign Republic of Kazakhstan as a state, special attention was paid to gain acceptance in the international arena, which meant entering into international alliances and organizations and provided for the adoption of common rules for the development of mutual cooperation in strategic areas. Since June 7, 2006 the sole shareholder is "National Welfare Fund "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC, which owns 100% of the shares of the Company. 4.8. Cooperation with stakeholders The company adopted the methods of evaluation and map for the stakeholders of "Kazpost" JSC, which addresses the issue of stakeholder engagement: the relationship with the officials and employees of the Company, the sole shareholder, government agencies, subsidiaries, business partners, customers and the public. Effective interaction with all stakeholders is a prerequisite for sustainable development. Fundamental corporate values are honesty, reliability and professionalism of employees to the interested parties and the Company as a whole. Development and approval of method of evaluation and a map of stakeholders of the Company. The methodology shows all interested parties the Company interacts with , to assess the degree of interaction, the strength of support/counter stand of each stakeholder. Stakeholder groups of the Company are divided into internal and external: 1) internal - Sole shareholder; Board of Directors; Management Board; personnel of the Company; subsidiaries and affiliated companies LLP "JV"Elektronpost.(KZ) "(Kazakhstan), Kazpost GmbH (Hamburg, Germany); 2) external - state agencies; financial institutions (creditors); partners; international organizations; competitors; suppliers; public, non-governmental organizations; the media; customers; union. The criterion for selection of stakeholders are: the Company's strategic priorities, information transparency and disclosure, sectorial development programs, social issues, initiatives and proposals of stakeholders and others. 4.8.1. International cooperation "Kazpost" JSC is a member of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), of the Association of European public postal operators Posteurop, Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RCC). At the same time the national postal operator of Kazakhstan develops cooperation with foreign postal administrations (FPA) in the bilateral format.In 2014, the personnel of "Kazpost" JSC hold a meeting with foreign partners from Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, the United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, China, Australia, Italy, the Netherlands, Singapore, Hong Kong. Universal Postal Union In April 2014 in Berne (Switzerland), the regular session of the Postal Operations Council and the Administrative Council of the Universal Postal Union was held, it was attended by a delegation of "Kazpost" JSC. Within the framework of the session bilateral meetings with the participants of the Kazakh delegation and the UPU Director General, the Secretary General of the Association of PostEurop, head of the delegation of Australia Post were held. At the autumn session, which took place from 27 October to 14 November 2014, a meeting was held with the Chairman of the Management Board and Secretary-General of the UPU International Bureau, during which Mr. Hussein Bishar awarded "Kazpost" JSC a certificate, awarded for the best realized project, financed by Quality of Service Fund among UPU member countries "Automation of client queue flow". This project was included in the list of the best projects. At the end of 2014 "Kazpost" JSC and UPU signed a license agreement for the integration of information systems, allowing "Kazpost" JSC to connect to the mail tracking system and continue to use the IPS light software and remittance systems STEFI. PostEurop Association In June, 2014. the visit of experts from the Association of European Postal Operators PostEurop was made to analyze production processes of the sorting centers, post offices of "Kazpost" JSC. Previously, experts have been proposed 4 project (events) to improve the quality of service. Out of 4 projects "Kazpost" JSC was officially chosen for the implementation of International project and Quality Project. At the same time, the rest of the projects proposed on the technology also did not go unnoticed and were included in the work plan of the respective branches. According to the results of the evaluation, experts praised the work done and executed projects. For example, in order to save effort and costs, as well as for the convenience of customers, we created enlarged delivery offices, set a target date of delivery of simple written letters from Talgar to Frankfurt within 2 days at no additional cost, as well as the implemented many other offers of the advisory nature to improve the quality of postal services of "Kazpost" JSC. In September 2014 in San Marino of the Republic of San Marino the Plenary Assembly PostEurop was held, during which it was announced about the transfer of "Kazpost" JSC from the second to the fifth class of contribution, which means the improvement of the recognition of the company. Regional Commonwealth in the field of communication The active position of "Kazpost" JSC in the RCC provides ongoing coordination with the countries - participants of the Commonwealth, the exchange of best practices, development of standardization programs of information and communication and postal technologies. These two parties also work together to enhance the security of postal exchange between the countries - members of the RCC, using joint efforts form a unified position in other international organizations. In June a Conference was held on postal and financial services and electronic money transfers ( Astana) with the participation of representatives of the UPU, postal services of different countries, in which were presented the strategy and the presentation of the UPU International Bureau, issues were considered with the application of quality standards, guidance on postal payment services, IFS/STEFI payments . Also, the participants were provided with a unique opportunity to share experiences and learn about the best practices of designated operators in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, France and Italy. In last July Joint meeting of the 49th Council of the RCC and the 20th Coordinating Council of the CIS member-states for Informatization (Astana) was held. As part of the event, the employees in the communications industry were awarded a diploma; they are the workers of all countries of the CIS, including employees of "Kazpost" JSC for the strengthening and development of RCC. Bilateral cooperation Within the framework of bilateral cooperation and expansion of relations in 2014, the following activities were held: • In June, - a visit of the Chairman of the Management Board of "Kazpost" JSC to Poste Italiane for the exchange of experience within the business transformation program. • In August - organization of a meeting of Chairman of the Management Board of "Kazpost" JSC with representatives of the national postal service in China.At this meeting, special attention was paid to reduction of the price and terms of delivery of parcels for Kazakhstan users of e-commerce, which make purchases from online stores of PRC. They discussed mutual cooperation in the use of transit potential of Kazakhstan for delivery of goods ordered on the internet resources of China to other countries. • In September - a visit of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of "Kazpost" JSC to the Netherlands Post to exchange experiences in the program of business transformation. • In September - organization of the visit of the delegation of Emirates Post (Emirates Post Group) to Astana, during which a Memorandum of Understanding for the exchange of international parcels between "Kazpost" JSC and Emirates Post was signed, and the draft agreement on the exchange of money orders was submitted. • In September - organization of a trip to the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Hong Kong. During the visit they visited the production facilities, sorting center. They reached an agreement on the use of best practices in the construction of Hong Kong logistics system, processing and delivery of cross-border international parcels, the development and implementation of new services with the use of innovative technologies and the development of e-commerce. • Visit of the Chairman of the Management Board and Departments Directors, responsible for the development of the postal and financial business, to the annual exhibition of PostExpo, during which the delegation of "Kazpost" JSC acquainted with the technological advances in the postal and postal and financial activities. • Chairman of the Management Board of "Kazpost" JSC together with the Chairman of the Board of Estonian Post participated in the International Forum on the transformation with the participation of the Heads of State • A meeting of the Board of directors of "Kazpost" JSC was held inRiga (Latvia). During the visit, the members of the Board of Directors visited the facilities of Post Latvia, Estonia Post. • In November, a meeting of the President of the Management Board of "Kazpost" JSC with the head of the Post of Lithuania was organized on strategic cooperation in the field of transformation and logistics 4.8.2. Participation in the charters, principles or other initiatives to which the organization has joined or which espouses The company does not perform any kinds of donations to political parties, politicians, and related organizations, as well as any investment in the community. During the reporting period as part of our interaction with external parties "Kazpost" JSC assumed no obligation and does not support any charters or initiatives in the field of economic, environmental and social issues. 4.8.3. Memberships in associations (such as industry associations) and/or national and international advocacy organizations The company cooperates with the Association of Financiers of Kazakhstan on issues related the improvement aspects of financial activities, the study of existing and emerging regulatory legal acts regulating the financial sector. "Kazpost" JSC takes part in the development of appropriate regulations, laws. In accordance with the Law "On the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan" "Kazpost" JSC from 2013 is a member of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs (hereinafter NChE).The objectives of the NChE are consolidation of the business community, presentation, promotion and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs, the organization of effective interaction of business entities and their associations (unions) with government agencies, fostering an enabling legal, economic and social conditions for the implementation of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan, participation in the process of improvement the legislation of Kazakhstan, which affect business. In 2014 "Kazpost" JSC entered to the Association of Kazakhstan Internet Business and mobile commerce (hereinafter - AKIB). AKIB is a non-profit organization the primary purpose of which is the development of the industry of e-commerce, as well as the protection of the rights and interests of business entities whose activities are connected with the Internet. Since 2013 "Kazpost" JSC is a member of the Union of Transport of Kazakhstan «KAZLOGISTICS» (hereinafter - the Union). The objectives of the Union are the interaction with public authorities on the development of transport and logistics systems and the development of public-private partnership, participation in the development of legislative and regulatory acts, the support of the members of the Union in the implementation of projects in the field of transport services, the development of multimodal transportation in the region, assistance for the implementation of innovations in the field of logistics, assistance in the promotion and integration of transport and logistics system of Kazakhstan in the global transportation system. 4.8.4. The nature of the state's influence on the Company In accordance with the Law of the RK "On Post" "Kazpost" JSC have an obligation to provide universal postal services, distribution of periodicals, payment of pensions, allowances and wages in rural areas. The social orientation of these businesses is due to function of the state to ensure the rights of citizens on the equal access to obtain information and the lack of social benefits and other operators in rural areas, in addition to the national postal operator capable of provision of services mentioned. This led to the inclusion of national postal operator to the Republican register of natural monopolies (universal postal service) and the State register of market subjects with the dominant (monopolistic) position on a particular product market (services for the delivery, distribution and sending of printed periodicals), which in turn, led to the restriction of the National Postal operator. Thus, the tariffs for universal postal services and services for the delivery, distribution and sending of printed periodicals in accordance with the Law "On natural monopolies and regulated markets" are regulated and coordinated by the authorized state body in the field of post. At the same time the National Postal operator incurs losses for the provision of these services in rural areas, because the current rates are set based on average rates which do not take into account differences in the cost of services provided in urban and rural areas, or set below the prime cost. Despite this, subsidies provision for current expenses of "Kazpost" JSC to provide universal postal services of the State is not provided. Activities of "Kazpost" JSC on deposits, opening and maintenance of bank accounts of individuals is regulated by the authorized state body for regulation and supervision of financial market and financial organizations, including through the establishment of separate prudential standards and licensing. In accordance with Article 193-1 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan the National postal network and 100% of shares of "Kazpost" JSC are attributed to the strategic objectives of RK. This greatly complicates "Kazpost" JSC in terms of the order of encumbrance and alienation of vacant and unused objects in productive activities, as authorization for the above actions is provided by the Commission on the strategic objectives of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In July 2014 President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the Law "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on harmonization of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan- on the post with the rules of the Universal Postal Union acts", which entered into force on 21 July 2014. The main objectives of the bill are to improve the activity of postal communication, freedom of transit of international mail, to promote the development of quality, affordable universal postal services. According to the order of the Ministry for Investment and Development of Kazakhstan as of November 27, 2014 №199 "Kazpost" JSC was given the status of the designated operator of Kazakhstan. 4.9. Открытые вопросы, требующие решения Today the company is facing in its work with open questions to be addressed in the short term, which will improve the operational efficiency of the Company. Separate accounting. In accordance with the Law of RK "On natural monopolies and regulated markets" "Kazpost" JSC (hereinafter - the Company) is obliged to keep separate records of income, expenses and used assets for each type of regulated services, and in general an activity in the manner approved by the competent authority. As required by law, the Company developed a technique of separate accounting of revenue, expenses and involved assets on public postal services and services of other activities (hereinafter Methods) agreed with the Committee of Communications and Informatization under the Ministry of Communications and Information under the letter № 14-1-11/407-КСИ as of 26.02.2011, and approved by the Management Board as of 01.04.2011 (Minutes № 26). Reporting to the higher supervisory and regulatory authorities is prepared on the basis of techniques manually and entails high costs and time resources. At the moment, the calculation of separate accounting of incomes, costs and operating assets is held by types of universal postal services, in the rest of the services rendered to the Company the information is presented in aggregate form. Also, today there is an issue about automating statistical accounting, which would provide timely and accurate account of the statistical data used in the separate account. Thus, the Company needs to automate the process of maintaining the system of separate accounting and statistical records. Getting extra budgetary funds - pensions and benefits. Every year the company loses money to provide services for the payment of pensions and benefits under an agency agreement with the State Center for Pension Payments and requests of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The annual loss of "Kazpost" JSC from the provision of services of pensions payment and benefits accounted for more than KZT 3 bln., which has directly affected the current situation in the postal sector (low wages, in compliance with the applicable requirements for safety of funds, reducing the production network, especially in rural areas). Generated losses due to the lack of growth of tariffs on them, including taking into account annual inflation, which to date had a negative impact on the quality and conditions of service, including in rural areas. During 2013 and 2014 the issue was repeatedly discussed at the level of the Government of RK and was supported - MLSP together with MEBP were charged at the refinement of the RB submit to the RBC the budget request for additional budget. In addition, they conducted an independent examination of the calculations by international consulting company and confirmed by all relevant authorities. As a result of the decision of the Republican Budget Commission in 2014 the issue on the allocation of additional budgetary funds to "Kazpost" JSC to pay pensions and benefits was positively considered.: in 2015 - 3,052,687 thousand tenge; in 2016 - 3,266,375 thousand tenge; in 2017 - 3 495 021 thousand tenge; Coverage of losses - the provision of services for the delivery of periodicals. The issue of the current loss of "Kazpost" JSC for the delivery of periodicals in rural areas becomes relevant for the company because of the need to invest in its development. "Kazpost" JSC makes a loss on the provision of services for the delivery of periodicals in rural areas amounting to over 4 bln. (Data at the end of the provision of service for 2014). The solution to this problem for the company's management is the development of a mechanism to cover losses of "Kazpost" JSC in terms of subsidizing of the owners of the newspapers and magazine in part of delivery services of periodicals in rural areas. Changes in the State Register of market subjects – services for the delivery, distribution and delivery of printed periodicals. " Company shall resolve the issue on amendments to the State Register of market subjects, having dominant or monopolistic position in the replacement of the "service on delivery, distribution and delivery of printed periodicals" to the "service on the distribution of periodicals by subscription." The essence of the problem - along with the implementation of delivery and shipment of PP under subscription accepted by affiliates of the Company and included in the catalog of the Company, the Company provides services to third parties on the transmission and delivery of PP not included in the catalog of the Company.At the same services to third parties are subject to tariffs set for the provision of services on a subscription. The decision - making changes in the State Register of market subjects, having dominant or monopolistic position in the replacement of "services on delivery, distribution and delivery of printed periodicals" to the "service on distribution of periodicals by subscription." 5. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The system of corporate governance of the Company is based on the legislation of Kazakhstan statutory and internal documents, is one of the main actuators in ensuring respect for the interests of the Fund. This system is aimed at a coherent and detailed construction of a balanced system of relations with all stakeholders and improvement of the efficiency of the Company. As part of the main course of development we carried out significant work to improve corporate governance and transparency of activity of the Company. Openness and transparency in the interaction with shareholders, partners, customers, employees and state institutions are the top priorities. To date, the Company has made significant progress in the development of corporate governance. Implemented a number of important initiatives in this area, as well as developed and refined internal documents. In particular, the Company has made great step in the strengthening of the role of the Board of Directors in making key decisions, in the improvement of the internal audit function, in the improvement of transparency, etc. In 2014, the Company's corporate governance diagnostics was carried out by the internal audit service of "Kazpost" JSC according to the method of diagnostics of corporate governance in the companies of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC in the period from July to November 2014. Compliance with the requirements of corporate governance best practices, according to the results of diagnostics of corporate governance of the Company for 2014 is 76.8%, while the plan was 76%. 5.1. Management body (Board of directors) 5.1.1. Information on the Board of Directors General management of the Company is performed by the Board of Directors, except for the issues referred to the exclusive competence of the Sole Shareholder. The Board of Directors activity is based on the principles of rationality, efficiency, activity, integrity, honesty, responsibility, accuracy, professionalism, diligence, objectivity, regularity. Board of Directors composition (As of 31.12.2014.) No Full Name 1 Bakhmutova Yelena Leonidovna 2 Baidauletov Nurzhan Talipovich 3. Ilkyavichyus Adamas Olegas 4. Adriaan Ian Houwink 5. Skodovs Gints Janowicz Position Chairman of the Board of Directors, representative of the Sole Shareholder - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of "National Welfare Fund" Samruk - Kazyna " JSC Member of the Board of Directors, representative of the sole shareholder - General Manager on Asset Management in "NWF" Samruk-Kazyna " JSC, a member of the Strategic Planning Committee Member of the Board of Directors, representative of the sole shareholder - General Manager on Business Transformation in "NWF" Samruk-Kazyna " JSC, a member of the Strategic Planning Committee Independent director of "Kazpost" JSC, Chairman of the Committee on Human Resources, Remuneration and Social Affairs, Member of the Internal Audit Committee Independent director of "Kazpost" JSC, a member of the Committee on Human Resources, Remuneration and Social Affairs, a member of the Strategic Planning Committee 6. Berdalina Zhanat Kolanovna Independent director of "Kazpost" JSC, Chairman of the Committee on Internal Audit, a member of the Committee on Human Resources, Remuneration and Social Affairs 7 Zhandosov Oraz Aliyevich Independent director of "Kazpost" JSC, Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee 8. Zhukov Dmitriy Nikolayevich Independent director of "Kazpost" JSC, a member of the Committee on Internal Audit, a member of the Strategic Planning Committee 9. Mussin Bagdad Batyrbekovich Member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Management Board of "Kazpost" JSC 5.1.2. Committees of the Board of Directors To review the most important issues and make recommendations to the Board of Directors we established the following committees: Committee on Internal Audit; The Strategic Planning Committee; Committee on Human Resources, Remuneration and Social Affairs. 1. Internal Audit Committee Internal Audit Committee under the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC (the Committee) was established in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC dated September 22, 2006. The purpose of the Committee is to deepen the study of issues related to the competence of the Board of Directors or studied by the Board in order to control the activities of the Management Board and the development of the necessary recommendations to the Board of Directors and Management, as well as improvement of the efficiency of the Board of Directors and improvement of corporate governance. The Committee operates in accordance with the Regulations on Internal Audit Committee under the Board of Directors of the Company approved by the Board of Directors on June 27, 2013. Composition of the Internal Audit Committee (as of 31.12.2014) No Full Name Berdalina Zhanat Kolanovna Adriaan Ian 2 Houwink Zhukov Dmitriy 3. Nikolayevich 1 4. Mynsharipova Saya Naymanbaykyzy Position Independent director of "Kazpost" JSC, Chairwoman of the Committee Independent director of "Kazpost" JSC, a member of the Committee Independent director of "Kazpost" JSC, a member of the Committee Director of the Department of Audit and Control of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC, a member of the Committee (the expert without voting rights). The term of office in 2014 Since April 3, 2014 Throughout 2014 Since April 3, 2014 Throughout 2014 Meetings of the Audit Committee in 2014: Participation of members of the Internal Audit Committee in the meetings in 2014 No Full Name Total meetings (number) 1 Berdalina Zhanat Kolanovna 2 Adriaan Ian Houwink 3. Zhukov Dmitriy Nikolayevich Mynsharipova Saya 4. Naymanbaykyzy Participation Participation in meetings in meetings (number) (%) 7 9 7 7 9 6 100 100 86 9 8 89 The Board of Directors of the Company dated April 3, 2014 №04/14 defines the following members of the Committee for Internal Audit under the Board of Directors "Kazpost" JSC 1) Chairwoman - Independent Director of "Kazpost" JSC Berdalina Zhanat Kolanovna; 2) Member - Independent Director of "Kazpost" JSC Adriaan Houwink; 3) Member - Independent Director of "Kazpost" JSC Zhukov Dmitry Nikolayevich; 4) member (expert without voting rights) - Mynsharipova Saya Naymanbaykyzy (Director of the Department of Audit and Control of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC). In 2014, the Committee held nine meetings, including 1 meeting in-absentia (unscheduled). In accordance with the agenda, the Committee considered 73 question and provided with appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors. The Committee took part in the implementation of the transformation program of "Kazpost" JSC, considered the financial reporting, internal control and risk management, internal and external audits, regular meetings are held with the external auditors on the preparation of the annual financial statements. During 2014 Committee fully met the objectives, tasks and responsibilities in accordance with the Regulations on the Committee, and the Committee's work plan for 2014. The Committee has examined in detail all the issues on agendas of meetings, provided weighed and detailed recommendations, which were adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company. The Committee's work would greatly enhance the effectiveness of the Board of Directors. In turn, this has a positive impact on the rating of corporate governance, as well as a positive impact on the improvement of business processes, increasing the effectiveness of internal controls, transparency and risk management in the Company. 2. The Strategic Planning Committee The Strategic Planning Committee (hereinafter - Committee) of the Board of Directors of the Company was established in accordance with the decision of the Board of Directors on September 22, 2006. The purpose of the Committee is to deepen the study of issues related to the competence of the Board of Directors in the following areas: 1) determination of the Company's development strategy and monitoring of its implementation; 2) consideration of the strategic goals and objectives of the Company in the long term;{/0} 3) implementation of investment and innovation activities of the Company.{/0} The Committee operates in accordance with the Regulations on the Strategic Planning Committee under the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC, approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on April 3, 2014. The composition of the Strategic Planning Committee (as of 31.12.2014) No Full Name Position The term of office in 2014 Independent director of "Kazpost" JSC, Chairwoman of the Committee General Manager Asset Management Baidauletov Nurzhan 2 "NWF" Samruk-Kazyna ", a member Talipovich of the Committee Chief Business Transformation Ilkyavichyus Adamas 3. "NWF" Samruk-Kazyna ", a member Olegas of the Committee Skodovs Gints Independent director of "Kazpost" 4. Janowicz JSC, a member of the Committee Zhukov Dmitriy Independent director of "Kazpost" 5. Nikolayevich JSC, a member of the Committee Chief Expert of transport and communication assets of "SamrukDagarova Aliya 6. Kazyna" JSC, a member of the Meyramovna Committee (the expert with an advisory capacity) 1 Zhandosov Oraz Aliyevich Since April 3, 2014 Since April 3, 2014 Since April 3, 2014 Since April 3, 2014 Since April 3, 2014 Throughout 2014 Meetings of the Strategic Planning Committee in 2014: Participation of members of the Strategic Planning Committee in meetings in 2014 No Full Name 1 Zhandosov Oraz Aliyevich Baidauletov Nurzhan 2 Talipovich 3. Ilkyavichyus Adamas Olegas 4. Skodovs Gints Janowicz 5. Zhukov Dmitriy Nikolayevich 6. Dagarova Aliya Meyramovna Total Participation Participation meetings in meetings in meetings (number) (number) (%) 7 6 86 7 7 100 7 7 7 8 6 7 5 8 86 100 71 100 The Board of Directors of the Company as of April 3, 2014, Minutes №04 / 14, determined the following composition of the Strategic Planning Committee under the Board of Directors of Kazpost JSC: 1) Chairman - Independent Director of "Kazpost" JSC Zhandosov O.A.; 2) Member - Independent Director of "Kazpost" JSC Gints Shkodovs; 3) Member - Independent Director of "Kazpost" JSC Zhukov D.N. .; 4) Member - representatives of the interests of the Sole Shareholder Baidauletov N.T .; 5) member - representative of the Sole Shareholder Adamas Ilkyavichyus; 6) a member, expert with the advisory capacity - Dagarova A.M.Chief Expert of transport and communication assets of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC; In 2014, there were 8 in-person meetings conducted. In accordance with the agenda of the Committee 37 questions were considered and appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors were provided. During the reporting period, on the meetings of the Committee all the issues about activities within the competence of the Committee were considered. The Committee will consider the strategic development, investment and innovation, transformation activity of "Kazpost" JSC and others. In order to exchange experiences, the Committee visited the Post of Latvia and Estonia Post. The Committee held in Riga (Latvia) the Committee meeting with members of the Committee and representatives of the Company's management, where they discussed issues of Company's development strategy. At the initiative of a member of the Committee Adamas Ilkyavichyus three sessions were held aimed at the improvement of the Company's development strategy. Sessions were held in the period from October 7, 2014 to December 3, 2014. The meeting of the session were attended by members of the Board of Directors, members of the Management Board, key employees of the Company, as well as professors of the Nazarbayev University. The result of the work was the recommendations for further development of the Company. During the 2014 Committee fully met the objectives, tasks and responsibilities in accordance with the Regulations on the Committee, as well as the work plan of the Committee for 2014. Where unscheduled meeting were also held. The Committee has examined in detail all the agenda issues of the Committee’s meetings, presented informed and detailed recommendations, which were adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company. It should be noted that the work of the Committee meets the expectations of the Sole Shareholder to improve the effectiveness of the Board of Directors of the Company and the Company's corporate governance rating. 3. Committee on Human Resources, Remuneration and Social Affairs Committee on Human Resources, Remuneration and Social Affairs (hereinafter - the Committee) of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC was established in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC as of September 22, 2006. The mission of the Committee is an in-depth study of issues related to the competence of the Board of Directors of the Company in the following areas: 1) election of candidates for the positions of members of the Management Board, the Corporate Secretary, Head of Internal Audit Service; 2) introduction of effective personnel policies in the Company; 3) provision of social support to employees of the Company and the settlement of social issues The Committee operates in accordance with the Regulations on the Committee on Human Resources, Remuneration and Social Affairs of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC, approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on April 3, 2014. The Committee on Human Resources, Remuneration and Social Affairs (as of 31.12.2014) No 1 2 3. Full Name Adriaan Ian Houwink Skodovs Gints Janowicz Berdalina Zhanat Kolanovna Position Independent director of "Kazpost" JSC, Chairwoman of the Committee Independent director of "Kazpost" JSC, a member of the Committee Independent Director of "Kazpost" JSC; Committee member The term of office in 2012 Since April 3, 2014 With 03 years aprelya2014 With 03 years aprelya2014 4. Dagarova A.M. Chief Expert of transport and communication assets of "SamrukKazyna" JSC, a member of the Committee (the expert with an advisory capacity) Throughout 2014 Meetings of the Committee on Human Resources, Remuneration and Social Affairs in 2014: Participation of members of the Committee on Human Resources, Remuneration and Social Affairs in the meetings in 2014 No Full Name 1 Adriaan Ian Houwink Skodovs Gints 2 Janowicz Berdalina Zhanat 3. Kolanovna 4. Dagarova A.M. Total meetings (number) Participation Participation in meetings in meetings (number) (%) 9 9 100 9 9 100 9 8 89 10 10 100 The Board of Directors of the Company on April 3, 2014 determined the following composition of the Committee on Human Resources, Remuneration and Social Affairs under the Board of Directors of "Kazpost": 1) Chairman - Independent Director of "Kazpost" JSC Adriaan Houwink; 2) Member - Independent Director of "Kazpost" JSC Gints Shkodovs; 3) Member - Independent Director of "Kazpost" JSC Berdalina Zhanat Kolanovna; 4) Member (an expert with a consultative capacity) - Chief Expert of the Communication Assets Directorate of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC Dagarova A.M. In 2014, the Committee held 10 in-person meetings. In accordance with the agenda of the Committee 41 issues were considered, according to the issues considered the appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors of the Company were made. During the reporting period, on the meetings of the Committee all the issues about activities within the competence of the Committee were considered. The Committee will consider the organizational structure, key performance indicators, rewards of a social nature, appointments to key positions, and others. It should be noted that within the framework of the meeting of the Committee a meeting with the chairman of the Association of Legal Entities "Association of Trade Unions of Information and Communication" was held to discuss a new collective agreement for 2014-2016 years and the way of its realization. The Committee carried out the work on the preparation of the requirements for qualified members of the Board of Directors, as well as draft Policy for the selection of candidates for the Board of Directors. During the 2014 Committee fully met the objectives, tasks and responsibilities in accordance with the Regulations on the Committee, as well as the work plan of the Committee for 2014. Committee also held unscheduled meetings. The Committee has examined in detail all the agenda issues of the Committee’s meetings, presented informed and detailed recommendations, which were adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company. It should be noted that the work of the Committee has improved the efficiency of the Board of Directors of the Company and will have a positive impact on the improvement of corporate governance rating. 