AP/Honors World History Midterm Study Guide The main focus of the

AP/Honors World History
Midterm Study Guide
The main focus of the test will be the following:
Islam – chapter 13
China and East Asia – Chapter 14
India – Chapter 15
Chapter 13:
1. Who was Muhammad?
2. How did Muhammad’s spiritual transformation occur?
When he began receiving visions from the Archangel Gabriel, he began recording his visions and
gained a following
3. What is the Quran?
4. Why did many in Mecca and Saudi Arabia find Muhammad’s teachings offensive?
Muhammad’s teachings were about a monotheistic idea, it was seen as an economic threat to
the existing religious industry
5. What is meant by the “seal of the prophets”?
6. What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
 No god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet
 Daily prayer
 Fasting during Ramadan
 Charity
 Pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj)
7. How are the Quran and the Sharia similar and different?
8. What led to a break or a divide in the Islamic faith?
The death of Muhammad – there was no clear successor; Abu Bakr was chosen to lead however,
the Shia did not agree with the selection
9. What are the Shia and the Sunni?
10. What were the accomplishments of the Umayyad Dynasty?
 Stability to the Islamic community
11. How did the Umayyads treat conquered people?
12. What were the accomplishments of the Abbasid Dynasty?
 Took control of Persia and Mesopotamia
 Diverse administration
 Competent military
 Dar al-Islam
 Policy based on the Quran and sharia
What caused the decline of the Abbasid Dynasty?
Describe the economy of the early Islamic world.
 Spread of food and crops
 Trade routes from India to Spain
 New crops
 Major cities
How did a hemispheric trading zone form?
The divisions within the Islamic world, it covered the silk roads, camel caravans, and sea trade all
worked together to form a trading zone.
How did the Muslims improve banking and trade?
Sakk (checks) developed out of trade, the hemispheric trading zone promoted trade, joint
ventures became common
How did Islam impact the status of women?
How did an Islamic culture develop?
 Uniformity of Islamic law, establishment of madrasas, the hajj, sufi missionaries
How did Islam influence the cultures of Persia? India? And Greece?
Persia – administration and governance, literature
India – math, science. And medicine
Greece – philosophy (esp. Aristotle)
Chapter 14: The Resurgence of Empire in East Asia
1. How did the Sui Dynasty develop?
2. What were some of the accomplishments of the Sui?
3. How was the Grand Canal important to China?
Promoted trade between north and south China, linked previous network of canals, roads on
either side of the canal
4. What events led to the downfall of the Sui Dynasty?
Anger over forced labor, military failures, and the emperor was assassinated
5. Why was Tang Taizong controversial?
6. Why was Tang Taizong considered a strong leader?
Built a capital city, promoted law and order, low taxes and prices, effective implementation of
Sui policies
7. Under the Tang, how did government workers advance?
8. Why was China called the “Middle Kingdom” during the Tang Dynasty?
9. Why did the Tang decline beginning in 775?
Governmental neglect, 775 rebellion of An Lushan, capture of Chang’an and Luoyang, 907 last
emperor abdicates
10. What was the emphasis of the Song Dynasty?
Administration, industry, education, and the arts
11. What were the weaknesses of the Song?
Size of the bureaucracy (government) – peasant rebellions, lack of reform
Civil service leadership in the military – no military training, unable to contain nomadic attacks
12. Describe the agricultural practices of the Tang and Song Dynasties.
13. What were some of the technological and industrial advancements of the Tang and Song?
Porcelain, increase of iron production using coke, gunpowder, printing techniques refined, naval
14. Describe the market economy of China.
Credit developed – promissory notes, checks, paper money, government monopoly on money
15. How did China fit in the Hemispheric economy?
16. What led to cultural changes in Tang and Song China?
17. Why was Dunhuang important?
18. Describe “Chinese Buddhism”.
Text-based, emphasis on metaphysics, ascetic ideal – celibacy, isolation
19. What is Neo-Confucianism?
20. Describe the relationship that China had with Korea, Vietman, and Japan.
Korea- Silla Dynasty, Korea recognizes Tang as emperor, Chinese influenced the Korean culture
Vietnam – adapted to Chinese culture and technology, resented Chinese political domination,
asserted independence with the fall of the Tang dynasty
Japan – Chinese army never invaded, Chinese culture pervasive in Japan, imitated Tang
administration, adoption of Confucian and Buddhist teachings with retention of Shinto religion
21. Describe Heinan Japan.
22. What is the shogun?
23. Who held the power in Medieval Japan?
Chapter 15: India and the Indian Ocean Basin
1. What happened in India after the fall of the Gupta Dynasty?
Invasion of the White Huns from Central Asia, local power struggles, invasions of Turkish nomads
2. Why was King Harsha important?
3. How was Islam introduced to Northern India?
By Arab conquerors in Sind, and through trade and establishment of port cities such as Cambay
4. Who was Muhmud of Ghazni?
5. Describe the Sultanate of Delhi.
6. Describe the Hindu Kingdoms of Chola and Vijayanagar.
7. How did the Monsoon affect agriculture?
The shifting winds gave signs to when the planting season should begin. Irrigation systems
constructed as well as reservoirs, canals, and tunnels
8. How did trade develop in Southern India?
Regional economies were self-sufficient, products traded throughout the subcontinent (iron,
cotton, spices); southern India benefited from political instability of the north
9. How did temples impact Indian society?
10. How did trade develop in the Indian Ocean Basin?
Larger ships – Dhows, junks, organized agriculture, port cities with warehouses, specialized
11. Why was the Kingdom of Axum significant?
12. How was the Caste system challenged?
Migrations, growth of Islam, urbanization, economic development
13. What led to the decline of Buddhism in India?
Displaced as Turkish invasions destroyed holy sites and temples, Muslim forces destroy library of
14. Why did Hinduism become popular in India again?
Devotional cults grew – Vishmu and Shiva, promise of salvation
15. Why were the philosophies of Shankara and Ramanuja important to India?
16. Why did many Indians convert to Islam?
17. What was the Bhakti Movement?
18. How did India influence Southeast Asia?
Evidence of ideas and traditions – kingship, religions (Hinduism and Buddhism), literature
19. How did Islam become popular in Southeast Asia?
Muslim traders in the area, popularity of Sufi (missionary) activity
Chapter 1:
Describe the movement and early spread of people and agriculture.
