REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT VICTORIA Annual Report 12-13 Front and back cover image shows the new $52.6 million Regional and Community Health Hub (REACH) at Deakin University’s Waurn Ponds campus in Geelong. CONTENTS Highlights 2012-13 _____________________________________________________ 2 Introduction ___________________________________________________________ 6 Chief Executive Foreword 6 Overview_____________________________________________________________ 8 Responsibilities 8 Profile 9 Regional Policy Advisory Committee 11 Partners and Stakeholders 12 Operation of the Regional Policy Advisory Committee 14 Delivering the Regional Development Australia Initiative 15 Working with Regional Cities Victoria 16 Working with Rural Councils Victoria 17 Implementing the Regional Growth Fund 18 Regional Growth Fund: Delivering Major Infrastructure 20 Regional Growth Fund: Energy for the Regions 28 Regional Growth Fund: Supporting Local Initiatives 29 Regional Growth Fund: Latrobe Valley Industry and Infrastructure Fund 31 Regional Growth Fund: Other Key Initiatives 33 Disaster Recovery Support 34 Regional Economic Growth Project 36 Geelong Advancement Fund 37 Farmers’ Markets 37 Thinking Regional and Rural Guidelines 38 Hosting the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development 38 2013 Regional Victoria Living Expo 39 Good Move Regional Marketing Campaign 40 Future Priorities 2013-14 42 Finance ____________________________________________________________ 44 RDV Grant Payments 45 Economic Infrastructure 63 Output Targets and Performance 69 Revenue and Expenses 70 Financial Performance 71 Compliance 71 Legislation 71 Contact Information ___________________________________________________ 72 HIGHLIGHTS 2012-13 July 2012 Launched the Latrobe Valley Industry and Employment Roadmap. Provided funding for three Flood Recovery Officers in the Hume region. Released the Fire Recovery Housing Survey, identifying rehousing progress achieved since the 2009 bushfires. August 2012 Hosted the Case for Growing Regions seminar on 30 August 2012 with the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Grattan Institute. Coordinated the OECD field trip around the G21 region for its global comparative study of how regions are developing partnerships to enhance interactions between cities and rural areas. Provided a $300,000 grant to initiate stage one of the Regional City Growth Strategy, a partnership between Regional Development Victoria (RDV) and Regional Cities Victoria to improve planning for future city growth. Supported a $1.5 million water and infrastructure project for Olam Orchards with $467,528 from the Regional Growth Fund. Supported the building of Bayer CropScience’s $14 million world-class Wheat and Oilseeds Breeding Station with $1.24 million in State support. Supported the Northern Mallee Leadership Program with $400,000 from the Regional Community Leadership Program. Approved funding for two Flood Recovery Officers for East Gippsland and Wellington Shire Councils. September 2012 Announced the date for the 2013 Regional Victoria Living Expo at the Good Move campaign stand at the Royal Melbourne Show. Workforce Development in the Grampians Region research study completed by the Grampians RDA in conjunction with the University of Ballarat. October 2012 Provided $5 million towards the Flood Support Program to help five catchment management authorities with flood restoration projects. Announced the successful developer of the $28 million Vibe Hotel and Conference Centre in Marysville. Announced a $2 million contribution from the Regional Growth Fund for the Cattle Underpass Program. Supported an $8.27 million access project for the Warrnambool Eastern Industrial Precinct with $3.6 million from the Regional Growth Fund. November 2012 Requested expressions of interest from companies to deliver natural gas to priority towns using compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) as part of the next phase of the $100 million Energy for the Regions program. Officially opened the $5.57 million Ballarat Airport upgrade, a project supported by $3.43 million in State Government funding. December 2012 Supported the $46.9 million redevelopment of central Wodonga with $3 million from the Regional Growth Fund. Supported Wodonga Rendering‘s $4.12 million Tri-Generation Plant Project at the Wodonga Abattoirs with $1 million from the Regional Growth Fund. Commenced the $2 million Flood Recovery Community Infrastructure Fund to support flood-affected communities in the Hume and Gippsland regions. Gippsland RDA undertook the Young Dairy Development Leadership project that generated development workshops for young farmers. Completed $52.6 million REACH centre on Deakin University’s Waurn Ponds campus in Geelong with $7 million provided by the Victorian Government. January 2013 Shortlisted leading energy companies with the technical and financial capability to tender for the development and operation of a delivered natural gas capacity for regional Victoria utilising CNG or LNG alternative delivery solutions. February 2013 Held a public event at Melbourne Museum to commemorate the fourth anniversary of Black Saturday. Released the Bushfire Recovery Four Year Update report. Supported Mars Australia’s $6.2 million utilities efficiency investment project with $1.5 million from the Regional Growth Fund to help deliver significant water and energy efficiencies at its Ballarat manufacturing facility. Published Reinventing the Regions report in collaboration with the Committee for Economic Development of Australia. Held the Regional Policy Advisory Committee’s (RPAC) Regional Leaders Workshop to identify long-term investment priorities for regional Victoria. March 2013 Launched the $11 million Geelong Advancement Fund to drive jobs growth, increase skills and innovation, and deliver economic and community infrastructure in Geelong. April 2013 Held the 2013 Regional Victoria Living Expo at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from 19 to 21 April which attracted almost 9,500 visitors – a 15 per cent increase on the inaugural event in 2012. Announced Avoca’s connection to natural gas as part of the Energy for the Regions program. Launched the Regional Policy Advisory Committee’s Thinking Regional and Rural Guidelines across the Victorian Government. Led the development of the Framework for Regional Economic Development, a key element of the work program of the Council of Australian Governments’ Standing Council on Regional Australia. May 2013 Helped the local council, business and community in Bendigo benefit from the new $650 million Bendigo Hospital by providing $350,000 to ensure local jobs, investment and business growth opportunities. Supported Rural Councils Victoria’s Rural Summit held from 2-3 May in Lakes Entrance. Announced natural gas connection for Bannockburn as part of the Energy for the Regions program. Construction began on Marysville’s $28 million Vibe Hotel and Conference Centre. Supported Golden Plains Shire Council’s Infrastructure to Expand Intensive Agriculture for Food Security and Economic Development project, with $2.94 million from the Regional Growth Fund. Approved the thousandth project funded under the Regional Growth Fund. June 2013 Announced natural gas connection for Winchelsea and Wandong-Heathcote Junction as part of the Energy for the Regions program. CHIEF EXECUTIVE FOREWORD Now in our tenth year, Regional Development Victoria’s operations in 2012-13 confirmed the agency’s capability as a pivotal access point into government for regional and rural Victorians. We delivered more than $200 million in regional infrastructure commitments and approved more than 1,000 regional projects under the Victorian Government’s $1 billion Regional Growth Fund, making up $325 million invested into projects worth $1.3 billion in only two years. Regional and rural Victoria plays a key role in Victoria’s future prosperity and growth. Our regions account for about a quarter of the state’s economic output and employment and its population is projected to grow by an extra 528,000 people – from 1.48 million to 2.01 million – by 2036. Regional Cities Victoria recently updated its report by Essential Economics that showed that by supporting growth in the regions we can help reduce the estimated $95 billion in cumulative congestion costs associated with expanding Melbourne’s outer-metropolitan areas over the next 20 years. The report forecasts costs of $1 billion to support an additional 50,000 people in regional cities compared to more than $3 billion for an equivalent number in metropolitan Melbourne. In 2012-13, RDV played a leading role in delivering key outcomes to help manage regional growth and boost regional economies. Our work ranged from facilitating large-scale infrastructure to small-scale projects that address specific business and community needs. All activities were underpinned by comprehensive strategic planning and policy development in partnership with key stakeholders, including local government, business and community organisations. The agency helped develop and deliver important infrastructure in collaboration with industry and all tiers of government, as illustrated by programs like the Energy for the Regions rollout which enables Avoca, Huntly, Bannockburn, Winchelsea and Wandong-Heathcote Junction to experience the social and economic benefits of natural gas in their communities. During the year, we facilitated projects in Victorian regional cities, such as helping fund a $46.9 million revitalisation of Wodonga’s CBD, and supported events designed to improve the future of small towns around Victoria, like Rural Councils Victoria’s Rural Summit held in May 2013 at Lakes Entrance. The RDV team continued to help the recovery of fire and flood-affected regional communities by offering targeted support to re-establish important community infrastructure and flood recovery officers. We invested to ensure the conference and convention business once again supports the Marysville economy through important new facilities like the Marysville Hotel and Conference Centre. RDV’s place-based interventions continued to provide ongoing benefits for regional and rural Victorians. For example, RDV provided essential development assistance through the initial implementation of the Latrobe Valley Infrastructure and Employment Roadmap – a bi-partisan arrangement with the Commonwealth Government that is now helping secure the economic future of the Latrobe Valley by encouraging business innovation and training, and facilitating jobs in emerging industries. During the year, RDV hosted international experts in regional development – delegates from the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development – and supported their visit to the G21 region as part of the organisation’s worldwide tour of regional-urban planning partnerships. We encouraged thought leadership on rural and regional matters through the Case for Growing Regions seminar, held in conjunction with the OECD and Grattan Institute, and the Thinking Regional and Rural Guidelines to support regional development thinking in government decision-making. We also supported the development of the Framework for Regional Economic Development – a key element of the work program of the Council of Australian Governments’ Standing Council on Regional Australia. In April 2013, we encouraged more Melburnians to enjoy life in the country by making the 2013 Regional Victoria Living Expo even bigger and better than last year. The 2013 Expo attracted almost 9,500 visitors which represents a 15 per cent increase on the inaugural event in 2012. The 2013 Expo was supported by the Victorian Government’s successful Good Move marketing campaign that emphasises the benefits of ‘making the move’ to regional Victoria. RDV is proud to have delivered sustained developmental support to Victoria’s regions throughout 2012-13. I am proud to lead such a talented and committed team, and look forward to continuing our good work in 2013-14. Lachlan Bruce Chief Executive, Regional Development Victoria Deputy Secretary, Department of Planning and Community Development RESPONSIBILITIES In accordance with the Regional Development Victoria Act 2002, Regional Development Victoria (RDV) works closely with various State Government agencies to facilitate economic, infrastructure and community development to improve the quality of life for regional Victorians. RDV has primary responsibility for: Developing integrated, regionally-focused policies and programs, including the implementation of the Regional Growth Fund – the Government’s initiative to support future priorities for the social and economic development of regional Victoria. Creating vibrant and dynamic regional communities and economies through facilitating new jobs, investments, exports, infrastructure for strategic projects and competitive businesses. Delivering programs and information to help grow a robust and sustainable economy and strengthen communities throughout regional Victoria. Developing and implementing initiatives to promote the State, to attract business and increase the population of Victoria’s regions. PROFILE Regional Development Victoria (RDV) is the Victorian Government’s lead agency in developing regional and rural Victoria. RDV’s role involves facilitating new investment, business growth and job creation, infrastructure development, instigating policy and planning initiatives, and co-ordinating the delivery of Government programs, services and resources in rural and regional Victoria. This role includes implementing the Regional Growth Fund, facilitating consultation between the public and private sectors and communities about economic and community development in rural and regional Victoria, and promoting these areas. It also includes advising the Minister for Regional and Rural Development and the Minister for Regional Cities on matters relating to development in regional and rural Victoria, and supporting communities affected by the 2009 fires through the Fire Recovery Unit. For most of 2012-13, RDV was located within the Department of Planning and Community Development. On 9 April 2013, the Premier of Victoria announced responsibility for RDV would shift to the Department of