TEQIP Phase II Seventh Review Meeting Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology Kottayam Presented By Dr. K. P. Indiradevi Principal Progress since TEQIP Status in 2010 & 2014 – a comparison 2010-11 2014-15 Number of U.G Courses Number of P.G Courses Number of Research Centers 5 2 Nil 6 6 3 Number of Faculty members with Ph.D MoU with Industry Number of books published by faculty Number of patents Number of faculty members presented papers abroad Technology Incubation centre startups 9 Nil 1 Nil Nil Nil 22 7 2 2 9 4 2 Targets of the Institutional development plan and their current status of achievement Sl No Item Baseline Targets as per IDP Present status 1 Number of student registered for M.Tech 36 126 108 2 Number of student registered for doctoral programme Nil - 3 3 Revenue from externally funded R & D Projects and consultancies in total revenue 28.9 100 55 4 Number of publications in refereed journals International National 4 3 40 25 24 2 5 Campus placement 45.2% 90% 42 % (145/346) 6 Number of collaborative programmes with industry Nil 25 7 MoU’s 7 Accreditation status 100% 100% Applied 8 Vacancy position for faculty and staff Req- 113 San-98 Filled – 98 (R-76 + C-22) 9 10 Percentage for regular faculty having a masters degree or a Doctorate degree in Engineering disciplines Transition rate from 1st to 2nd year 11 Autonomy status TEQIP-II, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology 89.2% 100% 97.4% (74/76) - - 72.46% Nil Autonomy Applied 3 Item As per IDP Present Status Infrastructure Improvement Up-gradation of labs , creation of smart class rooms etc Achieved as per IDP Starting of new P.G Programmes Start 5 New P.G Programmes 4 New Programmes started. One each ME Dept and EEE dept to be started this year All faculty to achieve P.G qualification Presently 30% permanent faculty with Ph.D and 97.4 % with P.G. All faculty will be training in their domain of specialization In-house Programmes organized – 48 Number of Faculty attended outstation programmes – 57. Training on pedagogy will be given to all faculty •10 Faculty attended . •To be given to all faculty Enhanced research culture of the institution, More research projects and outputs •Research Projects under CERD, KSCTE, FIST, DIT, RPS etc •Seed Money granted to 5 faculty (Rs. 0.5 Lakh each) after review by research committee and BoG Faculty and Staff Development Enhancement of research and consultancy activities Cont…. 4 Item As per IDP Present Status Enhanced interaction with industry Increased collaborative programs with industry, Increased number of industrial training programmes 7 MoU’s Signed with Industry, Training by Industry experts organised Ongoing skill development training by Dist Industries dept. Enhancement of Management Capacity Management abilities of Head of institution and senior faculty are to be enhanced Principal and Senior faculty attended Management capacity enhancement Training Academic support Remedial classes for the weak students and Remedial classes are organized to weak students finishing school for increasing the employability and programmes organized of graduates under Finishing school 5 Budget of Revised IDP Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Activities Infrastructure improvement for teaching, Training & Learning Providing Teaching and Research Assistantships Enhancement of R&D and institutional consultancy Activities Faculty and Staff Development Enhanced Interaction with Industry Institutional Management Capacity Enhancement Implementation of Institutional