Audition Materials - Pilipino Cultural Night

Benji: I have NOT seen anyone hit a can like that in a long time. Especially with those
heels! You’re something else!
Claire: Oh please! You almost tackled that poor boy to the ground... And that askal came
out of nowhere! You’re a pro!
Benji: For an American girl, you sure know how to act like a kid from the streets!
Claire: Hey! Who said I don’t know how to have fun?
Benji: Haha, you’re great. I haven’t had a night like this in a long time.
Claire: Same here… To be honest, I’ve been feeling kind of down lately.
Benji: What’s wrong? Your dad?
Claire: I’m pretty used to that. But, I just got out of a relationship… I was cheated on…
Benji: What? Someone cheating on you? You’re lying.
Claire: No, I’m not. I don’t know Benji, sometimes I feel like it’s my fault that I get treated
this way. I try my best to please everyone ever since my parents got divorced, but it
never works my way. First it was my dad never having time for me... And now Michael is
choosing his best friend over me. Will I ever be enough?
Benji: I’m so sorry Claire…But you’re always enough. Remember that. You’re beautiful,
you’re kind, you’re fun….. No one else will make you see it but yourself.
Claire: Thanks Benji… You’re right.
Bong: Claire, there you are-Claire: Dad!
Bong: Sino to? Who is this? Claire, I’ve been trying to contact you why weren’t you
answering your phone?
Claire: Sorry dad I-Benji: Sorry sir, it was my fault that I kept her so long. But we just played some patintero
Bong: Excuse me? Who are you? I don’t want you to be hanging around my daughter
making her play some impoverished games!
Claire: Dad!
Bong: Claire, it’s not safe for you to be roaming around the city without supervision, you
could get kidnapped! Held ransom in some place we can’t get to! You don’t even know
this man!
Claire: Yes I do dad, and he was just keeping me company. Unlike you.
Bong: What?
Claire: You heard me, dad. Benji was just showing me around. Something you never do.
You always locked me in your stupid cage but never even paid attention to me! You’re
always on your phone with your stupid company! I’m getting too old for this dad! You pay
for my trips here but I don’t even get to see you!
Bong: Honey-Claire: This is why mom and you never worked out!
Benji: Claire…
Bong: Boy, I think you should leave.
Benji: Yes sir.
Moses: Hey Nadine, how old are those kids? Aren’t they a little too young to be looking
Nadine: Sadly, no. It’s just the way it is over here. We have our extremely wealthy, and
our extremely poor.
Moses: I mean, that sounds like America, but I’ve never seen poverty so… in my face?
Nadine: Well, that’s the Philippines for you.
Moses: Man, this is where my mom and dad grew up? They never tell me about it.
Nadine: They don’t?
Moses: No… I think they just wanted me to live a very American life. I only learned
English growing up. I remember hearing them talk about teaching me Tagalog when I
was little, but my mom said it would be confusing for me to learn both languages.
Nadine: Really? I mean, we grow up learning both English and Tagalog here, I don’t
think it would have been that difficult for you.
Moses: You might be right... I just feel like I wasn’t exposed too much with this culture…
and I think it left me growing up very skeptical about it.
Nadine: Well, I mean, it’s not too late to relearn your roots, right?
Moses: Yeah…. Hey, about those people over there
Nadine: Oh! Yeah, those are people from our tribe.
Moses: Wait, what? Tribe?
Nadine: Yes! I guess your parents didn’t tell you.. We are descendants of the igorot tribe.
Moses: Igorot tribe? That sounds awesome! Is it like the Filipino version of Native
Nadine: haha, I guess you could say that?
Moses: But… Why are those people taking pictures with them like they’re some kind of
tourist attraction?
Nadine: That’s how they make money… I mean, most of them are old, but they still have
to make ends meet. Ever since lolo found out you were coming, he started coming out to
take pictures with the tourists again.
Moses: No way?! That seems so backwards though. I mean, these tourist people here
are Filipino too right? I feel like the idea of that is so weird.
Nadine: Don’t you guys have gentrification?
Moses: We do…. but this is within the culture of a country! I think they should get to
know more about their own culture than just take pictures…
Nadine: Well, look at you!
Moses: Huh?
Nadine: Mr. “Culture isn’t my thing” is starting to care. I’m impressed cousin.
Moses: Fair enough… I’m just getting the hang of it. I have to admit, the motherland is
pretty beautiful.
Nadine: I’m glad you think that!
Moses: And you were right about these strawberries... They’re the sweetest I’ve ever
tasted. And the street food… Man! Who knew these barbecue sticks would be so good!
Nadine: That’s isaw.
Moses: You saw what?
Nadine: No cousin, isaw. Pig intestines.
Moses: (chokes on his food) What?!
Nadine: Hoy! Don’t waste food! You already said you liked it.
Moses: ergggggdhh….