5.1.3. The track record of the Board of Directors Chairman of the Board of Directors - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of "National Welfare Fund" Samruk-Kazyna" JSC Bakhmutova Yelena Leonidovna, was born on February 27, 1962. She graduated in 1983 from Almaty Institute of National Economy. She has worked in senior positions in the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the National Bank of Kazakhstan, headed the Agency for Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations of Kazakhstan. From January 2012 to the present time - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of "National Welfare Fund" Samruk-Kazyna " JSC, from 17 June 2013 to the present time is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC. Member of the Board of Directors - General Manager on Asset Management of "NWF" SamrukKazyna" JSC Baidauletov Nurzhan Talipovich, was born on September 1, 1960.He graduated in 1986 from the Moscow Institute of Railway Transport, Department - Process control of railway transportation. From 1986 to 2006 he worked in the railroad industry, then worked in senior positions of the Ministry of Transport and Communications RK. From 2006 to March 2, 2014 - Managing Director of the "National Welfare Fund" Samruk-Kazyna " JSC. From March 3, 2014 to present time - Chief Director of Asset Management of "NWF" Samruk-Kazyna" JSC. From April 1, 2014 to present time - Member of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC. Member of the Board of Directors - General Manager of Business Transformation of "NWF" Samruk-Kazyna" JSC, Ilkyavichyus Adamas Olegas, was born on December 10, 1975. In 2000 he graduated from the Open University, Bachelor in Business Administration and Computer Sciences, Tel Aviv, Israel, and then in 2007 - BMI Business School, Master of International Business Administration BMI-197, Copenhagen, Denmark. During several years, he worked for IBM Global Business Services, Program Manager of Global Business Transformation in Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation, Business and Technology Management (ENRC BTS). From November 26, 2013 to March 2, 2014 is an advisor to the Chairman of the Management Board of "National Welfare Fund" Samruk-Kazyna " JSC, and then to March 3, 2014 to present time - Chief Director of Communication Assets Management in "NWF" Samruk-Kazyna" JSC. From January 27, 2014 to present time - Member of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC. Independent Director - Adriaan Ian Houwink, was born on 29 November 1957, a Dutch citizen. He graduated in 1983 from University of Groningen (The Netherlands). Over the years, he held executive positions at ABN AMRO Bank and Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (Royal Bank of Scotland, London, Amsterdam). He worked as CFO in big international companies, specializing in mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, management over expenses and income, compiling of management accounts, budgeting and forecasting issues. Since 2011 he is a member of the Omega Thinktank, Partner "Feel Power". From August 7, 2012 to present time - Independent Director of "Kazpost" JSC. Independent Director - Skodovs Gints Yanovich, was born on October 31, 1966, and in 1993 graduated from Riga Polytechnic University, Department of Radio Engineering and Communications, Specialty - Communications Engineer, then in 2004 the Riga Business School (Riga Business School), program - Executive MBA. Over the years, he held executive positions at companies such as «Software House Riga» JSC, "IT Network Latvian postal service" JSC, "Latvian Post SJSC , «Post Servise» JSC, «Metsepole Plus» JSC. Since July 2013 - Director of IT and development services at the Center for Environment, Geology and Meteorology. From January 27, 2014 to present time - Independent Director of "Kazpost" JSC. Independent Director - Berdalina Zhanat Kolanovna, was born on July 3, 1957. In 1988 she graduated from Almaty Institute of National Economy, majoring in economics, in 1998 - University of Bristol (UK) - Diploma in International Business; 1999 - Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, France - Master of Business Administration (MBA Executive).In 1994 he received the Kazakhstan auditor's qualification certificate number 0000007 . Until October 1993 worked in the Ministry of Finance (Head of taxation of foreign economic activity of the Main Tax Inspectorate of the RK) and Agency of statistics (Department of Economic Analysis) .She was a the founder and director of the consulting company "Zhanat Bureau".From February 1996 to December 2010 - Co-founder, Managing Partner, President, Senior Advisor to the international auditing firm KPMG in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.From November 2008 to May 2012 - Member of the Board of Directors, Independent Director, Chairman of the Audit Committee of "Kazakhstan Stock Exchange" JSC. Concurrently, from July 2013 to the present day a member of the Board of Directors, Independent Director, Chairman of Audit Committee of "National Agency for Technological Development" JSC. From April 1, 2014 to the present time - Independent Director of "Kazpost" JSC . Independent Director - Zhandosov Oraz Aliyevich, was born on October 26, 1961, In 1983 he graduated from the Moscow State University, named after M.V.Lomonossov, majoring in economics, cybernetics. He worked at the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan. Over the years, he served as Chairman of the Management Board of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, First Deputy Prime Minister - Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan on investments, the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Finance, President of «KEGOC» JSC, Assistant to the President of Kazakhstan, the Chairman of the Agency for Regulation of Natural Monopolies and protection of competition. He is currently the Director of the Center for Economic Analysis "Rakurs", a member of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan. From April 1, 2014 to present time - Independent Director of "Kazpost" JSC . Independent Director - Zhukov Dmitriy Nikolayevich,was born on February 3, 1973, in 1994 he graduated from the T.Ryskulov State Economic University, specialty - economist. In 2000 he graduated from the State University of New York, MBA - Marketing and Management Information Systems, Binghamton, NY, USA. During 10 years he is working in the banking sector. Then, he held senior positions in «Central Asian American Enterprise Fund» LLP, "The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development" JSC, «Vos Savant Projects» LLP. From 11 January 2011 to the present time it is the project manager in "Eurasian Bank" JSC. Also, since 11 January 2012 to the present day the Director General of MKO "ProstoKredit" LLP. From April 1, 2014 to the present time - Independent Director of "Kazpost" JSC . Member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Management Board - Mussin Bagdad Batyrbekovich, was born on March 3, 1983.In 1997 he graduated from the University of Suleyman Demirel and Kazakh Institute of Law and International Relations of Almaty. From 2004 to 2007 he worked in various positions of IT-departments in "National Information Technologies" JSC, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 2010 to 2011 - Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the field of Information Technology under the Ministry of Communications and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 2011 to 2012 - Deputy Chairman of the Monitoring Committee of automation of public services and the coordination of PSC activity under the Ministry of Communications and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 2012 to 2014 - Chairman of the Monitoring Committee of automation of public services and the coordination of PSC activity under the Ministry of Transport and Communications. In April 2014 he was appointed as Chairman of the Management Board of the "National Information Technology" JSC 5.1.4. Criteria for the selection of new members of the Board of Directors Election of new members of the Board of Directors shall be as prescribed by the Charter and internal documents of the Company. Member of the Board of Directors can not be a person: who has outstanding or removed in accordance with the law a criminal record; without higher education; who was previously Chairman of the Board Directors, chief executive (CEO), deputy head of the chief accountant of another legal entity in the period of no more than one year before the resolution on compulsory liquidation or compulsory redemption of shares or conservation of another legal entity declared bankrupt under the established order; who has withdrawn consent to the appointment (election) to the position of the executive officer for a period when the person is an executive officer in a financial institution. Candidates to the members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Directors shall have relevant experience, knowledge, skills, positive achievements and an impeccable reputation in business and industry environment, necessary for the performance of their duties and the effective operation of the entire Board of Directors for the benefit of the Sole Shareholder and the Company. Member of the Board of Directors of the Company may not be part of more than four Boards of Directors (Supervisory Board) of other organizations. According to the requirements of the Law "On Joint Stock Companies" the Board of Directors may also include the independent directors, their amount shall be not less than one-third of the members of the Board of Directors. The Director may be considered independent if he (she): is not an affiliated person of the Joint Stock Company and has not been for three years prior to his election to the Board of Directors (except for his being as an independent director of the jointstock company); is not an affiliated person in relation to the affiliated persons of the company; is not bound by subordination with officials of the joint stock company or organizations affiliates of the joint stock company and was not associated with the subordination with these persons during the three years prior to his (her) election to the Board of directors; not a civil servant; is not representative of the shareholder at the meetings of the given Company's body and has not been as such for three years prior to his election to the board of directors; does not participate in the audit of the joint-stock company as an auditor, working as part of the audit organization, and did not participate in such audit during three years prior to his election to the board of directors. Independent directors of "Kazpost" JSC for the reporting period shall comply with the criteria of independence in full. 5.1.5. Report of the Board of Directors The Board of Directors meets in accordance with the annual work plan, and upon the necessity. In 2014, it held 16 meetings (including 12 in-person and 4 in-absentia) of the Board of Directors, which reviewed 174 issues. Particular attention of the Board of Directors was paid to: the transformation of the Company; design of the Development Strategy; Anti-Corruption and Fraud in the Company; risk management and internal audit. In addition, the Board of Directors has introduced the practice of election and appointment of employees in key positions following an open competition. The Board of Directors has implemented a regular review of its work plan. The Board of Directors considers the quarterly reports, and evaluates the activities of the Internal Audit Service and that of the Corporate Secretary Administration of "Kazpost" JSC. Reviewed quarterly reports: On the status of execution of tasks of "Kazpost" JSC business transformation program." •on the implementation of the Development Plan of "Kazpost" JSC for 2014-2018; •on the execution of measures to implement the Strategy for the Development of the Company; •on marketing and sales development and business; •on staff development; •on adherence to the principles enshrined in the Code of Corporate Governance; •on the status of social responsibility, transparency, anti-corruption and fraud, and others. Approved a number of strategic documents: •The development plan of the Company for the years 2015-2019; •IT Strategy of "Kazpost" JSC, 2014-2017; •The development strategy of corporate risk management system of "Kazpost" JSC for 20152019.; •The organizational structure of the central administration of "Kazpost" JSC and others. In addition, pre-approval and submission to the Sole Shareholder: Annual report of "Kazpost" JSC for 2013; The annual financial statements of "Kazpost" JSC for 2013, and others. The Board of Directors took part in the Development Strategy of "Kazpost" JSC until 2022. Starting from September 2014 holding of monthly sessions on the documents with the participation of members of the Board of Directors, representatives of the Sole Shareholder and the Company's management, where recommendations were made for its further development. Board of Directors members took part in the Forum on Transformation with the participation of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which was held on October 6, 2014 in Astana. Meetings of the Board of Directors in 2014 No 1 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10. 11. Full Name Bakhmutova Yelena Leonidovna Baidauletov Nurzhan Talipovich Ilkyavichyus Adamas Olegas Adriaan Ian Houwink Skodovs Gints Janowicz Berdalina Zhanat Kolanovna Zhandossov Oraz Aliyevich Zhukov Dmitriy Nikolayevich Mussin Bagdad Batyrbekovich Calle Tarien Saudabayev Serik Bolatovich All sessions, number of meetings 16 13 16 16 16 13 13 13 8 3 1 Attendance of meetings, number 16 13 14 15 15 12 11 12 8 3 - Attendance of meetings, % 100% 100% 88% 94% 94% 92% 85% 92% 100% 100% 0 Note - 12. Beisenbayev Askhat Niyazbekovich 8 8 100% - 1. Measures taken on the agreement of the Board of Directors to the Sole Shareholder The Board of Directors shall take all necessary measures to take account of the positions and opinions of the Sole Shareholder, including: Board members receive timely orders, decisions of the Sole Shareholder against the Company relating to the competence of the Board of Directors; actively participate in working groups, committees of the Sole Shareholder, lead an active correspondence, and maintain a dialogue with representatives of the Sole Shareholder; implement the Sole Shareholder Expectations towards "Kazpost" JSC for 2014. In accordance with the Regulations of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC Chairman of the Board of Directors ensures relationships with the sole shareholder, brings the point of view of the Sole Shareholder to the Board of Directors as a whole and provides the sole shareholder with the responses on these request. The procedure for the exchange of information between the Company and the sole shareholder was carried out on a regular basis in accordance with law, the Charter, internal regulations of the Company. Statutory and organizational and legal documents of the Company clearly define the relationship of the Company and the Sole Shareholder, provide accountability of the Board of Directors and executive bodies to the Sole Shareholder, differentiate the competence of the Board of Directors and executive bodies of the Company. The Board of Directors of the Company understands the importance of continuous and effective interaction with the Sole Shareholder. In 2014, the sole shareholder in respect of the Company considered and approved the decision to include the following questions: On the composition of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC as of 27.01.2014, №03/14; On the composition of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC as of 14.03.2014.№08/14; On the hearing of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC according to the results of 2013 as of 17.04.2014, №14/14: On execution of the shareholders' expectations and the implementation of strategic efficiency indicators established in the Development Plan of "Kazpost" JSC for 2013 and on the development of investment projects. On the status of implementation of the Program for business transformation of "Kazpost" JSC 3.1 On the approval of the annual financial statements of "Kazpost" JSC for 2013 and the order of distribution of net income, the payment of dividends on common shares and approval of dividend per ordinary share. 3.2 On the increase in the number of authorized shares of "Kazpost" JSC, placement of the shares within the number of authorized shares, method and price of their placement, the acquisition of the shares by "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC. On the determination of the audit organization to audit the financial statements of "Kazpost" JSC for 2014-2016, and the amount of payment for its services as of 29.05.2014, №26/14; On making amendments and additions to the resolutions of the Management Board of "SamrukKazyna" JSC as of 01.10.2009.№88/09 "On establishment of limits on certain types of expenditures and the regulations for legal entities the stakes of which are owned by "National Welfare Fund" Samruk-Kazyna" JSC on the right of ownership or trust management as of 20.06.2014.№28/14. On the Chairman of the Management Board of "Kazpost" JSC as of 01.08.2014.№36/14; 7.1 On making amendments and additions to the Action Plan for the provision of sponsorship and charity in 2014, implemented through the Corporate Fund "SK-Astana" JSC and the organization, to the group of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC with as of 15.09.2014.№43/14; 7.2On the increase in the number of authorized shares of "Kazpost" JSC, placement of the shares within the number of authorized shares, method and price of their placement, the acquisition of shares of " Kazpost" JSC by "Samruk-Kazyna " JSC as of 15.09.2014.№43/14. On the establishment of limits on certain types of expenses and the regulations as of 25.09.2014.№44/14. On making amendments and additions to the Rules of remuneration and reimbursement of expenses of independent directors of the Companies of "NWF" SamrukKazyna" JSC as of 22.05.2009 (Minutes №55/09) as of 28.10.2014.№48/14. 2. The procedure for bringing the issues for the consideration by the Sole Shareholder In accordance with the Charter of the Company, submission of issues for consideration by the Sole Shareholder related to the competence of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, is initiated by the Board of Directors. Submission of other issues which are within the competence of the general meeting of shareholders to the Sole Shareholder is initiated by the Board of Directors, the sole shareholder, and in the process of voluntary liquidation - may be also be initiated by the liquidation commission of the Company. Legislation may provide for cases of compulsory bringing the matter before the Sole Shareholder. The costs of bringing the matter before the Sole Shareholder are incurred by the Company, except in cases prescribed by law. The information and materials provided to the sole shareholder, should be organized in relation to the issues proposed to the Sole Shareholder and provide information to the extent necessary to make informed decisions on these issues. The company provides to the sole shareholder the separate decision on each issue submitted to the Sole Shareholder. The sole shareholder may be provided with additional information about the plans, achievements and challenges of the Company, as well as analytical studies and materials of other organizations on the activities of the Company. Materials on issues related to the competence of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, to be considered by the Sole Shareholder shall include: 1) the annual financial statements of the Company; 2) the auditor's report to the annual financial statements; 3) the BD's proposal on the distribution of the net income of the Company for the last financial year and the amount of the dividend for the year per one common share of the Company; 4) information about appeals of the Sole Shareholder towards the actions of the Company and its officials and the results of their review; 5) the annual report of the Company, including annual report of the Board of Directors; 6) other documents. 5.2. The Internal Audit Service The Internal Audit Service is the body of the Company, which provides the organization and implementation of internal audit in the Company. Organizationally and functionally the Services is directly subordinate and accountable to the Board of Directors of the Company. The mission of the Service is to assist the Board of Directors and the Management Board of the Company in the performance of their duties to achieve strategic goals. The main goal of Service - submit to the Board of Directors the independent and objective assurance and consulting aimed at improvement of risk management system, internal control and corporate governance of the Company. The Internal Audit Service provides the organization and implementation of internal audit in the Company, directly subordinates and accountable to the Board of Directors. Service mission is to provide the necessary assistance to the Board of Directors and the Management Board in carrying out their responsibilities to achieve strategic goals. The main goal of Service - submit to the Board of Directors with independent and objective information to ensure effective management of the Company by bringing a systematic approach to the improvement of risk management, internal control and corporate governance. In accordance with its tasks the Service performs the following functions: • assesses the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls in the Company; • assesses the completeness of the application and effectiveness of the methodology of risk assessment and risk management procedures in the Company; • assesses for the implementation of and compliance with accepted principles of corporate governance and appropriate ethical standards and values of the Company and others. Managers and employees of the Service shall be appointed by the Board of Directors of the Company. Activities of the Service are supervised by the Internal Audit Committee. The Head of Service regularly meets with the Chairman of the Internal Audit Service on the activities of the Service. The Board of Directors annually approves the Risks - oriented annual audit plan of the Service, as well as key performance indicators of the Service and its leader. Reporting of the Services on a quarterly and annual basis is submitted to the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors of the Company. According to the annual audit plan of 2014 the implementation of 25 audit engagements is provided. Audit plan is made in full. Based on the results of audits for 2014 in order to enhance the effectiveness of internal control and risk management, corporate governance, the Service issued 88 critical and 140 important recommendations. On a quarterly basis service monitors implementation of recommendations of the Service and the external auditors. 5.3. Management Board (Правление) 5.3.1. Information about Management Board The Management Board is a collegial executive body of the Company, which provides its development and achievement of sustainable growth of performance, has the right to make decisions on any matters activities not delegated by law, other legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Company's Charter to the competence of the Sole Shareholder and the Board of Directors, is responsible to the sole shareholder and the Board of Directors for the performance of its tasks. The rights and obligations of the members of the Management Board are determined by the legislation of Kazakhstan, Charter, Regulations on the Management Board of "Kazpost" JSC and the employment contract. Composition of the Management Board (as of 31.12.2014) Full Name Mussin Bagdad Batyrbekovich Mashabayev Azat Yerkinovich Zharilkaganov Murat Utepbergenovich Kunhozhayeva Ainura Sovetovna Position Chairman of the Management Board, a member of the Board of Directors Deputy Chairman, Member of the Management Board Deputy Chairman, Member of the Management Board Deputy Chairman, Member of the Management Board 5.3.2. Track record of the Management Board members Chairman of the management Board - Mussin Bagdad Batyrbekovich, he was born on March 3, 1983. In 1997 he graduated from the University of Suleyman Demirel and Kazakh Institute of Law and International Relations of Almaty. From 2004 to 2007 he worked in various positions of IT-departments in "National Information Technologies" JSC, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 2010 to 2011 - Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the field of Information Technology under the Ministry of Communications and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 2011 to 2012 - Deputy Chairman of the Monitoring Committee of automation of public services and the coordination of PSC activity under the Ministry of Communications and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 2012 to 2014 - Chairman of the Monitoring Committee of automation of public services and the coordination of PSC activity under the Ministry of Transport and Communications. In April 2014 he was appointed as Chairman of the Management Board of the "National Information Technology" JSC. From August 1, 2014 to present time – Chairman of the Management Board of "Kazpost" JSC. Deputy Chairman of the Management Board - Mashabayev Azat Yerkinovich, he was born on June 8, 1979. He graduated from the Kazakh Economic University. named after T.Rysskulov in the specialty "Accounting and Auditing"; Bremen State University under the scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak", - in "Law"; Kazakh State University. named after AlFarabi, in "International Law". From 2005 to 2012 he worked at a subsidiary of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC, RSE "Public Service Center", LLP «Strategy Partners Kazakhstan». From January 2008 to the present time is a member of the Board of Directors in the status of an independent director of "APF "Republic" JSC. From November 10, 2014 - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board. Deputy Chairman of the Management Board - Zharilkaganov Murat Utepbergenovich , was born on October 4, 1956, he graduated from the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering, Doctor of Economics. From January 2000 to April 2002 - the director of the Almaty post office. From July 2002 to February 2009 he held executive positions in "NC"KTZ " JSC. Since February 2009, he was appointed as a Managing Director - Chief Financial Officer of "Kazpost" JSC, from June of the same year - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board. He is working in Kazpost JSC for more than 4 years. Deputy Chairman of the Management Board - Kunkhozhayeva Ainura Sovetovna, was born on December 8, 1966. Graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Soviet Trade named after F.Engels (1983-1987), specializing in "Economics and merchandising". From 2008 to 2013 she worked in senior positions in "BTA Bank" JSC. Since August 1, 2013 - Deputy Chairman of "Kazpost" JSC. Chief Financial Officer - Dykanbayeva Aliya Maratovna was born on December 12, 1973.She graduated with honors from the Al-Farabi Kazakh State National University (1991-1995) In "International Economic Relations".In 2001 she received a master's degree in "financial economy" of the American University, Washington. From 2001 to 2013 she worked in leadership positions of "Kazgiproneftetrans" JSC, "PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources" JSC , branch of «BG group», "PetroKazakhstan Oil Prodaks" LLP (Shymkent refinery). From October 7, 2013 to the present day - CFO of "Kazpost" JSC.Deom December 11, 2014 Member of the Management Board of "Kazpost" JSC. 5.3.3. Criteria for selection of the Chairman of the Management Board Chairman of the Management Board of the Company is appointed by the Management Board of the Fund at a positive conclusion of the Committee on the personnel policy of the Fund, the Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company and in the cases established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, upon receipt of consent to the appointment of the candidate for the post of Chairman of the Management Board of the Company. Requirements for the position of the Chairman of the Management Board: 1) higher professional education (preferably in the field corresponding to the area of the Company) and the degree of "Master" or further education in the field of management (management); 2) professional experience (excluding time of the university studies) or work experience in the areas corresponding to the functional areas of office, of not less than fifteen (15) years, including not less than five (5) years of experience in senior positions in the respective organization profile. Also, the head of the department of the Fund - at least 1 year/head of the department of the Company - at least 3 years, or subject to completion of study abroad (Master) in priority specialties confirmed by the Republican Commission for training abroad. The presence of higher education, professional experience in positions in the respective to the organization profile economic activity for at least twelve (12) years, including in senior positions for at least three (3) years in accordance with the economic activity corresponding to the profile of the company; 3) knowledge of the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulating relations in the areas corresponding to the specialization of the position, as well as other obligatory knowledge necessary for execution of functional responsibilities for the position; 4) the presence of positive achievements and impeccable reputation in the business and / or industry environment needed to perform the duties and organization of effective work; 5) lack of outstanding or unwithdrawn in accordance with the law criminal record; 6) the knowledge of the state and foreign (-s) languages is preferable. 5.3.4. Report on the Work of the Management Board The Management Board is a collegial executive body of the Company, provides for the development and sustainable growth performance of the Company, has the right to make decisions on any matters not within the competence of the Sole Shareholder and Board of Directors, and is responsible for carrying out the tasks entrusted to it by the Sole Shareholder and the Board of Directors of the Company. The Management Board operates in accordance with the policies and decisions of the Sole Shareholder and resolutions of the Company's Board of Directors. In 2014 there were 47 meetings of the Management Board, where they reviewed and made decisions on 369 issues concerning the current activities of the Company and referred by the Company's Charter to the competence of the executive body. Range of issues considered by the Management Board is connected with a need to make managerial decisions on both planned and urgent matters of the Company's activity. The priority directions of the Management Board's operation in 2014 were the development of postal and financial services. Particular attention was paid to issues related to the launch and implementation of the transformation program of "Kazpost" JSC, improvement of the efficiency and productivity of administrative management, improvement of the quality of the company's services, improvement of the customer-orientation of the company, the implementation of new projects and services for customers, such as - the introduction of services of Hybrid e-mail, creation of own network of postamats, equipping and launching of own situation center, the introduction of the principle of "barrier-free service", SMS and e-mail notification of customers, launching of interactive service «Print2Card» and others. Also, the Management Board on a systematic basis discusses issues related to improvement of the working conditions of employees, improvement of their skills and motivation. During the reporting year, the Management Board approved and updated a number of internal regulations, including: Procedure for the receipt, processing and delivery of EMS COD items, Rules of market research and analysis of "Kazpost" JSC, Regulations for the Modernization (transformation) Board of "Kazpost" JSC, Charter of the Transformation program of "Kazpost" JSC, debt management policy and financial stability of "Kazpost" JSC, Methods of development and application of key risk indicators of "Kazpost" JSC, Instructions for accounting of operations in the international nonequivalent exchange in "Kazpost" JSC, Rules for pricing in "Kazpost" JSC Method of calculation of provisions in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and the requirements of the legislation of Kazakhstan on accounting and financial reporting in "Kazpost" JSC, Rules of the organization of password protection in "Kazpost" JSC, the procedure for setting exchange rates for foreign exchange transactions and operations of "Kazpost" JSC, debt management policy and financial stability of "Kazpost" JSC, Rules of the organization of work of postmen and others. 5.4. Evaluation of the management performance According to the rules of evaluation of the Board of Directors performance, members of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC the decision on the evaluation is made by the Board of Directors of the Company. The mentioned decision defines the specific timing of the assessment, its methods and resources. According to the resolution of the Board of Directors, with the availability of appropriate justification, the evaluation of all or some of its types may be carried out two or more times a year. The evaluation process and its results (questionnaires, interviews, and so on) or the submitted consultant's report is coordinated and summarized by the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Evaluation of is the comparative nature with the assessment results in the previous period, the evaluation results are discussed at a meeting of the Board of Directors. Evaluation of the Chairman of the Board of Directors is made under the supervision of one of independent directors. Following the discussion, the Chairman of the Board of Directors provides feedback to all directors. In regard to the Chairman of the Board of Directors the feedback is provided by an independent director. April 17, 2014 The Board of Directors decided to hold the evaluation of the Board of Directors, Board Committees and of each member of the Board of Directors of JSC "Kazpost" by questioning (without the involvement of a consultant). 10 September 2014 the Board of Directors approved a plan of measures to improve the activities of the Board of Directors of JSC "Kazpost". With respect to the Management Board the most important areas are allocated, the and the most significant challenges the Management Board should work in. According to the evaluation the Board of Directors can take the following measures: 1) identify several major challenges on which the Board and the Committee shall focus on; 2) make adjustments to the plans and methods of work of the Board of Directors and its committees, and so on. The criteria for evaluation of the Board of Directors, its members and committees are: documentation support of the Board of Directors operation; composition and structure of the Board of Directors; role and tasks of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Board of Directors; procedures of the Board of Directors, information support of its activities; Committee's work; interaction of the Board of Directors with the Management Board; the activities of the Corporate Secretary; remuneration policy for directors. When an individual assessment of Directors the special attention is paid to the following actuators: 1) competence in matters within the responsibility of the Board of Directors and Committee, the Director relates to; 2) knowledge of the industry and particularly of the scope of business; 3)attendance at the meetings of the Board of Directors and its Committees; 4) the degree of participation in the discussions at the meetings of the committee; 5) the activity at the meetings of the Bard of Directors and the nature of the vote in the decisionmaking process, as well as compliance with the terms of consideration of the materials submitted to the Board of Directors; 6) focus on the search for solutions; 7) personal characteristics of directors and their impact on its performance. In accordance with the decision of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC as of April 17, 2014 № 05/14 the assessment of the activities of the Board of Directors, Board Committees and each member of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC was held by questioning the current members of the Board of Directors (without the involvement of a consultant). According to the evaluation of the Board of Directors of the Company a plan for improvement of the activity of the Board of Directors and its Committees was approved. It is planned to increase the number of meetings of the Board of Directors and its Committees for 2015. According to the Rules of evaluation and remuneration of executives of "Kazpost" JSC according to the results of the year, the assessment involves motivational key performance indicators (KPI), which characterize the effectiveness of financial and production activities of the Company. Motivational KPIs are developed by the working group by cascading strategic goals into concrete figures on business processes/activities of the Company in the form of a map with the KPI target values. The company approved the Rules of performance evaluation and awarding bonuses to employees of the Internal Audit of "Kazpost" JSC. Evaluation of goals of the Service's workers is held quarterly, the evaluation uses the system of management by objectives. Evaluation targets are as follows: •the extent of performance of the risk-based annual audit plan; timely reporting to the object of audit, to the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee and Chairman of the Management Board; •the share of significant recommendations adopted by auditees; number of comments from the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors of the Company to the quarterly and annual reports of the Service; •monitoring over the implementation of significant recommendations of internal and external auditors by the Company. 5.5. The remuneration of senior management Board of Directors Members of the Board of Directors who are public servants, and exercise their powers under official duties, do not receive the compensation. Chairman of the Management Board does not receive remuneration for serving in the Board of Directors. Remuneration is received only by independent directors. Terms and procedure of remuneration and compensation to members of the Board of Directors are determined by resolution of the Sole Shareholder. The main forms of compensation: •total annual fixed fee for membership in the Board of Directors; •additional remuneration for participation in each internal meeting of committees of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC as a member or chairman; •reimbursement of expenses (travel, accommodation, per diem) associated with the travel for the Board of Directors meetings, held outside the place of permanent residence of independent directors. In the case of participation of independent directors less than a half of all in-person and inabsentia meetings of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC in the reporting period, except for absence in in-person meetings due to illness, finding in a vacation, a business trip, a fixed fee is not paid. Management Board The order of the remuneration system and the remuneration of the members of the Management Board is defined by the Regulations on the Management Board of "Kazpost" JSC and the Regulations on the remuneration of employees of the central office. The Board of Directors determines the size of salaries and terms of remuneration of the Chairman and members of the Management Board in accordance with the above documents differentiated on the basis of an individual approach, depending on the complexity of the job, position. Remuneration system of the Chairman of the Management Board and its members includes base salary and remuneration based on performance for the year. Interest on the annual performance for management personnel of "Kazpost" JSC is paid for the financial year after approval in due course of the financial and economic activity of "Kazpost" JSC on the basis of audited financial statements. Remuneration on the results of the year is not of a permanent nature. 5.6. Combining of the leadership positions The company was established according to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20 December 1999 № 1940 "On the reorganization of the republican state enterprise of postal communication and its state-owned subsidiaries." Under the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, internal documents of the Company, such as the Charter, Corporate Governance Code and other internal regulations, the Company is a legal entity established in the legal form of the company These documents do not provide for combining of the position of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Management Board. 5.7. Risk Management The Company has adopted a risk management policy that reflects the vision, goals and objectives of the risk management system in the Company. The policy defines risk management framework, the main components of the risk management system, provides a systematic and consistent approach in the implementation of the risk management process. The main objectives of the policy are: 1) building of an effective and comprehensive system to create an integrated risk management process, as part of the Company's management, as well as continuous improvement of activities based on a single standardized approach to the methods and procedures for risk management; 2) provision of the acceptance by the Company of acceptable risks, appropriate to the scale of its activities; 3) determination of retention ability and provision of the effective management over the risk adopted. Policy is aimed at the following objectives: 1) creation of a complete framework for decision-making and planning; 2) provision of continuous coherent risk management process based on the early identification, assessment, analysis, monitoring, control for the achievement of these goals; 3) implementation and improvement of the management system, which helps to prevent and minimize the impact of potential adverse events; 4) increase of the efficiency and resource allocation; 5) prevention of loss and costs by enhancing the effectiveness of the Company, which provides to the Company the asset and equity protection; 6) ensuring the effectiveness of business processes, the reliability of internal and external reporting and promotion of legal norms. The Company's risk management system involves the Board of Directors, Management Board, Risks Management Service, Internal Audit Service, the structural units of the Company. As part of risk management, management of the Company during the reporting period have taken the following measures: As part of price risk management on the securities portfolio the Company's Board of Directors decided to limit transactions in the securities market with non-government securities. As part of this issue the Investment Policy of the temporary surplus funds of Kazpost JSC was revised. Plans for a gradual restructuring of the investment portfolio was revised by bringing the actual distribution of financial instruments in the structure, involving reduction of the total portfolio duration. As per financial instruments which exceed allowable limits, the Company intends to carry out their sale in the event of the best deals or by issuing orders to sell them. As the yield on all financial instruments the benchmark of 3-year-old's government securities was established; As part of the reduction of losses due to fraud and early response to the actuals of fraudulent activities we have planned the introduction of automated systems for combating fraudulent transactions (of antifraud system). In addition, the Company introduced a number of projects aimed at prevention of internal fraud actuals, such as the introduction of verifiers, the launch of electronic cashiers, installation of payment terminals; In the field of project management the principles were developed and implemented in accordance with international best practice; In the area of liquidity risk management the Board of Directors of the Company approved the plan, which provides for measures aimed at the gradual reduction in the difference between current assets and liabilities of the Company; In order to gain control over the quality of services provided, as well as rapid response to problems associated with customer service in the Company a situation center was established; As part of the risks associated with the program of "National IPO" the considerable work to improve the processes of the internal control and automate the processing and accounting of client orders was made. Risks of the Company are divided into the following categories: 1) strategic risks; 2) financial risks; 3) legal risks; 4) operational risks. In the reporting period, key risks identified in the company are: price risk; projects risks risks of internal fraud in the provision of financial services; personnel risks risks of IT systems and IT infrastructure currency exchange risk. risks of non-compliance with the requirements of laws and regulatory bodies 5.7.1. Price risk Price risk refers to financial risks, by the nature of occurrence is market risk and arises in the Company due to changes in the market value of financial instruments held in the portfolio securities of the Company. Changes in the market value of the securities has an impact on the cost of equity in the period of holding of securities, and also reflect the extent of possible cost/income from revaluation of securities in their sale to maturity. Given that the implementation of the scenario of the urgent and full maintenance of obligations to customers on current, deposit, retirement accounts is unlikely, as well as the actual that the securities portfolio on 60% consists of highly liquid government securities, which can be used in repo transactions in the event of the urgent need to ensure the full execution of obligations, the likelihood of possible losses from early sale of securities is very low. To reduce the range of possible loss in the event of the sale of securities to maturity, the Company plans and carries out the following activities: 1) increase in highly liquid financial instruments (government securities, reverse repurchase transactions). To minimize the impact of market risks in the procurement of governmental securities, the Company is working on gaining access to the primary market for government securities; 2) focus on target segments with low credit risk, as the market value of certain financial instruments is affected by the financial condition of the issuer (the ability to timely and fully pay the percentage fee, pay issue). Credit risk management is to establish and respect the limits on transactions by counterparties in accordance with the Policy of the Sole shareholder; 3) diversification of investments in various financial instruments (government, non-government securities, Eurobonds, deposits, reverse repo transactions) to hedge market risks. The structure of the portfolio securities of the Company allows the use of natural hedging without derivatives. 