Reforms Academic Support for Weak Students Incremental Operating Cost TOTAL Amount as per IDP ( in Lakhs) Revised Allocation ( in Lakhs) Amount spent/ Committed as on 31/03/14 Amount to be utilised in remaining months 550 547.13 547.13 0 100 40.00 22.68 17.32 20 20.00 3.33 16.67 100 170.00 86.98 83.02 40 40.00 12.86 27.14 30 30.00 5.44 24.56 20 30.00 19.9 10.1 40 40.00 11.23 28.77 100 82.87 34.51 48.36 1000 1000 744.06 255.94 6 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Sl No Item Status 1 Autonomy Applied 2 Minutes of BoG Meeting Conducted 12 BoG meetings & Minutes published in website 3 NBA Accreditation Applied for all eligible U.G Programmes 4 Statutory Audit Completed 5 Submission of Revised IDP Ready for Submission 6 Completion of Governance Plan Completed 7 Committement of funds received 100% 8 Expenditure of at least 50% of funds received Spent 93.3 % of funds received (699.74 out of 750 Lakhs) 9 Procurement plan to cover 100% of planned procurement Procurement Completed expenditures 10 Completion of all data input into the MIS for 2013-14 Completed 7 Accreditation Status • e-SAR for the academic year 2012-13 uploaded to NBA site on 24/02/2013 • Receipt of acknowledgement received from NBA on 24/02/13 •NBA intimated their inconvenience for two set of previously proposed dates for visit •The revised date is proposed from July-Sept 2015 • e-SAR is updated with data of academic year 2013-14 Path to Accreditation Strengths • Improvement in Infrastructural Facilities especially after TEQIP • Experienced and well qualified Faculty • Improved industrial interaction Weakness • Cadre positions in few • • • • departments to be filled Research and consultancy to be further improved Lack of IPR Hostel facilities to be improved, Hostel facilities required for QIP Scholars and P.G students More built up area required as new courses are started 9 2012 13 2013 14 2012 13 2013 14 2012 - 2013 13 14 2012 13 ME EC CSE CE Department Assessment Criterion & Max: Score 1. Vision,mission & PEO (75) 2. Programme Outcome (150) 3. Programme Curriculum(125) EEE Self Assessment Scores for 2012-13 & 2013-14 2013 14 2012 13 2013 14 64 64 64 64 61 61 62 65 60 60 133 133 130 130 128 128 123 127 128 128 110 110 115 115 109 109 114 114 107 107 4. Students performance (100) 75.29 78.20 76.8 74.4 66.61 63.47 76.05 73.04 62.64 62.85 5. Faculty contribution (175) 115.34 117.72 89.51 85.3 118.16 116.9 105.48 117.71 109.84 111.05 104 104 103 103 103 103 105 105 104 106 58.17 58.17 58.17 58.17 59.17 59.17 58.17 60 59.16 59 59 58 58 57 57 58 58 58 69.72 67.3 70.99 69.05 68.61 66.85 73.63 68.98 70.95 6. Facilities & Technical support (125) 7. Academic support & teaching learning process (75) 8. Governance & Financial resources (75) 9. Continuous Improvement (100) Total score(Max:1000) 788.59 791.39 765.47 756.92 770.6 764.39 775.33 788.73 59.16 58 71.25 759.59 763.31 Summary of Governance Development plan Sl No Key areas of good governance principles Actions Taken Development Plan 1 Primary accountabilities • Vision Mission & Strategic plan evolved •Annual Audit is conducted regularly and reports are submitted to BoG •The auditors ensure that funds provided by funding bodies are used in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in any funding agreements Proposed to evaluate teaching effectiveness, research outcomes, citations, research funding etc also in addition to student feedback on an annual basis to evolve benchmarks. 