Industrialization and Urbanization

Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution: During the 1800’s farmers and city
workers stopped working by hand and began to use
Industrial Revolution
Assembly Line: Each person in a factory
has a small job they do over and over and
as each person does their job the product
is completed.
Specialization of Labor: Each person in a
factory has a specialized job they do over
and over.
Industrial Revolution
Mass Produce: When one thing in a factory can be made
many times cheaply.
Industrial Revolution
The steam engine allowed factories to run all day and
night, boats to move and large farm equipment to get
more jobs done. In the US, the most important use of the
steam engine was for trains.
Industrial Revolution
In 1869, the USA finished the “Trans-Continental Railroad”
a rail line that went from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Industrial Revolution
Since things could be made so easily and for so cheaply,
more resources were needed- mainly coal. “Industrialized”
countries like Great Britain in Europe and the USA began to
expand their economies in search of people to buy their
Sadly, because of the US Civil War, the US had shown that
Industrialization could be used for weapons and war. The
world changed greatly, because the only thing that
mattered for countries now, was how industrialized they
were. Industrialized countries in the 1800’s colonized
much of the rest of the world.
Industrial Revolution
Urbanization: When people during the IR began to move off
of farms and into cities.
Since new machines meant that farmers could grow more
crops with less people- not as many people were needed
to work the land – so they moved to cities to find jobs in
factories in the late 1800’s and cities grew.
Urbanization Problems
•Cities grew too fast and they became overcrowded- people
had to live in tenements .
•Bosses did not take care of their workers- many died or were
hurt at their jobs.
•Children worked dangerous jobs.
•Cities were dirty and diseases spread.
Tenement House
Widget Factory
Goal- To make the most widgets of
the highest quality widgets despite
the harsh working conditions.
•Decide who the “Foreman” is.
•Specialize your labor.
•Create a mass production assembly
line area for the best results.