5.7.2. Projects risks In connection with the diversion of large resources, as well as the importance of projects to achieve the strategy's goals, risk management projects is one of the priorities of the risk management of the Company. Internal regulatory documents of the Company regulating the project activity, based on the approaches, methods of project management described in PMBoK. As part of the project management, the Company has Innovation and Investment Committee in operation. Coordination of the project was managed by a project office in the face of the Strategic Development Department. Project risks are assessed both in terms of the impact of project investments on the Company's financial performance and in terms of the maturity of project management processes (selection, project implementation, monitoring over the effectiveness of use of project results). Project risk management lays in the division of the responsibility for financing, implementation and monitoring over the project between the relevant stakeholders of the project activity. Thus, the project investments are necessarily considered by the budget committee, approved by the Management Board. The responsibility for the justification of the investments and provision of efficient use of project results rests upon the owners of processes the improvement of which is the aim of the project (project originator). Project is implemented jointly by the external suppliers of software and equipment required for the project, and the Company's business units, responsible for technologies (IT, finance, postal technologies, accounting technologies etc.). The results of the projects were accepted by the customer under the act of reception and transmission. The Board of Directors of the Company has the Strategic Committee, which deals with the Company's strategic development, including questions on specific project activities, significant projects. In order to increase accountability in the framework of project activities, the Company uses a system of key performance indicators (KPI). EKPIs are used to evaluate the effectiveness of both individual members of project activities and project management processes in general. 5.7.3. Risks of internal fraud in the provision of financial services Internal fraud risks are operational risks, the main causes of the risks of internal fraud are: the lack of automation of services provision process, accounting in some rural subdivisions; large volume and variety of transactions carried out in the ordinary course of business; personnel turnover in the district, rural operating divisions of the Company. A large network of territorial divisions of the Company, along with the advantages associated with coverage of more customers, creates the complexity of operational control of all conducted operations, which also increases the risk of internal fraud. As part of the internal fraud risk management in the Company the internal control system operates which covers all the processes and includes the construction of rules and procedures for the implementation of current activities so as to eliminate or minimize the negative impact of fraudulent activities of employees. As part of the operational processes both programmatic and organizational control over operations / actions are used, during execution of which the risks of internal fraud can occur. Control activities are carried out through the following processes: 1. Subsequent control (departments / sectors of follow-up control of regional offices of the Company): 1.1 Operational expenditure of verification operations carried out by means of automated information systems; 1.2 upon the identification of suspicious transactions, the immediate notification of security departments, department of internal control, regional, district offices; 2. Security (security departments of regional offices, security department of the central office): 2.1. conduct of internal investigations in all cases of violations (including follow-up departments notification ), which lead to the occurrence of the risk of internal fraud; 2.2. measures on the damage recovery, including judicial decisions; 2.3. implementation in the database of the occurred risks of the control violation actuals. 3. Internal control (sectors / departments of internal control of regional offices, the Department of Audit and Control of the central office): 3.1. Periodic comprehensive inspection of economic activities of regional branches. 5.7.4. Personnel risk This type of risk is expressed in the manifestation of adverse events in the social and labor area. For example, loss of working time and other resources to correct mistakes made by untrained personnel; low quality of service in the provision of services; reduction of the Company's image; loss of income. To prevent this risk, measures are being taken to increase wages, training and development of personnel skills. As a result we conduct the maintenance of the turnover rate of operational personnel involved in the provision of services at the level of not more than 8%. 5.7.5. Risks of IT systems and IT infrastructure Failures in the software of the corporate information system (CIS) or hardware failures in the CIS (servers, communication channels) are the main risks of IT systems and infrastructure, resulting in downtime (processes and services); reduction of the image; loss of customers. To avoid these risks, the Company is working on the following areas: thorough testing of changes before the industrial operation with a use of maximum load modeling (maximum number of users, the maximum number of types of operations); data backup; upgrading of hardware of the CIS (replacement of server hardware to the more productive); replacement of equipment, which provides thermal, electric mode of server rooms. The results of this work should be - the absence of downtime of information systems due to server hardware failures, as well as a decrease in cases of violations and the duration of failures of the CIS (hang-ups, slow performance of individual modules) after replacement of the server hardware. 5.7.6. Currency exchange risk Risks associated with currency fluctuations. The Company may incur expenses from revaluation of the currency. Among the measures proposed: diversification of investments in different currencies; foreign currency hedging. These measures will help to retain the losses from the revaluation of currency in the amount of storage capacity. 5.7.7. Regulatory risks Violation of the requirements of the tax legislation of Kazakhstan in the timeliness of transfers received from the public taxes in non-automated post offices, as well as violations of the requirements for the technical supply of the premises in the district, rural post offices belong to the risk of noncompliance with the requirements of regulations and regulators. These violations could result in fines from regulators. The company is working on the following areas as preventive measures,: accounting of amounts of untimely transferred mandatory payments to the budget accepted in non-automated remote rural post offices; gradual automation of remote rural post offices, the use of mobile devices (PDA - receipt printer) in the provision of services in non-automated post offices; gradual equipment of liaison offices with the security systems, alarm and fire alarm systems, CCTV. These activities allow to maintain the size of the fines paid by operating activities at the level of working storage capacity. 5.8. Internal control The system of internal control - a set of organizational policies, procedures, standards of conduct and actions, practices and internal controls established by the Management Board and the Board of Directors of the Company to ensure effective internal control over financial and economic activities of the Company, and aimed at the Company's achievement of its objectives and minimization of the risks in carrying out of activities. Participants (actors) of the internal control system are the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, chief executive of the Company, the Management Board, Internal Audit Service, a structural unit of the Company on the internal control issues (Department of Audit and Control) and the structural unit on risk management (Risks Management Service), Risk Committee, as well as officials and employees of the Company, its subsidiaries and affiliated organizations responsible for the implementation of control procedures assigned to them by internal documents of the Company. Internal control is designed to provide reasonable confidence in achievement of the Company's strategic and operational goals and is implemented by the organization of internal control system in the Company the main objectives of which are: improvement of efficiency of operating activity; protection of assets and the efficient use of resources; ensuring the completeness, reliability and accuracy of financial and management reporting; compliance with the requirements of the legislation of Kazakhstan and internal regulatory documents; reduction of the probability of risks and the rate of possible losses (including material losses, credit downgrade, etc.); control over the effective functioning of the main and auxiliary business processes and analysis of results of operations; assistance in the development of an optimal organizational structure, etc. The system of internal controls is an integral part of the corporate governance system it covers all levels of management, all internal processes and operations of the Company. Organization of the internal control system provides for the construction of the Company management system that can quickly respond to the risks to control the main and auxiliary business processes and daily operations of the Company, as well as perform the immediate notification of the appropriate level of management on any significant deficiencies and areas for improvement. Reliable and efficient operation of the internal control system requires the involvement and constant interaction within the framework of internal control of officials and employees at all levels of the Company. The system of internal control of the Company consists of five interrelated components: 1) control environment; 2) risk assessment; 3) control procedures; 4) information and its transfer; 5) monitoring. The Internal Audit Department is responsible for the direct assessment of the effectiveness of internal control system, the formation and reporting to the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the internal control system is used to determine the likelihood of errors affecting the achievement of objectives and the accuracy of the statements of the Company, determination of the materiality of these errors and determination of the ability of the internal control system to fulfill its goals and objectives. The Internal Audit timely reports on the evaluation of the internal control system efficiency to the Audit Committee and Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is responsible for the disclosure of the internal control system in the annual report submitted to the Sole Shareholder In order to improve the effectiveness of the internal control system and performance of the audit of the Company in 2014 we established three regional management departments of audit and control of the Company: Northern regional management, South regional management and West regional management, with the possibility of audit coverage of financial and economic activities of all branches of the Company one once a year (100%), with the use of available resources. Coordinating the work of regional offices is performed by the Department of Audit and Control. The work of the Department of Audit and Control, and regional offices is organized on the basis of a single annual audit plans. As a result, the centralized organization of the audit service will show the following possibilities and benefits: • full coverage of the financial and economic activities of all branches once a year; • increase of the responsibility of Auditors for the quality of internal audits; • conducting of risk - oriented internal audits; • high quality execution of tasks of of the Chairman and members of the Management Board. • increase in the number of thematic and off-site inspections to minimize the risks. In order to improve the quality of the audit system and improve the efficiency of internal audits, we increased qualification requirements, increased the qualification requirements for the specialist of the audit system, introduced changes in job descriptions. 6. ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE 6.1. Macroeconomic actuators affecting the market, and the Company's business Kazakhstan took a ply for innovative development, the development of information and communication technologies. There is a significant increase in the number of Internet users in the country, rapidly developing e-commerce, a growing number of both services and e-government. service users. In the country there is a need to provide qualitative financial services to the public and businesses, particularly in rural areas, where post is the only structure. There is a growing demand for transport and logistics services both domestically and from the international business, given the unique geographical position of the country between the major economies such as China, Southeast Asia and Europe. Political actuators. Cancelation of licensing of postal services has reduced barriers to entry into the market for new players. The Company is unable to monitor the process of input or output of new/existing players of the postal services market from official sources, there is no transparency in the market. Implementation of the Strategy of development of the transport industry of the state until 2017 leads to the development of transit potential of the country and, as a consequence, an increase in traffic to the territory of the country. This actual will lead to intensification of competition in the market of cargo transportation, under which the Company will need to develop its transport and logistics system for the supply of competitive services. Economic actuators. To date, the Company's competitors offer their customers more services and additional services on the postal market, which creates a risk of lowering the attractiveness of the Company's services and requires more detailed study of the Company's own portfolio of services. Restoration and development of business activity in the country has a positive impact on the Company in the form of increased demand for services in the segment of "business". This actualor requires the Company to focus on the segment of "business", preparation of special solutions/products for businesses and enhancing of sales of services in this segment. Social actuators. The observed growth in the standard of living of the population leads to an increase in the purchasing power of consumers and their preferences shift toward higher-quality services, despite their high cost. This actuator requires the Company to differentiate its portfolio of services under the requirements of different customer segments and the introduction of additional services that increase the value of services for customers. Technological actuators. Development of the Internet and the number of its members provide the Company with the opportunity to develop electronic and online services, cooperation with eretailers and businesses of distance trade. Macroeconomic indicators The Consumer Price Index,% The world oil price (Brent), USD. US per barrel Tenge exchange rate against the US dollar, tenge per $ 1 on average per year Real GDP growth,% 2012 2013 2014 6.0-8.0 80 6.0-8.0 70 6.0-8.0 60 150 150 182 5 6 4 6.2. Economic goals and objectives and results. Analysis of Results of Company's Operations 6.2.1. Main financial and economic indicators At the end of 2014 the Company reported net income of 145.1 million tenge, which is above the planned level by 929.7 million tenge and below 2013 by 19.5 mln. tenge. Financial and economic indicators Name Total revenues, mln. tenge Total expenditure, mln. tenge Equity income/loss of companies accounted for the use of the equity method, mln.tenge The corporate income tax expenses, mln tenge Net income/(loss), million tenge Net income/(loss), million tenge 2012 27 014 25 949 0.8 2013 30 489 30 377 0.0 2014 32 765 32 472 - 119.4 945.8 27 014 52.4 164.5 30 489 148.1 145.0 32 765 During 2014 revenues totaled KZT 32.8 billion which is higher than the 2013 level by 6% or KZT 2.27 bln. Total expenditure on current activities (including CIT) was KZT 32.6 bln., which is higher than the same period of 2013 by 8%, or by 2.3 bn., due to increase of production costs by 12% and general and administrative expenses by 10%. 6.2.2. Key performance indicators Indicator «ROACE» was 0.94% against the level of 2013 (2.83%), due to lower net income by 12%. The decline in «EBITDA margin», compared to the same period in 2013 by 4.96% was due to the increase in production costs due to the wage increases to the production personnel from 1 April 2014 by 10%, as well as lower income from agency services in connection with the introduction of new restrictions by the National Bank, as well as a change in method of calculation of the index «EBITDA margin». According to results of the 2014 net income totaled KZT 145 million, which is below the level of 2013 by KZT 19 mln. Key performance indicators Name ROACE EBITDA margin,% Net income million tenge 6.2.3. .Labor Productivity 2012 10.2 10.8 2013 2.8 6.0 2014 0.94 1.04 945.9 164.5 145.1 Productivity in terms of postal services in 2014 amounted to KZT 19.1 million, which is below the 2013 level by 11% due to reduction in the amount of mail. Productivity in terms of financial services execution was KZT 52 million, which is higher than the previous period by 9%. Labor Productivity Name Postal services, mln. units. Financial services million tenge 2012 17.65 2013 21.5 2014 19.1 45 47.8 52.0 6.2.4. Key performance indicators by segment Execution of the production program in 2014 is characterized by the following results: - The volume of postal services for 2014 decreased with respect to the level of 2013 by 13.1%, or 48 million units, by reducing the volume of services in subsidiaries and affiliates ("Elektronpost. kz" LLP). - The volume of loans under agency agreements with commercial banks for the period totaled 24.3 billion tenge, which is below by 50% to the fact of 2013 in connection with the introduction of new restrictions by the National Bank. In the area of financial services volumes for 2014 to the level of 2013 there is an increased by 6.4%, or 52.3 bln. tenge. Operational KPI Name The volume of postal services, mln. units. The volume of financial services, billion tenge The volume of agency services, billion tenge 2012 311.58 2013 369.1 2014 320.75 794.7 822.1 874.4 32.5 48.8 24.3 6.2.5. Forecast of financial, economic and industrial indicators and targets for 2015 In 2015-2019, the Company plans to provide annual increase of trategic indicators.The Developemnt Plan of "Kazpost" JSC for 2015-2019, approved by the Board of Directors of the Company dated 10 November 2014, Minutes №14/14 provides the following target strategic KPIs of the Company for 2015-2019. Forecast of Strategic KPIs Name 2015 6. 2017 2. 2019 -2 568,9 16.9 -2 548.4 26.5 -2 154.4 36.5 -1 717.0 46.9 924.5 59.5 Key performance indicators EVA, mln. tenge Company's value growth. Net income million tenge 508.7 994.2 1 871.9 2 683.3 3 927.6 Postal services. The completion of the postal items sorting automation process in the sorting center of the branch "Information-logistics center "Yug". Postamats are planned for the placement in shopping malls «MEGA» in Shymkent and Aktobe.The company plans in 2015 to establish 100 postamats in 20 cities across the country. Work will continue on the implementation of hybrid mail services in government agencies, private companies, and also in "Single accumulative pension fund" JSC. Further development of such projects as "Mobile Postman", "Modernization of the contact center", "Internet and SMS payments", "Skype" - Internet access points in rural areas, etc.The company will streamline reporting as well as phased cancellation of paper forms. As per transit of international mail - in 2015 from China to Europe there will be land transit, as well as increased volume by 3 times (up to 700 mln. tenge). This will open a new item of international postal exchange in the village Khorgos. It is also planned to expand the transit to the CIS countries. Work will continue to reduce the delivery time and ensure the safety of postal items, as well as for optimization of production processes. Financial services Development of financial services will be implemented through the implementation of such measures as the introduction of «Postbank»; the establishment of processing center; projects "COD", "unified system of utility payments", "Self-service terminals", "National IPO" projects on remittances (Card to cash, Unistream, express translations); repayment of loans, deposit opening and replenishment through the offices of the Company; e-Commerce; System of personal identification of clients, "electronic cashier", "E-notary", the implementation of online payments in favor of "AstanaERC", " Kazakhtelecom" JSC, "AVON", the development of the international system of money transfers "Unistream"and so on. In addition, we plan to develop the agency business: insurance services, the conclusion of pension contracts; receipt of declarations; etc. Information Technologies.The company will enhance the role of information technology in its activities, as the solution of strategic objectives is only possible through effective IT technologies. The company plans to introduce the following IT projects: system of telecommunications and communications for the contact center and the Situation Centre of the Company; monitoring system of vehicles (GPS Monitoring); CCTV system in postal carriages in the front offices of the regional branches; terminal network fro the receipt of payments; creation of a new index base; the elimination of internal fraud (verifiers); electronic cashier; implementation of an electronic stamp; implementation of an automated line for sorting mail. In addition, they have planned completion of the following projects: the reception of parcels to postamats through cash on delivery; consumer Internet subscription; implementation of SMS / Email notification / notification of clients on the receipt / delivery of postal items; Implementation of periodicals in electronic format on the website of "Kazpost" JSC. Integration of corporate information system of "Kazpost" JSC will be carried out with information systems of "Air Astana", "Pony Express", the international center of boundary cooperation "Khorgos". It provides for the modernization of post offices with the equipment of the electronic-queue; Modernization of service for tracking; the development of hybrid mail; development of an online store; Integration of IS of public bodies with IS of "Kazpost" JSC for different types of services (delivery of notifications, appeals, payment on the PSC services and RT fines, e-Notary). Transformation In 2015, it is planned to further implement the "transformation" in which will be the standardization and optimization of business processes and conditions that ensure quality of service, the use of best practices, identification and elimination of inconsistencies. There will be new requirements for the competence of employees of "Kazpost" JSC. Employees will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills, acquire new skills. The company will gradually develop their staff to conduct retraining of workers, measures to improve skills through training and development. In developing the ability and capacity of employees, the Company will strive to conduct business, efficiently and skillfully work with the new system and processes designed during the transformation. 6.2.6. Industry average (rates) 1. Postal services Rates for shipping of packages Weight, kg up to 0.3 0.5 1 1.5 2 EMS Kazpost Bekk Courier Kazakhstan 570 580 590 600 610 UniPost Direct Delivery DHL Pony Express 390 600 390 700 390 800 390 390 - 600 660 720 780 780 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 600 600 790 955 1125 2. Financial services Tariffs for individuals Opening a current account Organizations Kazpost JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan" JSC "Kazkommertsbank" JSC "Bank TuranAlem" JSC "Bank CenterCredit" JSC "KaspiBank" JSC "Tsesnabank" JSC "Alliance Bank" JSC Avarage 300 500 400 500 300 400 Cash withdrawal from an account (nat. currency) 1% 0.7% 1% 0.5% 0 - 0.39 0.5% 0.5% 0.7 Tariffs for corporate customers Organizations Opening a current account Cash withdrawals from the account on the provisional application (in nat. currency,%) Kazpost JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan" JSC "Kazkommertsbank" JSC "Bank TuranAlem" JSC "Bank CenterCredit" JSC "KaspiBank" JSC "Tsesnabank" JSC "Alliance Bank" JSC Avarage 2000 3500 3500 - 5000 2500 - 5000 3000 2500 - 5000 2500 - 4000 3000-5000 3500 0.25 - 0.35 0.3 - 0.45 0.3 - 0.4 0.3 - 0.4 0.4 0.39 0.25 0.3 0.36 6.3. The structure of revenues, expenditures, assets 6.3.1. 6.3.1 Structure of revenues At the end of 2014, total revenue of the company grew by 7.4% or KZT 2.276 billion in comparison with 2013 and amounted to KZT 32.8 billion. The structure of income, billion tenge Name 2012 2013 Revenues from postal services Revenues from financial services Revenues from agency services 12,0 11,4 0,69 13,6 12,5 1,13 2014 15,9 13,2 0,6 During 2014 revenues totaled KZT 32.8 billion, which is higher than in 2013 by 6% or 2.27 billion tenge. Operating income amounted to KZT 30.3 billion, which is higher than the same period of the last year by 2.5 bn., or 9% due to increase in the following types of income. By postal services by 2.239 million tenge or 16% due to growth in revenue from the letters (29%), parcels (3%), periodicals (24%) and express mail services (20%). Also, in 2014, there has been unprecedented growth in income from international mail (hereafter - IPI). n 2013, these revenues amounted to 1.3 bn.tenge, and in 2014 2.5 billion tenge, an the increase by 2 times. The major share of revenue growth for IPI accounts for revenues of postal traffic and transit from China. At the end of 2013 The Company signed an agreement with China Post Group for ground transit services from Khorgos (PRC) to Orenburg (Russia). Also test sending of air transit from China to Europe and Brazil were conducted. Increase in revenues from transit services in the direction of Khorgos-Orenburg in 2014 amounted to 200 million tenge. In addition, in 2014, they increased tariffs for delivery, distribution and sending of PP (in average by 6.1%) according to the letter of the Committee of Communications and Information under the Ministry of Transport and Communications №24-03-14/КСИ-2432-as of 16.07.2013. This factor had a positive impact on the performance of income from PP and in general, the postal service. For financial Services by 747 million tenge or 6% due to revenue growth for the implementation of social payments (9%), reception of municipal and other payments (1%), money transfers (12%) and other services (26%, collection services and transfer-agent activity) in the expansion of the customer base and the development of services. As per income from financing by 506 million tenge due to increase of yields on financial instruments (repo) on the market by 10.7% (3.26% to 10.71%). At the same time, there was a decrease in revenues from agency services against the 2013 figure by 47%, or 529 million tenge in connection with the introduction of new restrictions on lending to individuals by National Bank. As a result, in the reporting period, income from agency services amounted to 600 million tenge against the level of fact in 2013 of 1 129 mln. tenge. Revenues from non-operating activities as compared with the level in 2013 were lower by KZT 0.77 bln. mainly due to income on disposal of operating assets and intangible assets and exchange differences due to lower volume of assets in foreign currency. 6.3.2. Expenditure structure In the reporting period, expenses totaled KZT 32.62 billion, which is higher than the same period in 2013 by 7% or KZT 2.1 bln. due to increased production by 12% and general and administrative expenses by 10%. Operating expenses totaled KZT 26.8 billion, which exceeds the level of 2013 by KZT 2.9 bln. or 12% mainly due to growth in labor costs by KZT 2.1 bln. This growth in spending is due to the fact that in 2014, in addition to the annual increase in wages of production personnel by 7%, or KZT 1.046 billion, the cost of salary payments have been further increased by KZT 1 bln. as a result of higher wages to production workers by 10% from April 1, 2014 as requested by the Head of State. General and administrative expenses totaled KZT 5.2 billion what is KZT 460 mln. higher than in 2013, mainly due to the implementation of the program of business transformation process of the Company. According to the results of 2014 the Company's net income totaled KZT 145 million, which is below the level of 2013 by KZT 19 mln. Name Total General and administrative costs Cost of goods/services sold Advertising and Marketing The expenses from financing. Other expenses Corporate income tax 2013 2014 30 324 4 708 32 620 5 168 23 865 79 26 760 50 364 381 1 361 -52 113 148 6.3.3. Asset structure Balance sheet total in 2014 was 51,2 billion tenge, in 2013 the balance sheet total amounted to 49,2 billion tenge. The value of long-lived assets in 2014 totaled 33.2 billion tenge in 2013 amounted to 32.6 billion tenge.The amount of current assets in 2014 was KZT 18 bln., in 2013 was KZT 16.6 bln. Structure of assets (th.tenge) 2012 Long-term assets 2013 2014 Fixed Assets Investment Property Intangible assets 17,473,666 18,692,387 19,852,501 1,438,421 631,49 Investment securities available for sale 1,431,356 544,439 1,223,017 679,209 6,926,193 10,735,358 10,172,347 Loans to employees, long-term part Other non-current assets and costs deffered Total 166,32 689,059 721,21 285,49 534,269 579,264 26,921,580 32,626,868 33,227,548 short-term assets Stock Trade and other receivables and other current assets Loans to employees, short-term part Advance payment on income tax Investment securities available for sale Deposits in banks Cash and cash equivalents Total Total assets: 823,935 715,166 746,572 2,181,588 3,185,591 3,660,323 38,555 159,897 51,027 182,892 49,52 137,317 1,206,548 4,016,178 483,987 500 1,421,321 1,000,000 10,776,699 11,459,872 10,955,443 17,970,496 16,578,535 19,203,400 51,198,044 49,205,403 46,124,980 6.4. Segment Analysis 6.4.1. Postal services Revenues for postal services in 2014 are planned in the amount of 16 010 839.0 thousand tenge with increase to the actual of 2013 by 13 625 740.0 thousand tenge by 2385 098.8 th. tenge or 18%. Execution of the plan was 15,864 996.0 thousand tenge with increase to the actual of 2013 by 16% or 2 239 256 thousand tenge. Implementation of the plan of income in 2014 for postal services was 99%. Planned volumes of postal services for 2014 are 367.0 million units with the decline to the actual of 2013 of 369.0 million units by 2.0 million units or 1%. Execution of the plan was 321.0 million units, with the decline to the actual of 2013 by 13% or 48.0 million units. Implementation of the plan in terms of postal services in 2014 amounted to 88%. Postal services 2012 The volume of postal services (million units), Incl .: letter correspondence Parcels Periodicals Express Mail Service Other Revenues from postal services (th.tenge), Including: for written correspondence Parcels 2013 312.0 369.0 64.0 4.0 217.0 0.42 27. 74.0 4.0 215.0 0.5 75.0 12001460 13625740 5022325 3241647 5831992 3766525 2014 321.0 67.8 4.1 213.8 0.5 34.6 15864996 7514560 3895446 Periodicals Express Mail Service other 1669879 1135707 931902 1710084 1167968 1149171 2113233 1400031 941i726 Letter correspondence Revenues for 2014 are planned in the amount of 6 511 952,0 th.tenge with increase to the actual of 2013 of 5 831 992,0 th. tenge by 679960.5 thousand tenge or 12%. Execution of the plan was 7514560.0 thousand tenge with an increase to the actual of 2013 by 29% or 1,682,568, 0 thousand tenge. Implementation of the plan was 115%. Planned volumes for 2014 are 67.0 million units with the decline to the actual of 2013 of 74.0 million units by 7.0 million units, or 9%. Execution of the plan was 67.8 million units, with the decline to the actual of 2013 by 8%, or 6.2 million units. Implementation of the plan was 101%. Parcels Revenues for 2014 are planned in the amount of 4 680 597,0 thousand tenge with increase to the actual of 2013 of 3 766 525,0 th. tenge by 914 071.8 thousand tenge or 24%. Execution of the plan was 3895446.0 thousand tenge with increase to the actual of 2013 by 3% or 128 921.0 thousand tenge. Implementation of the plan was 83%. Volumes for 2014 are planned in the amount of 4.6 million units with an increase to the actual of 2013 of 4.0 million units by 0.6 million units or 15%. Execution of the plan was 4.1 million units, with an increase to the actual of 2013 by 1% or 0.1 million units. Implementation of the plan was 88%. Periodicals Revenues for 2014 are planned in the amount of 1 835 033,0 thousand tenge with increase to the actual of 2013 of 1 710 084.0 th. tenge by 124948.8 thousand tenge or 7%. Execution of the plan was 2113 233.0 thousand tenge with increase to the actual of 2013 by 24% or 403 149,0 thousand tenge. Implementation of the plan was 115%. Volumes for 2014 are scheduled to be 217,1 mln.units with an increase to the actual of 2013 of 215.0 million units by 2.1 million units or 1%. Execution of the plan was 213.8 million units, with the decline to the actual of 2013 by 1% or 1.2 million units. Implementation of the plan was 98%. Express Mail Service (EMS items) Planned revenues for 2014 are in the amount of 1 525 471,0 thousand tenge with increase to the actual of 2013 of 1167 968 th.tenge by 357 502.6 thousand tenge or 31%. Execution of the plan was 1400 031.0 thousand tenge with increase to the actual of 2013 by 20% or 232 063, 0 thousand tenge. Implementation of the plan was 92%. Planned volumes for 2014 are 0.5 million units with an increase to the actual of 2013 of 0.5 million units by 6% or 0,03 mln. nits. Execution of the plan was 0.5 million units, with an increase to the actual of 2013 by 0,04 mln. units or 8%. Implementation of the plan was 102%. SCS Service Planned revenues for 2014 are in the amount of 2 357 142,0 thousand tenge with increase to the actual of 2013 of 2 030 558,0 th. tenge by 326 584.0 thousand tenge or 16%. Execution of the plan was 2243 175.0 thousand tenge with increase to the actual of 2013 by 10% or 212 617.0 thousand tenge. Implementation of the plan was 95%. Planned volumes for 2014 are 1.37 million units at the level of the actual of 2013. Execution of the plan was 1,36 mln. units, with the decline to the actual of 2013 by 0.2%, or 0,003 mln.units. Implementation of the plan amounted to 99.8%. When filling out the report on implementation and monitoring of the Development Plan of "Kazpost" JSC 'revenues and volumes for the service of special communication service are noted in the articles "Letter post" (packages of SCS) and "parcels" (parcels of SCS). 6.4.2. Financial services Income plan of financial services in 2014. was established with a gain of 16% to the actual of 2013 in the amount of 14,382,909 thousand tenge. Execution of revenue plan: for 12 months in 2014 with a plan of 14,382,909 thousand tenge the income from financial services amounted to 13,198,607 thousand tenge, the plan was executed by 91.8%, the failure was 1,184,301 thousand tenge, while in comparison with the same period of 2013 the revenues increased by 6%, or 747 561 thousand tenge. Implementation of the plan in terms of: 12 months in 2014 at the plan 991 304 mln. Tenge the volume of financial services amounted to KZT 874,409 mln., the plan is executed by 88%, nonperformance is KZT 116.9 thousand, while in comparison with the same period of 2013. volumes increased by 6%, or KZT 52,311 thousand. Financial services The volume of financial services payment of wages payment of pensions and benefits receipt of payments Money transfers Revenues from financial services payroll payment of pensions receipt of payments money transfers other 2012 2013 2014 794 747 95 001 462 888 220 916 15 051 11 397 764 998 622 4 452 196 4 138 954 590 255 876 822 822 098 80 324 473 610 249 925 17 638 12 451 046 1 065 421 4 757 094 4 915 399 639 477 1 073 655 874 409 88 146 505 456 260 126 20 576 13 198 607 1 058 100 5 110 945 4 953 148 718 640 1 357 774 Payment of wages During 12 months of 2014 the volume of payments of wages amounted to 88 billion tenge, (Growth to the fact of 2013 was by 10%), income from this service amounted to KZT 1058 mln. (to the fact of 12 months of 2013 minus 1%). Pensions and benefits During 12 months of 2014 they provided services to pay pensions and benefits in the amount of KZT 505 456 mln. (growth to the fact of 2013 was 7%), the income received in the amount of KZT 5 110 945 mln. (growth to the fact of 12 months of 2013 - 7%). Acceptance of payments For 12 months in 2014 they provided services to receive payments in the amount of KZT 260 billion, (Growth to the fact of 2013 was 4%), the income received in the amount of KZT 4 953 mln. (Growth to the fact of 12 months of 2013 - 1%). Money transfers During 12 months of 2014 as per money transfer services in the amount of 20.5 billion tenge, (Growth to the fact of 2013 was 17%), the income was received in the amount of 718.6 th. tenge (growth to the fact of 12 months of 2013 - 12%). Collection For 12 months of 2014 the collection services revenues amounted to 541,226 thousand tenge, the execution of the plan is 97.7% (to the actual of 12 months of 2013 -18.4%, or 83.9 million tenge). Cash management services. During 12 months of 2014 the income from cash services amounted to 440,099 thousand tenge, the plan was executed by 109% (to the actual of 12 months of 2013 + 19.5% or 71.2 million tenge). Agency services During 12 months of 2014 revenues from the provision of agency services amounted to 599,903 thousand tenge, the plan was fulfilled by 38.4% (to the actual of 12 months of 2013 minus 46% or minus 529,236 thousand tenge). 