2 Openness & Transparency in the operation Annual report of the Institution is published regularly with the concurrence of BoG Register of Interest of BoG members to be maintained 3 Key attributes of Governing bodies BoG has been constituted as per the guidelines of statutory and regulating bodies Academic autonomy is essential for achieving long term objectives and goals 4 Effectiveness & performance review of BoG The BoG Members interacts before taking major decisions. Proposed to evolve a formal review of goals and targets due to involvement of BoG 5 Regulatory compliance Every year mandatory disclosure is sent to AICTE and published on website. Compliance of university norms Institution will continue the policy 11 FEED BACK BY THE PERFORMANCE AUDITOR KEY IMPROVEMENTS NOTICED ON SHORTCOMINGS REPORTED DURING EARLIER PERFORMANCE AUDITS • Results and placement is improved. • Three new courses established under TEQIP. Research labs are also established • One centre of excellence is established • Faculty development is to be established • Principal, TEQIP Coordinator, Procurement Coordinator, and 3 HOD’s have attended management training • There is scope for improvement under good governance • Project management, monitoring and evaluation is satisfactory • BRIEF STATEMENTS ON CONTINUING SHORTCOMINGS • Autonomy not yet achieved. • Accreditation visit is due.( Institution has suggested the convenient dates to NBA of AICTE.) • Frequency of student feedback for faculty could be modified • Impact factor for research publications be improved. • More patents and research publications are expected. •Two Performance and data audits completed •NAME OF PERFORMANCE AUDITOR: Dr .ASHOK GHATOL • Statutory Audit completed till 2014-15 Report of Performance Audit 12 Expenditure Pattern – As on 31st March 2015 600 550 513.96 500 400 300 200 100 100 100 22.08 0 Procurement Assistantships 20 100 83.98 70.0 40 11.86 0.83 R&D FSD 100 III Cell Amount Allocated 30 5.39 Capacity Development 20 19.9 Reforms 40 33.51 8.23 Student Support IOC Total % Amount Actually spent 13 Summary of Expenditure Sl No Item Amount (Lakhs) 1000 1 Net Project Allocation 2 Total Fund received 3 Amount Spent as on 31/03/2015 699.74 4 Committed expenditure as on date 50.26 5 Percentage of Amount Spent as on 31/03/2015 93.3% 6 Percentage of spent + Committed as on date 100 % TEQIP-II, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology 750 14 • University Rank Details • Student Success Rate • Minutes of 12th BoG Meeting • Faculty Enrollment for M.Tech and Ph.D 15 16 Placement 2014-15 Sl No Company Total Job Offers 1 2 3 4 TCS NeST 96 13 SunTec AQ QBurst 3 3 18 VERIZON IBS Oracle 2 4 2 TATA ELXSI 3 MRF 1 Total 145 5 6 7 8 9 10 17 Technology Business Incubator • Four startup ups Renine • Area: Engineering Analysis • CEO: Hussain MT(ME 2013) ECIAN • Area: Architectural LED Lighting • CEO: Akhil.R Rolling Dies Developers • Area: Application Development • CEO: Gautam Krishna OlIEU • Area: ERP Software • CEO: Robert Joseph BACK 18 U.G Courses 2010-11 2014-15 B.Tech in CE B.Tech in CE B.Tech in ME B.Tech in ME B.Tech in EE B.Tech in EE B.Tech in ECE B.Tech in ECE B.Tech in CSE B.Tech in CSE B. Arch BACK 19 P.G Courses Dept 2010-11 2014-15 EE M.Tech in Industral Drives& Control) M.Tech in Industral Drives& Control) ME M.Tech in Industrial Engg & Management) CE EC EC CS Note: MCA course also started in 2011 M.Tech in Industrial Engg & Management M.Tech in CE Transportation Engg M.Tech in Advanced Communcation& Information System M.Tech in Advanced Electronics and Communication Engg M.Tech in Computer Science & Engg BACK 20 Research