Ruben: Wow, Baguio was great! That native was totally right about seeing the Lions
Head. It’s like Filipino avant garde art!
Moureen: Judging from how people were looking at you running around taking pictures, I
could say you were the avant garde art.
Ruben: Awwww, you’re calling me a work of art?
Moureen: Well I never said the art was any good.
Ruben: Hey!
Moureen: Can you at least help me with some of these bags? Did you seriously just
bring your beach ball over here?
Ruben: Gotta pack light y’know! Man, this place looks amazing, white sands and crystal
clear beaches. I’m so glad we decided to come here!
Moureen: Yup, Boracay has definitely been at the top of my list of places to see.
Ruben: Uhm Moureen…?
Moureen: What?
Ruben: Bad news… I lost the travel brochure again.
Moureen: You’re kidding... Did you lose it up your butt or something?
Ruben: No! I mean, well, I got bird poop all over my head when we were on the boat ride
here and I didn’t have any tissue and so I wiped it and left it somewhere…
Moureen: You’re the most useless travel buddy I’ve ever had the misfortune of being
Ruben: It’s no problem though! We can ask around again! Oh! Hey! Look, she looks like
she knows her way around. (points to a native) Hey! Miss!
Native Girl: Yes?
Moureen: Hey, we’re hungry tourists. Would you happen to know of any good places to
eat around here?
Native Girl: Hmmm, well there is a great seafood place right down the boardwalk. The
prawns there are delicious!
Ruben: I bet they aren’t as delicious as you.
Native Girl: Excuse me?!
Ruben: Nothing, nothing! Thank you miss! And your name?
Native Girl: (Filipino accent) Not
Ruben: And what’s your last name, Not?
Native Girl: (Filipino accent) Interested
Ruben: Wow, you’re so unique! Sounds exotic.
Native Girl: Yeah, as in (English accent) NOT INTERESTED. Go pay attention to your
girlfriend, you two are such a weird couple!
(Native Girl leaves)
Moureen: Why do you have to be so embarrassing wherever we go?!
Ruben: You’re just jealous!
Moureen: Me? Jealous? You think I’d be jealous over that?!
Ruben: Of course! I know you’re afraid to lose this! I mean, c’mon you see these
muscles in this shirt? These legs in these shorts! And this camera right here?! This has
pogi points for sure!
Moureen: Pogi points? Really, Ruben? What even is that?
Main Character List
Moses – (22/M) The boldest of the group. Moses is Filipino-American college student
with a very aloof disposition towards life. As your typical 20-something, he seems to
only want to have fun. He holds very little knowledge of his heritage and does not have
any interest in expanding it either.
Regina – (24/F) The maternal figure of the group. Regina is a recent college graduate
aspiring to become an elementary school teacher. More often than not, she is seen
putting other people before herself. She is the most matured of the group.
Claire – (19/F) The baby of the group. Growing up sheltered, Claire still has a lot to learn
about life. She can put a proper front, but with her friends she can be her true self:
sensitive, childlike, and hopelessly romantic.
Moureen – (21/F) The baddie b of the group. Moureen is protective of her friends and is
probably the last person anyone would want to mess with. She’s sarcastic and snarky
when it’s necessary (especially with Ruben), but deep down there’s definitely a softer
side to her
Ruben – (21/M) The goofball extraordinaire. Ruben speaks his mind with barely any
filter while his shenanigans always lands him into trouble. He is always tagging along his
“queen” Moureen, being the only one that can handle her wits.
Supporting Characters
Bong – (60/M) Claire’s father, a stern man who is married to his career. He is strict and
cutthroat and is often unaware of his actions.
Benji – (22/M) Claire’s childhood friend. Supportive, caring, and charming at best.
Lolo – (82/M) Moses’ grandfather. A hardworking man who would do anything for his
family. He is wise but also quite humorous.
Nadine – (20/F) Moses’ cousin. She is an intelligent but cynical young woman who tends
to her sickly grandfather.
Lydia – (55/F) Regina’s mother. Prideful, but troubled by her circumstances, she
struggles to accept any form of help.
BingBing -- (15/M) Regina’s younger brother. He is crass but mature beyond his years.
Self sacrificial, he knows his responsibilities well.
Postman – (?/M) “Just your average postman”
"He who does not know how to look back at where he came from will never
get to his destination." - Jose Rizal
Let’s go back. Let’s go back to when family wasn’t everything, when you didn’t realize
what you had in front of you, when your culture didn’t mean anything. Let’s go back to a
time when you thought you knew everything, but you knew very little at all.
Uwi na tayo. Let’s go back to the time you realized family would always be there for
you, that some of the best things in life are things that you already have, and that to find
yourself, you have to see the heritage that runs through your veins.
Follow the journey of Regina, Claire, Moses, Moureen, and Ruben as they go back to the
Philippines to learn the importance of family, friendship, and what it means to be