6.4.3. Transfer-agent activity Transfer-agent activity is a licensed activities in the securities market. To date, the licensees for this type of activity belong the companies: "Kazpost" JSC, "Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan" JSC. Services of Transfer Agents are of a low demand on the part of the subjects of the securities market. This is due to the high concentration of market participants and investors in the city of Almaty. Attracting of regional investors takes place mainly through the use of Internet trading in securities trading, which already uses a number of brokers. Currently, the transfer-agent network of the Company consists of a 17-transfer-agent sectors in the regional branches, post offices of Astana and Almaty, urban postal service offices, (CPOC) of Semey.Sectors are working on a permanent basis. Sector workers to receive and transmit orders for securities transactions, as well as provide advice and information on issues related to both the activities of professional participants of the securities market and the stock market as a whole. Furthermore, sectors help to perform the receipt and transfer of customer orders of the Company's broker that are found in all regions of the country. In 2014, the Company provided the transfer agent services to two contractors: • "Asyl Invest" JSC in eight regional centers and three CPOCs; • "United Registrar of Securities" JSC - in 14 regional centers and 3 CPOCs. In addition, before the start of the second phase of the program "National IPO" agreements were concluded with brokerage companies only for the second stage period: "BCC Invest" JSC, "Centras Securities" JSC, "Freedom Finance" JSC. The volume of received and transmitted orders, customer orders and contracts in 2014 amounted to only 42,847 pieces. In terms of professional market participants: 1. "United Registrar of Securities" JSC - 38,068 pcs.; 2. "Asyl-Invest" JSC - 4718 pcs.; 3. "BCC Invest" JSC - 14 pcs.; 4. "Centras Securities" JSC - 27 pcs.; 5. "Finance Freedom" JSC - 20 pcs. 6.5. Accounting Policies Financial accounting in "Kazpost" JSC is carried out on the basis of the accounting policies of "Kazpost" JSC, approved by the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC. In 2013, this policy was amended. Changes and additions include the following: • introduction of new requirements in preparation of the consolidated financial statements, taking into account the subsidiaries of the Company; • changes in the requirements for the recognition of financial instruments in accordance with IFRS (IFRS 9,13), which defines such aspects of accounting for financial instruments as: Recognition and derecognition of financial instruments and the classification and measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities; • describes the judgments of state subsidies, their definitions and classifications; • describes the judgments about fair value, which is used in the case where any other section requires or allows the use of fair value measurements or disclosures about fair value measurements (and such assessments as fair value less costs of sale, based on fair value or disclosures about those measurements); • presents the requirements for accounting for the collateral to determine the classification of assets that are passed to the Company or its subsidiaries, as a result of full and partial settlement of the debtor's obligations to the Company or its subsidiaries. Information about the external auditor The external auditor of "Kazpost" JSC is the company LLC "Ernst & Young". This company is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. Basic services of LLP "Ernst & Young": 1. auditing services; 2. tax and legal services; 3. consulting services; 6.6. Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets Contractual obligations As of 31 December 2014 there were contractual commitments for the acquisition of fixed assets and intangible assets in the amount of 157.976 thousand tenge (as of December 31, 2013: in the amount of 300.081 thousand tenge). As of December 31, 2014 the Company had no commitments for the acquisition of inventories and other services. Operating lease commitments The Company is a lessee in a number of agreements on the lease of commercial real estate, as well as vehicles and computer equipment to carry out their normal operations. In all such cases, all the risks and benefits associated with the leased assets are retained by the supplier for the period of such operating leases in cases where the Company is the lessee. The validity of the lease agreements is not more than twelve (12) months from the balance sheet date, and the Company has no non-cancellable contracts. 6.7. Information about provisions Provisions for receivables and inventory write-offs, th. tenge 2012 2013 2014 Provision for bad and doubtful receivables, thousand tenge Provision for inventory write-offs, th. Tenge 805 447,00 934 087.00 1001 838.00 21 080,00 11 706,00 7 640,00 6.8. Forms of support from the government and the Fund From the Government Ministry of Finance issued guarantees for loans taken by "Kazpost" JSC at the Islamic Development Bank in 2003. The maturity of the loan is June 2019. As of 31 December 2014 the debt on the loan amounted to 605 million tenge. From the Fund On behalf of the Chairman of the Management Board of the Fund a program was developed to gradually increase the authorized capital of "Kazpost" JSC. This program is approved by the Management Board of the Fund, provides for an increase in the authorized capital of the Company at the own expense of the Fund in the amount of more than 1.6 billion tenge. The main objective of the program is to increase the level of technical strengthening of buildings and structures of production facilities of "Kazpost" JSC in accordance with existing security and safety procedures for the facilities carrying out the provision of financial services. Under this program, a positive decision to increase the authorized capital of "Kazpost" JSC was made in due course. As a result, the number of authorized common shares amounted to 917,196 shares at the offering price of 1000 tenge per share. 6.9. Related party transactions 6.9.1. Transactions with related parties During the reporting period deposit and card (salary and pension) transactions were made. Procedures for the approval of related party transactions are in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of Kazakhstan and the corresponding internal normative documents of the Company. In the reporting period, the most significant transactions with related parties were transactions on the card account and transactions on the account of the "on demand deposit".Transactions in respect of which the standard terms and conditions were changed, or for which the usual procedures of examination were not carried out and approvals were not registered. Transactions, which were formed as a result of outstanding balances, representing a concentration of credit risk, are not registered. 6.9.2. Transaction Transaction with related parties is carried out by the Company in accordance with the contracts concluded with the relevant legal entities in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During 2014, the total amount of transactions with organizations of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC was more than 1 billion tenge. Relations between the parties are of a commercial nature on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation. Significant terms of the deals include the provision of services for special communications, subscription to periodicals, provision of broker and dealer services, receipt of payments, collection of funds, provision of postal and financial services, etc.. Procedure for approval of the transaction is a contract between the parties. Transactions and relationships between the Company and the third party are on normal commercial terms under the law. In accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company, the decision to execute transactions or transactions in which the Company has an interest, in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan are under the exclusive competence of the Board of Directors of the Company. 6.10. Financial activities 6.10.1. Equity and debt securities and market capitalization "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC is the sole shareholder owning 100% of shares of the Company.There no convertible securities of the Company. The total number of authorized shares as of 31.12.2014 is 14,067,052 (fourteen million sixty-seven thousand and fifty-two) shares, including: common shares: 14,067,052 (fourteen million sixty-seven thousand and fifty-two) shares; no non-preferred shares; In accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC, in January and March 2014 the issues of additional common shares in an amount of 1 815.196 pieces totaling 1,815,196 thousand tenge was approved (2013: 2,084,071 thousand tenge).In 2014, the issued ordinary shares were fully paid to "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC in cash. Over the past 10 years, growth in the number of authorized shares of the Company was an average of 30% annually. As a result, during this period, the number of authorized shares amounted to more than 14 million pcs., which is six times higher than the figure for 2004. "Kazpost" JSC is working to attract long-term borrowings by second-tier banks to finance investment projects.In 2014, the Company's total liabilities increased by the amount of 971.6 million tenge by raising funds under the general agreement Wakala (№3/WKL as of 03.12.2014) with "Islamic Bank "Al Hilal" JSC in the amount of 1530 mln. tenge.Total borrowings as of 01.01.2014 amounted to 3426 million tenge. 6.10.2. Capital adequacy indicators Capital Adequacy Equity, bln.tenge Assets, billion tenge Adequacy ratio of own funds (at least 0.12) 6.10.3. Liquidity indicators Capital Liquidity 2012 2013 2014 8.9 46.1 0.19 10.7 49.2 0.22 12.6 52.4 0.24 Highly liquidity assets, billion tenge Demand liabilities, billion tenge The current liquidity ratio (not less than 0.3) 2012 2013 2014 15.4 30.0 0.51 25.6 33.8 0.47 16.0 34.0 0.47 6.10.4. Investment portfolio In 2014, the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC adopted a policy of investing temporarily free funds of "Kazpost" JSC in the financial market. Investment policy is designed as a tool to ensure the safety of temporarily free funds of "Kazpost" JSC depending on the changing conditions in the financial markets, by identifying mechanisms and tools of quality management of own investment portfolio, providing a moderate level of profitability of operations at low risk of investments in the framework of the established requirements of RK legislation. "Kazpost" JSC defines the strategy of investment of temporarily free funds in the financial market, as a conservative one. Conservative strategy is aimed at preservation of temporarily free funds by minimization of investment risk. "Kazpost" JSC does not seek to maximize the size of the current income from investments, giving priority to security investments. The investment portfolio is a collection of investments in public and private securities, deposits and reverse repo operations. As of January 1, 2015 investment portfolio included government securities, corporate securities, deposits, transactions under reverse repurchase transactions. Company's Investment Portfolio Management is made by a common policy on money management of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC and legal entities, all voting shares (stakes) of which belong to "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC. According to the common policy of the Fund the basic parameters of the investment portfolio are developed, including its reference distribution and deviations from it, as well as the share of financial instruments. The structure of the Company's investment portfolio does not violate the limits set by the main parameters of the Portfolio of "Kazpost" JSC. In order to manage the risks associated with investment in the financial market, the Company applies a policy of setting limits on balance sheet and off-balance sheet liabilities for counterparty banks of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC's companies by complying with the limits set by the Fund, as well as sub-limits, approved by the company. In 2014, the National Bank of Kazakhstan admitted "Kazpost" JSC to the implementation of transactions in government securities in their primary placement, and "Kazakhstan Stock Exchange" JSC has awarded a Company a silver diploma in the category "Leader of exchange market of equity instruments (shares)" JSC. 6.10.5. Financial liabilities For the purpose of timely fulfillment of financial obligations in accordance with the Company's internal documents the appropriate graphics were approved. Amounts under the agreement are repaid in a timely manner. In particular, on a periodic basis to monitor repayment of principal, the same procedure is applied in respect of accrued interest on the loans. During the reporting period, the company carried out work on borrowings. These funds according to the Company's development strategy up to 2022 are intended for financing and refinancing approved capital expenditure required for the project. As a result of this work in 2014 additional borrowings amounting to more than 971.6 million tenge were borrowed. In the course of its financial activities in the Company as per a credit agreements and loan agreements the appropriate analysis for compliance with the covenants and conditions of the agreements is carried out on a monthly basis. As part of the interaction with the bank counterparties, according to the agreements signed between the Company and the counterparty bank, quarterly financial statements of the Company and other information in accordance with the contract were presented.Also a confidentiality agreement, the additional agreement to the current loan agreements and loan agreements were signed. Currently, the Fund is working on the implementation of the target model of the treasury function management within the framework of this program, the Company carried out the relevant work with second-tier banks. 6.10.6. Interest rates on financial assets and liabilities The company is actively working to attract long-term borrowing by second-tier banks to finance investment projects. In the reporting period, the company raised 971.6 million tenge at the rate of 6% - 7.5%. The company also carries out activities to strengthen and diversify an investment portfolio. The main purpose of investing - preservation of temporarily free money preservation of the optimal structure of financial assets and income investments with reliability through diversification. The 2014 average total investment portfolio amounted to 18.7 billion tenge at the average rate of return of financial assets of 8.25% per annum. 6.11. Investment activity Investment projects Effectiveness of the Company in the future, provision of a high rate of development and competitiveness is largely determined by the level of investment activity. The purpose of the investment activity of the Company is to maximize shareholder value in the long term, as well as the implementation of obligations under the Company's corporate and social responsibility. Individual investment projects and targeted investment programs form a portfolio of investment projects under management and is an investment activity management of the Company. Decision-making in the management of investment activity is carried out at all stages of the life cycle of a single investment project in accordance with the division of responsibility and delegation of authority in the following main levels of management: • The Investment Committee of the Fund; • The Board of Directors of the Company; • The Management Board of the Company; • The Investment Committee of the Company. In 2014, the Company launched innovative projects such as: "Online Application" on the issue of payment cards; "Online shopping" of stamps, which will expand the geography of Service; "track numbers" - a project to upgrade a system for tracking of postal items, allowing a more detailed logistical information about the location of the postal item; "Automated Network of postamats", which allows you to receive mailings at any convenient time and place (shopping and entertainment centers, stations, etc.); «Print2Card», a project which allows the creation of cards online, via mobile app MyKazpost with a delivery all over the world; "SMS-notification" on the receipt / arrival of mailing; "Internet subscription", which allows you to subscribe to periodicals without leaving home; "Internet access points" - the project provides an opportunity to rural residents enjoy free Internet access, as well as direct contact (ask questions and leave messages) with a public reception party "Nur Otan", akims of cities and regions; "Mobile Postman", a service aimed at improvement of the quality and control of services and expansion of the functionality of couriers. For 2014 the actual development of the investment budget was 1.9 billion tenge. As per investment projects the spent amount totaled 343,656 thousand tenge including VAT: • modernization to exemplary post office: 105 819.1 th. tenge, financing was done at their own expense. The project involves creation of optimal conditions for the Company's customer service, improvement of the quality of services in the POs, the formation of a positive image from the part of the population; • the creation of a branch of the express mail «EMS Kazpost»: in the amount of 16 139.2 thousand tenge, financing is done at their own expense of 1 491.2 thousand tenge and borrowed funds of 14,648 thousand tenge. The project envisages the possibility to provide services with a level of quality of foreign companies with a worldwide reputation and global technology at a reasonable price for customers; • Mobile Postman: of 15,975.3 thousand tenge, financing is done at own expense.The project offers the customer an additional opportunity to on-site service, the use of a mobile terminal, which will increase the coverage of clients for whom the reduction of the time spent is the most important factor when choosing an operator than the financial costs. • development of logistics infrastructure: 11 369.3 thousand tenge, financing is done at their own expense of 8 728.8 thousand tenge and at borrowings of 2 640,5 th.tenge; • creation of PIPE at airports of Almaty and Astana of 2743.4 thousand tenge, financing is done at own expense. The project will reduce the processing time of domestic and international postal packets and EMS items received from planes in PIPE, located at the airport (processing at the territory of PIPE, before sorting and customs clearance). Reduce the processing time of international postal packets and EMS shipments passing through the air-section from 10 to 15 hours; • establishment of the Situation Centre: 22,350.8 thousand tenge, financing is done at own expense.Launch of Situation Centre will reduce the number of errors and irregularities in the process of maintenance and service, as well as will model the consequences of management decisions using information and analytical systems; • business transformation program: 169,258.9 thousand tenge, financing is done at own expense. Capital investments in production facilities Capital investments for the maintenance of productive assets totaling 1583 407.2 thous. tenge including VAT, of which 1,315,572 thousand tenge at own expense, 267 835.2 thousand tenge borrowed funds: Capital investments in facilities (th. KZT) Name Buildings and Structures Vehicles: Machinery and equipment: Other fixed assets Intangible assets Internal funds Borrowed funds Total 195 121.5 195 121.5 504 438.2 267 835.2 772 273.4 549 691.3 549 691.3 28 225.6 28 225.6 38 095.4 38 095.4 6.12. Procurement and interaction with the procurements and contractors Procurement of goods, works and services in "Kazpost" JSC is regulated by the Rules of procurement of goods, works and services of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC and organizations, more than fifty percent of the voting shares (participation) of which are directly or indirectly owned by "SamrukKazyna" JSC on the right of ownership or trust management, approved by the Board of Directors of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC and Procedure for procurement of goods, works and services of "Kazpost" JSC, which provides certain benefits and preferences for domestic producers, entrepreneurs-suppliers. The share of local content in the procurement of the Company under the contracts for 2014 was 63%. During the reporting period the risks and rights violations for suppliers to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining are not registered. Interaction with suppliers and contractors is governed by procurement rules. In order to detail the internal procurement procedures and determine the responsibility between structural units in terms of procurement and delivery of goods (works, services) there is a procedure for the procurement of goods, works and services in "Kazpost" JSC. Also, the Company has developed the Model Agreement on the procurement of goods, works and services, providing for rights and obligations of the Customer and the Supplier. 6.13. Tariff policy Tariff policy depends on the type of market in which the Company's services are: natural monopoly, monopolistic competition and free competition. In accordance with the RK Law "On natural monopolies and regulated markets" the tariffs for Company services that are rendered on the market are: 1) natural monopoly - approved by the competent authority; 2) monopolistic competition - agreed with the competent authority. 6.13.1. Natural monopoly market In accordance with the Law of RK "On natural monopolies and regulated markets" of "Kazpost" JSC (hereinafter - the Company) the State Register of natural monopolies on the provision of universal postal services, which consist in mail services operator on the delivery of ordinary letters, postcards and parcels of users collected from mailboxes and (or) taken in the operating windows. Tariffs for universal postal services, shall be approved by the competent authority of the Committee of communication, informatization and information of the Ministry for Investment and Development of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the Committee). In the first half of 2014 the Company presented a report on implementation of the tariff estimate for 2013, as a result of its expertise, since the July 1, 2014 the temporary cancellation of compensatory tariff for the service of sending a simple letter within the Republic of Kazakhstan in the amount of 58 tenge. From 1 July 2014 there are the following rates for the service: Services tariffs, tenge Until 1 Jan 2014 January 1. 2014. Name of service Sending of a simple postcard up to 10g. Sending a simple letter up to 20g. for subsequent complete/incomplete 20g. weight Sending of a simple wrapper up to 50g. for each subsequent complete and incomplete 50g. of simple wrapper From 1 July 2014. Reduction in tariffs tenge % 35 58 10. 60 35 60 10. 60 0 2 0 0 0 3% 0 0 10. 10. 0 0 On December 22, 2014 the Company also sent to the Committee an application for approval to limit the level of tariffs on the universal postal service for 2015-2019, this application has been accepted for consideration by the competent authority. On 30 January 2014. a public hearing was held regarding the consideration of tariff increase for universal services, the results of which were the approved Company's proposal. According to the terms established by the legislation of the Committee it is expected to receive an order on the approval of tariff limits for universal postal services, in May this year, with the introduction of the approved tariffs for the universal postal service on July 01, 2015. 6.13.2. The market of monopolistic competition In accordance with the Law "On Competition" the company is included in the State register of market subjects with a dominant (monopolistic) position with a share of dominance of over 35% in the geographical boundaries of the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of provision of services: on cash transactions in the "settlements" (towns - district town and rural settlements), tariffs for 2014 have not changed; for the registered letters sending. The Company unified tariffs of local, national and international periodicals, installed a new ceiling reasonable prices for services on distribution of periodicals by subscription: Name of service Air Ground city village Approved tariffs for 2014 Local. / Rep. Local. / Rep. un. Newspapers per 1 kg. 1 copy up to 30 g 1 copy up to 30 g Magazines Newspapers Magazines Foreign Newspapers and magazines SHIPMENT of newspapers and magazines 130.83 54.23 Delivery of newspapers and magazines 5.35 7.11 5.35 7.11 10.73 8.29 10.7 8.29 10.7 10.73 for each additional gram of weight over 30 grams 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.16 0.11 0.16 7. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND DEVELOPMENT OF STAFF Provision of social responsibility and transparency for the Company is a requirement in today's world. Rating of social stability of the Company for 2014 to assess the corporate fund "Center of social partnership" with respect to 2013 (55%) increased by 12% and now is 67%. The increase was due to the following factors: • Increased confidence in the strategic management decisions and evaluation of the personnel policy among the production staff; • Improved perception of employees to develop innovative proposals and implement them at work; • Increased level of trust within the team; • Improved perception of the Company as an employer which fulfills all commitments and guarantees to employees. Performance measures in the field of CSR No Indicator name 1. The number of personnel 2. 3. 4. 5. Wages fund The average monthly salary Training costs Staff turnover un. Personnel pers. million tenge th.tenge million tenge % Insurance: Compulsory insurance th.tenge Voluntary insurance th.tenge Occupational safety: The number of accidents at work per % thousand people. Ecology The number of emissions of pollutants th. tons 6. 7. 8. 9. 2013 2014 +/- 21956 14847 22907 17787 951 2939 88 18.3 23. 74 20. 20. -14 1.7 -3 4 607.7 - 3982 1 - 625.6 - 0.30 0.63 + 0.33% 0.56 0.96 + 0.4 The average headcount for the Company increased (compared with 2013 year - 21,956 employees) by 4% (951 employees) and amounted to 22,907 employees. Wage fund of the production staff (as compared to 2013 - 14,847 mln. tenge) increased by 20% (2 939 million tenge) and amounted to 15.289 million tenge. During 2014 the turnover (compared with 2013 year - 23%) for the Company decreased by 3% and now is 20%. Decrease in this indicator is due to the improvement of material and non-material incentives for workers, wage increases of the production staff. Personnel reserve In order to organize the work on the selection of candidates for executive positions of the central administration and branches of the Company's Qualification Commission operates. During 2014 19 meetings of the Commission were held. Percentage of workers substitution from the internal reserve (31 pers.) for key positions was 55% (17 pers). No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Appointments To the position of director of SD CA To the position of director of the branch To the position of the deputy director of the branch to the position of chief Accountant to the position of Deputy Chief Accountant 11 4 From the internal reserve 2 7 6 2 7 2 7 Total appointments Total 3 17 In 2013, 63% (12 out of 19 employees). 7.1. Improvement of working conditions In 2014, 405 automated post offices, purchase of more than 2.5 thousand computer technologies, 9 model offices were upgraded, 214 branches were transferred to single-level service, in 13 offices installation of electronic queue. Development of new sketches of a single form, as well as bags for postmen. In 2014, postmen bags are provided in the amount of 1,196 units., In 2015 it is planned to provide 1,240 units of bags. Also, in 2015 it is planned to provide more than 500 units of bicycles, electrical bikes (100 units.), mopeds (100 units.). Cancellation of the "delivery of notifications" instead - the introduction of SMS notification on the delivery of mail. I.e. the recipient receives an SMS notification on the arrival of the postal item in the post office. In addition, the postman are provided with Postman mobile devices and smartphones . In 2014, postmen received 23 cell phones. It is also planned in 2015 to provide postmen with the cell phones in the amount of 138 units. In 2014, the Company entered into a contract of compulsory insurance of employee against accidents while performing his job duties with "Life Insurance Company NOMAD LIFE" JSC (Agreement Series 41 №41050314009/261213/8/35 dated 13.03.2014). Company employees are insured against accidents in the amount of 462.0 17 people, including: AP - 870.0, PP - 16553, SP - 39 totaling 4,607,662 tenge. Contracts on annuity insurance with the companies: JSC "Subsidiary of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan on life insurance" HALYK - LIFE:, and two contracts with "Life Insurance Company "Kazkommerts-life" JSC. 7.2. Settlement of complaints and appeals For the purposes of prevention, resolution of complaints and appeals, to avoid social and labor conflicts among employees, the Company has the Commission to resolve the social and labor conflicts. Since the beginning of 2014 they received 41 complaints on conflicts mostly related to issues of quality of service and labor disputes. For each complaint appropriate actions were taken. Since April 2014 in order to ensure improvement of the social situation the Company introduced mobile group, which carried out two field visits to examine in detail the complaints of employees of the Company: According to the results of visit they considered the provisions on remuneration of employees of branches and representative offices, taking into account issues of complaints. A team of this branch participated in explanations. During the reporting period, the total number of complaints received by the Company, including through online sources and Contact Center, was 288,706 (up to 15.3% by 2013.), of which: 4,662 claims (1.6% of the total number of applications, a decline of 25.7% in 2013), and 713 complaints (0.2% of the total number of applications, an increase of 18.6% by 2013.). 7.3. Collectively-contractual relationship Since January 1, 2014 there is a new Collective Agreement for 2014-2016, concluded the Company with the "Communication Workers Union of Kazakhstan" NGO and ALE "Association of Trade Unions of Informatization and Communication", which provides additional social guarantees to workers regarding wages, material assistance labor, etc. The agreement provides for new types of monetary compensation, social benefits of employees of the Company. In order to ensure the indexation, the dimensions of social benefits are set with reference to the MCI. In order to improve the conditions new internal documents governing the regulation of labor, forms, wage system, wage rates and salaries, allowances and bonuses to employees of the Company were enacted. In addition, in March 2014 between the Ministry of Transport and Communications, PO "Communication Workers Union of Kazakhstan", the Company and the JSC "Kazakhtelecom" signed industrial agreement, which sets out the general principles for the regulation of social and labor relations at the sectorial level and joint action to implement them .The agreement secured social guarantees, benefits and compensation for workers in the telecommunications industry. 7.4. Motivation In order to further enhance the material incentives to improve the efficiency of production, improve the quality of services, professional development, (within the approved labor costs plan), according to the order of the Branch Director or his authorized representative the incentive bonuses were established: 1) allowance for the honorary title to workers with the honorary title "Kurmetti Teleman" / "Uzdik Teleman" in the amount of 10% (ten percent) of the salary; 2) the allowance for professional skill is set to administrative employees (except for designated nomenklature) and production staff of branches in the amount of not more than 50% of salary. Extra allowance for training specialists established for conducting training sessions on retraining and skills upgrading and training of workers of mass professions (operator, postman, sorter, etc.) depending on the actual teaching time per month is in the following amounts: • Up to 10 hours - no more than 10% (ten percent) of the salary; • up to 20 hours - no more than 15% (fifteen percent) of the salary; • more than 20 hours - no more than 20% (twenty percent) of the salary. The Company includes commissions for services, such as: • money transfer services - 50 tenge per 1 transaction • Opening of a bank card - 100 tenge • services under the IPO program - 300 tenge; • delivery of invoices, notices - 15 tenge • pension delivery notifications - 15 tenge • receipt of parcels - 30 tenge, etc. During the reporting period the non-financial motivation was given to 114 employees (excluding affiliates rewards from leadership). For fruitful work, the professionalism and high achievement: • 45 employees received letters of thanks to celebrate the Day of communication; • 5 employees of state awards (1 - the order "Kurmet", 2 medals - "Ereng enbegi ushin", 2 letters - from the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev); • 35 workers - honorary title "Uzdik Teleman"; • 29 employees - the diplomas of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC. 7.5. Training In 2014, signing if a contract for the dual system of training with the Almaty College of Communication at the Kazakh-American University in Almaty and Almaty College of Engineering and Telecommunications of Almaty and Aktobe College of Communication and Electrical Engineering. During 2014 22 training activities were held (11 corporate seminars, 10 external training activities) in which 162 employee of the Company improved their qualification. Corporate seminars were held on the following topics: improvement of processes on infrastructure management of the Company; development of key performance indicators; effective sales techniques; issues of safety, health and environmental protection, and others. In addition, the branches held production and technical training. In general, the Company have tested 4826 postmen and 2408 operator. More than half of postmen and operators gave the correct answers (from 51 to 80%). Postmen Operators Less 50% of answers 51-80% of answers 29% 56% 74% 15% 12% 81-99 % of answers 14% In the 1st quarter of 2014 a long-term project "Institute of mentors" was launched - the main task of which is to improve the standards of service to be adapted in accordance with the requirements of the times and the expectations of customers. The aim of the project is to provide the Company with internal corporate training programs, developed by experienced workers. The implementation of the "mentoring" is carried out in all branches of the Company. Pilot implementation was commenced with the Astana post office with the further share of experience in all branches of the Company. 7.6. Cultural events In order to improve the corporate culture, strengthen the image of the Company and the continuity of traditions the cultural events were held. In Almaty, on April 12, 2014 employees of the Company took part in the action «Alma-Qala» - «Our city will soon bloom!" as a volunteer with the project on the planting of apple trees and other trees. In Kostanay on April 25 MSPE "Cultural and recreational center House of Friendship" held regional competition "Kanatty aiyel 2014", its main goal - raising the status of working women. The event was organized by the Commission on Women's Affairs, Family and Demographic Policy under the Akim of Kostanay region, the regional committee of the trade union government, banks and public services. The competition included three tasks: 1. Presentation (homework) - no more than 3 min., The presentation of abilities and talents in the free form (reprise, dance, song, etc.), hairstyle and costume of the participant were also evaluated. 2. Blitz quiz - participants answered questions about Kazakhstan, native land, independence of our state at a speed. 3. "Handywoman" (homework) - to present any product made with the own hands (baked goods, crafts, floral arrangement and so forth.). 4. Competition on evening dresses. In the regional competition of talented and successful women participated Almagul Kaybzhanova employee of the Company, Head of Mendykara District of postal service ofiice. She has successfully coped with the tasks, presented to the audience and the jury original program, showed her erudition, wit, bright personality, and in a bitter struggle has won the diploma of the competition "Kanatty auyel 2014". Employees of the Company participated in the I Games of among workers of group of companies of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the Fund. Competitions were held in five sports: mini football, volleyball, asyk-atu, table tennis and chess. In the fight for the podium was attended by over 350 employees of 19 companies of the group of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC. 7.7. Charity and Sponsorship In celebration of the 69th anniversary of the Victory (May 9, 2014) in the Great Patriotic War (hereinafter - GPW) was conducted an action "Letter from the Front", as well as activities to honor war veterans and home front workers. Food baskets, as well as material assistance were prepared. Veterans and people with disabilities of the GPW were able to pay free for utilities and take advantage of preferential tariffs for sending simple letters in Kazakhstan. In the city of Astana on May 15, 2014 the event was held to honor labor dynasties with the participation of the Chairman of the Management Board of "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC. The Company was presented by postal dynasty of Dyusselekovs (NKR) with a total experience of 102 years. On May 30, 2014 in Astana was conducted a national competition of the epistolary genre. The aim of the competition - the development of a written genre among the younger generation of Kazakhstan. Competition winners were awarded certificates and prizes. Composition of Zhayna Baltabay was sent to the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) in Bern (Switzerland) to attend the 43 th International Youth Essay Competition of epistolary genre. In celebration of International Children's Day the recreational activities were held for active recreation for children in Almaty: hot air ballooning, trampolining, provision of gifts, organized for the students of specialized child care, children from low-income families. In addition, the Company adopted from June 1, 2014 the reduced rate for corporate fund "SOS Children's Villages of Kazakhstan" for sending simple letters to foreign countries by air at a rate of 250 tenge (for each shipment weighing less than 50 grams). Social projects in the field of charity and sponsorship (th. KZT) No Name 1 2 Total Day of Older Persons 3. Material assistance to persons working in the organization in accordance with the collective agreement (former employees) 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 5. Collective agreement Purchase of vouchers for spa treatment Purchase of vouchers for children summer camp Cultural and sporting events Acquisition of Christmas gifts to children of employees 2013 2014 33744 5503 35616 5916 1891 3350 21000 8000 8000 5000 5350 21000 8000 8000 5000 5350 In 2014, for the sponsorship and charitable assistance the Company allocated funds amounting to 35,616 thousand tenge, which is 5.5% higher than in 2013 (33,744 thousand tenge). 