Annual Report 2010 Table of Contents

Annual Report 2010
MIT Club of Spain
Annual Report 2010
Table of Contents
Main Events 2010
The Club’s Finance
The Management Team
Thank You!
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MIT Club of Spain
Annual Report 2010
Main Events 2010
During 2010 the MIT Club of Spain has led and /or organized a number of
events, covering a broad range of academic, business and social goals and
Honorary degree from UPM to Professor Suresh
Professor Subra Suresh, Dean of MIT’s Engineering School, received an
honorary doctorate degree (Doctor Honoris Causa) from the Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid. The event was celebrated on January 28th in Madrid.
The MIT Club of Spain was invited to participate and many alumni have
attended the ceremony.
The MIT Club of Spain Speaker Series: Dean Schmittlein and Professor Locke
On March 23rd, the MIT Club of Spain held a very special Speaker Series event
with Dean Schmittlein and Professor Richard Locke. Dean Schmittlein and
Professor Locke provided an overview of the work that is being developed in the
MIT Sloan School of Management around the topic of Sustainability and
provided various examples of the impact of such work academically and in
many non-profit and business organizations worldwide. The event took place at
the Rafael del Pino Foundation.
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MIT Club of Spain
Annual Report 2010
The MIT Club of Spain Speaker Series: Professor Kenneth P. Morse
On May 24th, Professor Kenneth P. Morse has given a lecture on
entrepreneurship titled “The Spirit of Innovation and Entrepreneurship: What’s
hot and What’s not” in the ETSII, to a room full of entrepreneurs and many MIT
alumni. Professor Morse has challenged everybody in the room to join the Club
effort to launch the Spanish chapter of the MIT Enterprise Forum.
Summer Party 2010
On July 1st we held our Summer Party at the Museo del Traje in Madrid, where
we had the chance to wish all the best to the newly admitted members to the
MIT community.
MIT Sloan On The Road - Madrid
On September 29th, Angel Navedo and Deirdre Kane from the Admissions
Office of MIT Sloan joined us in Madrid for the annual presentation of Sloan on
the Road.
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MIT Club of Spain
Annual Report 2010
Launch of the MITEF in Spain
The MIT Club of Spain has founded the MITEF chapter in Spain and has
organized a launching event at Fundación Rafael del Pino on December 2nd.
The event was opened by Maria del Pino and followed by short notes provided
by Richard Kivel and Pablo Fernandez de la Torre. Pablo then moderated a
debate with Mayte Ballester, CEO of 3i and President of ASCRI, Enrique
Castellon, President of Cross Road Biotech, Javier Ulecia, Partner of Bullnet
Capital, Luis Martin Cabiedes, Partner of Cabiedes & Partners and Fernando
Alfaro, Trustee of Fundación Bankinter. Clara Pombo introduces three
entrepreneurs (Xavier Carrillo Costa, Digital Legends; Ran Vigor ,TCD Pharma;
Jose Mariano Lopez-Urdiales, Zero2infinity). The event was closed by Juan
Tomás Hernani, Secretary for Innovation at the Ministry of Science and
We’d like to thank the executive team that is currently pushing the MITEF effort
in Spain and all those who have in the past dedicated time to this initiative, all of
which have made it possible that the MITEF Spain becomes a reality. We also
want to thank the initial sponsors of the MITEF in Spain: Fundación Rafael del
Pino, Fundación everis, Fundación Bankinter and Gomez-Acebo & Pombo.
Christmas Party 2010
Dear members of the Club, At the start of the Christmas season we organized
our MIT Spain Christmas party that took place at the Olive restaurant on
December the 15th.
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MIT Club of Spain
Annual Report 2010
We have also co-organized a number of events with other Universities and
Lunch with Carlos Barrabes, one of Spanish leaders in e-business. He
shared with us his ideas on DOs and DON’Ts in internet. This event took
place at the Genova, 7 Financial Club on January the 20th
Lunch with Juan Jose Guemes, President of the Centro Internacional de
Gestion Emprendedora de IE Business School to talk about
Entrepreneurship. This was organized together with the Rafael del Pino
Interns Association at The Main Room in the Fundacion Rafael del Pino
XIII Harvard vs. Insead Golf Tournament, which took place at the La
Almarza Golf Course on October 9th
Lecture of Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, co-organized with the Chicago Alumni
Associatuon, under the subject "Helping successful people getting even
better", on October 26th at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros
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The Club’s Finance
In terms of the Club’s finance, you can find below a cash balance and the key
movements during 2010. We have increased the base of contributing members and
maintained the fee flat from the previous year, particularly in light of the
macroeconomic environment and as an incentive for further enrollment.