Early civilizations began in the “fertile crescent” and from there people started migrating to
other places. Before civilizations began, many people lived as nomads following the food. As
people began understanding about planting crops a more settled lifestyle began.
Chapter 2:
1. How are civilizations defined?
Urban, political/military system, social structure, economic activity, religion, communication
system, ‘culture’
2. How were the early Hebrews different than the Mesopotamians?
Moses introduced the idea of monotheism to the Hebrews and that tradition has remained.
Chapter 3:
1. What are Hieroglyphs?
Religious writings, picture/symbol style of writing.
2. How did organized religion begin in Egypt?
Began during the reign of Amenhotep IV, introduced the sole worship of the sun god Aten
Prior to this, Egyptians worshipped two main gods – Amon and Re
Chapter 4:
1. Describe the Caste system.
Social system of Early India:
 Brahmin – priest
 Kshatriya – warrior
 Vaishya – merchant
 Shudra – serf
 “Untouchables”
Chapter 5:
1. What were the early dynasties of China and what were their accomplishments?
Xia – flood control
Shang – bronze metal working, horse drawn chariots, army, political orgnization
Zhou – Mandate of heaven, cheap iron weapons,
Chapter 6:
1. Who were the Olmecs?
First civilization located in central America. Carved large ‘head’ rocks
2. What were some of the accomplishments of the Maya?
Terraced farming, warfare, calendar, invented the concept of zero, alphabet
Chapter 7:
1. What were the four Persian Empires?
2. What were some of the technological advances of the Achaemenids?
Administrative divisions – Satrapies, system of underground canals, Persian Royal Road, courier
Chapter 8:
1. What were the Confucian ideas and values?
Ideas: Ethics and politics, Junzi – superior individuals, emphasis on Zhou texts
Values: Ren (kindness, benevolence), Li (propriety), Xiao (Filil piety)
2. What were the accomplishments and technological developments of the Han Dynasty?
Accomplishments: Maintained control over many regions, system of public works, taxes,
educational system, expansion
Technology: Iron manufacture, food production, weapons, silk worms, paper, crossbow, horse
collar, ship rudder
Chapter 9:
1. How did India’s economy develop?
Manufacturing, network of workshops, trade, trade routes across India and beyond
2. What made trade in the Indian Ocean Basin profitable?
Understanding of the ‘seasonal’ or Monsoon winds, sea trade was successful for Indians
3. What are the Four Noble Truths?
 All live is suffering
 There is an end to suffering
 Removing desire removes suffering
 This may be done through the eight fold path (right views, intention, speech, action,
livelihood, effort, mindfulness, concentration)
4. Why did Buddhism appeal to many people of the time?
 Less dependence on Brahmins
 No recognition of the caste system
 Philosophy of moderate consumption
 Public service through lay teaching
 Use of vernacular, not Sanskrit
 Monastaries became important institutions in society
5. What are the key differences in Buddhism and Hinduism?
Buddhism is more of a philosophy and way of thinking, while Hinduism is a religion
Chapter 10:
1. How Greek colonization effect the region?
Trade in the region, communication of ideas, introduction of political ideas
2. Why were the Persian Wars fought?
Revolt against the Persian Empire, led by Alexander the Great
3. What were the Hellenistic Empires?
 Antigonid
 Ptolemaic
 Seleucid
4. How did the Greek contribute to Science and Mathematics?
Pythagoras, human anatomy and physiology, atoms, rational thought
Chapter 11:
1. How did the Roman Republic expand?
Domination of Etruscans, took over iron industry, military threats and incentives,
2. What is meant by Pax Romana? And what were some of the accomplishments of this time
Pax Romana – Roman Peace
Accomplishments: trade, communication, roadwork – curbs, drainage, paving stones, milestones,
postal service
3. How was Roman Law adapted to new populations? (what ideas do we take from Roman law?)
It was adapted to diverse populations by the use of concepts such as innocent until proven guilty,
and the right to challenge accusers in court.
4. What made the city of Rome great?
Cash flow, construction projects, technology such as concrete, imported goods, underground
sewage, Colosseum, gladiator games
Chapter 12:
1. What are the silk roads?
Network of roads for trading from China to the Roman Empire, included sea lanes and maritime
trade. Named for the principle commodity from China
2. How was long distance trade organized?
Divided into small segments – trade was done in stages
3. How did epidemic disease spread?
Pathogens spread along the trade routes. Small pox, measles, and bubonic plague all moved via
trade routes.
4. What caused the Han State to decline?
Internal problems: Court intrigue, land distribution, epidemics, peasant rebellions
5. What caused the fall of the Roman Empire?
Internal: Epidemics, failure of imperial economy in favor of local and regional economies,
External: Visigoths, Christianity, Attack by Attila the Hun, migration of Germanic people into the