7.8. Conflict Management The company pays close attention to the settlement of corporate conflicts and conflicts of interest. Union representatives are actively involved in the consideration of appeals or complaints of workers in respect of acts or omissions of employees, in consideration of conflicts, in certification within the specially created commissions or conciliation commissions, etc. For the purposes of prevention, resolution of complaints and appeals, to avoid social and labor conflicts among employees of "Kazpost" JSC the permanent commission for the settlement of social and labor conflicts was established. Since the beginning of 2014 41 appeals on labor conflicts were received. For each appeal the corresponding decisions were made under the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Company has a systematic approach to strengthen corporate culture, prevent and manage the labor conflicts, establish rules of conduct, values and staff loyalty. For this purpose there are: Office of the Ombudsman; Commission for the settlement of social and labor conflicts; professional societies; there are mobile teams in accordance with the Action Plan on Corporate Social Responsibility in order to clarify the policy of corporate social responsibility of the Company. Approval of the rules on the regulation of corporate conflicts and conflicts of interest of "Kazpost" JSC that define the concept of conflict of interest, a common list of possible situations of conflict of interest, as well as confirm the procedure of settlement. Ombudsman was Appointed whose duties are performed by Corporate Secretary. In the Ombudsman's functions include: the organization of work on updating the internal documents, provision of opinions, monitoring of corporate conflicts, participation in facilitating the development of channels of communication, conflict of interests (in terms of the distribution of powers issues) and review procedures violations of the principles enshrined in the Code of Business Conduct. The Policy on work with reports of potential or known actuals of fraud, abuse and other illegal acts there is a formalized mechanism for dealing with allegations of violations of the Code of Business Conduct and policies of the Company. For the settlement of labor relations, human rights of workers, creation of the conditions of social protection of workers and their families of "Kazpost" JSC the collective agreement was signed between the NGO "Union of Communications Workers of Kazakhstan", "Association of Trade Unions of information and communication workers" ALE. 7.9. Employment in the territory of the presence The company provides jobs for more than 22,702 people. In the branches of "Astana Post Office" - 824, "Almaty post office" - 1169, Aktobe RB - 958, Atyrau RB - 753, Almaty RB - 2280, Akmola RB - 1368, EKRB - 2094, Zhambyl RB - 1174, Karaganda RB - 1805, Kyzylorda RB - 790, Kostanay RB - 1378, Mangystau RB - 487, Pavlodar RB - 1101, NKRB - 1660, WKRB - 807, SKRB - 1830 Branch of "Kazpost" JSC ILC "Yug" - 537, branch "RSSS" - 275 , a subsidiary of "technical service" - 101, a subsidiary of "Postal Service" - 81, the branch "Management of Information Systems Operation" - 95, the branch "Management of corporate sales" - 46, branch "Sorting Center" - 566, the branch "EMS Kazpost" - 172. Number of employees by category, pers. Administrative personnel Production personnel 2012 2013 2014 1101 20773 965 20984 920 21739 Supporting personnel Total 345 51 43. 22219 22000 22702 7.10. Labor protection By the end of 2014, the Company recorded - 10 accidents. Studying the dynamics of occupational injuries in "Kazpost" JSC for 2014 shows that, compared with previous years, 2012 and 2013, in 2014 work the injury declined by 3 and 4 cases. The dynamics of industrial injuries Indicators Dog bites Fall (fracture, contusion) Traffic accident Assault Other circumstances Total 2012 2013 2014 4. 2 5. 2 13 1 7 2 2 2 14. 3. 3. 1 1 2 10. The trend of occupational injuries is as follows: in the index of robbery - 1 case was recorded that shows 1 case less than in 2013 and were absence in 2012. For a specified period in 2014 there were 3 cases of fall (fracture, contusion) of employees of the Company, that by 4 cases less than in 2013 and 1 case more than in 2012. Also in 2014 there were 3 cases of dog bite of employees of the Company, which in turn showed the results such as 2 cases less than in 2013 and 1 case more than in 2012. The index for other reasons have the same values in 2012, 2013 2014. Number of work-related injuries Indicators The number of victims of accidents, including: victims who received disability victims who died 2012 2013 2014 13 1 - 14. 1 10. 1 Key performance indicators of LPM (KPI) is to determine the number of accidents at work per 1000 people. The company has managed in recent years to minimize the number of accidents at work by 1000 people. The indicator of the number of accidents at work per thousand pers. for 2014 was 0.44%, which is respectively 0.19 and 0.16 per cent less than in the corresponding period of 2013 and 2012. However, it should be noted the declining trend of the indicator at the end of 2014, as compared with the results for 2012 and 2013. The number of accidents at work per thousand people. Indicators Coefficient characterizing, the number of accidents per 1,000 people 2012 2013 2014 0.6 0.63 0.44 In order to minimize and anticipate the accidents at work the company conducts all kinds of briefings on health and safety. With working employees and with all the newly hired employees, regardless of their education, work experience in the profession or position, with temporary workers, travelers, pupils and students who arrived on job training or practice. Pursuant to the requirements of Section 5 "Occupational health and safety" of the Labor Code of Kazakhstan, as well as for the prevention of accidents at work in "Kazpost" JSC an order "On measures of health and safety" was issued. Funds under "Expenses for health and safety" item of the budget of the Company are directed to improve working conditions and acquisition of: individual and collective protection means, overalls, speсial food, special foot, medicine, masks, respirators, fire extinguishers: fire-prevention measures, sanitary treatment of buildings and structures, activities for compulsory insurance of employees (GAP) and conduct of medical examinations of workers, and more. According to the results of 2014 for the labor protection measures 66,943,068 tenge were spent. Additional spending: compulsory insurance of 4607662 tenge. For: uniforms in 2014 - 14,901,491 tenge. Certification of production facilities in terms of work carried out in all branches of the Company in accordance with the deadlines. In accordance with the Law "On mandatory insurance of civil liability of an employer for causing harm to life and health of employees in the performance of labor (official) duties" the Company on an annual basis enters into a contract with a life insurance company. "Kazpost" JSC signed a contract for employee compulsory insurance against accidents at execution of labor (official) duties with "Life Insurance Company" NOMAD LIFE " JSC (Contract Series 41 №41050314009/261213/8/35 dated 13.03.2014). Company employees insured against accidents: 462.0 17 people, including: AP - 870.0, PP 16553, SP - 39 totaling 4,607,662 tenge. Conduct of arrangements, issue of orders: "On compensation for summer footwear for postmen of branches", the size of compensation payments amounted to 52 181 952,00 tenge per 7,044 people and "compensation for winter shoes of postmen of branches", the size of compensation payments amounted to 65,875 640 tenge per 7114 people. For the purpose of internal control in the structural units of the Company, with 100% participation of the Company's subsidiaries, in the central office and 22 branch offices of "Kazpost" JSC a "Day of safety and labor protection" was held from 10 to 11 June 2014.In the central administration and branches of the Company a commission was established, a schedule and program of a 100% participation of JSC "Kazpost" JSC were approved. Composition of the Safety and health Day Acts. Events were planned to eliminate detected violations and deficiencies with the definition of terms for elimination and the responsible officials for the Company. In order to improve the skills of workers of labor protection services and environmental protection in branches they held a seminar-workshop on safety, health and environmental protection with a hearing of reports of branches. The seminar-workshop was held in the East Kazakhstan regional branch (in Ust-Kamenogorsk) in order to provide practical and methodological assistance to workers of LBS of branches of the Company on the topic: "Improvement of professional knowledge and skills of departments of labor protection and environmental protection of branches, minimization of industrial accidents and unauthorized emissions to the environment". Measures of corrective and preventive actions were taken in the structural units of the Company, where the accidents occurred in the workplace. Control is being performed to compensate for damage caused to the life and health of employees in the performance of their work duties. 8. ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY Company's environmental activities are carried out in accordance with the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of environmental protection, as well as regulated by policies on the protection of health, safety and environmental protection of the Company. Prevention of unauthorized and excessive air emissions, continuous improvement of management system in the field of environmental protection are the main policy directions of the Company in the field of environmental protection. The company is constantly working to improve governance impact on the environment. Periodical development of measures aimed at reduction of the impact on the environment and control of the exposure. The Company management periodically reviews the implementation of planned activities. The company implements a wide range of measures to prevent accidents, working to improve the environmental responsibility, comply with the legislation of Kazakhstan, industry and corporate standards and norms. In 2014 we managed to reduce the amount of excess (unauthorized) emissions by 2.47 tons from the previous comparable period. For objects that are potential sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, standards for emissions into the environment were set. Development of an action plan for the protection of the environment. Subsidiaries of the Company during the year work on the execution of the Action Plan for Environmental Protection. In particular, considerable work on sanitation, beautification of the area of branches and post offices in the regions was made. Municipal waste and other industrial waste are removed in a timely manner, in accordance with the contracts concluded with specialized organizations. Non-hazardous waste to be placed at the site, tons 2012 2013 2014 Volumes of non-hazardous waste to be 6106 6248 6157 placed at the site, tons In order to reduce pollutant emissions from boilers operated in Atbasar, Yenbekshilder, Akkol RPOC of Akmola RB dust filters and Cyclone of type TL 15-500 * 1UP, CN 11-600, CC-15 were installed with a removal efficiency of 85%, 92% and 90%, respectively . In order to ensure resource conservation, reduce the negative impact on the environment, the Company shall take all possible measures to reduce emissions. Emissions of pollutants, tons/year 2011 2619 2012 973 2013 963 In 2014 actual emissions are below by 30 tons, compared with 2013 year. The structure of the relevant pollutants by type and weight, tons Indicators NO 2 SO 2 Solid particles Others Total 2012 70 124 433 346 973 2013 2014 69 123 429 342 963 67 119 415 332 933 The company uses coal, diesel and natural gas as a fuel for heating industrial and office premises in the autumn-winter period. To minimize the impact of the materials used the company annually conducts the gasification heating of facilities. In Almaty, Aktobe, Kostanay and Mangystau regional branches gasification of heating systems of 10 production facilities was held. The company launched a project on the transfer of project vehicles to alternative fuels This project provides transfer of vehicles on the use as a fuel an alternative fuel - gas. The project will reduce the operating costs of vehicles and reduce the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. In 2014, 320 vehicles were equipped with gas equipment. A reregistration of 37 units of vehicles in the traffic police authorities. It is planned to use renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, which will result in a significant reduction in emissions. In 2014 the Company has made arrangements for the transfer of the vehicle fleet on gas equipment. At the end of the year the number of converted vehicles was 201 units. 8.1. Energy Saving As part of the implementation of the Law "On energy saving and energy efficiency" and action plan "Energy Saving Program and Energy Efficiency of "Kazpost" JSC for 2014-2020.", they received an opinion on the buildings survey in 14 regional branches and 2 post offices. Inspection of buildings was made in the period from March to November 2014, which included the following range of activities: • collection of baseline information on buildings, climatic parameters, systems of heat, electricity, gas and water supply, instrument accounting for the consumption of energy and other.; • implementation of theoretical calculations of the heat balance of buildings according to the results of the data received; • instrumental examinations to obtain information about the actual parameters of energy consumption and thermal performance of buildings, thermal inspection of walling and building systems; • analysis of the documentary evidence and the results of the survey instrument; • calculation of the actual performance of energy efficiency in buildings; • identification of the main indicators of energy efficiency of buildings; • documenting of the results of the energy audit, development of energy audit conclusions. According to the results of the survey they assessed the effectiveness of the use of energy resources, the causes of violations and deficiencies in their use, identified existing reserves of savings, offered organizational and technical energy-saving measures for the implementation of the identified potential energy savings, as well as investment-saving measures with an estimate of the expected funding and the expected result in physical and monetary terms. They designed limits of consumption of electric energy for regional branches. The expected effect is of 6,525,332 kWh per year *. As part of the overhaul and maintenance activities carried out in the field of energy conservation and efficiency: AB "Almaty post office": • in post offices buildings (PO-12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 28, 31, 38, 39, 40, 43, 51, 59) devices of cold and hot water were installed in a quantity of 14 pieces. amounting to 84.00 thousand tenge; • in post office building at 134 Bogenbai batyr str., modernization of 2 thermal centers, including installation of equipment with an automatic control of parameters of the heating system depending on the outdoor temperature. The total project cost was 8 729.766 thousand tenge. Projected savings of heat is 140-150 Gcal per year; • replacement of 2 transformers to more efficient (TMG) in the amount of 2 200,00 thousand tenge; • replacement of boiler of the 48 md PO "Karasu" 48 Centralnaya str, in the amount of 280.00 thousand tenge. Atyrau Regional Branch: • installation of energy-efficient gas-fired boilers with an efficiency of at least 95% with automatic control in the amount of 5 units, what totaled 310.00 thousand tenge. Aktobe regional branch: • conduct of gasification of Bayganinsky RPOC at Karaukeldy village, 37 Barack-Batyr str., in the amount of 1 097.6 thousand tenge. Estimated annual savings amount to 700.00 thousand tenge. Almaty regional branch: • in buildings of Karasai RPOC of PO Koksai 2Kozhabekov str., and Talgarsky RPOC PO Tonkeris, .48 Centralmaya str., installation of electric power meters; • replacement of incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones (Talgarsky RPOC - 25 pcs., Shelek POC - 25 pcs.) in the amount of 22.50 thousand tenge.Savings in the 3rd quarter amounted to 5.70 thousand tenge; • replacement of boilers in the building of Sheleksky POC at Shonzha village, 69 Arziyev str., Costs amounted to 369.39 tenge; • in POC Koksai, POC Tonkeris installation of electricity metering devices in the amount of 2 pcs. amounting to 8.00 thousand tenge. The savings per month was 1.20 thousand tenge; East Kazakhstan Regional Branch: • installation of cold water metering device in VPOC Bystrukha in the amount of 1 unit, 7.6 thousand tenge.Savings compared to an expense without meter installation was 10%; • in the building of Ziryanovsk RPOC installation of multirate electricity meters.Savings compared to a rate of simple electronic meter is in an average of 15%, ie 4.4 thousand tenge per month; • installation of cold water metering device in CPOC-12of Ust-Kamenogorsk, Menovnoye village, 11/6 . Gorkogo str., in the amount of 8.40 thousand tenge. Zhambyl regional branch: • in the administrative building of RPOC named after of T.Ryskulov and VPOC Nurlykent of Zhualinsk district the installation of modern double-glazed windows with multi-chamber, 30 and 9 pc respectively. The effect is expected in 3-4 quarters of this year. Karaganda regional branch: • in CPOC №29, №17, the CPOC No 17 of Karaganda installation of multirate electricity metering devices. Expected effect is until the end of the year 1 600,00 kW or 34,00 thousand tenge; • in CPOC in Saran, at: Saran, 11 Lenin str.,installation of energy-saving lamps in the amount of 25 pieces amounting to 81.725 thousand tenge; • installation of multi-chamber glazing in POC of Karaganda,6 md., 4a house, in the amount of 1 947.423 thousand tenge. Kostanai regional branch: • in the building Sarykol RPOC installation of windows with multi-chamber Fiberglass in the a mount of 4 059.714. Kyzylorda regional branch: • in buildings of CPOC №16, of №8 Kyzyl-Orda city, the installation of electricity meters in the amount of 9.242 thousand tenge; • installation of energy-saving lamps in the amount of 100 pieces, in the amount of 334.99 thousand tenge; • multi-chamber glazing of 11 pcs., in the amount of 1 170.83 thousand tenge. Mangystau regional branch: • gasification of VPOC Akshukur of Tupkaraganskiy ROIC and VPOC Kyzyltobe of Munaylinsky RPOC in the amount of 3 980,00 thousand tenge Pavlodar regional branch: • in buildings of PRB at Pavlodar, Ak.Satpayev, 50, VPOC of Michurin, at 2A Sadovaya str, VPOC Novochernoyarka, at 1 Mira, VPOC Krasnoarmeyka, at 60 years October str, house 15 and PO -11 at 58 Kamzin str., installation of electricity metering devices in the amount of 6 pieces, amounting to 97.14 thousand tenge. North-Kazakhstan regional branch: • in POC at Petropavlovsk, 1 Railway Station Square, incandescent bulbs were replaced by fluorescent lamps of 14 pcs. amounting to 40,320 thousand tenge. Savings per year will be 46,500 thousand tenge; multi-chambered plastic windows were installed in the amount of 6 pieces, in the amount of 600.00 thousand tenge; • RPOC and VPOC installation of multirate electricity metering devices in the amount of 11 pieces. amounting to 77.00 thousand tenge. South-Kazakhstan regional branch: • in 8 post offices of Sairam RPOC installation of multirate electricity metering devices in the amount of 8 pieces, in the amount of 105 thousand tenge. Branch "Republican Special Communication Service": - DRL lamps were replaced with energy saving ones in the amount of 18 pieces in the amount of 340.83 thousand tenge. Expected effect is 96,00 thousand tenge per month. As fuel for heating industrial and office premises in the autumn-winter period, the Company uses, as noted above coal, diesel and gas. Below is the information on the volume of energy consumption. Electric power Name un. Annual electricity consumption The annual volume of the cost for the purchase of electricity Average electricity purchase tariff mln. kWh KZT million tg/ kWh 2012 2013 2014 20.067 20.383 20.635 264,673 287.491 331.288 10.3 13.5 16.055 Thermal energy Name Annual consumption of thermal energy The annual volume of costs for the purchase of thermal energy The average purchase rate for thermal energy un. th.Gcal KZT million tg/Gcal 2012 2013 2014 47.096 48.725 33.48 114.66 145.417 146.492 2434.58 2984.46 4375.45 Natural gas Name Annual consumption of natural gas The annual volume of costs for the purchase of natural gas un. 2012 2013 2014 KZT million 781.212 1108.26 1933.36 12.89 14.868 18.499 2013 2014 Thermal coal Name Annual electricity consumption The annual volume of the cost for the purchase of electricity Average electricity purchase tariff un. t.n.t. KZT million tg/ t.n.t. 2012 10777 10342.2 8543 80.375 91.491 81.742 7458.01 8846.4 9568.3 Water supply of Company's facilities - centralized, some post offices use imported water. Formed household and industrial waste water are drained into the existing sewer network or a septic tank. The Company's activities do not adversely impact on the flora and fauna. The company has no facilities located on the territory of the state of national parks or nature reserves, specially protected natural territories. 9. ABOUT REPORT "Kazpost" Joint Stock Company (hereinafter - the Company) presents to the reader an Annual Report of the Company for 2014 (hereinafter - the Report).This report presents the key indicators of the Company's activity required by best practices for corporate annual reports preparation, as well as information about the company's sustainable development. The content of the report is defined in accordance with the main aspect of the Company's strategy.It describes some directions of development, includes plans and the Company's possibilities to be implemented in the short term. The main objective of the report - to inform stakeholders on progress, and provide information transparency of the Company's activity. 9.1. General information This document is the fourth annual report of the Company, which contains information about the current status, sustainable development, corporate governance and social responsibility. Company submits annual reports to the reader, which contain important information about the economic, social and environmental performance. On the questions regarding information, which is contained in this report, contact the main office at the following address: 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana city, 8 D. Kunayev str., Department of corporate governance; Phone: +7 (7172) 61-16-99, fax: +7 (7172) 61-16-87, e-mail:, marketing department. 9.2. Reporting period and the report's time frame The reporting period is the period from 1 January to 31 December 2014. Company's performance indicators are presented in dynamics for 2012, 2013 and 2014. Information on the results of financial and economic activities is presented in the consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2014, in Appendix 1 to this report, and is also published on the corporate website: . The report covers the activities of the Company as a whole. Subsidiaries and affiliated organizations do not have a significant effect on the Company's activity, and that is why the information on their work is limited to the financial and economic indicators. 9.3. Methodology and content The Report is based on the Guidelines for reporting in the field of sustainable development (GRI - Global reporting initiative) of version 3.1. Calculations, collection and consolidation of economic, social and environmental indicators were conducted in accordance with the requirements of this Guidelines. In the calculation of quantitative data the common practice of measurement units system was used. The report is prepared in accordance with the level of "C" according to the GRI reporting requirements. In the future, the Company plans to conduct an independent assurance of this report for completeness and accuracy of the information provided and the level of compliance with GRI. 9.4. Abbreviations and acronyms AC UPU SCPP CPO ILC The Administrative Council (of the Universal Postal Union) Universal Postal Union State Center for Pension Payments city post office Information and Logistics Center IS CI CSR IB IFAD NBK PO RB RSCS RPOC RK BD POC VPOC Fund CA GRI LPI information system capital investment Corporate social responsibility International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union International Fund for Agricultural Development The National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan post office Regional Branch Republican Special Communication Service regional post office center the Republic of Kazakhstan Board of Directors The Postal Operations Council (Universal Postal Union) village post office center "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC Central Administration • Global Reporting Initiative (Reporting Guidelines for Sustainable Development) large-sized postal items 10. Appendixes 10.1. Appendix 1. Consolidated Financial Statements 10.1.1. Consolidated statement on the financial position As of December 31, 2014 2014 th.tenge Note Restated 2013 th.tenge Restated 2012 th.tenge assets Long-term assets Fixed Assets 4 19,852,501 18,692,387 17,473,666 Investment Property 5 1,223,017 1,431,356 1,438,421 Intangible assets 6 679.209 544.439 631.490 Investment securities available-for-sale 10 10,172,347 10,735,358 6,926,193 Loans to employees, long-term part Other non-current assets and costs deffered 7 721.210 579.264 689.059 534.269 166.320 285.490 33,227,548 32,626,868 26,921,580 short-term assets Inventory Stock 8 746.572 715.166 823.935 Trade and other receivables and other current assets 9 3,660,323 3,185,591 2,181,588 Loans to employees, short-term part Advance payment on income tax 7 49.520 137.317 51.027 182.892 38.555 159.897 Investment securities available-for-sale 10 1,421,321 483.987 1,206,548 Deposits with banks 11 1,000,000 500,000 4,016,178 Cash and cash equivalents 12 10,955,443 11,459,872 10,776,699 Total current assets 17,970,496 16,578,535 19,203,400 Total assets Capital and liabilities 51,198,044 49,205,403 46,124,980 Capital Share capital 13 14,067,051 12,251,855 10,167,784 Reserve capital 13 480.587 480.587 480.587 Revaluation reserve for securities available for sale 13 (886.835) (493.880) (609.335) Equity attributable to equity holders of the Parent Company (477.766) 13,183,037 (730.083) 11,508,479 (766.784) 9,272,252 Non-controlling interests (778) (1,683) 7,307 Total equity 13,182,259 11,506,796 9,279,559 The cumulative loss Long-term liabilities Deposits from customers Loans from financial institutions 14 57.591 2,768,529 103.734 2,728,735 148.263 15 Employee benefits liabilities Deferred tax liability 16 24 501.516 869.549 426.239 694.316 168.707 760.470 4,197,185 3,953,024 3,343,643 2,266,203 Short-term liabilities Trade and other payables and other current liabilities 17 4,321,416 4,187,025 3,415,887 Payables to subscribers and publishers received on subscription 18 4,898,009 5,277,573 5,208,386 1,037,610 127.965 846.944 207.183 718.296 308.638 Debts on the money transfers received Debts on the received transfer of pensions, wages and other payments Prepaid incomes 18 1,573,538 1,651,384 1,194,664 Deposits from customers 14 15 20,762,072 760.322 20,329,997 Loans from financial institutions 20,703,262 1,106,860 Employee benefits liabilities 16 49.940 53.080 9.778 - - 1,681,072 33,818,600 33,745,583 33,501,778 Total liabilities 38,015,785 37,698,607 36,845,421 Total equity and liabilities 51,198,044 49,205,403 46,124,980 Payables under repurchase agreements 635.060 9.1.2. Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income For the year ended on December 31, 2014 Note 19. 20. Incomes Cost of sales Gross profit General and administrative costs Financial income Financial expenses Allowance for trade and other receivables and other current assets Sale expenses 21. 22. 22. 9. 2014 th.tenge 30,365,539 (26,760,180) 2013 th.tenge 27,820,372 (23,864,673) 3,605,359 (5,169,880) 1,663,423 (381.103) (107.415) (50.110) 3,955,699 (4,699,373) 1,103,814 (331.816) (163.353) (78.984) (214.013) (46.988) 23.183 349.958 Operating loss Net positive (negative) exchange difference Net gain on investment securities available-for-sale Other non-operating income 23. (439.726) 329.793 102.314 300.745 Profit before tax (Expense)/savings on income tax 24. 293.126 (148.067) 112.140 52.408 Net profit for the year 145.059 164.548 Profit entitlement: To the shareholders of the parent company Non-controlling interests 146.006 (947) 176.060 (11,512) 145.059 164.548 (390.787) 138.638 (2,168) (23.183) (392.955) 115.455 Other comprehensive income Articles that have been or may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss: Unrealized (loss) gain on investment securities available-for-sale Realized gains on investment securities available-for-sale reclassified to profit or loss Items that are not subsequently reclassified to profit or loss: Revaluation of pension liabilities of defined benefit plan, net of deferred taxes 108.664 - Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax (284.291) 115.455 Total comprehensive income for the year, net of tax (139.232) 280.003 Entitlement: To the shareholders of the parent company Non-controlling interests (138.285) (947) 291.515 (11,512) (139.232) 280.003 11.34 15.17 Basic and diluted earnings per share: Profit for the year attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Parent Company, in tenge 16.24 13 9.1.3. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity For the year ended on December 31, 2014 th.tenge Note Authorized capital Equity attributable to owners of the parent Company Revaluation reserve for securities The Reserve available for cumulative Nontrolling capital sale loss Total shareholders Total capital January 1, 2013 10,167,784 480.587 Net profit for the year Net change in fair value of financial assets available for sale - - (609.335) - (766.784) 9,272,252 7,307 9,279,559 176.060 176.060 (11,512) 164.548 - - 115.455 - 115.455 - 115.455 Total comprehensive income - - 115.455 176.060 291.515 (11,512) 280.003 Issue of shares 13 2,084,071 - - - 2,084,071 - 2,084,071 Dividends 13 - - - (141.538) (141.538) - (141.538) Exchange difference - - - 2,179 2,179 2,522 4.701 December 31, 2013 12,251,855 480.587 (730.083) 11,508,479 (1,683) 11,506,796 Net profit for the year Net change in fair value of financial assets available for sale Revaluation of pension liabilities of defined benefit plan, net of deferred taxes - - - 146.006 146.006 (947) 145.059 - - (392.955) - (392.955) - (392.955) - - - 108.664 108.664 - 108.664 Total comprehensive income - - (392.955) 254.670 (138.285) (947) (139.232) Issue of shares 13 (493.880) 1,815,196 - - - 1,815,196 - 1,815,196 Exchange difference - - - (2,353) (2,353) 1,852 (501) December 31, 2014 14,067,051 480.587 (477.766) 13,183,037 (778) 13,182,259 (886.835) 9.1.4. Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended December 31, 2014. Note Cash flows from operating activities Profit before tax 2014 th.tenge 2013 th.tenge 293.126 112.140 Adjustments to reconcile profit before tax with net cash flows Depreciation and impairment of fixed assets and investment property 1,802,817 1,938,747 Amortization and impairment of intangible assets 4.5 6 126.735 347.675 Net gain on disposal of fixed assets 23 (10.994) (252.652) Financial income 22 (1,663,423) (1,103,814) Financial expenses 22 381.103 331.816 Impairment charge of trade and other receivables 9 107.415 163.353 Accrual of provision for obsolete inventory 21 7,641 - Income from reversal of provision for impairment of investment securities available for sale Impairment of receivables for the tax paid at source 10 (100.252) - 6.059 Employee benefit liabilities 16 228.200 342.492 Unrealized (positive) foreign exchange losses (194.266) 108.668 Cash flows from operating activities before changes in operating capital 978.102 1,994,484 Changes in inventories (39.047) 108.769 Change in trade and other receivables and other current assets Changes in loans to employees (693.132) 5,591 (1,107,356) (776.792) Changes in trade and other payables and other current liabilities 224.418 547.601 Changes in accounts payable to publishers for the received subscription (379.564) 69.187 Changes in accounts payable for money transfers 128.364 128.648 Changes in accounts payable on transfers of pensions, wages and other payments (79.218) (101.455) Changes in deferred income for subscription Changes in deferred income for the delivered mail (52.087) (25.759) 434.366 22.354 Changes in accounts and deposits from customers (117.949) 382.393 Changes in employee benefit obligations (59.154) (52.865) Changes in bank deposits (500,000) 3,500,000 Cash flows from operating activities Income tax paid Interest paid (609.435) (46.012) (319.618) 5,149,334 (71.467) (297.538) Interest received 1,630,600 924.353 Net cash flows from operating activities 655.535 5,704,682 Cash flows from investing activities Proceeds of fixed assets (2,720,571) (2,987,628) Proceeds from intangible assets proceeds from sales of fixed assets (261.505) - (240.260) 334.372 Purchase of investment securities available for sale (980.094) (2,837,732) Sale of investment securities available-for-sale 499.319 - Net cash used in investing activities (3,462,851) (5,731,248) Cash flows from financing activities Issue of shares 1,815,196 2,084,071 Borrowing from financial institutions 971.691 1,274,000 Repayment of loans from financial institutions (550.950) (829.325) Dividends paid to shareholders of the Parent Company 13 - (141.538) Changes in securities sold under repurchase agreements - (1,681,072) Net cash flow from financing activities 2,235,937 706.136 Effect of currency exchange rate changes for cash and cash equivalents 66.950 3,603 Net change in cash and cash equivalents (504.429) 683.173 Cash and cash equivalents as of 1 January 11,459,872 10,776,699 10,955,443 11,459,872 Cash and cash equivalents as of 31 December 13 12 9.2. Appendix 2 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements GENERAL PROVISIONS Organizational structure and activity of "Kazpost" JSC (the "Company") was formed under the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the form of a joint stock company. Company's registered office is located at: 010000, Astana city, 13 Auezov str. As of December 31, 2014 and 2013 100% of the shares of the Company are owned by "Samruk-Kazyna" JSC. The main activities of the company include reception, transport and delivery of ordinary and express mail and parcels, and provision of all kinds of banking transactions. In addition, the company is an agent for the delivery of newspapers and magazines, subscription to periodicals - newspapers and magazines. The company also acts as an agent for a number of Kazakh banks to issue and repay loans. The company is licensed by the Agency for Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Institutions (the "FSA") №14 as of 24 February 2006 to conduct banking operations in national and foreign currency deposits, opening and maintaining bank accounts of individuals and legal entities. In addition, the company also has a license of FSA №0401200704 as of 3 February 2004 on broker and dealer activities in the securities market with the right to manage client accounts as a nominal holder, as well as AFS license №001 as of 12 May 2006 on the transfer and agency activity. The Company's activities is related to natural monopoly over public postal services and, accordingly, the Company is subject to regulation of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, which approves the methodology for calculation of tariffs and tariffs for these types of services. As of December 31, the Company had the following subsidiaries: Percentage of ownership Name Place of registration Main activity 2014 2013 Printing and publishing «» LLP Republic of Kazakhstan activity 100% 100% Federal Republic of Postal and logistics «Kazpost GmbH» LLP Germany activities 50% 50% The Company and its subsidiaries collectively referred to as the Group. The consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014 were authorized for issue by the Group Management on March 10, 2015. (b) The business environment in the Republic of Kazakhstan The Group operates mainly in the territory of Kazakhstan. Consequently, the Group is exposed to the economic and financial markets of Kazakhstan which display characteristics of an emerging market. Legal and regulatory framework and tax laws continue to evolve, but is subject to varying interpretations and frequent changes which together with other legal and fiscal impediments contribute to the challenges faced by entities operating in Kazakhstan. The accompanying consolidated financial statements reflect management's assessment on the possible impact of the implementation of the financial and economic environment on the operations and financial position. The subsequent development of conditions for the performance of the financial and economic environment may differ from management's assessment. Basis for the preparation of financial statements Applicable Standards The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (hereinafter - "IFRS") as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). (b) Basis of measurement of financial performance The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the principle of actual costs, except for investment securities available-for-sale stated at fair value. (c) Functional and presentation currency for these consolidated financial statements The functional currency of the Company and most of its subsidiaries is the Kazakhstani tenge, being the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as it reflects the economic substance of the majority of operations and related circumstances of its activities. Kazakhstani Tenge is also the presentation currency of these consolidated financial statements. All consolidated financial statements are rounded to the nearest thousand tenge. (d) Use of estimates and judgments The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires management to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policy and the value of assets and liabilities, income and expenses represented in the consolidated financial statements. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on a regular basis. Adjustments accounting estimates are recognized in the period in which the estimates are revised and in any future periods affected. Notes listed below provide information about significant areas of uncertainty in estimates and critical judgments in application of accounting policies: in terms of provision for impairment of trade and other receivables and other current assets - Note 9; in terms of impairment of financial instruments available for sale - Note 10; in terms of the useful life of fixed assets - Note 3 (h); in terms of employee benefit obligations - Note 16; in terms of assessment of the fair value of financial assets and liabilities - Note 27. (e) Changes in accounting policies and data presentation procedure The Group has adopted the following new standards and amendments to standards, including any subsequent amendments to other standards, with the date of the initial application of 1 January 2014. 2 BASIS OF PREPARATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, CONTINUED (e) Changes in accounting policies and presentation of data, continued Investment companies (Amendments to IFRS (IFRS) 10 "Consolidated Financial Statements", IFRS (IFRS) 12 "Disclosure of information on Interests in Other Entities" and IFRS (IAS) 27 "Separate Financial Statements" (see. (i)); Offsetting of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (Amendments to IFRS (IAS) 32 "Financial Instruments: Presentation of information" (see. (ii)). Disclosure of the recoverable amount of non-financial assets - Amendments to IFRS (IAS) 36 "Impairment of Assets" (see. (iii)) The nature and effects of these changes are shown below. (I) Investment companies These amendments provide an exception to the requirement for consolidation for companies which satisfy the definition of an investment company in accordance with IFRS (IFRS) 10. According to the exclusion of the requirements for the consolidation the investment companies should take into account the subsidiaries at fair value and changes therein are recognized in profit or loss for the period. (ii) Financial assets and financial liabilities Amendments to IFRS (IAS) 32 "Financial Instruments: Information provision" - "Offsetting of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities" do not introduce new rules for offsetting of financial assets and liabilities and contain an explanation of the offsetting criteria to address inconsistencies in their application. The amendments clarify that the company currently has a legally enforceable right of offset, if this right does not depend on future events, and is valid in the course of business, and in the event of failure (default), insolvency or bankruptcy of the company and all of its counterparties. The Group believes that this amendment will not have a material impact on the consolidated financial statements as the Group does not present financial assets and financial liabilities on a net basis in the consolidated statement on the financial position. (iii) Information Disclosure on the recoverable amount of non-financial assets This amendment removes the requirement on the disclose of information about the recoverable amount if the unit generating cash flows includes goodwill or intangible assets with indefinite useful lives, and herewith the impairment is absent. 