Centers Sl No 1 Department Civil Engg. 2 Electrical and Electronics Engg. 3 Centre for Engg. Research and Development(CERD) Remarks Approved by AICTE and M.G University Satellite Centre of CERD, Govt. of Kerala BACK 21 FACULTY WITH Ph.D 2010-11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Dr. Bino I Koshy Dr. A Praveen Dr. R Sasikumar Dr. Jayamohan M S Dr.S Jayakumar Dr. A Amardatt Dr.Dinesh Pai Dr. Vincent G Dr. Leena Mary 2014-15 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Dr.K P Indiradevi Dr. Bino I Koshy Dr. A Praveen Dr.Jairaj P G Dr. Vinish V Nair Dr. Bindhu BK Dr. R Sasikumar Dr. M S Jayamohan Dr.G Venugopal Dr. Biju Augustine Dr.Vincent G Dr. Prince A Dr. Leena Mary Dr. David Solomon George Dr. Manju Manuel Dr.Renu Jose Dr.Sobhana N V Dr.Jayaprasad Dr.Sathish Kumar Dr. Dinesh Gopinath Dr.Ciby Thomas Dr. Dolly Mary BACK 22 Patents Provisional Patents 1. Dr. A Praveen- A System To Reduce Organic Load Of The Wastewater Treatment Plants 2. Antony JK- Anthropomorphic Robotic hand for paralyzed (Student Project) BACK 23 Books Published by Faculty 1. Prof.Anil Kumar KN – Engineering Graphics-Unique Methods easy solutions-Edition 8 2. Dr. Leena Mary - Extraction and Representation of Prosody for Speaker, Speech and Language Recognition BACK 24 Paper Presentation Abroad 1. Dr. K P Indiradevi – ICNE –Nov 2013, Abudhabi 2. Dr. R SasiKumar –IEEE symposium in computational Intelligence, April 2013, Singapore 3. Dr. Leena Mary – ICASSP May 2013,Canada 4. Dr. David Solomon George-ISIE -May 2012, China 5. Dr. Vinish V Nair-NGWA Summit May 2014 , USA 6. Dr. Bindhu B K-ICFEE Feb 2013,Italy 7. Jiji K S- ICEMS Oct 2012 , Japan 8. Joseph Zhacarias-CSPC Feb 2014,Switzerland 9. Dr. Biju Augustine. P, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM2014), December 2014, Malaysia BACK 25 IIIC Expert Lecture CMTI, Bangalore Project & Industrial Training HMT MoU RUBCO, Kottayam VSSC, Trivandrum BSNL TIES, Kottayam IBM, Bangalore KELTRON SNS, MGU Kottayam GE, Chennai HIRA Constructions CDAT, Trivandrum BRAMHOS Internship Faculty Training KITCO, TYCKA Design, Bangalore Cochin National Instruments, Bangalore CRANES, Bangalore IIA, Kottayam Irrigation Department Entuple Technologies, Bangalore (3 Students Placed in 2014-15) BACK 26 Externally Funded R&D Projects & Consultancy 2014-15 Title Sl No 1 2 Funded Research Projects Revenue from civil consultancy works Amount (Lakhs) 30.10 25.00 TOTAL 55.10 Back 27 Budget FSD Sl. No. Activities Details Total Amount allocated ( in Lakhs) 1 Faculty development plan, for training in subject domain-outstation 60 Nos @ 30000/- (IIT, IISc, ESCI and premier Technical institutions) 18.00 12 Nos X 1.5 L 18.00 18 Nos X 1.0 L 18.00 15 Nos X 0.2 L 3.00 9 Nos X 3.0 27.00 2 3 In house training programes/workshops/conferences planned (5 Days) In house training programes/workshops/conferences planned (3 Days) 4 Pedagogical Training for Faculty 5 Faculty presenting papers at International conference abroad 83.00 TOTAL FSD Programmes approved in 12th BoG meeting Back 28 Budget – Management Capacity Enhancement Sl. No. Activities Details Total Amount allocated ( in Lakhs) 2 Nos Per Dept X 5 X 1.0 Lakhs 10.00 Management training for senior faculty in 1 department at IIM’s or other premier management institutions 2 3 4 Management Training for HoD’s in premier International Institutions Management Training for Principal at IIM’s or other premier management institutions Management Training for for Principal in premier International Institutions 5 Nos X 2.0 Lakh 10.00 2 Nos X 1 Lakh 