Fartlek Training - Kirkintilloch High School

Int 2 / Higher Grade
Physical Education
Preparation of the Body
Lesson 3
Lesson Content
Homework Feedback
Methods of training
Gathering data on a specific aspect of fitness
Specific fitness demands of different roles
Principles of training
Monitoring your programme of work
Overloading programme/creating week 3+4
Homework feedback
Types of training
Continuous Training
Fartlek Training
Circuit Training
Weight Training
Interval Training
Flexibility Training
Question: Write a short description of both our highlighted
training methods.
Structure of Answer
– Describe what interval/fartlek training is
– Describe how you used interval/fartlek training – give
examples from your programme of work
– Explain the benefits of interval training - i.e. why did you
use it.
Interval Training
Structure of Answer
– Describe what interval training is
Interval training involves working for a period of time/
completing a set amount of work – resting - then working
again. Any form of exercise that allows a work to rest
ratio to be easily calculated can be used.
Interval Training
Structure of Answer
– Describe how you used interval training – give examples
from your programme of work
As a right midfielder I used interval training to improve
my speed endurance. My programme of work required me
to sprint a specific distance – then rest – before working
My first set of work was 3x40m @100 % 15s rest
This involved me sprinting 40m - resting for 15s sprinting 40m - resting for 15s - sprinting 40m.
Interval Training
Structure of Answer
– Explain the benefits of interval training - i.e. why did you use it.
Allows you to easily focus on a specific aspect of fitness in my case
Speed Endurance
Allows you to work at a higher intensity with limited fatigue
Could easily be adapted to my position. By running at varying
intensities and walking during my rest could ensure my work was game
Interval training can be progressively overloaded by.
– Increasing the number of sessions in a week (Frequency)
– Exercising harder by working harder/increasing the intensity of
my runs or decreasing the rest intervals (Intensity).
– Increasing the number of repetitions/number of runs (Duration)
Fartlek Training
Structure of Answer
– Describe what fartlek training is
Fartlek training involves continuously working for a period
of time. Within this time the intensity at which you
works varies.
Usually it involves continuously running with short sprint
bursts followed by a slower recovery and then more
continuous paced running.
Fartlek Training
Structure of Answer
– Describe how you used fartlek training – give examples from your
programme of work
As a central midfielder I used fartlek training to improve my cardio
respiratory endurance. My programme of work required me to run
continuously for a specific period of time. Within this time the intensity at
which I ran altered every 20m. I would either sprint – jog or walk.
My first set of work was 3x6minutes 40 seconds rest 70% - 75% of max HR,
(10s pulse of 24/25). In this six minutes I had to continuously repeat the
circuit below. After the 6 minutes were up, I would rest for 40s and check
my 10s pulse count to ensure I was working at the correct intensity.
Fartlek Training
Structure of Answer
– Explain the benefits of fartlek training - i.e. why did you use it.
Develops aerobic fitness by continuous running. Can be linked to CRE
training zone requirements.
Develops anaerobic fitness by short sprints.
Fartlek training is easily adaptable to your position in football
Fartlek training can be progressively overloaded by.
– Increasing the number of sessions (Frequency).
– Exercising harder by taking out some walking and adding more
jogging or replacing jogging with more sprints (Intensity)
– Exercising harder by working at a higher % of max heart rate
– Increasing the time each run lasts for (Duration).
From your TROS you will have identified a specific aspect
of physical fitness as being a weakness. Describe how you
gathered information on your identified weakness.
Structure of answer:
– Explain that you discovered __________ was a weakness from
TROS. What about TROS led you to believe that ___________ was
a weakness
– Explain that you used standardised tests to gather specific data.
Name the two test
– Describe both tests fully and
– Explain why each of them were appropriate for gathering specific
Cardio Respiratory Endurance
– 12 Minute Cooper Run
– Multi Stage Fitness Test
Speed Endurance
– 10,25,50m sprint tests
– KHS Derived Speed
Endurance Test
Benefits of standardised testing
Knowledge of activity doesn’t influence performance
in test.
Unlike actual game no variables that you can’t control.
Specific to aspect of fitness.
Raw quantitative data. Measure and compare scores
with retest data.
Are standardised results, compare with national
Raw scores can be used to set intensity in week 1+2 of
training programme.
Specific Fitness demands of different
Specific Fitness demands of different roles
Football is a fast fluctuating game involving bouts of intense energy
sprints interspersed with periods of low intense walks or jogs.