3 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently by the Group to all reporting periods presented in these consolidated financial statements, except as described in Note 2 (e), which addresses changes in accounting policies. (a) Basis of consolidation (i) Business combination transaction Business combination transactions are accounted for using the purchase method at the acquisition date, which is the date when control is transferred to the Group. The Group tests goodwill at the acquisition date as follows: the fair value of the recovery transferred; plus the amount of recognized non-controlling interest share in the acquiree; plus fair value of the existing equity interest in the acquired entity, if the business combination is achieved in stages; minus the net amount of recognized amounts (generally it is fair value) of the identifiable assets acquired less liabilities assumed. If this difference is negative, then the profit or loss is recognized immediately as a profit from bargain purchase. The recovery transferred does not include amounts relating to the settlement of pre-existing relationships. Such amounts are generally recognized in profit or loss for the period. Costs incurred by the Group as a result of the business combination transaction, other than the costs associated with the issuance of debt or equity securities are attributed to expenses as incurred. Any contingent consideration is recognized at fair value at the acquisition date. If the contingent consideration is classified as equity, it is not remeasured and settlement is accounted for within equity. Otherwise, changes in the fair value of the contingent consideration are recognized in profit or loss for the period. (ii) Non-controlling interests Non-controlling interest is estimated as the proportionate share of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree at the acquisition date. Changes in the Group's interest in a subsidiary that do not result in a loss of control are accounted for as equity transactions. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (a) Basis of consolidation, continued (iii) Subsidiaries Subsidiaries are entities controlled by the Group. The Group controls the subsidiary, when the Group is exposed to risks associated with variable income from participation in investee or has the right to receive such income, and is able to use its powers in respect of the enterprise for the purpose of influencing to the amount of that income. The financial statements of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date control is obtained until the date of termination. Accounting policies of subsidiaries have been changed where necessary to align in accordance with the accounting policies adopted by the Group. Losses attributable to non-controlling interest in a subsidiary are allocated to non-controlling interests in full even if it leads to a debit balance ("deficit") on this account. (iv) Acquisition of businesses from companies under common control Business combinations arising from transfers of interests in entities that are under the control of the shareholder that controls the Group are accounted for as if the acquisition transaction had occurred at the beginning of the earliest comparative period, or on the date of establishment of common control, if the latest came later; for this purpose comparatives are restated. The acquired assets and liabilities are stated at the carrying amounts, recognized in the consolidated financial statements of the controlling shareholder of the Group. The components of equity of the acquired entities are added to the corresponding components of the Group's capital with the exception of the authorized capital of the acquired entities which is recognized as part of additional capital. Any cash paid for the acquisition is recognized directly in equity. (V) Loss of control With the loss of control over a subsidiary, the Group derecognises its assets and liabilities, as well as the related noncontrolling interests and the other components of equity. Any surplus or deficit arising as a result of loss of control is recognized in profit or loss for the period. If the Group retains any interest in the previous subsidiary, then such interest is measured at fair value at the date of loss of control. Subsequently, the share accounted for as investment in an associate (using the equity method) or as financial assets available for sale, depending on the extent to which the Group continues to affect to the company said. (vi) Participation in investees accounted for using the equity method The Group's participation in investees accounted by the equity method, includes participation in associates and joint ventures. Associates are those entities, over the financial and operating policies of which the Group has significant influence. And the Group does not have control or joint control over the financial and operating policies of these companies. If the group has between 20 and 50 percent of the voting rights in the company, the existence of a significant impact is expected. Joint ventures are objects over which the Group has joint control, where the Group has rights to the net assets of these objects. The Group has no rights to the assets of joint ventures and is not responsible for their obligations. Shares in associates and joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method and are initially recorded at cost. The cost price of the investment includes transaction costs. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (a) Basis of consolidation, continued (vi) Participation in investees accounted for using the equity method, continued In the consolidated financial statements, the Group recognizes its share in the profit or loss and in other comprehensive income of investees accounted for using the equity method. This share is calculated taking into account adjustments to bring the accounting policies of a particular object in accordance with the accounting policies of the Group, from the date of significant influence or joint control commencement until the date of cessation of significant influence or joint control. When the Group's share of losses of an investee are accounted using the equity method, exceeds its interest in the object, the carrying amount of that interest (including any long-term investments) is reduced to zero and further losses are not recognized unless the Group has obligation to compensate the losses of the investee, or made payments on its behalf. (vii) Transactions eliminated (eliminable) when consolidation Intra-group balances and transactions, and any unrealized gains and losses on intra-group transactions are eliminated. Unrealised gains arising from transactions with investments accounted for using the equity method are eliminated by reducing the cost of the investment to the extent of the Group's interest in the corresponding investee. Unrealised losses are eliminated in the same way as unrealized gains, but only to the extent while they are not evidence of impairment. (b) Income and expense recognition Incomes are recognized when the economic benefits of the Group is assessed as probable, and if the income can be measured reliably, regardless of the time of payment. Revenue is measured at the fair value of the received or receivable revenue, taking into account contractually defined terms of payment and excluding taxes or duties. The Group assesses its contracts providing for income generation in accordance with certain criteria in order to determine if it is acting as principal or agent. The group concluded that it is acting as principal on all such contracts, except as noted below. Income from services is recognized based on the stage of completion. When the outcome of the contract can not be estimated reliably, revenue is recognized only to the extent of costs incurred that can be recovered. Services for the delivery of mail Revenues from the delivery of simple and registered mail is recognized by reference to the stage of completion at the balance sheet date. The stage of completion of services is estimated based on the average delivery time of mail. Shipping costs of such items are recognized as incurred. Fee and commission income In cases where the Group acts as an agent and not principal, the proceeds from the transactions are recognized in the net amount of commission made by the Group. The Group receives fee income from the various types of services it provides to its customers. Fee and commission income includes fee and commission income for the transfer of pensions, salaries and allowances to civil servants, the commission for handling municipal and other payments, money transfer fee, as well as fees received for the issuance of loans on behalf of a third party, such as a second-tier banks. Fee and commission income is recognized at the end of a transaction to which it relates. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (b) Recognition of income and expenses, continued Income from rentals Income from facilities provided under operating leases are accounted for on a straight-line basis over the lease term and included in operating income due to its nature. Sale of goods Revenue is recognized at the time when there is strong evidence (usually in the form of an executed sales agreement) that the significant risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred to the buyer, receipt of appropriate compensation is likely, costs and possible return of goods can be estimated reliably, participation in the management of the goods sold discontinued and the amount of revenue can be measured reliably. Revenue is measured at the fair value transferred or expected receivable, net of the amounts of compensation returns, trade discounts and volume of discounts. Other expenses When the Group's contributions to social programs are for the benefit of the Company as a whole, and not restricted to the Group's employees, they are recognized in profit or loss as incurred. (c) Financial income and expenses Financial income and expenses of the Group include: interest income; interest expense; dividend income; the net amount of profit or loss on disposal of financial assets available for sale; the net amount of profit or loss from revaluation of financial assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency; loss on changes in fair value of contingent consideration classified as a financial liability; reclassification of net profit margins, previously recognized in other comprehensive income. Interest income and expenses are recognized by the effective interest rate. Dividend income is recognized in profit or loss on the date when the Group gets the right to receive payment. (d) Deferred revenue on subscription Deferred revenue on a subscription are the sum of money that the Group has collected at the end of the year for the service of delivery of periodicals to be provided in the next year. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (e) Foreign currency Transactions in foreign currencies Transactions in foreign currencies are transferred to the respective functional currencies of Group entities at exchange rates at the dates of the transactions. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the reporting date are retransferred to the functional currency at the exchange rate existing at that date. Positive or negative exchange differences on monetary items is the difference between amortized cost in the functional currency at the beginning of the period, adjusted for interest accrued at the effective interest rate and payments during the period, and the amortized cost in foreign currency transferred at the exchange rate at the end of the reporting period. Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at fair value are retransferred to the functional currency at the exchange rate prevailing at the date the fair value was determined. Non-monetary items that are measured on the basis of actual cost in a foreign currency are recalculated using the exchange rate at the date of the transaction. Foreign currency differences arising from recalculation are recognized in profit or loss for the period except for differences arising from the conversion of equity instruments classified as financial assets available-for-sale and are recognized in other comprehensive income. In preparing these consolidated financial statements tenge exchange rate to the following currencies was used: December 31, 2014 December 31, 2013 ADF 264.17 237.36 USD 182.35 153.61 EUR 221.97 211.17 Pound Sterling 283.34 253.29 Russian Ruble 3.17 4.69 Foreign operations Assets and liabilities of foreign operations, including goodwill and amount to fair value adjustments arising on acquisition, are recalculated into the presentation currency at the exchange rates at the balance sheet date. Income and expenses of foreign entities are recalculated into the presentation currency at the exchange rates at the dates of the transactions. Exchange differences are recognized in other comprehensive income and are recognized as part of equity in the provision of accumulated exchange differences in conversion of other currencies. However, if the foreign operation is not a 100 percent subsidiary of the Group, a part of these exchange differences are in proper proportion to the non-controlling interest. On disposal of a foreign operation, in which the Group loses control, significant influence or joint control, the amount deferred in accumulated reserve in exchange differences on conversion of other currencies, is reclassified to profit or loss as part of the gain or loss on disposal of the foreign units. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (e) Foreign currency, continued (ii) Foreign departments In the case when the Group disposes only part of its investment in a subsidiary that includes a foreign operation while retaining control over it, a part of the reserve of accumulated exchange differences on conversion of foreign currency is redistributed to noncontrolling interest in the proper proportion. When the Group disposes of only part of its investment in an associate or joint venture that includes a foreign department, and at the same time retains significant influence or joint control, the corresponding proportional part of the reserve of accumulated exchange differences is reclassified to profit or loss for the period. In the event when the Group does not expect and does not intend in the near future to carry out calculations on a monetary item receivable from or payable to a foreign department, the positive and negative exchange differences arising in respect of such articles form part of the net investment in a foreign department; and are recognized in other comprehensive income and presented as part of equity in the provision of accumulated exchange differences on conversion of other currencies. (f) Resources Inventories are stated at the lower values: cost or net sale value. The cost of inventories is determined based on FIFO ("firstin - first-out") and includes expenditure incurred in acquisition of inventories, production costs or processing and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and bring them to the appropriate state. Applied to own production inventories and work in progress, cost includes an appropriate share of production overheads based on normal operating capacity. The net sale price is the estimated (calculated) selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs of completion and stocks to sell them. (i) Assets held for sale or distribution Non-current assets or disposal groups comprising assets and liabilities that are expected to be recovered primarily through sale or distribution to owners, rather than through continuing use are classified as assets held for sale or distribution to owners. These assets or disposal groups are measured, usually at the lower of the two values - the carrying amount of the asset (s) and its fair value less sale costs. Any impairment loss on a disposal group is first related to reduction of goodwill and then to the rest of its assets and liabilities in proportion, except for inventories, financial assets, deferred tax assets or assets under employee benefit plans, investment property, which continue to be measured in accordance with the relevant provisions of Group's accounting policies. Impairment losses when the initial classification of assets and disposal groups held for sale or distribution in favor of owners, as well as gains or losses resulting from their subsequent measurement are recognized in the profit or loss for the period. The value, which recognizes these profits do not exceed the total amount of the impairment loss. Intangible assets and fixed assets are not amortized since the classification as assets held for sale or distribution in favor of owners. In addition, investments accounted for using the equity method, cease be reported using this method since their classification as assets held for sale or distribution in favor of owners. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (h) Basic means Recognition and Measurement Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment losses. In Cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable to the acquisition of the asset. The cost of assets constructed (built) on their own includes the cost of materials, direct labor costs, all other costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to working condition for its intended use, the costs of dismantling and removing the items and restoring the site, and capitalized borrowing costs. Software purchase costs that is integral to the functionality of the related equipment is capitalized as part of that equipment cost. If significant components that make up a fixed asset have different useful lives, they are accounted for as separate items (major components) of property and equipment. Any gain or loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment is determined by comparing the proceeds from disposal with the carrying amount and is recognized net within "other income" or "other expenses" in profit or loss for the period. Subsequent costs Costs associated with the replacement of an item of fixed assets increase carrying amount of the item if it is probable that the Group will obtain future economic benefits associated with the specified component, and its cost can be measured reliably. The carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognised. The cost of routine maintenance of property, plant and equipment are recognized in profit or loss as incurred. The fixed assets include special spare parts and accessories with a significant initial value and useful life of more than one (1) year. Other spare parts and accessories are recognized in inventories and are expensed at the time of transfer to the service. Depreciation Fixed assets are amortized from the date on which they are installed and ready to use, and as for fixed assets that were built by own means - from the moment of completion of the facility and it readiness for use. Depreciation is calculated based on the cost of the asset less its estimated residual value. As a rule, each component of property, plant and equipment is depreciated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives, since this most closely reflects the expected pattern of consumption of future economic benefits embodied in the asset and depreciation are included in profit or loss for the period.Leased assets are depreciated during the shortest period: the lease term and the useful life of the assets, except for the cases when the Group has reasonable assurance that it will obtain ownership by the assets at the end of the lease term. Land is not depreciated. Estimated useful lives for the current and comparative periods are as follows: Buildings and structures 5-60 years Machinery and equipment 2-15 years Vehicles 3-28 years Other fixed assets 2-15 years. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (h) Property and equipment, continued Depreciation, Continued Depreciation methods, useful lives and residual values are reviewed at each reporting date and adjusted if necessary. (I) Intangible assets Research and development Expenditure on research activities, undertaken with the prospect of gaining new scientific or technical knowledge and understanding, is recognized in profit or loss as incurred. Development activities include the planning or design of the production of new or substantially improved products and processes. Development costs are capitalized only if they can be estimated reliably, production or process is technically and commercially feasible, the future economic benefits are probable and the Group intends to complete the development and to use or sell the asset and has sufficient resources for this . The expenditure capitalized includes the cost of materials, direct labor costs and overhead costs that are directly attributable to preparation of assets to its intended use, and capitalized borrowing costs.Other development expenditure is recognized in profit or loss as incurred. After initial recognition, capitalized development costs are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Client base The customer base of the Group was acquired in a business combination. At initial recognition, the asset was valued at fair value at the date of its acquisition. Other intangible assets Other intangible assets are represented mainly by software, are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Subsequent costs Subsequent cost is capitalized in the value of a particular asset only when it increases the future economic benefits embodied in the asset. All other expenditure, including expenditure on internally generated goodwill and brands, is recognized in profit or loss as incurred. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (I) Intangible assets, continued Depreciation Depreciation is calculated on the basis of the cost of the asset less its estimated residual value. As per intangible assets, other than goodwill, depreciation is usually commenced from the date of readiness of these assets to be used and recognized in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives, since this most closely reflects the expected character of consumption of future economic benefits from these assets by the Company. The estimated useful lives for the current and comparative periods are as follows: Customer base 5 years Other intangible assets 5-10 years. At the end of each financial year depreciation methods, useful lives and residual values are reviewed for the need for their review and, if necessary, they are revised. (j) Investment property Investment property is property held to generate profits from the rental and / or increase its market value, but not for sale in the ordinary course of business, use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes. Investment properties are accounted for in accordance with the model at cost. Investment property is measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the term of service which is 10-60 years, and is recognized in the income and loss statement. Plots of land and construction in progress are not depreciated. If the nature of the use of a property changes and it is reclassified as fixed assets, the carrying value at the date of reclassification becomes its cost for this property for the purposes of subsequent reflection in the consolidated financial statements. (k) Rent Determination of availability in the agreement of the element of rent At the inception of the relationship by agreement, the Group determines whether the agreement as a whole lease or contains a lease element. This occurs if the execution of the agreement depends on the use of a specific asset and the agreement conveys the right to use the asset. At the inception of the relationship or reassessment of the arrangement the Group separates payments and interest on those relating to the lease and those that are related to other elements of the agreement, in proportion to their fair value. If, in the case of a finance lease, the Group concludes that a significant separation payments is impracticable, the asset and liability are recognized at an amount equal to the fair value of the contractual asset. Subsequently, the liability is reduced as payments are made and an imputed finance charge is admitted, which is calculated based on the rate of borrowings used by the Group. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (k) Rent, continued (ii) Leased assets If the Group retains the assets under lease agreements, under which the Group assumes substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership in respect of these assets, such contracts are classified as finance leases. Upon initial recognition the leased asset is measured at an amount equal to the lower of its fair value and the present (discounted) value of the minimum lease payments. Subsequently, the asset is accounted for in accordance with the accounting policy applicable to that asset. Other leases are classified as operating leases and the leased assets are not recognized in the statement of financial position. (iii) Lease payments Payments made under operating leases are recognized in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Amount of the received incentives is recognized as an integral part of the total lease expense over the lease term. Minimum lease payments made under finance leases are distributed between finance charges and reduction of the outstanding liability. Financial expenses shall be allocated to each period during the lease term so that the periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability remains constant. (l) Financial Instruments The Group classifies non-derivative financial assets into the following categories: financial assets at fair value and changes therein are recognized in profit or loss, financial assets held to maturity, loans and receivables and financial assets available for sale. The Group classifies non-derivative financial liabilities as other financial liabilities. Non-derivative financial assets and liabilities - recognition and derecognition The Group initially recognizes loans and receivables as well as debt securities issued on the date of their occurrence/issuance. Initial recognition of all other financial assets and liabilities on the date of the transaction, in which the Group becomes party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. Group derecognizes a financial asset at the time of the expiration of the contractual rights to the cash flows from the asset, or when the Group transfers the rights to receive the contractual cash flows on the financial asset as a result of a transaction in which the other party receives substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of these financial assets. Any involvement in transferred financial assets that is created or retained by the Group is recognized as a separate asset or liability. Group derecognizes a financial liability at the moment when executed or canceled its contractual obligations or their maturity date expires. Financial assets and liabilities offset and presented in the statement of financial position on a net basis only when the Group currently has legal protection of the right to carry out offset of the recognized amounts and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the asset and settle theliability simultaneously. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (l) Financial instruments, continued Non-derivative financial assets and liabilities - the recognition and derecognition, continued The Group currently has legal protection of the right to carry out a set-off, if this right is not due to an event in the future and is legally enforceable in the normal course of operations and in the event of default, insolvency or bankruptcy of the Group or any of the counterparties. Loans and receivables The category of loans and receivables includes non-quoted in an active market financial assets with fixed or determinable payments. Such assets are recognized initially at fair value plus any directly attributable transaction costs. After initial recognition, loans and receivables are measured at amortized cost, which is calculated using the effective interest method, less any impairment losses. In the category of loans and receivables included financial assets of the following classes: loans to employees (see. Note 7), trade and other receivables (see. Note 9), bank deposits (see. Note 11) and cash and cash equivalents (see . Note 12). Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash balances, call deposits and highly liquid investments with maturities of three months or less than from the date of purchase, and are subject to insignificant risk of changes in their fair value. Bank overdrafts that are repayable on demand and used by the Group as part of an integrated system of cash management are included in cash and cash equivalents in the statement of cash flows. Financial assets available for sale Financial assets available for sale are non-derivative financial assets that have been identified in the specified category or not classified in any of the above categories of financial assets. Upon initial recognition, such assets are measured at fair value plus any directly attributable transaction costs. After initial recognition, they are measured at fair value and changes therein are other than impairment losses and foreign exchange gains on debt instruments classified as available for sale are recognized in other comprehensive income and presented within equity in the provision for changes in fair value. At the time the investment is derecognised the amount accumulated in gain or loss is reclassified to profit or loss for the period. Unquoted equity instruments the fair value of which can not be reliably determined, are carried at cost. Assets classified as available for sale, includes equity and debt securities. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (l) Financial instruments, continued Non-derivative financial liabilities - Assessment The Group classifies non-derivative financial liabilities as other financial liabilities. Such financial liabilities are recognized initially at fair value less directly attributable transaction costs. After initial recognition, these financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Other financial liabilities include accounts and deposits from customers, borrowed funds of other financial institutions, trade and other payables, payables for remittances payable on pensions, wages and other payments, and securities sold under "repo" agreements. "Repo" and "Reverse repo" transactions Securities sold under sale and repurchase agreement (hereinafter - the "repos" transaction) are accounted for as secured financing transactions, secured by the pledge of securities, with the securities retained in the consolidated statement of financial position and the liability to counterparties are included in current liabilities as securities sold under sale and repurchase agreement. The difference between the sale and repurchase price represents interest expense and is recognized in profit or loss over the term of the "repos" transaction using the effective interest method. Securities purchased under agreements on the procurement or sale with the repurchase obligation (hereinafter - the transaction of "reverse repos") are recorded as a transaction of "reverse repos" with the term of up to 90 days in cash and cash equivalents.The difference between the purchase price and sale price represents interest income and is recognized in profit or loss over the term of the transaction of "repos" using the effective interest method. If the assets acquired under repurchase agreements are sold to third parties, the obligation to return securities is recorded as a liability held for trading and measured at fair value. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (l) Financial instruments, continued Depreciated cost The depreciated cost of a financial asset or liability is the amount at which the financial asset or liability is measured at initial recognition, minus principal repayments, plus or minus the cumulative depreciation of the difference between the initially recognized amount and the maturity determined using the method the effective interest rate, and less any impairment loss. Premiums and discounts amount, including initial transaction costs are included in the carrying amount of the related instrument and amortized based on the effective interest rate of the instrument. Financial assets or liabilities/issued at rates different from market rates are re-measured at the moment of receipt/issue at fair value, being future interest payments and principal repayment (principal amount) of debt, discounted at market interest rates for similar instruments . The resulting difference is recognized in profit or loss as gains or losses from the receipt/issue of financial instruments at rates different from market ones. Subsequently, the carrying amount of such assets or liabilities is adjusted for amortization of the gains/losses on the receipt/issue, and the related income/expense is recorded in interest income/expense in profit or loss using the effective interest method. The principle of fair value measurement Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in a normal transaction between market participants at the measurement date on the main market or, in its absence, the most advantageous market to which the Group has access at that date. The fair value of the liability reflects the risk of non-compliance. As far as possible, the Group estimates the fair value of an instrument using quoted prices of the instrument in an active market. The market is regarded as active if the operation on asset or liability occur with sufficient frequency and in sufficient quantities to determine the quotes on a regular basis. In the absence of current prices in an active market the Group uses valuation techniques that make maximum use of observable input data and minimal use of unobservable inputs. The chosen valuation technique incorporates all actuators that market participants would consider in the circumstances. The best evidence of the fair value of a financial instrument on initial recognition is normally the transaction price, ie the fair value of consideration paid or received. If the Group determines that the fair value at initial recognition differs from the transaction price and the fair value is not supported by the current quoted market prices for similar assets or liabilities and is not based on valuation techniques using only the observed raw data, financial instruments are initially measured at fair value adjusted to defer the difference between the fair value at initial recognition and the transaction price. After initial recognition, the difference is recognized in profit or loss as appropriate throughout the life of the tool, but not later than the time when the assessment is fully supported by observable input data or when the operation is completed. If the asset or liability at fair value have a demand and supply price, assets and long positions are measured at a bid price, liabilities and short positions are measured at an asking price. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (l) Financial instruments, continued Offsetting of assets and liabilities Financial assets and liabilities offset and are stated in the consolidated statement on the financial position on a net basis in the event of the existence of legal protection of the right and the intention of the parties to settle the debt on the offset basis or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously; and this right is legally enforceable in the normal course of operations and in the event of default, insolvency or bankruptcy of the Group or any of the counterparties. (m) Impairment Non-derivative financial assets As at each balance sheet date the financial asset, not categorized as financial instruments at fair value and changes therein are recognized in profit or loss, including interest in the investee accounted for by the equity method, is tested for the presence of objective evidence of impairment . A financial asset is impaired if objective evidence indicates that after the initial recognition of an asset the event occurred, which resulted in a loss and that the loss event had a negative effect on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset that can be estimated reliably. Objective evidence of impairment that financial assets (including equity securities) may include: default or delinquency by a debtor; restructuring of debt due before the Group on terms that otherwise would not be considered by the Group; signs of the future bankruptcy of the debtor or issuer; adverse changes in the payment status of borrowers or issuers in the Group; economic conditions that correlate with defaults; the disappearance of an active market for a security, or observable data indicating a measurable decrease in the estimated future cash flows from a group of financial assets. In addition, objective evidence of impairment of investments in equity securities is a significant or continuing decline in its fair value below its cost. Financial assets measured at amortized cost Features that confirm those assets are impaired, the Group considers both at the level of individual assets and, together, at the level of groups of assets. All assets that are individually significant are collectively assessed for impairment on an individual basis. Those assets for which no impairment was found at the level of an individual asset, are jointly assessed for impairment that has been incurred but has not yet been identified. Individually insignificant assets are assessed for impairment together by combining assets with similar risk characteristics. In assessing impairment at the level of groups of assets the Group uses historical trends of the probability of loss, recovery of time and the amount of loss incurred, adjusted for management's judgment about whether current economic and credit conditions are such that the actual losses may be more or less than expected based on historical trends of losses. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (m) Impairment, continued (I) Non-derivative financial assets, continued Financial assets carried at amortized cost, continued An impairment loss is calculated as the difference between the asset carrying amount and the present value of expected future cash flows, discounted at the original effective interest rate of the asset. Losses are recognized in profit or loss and reflected in an allowance account. If the Group believes that the prospects for recovery of the asset are not realistic, appropriate amounts are written off. Interest on the impaired asset continues to be recognized through the "unwinding of the discount." In the event of any subsequent event causes a decrease in the magnitude of the impairment loss and the decrease can be related objectively to an event occurred after the impairment was recognized, the recovered amounts which were previously allocated to an impairment loss, are recognized in profit or loss for the period. Financial assets available for sale Impairment losses on financial assets classified as available-for-sale are recognized by the reclassification to profit or loss in the period of incurred losses accumulated in the fair value reserve in equity. The amount of accumulated impairment losses excluded from equity and recognized in profit or loss is the difference between the cost of acquisition of the asset (net of any principal repayment and amortization) and current fair value, less any impairment loss on that financial asset previously recognized in profit or loss. Changes arising from impairment provisions in connection with the use of the effective interest method are recognized as a component of interest income. If subsequently the fair value of an impaired debt securities classified as available-for-sale increases and the increase can be objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognized in profit or loss for the period, the impairment loss is reversed, with the amount of the reversal recognized in profit or loss for the period. However, any subsequent recovery in the fair value of an impaired equity securities classified as available-for-sale is recognized in other comprehensive income. Objects of investments accounted for using the equity method Impairment in respect of investments accounted for using the equity method are estimated by comparing the recoverable amount of the investment and its carrying value. An impairment loss is recognized in profit or loss and reversed in the event of a favorable change in the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (m) Impairment, continued Non-financial assets The carrying value of the Group's non-financial assets, other than investment property, inventories and deferred tax assets are reviewed at each reporting date to determine whether there is an indication of impairment or not. