Science and Tech revision - EL2014-3O2

Science and Tech revision
To clarify
Science is knowledge gained from systematic acquisition
of knowledge, obtain new knowledge through gathering
observable, empirical, and measurable evidence and
subjecting them to specific principles of reasoning.
Science research is the process to gain that knowledge –
the experiments and testing, gathering of evidence
Technology – applying the scientific knowledge to
Science – good or bad?
Take note that your topic sentence answers the question
Eg: Science has caused damage to the environment
Science research has caused damage to the environment
Science – good or bad?
The towering enemy of mankind is not science.
Science is but a piece of knowledge
Science merely reflects the social forces by which it is
surrounded – humans decide what to do with that piece
of knowledge or equipment (technology)
Science and ethics
But of course, science creates new ethical situations
mainly owing to the developments in technology
Makes us aware of new duties and responsibilities/ subject
us to new dilemmas
Need strong moral values and ethics to guide our
behaviour – higher forms of duty to our fellowmen
Cloning - good
Potential benefit to medicine
Given the fact that the cells can be manipulated to mimic other
types of cells, this can provide new ways to treat diseases like
cancer and Alzheimer’s.
cloning could eliminate the long wait for organ transplant by
producing more animals that can act as suitable donors.
Helping infertile couples – those who cannot be helped
via IVF
Protect endangered species
Cloning - good
Improving food supply
Cloning could provide a means of cultivating plants that are
stronger and more resistant to diseases, while producing more.
The same could happen to livestock as well where diseases
such as foot and mouth disease could be eradicated.
Cloning - bad
Element of uncertainty
While the cloning of Dolly was seen as a success story, many
embryos were destroyed before the desired result was
achieved. The process started with 277 eggs, and Dolly was the
single successful outcome.
Possibility of inheriting diseases
Cloning creates a copy of the original. A human clone would
therefore inherit the genetic traits of its predecessor. This
includes genetic abnormalities and diseases.
Cloning - bad
Potential for abuse
Would scientists go overboard with the technology?
If a couple has a clone that they are not happy with, what
would they do next?
Some have expressed the view that clones could be grown in a
farm-like fashion simply for harvesting organs or stem cells.
The potential for devaluing human life cannot be ignored.
Should scientists be responsible for the
effects of their discoveries?
Scientists are often blamed for social malaise
Eg: harm to environment, for their involvement in
research for war purposes, for breakdown in social
relationships etc
Should scientists be responsible for the
effects of their discoveries?
Scientists carry on research to perfect the existing
knowledge of the world around us
Propelled by curiosity and discipline and a discovery is an
end in itself
Cannot be expected to foresee that his discovery would
have adverse consequences (if it is unforeseeable)
Should scientists be responsible for the
effects of their discoveries?
If a discovery is used for destructive purposes, burden of
responsibility is on those who are given power by society
to determine its use.
Society needs to keep science in check
What’s wrong with Man playing God?
The fact of human fallibility and the possibility that it
could give rise to severe consequences that human beings
do not have the capability to handle.
Since human beings are not omniscient, omnipotent, or all
good, they should not assume the risk-laden responsibility
that is inextricably tied up with many forms of genetic
They are not sufficiently prepared for outcomes that have
a potential to become tragic not only for individual
persons but also for humanity in general.
How has tech changed education?
Access to resources
it gives teachers a greater wealth and depth of information
from which to teach
students can find answers to most questions with a few clicks
of a mouse or swipes on a screen
One drawback of the instant access to resources is a lack of
curiosity and investigation. With answers readily available,
students are less likely to use deductive reasoning skills or
draw their own conclusions
Plagiarism is becoming a concern
plagiarism has become much easier: Tech streamlines the
process of finding content to plagiarize and bringing the
duplicated material into a new work. The ease at which to get
information has also led to a decrease in respect for
intellectual rights.
On the other, it’s made plagiarism much easier to detect and
prevent, creating tools to both catch mistakes and stop those
who are acting in bad faith.
How has tech changed education?
Overcoming physical boundaries
Students can now study from home with education technology
that allows teacher and student to interact remotely
Allows long distance education
Widen accessibility to higher education
Opens the portals of higer education to those who can only pursue
their studies during spare time, at their own pace and convenience
MOOCs [Massive Open Online Course]
Has made a wealth of knowledge available to students, which
offers great potential for the speed and style of learning.
In particular, free online higher education venture Coursera
 Free high quality short courses by top universities (Eg: Duke,
John Hopkins etc)
 Instead of paying ever-expanding tuition fees, students can
watch high-quality lectures, and be directed to the same
reading materials as their in-class peers
 the world of elite higher education is opening up to the masses
Students at lesser colleges may become able to
augment their course offerings with top instruction
from great professors at prestigious universities.
BUT it probably will not replace formal higher
Formal higher education offers networking and
experience of studying with peers
Enhancing teaching
More interactive: videos and 3D tech has helped students to
better visualize abstract concepts
 Also helped in catering to different learning styles
(aural, visual, textile, kinesthetic)
 Teachers using more dynamic and flexible teaching styles
Allows for better collaboration and efficiency
Web 2.0 tools (google docs etc) allows students to learn from
more than one person
Peer editing via google docs VS traditional way of editing on
Allows students to do work at home and precious curriculum
time can be spent on clarifying doubts (flipped classroom)
Demerits of tech on education
Tech has caused students’ attention span to shorten :
students are saturated by entertainment media
Classroom distraction
Makes the fight against cheating or plagiarism more
Future technology
Domestic robots
Robots built to be a companion to the elderly and the
Carry things, cook, monitor vital signs, entertain and
BUT human intervention is still needed for personal hygiene,
grooming and invasive administration of medicine
Can only go as far as humans have programmed them to
Future technology
Self drive automobiles
Infrared vision systems and pulsed headlights to sense the
scene in front of them
Hybrid-electric and fully electric vehicles
Pollution will be eliminated or cut to the minimum
Science or Arts?
Arts & Humanities – History, Language, Philosophy,
Literature, Music, Art, Dance, Drama, Geography*, Media
Studies, Business
The dilemma – too much emphasis on Science would lead
to the creation of boffins and rude mechanicals while the
neglect of science would create impractical men out of
touch with reality
For Science
Important to cultivate the scientific attitude of mind
Gives framework to critical and logical thinking
More useful in helping us understand more about our
world and come up with concrete inventions to help
improve the world in terms of medical science, economy
or transportation
For Arts
But Science cannot advance without Arts- provides the
ethical framework to help cope with new dilemmas
Exploring and analysing human culture and history gives us
deeper insights into the world in which we live, enabling us to
approach and solve problems, based upon well-reasoned
arguments and firm foundations.
For Arts
Arts help us see things from different
perspectives / opinions different from our
own– from the conversation with text and
issues (Lit & History) ‘ helps us understand
society and life
Art evokes thoughts and emotions – paramount to our
civilisation and culture: greater knowledge of human
nature and a more comprehensive soul
Arts help in social skills – in expression and conversation
At the end of the day …
None of the complex challenges we face today – climate
change, an ageing population, terrorism – will be solved by
one subject alone.
But general and cultural education are very important if
man is to survive as man and to preserve himself from