State Development, Business and Innovation (formerly the Department of Business and Innovation). This will be effective from 1 July 2013 although the transition commenced from the announcement date. RDV staff work closely with organisations and businesses to help facilitate investment, jobs and exports. Staff are accessible at offices located in Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, Mildura, Shepparton, Traralgon, Wangaratta and Wodonga. RDV also has a presence in Horsham, Sale, Swan Hill and Warrnambool. In 2012-13, RDV operated through the following groups: REGIONAL PROGRAMS AND RECOVERY GROUP The Regional Programs and Recovery Group is responsible for the delivery of a range of programs and activities including the local initiatives component of the Regional Growth Fund, the Regional Development Australia initiative in Victoria and bushfire and flood recovery programs. This includes the operations of the Fire Recovery Unit. FIRE RECOVERY UNIT The Fire Recovery Unit was established in July 2011 following the closure of the Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority. In 2012-13, the Fire Recovery Unit provided continuity of Government support and oversight for the reconstruction and recovery effort after the 2009 bushfires by facilitating strong relationships and co-ordinated responses to ongoing community needs. INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP The Infrastructure Group identifies, facilitates and delivers infrastructure projects which contribute to the enhanced productivity, liveability and sustainability of regional and rural Victoria, including those initiated through the Regional Growth Fund. POLICY AND PLANNING GROUP The Policy and Planning Group provides policy and strategy leadership to RDV, co-ordinating with other departments to develop ideas, knowledge, policies and programs that support the Victorian Government’s commitment to regional and rural Victoria. The group is also responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Regional Growth Fund, delivering research and analysis to support regional policy, and managing strategic relationships across and outside the Victorian Government. MARKETING AND PROMOTION GROUP The Marketing and Promotion Group delivers a range of activities to promote the business and lifestyle qualities of life in regional and rural Victoria. In particular, the group is responsible for implementing the Regional Victoria Living Expo and the Good Move advertising campaign. REGIONAL POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Regional Policy Advisory Committee (RPAC) was established under legislation to provide independent advice to the Minister for Regional and Rural Development and Minister for Regional Cities on priorities in regional Victoria, and to monitor and advise on the impacts of legislation and policy decisions on regional and rural Victoria. RPAC has a broad focus to provide external advice to government on the regional impacts of policy and legislation, longterm priorities to support regional growth and prosperity plus any other regional policy matters referred to the Committee by government. RPAC includes three independent members and the chairs of the five non-metropolitan Regional Development Australia (RDA) Committees. As at 30 June 2013, the RPAC members were: 1. Ian McClelland OAM – Chairperson Mr McClelland is the founder and Chairperson of the Birchip Cropping Group, a successful farm support and agricultural research organisation in Victoria’s north-west. He was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for service to agriculture. 2. Bruce Anson Mr Anson is Chairperson of the Barwon South West RDA Committee and Chief Executive Officer of Warrnambool City Council. 3. Stuart Benjamin Mr Benjamin is Chairperson of the Grampians RDA Committee, a Director of Elmstone Property Group and Chair of Ballarat Regional Tourism. 4. Mark Byatt Mr Byatt is Chairperson of the Hume RDA Committee and has been Mayor of Wodonga since 2008. 5. Jenny Dawson Ms Dawson is the Chairperson of the Loddon Mallee RDA Committee, and a Non-Executive Director of Bendigo and Adelaide Bank. 6. Richard Elkington Mr Elkington is the Chairperson of the Gippsland RDA Committee and a Director of East Gippsland Water. 7. Ross Lake OAM Mr Lake is the General Manager of TASCO Inland, a major fuel and oil distributor based in Mildura. He received the Medal of the Order of Australia for service to arts administration, to social welfare, and to the community. 8. Val Lang AM Ms Lang is Victorian representative for Australian Women in Agriculture. She was made a Member of the Order of Australia for service to women living in rural and regional communities. PARTNERS AND STAKEHOLDERS REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AUSTRALIA Regional Development Australia (RDA) is a partnership between the Commonwealth, State and Territory and local governments to support the growth and development of Australia’s regions. RDV is working closely with RDA to deliver important projects for regional Victorians through the implementation of the Regional Strategic Plans. The five non-metropolitan RDA Committees work in partnership with regional leaders to set the strategic direction and priorities for their respective regions. RDA Committees also provide local recommendations in regard to the Putting Locals First Program component of the Regional Growth Fund, and provide RDV with strategic advice on business and development opportunities. RDV also administers the Operational Funding Contract in partnership with the Commonwealth Government. REGIONAL AND RURAL COUNCILS RDV works closely with the 48 regional and rural councils to enable economic, infrastructure and associated development. • Regional Cities Victoria RDV partners Regional Cities Victoria to progress shared policy agendas. Regional Cities Victoria is represented by the Mayor and CEO from each of Victoria’s 10 regional cities – Ballarat, Greater Bendigo, Greater Geelong, Horsham, Latrobe, Mildura, Greater Shepparton, Wangaratta, Warrnambool and Wodonga. RDV works with Regional Cities Victoria to strengthen the economic base of regional cities, and enhance the lifestyle amenities in regional cities to attract and retain a greater share of Victoria’s growing population. • Rural Councils Victoria RDV also partners with Rural Councils Victoria to progress policy agendas including the implementation of the RDVfunded $3.3 million Networked Rural Councils program, which aims to help rural councils address current and future challenges more sustainably. Auspiced by the Municipal Association of Victoria, Rural Councils Victoria is the group of 38 rural councils responsible for 79 per cent of Victoria’s land area. Throughout 2012-13, RDV worked in partnership with the Rural Councils Victoria network to deliver a diverse range of projects to support rural councils and communities. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RDV had an integrated delivery relationship with the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) which ceased operation on 30 June. Before the department was dissolved as part of the 2013 Machinery of Government changes, DPCD Regional Services staff represented RDV in the regions. Their responsibilities included supporting the five Regional Development Australia Committees that operate outside Melbourne, and developing, assessing and recommending projects under the Putting Locals First Program. They also delivered program and grant management responsibilities for a number of RDV-administered programs. DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND INNOVATION The Department of Business and Innovation (DBI) is responsible for industry and economic development and small business growth activities across Victoria. Many RDV programs support or sustain business growth so DBI regional staff are vital in identifying opportunities and providing business intelligence. From 1 July 2013, DBI and RDV will be part of the Department of State Development, Business and Innovation (DSDBI). COMMONWEALTH AND OTHER STATE GOVERNMENTS As part of the Coalition of Australian Governments’ (COAG) reform of its ministerial council arrangements, a new Standing Council on Regional Australia was established with representation from Commonwealth, State and Territory ministers who have responsibility for regional matters. This council replaces the previous COAG Regional Development Council. The Victorian Government’s Minister for Regional and Rural Development and Minister for Regional Cities represent Victoria on the council which met for the first time in July 2012. OPERATION OF THE REGIONAL POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Regional Policy Advisory Committee (RPAC) met five times during 2012-13, including regional meetings in Bendigo, Warrnambool and Traralgon. RPAC developed and introduced the Thinking Regional and Rural Guidelines across the Victorian Government. Launched in April 2013, the guidelines are designed to help policymakers systematically assess regional and rural impacts of new policies, legislation and other major Government decisions. The guidelines are intended to build government-wide capability and understanding of regional and rural issues, and complement RPAC’s legislated role to provide direct advice to Government on regional and rural impacts of legislation and policy. During the year, the committee commissioned KPMG to research the social and cultural factors that influence aspiration and engagement in education for students in regional Victoria. Due for release in August 2013, the Research into Education Aspiration for Regional Victoria is investigating links between educational aspiration and participation rates, and mapping existing interventions that aim to boost aspiration and provide policymakers with options for further action. In February 2013, the committee hosted a workshop with over 25 regional leaders across academia, government, business and community sectors to progress thinking regarding the long term strategic investments required to support growth in regional and rural Victoria. RPAC also staged three community forums as part of its regional meetings across the State. These consultations were essential in developing RPAC’s strategic advice to the Government on future priorities for regional development and the Regional Growth Fund. DELIVERING THE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AUSTRALIA INITIATIVE RDV continued to work closely with Commonwealth Government to deliver the Regional Development Australia (RDA) Initiative through the five regional Victorian RDA Committees. In 2012-13, the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments came together to jointly appoint the 2013-16 Victorian RDA Committees. In September 2012, the new committees were announced, with new Chairs appointed for the Grampians and Hume RDA Committees, and a further 24 new members across all five regional RDAs. Throughout the year, RDV worked with the regional RDA Committees to develop new projects that align with priorities identified in the Regional Strategic Plans. A total of 22 projects were approved through the RDA Initiative, with more than $900,000 in grants. WORKING WITH REGIONAL CITIES VICTORIA RDV continued to provide leadership to develop place-based and integrated approaches to government investment, planning and policy associated with Victoria’s 10 regional cities of Geelong, Ballarat, Warrnambool, Horsham, Mildura, Bendigo, Shepparton, Wangaratta, Latrobe and Wodonga. In August 2012, the State Government provided a $300,000 grant to initiate Stage One of the Regional City Growth Strategy – a partnership between RDV and Regional Cities Victoria to improve planning for future city growth. The main aim of the strategy is to identify ways to leverage opportunities from existing infrastructure investment, help make future developments more efficient and prioritise key infrastructure to increase population and economic growth in each of the regional cities over the next 25 years. The project will help the Victorian Government and regional city councils better plan for population growth, facilitate delivery of land, infrastructure, services and jobs, and help the cities to grow as attractive and liveable regional centres. The Regional City Growth Strategy complements existing government activities and policy directions, particularly the eight regional growth plans. It also builds on the work of the Regional Cities Economic Growth product which includes the development of economic outlooks for each regional city and analyses policy levers to support accelerated economic growth. In 2012-13, RDV further strengthened its partnership with Regional Cities Victoria by supporting annual events like Celebrating Regional Cities Week and the Regional Cities Business and Industry Leaders Forum which discussed economic growth and the important role regional cities play in the prosperity of Victoria. WORKING WITH RURAL COUNCILS VICTORIA RDV provides Rural Councils Victoria with funding support as part of the $3.3 million Networked Rural Councils program to help Victoria’s 38 rural councils build capacity, share information and undertake projects that support sustainable and liveable rural communities. During the year, RDV funding supported events like the annual Rural Summit which showcases leading initiatives and information to build the capacity of rural councils. Held from 2-3 May 2013 in Lakes Entrance, the Rural Summit addressed the theme ‘the rural revolution’ and was attended by over 160 councillors and mayors, local government executives and officers, and business and community leaders. Rural Councils Victoria delivered various other initiatives through the Networked Rural Councils program including: A framework to help rural councils apply a risk assessment approach to determine their enforcement priorities. A comprehensive training program to build the economic development capacity of rural council officers, executives and councillors. Practical support for rural councils to plan and deliver local and regional open days to build on the interest generated through the Regional Victoria Living Expo to encourage relocation to rural Victoria. Pilot projects to trial innovative models of professional placement