Minutes - East of England European Partnership

Europe and International Forum
Held at 10am on Friday 8th November
At Norfolk County Council, Colman Room, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich NR1 2DH.
Presentation on France/Channel-England Vince Muspratt & Eve Cronin, Norfolk County
Cross Border Programme 2014-2020
Case Study: ‘Norfolk Knowledge’
Following the presentation by Vince Muspratt, Andrew Duff MEP asked about private sector
involvement and the programme budget. Vince Muspratt replied that private sector involvement in
the programme is challenging. NCC is tapping into existing channels of SME engagement.
Innovation Thematic objective will provide support for innovation networks etc.
Budget €175m estimated (€350m total programme value)
Cllr Marco Cereste welcomes NCC in leading role and keen to support.
Michelle Armstrong commented on business participation: in 2 Seas programme only 2% of projects
have had SME engagement.
Presentation on 2 Seas Cross border
Michelle Armstrong,
Interreg IVA 2 Seas
programme 2014-2020
programme Facilitator
Case study: ‘RINSE’
Mike Suttoncroft, Norfolk County Council
£15m has been drawn down by EoE projects in the 2 Seas Programme: 10 from Norfolk, 9 from
Suffolk, 14 from Greater Essex, 6 from Cambridgeshire.
Stuart Agnew MEP, Richard Howitt MEP, Andrew Duff MEP, and Cllr Robert Bucke asked questions
on certain species and how EU will deal with alien invasive species.
Action: Both presentations to be circulated.
Apologies and substitutions
Natalie Moll, Suffolk County Council
Deborah Cadman, EIF, Honorary Secretary, Suffolk
County Council
Cllr Robert Bucke, EELGA (Ind.)
Michael Large, EEBG
Andy Wood, NA LEP (chair)
George Kieffer, SE LEP
Cllr. Stephen Robinson, EELGA (Liberal Chris Parkhouse, IOD
Democrat substitute)
David Morrall, DCLG
Cllr Kay Twitchen, Committee of the Regions
David Birch, EEBG
Cllr Sue Carpendale, EELGA (Liberal Democrat)
Cllr Sandy Martin, EELGA (Labour)
Jennifer Faulkner, National Trust, Environmental
Andrew Duff, MEP
Cllr Budge Wells, EELGA (Conservative)
Cllr Marco Cereste, EELGA (Cons)
Geoffrey Van Orden MEP
Andrew Thompson, ACER
Cllr David Bills-Everett , EELGA
Stuart Agnew MEP
Cllr Kathy Pollard, CoR
Sarah Murray, European Partnership
Hilary Chipping, SEM LEP
Cllr Roy Davis, EELGA (Labour)
Cllr Robert Gordon, EELGA
Cllr James Joyce, EELGA (Liberal Democrat)
Liz Basing, UKTI
Andrew Thompson
Robin Healey, DEFRA
Vicky Ford MEP
Cllr Graham Butland
Mark Mitchell
Michelle Armstrong
Ian Sherwood
Minutes of the meeting of July 5th 2013
The chair announced that all actions have been followed up. Members were mailed the EU
Connects details and the ERDF programme update, along with the presentation of Angus Grey on
July 17th. A paper has been prepared to follow up the discussion on the review of EU waste
legislation for information.
The minutes of the last meeting were taken as read.
Changes to the agenda
Members were informed that Robin Healey from DEFRA has cancelled at the last moment and too
late to be able to find a substitute. The rural update will be presented at the next meeting in
February 2014 along with the EAFRD elements of the EU Growth Programme which will be known
by then
In addition it was proposed to move item 12, UK Government’s EU ‘Balance of Competences’
Review – Cohesion & Industrial Policy, to be a discussion item. This chapter of the review deals not
only with structural funds but also TEN-T which has been a policy of strong interest of the members
of this forum in the current funding period. It requires the agreement of members that the cochairs sign off the response to the UK consultation before the deadline of 13th January.
Update – EU Growth Programme
David Morrall, DCLG
David Morrall from DCLG updated members on the latest developments for the ESF and ERDF
elements of the EU Growth programme since the last update in July.