2.0 1 Nos X 2.56 Lakhs 2.56 24.56 TOTAL Back 29 Budget - Enhancement of R&D and institutional consultancy Activities Sl. No. 1 Activities Details Seed money for Research projects taken by 10 X 1.5 Lakhs Faculty,UG/PG students 2 3 Expenditure incurred on research publications in engineering in journals Honorarium to Committee members and SRA for evaluation TOTAL At actual for faculty members At actuals Total Amount allocated ( in Lakhs) 15.00 1.00 0.67 16.67 Back 30 Budget - Enhanced Interaction with Industry (Amount in Lakhs) Sl. No . Activities 1 Expert Lectures planned 2 CE EEE EC ME CSE TOTAL 4.78 5.84 4.72 3.42 3.38 22.14 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.78 6.84 5.72 4.42 4.38 27.14 TA for students for Industrial Training TOTAL Back 31 Student Success Rate (No. of students who cleared the programme in 4 years / (Total No. of students including lateral entry) 90 81 80 70 73.6 66.7 82 78.57 71.8 72.9 70.4 71.9 66.7 61.1 57.1 60 50 39.4 40 79 78 61.97 61.6 65 62.5 43 30 20 10 0 Civil Mechanical 2010-11 Electrical 2011-12 2012-13 Electronics & Comm Computer 2013-14 32 University Rank Details Branch 2013-14 EC B.Tech II Rank M.Tech , I , II & III Rank 2012-13 2011-12 CS 2010-11 B.Tech First and Second Rank ME M.Tech Ist Rank, M. Tech III Rank CE M.Tech , I , II & III Rank EEE M.Tech , I , II & III Rank M.Tech , I , II B.Tech First Rank, M.Tech , I , II & III Rank M.Tech , I , II & III Rank B.Tech First and Second Rank M.Tech , I , II & III Rank M.Tech , I , II & III Rank M.Tech , I , II & III Rank Faculty strength 120 113 100 98 80 77 60 54 40 20 1 0 76 69 12 1100 Principal 96 23 00 Professor Reqired Faculty Sancioned 19 15 22 0 0 Associate Professor 22 0 Assistant Professor Filled Regular Filled Contract 0 Total Unfilled 34 Remedial Classes 2013-14 (First Half) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 SUBJECT SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS MICRO PROCESSORS & ITS APPLICATIONS LINEAR INTAGRATED CIRCUITS ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS ELECTRIC CIRCUIT THEORY ELECTRIC CIRCUIT THEORY THERMODYNAMICS ADVANCED MECHANICS OF MATERIALS COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING ENGG. MATHEMATICS IV ELECTRONIC DEVICES &CIRCUITS SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGN Structural Analysis I Computer Programming Surveying 1 Applied Electromagnetic Theory Control System Digital system Design Network Theory Analog Circuit1 Semester S5 S5 S5 S3 S3 S3 S3 S5 S5 S5 S5 S5 S3 S3 S5 S5 S3 S5 S5 S5 S3 S3 Regular/S No of upplemen students tary registered S 7 R 10 R 7 S 9 S 14 S 11 R 8 S 20 S 23 S 19 S 21 S 12 S 20 S 14 S 32 S 16 S 16 S 29 S 13 S 13 S 20 S 38 No of students attended 5 8 5 8 14 10 8 12 10 11 13 5 10 10 23 8 11 21 6 11 15 33 No. of Students Pass %(No of Passed pass/Attended) 3 60.0 4 50.0 4 80.0 6 75.0 10 71.4 7 70.0 4 50.0 8 66.7 6 60.0 8 72.7 6 46.2 2 40.0 2 20.0 3 30.0 8 34.8 3 37.5 6 54.5 3 14.3 0 0.0 3 27.3 6 40.0 16 48.5 STEP4U/EA BRANCH P EAP STEP4U STEP4U EEE EAP EAP EAP STEP4U EAP ME EAP EAP EAP EAP CSE EAP EAP EAP CE EAP EAP EAP EAP EC EAP EAP EAP Result Analysis of Academic support 2012-13 No. of students Sl. No Dept. Name of Subject Class Registered Attended Passed % of pass 1 General Bridge course on Mathematics All 1st year students 40 25 22 88 2 CE Water Sources Engineering S8 6 6 2 33.33 3 CE Construction Engg. Management S6 17 16 12 75 4 ME Engineering Graphics All 2nd year students 40 27 20 74.07 5 ME Heat & Mass Transfer S8 14 9 6 66.67 6 ME Manufacturing Process S6 29 19 