The demands made on cardio respiratory endurance and speed
endurance can significantly effect how a performer maintains
his/her skill level throughout the 90 minute period.
For effective performance you require a wide repertoire of
technical, physical and mental skills
Although all players require a combination of...
cardio respiratory endurance, speed endurance, muscular endurance,
power, speed, strength and agility...
the specific fitness requirements of each player will vary dependent
on their position and role.
Don’t copy
Don’t Copy
Don’t Copy
Level of
Specific fitness demands of different roles
Position: Midfielder
Fitness Requirements
– Below are examples, there are more!!
– You obviously need to go into more detail when describing each
aspect and give performance related example
– Cardio Respiratory Endurance- to cope with the high intensity
demands of continual movement for the duration of the match
– Speed Endurance- to continually make repeated sprints over varied
– Strength- to hold off strong challenges and win tackles
– Agility- to create gaps, move quickly into space and turn quickly with
the ball to change direction
– Determination- to continually work hard in defence and attack
throughout the game.
Monitoring our programme of work
Progressive Overload/Create weeks 3+4
Don’t Copy
Principles of Training
Progressive overload
– Frequency
– Intensity
– Duration
Quick Fire Questions
How did we make sure our training was specific to activity, position and level of
Used an appropriate method of training.
Tailored training to suit position.
Used initial test scores to set Weeks 1+2 of training programme
Q. As level of fitness improves, how do we ensure it continues to improve and
doesn’t plateau?
Progressively Overload programme of work
How will we know it’s the correct time to overload our programme, and how will
we know how much to overload it by?
By monitoring our progress
How will we monitor your progress?
Interim testing
Training Diary
Benefits of these...
Benefits of Monitoring your training
It let me check to see if my training method was appropriate and
set at the correct level
I was able to check my current level against my last set of
results to track my progression
This would tell me if my intensity levels were set correctly
I compared my first set of test results…
With my second set of test results… this shows that the overload
I have undertaken in my training programme has worked and as
the weeks progress we are improving my CRE / SE
I was able to get internal feedback by how I felt during my pre
season training programme and pre season games.
I felt progressively overloading my programme allowed me to
monitor the small developments in my fitness as I worked
towards my overall goal – motivating
Benefits of Monitoring your training (contd)
To keep track of both the work I completed and how I
intrinsically felt I keep a training diary
This at times allowed me to see over the micro cycle of a
week how I felt and tracked my progression towards the
next part of the training year- the start of the session
To ensure my overload was progressive and set on my
current level, I used the data from my interim testing to
guide the levels/degree of overload in my programme in the
coming weeks
This ensured I was progressing smoothly as training was
based on my current level of ability and attainment.
Ensuring the principal of specificity was maintained
Overloading Training Programme
Creating Weeks 3+4
Q. Why overload our programme of work
A. To keep it specific to our new fitness level and ensure our
performance doesn’t plateau.
Q. How do we progressively overload our training programme?
Progressive overload
Overloading Training Programme
Creating Weeks 3+4
Interval training can be
progressively overloaded by.
– Increasing the number of
sessions in a week
– Exercising harder by working
harder/increasing the
intensity of my runs or
decreasing the rest intervals
– Increasing the number of
repetitions/number of runs
Fartlek training can be
progressively overloaded by.
– Increasing the number of
sessions (Frequency).
– Exercising harder by taking
out some walking and adding
more jogging or replacing
jogging with more sprints
– Exercising harder by working
at a higher % of max heart
rate (Intensity)
– Increasing the time each run
lasts for (Duration).
Homework – Due Friday 10th September
Task 1 of 2
Choose an activity.
Describe in detail the specific fitness requirements to
successfully play your role within the chosen activity.
Things to include in your answer:
– Choose a position.
– Name the main fitness requirements (from each type of fitness) needed for the
– Give a definition for each aspect of fitness e.g. Speed Endurance is the ability
– For each aspect of fitness give practical examples of when you have required
them to perform your role successfully – consider the responsibilities of your
Homework cont.
Task 2 of 2
Select an aspect of physical fitness. Describe the methods
you used to gather information on this aspect. Explain why
the methods were appropriate.
Things to include in your answer:
– How you gathered general data
– Why this method of data collection was appropriate
– What conclusion could you draw from your general data
– How did you go about gathering specific data
– Describe the two standardised test you used
– Explain why the standardised tests were appropriate