to increase the recruitment of skilled workers to rural areas. IMPLEMENTING THE REGIONAL GROWTH FUND RDV continued to deliver the Victorian Government’s regional development policy through the $1 billion Regional Growth Fund in 2012-13. Through the Regional Growth Fund, RDV invested in enabling infrastructure (in line with local priorities identified in regional strategic plans), energy and water, directly supported communities facing economic challenges, and encouraged local solutions that improve services, community infrastructure, skills and leadership in regional and rural communities throughout Victoria. During the year, RDV’s facilitation of the Regional Growth Fund helped create and maintain jobs and improve career options for regional Victorians by helping regional businesses grow and take advantage of development opportunities. As at 30 June 2013, 1,089 projects collectively worth $1.3 billion were supported by total funding of $324.29 million from the Regional Growth Fund since its inception in July 2011. As at 30 June 2013, within this total, the Economic Infrastructure Program announced $61.61 million for 34 regional infrastructure projects, $90.4 million for 359 projects nominated by regional and rural councils under the Local Government Infrastructure Program and $42.4 million for 379 projects under the Putting Locals First Program. The Regional Growth Fund provides $1 billion over eight years to create prosperity, opportunities and improve the quality of life for regional and rural Victorians. Building stronger regional and rural communities improves people’s access to jobs, education, business opportunities and other aspects of community life. Stronger regional and rural communities also make better use of existing resources and networks, particularly in responding to change. The Regional Growth Fund is delivered primarily by RDV in close consultation with the regional and rural communities that benefit from the planning, projects and services implemented through the fund. The fund’s major streams over the first four years include: $221 million for the Economic Infrastructure Program. $100 million for the Putting Locals First Program. $100 million for the Local Government Infrastructure Program. During 2012-13, RDV’s Regional Growth Fund-related operations: Invested in enabling infrastructure in line with local priorities identified in Regional Strategic Plans. Provided direct support to communities facing economic challenges, including the Latrobe Valley and northern Victorian irrigation communities. Supported the supply of reliable energy and water sources to regional communities and industry, including through the $100 million Energy for the Regions program. Facilitated job creation and improved career options for regional Victorians. Supported the resilience and sustainability of communities in regional Victoria through the Local Government Infrastructure Fund and Putting Locals First Program. REGIONAL GROWTH FUND: DELIVERING MAJOR INFRASTRUCTURE Throughout the year, the Economic Infrastructure Program of the Regional Growth Fund supported strategic infrastructure development and helped create more liveable, productive and sustainable regional communities. The Economic Infrastructure Program continued the Government’s focus on investing in infrastructure to increase jobs, attract new industry and improve regional services. In 2012-13, the Economic Infrastructure Program announced $61.61 million for 34 regional infrastructure projects which included the following: BAYER CROPSCIENCE In August 2012, Bayer CropScience announced the construction of a $14 million world-class wheat and canola breeding facility and trial site at Longerenong College near Horsham, supported by $1.24 million in State Government funding to improve road access to the site. The only one of its kind in Australia, the centre will bring a new level of expertise to the region and create highly specialised development opportunities for Longerenong college students. Up to 20 new life sciences jobs are expected to be created as a result of the development. When complete, the centre will boost Horsham’s reputation as a leading grain research area and the capability of Victoria’s agricultural biotechnology sector. The centre will incorporate new laboratory and glasshouse facilities and focus on delivering improvements in oilseed and wheat breeding to increase crop performance for the benefit of farmers in Australia and overseas. OLAM ORCHARDS In August 2012, Olam Orchards Australia’s $60 million almond processing facility at Carwarp near Mildura received $467,528 from the Victorian Government to help construct a $1.5 million enabling utility infrastructure project. The project was completed in March 2013 and included a 5.5MW electricity connection, infrastructure to supply up to 5ML of water from the Carwarp Water Syndicate and major improvements to road access. The water upgrades will provide the Carwarp Water Syndicate with improved security and reliability, and the construction of turning lanes onto the Calder Highway will enhance safety for the general public and other businesses using the intersection. Part of Olam International, a leading global supplier of agricultural products, Olam Orchards Australia is a major employer in the region. The project will create 41 full-time equivalent jobs and have significant flow-on benefits for the local economy and community. WARRNAMBOOL EASTERN INDUSTRIAL PRECINCT Warrnambool’s new industry hub, the Warrnambool Eastern Industrial Precinct will undertake the $8.27 million Horne Road - Access to the Warrnambool Eastern Industrial Precinct project to improve access to the site and, in the process, overcome a critical shortage of industrial land in Warrnambool and create 460 long-term jobs. In October 2012, a $3.6 million Regional Growth Fund contribution was announced in support of the project. Warrnambool has consistently been one of Victoria’s fastest growing regional cities over the last decade, but nonresidential investment is not keeping pace with Warrnambool’s population growth, which is partly due to a lack of readily available industrial land to accommodate new investment. The limited supply is driving the high cost of industrial land, which constrains investment and compromises the scale of employment growth in the region. Stage 1 of the Horne Road – Access to the Warrnambool Eastern Industrial Precinct project will release 65 hectares of industrial land to the market, with the potential for a further 42 hectares to the north and south to be rezoned on a stageby-stage basis. The project will deliver long-term access to a new industrial precinct and provide clear direction on where industry and employment growth in Warrnambool will be over the next 15 years. CATTLE UNDERPASS PROGRAM A Regional Growth Fund contribution of $2 million was announced in October 2012 for the Cattle Underpass Program which funds stock over/underpasses to improve road safety, workplace safety, farm efficiency and to remove impediments to the expansion of dairy farms and the dairy industry. The $13.5 million Cattle Underpass Scheme provides funding to eligible farmers for stock crossing installations. The scheme provides a subsidy of up to 33 per cent of the road or rail underpass installation. Most of this funding is allocated to regional dairy operations because they require frequent movement of cows to the dairy and back to pasture, and these locations are often bisected by public thoroughfares. The Cattle Underpass Program replaced a previous program, the Stock Over/Underpass Road Safety program, which was independently evaluated by Impact Consulting Group. The report found that an underpass contributes to road and workplace safety, farm efficiency and productivity, industry expansion and personal wellbeing, and provides a positive return on investment by both the farmer and the Government. BALLARAT AIRPORT The $5.57 million upgrade of the Ballarat Airport was officially opened in November 2012, supported by $3.43 million from the State Government. The Ballarat Airport Investment Attraction project consolidates the airport and its precinct as a key investment-attraction location for Ballarat and western Victoria. The completed project supports investment and business attraction and retention activities within the aviation-related sector, including air charter, private and corporate flying, local flying, pilot training, aircraft servicing and maintenance, aerial work and helicopter operations. The Ballarat Airport Investment Attraction project involved: a new international-standard runway lighting system that can be pilot-activated; a Precision Approach Path Indicator that provides guidance information to help pilots maintain the correct runway approach; remote access to the Ballarat weather station for pilots; a fibre optic conduit along the airport access road; and resealing the airport’s primary runway to extend its life by 20 years. The upgraded airport positions the City of Ballarat to attract direct investment from national and international businesses working within aviation sectors related to commercial airline pilot training, support crews, aviation technicians and mechanics. Leasing arrangements have already been undertaken by Singapore Technologies Aerospace Academy (STAA) and the expansion of the Field Air Group of companies which supply the STAA with Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer services. The project will also be a catalyst for the development of future infrastructure and economic development projects within the wider airport precinct and Ballarat West Employment Zone, which is expected to generate up to 9,000 jobs and inject $5 billion annually into the Ballarat economy when fully developed. JUNCTION PLACE WODONGA The $46.9 million Junction Place, Central Wodonga Urban Renewal Initiative is a major redevelopment of underutilised land in the heart of Wodonga. In December 2012, the Victorian Government announced a $3 million contribution to this significant project which will double the size of the city’s CBD, greatly improve the quality of services and commercial offerings to help cater to population growth, stimulate local and regional economies, create jobs and provide Wodonga with exciting new tourism and cultural assets. RDV’s contribution will enable works to begin on key infrastructure, including realignment of Elgin Boulevard and the construction of the Urban Square. The project will also provide safe access to pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles, as well as locals and visitors using the bus interchange to travel in and out of the CBD. This significant project will have lasting impacts on employment, the economy and quality of life for the Wodonga community for current and future generations. WODONGA RENDERING Wodonga Rendering‘s $4.12 million Tri-Generation Plant Project at the Wodonga Abattoirs will provide the plant with a more economically and environmentally sustainable energy source for refrigeration, steam and hot water. Wodonga Abattoirs processes about 25,000 tonnes of meat products (about 900,000 animals) each year, most of which are exported to markets in the United States, Japan, Korea, China, South East Asia and the Middle East. The abattoir and the rendering plant use nearly every part of the processed animal to produce a number of value-added products. Its processes require considerable energy in the form of heat and steam. These energy costs are anticipated to make up more than 10 per cent of the company’s overall operational costs by 2013-14. In December 2012, a $1 million Regional Growth Fund contribution was announced towards the Tri-Generation Plant Project which will help reduce the company’s annual electricity use by 73 per cent, operational expenses by more than $760,000 and greenhouse emissions by over 40 per cent. The project will also improve the export competitiveness of the business, help retain jobs and remove a major constraint to expansion. GOLDEN PLAINS SHIRE COUNCIL INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT Agricultural businesses are the largest employers in Golden Plains Shire, providing about 26 per cent of all jobs. To further increase the prospects of this sector, in May 2013, the Government announced a $2.94 million grant towards Golden Plains Shire Council’s Infrastructure to Expand Intensive Agriculture for Food Security and Economic Development project. The new 4,000-hectare precinct will help to secure new agricultural investment, primarily associated with intensive poultry, pig and goat farming. Competitive advantages of the precinct include an increasing number of intensive farming businesses, good transport links, proximity to customers, markets, feed stock providers and suitable labour. To date, the major constraint has been a lack of potable water infrastructure and alternative water sources which restricted the ability for intensive farming businesses to expand or relocate to the precinct. The Infrastructure to Expand Intensive Agriculture for Food Security and Economic Development project will help resolve this issue by constructing a 12.5km pipeline to supply potable water to the precinct. The pipeline will be designed and constructed by the Barwon Region Water Corporation. Other objectives of the project over the next 10 years include attracting $160 million in private sector investment and creating more than 770 jobs in the intensive agriculture sector. EAST BAIRNSDALE INFRASTRUCTURE ENHANCEMENT PROJECT In May 2013, the $6.2 million East Bairnsdale Infrastructure Enhancement Project was supported by $1.73 million from the Regional Growth Fund to East Gippsland Shire Council. The project will develop a comprehensive flood mitigation and drainage scheme by constructing two wetland retarding basins linked by landscaped drainage swales, low flow pipes, outfall pipes and road culverts. The wetlands will also be landscaped and revegetated to create a new park for the local community. Bairnsdale’s geography and growth patterns have created a shortage of land for industrial and residential growth to the west and south of the Mitchell River, leaving only the eastern part of Bairnsdale for future expansion. However, a significant proportion of land in East Bairnsdale is subject to frequent