As in 2009, we have invested significantly in subsidizing event costs to ensure
increased participation from members. We have continued to invest in administrative
support to ensure quality of our service and response to members’ requests, while at
the same time providing support to the management team. We would like to take this
opportunity to thank Marta Mora for all the energy and enthusiasm she has dedicated
to the Club in the past year.
Overall, the financial position of the Club remains strong. The team is committed to
ensure the long term financial sustainability of the Club.
Member fees
Event fees
Sale of merchandising
Financial interest
Total Revenues
Administrative support
Event expenses
Cost of merchandising sold
Bank expenses
Other expenses
Total Expenses
ASSETS (as of 31/12/2010)
Total Assets
Loan provided by the MIT Club of Spain to support expenses of the MIT Enterprise Forum launching event
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The Management Team
Marcelo Catala
Maria Ferrer
Virginia Guerrero
Luis Abril
Telmo Valido
Lucas Aranguena
David Prosper
Ricard Huguet
Carlos Molina
Fredrik Johnsson
Rodrigo Serrano
Ruben Herskovits
Santiago Bañales
Miguel Palacios
Pablo Fernandez de la Torre
Gema Alonso
Antonio Rumeu
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Thank You!
We would like to thank all Club members who join us on this journey and make it all
possible with their yearly contribution:
Sara Agulló Samaranch
Gema Allonso Ulloa
Jose Anguita López
Lucas Arangüena
Davide Arpili
Santiago Bañales López
Jordi Ber Marti
Eric Bernard Feo
Jose Bolorinos Cremades
Borja Borrero Mayora
Gianmarco Broggini
Javier Bustinduy Fernandez
Willian Cabrera
Marcelo Catala Espinosa
Mark Cheshire
Luis Miguel Ciprés Bandrés
Rafael de Cardenas Lopez
Benito de Celis Carrillo
Jean Jacques Degroof
Javier de Lucas Collante
Juan Carlos de Pablo Olaiz
José Luis del Valle Doblado
Luis Deza Gordo
Angel Diaz Alegre
Javier Donoso Rebuelta
Iñaki Ecenarro Iturrioz
Benjamín Estévez de Cominges
Maria Ferrer Villanueva
Patricia Ferruz Aguilar
Edouard James Fernández Baillie
Pablo Fernández de la Torre
Gonzalo Figuera
Daniel Freire
Jose Cabrera
Leandro Gamboa Sanz
Luis Garcia Delgado
Juan Antonio García Peredo
Carlos García Pont
Elena Gil Lizasoain
Alberto Gomez Arreaza
Pedro Alberto Gómez Rodriguez
Enrique Gonzalez Campuzano
Jose Antonio Gonzalez Carrizo
Jorge Graells Ferrández
Virginia Guerrero Santo-Tomás
Stefan Hamann
Ruben Herkovits
Belen Hermida Rodríguez
Teresa Maria Hernandez Lopez
Eugenio Herranz López
Ricard Huguet i Galí
Fredrik Johnson
Joan Llorach Mariné
Santiago López De Haro
José Manuel López García-Silva
Juan Marchini Blanco
José Luis Mendoza Zabala
Fuencisla Merino Artalejo
Carme Miro Croutier
Carlos Molina Zamora
Pablo Moreno Palacios
Joaquín Moya-Angeler
Mary Ann Norris
Javier Oficialdegui1
Jose Ignacio Orbegozo Landaluce
Nicolas Oriol Hoyos
Arsenio Otero Perez
Elena Pajarin
Miguel Palacios Fernández
José Ignacio Pérez Arriaga
Alvaro Perez de Lema
Luis Pita
Clara Pombo1
Pablo Aitor Postigo1
David Prósper Cardoso
Maria Teresa Pulido Mendoza
José Antonio Ramos Calamonte
Antonio Rumeu de Armas Cervera
Telmo Ribeiro Valido
Juan Rosas Rodrigo
Ricardo Ruiz de Querol
Rafael Ruiz Hernandez
Felipe Ruiz López
Estefania Sanchez Rodriguez
Rodrigo Serrano
Agustin Silva Castaño
Francisco Silva Castaño
Maria Sotomayor Ruiz
Francisco Javier Torres Ramirez
Carlos Torres Vila
Pere-Andreu Ubach de Fuentes
Josep Valor Sabatier
Juan Vazquez Romero
Mario Villa
Jesus Villacorta Turienzo
Luis Vives de Prada
Members who have not made a contribution in 2010 but have committed their annual contribution starting
in 2011
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We would also thank a number of institutions with whom we have worked together
during the year:
Fundación Rafael del Pino
Fundación everis
Fundación Bankinter
Gomez-Acebo & Pombo
All Club members of the Ryder Club
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