final_presentation - Department of Information Technology

Prof. Jarri Porras
Alvaro Moreno Garcia( 0426425) | Baptiste LOUIS (0424692) | Ekaterina
Gribanova (0426577) | Ekaterina Pulatova (0426580) | Norismiza Ismail
(G0406212) | Victoria Palacin (0424744) | Ville Myllynpää (0422461)
 How often do you go shopping?
 Do you eat meat?
 Do you have mobile electronic devices such as Laptop or mobile phone?
 Have you ever left your chargers connected?
 Have you ever left your PC ON while you are away?
 Do you let water running during “5 sec” to be sure to have cold/hot water ?
 Do you usually search things on Google or Bing?
 Do Send Emails with attachments?
 Do you know where your electricity comes from?
“ Sustainable development is
development that meets the needs of
the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet
their own needs.” [1]
[1] World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED). Our common future. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987 p. 43.
International Institute for Sustainable Development, .
through the
Doesn't fly,
uses car
only few
times a year
Because of: Coal powered district heating
Lives in
Uses cold
water while
• Still produces
emissions of 3 000
tons of carbon
• Sustainable level
around 1000 tons
 50% of your montly expenses will go on electricity
 Energy is restricted by certain amount of montly credits (Energy/Carbon)
 Water price will be the same as whisky (and that will be in France, imagine in
 You pay taxes if you gain more weight than the allowed
 You need to buy clean oxygen bottles
According to the
Smart 2020
report ICT can
save up to
15% of
7.8 GtCO2
emissions in
By enabling
energy efficiency
in sectors like
energy, industry
and buildings.
Green ICT
Complete LC for ICT
Interoperability (IoT)
ICT for greening
Efficency Opportunity
Built Infrastructure and Systems
• Smart Systems/Grids: Buildings, Logistics, Electricity,
Ecosystems services and the
• Computational Techniques for data-driven science
supported on modeling and simulation.
Sociotechnical systems
• ICT and particular real-time tools
 ICT is an optimization opportunity, however ICT is not neutral.
 Materials, Ubiquitous and pervasive technologies.
 Circular economy is a solution for sustainability
 Growth philosophies, Increase lifespan of products, Living world cycle model as a model,
rethinking proccess
 ICT is an opportunity to promote changes in societies’ and human behaviors
 Green ICT allows manage different enviroments and complete LCs
 We highly reccommend this course because
 Promotes critical thinking and argumentation.
 Review hot topics
 Sustainability as a challenge for our futures
 Key players in a modern sustainable society
 ICT as the next revolution.
 Books:
 Computing research for sustainability (National Research Council) : Technical oriented,
How to integrate smart systems into societies.
 Computing our way to paradise (Robert Rattle) : Human centric view, society oriented by
examples of consumption, economies, education and social systems.
Easy Habits
Key Facts
 Use the saving mode of your
ICT= 2% of global CO2
 Avoid leave your devices’ chargers
 Attachments? Use Cloud and attach
the link!
 Find out the energy source from your
1 Google Search = 0.2gr of CO2
End the hunger?
1 kg meat = 15 000 L water/14Kg grain
1 calorie meat = 28 fossil fuel energy calories
electricity provider
 Avoid to eat meat one day per week
 Or one meal per week
5 min shower = 75-130L of water
Recycling has increased by 7% last 5 years
 Find out more information about the
brands you consume
 Or check the Eco-labels
In Finland,
production of 1 kWh of electricity = 120 g of CO2