flooding. This has restricted further development of a large industrial estate in Lucknow, including a $25 million expansion project for a major landholder on the estate, Patties Foods Limited – Eastern Victoria’s largest private employer. The flood mitigation and drainage measures will help unlock the economic potential of the industrial estate and surrounding land at Lucknow. The project will facilitate $67 million of investment at the industrial estate, help create more than 850 jobs in the region over the next 10 years and significantly improve water quality flowing into the internationally-listed Ramsar Wetlands and Gippsland Lakes. MARS AUSTRALIA In February 2013, Mars Australia’s $6.2 million utilities efficiency investment project was supported by $1.5 million from the Regional Growth Fund. The project will deliver significant water and energy efficiencies at the Mars Ballarat manufacturing facility by modernising plant and equipment and installing sustainable technologies. Capital works for the project will include a plant insulation program, a water capture and storage program, an upgrade to the wastewater treatment plant, a renewable energy program and an upgrade to the ammonia plant. The project will deliver significant water and energy efficiencies and ensure that the manufacturing facility at Ballarat will lower production costs, make the business more competitive and meet prescribed global sustainability benchmarks. Lowering costs and meeting water and energy efficiency goals is vital to securing business continuity at Ballarat and qualifying the business to compete for internal production contracts. When complete, the utilities efficiency investment project is anticipated to reduce energy consumption by almost 30 per cent, water use by more than 40 per cent, and result in annual net energy cost savings of $923,000 and net water cost savings of $30,000. MUSEUM OF AUSTRALIAN DEMOCRACY AT EUREKA Opened in May 2013, the Museum of Australian Democracy at Eureka tells the story of the Eureka Stockade and the ongoing struggle for democracy around the world. As part of the redevelopment project, one of Australia’s most important cultural artefacts, the Eureka Flag, was significantly restored and is now housed within the new museum alongside a range of interactive digital exhibits. The $11.9 million project was developed in partnership with the Commonwealth Government, Ballarat City Council and the Victorian Government which contributed $5 million from the Regional Growth Fund. This new tourism and educational asset is expected to attract up to 115,000 visitors and generate about $7.2 million for the local economy each year. WODONGA PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE – THE CUBE WODONGA Wodonga’s new performing arts centre, the Cube Wodonga, was officially opened in August 2012. The Cube Wodonga is a strong addition to the network of performing arts centres across the state and will bring many cultural, social and economic benefits to the region. The $12.2 million project was developed in partnership between the Victorian Government, the Commonwealth Government and the Wodonga City Council, and supported by a $4.7 million State Government grant. The venue features a flat floor auditorium with a retractable seating bank and seating pit. It also features a box office, large foyer function area with bar, community lounge, meeting room, full back-of-house amenities and a cafe that flows out onto the courtyard that can seat 80 people. The Cube Wodonga is an exciting new addition to Victoria’s cultural infrastructure and will enable the region to attract the best touring shows. It will stage local productions and events, showcase local talent, and become an important centre of community life. MILDURA ARTS AND CULTURAL CENTRE Officially opened in December 2012, the $9.1 million Mildura Arts and Cultural Centre redevelopment is the result of a partnership between the Victorian Government, the Commonwealth Government and Mildura City Council. The project was supported by $3.1 million from the State Government. The new centre is forecast to deliver long-term economic, social and cultural benefits for the region, as well as ensure the arts remain a strong component of community life in Mildura. Features of the redevelopment include a new 450-seat performing arts centre, upgrades to back-of-house and plant facilities, a new foyer which links the theatre and adjacent art gallery, and additional car parking and external works. DEAKIN UNIVERSITY REGIONAL AND COMMUNITY HEALTH HUB The new $52.6 million Regional and Community Health Hub (REACH) facility at Deakin University’s Waurn Ponds campus in Geelong was officially opened in February 2013. The facility enables the university to teach new programs in clinical optometry, medical imaging, exercise and sports science. It also makes a new community-based program in sport available to indigenous students. Supported by $7 million from the State Government, the facility helps resolve training issues associated with health professionals in regional and rural Victoria, particularly for optometrists, radiographers and exercise scientists. REACH will also provide Geelong and western Victoria with major social and economic benefits by creating over 850 new jobs, injecting $140 million into the regional economy each year, and increasing higher education opportunities in regional Victoria. REACH can accommodate 1,500 students and incorporates a 200-seat lecture theatre, tutorial and problem-based learning rooms, a simulation centre, laboratories, office and student facilities. The facility also houses an innovative e-learning service, Deakin Health Online, linking health services, practitioners and educational institutions to clinically train health professionals in regional Victoria, with potential to expand to clinical sites around Australia. GREAT COASTAL WALK OF EAST GIPPSLAND The Snowy River Estuary Walk near Marlo was opened in February 2013. The walk is part of the $2.17 million Great Coastal Walk of East Gippsland project which received $1.6 million in Victorian Government funding to extend two short walks – the Mallacoota Scenic Coastal Walk and the Snowy River Estuary Walk. Each is designed to become the ‘bookends’ for the future Coastal Wilderness Walk from Marlo and Mallacoota. The 5.1km Snowy River Estuary Walk is made up of a 1.4km section from Marlo to Mills Street and 3.7km from Mills Street to the ocean beach near French’s Narrows. The entire walk highlights the scenic values of the coastal area of Marlo and the mouth of the Snowy River and accesses new views previously only visible from vehicles. The new walks are developed around existing towns to use existing infrastructure and services, encourage benefits to local communities, and maintain the quality of the parks and walkways. This will retain the scenic and natural integrity of the experience by not facilitating commercial development outside Orbost, Marlo and Mallacoota. All commercial activity will be based in the towns and the benefits will flow to the local businesses and residents. The Great Coastal Walk of East Gippsland project will create a new tourism product for the region, protect sensitive environments, increase access to and appreciation of the region’s natural assets for both visitors and local residents, and attract new investment to the accommodation and hospitality sector in the regional hubs. REGIONAL GROWTH FUND: ENERGY FOR THE REGIONS The $100 million Energy for the Regions program continued to fund the extension of natural gas across regional Victoria and encourage associated investment in the regions. During the second half of 2012, a broadened delivery strategy began to introduce additional competition in the energy marketplace. This included exploring alternative delivery options such as compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG). The first component of the broadened strategy involved offering gas distributors a fixed subsidy ‘bounty’ amount to supply the remaining 13 priority towns. The fixed subsidy process resulted in the announcement of the connection to natural gas for Avoca, Bannockburn, Winchelsea and Wandong-Heathcote Junction in April, May and June 2013. The second component of the strategy involves a tender process, which will seek to connect towns to natural gas via a CNG or LNG supply mechanism. A CNG or LNG delivery solution has the potential to deliver on the Victorian Government’s commitment to provide a lower-cost energy alternative to towns in regional Victoria at a comparable price, safety and level of service and convenience to natural gas sourced from a conventional pipeline. In January 2013, RDV shortlisted leading energy companies to tender for the development and operation of a delivered natural gas capacity for regional Victoria utilising CNG or LNG alternative delivery solutions. The request for tender will commence in the second half of 2013. REGIONAL GROWTH FUND: SUPPORTING LOCAL INITIATIVES The $100 million Local Government Infrastructure Program component of the Regional Growth Fund continued to help all 48 regional and rural councils in Victoria plan and build new infrastructure or renew assets. To date, more than $90 million has been allocated against 359 projects nominated under this program by rural and regional councils, with a total value of $248 million. The fund is creating greater certainty for councils to plan and deliver key infrastructure projects scheduled as part of their existing forward capital works plans. Projects nominated by councils included: $20.4 million to 68 shared use community facilities. $19 million to 78 open space projects. $18.4 million to 65 road or bridge infrastructure projects. $7.9 million to 35 sports facilities. $3.3 million to 19 tourism-related facilities. PUTTING LOCALS FIRST During 2012-13, the Putting Locals First Program component of the Regional Growth Fund enabled regional communities to determine and deliver service and infrastructure responses that reflected their local priorities. At 30 June 2013, commitments from the program totalled $42.4 million towards 379 projects with a total project cost of $114.4 million. This included: $16.4 million to 73 shared use community facilities. $5.1 million to 23 streetscape projects. $5 million to 30 open space projects. $3.5 million to 89 local strategic and project planning initiatives. $2.1 million to 34 business and industry development initiatives. $869,000 to 64 local and regional events. In 2012-13, $30.4 million was approved for 251 projects under this program. The following examples represent work under these programs during 2012-13. WEDDERBURN COMMUNITY CENTRE REDEVELOPMENT The $1.7 million project to revitalise and extend Wedderburn Community Centre was supported by a $400,000 grant to Loddon Shire Council. Developed through extensive community engagement and planning processes, the project will significantly improve the centre’s functionality and its capacity to deliver social and economic services that meet local needs. PORT FAIRY STREETSCAPE The $900,000 project to enhance Port Fairy’s town centre was supported by a $500,000 grant to Moyne Shire Council. The project will upgrade and improve footpaths, roadway, street furniture, plantings and infrastructure within the village green to make the town centre more attractive and improve continuity. It will also help attract and retain residents, and encourage visitors to frequent the main shopping precinct. JAMES STOCKFEED MILL EXPANSION A $500,000 expansion of James Stockfeed and Fertilizer’s milling operations in Nathalia was supported by a $50,000 grant. The project will create six new full-time jobs, help retain 11 existing positions, and increase the company’s capacity to service existing contracts and source new business opportunities. OCEAN GROVE TOWN CENTRE URBAN DESIGN The $200,000 Ocean Grove Town Centre Urban Design Framework and Implementation project was supported by a $100,000 grant to the Greater City of Geelong. Developed in consultation with the local community, the project aims to unlock the development potential of Ocean Grove and prepare the town centre for the next 10 years of growth. LAKE GOLDSMITH STEAM RALLY CENTENARY The famous heritage steam rally attracts visitors from around the world and generates economic benefits for Beaufort and the Ballarat region. Supported by a $20,000 grant, the 2013 centenary event was attended by about 15,000 people and generated more than $2.1 million in economic activity for the region. REGIONAL GROWTH FUND: LATROBE VALLEY INDUSTRY AND INFRASTRUCTURE FUND The $15 million Latrobe Valley Industry and Infrastructure Fund is a component of the Regional Growth Fund designed to help strengthen the Latrobe Valley’s workforce, invest in infrastructure, support enhanced competitiveness and innovation, and attract and facilitate investment into the region. The fund is designed to help the Latrobe Valley manage the challenge of structural adjustment and reposition its economy for sustainable long-term growth. Preceding the 2012-13 financial year, the fund was broadened to align with the strategic directions of the Latrobe Valley Industry and Employment Roadmap. Launched in July 2012, the Roadmap delivers a key Victorian Government election commitment to provide a long-term strategic framework to guide investment for industry and employment growth in the Latrobe Valley. During 2012-13, 12 new projects were announced under the Latrobe Valley Industry and Infrastructure Fund, taking the total number of projects funded to 16. These 16 projects will create 228 full-time equivalent positions in the Latrobe Valley and allow local businesses to retain an additional 394 full-time equivalent positions. The following are examples of projects funded in 2012-13. ALPINE TROUT FARM EXPANSION IN NOOJEE In September 2012, the $1.55 million Alpine Trout Farm Food Processing Plant and Hatchery project in Noojee was supported by $733,035 from the Latrobe Valley Industry and Infrastructure Fund. The Alpine Trout Farm supplies fresh and processed fish to Costco and several Melbourne fish markets. Further expansion will enable the company to supply a major national supermarket chain and consider distribution to Hong Kong and mainland China. The project will