12 63.16 7 EEE C -Programming S6/S4 11 8 6 75 8 EEE LSA S6 12 10 8 80 Result Analysis of Academic support 2012-13 Sl. No Dept. Name of Subject Class 9 EEE Control System - I 10 EEE 11 No. of Students % of pass Registered Attended Passed S8/S6 10 5 3 60 DSP S8/S6 9 7 4 57.14 ECE Basic Electronics and IT S4 10 10 7 70 12 ECE Signals & Systems S6 10 3 2 66.67 13 ECE Digital Communication S8 4 4 2 50 14 ECE DSP S8 5 5 2 40 15 CSE Computer Network S8 11 9 5 55.56 16 CSE Object Oriented Progarming S6/S4 22 10 4 40 Transition Rate – S1S2 80 71.03 72.46 70 60 55.86 50 40 30 20 10 0 Transition 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 TEQIP-II, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology 38 TEQIP Procurement - Up-gradation of Labs No. Labs 1 Communication lab 2 Electronic Infrastructure Improvement through Purchase under TEQIP-II Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Function Generator, DC Power Supply, Signal Generator Systems Logic Analyzer, FPGA Kit, ARM Kit, Spectrum Analyzer, Signal Generator, DC Power Supply, Keil, Lab Function Generator, Digital Storage Oscilloscope 3 Hardware Lab Microprocessor Kit, PC Assembling 4 Transportation lab Gyratory Compactor, Roughometer, Deflectometer, Marshall Stability Equipment, Viscometer, Traffic Simulation Software, Road Design Software, Digital Camera, Transyt Software, 5 Material Testing lab Microbalance, Weather Station, Load Frame 6 Heat Engine lab Computerized Multi cylinder MPFI - Petrol Engine Test Rig 7 Heat Transfer lab Heat Transfer System 8 Machine Shop CNC Lathe, Machine Tools 9 Advanced Computing Laptop, Application Software, Computer Table & Chair, Video Conferencing Facility, Servers and 10 lab Desktops, Apple Work Station, UPS CAD Lab CAD/CAM, CATIA Software, Ansys Academic Research Version, MVTA Multimedia Video Task Analysis software, Work Station Computer 39 Faculty Participation in FSDs of one week duration 30 25 25 20 20 18 17 16 14 15 11 11 11 11 9 10 5 19 7 4 2 2 7 6 5 3 0 Civil Mechanical Electrical 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Electronics & Comm Computer 2013-14 TEQIP-II, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology 40 ENROLLMENT FOR M.Tech & Ph.D DETAILS 2010-11 Ph.D M.Tech Jinesh.N(M E) Jaison Mathew(EE) Dhanya BSCE(Registration for Cible K(EC) contact classes Deepak KS(Registration for contact classes 2011-12 M.Tech Ph.D 2012-13 M.Tech Ph.D M.Tech Bindurani (CE) Dhanya BS-CE Madhukumar Ajith PK(ME) PM(ME) Geeva George(CE) Sujithamo l(EC) Jalaja MJ(EC) Sreelal S(CS) Deepak KS(EC) Swaraj KP(CS) Anusha SP(CE) Manju GS 2013-14 Ph.D Vandana RK(CE) Renju Deepthi VR(CSE) Kurian(ME) Abhilash T Vijayan(EE) Arun Varghese(EC) 41 CERD Activities Sl No 1 Item Research seed money to faculty Details 3 on going projects, 4.7 L (Dr. A Praveen, Dr. Binumol Tom, Dr.KP Indiradevi ) 2 Grant for student Projects (2013-14) 14 Completed 3 Grant for student Projects (2013-14) 4 M.Tech thesis presentation contest 5 Establishment of center of excellence Advanced DSP research Lab Submitted 15 projects for review Conducted in 2013(12th Sept) and 2014 (17th Oct) Under leadership of Dr.Leena Mary (20+30) L 42 Management Capacity Enhancement In-house Programs • Instructional Design & Delivery – NITTTR, 3 days - (16 Nos) Reputed National Institutions • Academic leadership Training(10 days) – IIMK (3 Nos.) • Academic leadership Training(3 days) – IIMK (29 Nos.) • ASCI, Hyderabad, 12 days -(1 Nos.) • JPC, Goa, 5 days- (3 Nos.) • Tally – IMG, 5 days, (3 Nos.) • JPC, Mussorie, 5 days- (2 Nos.) 43