He gave an overview of the feedback generally that LEPs have received since the initial submission
of their draft EU Investment strategies in October. The Intervention logic has been considered weak
in many proposals along with the rural elements of the strategies. LEPs are still waiting for concrete
proposals from DEFRA. Across England up to 83 financial instruments have been proposed which
will need to be rationalised before the final drafts are agreed. Finally the collaborative aspects of
the strategies are generally weak. The thematic prioritisation across England has focussed 92.5% of
all investment into 6 priorities. The minimum investments into social inclusion (20% of ESF) and low
carbon (20% of ERDF) have been generally followed by LEPs when aggregated at a national level.
There were questions from Marco Cereste on social housing and Stuart Agnew MEP on SME
competitiveness as a consequence of ERDF investment. David Morrall informed members that
there is a study underway comparing 2 groups of SMEs, one which received ERDF support to
evaluate the displacement effect of the funding. Andrew Duff MEP asked about the quality of the
LEP investment strategies, David Morrall replied that some of the evidence bases presented needed
further work. Cllr Roy Davis asked whether the new approach being used for the 14-20 financial
period will be acceptable to the European Commission. David Morrall replied that the Commission
need convincing that the approach of the EU Growth Programme in England will ensure
concentration of investment. Finally Richard Howitt MEP made a comment on the match funding
gap identified in David’s presentation. He commented on the challenge of finding public match to
drawdown EU funds when the public sector and local authorities in particular is already stretched.
ERDF 2007-2013, LMC Update
David Morrall, DCLG
David Morrall updated members on the performance of the current ERDF competitiveness
programme as per the Local Management Committee meeting of 25th October. The 2007-2013 ERDF
programme is in the final stages where EU funds can be committed to projects and has a
challenging spend target (N+2) before the end of 2013.
There were questions on the suspension of the programme. Andrew Duff MEP wanted to know the
nature of the errors that have put all English programmes in suspension. David Morrall replied that
there had been insufficient audit. Need to raise this issue with the Foreign Office. The solution to
the impasse will be a ‘Self Correction’ by DCLG across all of the English programmes which will mean
a cut of 2% from the EoE programme (equitable proportional pro rata). Andrew Duff MEP asked the
impact of the suspension and its ability to pay projects. David Morrall replied that DCLG bank rolls
the programme to avoid the impact falling on projects. However this situation is untenable for
DCLG in the long term.
East of England LGA Governance review
Marco Cereste, EELGA
Cllr Marco Cereste updated members on the process underway in the East of England LGA to review
its governance. One proposal is to make the Europe and International Forum, currently a standalone group, into a special interest group of the Association.
Marco introduced the background to the EIF. Charles Nolda is looking at all EELGA groups (portfolio
holder groups etc.) and will be making recommendations on 6 December. The proposal is to bring
the EIF into the East of England LGA ‘fold’ and to make it a special interest group. If agreed this will
take effect in April 2014.
In the discussion. Richard Howitt underlined the value of the EIF and called for something to
continue. Sees value in bringing a wide partnership together. SM clarified that the EIF has no
resource to run it, referring to members who wished for papers to be posted. All administration is
carried out by the European Partnership team in Brussels which has its natural limitations. Richard
Howitt MEP suggested that the chair Andy Wood could write to the East of England LGA to
contribute to the discussion. Cllr Roy Davis called for more resource to be made available to
support the group’s work. Cllr Stephen Robinson feels the East of England LGA is disconnected to
the broader membership and recommended a stronger outreach to councillors (back benchers).
Cllr Marco Cereste asked for MEPs to consider resource the forum. Andrew Duff MEP offered to
write formally to express the importance of this forum and offered to sponsor a trip to Brussels as
has been done previously. Finally Andrea Stark suggested that the new Forum consider
involvement of a representative from the creative industries and cultural sector could help the EIF
reach out and engage with this sector. Tangible projects can help do business in Europe and it helps
represent the East of England on the international scene.