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is calculated. In respect of goodwill and intangible assets that have indefinite lives or that are not yet ready for use, the recoverable amount is estimated each year at the same time. For the purpose of impairment testing, assets that can not be tested individually are grouped together into the smallest group that generates cash inflows from continuing use of the related assets, largely independent of those from other assets or CGU. Subject to the limitations as to what level of testing can not be above the level of the operating segments for the purpose of impairment testing of goodwill those CGU to which goodwill has been allocated are aggregated so that the impairment test is carried out at the lowest level, on which the goodwill is monitored for internal reporting purposes. Goodwill acquired in the transaction of business combination is allocated to groups of CGU that are expected to benefit from the synergies of this combination. Group's corporate assets do not generate separate cash flows and they are used by more than one CGU. Corporate assets are allocated between the CGU on a reasonable and consistent basis, and their check for impairment as part of the testing of the CGU to which the appropriate corporate asset was allocated. The recoverable amount of an asset or CGU is the greater of its value in use of the asset (this unit) and its fair value less sale costs. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and risks specific to this asset or CGU. Impairment losses are recognized when the carrying amount of an asset or CGU to which the asset belongs, exceeds its recoverable amount. Impairment losses are recognized in profit or loss for the period. Impairment losses of CGU first to reduce the carrying amount of goodwill allocated to the relevant CGU (or group of CGU) and then to reduce the carrying amount of the other assets in the CGU (group of CGUs). Amounts written off by the impairment loss of goodwill is not reversed. In respect of other assets each balance sheet date is studied for the assessment of impairment losses recognized in prior periods, in order to identify indications that the loss has decreased or no longer exists. Amounts written off for impairment losses are reversed in the event when there have been changes in the estimates used in the calculation of the recoverable amount. An impairment loss is reversed only to the extent of the amount, which represents the asset before their carrying amount at which they would be reflected (net of accumulated depreciation) if it had not been recognized as an impairment loss. (n) Provisions A reserve is recognized if as a result of a past event, the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation resulting from past practice, the value of which can be estimated reliably, and an outflow of economic benefits to settle the obligation is probable. Provisions are determined by discounting the expected future cash flows at a pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the liability. Amount representing the amortization of the discount is recognized as financial cost. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (n) Employee Benefits Short-term benefits In determining the amount of the obligation in respect of short-term employee benefits the discounting basis is not used and relevant expenses are recognized as the related services were provided by personnel. The amounts expected to be paid under short-term cash bonus payments or profit-sharing liability is recognized when the Group has a present legal or due to past practice, the obligation to pay this amount as a result of the provision of services to workers in the past, and the magnitude of this obligation can be estimated reliably. Defined contribution plans Defined contribution plans is an employee benefits plan on the post-employment at the company, under which an entity pays fixed contributions into a separate entity (or fund) and does not bear any legal or arising from past practice obligations to pay further amounts. Obligations to the Single Accumulative Pension Fund of Kazakhstan (hereinafter, "SNPF" JSC), are recognized as employee benefits expense in profit or loss in the periods in which the employees rendered the related service. Defined benefit plans Defined benefit plan is a plan for employee benefits upon termination of their employment at the company, other than a defined contribution plan. Net obligation in respect of the Group's pension with the defined benefit plans is calculated separately for each plan by estimating the amount of future benefit that employees have earned in the current and prior periods. Amount defined on this basis is discounted to its present value and the fair value herewith of any plan assets is deducted. The discount rate is a market rate of return liabilities at the end of the reporting period, government bonds that have maturity dates approximating the terms of the Group's obligations and that are denominated in the same currency in which the payment of these fees is expected. The calculation are performed annually by a qualified actuary, which applies the projected standard unit method. When as a result of the calculations for the Group we obtain a potential asset the recognized asset is limited to the (discounted) value of any economic benefits available in the form of future refunds from the plan or in the form of reductions in future contributions to the plan. When calculating the reduced (discounted) value of the economic benefits we take into account all the requirements for minimum funding applicable to any of the Group's plans. An economic benefit is available to the Group if the Group can implement it within the term of the plan or when the final settlement of the plan liabilities. Revaluation of net liabilities of defined benefit plan, including actuarial gains and losses, return on plan assets (excluding interest) and the effect of the limit value of assets (except for interest if any) is recognized immediately in other comprehensive income. The Group determines the amount of net interest expense (income) at a net liability (asset) plan for the period by applying the discount rate used to estimate the liabilities of defined benefit plan at the beginning of the annual period to net liabilities (assets) plan on that date, taking into account any kind of change in the net liabilities (assets) plan for the period as a result of contributions and benefits. The net amount of interest and other expenses related to defined benefit plans are recognized in profit or loss. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (o) Employee benefits, continued Defined benefit plans, continued If you change the payments under the plan or its sequestration, the change aroused in payments of previous periods service, or the profit or loss on curtailment recognized immediately in profit or loss. The Group recognizes a gain or loss from the calculation of the plan liabilities when the settlement occurs. Other long-term employee benefits Net obligation in respect of the Group's long-term employee benefits, other than payments under the pension plans is the amount of future benefit that employees have earned in the current and prior periods. That benefit is discounted to determine its present value, and the fair value of any related assets is deducted. As the discount rate a market rate of return liabilities at the end of the reporting period of government bonds is used the maturity dates of which approximating the terms of the Group's obligations and that are denominated in the same currency in which the payment of these fees is expected. Calculations are made using the projected unit credit method. Restatements are recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they arise. (p) Capital Authorized share capital Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of ordinary shares and share options are recognized as a deduction from equity, net of any tax effects. In the case of repurchase of own shares by the Group the amount paid, including costs directly associated with the redemption, is recognized in the consolidated financial statements as a deduction from equity, net of any tax effects. Repurchased shares are classified as treasury shares and are recognized in the reserve for own shares. In case of sale or subsequent reissue of treasury shares the amounts received is recorded as an increase in equity and gain or loss emerging from this transaction is recognized as an increase in additional paid-in capital. The funds are recognized in equity The funds are recognized in equity (other comprehensive income) in the consolidated statement of financial position of the Group include the following components: Investment revaluation reserve of available-for-sale reflects changes in the fair value of investments available-for-sale. Reserve fund includes funds transferred from retained earnings based on the decision of the shareholders and can not be distributed as dividends. Dividends Dividends are recognized as a liability and deducted from equity on the balance sheet date only if they are declared before the balance sheet date inclusive. Dividends are disclosed in the consolidated financial statements when they are proposed before the reporting date or proposed or declared after the balance sheet date but before the financial statements approval for issue. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (q) Income tax Income tax expense comprises current income tax and deferred tax and is recognized in profit or loss except to the extent that it relates to a business combination or to items recognized directly in equity or in other comprehensive income . Current tax Current income tax includes the amount of the tax, which is expected to be paid or reimbursed in respect of taxable income or loss for the year and is calculated based on the tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date, and any adjustment to income tax of previous years. The calculation of liabilities for current income tax also includes any tax liability arising in connection dividends. Deferred tax Deferred tax is recognized on temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities determined for the purposes of their reflection in the financial statements and their tax bases. Deferred tax is not recognized for: temporary differences arising from the initial recognition of assets or liabilities in a transaction that is not a business combination and affect neither accounting nor taxable profit or loss; temporary differences relating to investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, to the extent that the Group is able to control the reversal of the temporary differences and it is probable that the temporary difference will not be reversed in the foreseeable future; and taxable temporary differences arising from the initial recognition of goodwill. A deferred tax asset is recognized for unused tax losses, tax credits and deductible temporary differences to the extent of probable future taxable profit against which they can be implemented. Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent th realization of the related tax benefit is no longer probable. Deferred tax is measured at the tax rates that will apply in the future, when the temporary differences reverse, based on the enacted or substantively enacted laws at the balance sheet date. The measurement of deferred tax reflects the tax consequences that follow from the manner in which the Group intends to recover or settle the carrying amount of assets and liabilities or settle at the end of the reporting period. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset in the event where there is a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities and the assets and liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on the same taxable entity, or on different tax entities, but they intend to settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis or tax assets of these companies will be realized simultaneously with the payment of their tax liabilities. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (q) Income taxes, continued (II) Deferred tax, continued In accordance with the tax laws of RK Group's company cannot set off tax losses and assets for current income tax against taxable profits and liabilities of current income tax expense of other Group's companies .In addition, the tax base is determined by each principal activity of the Group individually. Therefore, tax losses and taxable profits related to different activities cannot be offset. In determining the current and deferred income tax the Group accounts for the impact of uncertain tax positions and the possibility of additional taxation and charging of penalties and interest for late payment of tax. Based on the results of its assessment of a number of actuators, as well as the interpretation of the Kazakh tax legislation and past experience, management believes that the obligation to pay tax for all tax periods for which the tax authorities have the right to verify the completeness of the payments to the budget, are reflected in full screen. This assessment is based on estimates and assumptions and may involve the formation of a number of judgments about the impact of future events. Over time, the disposal of the Group may enter new information in connection with which the Group may need to change their judgments about the adequacy of existing tax liabilities. Such changes in the value of tax liabilities affect the amount of tax for the period in which these opinions have changed. (r) Value Added Tax (VAT) Revenues, expenses and assets are recognized net of the amount of VAT, except: When the VAT incurred on acquisition of assets or services is not recoverable from the taxation authorities, in this case the VAT is recognized as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or part of an expense item, depending on the circumstances Amounts receivable and accounts payable into account together with the VAT. The net amount of VAT recoverable or payable to the tax authorities is included in receivables or payables in the consolidated statement of financial position. VAT receivable is attributable to the acquisition, which have not been settled at the balance sheet date. VAT receivable can be taken to offset VAT payable, as well as at the request of VAT receivable may be refunded from the tax authorities of the state. If according to the norms of the existing tax laws or compensation settlement of VAT is deferred to the following twelve (12) months after the reporting date, such a VAT receivable is transferred to the long-term assets. In the case of non-refundabilitty, VAT recoverable is an expense in the consolidated statement on the comprehensive income. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (s) changes to the presentation - the reclassification of the previous year indicators In preparing the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2014, management has made certain reclassifications to conform to changes in presentation of the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2014. In accordance with IFRS (IAS) 1 "Presentation of Financial Statements" in the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2013 and 31 December 2012 the long-term investment securities available for sale with a remaining maturity of more than one year the amount of 11,036,031 thousand tenge and 7,241,276 thousand tenge, respectively, were reclassified from short-term to long-term assets. In addition, in accordance with IFRS (IAS) 40 "Investment Property", as at 31 December 2013 and 31 December 2012, the Group introduced a part of office space provided by the Group in the rent, as investment property separately in the consolidated statement of financial position, in order to comply with reporting in the current year. In the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2013, investment property was presented in the line of fixed assets in the consolidated statement of financial position. Management believes that the presentation of data is more consistent with the requirements of IFRS and give a clearer view of the consolidated financial position and results of operations. According to the statements of the Effect of prior period reclassification Reclassified 20,123,743 20,123,743 (1,431,356) 1,431,356 10,735,358 10,735,358 18,692,387 1,431,356 10,735,358 30,859,101 short-term assets Investment securities available-for-sale Total current assets 11,219,345 11,219,345 (10,735,358) (10,735,358) 483.987 483.987 Consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2012 Long-term assets Fixed Assets Investment Property Investment securities available-for-sale Total non-current assets 18,912,087 18,912,087 (1,438,421) 1,438,421 6,926,193 6,926,193 17,473,666 1,438,421 6,926,193 25,838,280 short-term assets Investment securities available-for-sale Total current assets 8,132,741 8,132,741 (6,926,193) (6,926,193) 1,206,548 1,206,548 th.tenge Consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2013 Long-term assets Fixed Assets Investment Property Investment securities available-for-sale Total non-current assets 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (s) changes to the presentation order - the reclassification of the previous year indicators, continued Moreover, in the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2013, following the requirements of IFRS (IAS) 7 "Statement of Cash Flows", the Group has transferred the amount of repayments of long-term loans to employees and the issuance of long-term loans to employees from investing activities in operations and presented them on a net basis as a change in loans to employees, as well as a change in the reclassified securities sold under repurchase agreements, from investment activities to financial activities. The table below shows the impact of these reclassifications on the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2013: According to the statements of the Effect of prior period reclassification Reclassified Change in loans to employees - (776.792) (776.792) Cash flows from operating activities 5,926,126 (776.792) 5,149,334 Net cash flows from operating activities 6,481,474 (776.792) 5,704,682 Repayment of long-term borrowings by workers 72.650 (72.650) - Issuance of long-term loans to employees (849.442) 849.442 - Change in securities sold under repurchase agreements (1,681,072) 1,681,072 - Net cash flows from investing activities (8,189,112) 2,457,864 (5,731,248) 2,387,208 (1,681,072) (1,681,072) (1,681,072) 706.136 th.tenge Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended December 31, 2013 Cash flows from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Purchase of securities under repurchase agreements Net cash flows from financing activities The above reclassifications do not affect the results of operations or capital of the Group. (t) New standards and interpretations not yet adopted to the use Certain new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations are not yet effective as of December 31, 2014 and have not been applied in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements.The Group plans to adopt these standards and interpretations when they become effective. 3 BASIC PROVISIONS OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES, CONTINUED (t) New standards and interpretations not yet adopted for the use, continuation The new standard / The possible impact on the amendment to the consolidated financial standard Brief description of the requirements statements IFRS IFRS (IFRS) 9, which was published in July 2014, replaces the existing The Group has not yet analyzed (IFRS 9) "Financial IFRS (IAS) 39 "Financial Instruments: Recognition and the likely impact of the new Instruments" Measurement".IFRS (IFRS 9) includes revised guidance on the standard in terms of its impact on classification and measurement of financial assets, including a new model the financial position and results of expected credit losses for the evaluation of impairment and new general of operations. requirements for hedge accounting. Also new standard upholds guidance on the recognition and derecognition of financial instruments adopted in IFRS (IAS) 39. IFRS (IFRS) 9 becomes effective for annual periods beginning on January 1, 2018 or after that date. Earlier application of standard is permitted. IFRS IFRS (IFRS) 15 establishes a general framework of principles to determine The Group has not yet analyzed (IFRS) 15 "Revenue whether there should be recognized as revenue, in what amount and when. the likely impact of the new from contracts with It replaces the existing guidance on revenue recognition, including IFRS standard in terms of its impact on customers" (IAS) 11, "Construction Contracts", IFRS (IAS) 18 "Revenue" and the financial position and results explaining IFRIC (IFRIC) 13 "Customer Loyalty Programs". of operations. The underlying principle of the new standard is that the company recognizes revenue to reflect the transfer of the promised goods or services to customers in the amount corresponding to the compensation to which the enterprise in accordance with their expectations, will be entitled to in exchange for those goods or services. The new standard provides detailed disclosure in respect of revenue, includes guidance on accounting for transactions that were previously not considered in its entirety, as well as improves the guidance on accounting for agreements consisting of many elements. IFRS (IFRS) 15 shall enter into force for annual periods beginning on January 1, 2017 or after that date. Earlier application of standard is permitted. The following new standards and amendments to standards are not expected to have a material impact on the consolidated financial statements. IFRS (IFRS) 14 "Deferred tariff adjustment". Accounting for the acquisition of interests in joint operations (amendments to IFRS (IFRS) 11). Clarification of allowable depreciation methods (Amendments to IFRS (IAS) 16 and IFRS (IAS) 38). Defined benefit plans: employees' contributions (amendment to IFRS (IAS) 19). The project "Improvements to IFRSs." Cycle: 2010-2012. The project "Improvements to IFRSs." Cycle: 2011-2013. Kazpost JSC Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2014 Fixed Assets Fixed assets include the following: th.tenge Actual cost As of 1 January 2013, restated Receipts Reclassified from investment property, restated Reclassified to investment property, restated Land Plots Buildings and Structures 1,177,506 43.907 - 11,623,938 164.519 319.324 (330.332) 7,070,777 995.960 - 4,301,364 1,426,852 - 1,398,553 228.197 - Transfers. Disposals At December 31, 2013, restated Receipts Reclassified from investment property Reclassified to investment property Impairment of fixed assets (1,966) 1,219,447 9.611 - 278.042 (105.119) 11,950,372 31.599 468.359 (306.394) (2,835) 13.757 (295.429) 7,785,065 950.622 - 48.482 (94.159) 5,682,539 1,322,481 - (63.029) (36.372) 1,527,349 176.870 - Transfers. Disposals As of December 31, 2014 (67.526) (432) 1,161,100 230.912 (13,027) 12,358,986 (263) (289.720) 8,445,704 (157.652) 6,847,368 263 (94.283) 1,610,199 Machinery and equipment Vehicles Other fixed assets Constru ction in progres s 51.411 372.688 (277.25 2) (1,715) 145.132 287.119 (163.38 6) 268.865 Total 25,623,549 3,232,123 319.324 (330.332) (534.760) 28,309,904 2,778,302 468.359 (306.394) (2,835) (555.114) 30,692,222 4 FIXED ASSETS, CONTINUED th.tenge Accumulated depreciation and impairment As of 1 January 2013, restated Accrual Impairment (Note 20) Reclassified from investment property, restated Reclassified to investment property, restated Disposals Transfers As of December 31, 2013, restated Accrual Reclassified from investment property Reclassified to investment property Disposals As of December 31, 2014 Net book value As of 1 January 2013, restated At December 31, 2013, restated As of December 31, 2014 Buildings and Structures Machinery and equipment Vehicles Other fixed assets Construction in progress Total - 995.098 405.947 42.982 (17.123) (31.403) 608 1,396,109 4,125,462 790.573 279.318 (295.357) 31,250 4,931,246 2,055,445 277.512 (89.908) 20.839 2,263,888 973.878 141.465 (36.372) (52.697) 1,026,274 - 8,149,883 1,615,497 279.318 42.982 (17.123) (453.040) 9,617,517 - 400.816 29.440 (66.290) (4.751) 1,755,324 793.407 (289.667) 5,434,986 482.341 (151.810) 2,594,419 116.729 (88.011) 1,054,992 - 1,793,293 29.440 (66.290) (534.239) 10,839,721 1,177,506 1,219,447 1,161,100 10,628,840 10,554,263 10,603,662 2,945,315 2,853,819 3,010,718 2,245,919 3,418,651 4,252,949 424.675 501.075 555.207 51.411 145.132 268.865 17,473,666 18,692,387 19,852,501 Plots - 4 FIXED ASSETS, CONTINUED In 2013, an impairment loss in the amount of 279.318 thousand tenge was a write-off of the carrying value of the postal sorting machine to zero cost. This loss was recognized in the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income as cost of sales. The recoverable amount is based on management's estimates of the expected net fair value less costs on sale, which was determined with reference to an active market. The group also devalued software relating to postal sorting machines (Note 6). As of December 31, 2014 the gross book value of fixed assets fully depreciated amounted to 4,652,902 thousand tenge (2013: 4,272,458 thousand tenge). As of December 31, 2014 the carrying value the fixed assets was 116.751 thousand tenge were pledged as collateral for the loan from the Islamic Development Bank (2013: 114.289 thousand tenge) (Note 15). In 2014 and 2013 the Group has not capitalized any borrowing costs. Investment Property Reconciliation of the carrying amount Restated th.tenge Note 2014 2013 Actual cost Balance as of 1 January 1,584,479 1,573,471 Reclassification from assets 4 306.394 330.332 Reclassified to assets 4 (468.359) (319.324) Balance as of 31 December 1,422,514 1,584,479 Accumulated depreciation and impairment Balance as of 1 January 153.123 135.050 Accrual 9.524 43.932 Reclassification from assets 4 66.290 17.123 Reclassified to assets 4 (29.440) (42.982) Balance as of 31 December 199.497 153.123 Net book value as of December 31, 1,223,017 1,431,356 Investment property comprises a number of commercial properties that are leased to third parties. 5 INVESTMENT PROPERTY, CONTINUED Fair value hierarchy The fair value of investment property is determined by internal assessors and for most of the property - an independent appraiser. As of December 31, 2014 the fair value of investment property is 2,512,048 thousand tenge and are classified within Level 3 fair value hierarchy based on the initial data for the application of assessment methods (2013: 1,863,466 thousand tenge). Intangible assets Intangible assets include the following: th.tenge Cost As of January 1, 2013 Receipts Disposals As of December 31, 2013 Receipts Disposals As of December 31, 2014 Accumulated amortization and impairment As of January 1, 2013 Charge for the year Impairment (Note 20) Disposals As of December 31, 2013 Charge for the year Disposals As of December 31, 2014 Database of clients Other intangibleassets Assets under development Total 38.695 (4,546) 34.149 (3,193) 30.956 2,273,221 97.224 (848.827) 1,521,618 233.029 (30.113) 1,724,534 163.649 163.649 33.022 (107) 196.564 2,311,916 260.873 (853.373) 1,719,416 266.051 (33.413) 1,952,054 3,225 6.259 (4,546) 4.938 6.259 (3,193) 8,004 1,677,201 315.242 26.174 (848.578) 1,170,039 120.476 (25.674) 1,264,841 - 1,680,426 321.501 26.174 (853.124) 1,174,977 126.735 (28.867) 1,272,845 Net book value 121 As of January 1, 2013 As of December 31, 2013 As of December 31, 2014 35.470 29.211 22.952 596.020 351.579 459.693 163.649 196.564 631.490 544.439 679.209 As of December 31, 2014 and 2013 other intangible assets primarily consist of software for the provision of banking, postal and logistics services, accounting. In 2013, the Group reclassified the advances paid for the implementation of SAP to the category of assets in the implementation phase, in the amount of 163.649 thousand tenge. The company expects to implement SAP software during 2015. In 2013, the Group recognized an impairment of the software associated with the postal sorting machines, in the amount of 26.174 thousand tenge. As disclosed in Note 4, the recoverable amount was based on management's estimates of the expected net fair value less costs of sale. LOANS TO EMPLOYEES In 2014 and 2013, the Group provided loans to its employees at a rate of 6% per annum for the purchase of property totaling 137.200 thousand tenge and 849.442 thousand tenge in connection with the relocation of the head office from Almaty to Astana. In 2009 and 2011, in accordance with the recommendations of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Group provided its employees with the long-term interest-free loans for the purchase of property. These loans are collateralized by the acquired property and are linked to the ongoing activities of employees in the Group. Upon initial recognition the loans were discounted to its fair value and the discount was reflected as a deferred consideration in other assets in the consolidated statement of financial position. The amount of amortization of deferred consideration is reflected in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income in financial expenses (Note 22) and interest income on loans are recorded in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income as financial income (Note 22). As of December 31, 2014 and 2013 loans to employees are recorded net of allowance for impairment in the amount of 27.446 thousand tenge. Loans must be repaid within 2014-2028 years. Stock Inventories consist of the following: th.tenge Materials Stamps Consumer goods Total TRADE AND OTHER RECEIVABLES AND OTHER ASSETS short Trade and other receivables and other current assets consist of the following: th.tenge Trade receivables Amounts payable to ascertain and for damage, loss and theft Advances paid to publishers Advances paid for goods and services Prepaid taxes other than income taxes Other current assets Other receivables Less: stock for impairment of trade and other receivables and other current assets Total Dec. 31 2014 650.028 68.885 27.659 746.572 Dec. 31 2013 604.820 67.226 43.120 715.166 Dec. 31 2014 3,547,962 910.053 2,303 88.941 7,087 105.815 4,662,161 (1,001,838) 3,660,323 Dec. 31 2013 2,592,925 839.395 352.667 104.905 11.357 7.372 183.611 4,092,232 (906.641) 3,185,591 9 TRADE AND OTHER RECEIVABLES AND OTHER CURRENT ASSETS, CONTINUED As of 31 December the amounts to ascertain represent arrears of violations where suspected and guilty persons are not known at the balance sheet date, or the true nature of these amounts has not been established by the Group. Receivables for damage, loss and theft is a theft loss on cash and other assets that the Group expects to recover from the suspected and guilty persons, is currently in the process of administrative proceedings under investigation or during the trial. The Group has established a reserve for the full amount of such damages. Reserves for debt amounts to be reclassified before clarification to the receivables on damage, loss and theft as identifying the guilty persons or other assets as revealing the true nature of these amounts. Reserves for arrears of damage, loss and theft will be reversed as the guilty party reimburse the losses caused. If such losses are restored, they will be written off in accordance with the Kazakh legislation. Trade and other receivables are denominated in the following currencies: Dec. 31 Dec. 31 th.tenge 2014 2013 Tenge 2,203,541 1,552,475 ADF 1,093,029 935.248 Russian Ruble 245.869 197.876 USD 34.278 30.185 Other currencies 5,306 5,118 122 Total Analysis of trade and other receivables by maturity as of December 31 is as follows: Has not Past due but not impaired expiredWIDE nor <30 30-60 th.tenge Total impaired days days 2014 3,582,023 3,511,217 60.188 10.618 2013 2,720,902 2,634,528 15.118 37.520 3,582,023 60-90 days 7.983 2,720,902 90-120 days 15.831 Movements in the provision for impairment for the year ended December 31, can be represented as follows: Amounts payable to ascertain and for damage, loss and Trade Other th.tenge theft receivables receivables Advances paid As of January 1, 2013 719.968 17.817 3,649 13.643 Accruals/(reversal) for the year 131.215 33.016 1,152 (2.030) Write-off during the year (11.789) As of December 31, 2013 839.394 50.833 4,801 11.613 Accruals/(reversal) for the year 72.272 8.831 7.289 19.023 Write-off during the year (12.218) As of December 31, 2014 899.448 59.664 12.090 30.636 > 120 days 9.922 Total 755.077 163.353 (11.789) 906.641 107.415 (12.218) 1,001,838 9 TRADE AND OTHER RECEIVABLES AND OTHER CURRENT ASSETS, CONTINUED The Group establishes an allowance for doubtful accounts receivable balances and amounts to asking. Significant judgment is used to estimate doubtful accounts. To assess the impairment of accounts receivable the historical and projected financial performance of the client are recorded. Changes in the economy, industry or specific customer conditions may require adjustments to the allowance for doubtful accounts recorded in the consolidated financial statements. INVESTMENT SECURITIES AVAILABLE FOR SALE Investment securities available for sale include the following: Dec. 31 Dec. 31 th.tenge 2014 2013 Treasury bills of Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan 7,858,293 7,509,235 Bonds of local financial institutions 3,635,123 3,710,110 Corporate bonds 100.252 Total 11,593,668 11,219,345 Bonds of local financial institutions include the following: Dec. 31 Dec. 31 th.tenge Credit rating 2014 2013 "Eurasian Bank" JSC Moody's: B1 / negative 1,442,720 1,559,902 "Kazkommertsbank" JSC Moody's: B2 / Negative / NP 1,080,963 922.495 "Caspian Bank" JSC Moody's: B1 / negative / NP 336.598 337.790 "Bank CenterCredit" JSC Moody's: B2 / Negative / NP 774.842 821.026 "Mortgage organization" Kazakhstan Mortgage Company" JSC Fitch: BB + / Negative 68.897 3,635,123 3,710,110 Interest rates and maturities of investment securities available for sale are as follows: th.tenge December 31, 2014 December 31, 2013 % Treasury bills of Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan 4.3% -8.75% Bonds of local financial institutions 5.5% -11.0% Corporate bonds 13% Maturity 2015-2032 2015-2023 2028 % Maturity 4.3% -8.8% 2014-2032 5.5% -9.2% 2014-2023 Not applicable Not applicable In 2014, the Group recognized an unrealized loss on investment securities available for sale, in the amount of 392.955 thousand tenge (2013: profit of 138.638 thousand tenge). In 2014, the Group recognized a realized gain on sale of investment securities availablefor-sale with a total of 2,062 thousand tenge (2013: 23.183 thousand tenge). Impairment of financial investments available-for-sale At each balance sheet date, the Group accounts for impairment of securities classified as investments available for sale. In particular, management uses judgment to estimate the amount and timing of future cash flows on an individual basis to determine the 123 amount of impairment loss. These calculations are based on an assumption about the number of actuators and the actual results may be different, leading to changes in reserve in the future. INVESTMENT SECURITIES AVAILABLE FOR SALE, CONTINUED Impairment of financial investments available for sale, continued As of 31 December 2014 the Group held corporate bonds of the issuer "Kazakhstan Kagazy" JSC (hereinafter, "Kazakhstan Kagazy" JSC), which is still in the initial stage of implementation of the restructuring program, launched in 2012, with the gross value of 309.105 thousand tenge. As of December 31, 2013, the Group wrote off the bonds of Kazakhstan Kagazy of 100% against a previously created provisions. In 2014, the Group regained some bonds of Kazakhstan Kagazy of 100.252 thousand tenge after the announcement of the repayment schedule, as amended, in accordance with the restructuring plan, the analysis of the financial position of the issuer and cash in the amount of 7.974 thousand tenge obtained in the execution of the restructuring plan in 2014 by the issuer. BANK DEPOSITS As of December 31, 2014 and 2013, short-term bank deposits represent deposits with local banks, with the credit rating assigned by the agency Moody's B/negative, with the remaining term to maturity of twelve (12) months or less, at a rate of 8.5% per annum, denominated in tenge. Cash and cash equivalents* Cash and cash equivalents comprise the following: Dec. 31 Dec. 31 th.tenge 2014 2013 Current accounts in tenge with Kazakhstan banks 5,798,071 6,152,404 Reverse "repo" agreements of up to 90 days 2,555,549 3,152,911 Cash on hand 2,282,158 1,721,251 Current accounts in tenge in foreign currency in domestic banks 319.665 433.306 Total 10,955,443 11,459,872 In 2014 and 2013 the Group entered into reverse repurchase agreements with counterparties on KASE. These agreements relate to the treasury bills of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the notes of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, having the fair value of 2,685,071 thousand tenge as of 31 December 2014 (2013: 3,410,421 thousand tenge). Cash and cash equivalents are denominated in the following currencies: Dec. 31 Dec. 31 th.tenge 2014 2013 Tenge 10,593,052 10,985,238 USD 323.486 402.193 Russian Rouble 12.778 53.625 EUR 22.018 15.465 Other currencies 4.109 3,351 Total 10,955,443 11,459,872 CAPITAL Share capital The share capital includes the following: Number of authorized, issued and fully paid ordinary shares as of January 1, Ordinary shares authorized, issued and paid during the year Ordinary shares authorized, issued and paid during the year Total, in thousands tenge 2014 Price of accommodation in tenge 2014 th.tenge 2013 Price of accommodation in tenge 2013 th.tenge 12,251,856 1,000 12,251,855 10,167,784 1,000 10,167,784 1,815,196 1,000 1,815,196 2,084,071 1,000 2,084,071 14,067,052 - 14,067,051 1 12,251,856 344 12,251,855 In accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors of "Kazpost" JSC, in January and March 2014 the Group approved the issuance of additional common shares in the amount of 1,815,196 shares with a total of 1,815,196 thousand tenge (2013: 2,084,071 thousand tenge). In 2014, the issued common shares were fully paid by Samruk-Kazyna JSC. Reserve capital Reserve capital includes funds transferred from retained earnings in 2003-2006 based on the resolutions of the shareholders. The funds in the account are not subject to capital reserve allocation. Revaluation reserve for investment securities available-for-sale Revaluation reserve reflects changes in fair value of investment securities available-for-sale (Note 10). 124 Dividends In 2014, the Company did not declare or pay a dividend (2013: 141.538 thousand tenge, 12 tenge per share). Earnings per share Basic earnings per share as was calculated is based on the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Parent Company and the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year. The Company has no potential ordinary shares, having a dilutive effect. Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the parent company, ths. Tenge Weighted average number of ordinary shares for basic earnings per share Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Parent Company for the calculation of basic earnings per share, tenge 2014 146.006 12,872,593 2013 176.060 11,606,264 11.34 15.17 Accounts and customer deposits Deposits from customers include the following: Customer current accounts Demand deposits fixed-term deposits Total Less: time deposits with maturities greater than one year Deposit accounts with a maturity of up to one year Deposits from customers represent the following account: 2014 th.tenge 19,199,166 1,443,620 118.067 20,760,853 2013 th.tenge 18,941,132 1,251,629 673.045 20,865,806 (57.591) 20,703,262 (103.734) 20,762,072 2014 th.tenge 2013 th.tenge Customer current accounts: Account of pensions and state benefits 13,750,634 13,634,800 Current accounts of individual entrepreneurs 1,271,361 1,242,606 Current accounts of legal entities 1,234,909 1,166,903 Plastic cards 1,126,844 969.796 Salary Account 731.282 739.813 Current accounts of budgetary organizations 582.935 536.230 Current accounts of individuals 298.602 395.675 Accounts of brokerage services 101.814 168.813 Other 100.785 86.497 Total 19,199,166 18,941,133 Demand deposits 1,443,620 1,251,629 fixed-term deposits Fixed term deposits - up to one year 60.476 569.310 Fixed term deposits - over one year 57.591 103.735 Total 118.067 673.045 During 2014 and 2013 the interest rate on term deposits were installed in the range of 0.8% to 5.3% per year. Deposits were mainly denominated in tenge. