The Matrix Reloaded - the School District of Palm Beach County

The Matrix Reloaded
Matrix Update
General Information
• Matrix is required for all ESE students.
• Students who are Gifted and Speech only need
only initial placement Matrix.
• 5 Cost Factors
– 251, 252, 253, 254, 255
• 5 Levels
– 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
• Parents do not have to be present for matrix
General Information
• Any time an IEP meeting
results in a change of
services, a new matrix must
be completed.
General Information
• When an IEP meeting is held, services do
not change, and the matrix is less than 3
years old a new matrix does not have to be
• Reviewers should date and initial matrix
form in these cases.
Matrix Of Services Form
• Use most recent form available
– New 2004 form is now available on district
– Only two changes:
• Page one: Peers, and three years.
– All Cost Factors and Levels remained the same.
Matrix of Services Form
• Complete all the information on the form
District – 50 or Palm Beach
Date completed
Student ID
Date of Birth
Matrix of Services Form
• Check services that will be provided (based
upon the IEP) and check the box indicating
the highest level of service (domain rating)
• Check appropriate Special Considerations
• Omniform will add totals for you.
• If not using Omniform be sure to add
Notes and Cautions
• Matrix must be based on information
contained in IEPs, or EPs.
• Services MUST BE based on individual
needs resulting from a student’s disability.
• Do NOT check services offered to all
students in a particular class or program
unless it is based on individual need and is
documented by the IEP or EP.
Notes and Cautions
• Appropriate places for documentation on
Present Level of Performance
Measurable Annual Goals
Short-term Objectives
Related Services
Notes and Cautions
• Each service should be checked in only one
domain. Do not check the same service in
multiple domains.
• Five levels
• Factors determining levels
– Frequency
– Intensity
– Qualifications
Level 1
• The student requires no services or
assistance beyond those normally available
to all students.
Level 2
• The student is receiving assistance on a
periodic basis or receives minor
adaptations, assistance, or services.
– Consultation
– At least monthly
– Adaptations
Level 3
• The student is receiving modifications to
the learning environment that are more
complex or services on a more frequent
– Weekly
– Collaboration
– Assistance with some learning activities
Level 4
• The student is receiving more extensive
modifications to the learning environment
or use of specialized approaches, assistance
or equipment for the majority of learning
– Very specialized or different programs
– Daily or very frequent services
– Assistance needed for majority of activities
Level 5
• The student is receiving continuous and
intense assistance, multiple services. Or
substantial modifications for most learning
Continuous, constant interventions/assistance
Intensive or individualized approaches
Services for most of the day
Multiple services
Special Considerations
• +3 for student identified as VI or DSI
• +1 for students with a score of 17 total
points and who are rated Level 5 in three
of five domains.
• +1 for students who have a score of 21 total
points and who are rated Level 5 in four
of the five domains
DO NOT add additional point unless
the rating of 5 is in place for three or four
Do not give additional point just because the
total is 17 or 21. Must meet domain criteria.
• Examples of service
– Check marks
• Prerequisite for checking the service
– Arrow
• Domain A – Curriculum and Learning
• Domain B – Social/Emotional Behavior
• Domain C – Independent Functioning
• Domain D – Health Care
• Domain E - Communication
Changes Since 1998 Handbook
• Preface
• Introduction
• Front page of Matrix of Services Form
– Minutes per Week with Nondisabled Peers
– Matrix Reviews after Interim IEP Meeting
• The matrix is less than three years old
What Hasn’t Changed
• Logistic for completing the Matrix of
Services Form.
• The domains
• The levels
• The special considerations
Reminder: Major change
• If services change as a result of an IEP team
decision, a NEW matrix must be
• Due to audit reasons you can not make
changes on the matrix by crossing out,
changing, initialing, and dating
Matrix on OmniForm
• OmniForm - PBSD2000
• Automatically adds
• If not adding correctly on Omni complete
the following steps:
– Close all forms, but leave Omni Form Filler
– Click on Tools in the menu bar
– Click on Options in the drop down menu
Matrix on OmniForm
– Click on Filling in the Options Dialogue
– Make sure there is NO check mark next to
“Enable Client Profile:
– Click “OK”
Need help?
• Contact Nancy Woolcock
– 434-7322
– PX47322
– Email –