involve constructing a 500sqm processing facility, shop and loading bay, and purchasing new hatchery and processing equipment. When complete, it will increase the Alpine Trout Farm’s production capability for fresh and processed fish products and improve its cold-room and distribution facilities. It will create 17 new jobs, secure five existing jobs and create 30 construction jobs. AUSTRALIAN SUSTAINABLE HARDWOODS’ HEYFIELD MILL EXPANSION Victoria’s largest hardwood saw mill, operated by Heyfield’s Australian Sustainable Hardwoods, is undertaking a $2.63 million expansion project which is expected to create 15 new full-time equivalent jobs, six indirect jobs, 20 construction jobs and the retention of 190 full-time jobs. In February 2013, Australian Sustainable Hardwoods received $650,000 from the Victorian Government to support its Australian Sustainable Hardwoods Value Adding/Expansion Project. Australian Sustainable Hardwoods produces a range of high quality manufactured timber products including window and door frames, door stiles and flooring which have great potential to replace equivalent products that are currently imported. Expanding its operations will help the company take advantage of such opportunities, as well as provide the chance to export for further business growth. The project will include an extension to an existing finger-joining and laminating facility, a new hard stand site, and purchasing a new horizontal finger-joiner and new equipment for the joiner line. Australian Sustainable Hardwoods is the main recipient of high quality logs in Gippsland so its ongoing operations at the Heyfield mill are essential to the viability of the forest industry and the regional economy. ELITE PACK EXPANSION IN DROUIN A $1.1 million expansion at Elite Pack in Drouin opened in May 2013 supported by $250,000 from the Latrobe Valley Industry and Infrastructure Fund. The expanded facility will include new plastic tray manufacturing equipment which will help cut manufacturing costs and make Elite Pack’s products more competitive against imported equivalents. The expansion will create 10 new full-time jobs and potentially an additional 12 jobs in future. It is forecast to generate $1.2 million for the local economy every year by helping strengthen the local manufacturing sector – worth more than $700 million to the Baw Baw region annually. To date, almost $1.5 million has been invested in Baw Baw Shire through the Latrobe Valley Industry and Infrastructure Fund, delivering projects worth over $4 million. REGIONAL GROWTH FUND: OTHER KEY INITIATIVES Through the Regional Growth Fund, the Government also supported a range of other major initiatives during 2012-13, including the Regional Partnerships Facilitation Fund, the Regional Community Leadership Program and the Rural Council Planning Flying Squad. REGIONAL PARTNERSHIPS FACILITATION FUND Through the $20 million Regional Partnerships Facilitation Fund, RDV supported higher education and vocational education and training institutions to adopt new partnership models that improve access to higher education in regional and rural Victoria. REGIONAL COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Implementation of the Regional Community Leadership Program continued in 2012-13. Under this program, $6 million was committed over four years to support nine community leadership programs in regional and rural Victoria and to establish a secretariat. RDV provided $400,000 funding over four years to the Mildura and District Educational Council to re-establish the Northern Mallee Leadership Program. Funds will help the organisation design and deliver an annual community leadership program to develop strong community leaders across the Mildura region and beyond. Funding will also contribute to developing a sustainable independent organisation to oversee future delivery of the program. RURAL COUNCIL PLANNING FLYING SQUAD During 2012-13, RDV also helped regional and rural communities plan for change and growth through the $2.8 million Rural Council Planning Flying Squad which provides specialist advice and assistance to regional and rural councils on issues such as major projects and developments, long-term land use and strategic plans. DISASTER RECOVERY SUPPORT FLOOD RECOVERY SUPPORT In 2012-13, RDV commenced delivery of new initiatives to support affected communities following the flood events of 2012 and continued implementation of 2010-2011 recovery projects. RDV allocated $2 million for the 2012 Flood Recovery Community Infrastructure Fund, which supports flood-affected local government authorities and communities in Victoria’s north-east and Gippsland regions repair damaged infrastructure. RDV also provided $540,000 for Flood Recovery Officers in Moira, Towong, East Gippsland and Wellington Shires and Greater Shepparton City Council to assist with 2012 flood recovery. The $5 million Flood Support Program was also established through the Regional Growth Fund as a partnership between RDV and the former Department of Sustainability and Environment. The program supports five catchment management authorities to restore flood damaged catchments and improve environmental conditions for primary producers and irrigators in flood-affected areas. In addition to the programs and initiatives outlined above, $7.78 million was approved to fund 40 projects under the $10 million Victorian Business Flood Recovery Fund, leveraging $122.5 million in investment and creating 689 jobs in Victoria. BUSHFIRE RECOVERY SUPPORT Through the Fire Recovery Unit (FRU), RDV continued to provide a central point of contact for enquiries related to the 2009 Victorian Bushfires. In particular, community engagement staff from the Unit helped local government, community groups and individuals to access support from a range of services, including the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund and the Government Buyback Scheme. In February 2013, the FRU led the coordination and staging of a central commemorative event to mark the fourth anniversary of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires. Hosted by the Premier and held at Melbourne Museum, the public event attracted over 200 people from across Victoria and displayed artwork and performances from bushfire-affected individuals. The FRU coordinated the publication of the Victorian Bushfire Recovery Four Year Update, published in early February 2013, which summarised key recovery milestones and achievements across the state over the preceding 12 months. During 2012-13, RDV also provided support to regional communities impacted by the summer’s bushfires, through support for local events and infrastructure associated with economic recovery. REGIONAL ECONOMIC GROWTH PROJECT The first stage of the Regional Economic Growth Project was completed in April 2013. The project delivered an accessible and consistent information base to inform policy development, planning and investment decisions on how to accelerate growth in regional Victoria. Stage one identified the following important factors to accelerate growth in all regions. Human capital, particularly growing the population and improving the quality of the available workforce by lifting tertiary attainment rates and reducing the proportion of unskilled and semi-skilled workers. Enhancing and exploiting natural endowments (minerals, land, forestry, fisheries). Targeted infrastructure investment that improves the connectivity of export-orientated businesses to national and international markets. Productivity-enhancing investments in innovation and technological development that increase the competitiveness of export-orientated businesses throughout value chains. Improving accessibility to amenities and social opportunities within the region (particularly in regional cities and centres). Stage one of the Regional Economic Growth Project applied a consistent framework to deliver a baseline understanding of growth trends and drivers for Victoria’s 10 regional cities and eight Regional Strategic Planning areas. GEELONG ADVANCEMENT FUND Launched in March 2013, the $11 million Geelong Advancement Fund supports initiatives that increase jobs, skills and innovation and deliver economic and community infrastructure in Geelong. Administered by RDV, the competitive fund supports collaborative ventures with public and private sector, education and community organisations that will improve economic and liveability outcomes in Geelong. The fund supports projects that: Generate new jobs and/or investment. Provide new or improved civic or cultural facilities. Revitalise the Geelong Central Business District. Resolve bottlenecks/blockages that create problems for businesses and industries operating in Geelong. Enhance competitiveness and innovation. The Geelong Advancement Fund is part of the $15 million Geelong Development Fund which supports new investment that generates sustainable jobs in the Geelong region. FARMERS’ MARKETS In 2012-13, the Farmers’ Markets Support Program approved six new projects to support the establishment or expansion of farmers’ markets in Victoria, as well as providing the Victorian Farmers’ Markets Association with $220,400 to develop a marketing and branding strategy and a further $142,500 to undertake an industry growth project. THINKING REGIONAL AND RURAL GUIDELINES The Thinking Regional and Rural Guidelines were approved by the Victorian Government in December 2012 and launched in April 2013 in collaboration with the Institute of Public Administration Australia. The guidelines were developed through the advice of the Regional Policy Advisory Committee (RPAC) as a mechanism to ensure the systematic consideration of regional and rural impacts of major government policy and investment decisions. The guidelines are a capability-building tool for government officials responsible for policy development, program design, legislation, regulation and major investment decisions. They provide guidance about the characteristics of regional Victoria, references to key information and data sources about Victorian regions and a framework for assessing the regional impacts of the specific initiatives being contemplated. The Thinking Regional and Rural Guidelines complement RPAC’s role providing direct advice to the Victorian Government on the regional impacts of major policies and legislation. They have been disseminated across all departments and through the Victorian Public Service Hub. HOSTING THE ORGANISATION OF ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT A team from the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) visited Geelong in August 2012 to apply its assessment framework on how regions are developing partnerships to enhance interactions between cities and rural areas. The framework was developed by the OECD and the European Commission to identify such partnerships and determine how they can help bridge co-ordination gaps in policies for urban and rural dwellers. RDV facilitated the inclusion of G21 as a case study within this global project. The OECD’s final report will be released in October 2013. The OECD visit also included a civic reception hosted by the City of Geelong and a forum in Melbourne on regional development. 2013 REGIONAL VICTORIA LIVING EXPO The 2013 Regional Victoria Living Expo at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from 19 to 21 April 2013 attracted 15 per cent more visitors than the inaugural Expo in 2012. Almost 9,500 people attended the 2013 event compared to 8,200 the previous year. The 2013 Expo involved 138 exhibitors including commercial exhibitors and the State’s 48 regional and rural councils. Each presented information and advice on jobs, education, property, health, and lifestyle opportunities available in regional and rural Victoria. The event achieved notable attendance from young families and working professionals, including many in the health field such as doctors, dentists, nurses and healthcare administrators. Numerous attending councils experienced extremely positive enquiries from attendees keen to move into their regions. GOOD MOVE REGIONAL MARKETING CAMPAIGN In 2012-13, the Victorian Government’s Good Move regional marketing campaign continued to showcase the benefits of regional living to entice city dwellers to make their dreams of moving to the country a reality. The 2012-13 campaign advertising featured real life families that have made the journey from a big city to the regions and have overcome barriers such as settling into the community, and finding jobs, housing and suitable schools. In 2013, the Good Move campaign and Expo complemented each other to position regional and rural areas as ideal locations to establish a home, and take up employment, business and education opportunities that are equal, if not better, than those available in Melbourne. EVALUATION OF 2013 REGIONAL VICTORIA LIVING EXPO AND GOOD MOVE CAMPAIGN RDV appointed independent research company, Latitude Insights, to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of the 2013 Expo and awareness of Good Move campaign activity. Top line findings showed that more than 90 per cent of visitors found the Expo useful to their purpose and 97 per cent considered the standard of exhibits as ‘very good’ or ‘quite good’. Almost all respondents (96 per cent) said they would recommend the Expo. More than half of 2013 Expo visitors became aware of the event via television, 36 per cent through radio and 25 per cent through newspaper advertising. The combined delivery of Good Move and Expo television advertising resulted in a 15 per cent increase in visitors to the event. FUTURE PRIORITIES 2013-14 RDV priorities for 2013-14 are to continue building on the strengths of the regions and maintain growth in the face of economic challenges. These priorities include the following. REGIONAL GROWTH FUND Committing a further $54 million to regionally-significant economic infrastructure projects through the Economic Infrastructure Program, and continuing to implement the Local Government Infrastructure Program and the Putting Locals First Program. Concluding the fixed subsidy negotiation process and running the CNG/LNG tender as part of the Energy for the Regions program. Any towns not connected under the bounty offer process will be included in the second component of the broadened strategy: a tender process which intends to connect the towns through the CNG or LNG supply mechanism. This tender process will occur in the second half of 2013. The proposal to decant and transport CNG/LNG to the outskirts of regional towns will provide an opportunity to work with the energy industry to achieve broader energy security for regional Victoria, as well as offering consumers comparable pricing and convenience to conventional pipeline gas. POLICY AND PLANNING Shaping and influencing the future regional policy agenda through mechanisms including internal research on key regional development policy and program areas, and the Standing Council on Regional Australia. Shaping and influencing the future regional policy agenda through the strategic investment advice of the Regional Policy Advisory Committee. Delivering Stage 2 of the Regional Economic Growth Project. Providing ongoing support and development of the Regional Cities portfolio. Continuing to monitor and evaluate the Regional Growth Fund and its component programs. Leading the next phase of regional strategic planning in Victoria. Continuing to deliver the Networked Rural Councils program in partnership with Rural Councils Victoria to help rural councils address current and future challenges more sustainably. MARYSVILLE HOTEL AND CONFERENCE CENTRE PROJECT Overseeing the development of Marysville’s $28 million Vibe Hotel and Conference Centre, with completion expected around September 2014. FLOOD RECOVERY SUPPORT Finalising two key initiatives relating to the 2010 and 2011 flood events – the $5 million Flood Recovery Community Infrastructure Fund (to restore community infrastructure affected by the 2010 floods) and the $30 million Flood Recovery Community Infrastructure Fund (jointly administered by RDV and the Department of Sustainability and Environment to help recovery efforts after the 2011 floods). BUSHFIRE RECOVERY SUPPORT Continuing the Fire Recovery Unit’s operation as a central point of contact for 2009 bushfire-affected communities and individuals, and delivering a fifth anniversary central commemorative event in 2014. