Sharing in Phonics Teaching 香港小學怎樣教英語拼音? 香港小學 教英語拼音的常見毛病? 教咗但教不識的原因 • 只教sound recognition,不教blending e.g. /a/ , /m/, /p/ /m/ /ap/, /ma/ /p/, /m//a//p/ 香港小學 教英語拼音的常見毛病? 教咗但教不識的原因 • 只教較簡單的a-z,不懂複合韻母 e.g. a-z 只包涵short vowel a,e,i,o,u,及子音 single Consonants: b, d, f, g, m... 香港小學 教英語拼音的常見毛病? 教咗但教不識的原因 • 只順序教a-z,沒有系統及層次教授及練習 • 只要求學生背誦,缺乏訓練聽力分辨能力 • 多由教師示範拼讀生字,少讓學生分析如何 拼讀新字 • 重反覆操練(drilling),輕視趣味和建立學生 成功感 香港小學 教英語拼音的常見毛病? 教咗但教不識的原因 • 缺少重温,未能與新學的字音合拼練習 • 操練方式沉悶,欠多樣化 • 只重視默串,未能配合閱讀 • 默串生字未能配合拼音所學 • 拼讀訓練不足,未能發展自動化的拼讀能力 怎樣教英語拼音? Scheme of P.1 Phonics Short short a, short e, short i, Vowels short o, short u Consonants b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, ck, l, m, Total: 47 n, p, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z, qu Word Families Lessons at, am, ap, an, ank, ad, amp, per ack, and, ang, in, it, ip, ig, id, school ib, im, ick, ink, ill, ing, int, ot, year og, op, ock, od, ob, ox, ost, ong, et, en, ent, ed, eg, est, end, elt, ell, um, ump, ut, ud, ug, ub, ust, uck, ung, up Scheme of P.2 Phonics Blends S-Blends, R-Blends, L-blends sp, st, sl, sm, fl, bl, cl, tr, gr, cr, etc Long Vowels Long a, Long e, Long i, Long o, Long u R-Controlled or, ur, ir, er Vowels Vowel Digraphs ai, ay, ea, oa, ie, ue, ee, oe Consonant Digraphs sh, ch, th, Diphthongs oi, oy, ou, ow, al, au, aw, oo, ew, others igh,y, Total: 30 Lessons per school year Sound recognition Bubbles bubbling, b… b… b… Bubbles bubbling, b… b… b… Bubbles bubbling, b… b… b… B… is the sound of B. Blending final blending e.g. /s/ /a/ /t/ /sa/ /t/ /s/ /at/ • Paired Work Practice Reading Nat's Cat The sound of different Consonants blending with the vowel / a / Students are able to read the words in the story and understand the story through pictorial cues. Revision spelling/dictation 1.Listen to the teacher and circle the words you hear. ball / doll Assessment Teachers will assess the students’ learning after certain lessons Teachers will help the weak students individually in order to catch up with the others Step-by step Sequential Teaching rhyming letter sounds revision (action) spelling/dictation onset and rime, medial sounds, whole word (within 3-5 letters) distinguish individual sounds (listening) Revision Sound Recognition multi-sensory teaching approach e.g. songs, rhymes, poems, actions, big books, miming or tactile games, etc. systematic and explicit approach identifying sounds in words e.g. f-i-sh High-Frequency final blending interactive games, Blending or Tricky words e.g. /s/ /a/ /t/ word charts, etc. teaching /sa/ /t/ /s/ /at/ Say it as Paired-work successive blending it sounds Look, Cover, Practice Write and word e.g. ssssaaaat Check paired bank word wall, word-family reading writing tasks e.g. silly posters, blending lines, sentence, guided poem or blending etc. rhyme writing, etc. games The role of different participants Phonics Learning Teachers - Knowledge distributors - Facilitators Students - Active Learners Parents -Supporters -Participants in the Parents workshop -Companion Practise Phonics Quiz 1. Spelling Games e.g. sound matching, rhyming game, trace a beginning / ending consonant, discrimination of vowels, choose the right word, word unscramble, spelling a word, etc. ( ) 2. Nonsense word checking (Ruth Miskin’s Nonsense Word Test ) ( ) 3. Sight word recognition (Phonics-Web\Spelling and sight recognition in the National Literacy Strategy.htm) 4. Reading Competency Test ( ) 拼音教材 letter sound songs phonics worksheets/ flash cards flip books, phonics wheels, phonics dices, scrapbooks, e-books online 拼音教材 big decodable books wall posters /audio posters online phonics games Teach to their strengths Let children taste the fruit of their success !