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS LOANS Loans of financial institutions include the following: 15 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS LOANS , continued Unused loan funds As of 31 December 2014 the Group had unused lines of credit limits (as of 31 December 2013: not available). Employee benefits liabilities Reconciliation of discounted employee benefit obligations for the years ended December 31 are as follows: 2014 2013 th.tenge th.tenge 125 The total amount of obligations as of 1 January Included in the profit or loss for the period: Current period service cost Past period service cost Interest expense (Note 22) Included in other comprehensive income: Actuarial (gain) loss arising from: - Demographic assumptions - Financial assumptions - Adjustments based on experience 479.863 178.485 26.757 201.443 38.377 72.921 253.383 11.207 291.981 (131.463) (296.348) (135.830) 16.188 16.188 Other: Remuneration paid during the year Total liabilities as of December 31 (59.154) 551.456 (52.865) 479.319 Short-term deposits Longer-term 49.940 501.516 53.080 426.239 Employee benefits liabilities The Group has a long-term commitment to employee benefits in accordance with IFRS (IAS) 19 "Employee Benefits", which is determined using actuarial valuations. The actuarial valuation involves numerous assumptions, which may differ from actual future events. Assumptions include the discount rate, future salary increases, mortality rates and future pension increases. Due to the complexity of the evaluation and its long-term nature, the obligation to a defined benefit plan has a high sensitivity to changes in these assumptions. All assumptions are reviewed at each reporting date. The collective agreement of the Group approved for 2014-2016 years, stated that employees receive a lump sum payment upon retirement of old age at a rate of one (1) the average monthly salary if the employee has less than twenty (20) years of work experience in the Group, and of 2 times the average monthly wage at the experience in service for over 20 years. Also, the Group has the following types of payments subject to actuarial valuation: a lump sum payment upon retirement due to disability; funeral benefit for the retiree; funeral benefit of the employee; material assistance to pensioners on the Day for the Elderly; material assistance to pensioners, veterans and home front workers to May 9; payments for disability resulting from an accident at work. These benefits are unfunded. 16 Employee benefit obligations, CONTINUED The key assumptions used to determine the liabilities of the Group are as follows: 2014 2013 Discount rate 7.92% 5.77% The increase in wages in the future 8.0% 4.0% Height monthly calculation indices (MCI) 4.0% 7.45% Average inflation 7.0% 4.0% In 2014 and 2013, the Group used the average long-term rate of inflation to adjust the current fair value of future cash flows, discounted to net present value of cash flows at the risk-free rate of government bonds with the same maturity. Assumptions regarding future mortality are based on published statistics and demographic mortality tables of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2013. Norms of turnover on an annual basis used in the calculation as of December 31, 2014, are presented in the table below: Administrative and 2014 managerial personnel Production personnel 30 years 12.76% 12.26% from 30 to 50 years 8.58% 12.44% Over 50 years 4.17% 8.46% Sensitivity analysis Below we show how the obligations under a defined benefit plan with the reasonably possible change in one of the most significant actuarial assumptions at the balance sheet date may be affected if other actuarial assumptions remain unchanged. December 31, 2014 th.tenge The discount rate (1% change) Future growth of wages (3% change) Norma of turnover (change of 3%) Commitment to a defined benefit plan Increase Reduction (29,850) 33.154 96.946 (90.730) (24.429) 21.987 Despite the fact that this analysis does not take into account the full distribution of the expected cash flows under the plan, it provides a rough idea of the sensitivity of these assumptions. 126 TRADE AND OTHER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and other receivables and other current liabilities include the following: 2014 2013 th.tenge th.tenge Payables to employees 1,231,173 844.676 Payables for fixed assets 850.793 692.550 Advances received 671.761 663.206 Trade payables 557.419 786.201 Accounts payable for taxes other than income taxes 362.900 347.141 Arrears on payments received from customers 218.402 578.755 Other commitments 428.968 274.496 Total 4,321,416 4,187,025 Trade and other payables are non-interest bearing and are normally settled within 30-180 days. Trade and other payables is mainly denominated in tenge. Deferred income/payables to publishers on the received SUBSCRIPTION 2014 2013 th.tenge th.tenge Deferred revenue on subscription Legal entities 434.160 433.141 Individuals 1,077,834 1,104,197 1,511,994 1,537,338 Deferred revenue for the delivery of postal items Prepaid subscriptions from subscribers, payable to Publishers: Prepayment from legal entities Pre-payment from individuals Amounts owed to publishers 61.544 1,573,538 114.046 1,651,384 2,146,091 2,652,937 98.981 4,898,009 2,271,328 2,724,253 281.992 5,277,573 2014 th.tenge 2013 th.tenge 10,181,612 931.542 2,433,547 13,546,701 6,169,045 4,226,772 2,113,233 1,326,279 755.330 726.283 709.598 448.226 234.920 67.264 18,936 22.952 30,365,539 9,560,222 858.305 1,266,742 11,685,269 5,822,515 4,016,524 1,710,084 2,028,014 658.929 561.223 668.188 384.385 214.750 31.856 15.714 22.921 27,820,372 INCOME Revenues include the following: Services for the delivery of postal items: Within the country International International unequal exchange Fee for transfer of pensions, salaries and other payments Fee for the processing of municipal and other payments Commission for the delivery of periodicals Agency fees for conversion services and the recovery of loans Transfer fee Customer accounts maintenance Transportation funds renting of facilities Sale of postal products Brokerage Consumer goods Other currencies Total Operation of international unequal exchange International unequal exchange is a service rendered to other countries for the delivery of mail. Incoming mail is the income of the Group, as it includes mail distribution services in Kazakhstan. Outgoing mail items are expenses of the Group. COST OF SALES Cost of sales includes the following: Staff costs 2014 th.tenge 16,824,308 2013 th.tenge 14,397,164 127 Transportation services Stock Depreciation and amortization Maintenance and repair of fixed assets Security costs Utilities Communication services IT services Rent Travel expenses Insurance An impairment loss (Notes 4,6) Others Total 2,163,044 1,904,412 1,714,954 966.721 760.525 615.848 529.365 298.507 295.006 196.447 44.012 1,467 445.564 26,760,180 1,874,171 1,824,638 1,765,935 863.689 733.789 521.265 485.365 325.052 219.194 214.828 36.938 305.492 297.153 23,864,673 Rental expenses are expenses incurred by the Group in the preparation of commercial premises under an operating lease for its normal operations. In all such cases, all the risks and rewards associated with the leased assets are retained by the lessor for the duration of such operating leases. General and administrative costs General and administrative costs include the following: Staff costs Taxes other than income tax Rental expenses Depreciation and amortization Travel expenses Hospitality and expenses for charity Communication services Professional services Banking services Repair and maintenance of office Utilities Earning / (reversal) of provision for obsolete inventory Others Total Financial income / financial expenses Finance income and expenses include the following: Financial income Interest income on investment securities available-for-sale Interest income on securities purchased under repurchase agreements Interest income on loans to employees (Note 7) Interest income on bank deposits Total Financial expenses Interest expense on loans of financial institutions Amortization of deferred interest on loans to employees (Note 7) Interest expense on employee benefit obligations (Note 17) Interest expense on finance leases Interest expense on customer accounts and deposits Interest expense on securities sold under repurchase agreements Total Other non-operating income Other net non-operating expenses include the following: Decrease in unnecessarily accrued expenses of previous years, including interest expense on deposits from customers Income from cancellation of obligations at the end of the period of limitation 2014 th.tenge 3,211,123 878.906 246.472 214.598 135.837 88.996 71.564 58.283 47.665 24.354 16.579 7,641 167.862 5,169,880 2013 th.tenge 2,876,491 790.970 170.077 214.995 114.621 78.806 60.866 69.342 49,800 52.198 32.418 (8,690) 197.479 4,699,373 2014 th.tenge 2013 th.tenge 834.837 675.656 89.794 63.136 1,663,423 675.490 169.989 62.937 195.398 1,103,814 (271.590) (42.960) (38.377) (13.619) (12.996) (1,561) (381.103) (188.908) (43.723) (11.207) (6.312) (79.846) (1,820) (331.816) 2014 th.tenge 2013 th.tenge 132.308 63.236 - 128 Revenue from fines under economic contracts Profits from the sale of fixed assets Other non-operating income (expense) Total 40.293 10.994 53.914 300.745 99.670 252.652 (2,364) 349.958 expense / (benefit) for income taxes Savings on corporate income tax for the year ended December 31, includes the following: 2014 2013 th.tenge th.tenge Expenses related to income tax 13.746 Expense / (benefit) for deferred income tax 148.067 (66.154) Total expense / (benefit) for income taxes 148.067 (52.408) Reconciliation of income tax savings in respect of income before income tax expense calculated using the statutory rate of 20%, with the cost of income tax expense for 2014 and 2013 is presented below: 2014 2013 th.tenge th.tenge Income before corporate income tax 293.126 112.140 58.625 22.428 Income tax expense calculated at the statutory tax rate of 20% Other non-deductible expenses (not taxable income) Disposal of fixed assets Change in unrecognized deferred assets Non-taxable interest income on investment securities available-for-sale Reversal of impairment of other receivables Expense / (benefit) for income taxes Assets and deferred tax liabilities as of December 31 included: 62.180 1,870 25.392 148.067 (3,343) (93.789) 22.296 (52.408) Consolidated Statement on profit and loss and other comprehensive income Other aggregate income Consolidated Statement of financial position December 31, December 31, 2014 2013 January 1, 2013 2014 2013 2014 - - 980 - (980) - - 24.023 - (24.023) 24.023 - 11.933 10.167 3,563 1,766 6.604 - Accruals 251.768 186.344 155.603 65.424 126.605 - Provision for inventories 1,528 2,341 4.216 (813) (1,875) - Employee benefits liabilities 110.292 95.864 - 41.594 - (27.166) 375.521 318.739 164.362 83.948 154.377 (27.166) (1,245,070) (1,013,055) (924.832) (232.015) (88.223) - (1,245,070) (1,013,055) (924.832) (232.015) (88.223) - (869.549) (694.316) (760.470) (148.067) 66.154 (27.166) th.tenge Profit or loss Deferred tax assets Amortization of premiums on securities available-for-sale Interest on customer deposits and loans to financial institutions Provisions for trade and other receivables Deferred tax liability Property, equipment and intangible assets Deferred income tax Net deferred tax liability 24 Expenses/(benefit) for income taxes, continued Reconciliation of deferred tax liabilities, net Balance as of 1 January Income tax expense for the period recognized in profit or loss Savings on income tax for the reporting period recognized in other comprehensive income Balance as of 31 December 2014 th.tenge (694.316) (148.067) 2013 th.tenge (760.470) 66.154 (27.166) (869.549) (694.316) 129 Group offset the tax assets and tax liabilities only in cases where it has a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities and assets and deferred tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority . CONTINGENT LIABILITIES, COMMITMENTS AND OPERATIONAL RISK Current taxes Kazakhstan's tax legislation and regulations are subject to ongoing changes and varying interpretations. There are often instances of inconsistent opinions between local, regional and national tax authorities. The current regime of penalties and interest related to reported and discovered violations of Kazakhstan's tax laws are severe. Penalties include fines, as a rule, 50% of the taxes additionally assessed and interest is assessed at the refinancing rate established by the National Bank of Kazakhstan multiplied by 2.5. Fiscal periods remain open to review by tax authorities for five (5) calendar years preceding the year of review. Under certain circumstances tax reviews may cover longer periods. Because of the uncertainties associated with Kazakhstan's tax system, the amount of taxes, penalties and interest, if any, may exceed the amount expensed to date and accrued at December 31, 2014. In the assessment of tax risks, management considers to be of possible areas of tax that the Group would not appeal or does not believe that it could successfully appeal, if the additional taxes will be charged by the tax authorities. Such a determination requires significant judgment and may change as a result of changes in tax laws and legal acts, the expectations from pending tax proceedings and outcome of ongoing audits by tax authorities for compliance. Management believes that it has accrued the required amounts and created all the necessary provisions for taxation as of December 31, 2014. Litigation In the course of its normal activities the Group is faced with various types of legal claims. Management believes that the ultimate liability arising from litigation (if any), will not have a material adverse effect on the financial position or future operations. Contractual obligations As of 31 December 2014 the Group had contractual commitments for the acquisition of fixed assets and intangible assets in the amount of 157.976 thousand tenge (as of December 31, 2013: in the amount of 300.081 thousand tenge). As of 31 December 2014 the Group had commitments for the acquisition of inventories (materials and spare parts) and other services (as of 31 December 2013: absent). 25 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES, COMMITMENTS AND OPERATIONAL RISK, continued Insurance The insurance industry in Kazakhstan is in its infancy and many forms of insurance protection common in other parts of the world, are not yet available in Kazakhstan. The Group does not have full insurance coverage for its plant facilities, business interruption losses, or incurred obligations to third parties in respect of damage caused to the property or the environment as a result of accidents or operations. As long as the Group obtains adequate insurance coverage, there is a risk that the loss or destruction of certain assets could have a material adverse effect on the financial position of the Group. Operating lease commitments - Group as a lessee The Group is a lessee in a number of agreements on the lease of commercial real estate, as well as vehicles and computer equipment to carry out their normal operations. In all such cases, all the risks and rewards associated with the leased assets are retained by the supplier for the period of such operating leases in cases where the Group is the lessee. The validity of the lease agreements is of not more than twelve (12) months from the balance sheet date, and the Group has no non-cancellable contracts. Operating lease commitments - Group as lessor The Group is the lessor in a number of agreements for lease of commercial real estate, which in most cases is a surplus office and production areas of a Group. The Group has no lease agreements without the right to termination. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES IN RISK MANAGEMENT The Group's operations are subject to risks. The Group is managed through a process of ongoing identification, measurement and monitoring, as well as subject to risk limits and other controls. The risk management process is critical to the Group's continuing profitability and each employee is responsible for the risks associated with his or her responsibilities. Group is exposed to financial risks: currency risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk. The Group is also exposed to operational risks. Risk management structure The structure of risk management in the Group is listed on several levels, with the involvement of the following agencies and units of the Group: Board of Directors, Management Board, Risks Management Service, Internal Audit Service, other subdivisions. Board of Directors The Board of Directors plays a key role in overseeing the system of corporate risk management. The Board of Directors carries out the setting of objectives of the Group, as well as approves documents in risk management, establishing the possibility of risk-taking and risk appetite. Management Board The Management Board is responsible for the organization of an effective system of risk management and the establishment of a framework of risk control to ensure compliance with corporate policies. 26 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES ON RISK MANAGEMENT, continued Risk management structure, continued Risk Management Service Risk Management Service is responsible for monitoring compliance with the principles of risk management policies and risk limits of the Group. Risk Management Service is responsible for the independent control of risks, including monitoring the risk of exposures against limits and the assessment of risks of new products and structured transactions. This service also provides a complete information collection in the system of risk assessment and reporting of risks. The Internal Audit Service Function of the Internal Audit Service of the Group in the risk management process is the audit of risk management procedures and methodologies for risk assessment and development of proposals to improve the effectiveness of risk management procedures. Internal Audit Service discusses the results of all assessments with management, and reports its findings and recommendations to the Committee on Internal Audit. 130 Structural Divisions One important element in the structure of the risk management system is the structural divisions of the Group. Structural divisions are responsible for the implementation of the action plan for risk management, early detection and reporting of significant risks in their activities. Their duties also include making suggestions for risk management for inclusion in the action plan. Credit risk Credit risk - the risk of non-performance or improper performance of obligations by the counterparty on time and in full. Credit risk can arise due to the deterioration of financial condition of counterparties and issuers, fall of a goodwill of counterparty and issuer. The methods of credit risk management in the Group are as follows: Provision for possible losses, compliance with established limits for transactions with customers, in-depth analysis of creditworthiness, which minimizes the risk of counterparty default. Also, when placing the cash the Group provides conditions - triggers the upon implementation of which the Group has the right to direct debiting of the deposit amount on correspondent accounts with the respective counterparties. The maximum exposure of credit risk in the event of default by other parties under financial instruments is equal to the carrying value of financial assets as presented in the accompanying consolidated financial statements and the disclosed financial commitments, if any, at the end of the year. Risks associated with credit-related commitments The carrying value of the consolidated statement of financial position, excluding the effect of mitigation through the use of collateral agreements, most accurately reflects the maximum exposure to credit risk on these items. As per financial instruments at fair value, the carrying value represents the current credit risk exposure but not the maximum risk exposure that could arise in the future as a result of changes in value. Credit quality per class of financial assets The Group manages its credit quality of financial assets using internal credit ratings. The table below shows the credit quality by class of assets on the consolidated statement of financial position based on the Group's credit rating system. 26 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES ON RISK MANAGEMENT, continued Credit risk, continued Neither past due nor impaired Below the Overdue or High Standard standard individually rating rating rating impaired th.tenge Note 2014 2014 2014 2014 Loans to employees 7 770.730 Cash deposit in restricted use 126.758 Trade and other receivables 9. 3,511,217 70.806 Investment securities availablefor-sale 10. 11,593,668 Deposits with banks 11. 1,000,000 Cash and cash equivalents (excluding cash on hand) 12. 8,673,285 Total 25,548,900 126.758 70.806 Total 2014 770.730 126.758 3,582,023 11,593,668 1,000,000 8,673,285 25,746,464 Neither past due nor impaired th.tenge Loans to employees Cash deposit in restricted use Trade and other receivables Investment securities availablefor-sale Deposits with banks Cash and cash equivalents (excluding cash on hand) Total 9. High rating 2013 - Standard rating 2013 740.086 2,542,092 Below the standard rating 2013 57.625 - Overdue or individually impaired 2013 27.446 50.833 10. 11. - 11,219,345 500,000 - - 11,219,345 500,000 12. - 9,738,621 24,740,144 57.625 78.279 9,738,621 24,876,048 Note 7 Total 2013 767.532 57.625 2,592,925 According to the Group's policy it shall maintain accurate and consistent risk ratings across the credit portfolio. This facilitates focused management of the applicable risks and the comparison of credit exposures across all lines of business, geographic regions and products. The rating system is based on a number of financial analytics, combined with processed market information to provide the main inputs for the measurement of counterparty risk. All internal risk ratings are based on different categories and in accordance with the Group's rating policy. The attributable risk ratings are assessed and updated regularly. 26 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES ON RISK MANAGEMENT, continued Liquidity risk and funding management 131 Liquidity risk - the risk that the Group will not be able to meet its payment obligations when they fall due under normal and unexpexted conditions. To limit this risk, management has arranged diversified funding sources in addition to the existing minimum amount of customer deposits. The Group also signed agreements on credit lines to manage the current liquidity. Management also manages assets with taking into account the liquidity, and daily monitors future cash flows and liquidity. This process includes an assessment of the expected cash flows and the availability of high-quality software that can be used to secure additional funding if required. The Group management plans to further increase the volume and cost of services provided. Analysis of financial liabilities by remaining term to maturity The table below shows the Group's financial liabilities as of December 31, 2014 and 2013 in the context of time left to maturity based on contractual undiscounted repayment obligations. Liabilities that are repayable on demand are treated as if the requirement of discharge was announced at the earliest possible date. However, the Group expects that many customers will not request repayment on the earliest date on which the Group could be required to pay and the table does not reflect the expected cash flows, calculated on the basis of the Group's deposit retention history. th.tenge From 1 More Financial liabilities Less than From 3 to year to 5 than 5 As of December 31, 2014 On demand 3 months 12 months years years Total Trade and other loan payable 2,055,582 2,055,582 Amounts owed to publishers on the received subscription 1,654,436 3,243,573 4,898,009 Debts on the money transfers received 1,037,610 1,037,610 Arrears on the received transfer of pensions, salaries and other payments 127.965 127.965 Deposits from customers 20,642,784 14.727 62.873 40.469 20,760,853 Loans from financial institutions 20.346 1,389,406 3,224,575 4,634,327 Total undiscounted financial liabilities th.tenge Financial liabilities As of December 31, 2013 Trade and other loan payable Amounts owed to publishers on the received subscription Debts on the money transfers received Arrears on the received transfer of pensions, salaries and other payments Deposits from customers Loans from financial institutions Total undiscounted financial liabilities 23,863,941 1,689,509 4,695,852 3,265,044 - 33,514,346 On demand 2,332,002 Less than 3 months - From 3 to 12 months - From 1 year to 5 years - More than 5 years - Total 2,332,002 846.944 2,285,375 - 2,992,198 - - - 5,277,573 846.944 207.183 20,192,762 22,831,385 5,781 155.458 2,446,614 566.988 739.042 4,298,228 100.275 3,013,062 3,113,337 93.411 93.411 207.183 20,865,806 4,000,973 32,782,975 26 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES ON RISK MANAGEMENT, continued Liquidity risk and funding management, continued Analysis of financial liabilities based on contractual maturities, continued The analysis of the maturity gap does not reflect the historical stability of current accounts, the liquidation of which has historically taken place over a longer period than indicated in the table above. Market risk Market risk - the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of financial instruments will fluctuate due to changes in market variables such as interest rates, exchange rates and equity prices. The Group considers its market risk in the category of non-trading portfolio. Non-trading positions are managed and monitored using sensitivity analysis. The Group has no significant concentration of market risk. Market risk - non-trading portfolio Interest risk Interest rate risk arises from the possibility that changes in interest rates will affect future cash flows or the fair value of financial instruments. Fair value sensitivity analysis Management of interest rate risk, based on the analysis of interest rate repricing, supplemented by monitoring the sensitivity of financial assets and liabilities. Sensitivity analysis of net profit or loss and equity (net of taxes) to changes in interest rates (repricing risk), based on a simplified scenario of yield curves by 100 basis points increase or decrease in interest rates and revised positions of interest and liabilities existing as of December 31, 2014 and December 31, 2013, can be represented as follows. 2014 2013 th.tenge th.tenge Parallel shift of 100 basis points in the direction of decreasing rates 29.190 27,648 Parallel shift of 100 basis points in the direction of increasing rates (29.190) (27,648) Analysis of the sensitivity of profit or loss for the year ended December 31, 2014 and December 31, 2013 and equity to changes in the fair value of investment securities available-for-sale and changes therein are recognized in equity in the period, due to changes in 132 interest rates (compiled on the basis of positions existing as of 31 December 2014 and 31 December 2013 and a simplified scenario of parallel shift in the yield curves by 100 basis points increase or decrease in interest rates) can be represented as follows: th.tenge 2014 2013 Profit or loss Capital Profit or loss Capital Parallel shift of 100 basis points in the direction of increasing of rates (450.108) (511.291) Parallel shift of 100 basis points in the direction of decreasing of rates 491.509 560.939 26 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES ON RISK MANAGEMENT, continued Market risk - non-trading portfolio, continued Currence exchange risk. Currency exchange risk - the risk that the value of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in foreign exchange rates. The Board has set limits on positions by currency based on the norms of the National Bank of Kazakhstan. Positions are monitored on a daily basis. The following table shows the currency in which the Group has significant exposure as of 31 December 2014 and 2013 for nontrading monetary assets and liabilities and its forecasted cash flows. The analysis calculates the effect of a possible change in foreign exchange rates against the tenge, with all other variables held constant (due to non-trading monetary assets and liabilities the fair value of which is sensitive to changes in the exchange rate). The effect on equity does not differ from the effect on the consolidated income statement. A negative amount in the table reflects a potential net reduction in profit or loss, or equity, while a positive amount reflects a net potential increase. Increase/ Effect on profit Increase/ Effect on profit decrease in before tax decrease in before tax exchange rate 2014 exchange rate 2013 Currency 2014 th.tenge 2013 th.tenge USD 30.00% 332.800 30.00% 400.086 EUR 30.00% 7.964 30.00% 5,362 Russian Ruble 20.00% 9.686 20.00% 19.702 ADF 30.00% 68.090 30.00% 17,716 USD EUR Russian Ruble ADF 10.00% 10.00% (20.00%) 10.00% 110.933 2,655 (9.686) 22.697 10.00% 10.00% (20.00%) 10.00% 133.362 1,787 (19.702) 5,905 Operational risk Operational risk is defined as the risk of loss arising due to a failure in internal processes and systems, human error, fraud, human actuators, or due to external actuators. When controls fail to perform, operational risks can cause damage to reputation, have legal implications or lead to financial loss (Note 9). The Group can not expect that all operational risks are eliminated, but through a control framework and by monitoring and responding to potential risks could manage the risks. Controls include effective segregation of duties, access, authorization and reconciliation procedures, staff education and assessment processes, including internal audit. FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The Group uses the following hierarchy of methods for determining and disclosing the fair value of financial instruments: Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities; Level 2: evaluation model, all feed date of which have a significant effect towards the recorded fair value that are directly or indirectly based on the information observed on the market; Level 3: techniques which use inputs which have a significant effect on the recorded fair value that are not based on the information observable at the market. 27 FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS, CONTINUED The following table provides an analysis of financial instruments presented in the financial statements at fair value by level of the fair value hierarchy: December 31, 2014 th.tenge Assets at fair value Investment securities available-for-sale Assets the fair value of which is disclosed Loans to employees Cash deposit in restricted use Trade and other receivables Bank deposits Cash and cash equivalents The estimate of fair value using Quoted prices Significant in active Observable markets inputs (Level 1) (Level 2) Total 1,122,472 10,471,196 11,593,668 - 770.730 126.758 3,582,023 1,000,000 10,955,443 770.730 126.758 3,582,023 1,000,000 10,955,443 133 Liabilities the fair value of which is disclosed Trade and other loan payable Amounts owed to publishers on the received subscription Debts on the money transfers received Arrears on the received transfer of pensions, salaries and other payments Deposits from customers Loans from financial institutions December 31, 2013 th.tenge Assets at fair value Investment securities available-for-sale Assets the fair value of which is disclosed Loans to employees Cash deposit in restricted use Trade and other receivables Bank deposits Cash and cash equivalents Liabilities the fair value of which is disclosed Trade and other loan payable Amounts owed to publishers on the received subscription Debts on the money transfers received Arrears on the received transfer of pensions, salaries and other payments Deposits from customers Loans from financial institutions - 2,055,582 4,898,009 1,037,610 2,055,582 4,898,009 1,037,610 - 127.965 20,760,853 127.965 20,760,853 - 3,875,389 3,875,389 896.798 10,322,547 11,219,345 - 740.086 39.317 2,720,902 500,000 11,459,872 740.086 39.317 2,720,902 500,000 11,459,872 - 2,332,002 5,277,573 846.944 2,332,002 5,277,573 846.944 - 207.183 20,859,956 3,489,057 207.183 20,859,956 3,489,057 27 Fair value of financial instruments continued Financial instruments carried at fair value Investment securities available for sale, the value of which is determined using a valuation technique primarily consist of unquoted equity and debt securities. These securities are valued using models which sometimes include only incorporate data observable in the market, and in others - data both observable and unobservable. The non-market observable data include assumptions regarding the future financial performance of the investee, its risk profile, and economic assumptions regarding the industry and geographical jurisdiction in which the investee operates. Changes in terms of fair value of financial instruments During 2014 and 2013, the Group did not make transfers of financial instruments between levels. Financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value in the statement of financial position The fair value of financial instruments that are not carried at fair value in the consolidated statement of financial position approximates their carrying value as of December 31, 2014 and 2013. The following describes the methodologies and assumptions used in determining the fair value of those financial instruments that are not reflected in these consolidated financial statements at fair value. Assets for which fair value approximates their carrying value In the case of financial assets and financial liabilities that are liquid or having a short term of maturity (less than three months) it is assumed that their fair value approximates carrying value. This assumption is also applied to deposits and accounts without a specific maturity and financial instruments with floating rate. Financial instruments with fixed and floating rate In the case of quoted debt securities fair value is based on quoted market prices. In the case of unquoted debt instruments the model of discontinued future cash flows is used at the current interest rate appropriate for the remaining term to maturity for debt instruments with similar terms and credit risk. The fair value of financial instruments In cases where the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position can not be determined on the basis of active markets, they are determined using valuation techniques including discounted cash flow model. The source data for these models as possible are taken from observable markets, but in cases where this is not feasible, a degree of judgment is required to determine fair value. The judgments include considerations of inputs such as liquidity risk, credit risk and volatility. Changes in assumptions about these actuators could affect the reported fair value of financial instruments recognized in the consolidated financial statements. CAPITAL ADEQUACY The Group maintains an actively managed capital base to cover risks inherent in the business. The main objective of capital management for the Group is to ensure compliance with the Group's external capital requirements necessary to support its business and maximize shareholder value. The Group manages its capital structure and makes adjustments to it in light of changes in economic conditions and the risk characteristics of its activities. Compared to previous years, in the objectives, policies and processes for managing capital changes have occurred. 134 The National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan requires a national postal operator to maintain capital adequacy ratio of not less than 12% of total assets. As of December 31, 2014 and 2013 capital adequacy ratio of the Group meet the requirements specified above. 2014 2013 Equity, calculated in accordance with the rules of the FSC, in thousands tenge 12,654,503 10,831,787 Total assets in thousands tenge 51,198,044 49,205,403 Capital adequacy ratio,% 25% 22.0% TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES In accordance with IFRS (IAS) 24 "Disclosures about related parties" the parties considered to be related if one party has the ability to control or significant influence over the operating and financial decisions of the other party. When deciding on the issue of the related party relationship, attention is paid to the substance of the relationship, not merely the legal form. Terms and conditions of transactions with related parties Mail delivery and financial services to related parties are made on terms agreed between the parties. Sale of goods, including envelopes, postcards, etc., and purchase from related parties for the year ended December 31, 2014, based on market conditions. Outstanding balances at year-end are not provided, are interest free and settlement occurs in cash. Evaluation of receivables for impairment is conducted each financial year through examining the financial position of the related party and the market in which it operates. For the year ended 31 December 2014, as well as for the year ended 31 December 2013, the Group has not recorded any impairment of receivables from related parties. The relationships with those related parties with whom the Group entered into significant transactions or had significant balances outstanding as of 31 December 2014 and 2013 are detailed below. TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES, continued The balance of transactions with entities under common control or significant influence of Samruk-Kazyna 2014 th.tenge Trade and other receivables as of 1 January Arising during the year Paid during the year Trade and other receivables as of 31 December Entities under common control 92.625 1,827,403 (1,828,932) 91.096 2013 Entities under common control 72.668 1,791,683 (1,771,726) 92.625 Trade and other payables as of 1 January Accrued during the year Paid during the year Trade and other payables as of December 31, 358.309 3,032,502 (3,134,505) 256.306 260.285 2,361,278 (2,263,254) 358.309 Customers Deposits as of January 1, Received Paid Customer deposits as of December 31, 100,000 (100,000) - 300,000 630,000 (830,000) 100,000 Cash deposit in restricted use Customer current accounts Transactions with companies under common control or significant influence of Samruk-Kazyna JSC 2014 th.tenge Sales to related parties - postal services Procurement of goods Procurement of services Interest expense on customer deposits The balance of transactions with other state-owned companies Entities under common control 1,504,535 770.673 1,808,154 2014 th.tenge Cash and cash equivalents Investment securities available-for-sale Transactions with other state-owned companies 57.625 107.575 2013 Organizations under common control 995.771 450.640 1,661,007 27.183 Entities under common control 7,728,063 7,858,293 2013 Organizations under common control 8,784,027 7,578,132 2014 2013 135 th.tenge Interest income on investment securities available-for-sale Interest income on securities purchased under repurchase agreements Interest expense on securities sold under repurchase agreements Entities under common control 407.418 675.656 1,561 Organizations under common control 337.745 169.989 1,820 TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES, continued Awards to key management personnel Key management personnel consists of 10 people as of 31 December 2014 (2013: 12). Total short and long term award of key management personnel amounted to 107.092 thousand tenge for the year ended 31 December 2014 (2013: 134.466 thousand tenge). Control relationships Parent company of the Group is "National Welfare Fund" Samruk-Kazyna " JSC ("Shareholder"). The ultimate controlling party of the Group is the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Group parent company prepares its financial statements available to external users. During 2014 the Group had provided to the shareholder the postal and other services in the total amount of 14,194 thousand tenge, and recognized a receivable as of December 31, 2014 in the amount of 1,192 thousand tenge (2013: 19.948 thousand tenge and 1,209 thousand tenge, respectively), which were included in the amount of transactions and balances of transactions with "entities under common control" in the table above. During 2013, the Group paid dividends to shareholders, the details of which are given in Note 14. During 2013, the Group sold and bought back 16 buildings formerly owned by shareholders, but under constant monitoring by the Group during the entire useful life, in the amount of 176.567 thousand tenge. 136