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AUSTRALIA Continuing to manage the RDA initiative in Victoria, providing support and advice to the committees on operational and strategic matters. Helping RDA Committees meet their strategic objectives, as agreed to under the operational funding contract between RDV and the Commonwealth Government. COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Working with the Victorian Community Leadership Secretariat and Programs to continue supporting and strengthening the capacity of Victoria’s community leadership programs. VICTORIAN FARMERS’ MARKETS Continuing to work with the Victorian Farmers’ Markets Association to support and facilitate the development of farmers’ markets throughout regional Victoria and peri-urban areas of metropolitan Melbourne. 2014 REGIONAL VICTORIA LIVING EXPO Capitalising on the success of the 2013 Regional Victoria Living Expo, the event will be held for a third successive year on 11-13 April 2014 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. GRANTS AND OUTPUT TARGETS RDV GRANT PAYMENTS RDV provided financial assistance through a range of programs facilitating economic and community development in regional and rural Victoria. BUILDING STRONGER REGIONS PROGRAMS Organisation Central Goldfields Shire Council Payment $ 591,000.00 Department of Education 5,790,000.00 Department of Sustainability and Environment 6,000,000.00 Gippsland Plains Rail Trail Incorp Latrobe City Council Wimmera Uniting Care Total 200,000.00 90,600.00 2,250,000.00 14,921,600.00 DEVELOPING REGIONAL LEADERS Organisation Payment $ Local Government Professionals Inc. 20,000.00 Total 20,000.00 FARMERS’ MARKETS SUPPORT PROGRAM Organisation Payment $ Corangamite Shire Council 3,750.00 Golden Plains Shire Council 18,000.00 Inverloch Tourism Association Inc. Koonwarra Farmers Market Incorporated Association 9,200.00 10,750.00 Lancefield Neighbourhood House Inc. 7,025.00 Local Food Connect 1,800.00 Mitchell Shire Council 4,500.00 Mount Eliza Chamber of Commerce Inc. 20,000.00 Nillumbik Shire Council 20,000.00 Red Gum Food Group 18,000.00 Shire of Strathbogie 5,000.00 Victorian Farmers' Markets Association Inc. 296,060.00 Total 414,085.00 FLOOD RECOVERY COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE FUND Organisation Alpine Shire Ballarat City Council Benalla Rural City Council Buloke Shire Council Campaspe Shire Council Gannawarra Shire Council Payment $ 337,000.00 2,168.00 63,900.00 280,679.00 50,687.80 8,142.84 Hepburn Shire Council 604,522.12 Loddon Shire Council 220,480.00 Macedon Ranges Shire Council 103,197.00 Mitchell Shire Council 122,219.67 Mount Alexander Shire Council Murrindindi Shire Council 9,900.00 136,604.99 Northern Grampians Shire Council 18,997.00 Shire of Strathbogie 54,840.00 FLOOD RECOVERY COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE FUND (CONTINUED) Organisation Swan Hill Rural City Council West Wimmera Shire Council Yarriambiack Shire Council Total Payment $ 1,312,200.00 586.00 4,995.00 3,331,119.42 FLOOD RECOVERY OFFICERS Organisation Buloke Shire Council Campaspe Shire Council Payment $ 110,000.00 50,000.00 Department of Human Services Victoria 300,000.00 East Gippsland Shire Council 100,000.00 Hepburn Shire Council 60,000.00 Loddon Shire Council 60,000.00 Mildura Rural City Council 50,000.00 Mount Alexander Shire Council 50,000.00 Northern Grampians Shire Council 60,000.00 Pyrenees Shire Council 60,000.00 Wellington Shire Council 100,000.00 Yarriambiack Shire Council Total 50,000.00 1,050,000.00 LATROBE VALLEY ROADMAP Organisation Baw Baw Shire Council Destination Gippsland Ltd. Payment $ 100,500.00 72,000.00 Growth Areas Authority 166,666.00 Latrobe City Council 100,500.00 Wellington Shire Council 157,500.00 Total 597,166.00 LIVING REGIONS LIVING SUBURBS Organisation Payment $ 18,000.00 Anglican Trusts Corporation of the Diocese of Gippsland Geelong Football Club Limited 800,000.00 Gippsland Rotary Centenary House Inc. 5,000.00 Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water Corporation 25,000.00 Greater Bendigo City Council 150,000.00 Horsham Golf Club 290,000.00 Latrobe City Council 104,750.00 Mitchell Shire Council 150,232.50 Murrindindi Shire Council 150,000.00 40,000.00 Portland and District Christian Emergency Relief Centre Inc. 250,000.00 State of Victoria - Department of Justice 20,000.00 Stawell Athletic Club Inc. 100,000.00 The Bendigo Diocesan Trusts Corporation Tourism Victoria 40,000.00 Victorian Farmers Federation 43,762.00 Walhalla Goldfields Railway Inc. 10,000.00 Wellington Shire Council 300,000.00 Yarra Ranges Shire Council 150,000.00 Total 2,646,744.50 LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM Organisation Payment $ Alpine Shire 517,360.00 Ararat Rural City Council 623,000.00 Ballarat City Council 1,890,000.00 Bass Coast Shire Council 850,000.00 Baw Baw Shire Council 745,000.00 Benalla Rural City Council 450,000.00 Buloke Shire Council 461,000.00 Campaspe Shire Council 20,000.00 Central Goldfields Shire Council 500,000.00 City of Greater Geelong 500,000.00 LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM (CONTINUED) Organisation Payment $ Colac Otway Shire 711,243.00 Corangamite Shire Council 300,000.00 East Gippsland Shire Council 670,000.00 Gannawarra Shire Council 925,000.00 Glenelg Shire Council 514,600.00 Golden Plains Shire Council 788,000.00 Hepburn Shire Council 534,000.00 Hindmarsh Shire Council 1,084,198.00 Horsham Rural City Council 1,150,000.00 Indigo Shire Council 1,060,000.00 Loddon Shire Council 900,000.00 Macedon Ranges Shire Council 625,000.00 Mansfield Shire Council 785,742.00 Mildura Rural City Council 500,000.00 Mitchell Shire Council 695,000.00 Moira Shire Council 980,000.00 Moorabool Shire Council 1,200,000.00 Mount Alexander Shire Council 1,231,000.00 Murrindindi Shire Council 441,970.00 Northern Grampians Shire Council 437,000.00 Pyrenees Shire Council 170,000.00 Shire of Moyne 472,842.00 Shire of Strathbogie 153,740.00 Shire of Towong 500,000.00 South Gippsland Shire Council Southern Grampians Shire Council 1,240,000.00 504,171.00 Swan Hill Rural City Council 1,550,000.00 Wangaratta Rural City Council 1,285,000.00 Wellington Shire Council 1,200,000.00 West Wimmera Shire Council Wodonga City Council Yarriambiack Shire Council Total 556,379.00 1,040,000.00 457,000.00 31,218,245.00 LOCAL LIFE LOCAL EVENTS Organisation Payment $ Baw Baw Shire Council 3,000.00 Nagambie Lakes Tourism & Commerce Inc. 5,000.00 Southern Grampians Shire Council 5,000.00 Total 13,000.00 LOCAL SKILLS PARTNERSHIP Organisation Payment $ Alpine Shire 37,500.00 Ararat Rural City Council 33,750.00 Baw Baw Shire Council 25,000.00 Benalla Rural City Council 33,750.00 Building Commission 50,000.00 Buloke Shire Council 30,000.00 Campaspe Shire Council 25,000.00 Central Goldfields Shire Council 33,750.00 Corangamite Shire Council 15,000.00 Gannawarra Shire Council 30,000.00 Horsham Rural City Council 33,750.00 Indigo Shire Council 10,000.00 Mildura Development Corporation Inc. 25,000.00 Pyrenees Shire Council 33,750.00 Southern Grampians Shire Council 33,750.00 Surf Coast Shire 33,750.00 Swan Hill Rural City Council 25,000.00 Wimmera Development Association Inc. 37,500.00 Wodonga City Council 12,000.00 Yarriambiack Shire Council 33,750.00 Total 592,000.00 MARYSVILLE ECONOMIC RECOVERY Organisation Payment $ The Trustee for Belgravia Leisure Unit Trust 320,000.00 Total 320,000.00 NETWORKED RURAL COUNCILS Organisation Payment $ Municipal Association Of Victoria 980,000.00 Total 980,000.00 PLANNING FOR TOMORROW PROGRAM Organisation Payment $ Alpine Shire 18,999.75 Ancon Australia Pty. Ltd. 15,000.00 Ararat Rural City Council 63,000.00 Ballarat City Council 63,000.00 City of Greater Geelong 36,000.00 East Gippsland Shire Council 57,500.00 Gannawarra Shire Council 30,000.00 Greater Bendigo City Council Greater Shepparton City Council Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation Horsham Rural City Council 136,000.00 7,500.00 100,000.00 15,000.00 Indigo Shire Council 6,109.00 Latrobe City Council 45,000.00 Macedon Ranges Shire Council 10,000.00 Mansfield Shire Council 47,500.00 Mildura Rural City Council 45,000.00 Mitchell Shire Council 32,500.00 Moorabool Shire Council 5,000.00 Murrindindi Shire Council 35,000.00 South Gippsland Shire Council Southern Grampians Shire Council 142,000.00 50,000.00 Surf Coast Shire 100,000.00 Swan Hill Rural City Council 100,000.00 Wangaratta Rural City Council Warrnambool City Council Wellington Shire Council Wodonga City Council Total 40,000.00 6,145.00 20,000.00 270,000.00 1,496,253.75 PUTTING LOCALS FIRST PROGRAM (PLFP) Organisation Alberton Timber & Treatment Plant Pty. Ltd. Alpine Shire Payment $ 16,000.00 412,660.00 Alpine Valleys Vignerons Inc. 27,000.00 Apollo Bay Fishermans Co-Operative Society Ltd. 50,000.00 Art Is Festival 15,000.00 Audentes Investments Pty. Ltd. 27,000.00 Ballan Autumn Festival Association Inc. 5,000.00 Ballarat Agricultural & Pastoral Society Inc. 10,000.00 Ballarat City Council 67,500.00 Ballarat Regional Tourism Inc. 99,000.00 Baw Baw Shire Council 242,125.00 Benalla Rural City Council 270,000.00 Bendigo Business Council 5,000.00 Bethanga Soldiers Memorial Hall Reserve 15,600.00 Buloke Shire Council 450,000.00 Campaspe Shire Council 120,000.00 Castlemaine State Festival Ltd. 30,000.00 Central Goldfields Shire Council 499,375.00 Central Highlands Agribusiness Forum Inc. Chewton Domain Society Inc. 35,200.00 146,900.00 City of Greater Geelong 95,000.00 Colac Area Health 27,000.00 Colac Otway Shire 135,000.00 Committee for Ballarat Inc. 25,000.00 Committee for Echuca Moama Inc. 47,000.00 Community Leadership Loddon Murray Inc. 27,000.00 Community Music Victoria Inc. Corangamite Shire Council 5,500.00 206,400.00 Country Fire Authority 54,000.00 Daylesford Macedon Produce Inc. 20,000.00 Donald 2000 Inc. 9,000.00 East Gippsland Business and Tourism Association Inc. 8,000.00 PUTTING LOCALS FIRST PROGRAM (PLFP) (CONTINUED) Organisation Payment $ East Gippsland Food Cluster Inc. 14,000.00 East Gippsland Marketing Inc. 38,250.00 East Gippsland Shire Council 556,800.00 Echuca Historical Society Inc. 69,500.00 Echuca-Moama Arts Initiative 27,000.00 Eildon Action Inc. 118,440.00 Euroa Rotary Club 15,000.00 Foodbank Victoria Ltd. 100,000.00 Gannawarra Shire Council 597,095.00 Gateways Support Services Inc. 78,000.00 Geelong Otway Tourism Inc. 55,500.00 Gippsland Auto Museum Inc. 17,312.00 Gippsland Education Precinct Inc. 16,000.00 Gippsland Ports Committee of Management Inc. 200,000.00 Girgarre Development Group Inc. 19,950.30 Glenelg Shire Council 27,000.00 Golden and Paradise Beach Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc. 32,400.00 Golden Plains Shire Council 426,550.00 Goulburn River Valley Tourism Ltd. 2,500.00 Grampians Estate Wine Company Pty. Ltd. 4,000.00 Grampians Grape Escape Inc. 8,000.00 Grampians Tourism Board Inc. 27,000.00 Greater Bendigo City Council Greater Shepparton City Council 200,000.00 90,000.00 Hepburn Shire Council 189,000.00 Horsham Rural City Council 327,000.00 Indigo Shire Council 113,520.00 Iron Horse Intermodal Pty. Ltd. 270,000.00 J. & J. Nielsen Pty. Ltd. 42,000.00 Jailhouse Rock Festival Committee 15,000.00 Kyabram Racecourse and Recreation Reserve 9,314.00 Lakes Entrance Fishermens Co-Operative Society Ltd. 3,000.00 PUTTING LOCALS FIRST PROGRAM (PLFP) (CONTINUED) Organisation Payment $ Latrobe City Council 452,000.00 Loddon Shire Council 365,000.00 Macalister Research Farm Co-Operative Ltd. Macedon Ranges Shire Council Macpherson Smith Rural Foundation Ltd. Mansfield Shire Council 4,500.00 557,100.00 60,000.00 315,000.00 Mildura Development Corporation Inc. 16,000.00 Mildura Rural City Council 95,386.00 Mitchell Shire Council 200,900.00 Moe Jazz Festival Inc. 3,000.00 Moira Shire Council 76,500.00 Mollongghip Hall and Tennis Club Inc. 18,000.00 Montana Timber Holdings Pty. Ltd. 27,000.00 Moorabool Shire Council 597,500.00 Mount Alexander Shire Council 211,000.00 Mouston Willaura Football Netball Club 9,800.00 Murray Darling Association Inc. 7,000.00 Museums Australia Inc. 4,500.00 National Celtic Folk Festival Inc. 25,000.00 North East Victoria Tourism Board Inc. 115,200.00 