International trade update
Liz Basing, UKTI
Liz basing gave an overview of International trade performance since the last update in July: £27bn
exports from East of England. General reliance on EU as a market generally weakening relative to
the rest of the world.
Liz then turned to the EU growth Programme and referred to the UKTI opt-in. All LEPs are
considering the UKTI offer, some more committed than others. There will be a workshop on 18th
November for LEPs. More detail on the ‘additionality’ of the UKTI activity required. Rationalisation
of the activity to achieve economies of scale also required.
More generally, the UKTI is broadening of the range of services. Overseas chambers service offered
by British chambers of commerce. 20 chambers currently engaged in this pilot. Accreditation work
underway to ensure standards and consistency. No reduction of the service, more support eg ‘soft
landing’ , market analysis (done by British chambers).
A UKTI Co-ordinator in Suffolk Chamber of commerce being appointed shortly
Export week is taking place from the 11th November with many events across the region. Events list
circulated to all members during the meeting. An example of the events taking place is a DP WorldEssex Chamber of Commerce event during export week.
Andrea Stark is working with creative industry leaders in SE LEP area. This group has identified UKTI
as an important link to establish a point of entry. The opt-in allows the opportunity to identify gaps.
Liz Basing has a lot of activity in digital creative industries. Regarding the EUSIF the question is how
to support companies further that have been through the main UKTI programme and prepare other
companies for a more international future.
MEP update
Apologies received from Geoffrey van Orden MEP. Vicky Ford MEP was scheduled to attend but fell
ill and unable to travel from Brussels.
Richard Howitt MEP updated members on some of his activity since the last update in July including
activity on cyber crime. MEPs involved in this given the damaging effect of cyber crime on young
people. The bank supervision dossier has been brought to a conclusion, a critical sector for this
region. Disability issues – report on women with disabilities. Richard Howitt is leading this report in
employment committee and has run a number of events in the region. Hate crime in particular is an
issue. Finally on the subject of Corporate Social Responsibility, a draft EU law on social and
environmental reporting responsibility for big business, not SMEs. Draft directive under discussion.
Stuart Agnew MEP is working on thalidomide issue which is calling for reparations from Germany to
pay victims. Referring to the EU’s annual budget Stuart Agnew said that the EU ran out of money as
income from tarrifs didn’t materialise and once again the EU auditors have not signed off EU
accounts. In addition, he informed members that Turkey’s EU membership, pre-accession
payments will start.
Andrew Duff MEP spoke about the preparation for the European Parliament 2015 elections. The
New Parliament will have strong role in nomination of new college of Commissioners. He spoke
about the new inter-institutional relationships as per current treaty being supervised. The
Parliament is currently busy concluding work on the package of funding programmes for 2014-2020
and will spend the Spring doing ‘wash-up’ sessions in EP to dispatch the last elements of the
Commission WP before the end of the EP and Commission mandates. Among the dossiers to be
agreed is the banking union and single resolution mechanism to be agreed in the Spring. The UK
has excluded itself from this.
Date of Next meeting and dates for 2014
The dates for 2014 were agreed as February 7th, April 4th, July 4th, November 7th
Andrew Duff MEP asked that they not be changed once agreed.
of Sarah Murray
Competences’ Review – Cohesion &
Industrial Policy
Sarah Murray presented this draft report which was initially proposed as an information item. It
requires the agreement of members that the co-chairs sign off the response to the UK consultation
before the deadline of 13th January.
The UK government is carrying out a review of the European Union’s competences, which was
launched in July 2012. It is designed to be an audit of what the EU does and how it affects the UK.
The current Cohesion and Industrial Policy review is looking at Cohesion policy in its largest sense:
The consultation covers not only the traditional EU cohesion funding and policy programmes, such
as the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF), but also
other territorial cohesion tools, including the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) /
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the European Agriculture Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). Finally this review also includes EU
Industrial policy and askes a series of questions on the impact of EU Industrial policy, alignment with
national policies and whether an EU wide approach would be advantageous.
Information items
13. Waste review Update
14. EU programmes 2014-2020 - update
15. European Commission Work Programme 2014