An institutional perspective on CPD

An Institutional Perspective on CPD
Professor Stephen Caddick
Vice-Provost (Enterprise)
To maximise UCL's global educational impact
through the development of a broad range
of innovative CPD and Short Courses
Scoping CPD and Short Courses
• Continuing Professional Development refers to skills and knowledge attained
for both personal development and career advancement
Summer schools
Generic skills development
Subject specific professional development
Executive education
Recreational lifelong learning
• CPD and Short Courses - commence as non-credit bearing with ability to
transfer to credit-bearing via assessment along a “skills-escalator” concept
Strategic Aims
• To work with the academic community to develop a strategic plan for
growth of a broad range of innovative CPD and Short Courses
• To facilitate academic and business policy development to support the
• To identify and collaborate with external partners to realise and
enhance the vision
Core Values
1. CPD and Short Courses should be of the highest standards of academic
and intellectual rigour - consistent with UCL's other educational activities
2. Courses should provide participants with the most up-to-date research-led
material - reflecting UCL's global leadership in research
3. The student experience for CPD and Short Courses should be outstanding
- and use of the full breadth of technological advancements is strongly
4. We are committed to using CPD and Short Course development to
stimulate innovation in our mainstream curriculum
Moving Forward
Establish a CPD and Short Course Facilitation Group - high-level strategy group
Town Meeting to enhance profile and awareness across UCL
In conjunction with UCL Consultants
Scheduled for Wednesday 8th May 2013
Create a CPD and Short Courses Forum - open to all staff
ToR and Membership under development
First meeting to be scheduled for late April or May 2013 and then quarterly
Synergy with Distance Learning Forum
First meeting scheduled for Wednesday 3rd July 2013 and then quarterly
Strategic planning - one year plan submitted and three year plan under development
initial “quick wins” re market research, space, support, marketing, PR, governance
long term strategy re academic and business policy development, infrastructure support, external partners
Current Activity
Andrew Eder meeting with key stakeholders across UCL
Profiling UCL and competitor CPD and Short Course activity
Challenges – branding, space, time, career development and incentivisation
Public e-learning platform – UCLeXtend
Andrew’s role – to facilitate, encourage, support and incentivise and NOT to
Making Contact with Andrew Eder
Delighted to meet
At UCL on Wednesdays and Fridays – based at the Eastman
Via Shauna Kearney ( in UCL Enterprise
Email or
Any questions?