Northern Grampians Shire Council 206,250.00 Ocean Grove Neighbourhood Centre Inc. 14,580.00 Oxley Residents Association 43,000.00 Powerworks Pty. Ltd. 9,600.00 Progressing Cobden Inc. 129,600.00 Pyrenees Shire Council 735,000.00 Queen Victoria Market Pty. Ltd. 10,000.00 Robinvale 80 Ski Race Committee Inc. 15,000.00 Rotary Club of Lakes Entrance Inc. 10,000.00 Rupanyup Public Hall Reserve Committee 15,890.00 Rushworth Public Park Reserve Committee of Management Inc. 351,000.00 Seaspray Reserves Committee of Management 52,200.00 Shipwreck Coast Tourism Inc. 21,000.00 Shire of Moyne 295,650.00 PUTTING LOCALS FIRST PROGRAM (PLFP) (CONTINUED) Organisation Shire of Strathbogie Shire of Towong Payment $ 232,500.00 60,000.00 South Gippsland Shire Council 558,866.00 Southern Grampians Shire Council 162,000.00 St Leonards Progress Association Inc. Sunassist Volunteer Helpers Inc. Surf Coast Shire Swan Hill Promotions and Development Corporation Inc. Swan Hill Rural City Council The Alby Pointon Family Trust The Australian Retailers Association The Bendigo Trust The Gippsland Business Awards Association Inc. The Lions Club of Wedderburn Inc. The Noojee & District Historical Society Inc. The Trustee for Bulmer's Family Trust 56,700.00 2,500.00 298,500.00 10,000.00 394,392.00 16,500.00 1,600.00 270,000.00 3,000.00 10,125.00 199,057.50 40,000.00 The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Victoria) Unitingcare Gippsland 5,000.00 Tolmie Sports Assocication Inc. 7,558.00 True Foods Pty. Ltd. 100,000.00 University of Ballarat 40,500.00 Victorian Employers Chamber of Commerce and Industry 70,000.00 Victorian YMCA Community Programming Pty. Ltd. 62,500.00 Wangaratta Rural City Council 18,000.00 Warrnambool City Council 237,000.00 Wellington Shire Council 342,700.00 Western District Health Service 10,000.00 Wimmera Development Association Inc. 65,000.00 Wodonga Bowling Club Inc. 19,800.00 Wodonga City Council 265,000.00 Women On Farms Gathering St Arnaud 2013 Inc. 10,000.00 Women's National Basketball Bendigo Inc. 40,000.00 Workco Ltd. 25,200.00 Yarriambiack Shire Council 40,000.00 Yinnar & District Community Association Inc. Total 4,050.00 15,658,595.80 REGIONAL COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Organisation Payment $ Committee for Ballarat Inc. 518,000.00 Committee for Geelong Inc. 200,000.00 Committee for Gippsland Inc. 150,000.00 Community Leadership Loddon Murray Inc. 200,000.00 GMIC Limited Madec Australia 25,000.00 140,000.00 Moira Shire Council 20,000.00 Murray River Region Tourism Ltd. 27,000.00 North East Agcare Inc. 140,000.00 Shire of Moyne 140,000.00 The Community Foundation for Bendigo & Central Victoria Ltd. Wimmera Development Association Inc. Local Government Professionals Inc. Total 27,000.00 101,250.00 1,800.00 1,690,050.00 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AUSTRALIA Organisation Payment $ Agrifood Skills Australia Ltd. 20,000.00 Ballarat City Council 10,000.00 Bass Coast Shire Council 80,000.00 Central Goldfields Shire Council 20,000.00 City of Greater Geelong 115,000.00 Committee for Gippsland Inc. 53,500.00 Deakin University 11,239.44 Destination Gippsland Ltd. 30,000.00 East Gippsland Shire Council 40,000.00 Gippsdairy Board Inc. 18,500.00 Gippsland Climate Change Network Inc. 27,297.64 Grampians Tourism Board Inc. 25,000.00 Greater Bendigo City Council 100,000.00 Greater Shepparton City Council 18,750.00 Latrobe City Council 18,553.00 Mitchell Shire Council 17,280.00 Monash University 32,500.00 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AUSTRALIA (CONTINUED) Organisation Payment $ Murrindindi Shire Council 25,000.00 Ne Tracks Local Learning and Employment Network Inc. 12,000.00 North East Victoria Tourism Board Inc. 25,000.00 Port of Portland Pty. Ltd. 5,000.00 Roads Corporation 40,000.00 South Gippsland Shire Council 15,467.00 University of Ballarat 85,000.00 Wangaratta Rural City Council 125,000.00 Warrnambool City Council 117,000.00 Wellington Shire Council 117,566.41 Western District Health Service 30,000.00 Westvic Dairy Inc. 19,789.17 Wimmera Development Association Inc. 43,250.00 Total 1,297,692.66 SMALL TOWNS DEVELOPMENT FUND Organisation Payment $ Ararat Rural City Council 10,000.00 Ballarat City Council 50,000.00 Falls Creek Alpine Resort Management Board 100,000.00 Gannawarra Shire Council 145,812.50 Golden Plains Shire Council 125,000.00 Hepburn Shire Council 142,000.00 Horsham Rural City Council 111,000.00 Indigo Shire Council 100,000.00 Loddon Shire Council 61,537.00 Mitchell Shire Council 115,000.00 Murrindindi Shire Council 184,000.00 Northern Grampians Shire Council 115,000.00 Parks Victoria 445,000.00 Shire of Towong 138,750.00 Swan Hill Rural City Council 74,693.00 Yarriambiack Shire Council 67,500.00 Total 1,985,292.50 SUSTAINABLE SMALL TOWNS DEVELOPMENT FUND Organisation Alpine Shire Payment $ 90,000.00 City of Greater Geelong 150,000.00 Colac Otway Shire 119,040.00 East Gippsland Shire Council 200,000.00 Gannawarra Shire Council 80,000.00 Golden Plains Shire Council 300,000.00 Hepburn Shire Council 187,860.00 Hindmarsh Shire Council Indigo Shire Council 71,500.00 360,000.00 Mansfield Shire Council 50,000.00 Moorabool Shire Council 187,820.84 Mount Alexander Shire Council 81,000.00 Murrindindi Shire Council 198,026.00 Northern Grampians Shire Council 150,000.00 Shire of Moyne 100,000.00 Shire of Towong 37,500.00 South Gippsland Shire Council 41,975.00 Surf Coast Shire 482,979.00 Swan Hill Rural City Council 150,000.00 Wellington Shire Council 300,000.00 Total 3,337,700.84 THE GOOD LIFE CAMPAIGN Organisation Payment $ Alpine Shire 10,000.00 Ararat Rural City Council 10,000.00 Ballarat City Council 30,000.00 Bass Coast Shire Council 10,000.00 Baw Baw Shire Council 10,000.00 Benalla Rural City Council 10,000.00 Borough of Queenscliffe 10,000.00 Buloke Shire Council 10,000.00 Campaspe Shire Council 10,000.00 Central Goldfields Shire Council 10,000.00 City of Greater Geelong 10,000.00 Colac Otway Shire 10,000.00 Corangamite Shire Council 10,000.00 East Gippsland Shire Council 10,000.00 Gannawarra Shire Council 10,000.00 Glenelg Shire Council 10,000.00 Golden Plains Shire Council 10,000.00 Greater Bendigo City Council 10,000.00 Greater Shepparton City Council 10,000.00 Hepburn Shire Council 10,000.00 Hindmarsh Shire Council 10,000.00 Indigo Shire Council 10,000.00 Latrobe City Council 10,000.00 Loddon Shire Council 10,000.00 Macedon Ranges Shire Council 10,000.00 Mansfield Shire Council 10,000.00 Mildura Rural City Council 10,000.00 Mitchell Shire Council 10,000.00 Moira Shire Council 10,000.00 Moorabool Shire Council 10,000.00 Mount Alexander Shire Council 10,000.00 Murrindindi Shire Council 10,000.00 Northern Grampians Shire Council 10,000.00 Pyrenees Shire Council 10,000.00 Shire of Moyne 10,000.00 Shire of Strathbogie 10,000.00 THE GOOD LIFE CAMPAIGN (CONTINUED) Organisation Payment $ Shire of Towong 10,000.00 South Gippsland Shire Council 10,000.00 Southern Grampians Shire Council 10,000.00 Surf Coast Shire 10,000.00 Wangaratta Rural City Council 10,000.00 Warrnambool City Council 10,000.00 Wellington Shire Council 10,000.00 West Wimmera Shire Council 10,000.00 Wodonga City Council 10,000.00 Yarriambiack Shire Council 10,000.00 Total 480,000.00 VBRRA LEGACY PROJECTS Organisation Payment $ Flowerdale Community House 30,000.00 Total 30,000.00 VICTORIAN BUSHFIRE BUSINESS INVESTMENT FUND Organisation Payment $ A Doos & C.E Doos 30,000.00 A.R Clayton & A Jestin Puthenpurackal 20,000.00 Cathedral Mountain Christian Centre Inc. 100,000.00 Cross Country Ski Hire Pty. Ltd. 80,000.00 Humphries, Timothy James 10,000.00 Jindivick Timber Pty. Ltd. 30,000.00 Membo Pty. Ltd. 80,000.00 Nina Lunde 40,000.00 North East Community Initiatives Ltd. 12,000.00 S Kerr & D.J Spooner 10,000.00 Strzelecki Engineering Pty. Ltd. 50,000.00 The Trustee for A & K Mcdonald Family Trust 45,000.00 The Trustee for the Jemmco Investments Trust 160,000.00 Total 667,000.00 VICTORIAN BUSINESS FLOOD RECOVERY FUND Organisation Payment $ Brimarco Pty. Ltd. 50,000.00 Centre State Asphalting Pty. Ltd. 75,000.00 Clinton Smith 50,000.00 E.B. Mawson & Sons Pty. Ltd. 100,000.00 F.J. Lenne Pty. Ltd. 50,000.00 F.K Hensgen & J.P Hensgen 25,000.00 Frewstal Pty. Ltd. 250,000.00 Geltch Investments Pty. Ltd. 75,000.00 Global Roto-Moulding Pty. Ltd. 15,000.00 Goldacres Trading Pty. Ltd. 88,000.00 Hazeldene's Chicken Farm Pty. Ltd. 500,000.00 Hf Deutscher Pty. Ltd. 75,000.00 Hopley Recycling Pty. Ltd. 45,000.00 Keens & Keens Trust 40,000.00 La Gray Family Trust 50,000.00 Mattina Fresh Pty. Ltd. 80,000.00 Miquin Pty. Ltd. 70,000.00 N.M.P. Pty. Ltd. 50,000.00 Olam Orchards Australia Pty. Ltd. 350,000.00 Paarhammer Pty. Ltd. 50,000.00 Seven Fields Pty. Ltd. 375,000.00 Sundown Foods Australia Pty. Ltd. 187,500.00 The Trustee for Castle Tourism and Entertainment Unit Trust 150,000.00 The Trustee for Culell Family Trust 100,000.00 The Trustee for Modern Specialised Vehicles Unit Trust The Trustee for Mortlock Trading Trust The Trustee for N & C Hargreaves Family Trust 50,000.00 125,000.00 50,000.00 The Trustee for Southern Stockfeeds (Operations) Hybrid Unit Trust 150,000.00 The Trustee for the Pickworth Orchards Trust 200,000.00 Vic Feed Group Pty. Ltd. 25,000.00 Zilzie Wines Pty. Ltd. 62,500.00 Total 3,563,000.00 YOUNG PROFESSIONALS PROVINCIAL CADETSHIPS Organisation A Hau & J Laino & G Tambassis Benalla Health Benalla Rural City Council Payment $ 500.00 12,750.00 9,000.00 Buloke Shire Council 12,000.00 Cardell Accountants 4,750.00 East Gippsland Shire Council 1,000.00 Gannawarra Shire Council 9,500.00 Gerard Brandrick & Associates Pty. Ltd. 3,750.00 Hardwick Brothers Meatworks Trust 3,750.00 Hindmarsh Shire Council 1,000.00 Radford Legal Pty. Ltd. 500.00 Regional Publishers (Western Victoria) Pty. Ltd. 500.00 Ross Both & Associates Pty. Ltd. 4,250.00 Smec Australia Pty. Ltd. 3,750.00 South Gippsland Shire Council 500.00 Stubbs Wallace Pty. Ltd. 3,750.00 Swan Hill Rural City Council 1,000.00 The Sovereign Hill Museums Association 7,500.00 The Trustee for Byrne Melrose Unit Trust 3,750.00 The Trustee for Crossco Unit Trust 3,750.00 The Trustee for G O'bree Family Trust 3,750.00 The Trustee for Jet Ryan Trust No. 2 9,500.00 The Trustee for the Frankel Business Trust 3,750.00 The Trustee for the Sadler Family Trust 15,000.00 Warrnambool City Council 7,500.00 WHK Pty. Ltd. 3,750.00 Wilson, Barry Maxwell Total 500.00 131,000.00 ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT ANNOUNCEMENTS In 2012-13 the following economic infrastructure projects were announced: Organisation Project Announced Amount $ Economic Infrastructure Projects East Gippsland Shire Council East Bairnsdale Infrastructure Enhancement Project 1,733,000 Epworth Foundation (T/A Epworth HealthCare) Epworth Geelong - Infrastructure to Establish the Site and Open Access to Future Opportunities 2,850,000 Golden Plains Shire Council Infrastructure to Expand Intensive Agriculture for Food Security and Economic Development 2,940,000 Goulburn Valley Water Tatura Abattoirs Expansion - Sewerage Pump Station and Rising Main 200,000 Greater Shepparton City Council Vaughan Street Precinct Urban Renewal and Redevelopment Project 700,000 Horsham Rural City Council Infrastructure Upgrade to Support Development at Longerenong College Mansfield Shire Council Mt Buller Mt Stirling EPIC Mountain Bike Trail Project – Element Two Mars Australia Pty Ltd (Mars) Utilities Efficiency Investment 1,500,000 North East Region Water Corporation Bright Off River Water Storage 2,000,000 Olam Orchards Australia Pty Ltd Olam Orchards Almond Processing Facility - Enabling Infrastructure Projects Paper Australia Pty Ltd Optimised Fibre and Water Efficiency Project 3,000,000 Places Victoria Junction Place, Central Wodonga - Urban Renewal Initiative 3,000,000 Sonac Australia Pty Ltd Sonac Australia Production Expansion and Facility Modernisation University of Ballarat Growing the University of Ballarat Technology Park 2,945,000 Victorian Farmers Federation Cattle Underpass Program 2,000,000 Warrnambool City Council Access to the Warrnambool Eastern Industrial Precinct 3,600,000 Wesfarmers LNG Pty Ltd Establishment of a Victorian LNG Heavy Duty Vehicle Refueller Network for Wesfarmers LNG 2,500,000 Wodonga Rendering Pty Ltd Wodonga Abattoirs - Tri-Generation Plant 1,008,000 1,143,466 375,000 467,528 343,000 GRANT ANNOUNCEMENTS (CONTINUED) Organisation Project Announced Amount $ Energy for the Regions Projects Envestra Limited Energy for the Regions - Supply of Natural Gas to WandongHeathcote Junction 4,130,000 SP Ausnet Energy for the Regions - Supply of Natural Gas to Avoca 8,389,000 SP Ausnet Energy for the Regions - Supply of Natural Gas to Bannockburn 8,976,000 SP Ausnet Energy for the Regions - Supply of Natural Gas to Winchelsea 4,156,000 Latrobe Valley Industry and Infrastructure Fund Projects Australian Sustainable Hardwoods Pty Ltd Australian Sustainable Hardwoods Value Adding/Expansion 500,000 Fisher’s (Latrobe Valley) Pty Ltd Fisher’s Pallet and Wood Treatment Upgrade 326,500 Stirloch Constructions Pty Ltd Stirloch Constructions Precast Concrete Manufacturing Facility 350,000 The Alpine Trout Farm Pty Ltd Alpine Trout Farm Food Processing Plant and Hatchery Project 733,035 Ceres Natural Foods P/L Pureharvest Warehouse Extensions 200,000 DJM Fabrications Pty Ltd Business Sustainability and Growth - Rail Diversification Initiative 250,000 Elite Pack Elite Pack - Food Tray Production Expansion 250,000 GBG Concrete and Construction Pty Ltd Precast Concrete Panel Facility Expansion 150,000 Maffra Farmhouse Cheese Pty Ltd Maffra Cheese Company Capacity Expansion Project 150,000 Pinegro Products Pty Ltd New Packaging Business - Pinegro Morwell 250,000 Sage Computer Support Pty Ltd Trading as Sage Technology Sage Technology Mobilisation and User Interface Unification 250,000 Steeline Gippsland Pty Ltd Steeline Gippsland Expanding Capability Project 250,000 GRANT PAYMENTS In 2012-13 the following payments were made towards economic infrastructure projects: Organisation Project Payment $ Economic Infrastructure Projects Ancon Australia Pty Ltd Port Anthony - Gateway to Growth Project 2,000,000 Australian Tartaric Products Pty Ltd Waste to Energy Biomass Boiler Project Ballarat City Council Australian Centre for Democracy at Eureka Ballarat City Council Ballarat