What is an argumentative essay?

Create at least one synonym and one antonym for
each vocabulary word.
Antigone Reading Quiz
Answer the following questions on your own sheet of paper. All answers must be in
complete sentences (-2 for each answer not in complete sentences)
1. What news does the sentry bring to Creon in
scene 1?
2. How does Antigone react to being accused of
burying Polynecious?
3. What does Antigone tell Creon about the
power of his laws?
4. Who else does Creon accuse of the act?
5. What do Antigone and Ismene argue about
at the end of Scene 2?
What is an argumentative essay?
• An essay in which the writer makes a
claim about a topic and uses evidence
to support the claim.
Claim: The writer’s position (for or
against) on a problem or an issue.
Types of Evidence
Evidence: the use of data and facts to
support your claim in an argumentative
Facts and Data vs Opinion
Facts/Data: this information can be proved/verified
Ex. “Most U.S. households have internet access
Opinion: a statement of belief
Ex. “I think people rely too much on the internet”
Even though an argumentative essay is based on your opinion of a
subject, you should use facts to support your opinion.
Different Types of Facts
Empirical Evidence: based on scientific
fact and research
Based on a study of 500 students, research
shows that taking notes and reviewing those notes will
improve their test scores by one letter grade.
Logical Evidence: based on sound reason
or facts
It is only logical that students who take notes
and then review those notes would perform better on
tests because they are studying the material
throughout the six weeks.
What type of evidence do you
think you will use on a CBA or
any timed essay?
You won’t be able to do research to find
empirical evidence, so you must use
logic and reason.
Organizing Structure
Your argumentative essays should follow this
basic outline:
1. Introduction (with thesis)
2. Reason 1
- Topic Sentence
- Evidence
- Discussion of Evidence
- Transition Sentence
3. Reason 2
- Topic Sentence
- Evidence
- Discussion of Evidence
- Transition Sentence
4. Reason 3
- Topic Sentence
- Evidence
- Discussion of Evidence
- Transition Sentence
5. Conclusion (includes restating thesis)
Thesis Statement
A thesis statement is the controlling idea
of your paper.
In an argumentative essay, the thesis
includes 3 key components:
1. Presents the counterargument
2. Presents claim
3. Presents 3 subtopics
(aka your 3 reasons that will be
used to explain your claim)
Sample Thesis Statement
representing the portion
of the population that
enjoys receiving cable
Although many people find cable to be a
preferable source of entertainment, it is much
more advantageous to use internet services
because it is more cost efficient, viewers can
enjoy shows at their convenience, and services
are not limited to the viewers home.
Key transition word of
thesis: leads into subtopics
Subtopics: the 3 reasons to
explain why internet services
are preferable to cable.
Claim: Informs the reader
that this essay will address
the benefits of using the
internet for television
Get a pencil and get ready for your
vocabulary quiz!
Topic Sentences and
Transition Sentences
Topic Sentence: Introduces the reason
that will be presented in that paragraph.
Ex. One clear cut reason that proves internet
television services to be superior to cable is that these
services are less expensive than cable.
Transition Sentence: Wraps up the current
reason being discussed
Ex. Upon comparing internet television
services to cable services, it is easy to see that this
option is much more cost efficient than traditional
Example Body Paragraph
One clear cut reason that proves internet television services
to be superior to cable is that these services are less expensive than
cable. Television commercials alone reveal price comparisons that
prove services such as Netflix or Hulu to be a more cost efficient
form of entertainment. While cable services such as Comcast boast
about cable services for only $30 per month, this price only covers
the most basic of cable channels. For a wider range of channels,
customers may pay up to $100 per month for services. On the other
hand, Netflix currently offers unlimited access to a wide variety of
television programs through both internet services and DVD
deliveries for only $15 a month. Netflix services can be even less if a
customer wants only internet viewing or DVD deliveries, costing
only approximately $8 per month. Furthermore, websites such as
Hulu offer free viewing of the most current episodes of popular
television shows. The website also offers a service called HuluPlus
for approximately $8 per month that allows their customers to view
more than what the free service offers. Upon comparing internet
television services to cable services, it is easy to see that this option
is much more cost efficient than traditional cable.
Let’s Construct a Sample Paper
“A man who waits to believe in action before acting is anything you like, but
he is not a man of action. It is as if a tennis player before returning the ball stopped
to think about his views of the physical and mental advantages of tennis. You must
act as you breathe.”
-Georges Clemenceau
Is it true that acting quickly and instinctively is the best response to a crisis? Or are
there times when an urgent situation requires a more careful consideration and a
slower response? Plan your response, and then write an essay...
Write about the assigned topic. The essay must develop a thesis that
answers the question. The thesis will be your stated position (Do you agree
or disagree?)
 Use at least 2 examples with at least one being from literature or film.
Examples from history also provide solid support. Avoid using personal
experience as support.
 Organize the essay into paragraphs. You must have an introduction, several
supportive body paragraphs, and a conclusion
 Make sure that your ideas are clear and easy to follow.
What important information do we need for our
“A man who waits to believe in action before acting is anything you like, but
he is not a man of action. It is as if a tennis player before returning the ball stopped
to think about his views of the physical and mental advantages of tennis. You must
act as you breathe.”
-Georges Clemenceau
Is it true that acting quickly and instinctively is the best response to a crisis? Or are
there times when an urgent situation requires a more careful consideration and a
slower response? Plan your response, and then write an essay...
Write about the assigned topic. The essay must develop a thesis that
answers the question. The thesis will be your stated position (Do you agree
or disagree?)
 Use at least 2 examples with at least one being from literature or film.
Examples from history also provide solid support. Avoid using personal
experience as support.
 Organize the essay into paragraphs. You must have an introduction, several
supportive body paragraphs, and a conclusion
 Make sure that your ideas are clear and easy to follow.
Where to Start????
What claim do we want to make? Do we
agree or disagree?
What 3 reasons do we want to give for our claim?
What evidence do we want to use to support our
claim? Remember, we need at least one example
from film/literature, and we can use examples
from history.
Reminders for Friday
Read Scene 3 of Antigone and answer scene 3
reading questions.
Be prepared to have reading questions for
Prologue, Scene 1,2, and 3 checked for a
Study SAT Vocabulary Words for Quiz on
CBA will be given on Tuesday!