Cover Sheet for CSU Monterey Bay Academic Program Proposals Program Master of Business Administration Department COB College College of Business Proposal Title MBA Program Revisions Name of Proposal Author (please print) Murray R. Millson Proposal Type (check one) Authorization to Plan Full Proposal X Program Revision Program Type (check one) X Major Minor Concentration Certificate Credential Program Level (check one) Undergraduate X Graduate Program Offering (check all that apply) X On-Line Face-to-Face Cal State OnLine State-Support X Self-Support Type of Change(s) Requested (check all that apply for Program Revision Proposals) X Outcomes X Required Courses Name Sunset Modality Other (Specify): Requested Implementation Date Fall---2016 Use the text box below to include an executive summary of the proposal. The College of Business’ MBA program needs to modify its MLOs to be compliant with the recommendations received from the external reviewers of our recently completed MBA Program review and to align them with the BSBA program MLOs to have as similar a set of MLOs as possible as the College of Business approaches AACSB accreditation. Based also on the external reviewers’ recommendations, the MBA Program has also modified three courses and added three courses. The new MLOs are the following: CSUMB MBA graduates will: 1. Apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate business knowledge to enhance skills to make effective business decisions. 2. Apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate business situations to effectively develop written business documents. 3. Apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate business situations to effectively create and present oral business information. 4. Apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate business situations by utilizing responsible business critical thinking (Profit, People, Ethics, Equity and Planet) and ethical reasoning to make effective business decisions. 5. Apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate quantitative data and methods to make effective business decisions. BELOW THIS LINE IS FOR USE BY OFFICE OF THE PROVOST ONLY APPROVE DENY Effective Date Provost Signature Program Proposal Title MBA Program Revisions Sponsoring College Chair [By signing above, I provide my support for the concept of the curricular change(s) and ensure the accuracy and quality of the proposal.] Other Department Chair for shared resources/courses Date [By signing above, I provide my support for the concept of the curricular change(s), and am aware of the resource and FTE implications that are required for implementation.] College Curriculum Committee Chair Date [By signing above, I provide my support for the curricular change(s), and ensure the curricular coherence and integrity of the change(s) proposed.] Library Director Date [By signing above, I support the concept of the program and confirm that library resources are accurately reflected in the proposal.] Chief Information Officer Date [By signing above, I support the concept of the program and confirm that IT resources are accurately reflected in the proposal.] Extended Education Dean (if applicable) Date Please check one: _____ I provide my support for the concept of the program, and recognize that there are no additional resources required for implementation and administration of the program through the College of Extended Education. _____ I provide my support for the concept of the program, and I recommend that the necessary resources be allocated for implementation and administration of the program through the College of Extended Education. Sponsoring College Dean/Appropriate Administrator Date Chair of Academic Affairs Council Subgroup Date Please check one: _____ By signing above, I provide my support for the concept of the curricular change(s), and recognize that there are no additional resources or FTE required for implementation. _____ By signing above, I provide my support for the concept of the curricular change(s), and I recommend that the necessary resources & FTE be allocated for implementation. [By signing above, the AAC Subgroup indicates that it approves the proposed academic program in regards to university academic planning priorities.] Senate Curriculum Committee Council Chair Date [By signing above, the Senate Curriculum Committee Council indicates that it approves the curricular change(s) identified in the proposal.] Page 2 of 7 2. Description: What is the catalyst for the program change(s)? (e.g., assessment results, program review, etc.) The MBA program requires a re-structure of its Major Learning Outcomes (MLOs). These modifications are triggered by: 1) a program review completed in the Fall of 2014 and 2) the need to align its MLOs with the College of Business BSBA MLOs. How will the proposed change(s) improve the quality and rigor of the program? The College of Business’ MBA program needs to modify its MLOs to be compliant with the recommendations received from the external reviewers of our recently completed MBA Program review and to align them with the BSBA program MLOs to have as similar a set of MLOs as possible as the College of Business approaches AACSB accreditation. Based also on the external reviewers’ recommendations, the MBA Program has also modified three courses and added three courses. The new MLOs are the following: CSUMB MBA graduates will: 1. Apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate business knowledge to enhance skills to make effective business decisions. 2. Apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate business situations to effectively develop written business documents. 3. Apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate business situations to effectively create and present oral business information. 4. Apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate business situations by utilizing responsible business critical thinking (Profit, People, Ethics, Equity and Planet) and ethical reasoning to make effective business decisions. 5. Apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate quantitative data and methods to make effective business decisions. The revised MLOs have been improved so that they are more measurable and replace the prior MLOs in a more parsimonious and succinct manner. As noted by one of the external MBA Program reviewers, the current MLOs were perceived as the following: “Each area of MLOs are comprised of a number of outcomes, such that the MLO statements are to a large extent restatements of the course descriptions, reworded to include ‘outcome verbs’ such as ‘understand and apply’, with multiple outcomes included in each MLO area”. How will the proposed change(s) contribute to student success? The major MBA Program goals for graduating MBA students is for those students to (1) Have business knowledge and skills; (2) Be effective written communicators; (3) Be effective oral communicators; (4) Be critical thinkers; and (5) Be competent in quantitative reasoning and analysis. The new MBA MLOs have been developed to align with these program goals so that student achievement of the new MLOs will be more observable and measureable for assessment purposes. Keeping MLOs aligned with AACSB requirements and WASC core competencies will facilitate the Program’s ability to demonstrate that it is meeting these standards. Enabling students to graduate from an accredited program will aid students seeking employment. Additionally, the proposed changes to the MBA program MLOs and courses will contribute to MBA student success by focusing the MBA program on the five most important knowledge areas of the MBA program which include: (1) business knowledge, (2) written communication, (3) oral communication, (4) critical thinking, and (5) quantitative decision-making knowledge. Page 3 of 7 Include any additional anticipated implications of the program change(s). (e.g., any impact on other programs) The MBA program is a stand-alone graduate program at CSUMB. After careful study, we do not foresee any negative implications of the MBA program MLOs and/or course changes. 3. Resources: Are any new resources necessary to implement the proposed change(s) (e.g., new courses or new course sections; new or additional space; new or increased library or technology resources; other)? It is not anticipated that the described changes to the MBA program will create a need for new or additional resources. 4. Assessment: What criteria have been established to help the department to gauge whether the program change(s) has successfully achieved the outcomes depicted in Exhibit 1? Exhibit 1 illustrates the alignment of the College of Business (COB) Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program Major Learning Outcomes (MLOs) with the CSUMB Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs). All MLOs will be assessed at two points along the MBA cohort pathway for both WASC and AACSB accreditation purposes. All MBA MLOs will be assessed early in the pathway as well as near the end of the 2-year pathway. Exhibit 1 – MLO Alignment with CSUMB ILOs Alignment of ILOs and MBA MLOs Intellectual Skills MBA MLOs 2, 3, 4, & 5 Critical Thinking MBA MLO 4 Information Literacy MBA MLO 2 & 4 Quantitative Literacy MBA MLO 5e Written Communications MBA MLO 2 Oral Communications MBA MLO 3 Personal, Professional, and Social Responsibility MBA MLO 4 Integrative Knowledge MBA MLO 1 Specialized Knowledge MBA MLO 1 GE Themes FYS Majors Page 4 of 7 What are the plans and the timeframe for these assessments? The MBA Assessment plan is to assess one of the 5 MLOs per year over the 5 years following the approval and implementation of these MLOs beginning Fall 2016. This is shown in Exhibit 2 below. Exhibit 2 – MBA Program Major Learning Outcomes Assessment Tasks Timeline MBA PROGRAM MAJOR LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT TASKS TIMELINE CYCLE ONE 2016-2022 Task 1. PLAN: Develop MLO area of focus a. Develop research question b. Research and develop rubric/exam c. Test rubric/exam in classroom settings d. Adapt rubric/exam 4. MEASURE #1: Collect and evaluate evidence of learning (student work) a. Determine courses b. Determine assignments c. Assign and grade d. Submit evidence for evaluation 5. EVALUATE/REPORT #1 a. Norm use of rubric b. Independently evaluate evidence c. Report findings to faculty 6. INTERVENE a. Plan and implement faculty development b. Plan and implement teaching interventions 7. CLOSE THE LOOP: Collect and evaluate evidence of learning a. Measure #2 (go back to steps 4a-d) b. Evaluate #2 (go back to step 5a) c. Report #2 (go back to step 5b) MLO1 Knowledge in the Discipline MLO2 Written Com MLO3 Oral Com MLO4 Critical Thinking MLO5 Quant Literacy MLO Lead 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 MLO Lead 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 MBA Faculty 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 MBA Faculty 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 MLO Lead MLO Lead MBA Faculty MBA Faculty 16-17 16-17 16-17 16-17 17-18 17-18 17-18 17-18 18-19 18-19 18-19 18-19 19-20 19-20 19-20 19-20 20-21 20-21 20-21 20-21 MBA Faculty MLO Lead/ Director MLO Lead/ Director 16-17 16-17 17-18 17-18 18-19 18-19 19-20 19-20 20-21 20-21 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 MBA Faculty 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 20-21 MBA Faculty 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 20-21 MBA Faculty 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 MBA Faculty 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 MLO Lead/ Director 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 Activity Lead Page 5 of 7 5. Catalog Changes: Copy and paste from relevant areas of the current CSUMB Web Catalog, and use Track Changes (in MS Word) to illustrate how the requested changes will be appear in future catalogs. Exhibit 3 portrays the current and new MBA MLOs. Exhibit 3---MBA MLO Changes MLO-1-Apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate business knowledge to enhance skills to make effective business decisions. MLO-2-Apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate business situations to effectively develop written business documents. MLO-3-Apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate business situations to effectively create and present oral business information. MLO-4-Apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate business situations by utilizing responsible business critical thinking (Profit, People, Ethics, Equity and Planet) and ethical reasoning to make effective business decisions. MLO-5-Apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate quantitative data and methods to make effective business decisions. Page 6 of 7 6. Pathways: Include a sample pathway that illustrates recommended course sequencing. The prior and new MBA. Cohort pathways are depicted below. Since the MBA Program is an online cohort program, there is only a single pathway. Exhibit 4 below portrays the current MBA pathway. Exhibit 4---Current MBA Pathway MBA Fundamentals---BUS-601 Organization and Leadership---BUS-632 Accounting and Finance---BUS-687 Macro-Micro Economics---BUS-602 Innovation and Technology Management---BUS-661 Marketing and Entrepreneurship---BUS-626 Global Business---BUS-631 Business Strategy---BUS-691 SUBMIT THE COMPLETED PROPOSAL & COVER SHEET WITH SIGNATORY PAGE TO YOUR DEPARTMENT CHAIR Page 7 of 7