Airport Investment Attraction Program 500,000 Baw Baw Shire Council Hazel Drive Industrial Estates Transport Linkages 337,500 Benalla Rural City Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Police Track/Mitchell Road/Tatong-Morngag Road (Rd 3) 146,975 Bendigo Agricultural Show Society Inc Development of the Victorian Regional Exhibition Complex Bendigo (Stage 2) 500,000 Biodiesel Producers Ltd Biodiesel Storage and Blending Infrastructure Development 500,000 Bruck Textiles Pty Ltd Process and Wastewater Treatment Innovation for Enhanced Sustainability of Textile Manufacturing 990,000 Campaspe Shire Council Port of Echuca Revitalisation - Australia's Great River Port Experience Central Goldfields Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Stage 1: Broiler Farm B Double Access Moolort (Rd 3) 185,000 Central Goldfields Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Stage 2: Broiler Farm B Double Access Moolort (Rd 3) 40,000 Colac Otway Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Irrewillipe Road Upgrade 93,750 Colac Otway Shire Council Old Beechy Rail Trail Deakin University Regional Community Health Hub (REACH) 2,000,000 Department of Transport Clunes Railway Station Reopening 2,807,454 Department of Transport The Yaapeet Line Grain Development Project 700,000 East Gippsland Shire Council Great Coastal Walks of East Gippsland 532,546 East Gippsland Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Rodericks Road/ Lindenow-Glenaladale Road Intersection Upgrade (Rd 3) East Gippsland Shire Council Mallacoota Airport Utilisation Enhancement 170,000 Ecofuels Pty Ltd Madowla Park Integrated Bio-energy Project 400,000 Falls Creek Alpine Resort Management Board Development of Mountain Bike and Walking Trail Facilities at Falls Creek Alpine Resort 400,000 Flavorite Hydroponic Tomatoes Pty Ltd Flavorite Water Efficiency Project 460,000 Gippsland Ports Committee of Management Inc Sustaining Local Ports - Gippsland Lakes (2010-11) 650,690 Glenelg Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Condah-Hotspur Upper Road - Stage 2 (Rd 3) 55,500 Glenelg Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Condah-Hotspur Upper Road - Stage 1 (Rd 3) 108,250 Glenelg Shire Council Portland Bay Coastal Infrastructure 900,000 2,000,000 2,400,000 150,000 95,000 1,150,000 GRANT PAYMENTS (CONTINUED) Organisation Project Golden Plains Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - English Road - Stage 2 (Rd 3) Goulburn-Murray Rural Water Corporation East Loddon Pipeline Project 1,276,593 Greater Bendigo City Council Bendigo Art Gallery Upgrade 1,250,000 Greater Bendigo City Council Finn Street Industrial Estate 261,633 Greater Bendigo City Council O'Keefe Rail Trail Extension - Axedale to Heathcote 600,000 Greater Bendigo City Council Sandhurst (Bendigo) Theatre Complex Hindmarsh Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Belcher Street Upgrade (Rd 3) 116,250 Hindmarsh Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Rainbow Rises Road Bridge Over Outlet Creek 103,063 Horsham Rural City Council Horsham Enterprise Estate - Stage 2 38,943 Horsham Rural City Council Horsham Town Hall Redevelopment 2,000,000 Horsham Rural City Council Infrastructure Upgrade to Support Development at Longerenong College Horsham Rural City Council Wimmera Regional Intermodal Freight Hub Project Indigo Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Jacks Road 243,475 Latrobe City Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Speargrass Road Bridge Replacement (Rd 3) 190,000 Loddon Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Prairie Local Road Improvement (Rd 3) 250,480 Mildura Rural City Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Dried Fruits Receivables and Distribution Hub Project 38,300 Mildura Rural City Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Treviso Way - Upgrade and Reseal (Karadoc-Yatpool) 106,830 Mildura Rural City Council Mildura Airport Terminal Redevelopment 4,200,000 Mildura Rural City Council Mildura Arts and Cultural Precinct Redevelopment 1,000,000 Mildura Rural City Council Mildura Riverfront Parklands Project 1,000,000 Mitchell Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Granville Drive Seymour (Rd 3) 27,425 Mount Buller and Mount Stirling Resort Management Board Mt Buller And Mt Stirling Alpine Multi-Use Trail Network and Associated Infrastructure 50,000 Moyne Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Bartons Road (Rd 3) 61,350 Moyne Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Boggy Creek Road (Rd 3) 65,500 Moyne Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Rowans Road (Rd 3) 85,450 Moyne Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Sisters-Noorat Road (Rd 3) 55,000 Moyne Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Terang-Framlingham Road (Rd 3) 156,000 Multinet Gas Distribution Partnership Supply of Natural Gas to South Gippsland 497,445 Payment $ 8,953 2,000,000 464,986 2,450,000 GRANT PAYMENTS (CONTINUED) Organisation Project Murray Goulburn Co-Operative Co. Limited Murray Goulburn - Leongatha Water and Energy Project 500,000 Murrindindi Shire Council Yea Saleyards Upgrade 300,000 Murrindindi Shire Council Yea Wetlands Environmental Centre 300,000 Northern Grampians Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Bolangum Inn Road and Wallaloo East Road 89,826 Northern Grampians Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Carrolls Road and Baldwin Plains Road (Rd 3) 62,240 Northern Grampians Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Nelson Road 62,500 Northern Grampians Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - School Loop Road 65,569 Northern Grampians Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Sutherland Road 25,340 Paper Australia Pty Ltd Australian Paper Gas Infrastructure 500,000 Parks Victoria Grampians Peaks Trail 500,000 Parks Victoria Sustaining Local Ports - Port Phillip Bay (2010-11) 648,698 Places Victoria Junction Place, Central Wodonga - Urban Renewal Initiative Powercor Australia Ltd On-Farm Energy Upgrade Grant - Western Victoria 150,412 Pyrenees Shire Council Beaufort Economic Growth Project 950,000 Strathbogie Shire Council Strathbogie Equine Industry Expansion 400,000 South Gippsland Shire Council Great Southern Rail Trail Extension (Foster to Welshpool) Project 900,000 Spi Networks Pty Ltd On-Farm Energy Upgrade Grant - Eastern Victoria Surf Coast Shire Council Surf Coast Walk - Stage 1 150,000 The Bendigo Trust Driving Bendigo's Working History (Bendigo Tramways Depot Development) 200,000 The Sovereign Hill Museums Association Gold Museum: Building for the Future (Sovereign Hill 40th Anniversary) Towong Shire Council High Country Rail Trail - Sandy Creek Bridge Towong Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Bramley Lane Upgrade Towong Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Bunroy Bridge on Upper Murray Road at Biggara 109,980 Towong Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Coghills Road Upgrade 16,650 Towong Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Goddes Road Bridge (Rd 3) 38,000 Towong Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Mt Alfred Road Upgrade 64,735 Towong Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Nariel Road Upgrade 47,493 Unilever Australia Limited RIIP - Unilever Dry Processing for Tatura Victorian Agricultural Shows Ltd Rural Showgrounds and Field Days Minor Capital Works Program (Rd 2) 100,000 Victorian Farmers Federation Cattle Underpass Program (CUPS) 531,539 Payment $ 1,000,000 21,991 1,500,000 350,000 8,100 Commercial in Confidence GRANT PAYMENTS (CONTINUED) Organisation Project Victorian Farmers Federation Stock Over Underpass Road Safety (SOURS) Program Extension Wangaratta Rural City Council Wangaratta Regional Events Centre Facility (Showgrounds) Development 90,000 Wannon Region Water Corporation Upgrade of Camperdown Industrial Water Reclamation Plant Project 929,800 Wannon Region Water Corporation Warrnambool Brine Management Project 410,326 Warrnambool City Council Warrnambool Entertainment Centre Redevelopment Project 900,000 Warrnambool City Council Warrnambool Intermodal Terminal Upgrade 297,500 Wellington Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Telegraph Road Reconstruction 109,719 Wellington Shire Council West Sale and Bairnsdale Aerodromes Wesfarmers LNG Pty Ltd Establishment of a Victorian LNG Heavy Duty Vehicle Refueller Network for Wesfarmers LNG 500,000 Western Region Water Corporation Gisborne Recycled Water Scheme 525,870 Wodonga City Council Logic Fatigue Management and Trailer Interchange Project 738,000 Wodonga City Council Wodonga Performing Arts Centre Development Yarriambiack Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Dimboola Minyip Road (Rd 3) 187,603 Yarriambiack Shire Council Local Roads to Markets Program - Rainbow Yaapeet Road Widening (Rd 3) 147,714 Energy for the Regions - Expansion of Supply Capacity for Mildura 907,500 Australian Sustainable Hardwoods Pty Ltd Australian Sustainable Hardwoods Value Adding / Expansion 300,000 DJM Fabrications (Vic) Pty Ltd Business Sustainability and Growth - Rail Diversification Initiative 90,000 GBG Concrete & Construction Pty Ltd Precast Concrete Panel Facility Expansion 75,000 Hydro Australia Pty Ltd Hydro Australia Capability Improvement Project Latrobe City Council Growing Aerospace Manufacturing at Latrobe Regional Airport Pinegro Products Pty Ltd New Packaging Business - Pinegro Morwell Sage Computer Support Pty Ltd Sage Technology Mobilisation and User Interface Unification 100,000 Alpine Trout Farm Pty Ltd Alpine Trout Farm Food Processing Plant and Hatchery Project 433,035 Payment $ 336,653 1,050,000 1,000,000 Energy for the Regions Projects Envestra Limited Latrobe Valley Industry and Infrastructure Fund Projects Total 200,000 1,000,000 90,000 58,882,135 OUTPUT TARGETS AND PERFORMANCE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL CITIES Unit of Measure 2012-13 Target 2012-13 Actual Note Quantity Economic development, service delivery and community capacity projects funded number 140 155 Energy for the Regions Program: Number of towns included number 4 4 Regional infrastructure projects funded number 100 172 % 100 100 Participant satisfaction with implementation of RDV programs % 80 90 Putting Locals First Fund projects recommended by Regional Development Committees approved for funding % 85 100 Regional councils participating at the regional expo % 80 100 Advice provided to government about the bushfire reconstruction and recovery process within agreed timelines % 100 100 Grants acquitted within the timeframe specified in the terms and conditions of the funding agreement: Local Government Infrastructure Account % 75 N/A Rural councils participating in Rural Councils Victoria (RCV) network 1 2 Quality 3 Timeliness 4 Note 1. A greater number of projects were submitted than anticipated. 2. The targets for the value of grants approved was met, from a greater number of projects of lower values. This was across a wide range of programs, including Putting Locals First, Living Regions Living Suburbs and the Sustainable Small Towns Development Fund. 3. All 48 regional and rural councils participated (100%) in the Expo. 4. No grants were required to be acquitted in the current financial year. REVENUE AND EXPENSES Controlled income and expenses for the year ended 30 June 2013: REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL CITIES 2013 $’000 2012 $’000 Income from transactions Output appropriations 23,440 23,720 123,986 127,000 Interest 7,308 9,739 Other revenue 6,476 4,947 161,210 165,406 Grants and other payments (143,177) (134,724) Employee-related expenses (8,753) (7,670) (59) (172) (130) (130) (9,792) (13,150) (11) (13) (161,921) (155,860) (711) 9,546 Regional Growth Fund appropriations Total income from transactions Expenses from transactions Depreciation and amortisation Capital asset charge Other operating expenses Interest Total expenses from transactions Operating surplus (deficit) The balance of the Regional Growth Fund Trust at 30 June 2013 was $227.449 million. The funds are held in trust to meet existing commitments due in future periods. The financial operations of Regional Development Victoria are included in the Financial Reports of the Department of Planning and Community Development. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Consolidated financial statements for the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) and RDV are contained in the 2012-13 Annual Report published by DPCD. This report contains RDV’s Output Targets and Performance and Revenue and Expenses for the year ended 30 June 2013. COMPLIANCE Compliance requirements in accordance with the Financial Management Act 1994 and the directions of the Minister for Finances were managed by DPCD on behalf of RDV. Consolidated compliance reporting information for RDV for the 2012-13 financial year is contained in the 2012-13 Annual Report published by DPCD. LEGISLATION RDV is responsible for the following legislation: The Regional Development Victoria Act 2002. The Regional Growth Fund Act 2011. The Albury Wodonga Agreement (Repeal) Act 2003. CONTACT INFORMATION For more information regarding Regional Development Victoria (RDV) contact a representative in your region. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT VICTORIA REPRESENTATIVES Ballarat T 03 5327 2800 Bendigo T 03 4433 8000 Geelong T 03 5223 2104 T 03 5215 6000 Horsham T 03 5381 2762 Mildura T 03 5051 2000 Shepparton T 03 5895 4100 Traralgon T 03 5116 7300 Wangaratta T 03 5722 7101 Warrnambool T 03 5561 4135 Wodonga T 02 6059 0200 ACCESSIBILITY If you would like this publication in an accessible format, such as large print or audio, please phone 13 22 15 (voice calls), or email This document is also available in an accessible format on the internet at Published by the Victorian Government Regional Development Victoria Annual Report 2012-2013 September 2013 Melbourne Victoria © Copyright State of Victoria 2013 This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. ISSN 1448-9341 Contact Regional Development Victoria Level 12, 1 Spring Street Melbourne 3000 T 03 9452 5251 E Designed by o2 Media 2/102 Lava Street Warrnambool, Victoria 3280 Printed by Finsbury Green in regional Victoria on 100% recycled paper