Service Learning Project - ddemos

Drill 1 (1/24ADGH)(1/25F)
Homework: Final Algernon paper F 1/31
H 1/30
 Algernon Draft G 1/26 A 1/27
 D Block parent signature/book 1/27
 Objective: SWBAT evaluate progress by
analyzing the assessment.
 Drill: Look at your goals from quarter 1
and 2 and identify a new English goal for
quarter 3. Remember a specific goal and
Drill 2 (1/25DGH)(1/26AF)
Homework: Final Algernon paper F 1/31
H 1/30
 Algernon Draft G 1/26 A 1/27
 D Block parent signature 1/27
 Objective: SWBAT collaboratively analyze
the concept of “service,” and align literacy
with the concept, as related to our
 DRILL: Respond in one to two sentences.
What is “Service”?
Service Learning Project
OMMS 8th Grade
Mrs.Demos’s English
*When you think of “service,” what comes to
*How do you serve others in your own life?
What is Service
What does it mean to serve?
Why is “service” important: ? ? ?
…to our Community/Home?
…to our Society?
to our Nation?
to our World?
to YOU?
Let’s come up with a definition together:
Your Service…
As a group, YOU will be examining &
selecting appropriate books for my 8th
grade English classes to use for the 8th
Grade Service Learning Project!
What You Do…
In groups (HOLD IT, not just yet:), you
will sift through your pile of books, discuss
the qualities of the books you are provided,
and choose 5 books (per group) for our
English classes to consider using for the
Service Project; as a group, examine the
books, using the guidelines and
“inventory” questions on your provided
 E
 R
 V
 I
 C
 E
 What’s that spell…
Yes, Maam!
No, really, it spells service--but it’s each of our
responsibility to do what we can with what we’ve
been given--for the GOOD of others.
If we only believed that all the time--and lived that
way--how different our World would be. And it
can be--and the difference is YOU, and your
choice to make a change.
Group Service
In your group, come up with as many ways
to serve AS POSSIBLE in your designated
 Answer HOW & WHY to serve these
 Be prepared to present a few of your best
Service Learning Project
Rubric: (hand back--I’ll give them to you
 Age: 1-2 Grade
 Gently-used
 25 pages or less
 Appropriate for small children!!!
 Bring BY FRIDAY!!!
 If you have extras, please bring them in!
Drill 3 (1/26G)(1/27ADFH)
Homework: Algernon Final H 1/30 F 1/31
 Block A G Modifiers Packet 139-154
 Block D read project book
 Objective: SWBAT examine & analyze
text features in children’s literature in
order to determine function & impact on
 Drill: With your team create a list of
before, during and after reading strategies
that you have used.
Service Learning Project
Book Kit Activity Ideas: SAMPLES!
-Before Reading Strategies:
-Look at titles & pictures & predict what the story’s about
-During Reading Strategies:
-Guided questions with guardian
-After Reading Strategies:
-Relate the events to your own life
Model Reading Strategies
For the next 10 minutes, observe the WAY
the content is presented to you, rather than
the content itself
 The objective is to examine HOW students
best comprehend reading
Reading Comprehension
On your white boards, list concepts (related to
Language Arts, Reading, & comprehension) that
1st and 2nd graders might be able to grasp (i.e.
Main Idea)
 You have 5 minutes: GO!
 Let’s list them on the board
 What My Activity Should Include:
-Name: _______
-Title of story -Age level
-Pre/During/Post Reading Instructions
Choose a book when it’s your turn
Ensure that it is: gently-used
Write your book title by your name on your
sticky-note; place it on front of the book
Keep all books here, with sticky notes (names,
titles, & block) included on the books
Read your book individually & gain
understanding of plot/theme/characters/setting
Text Features
Chances are your book is a good choice IF
it contains several useful text features:
 On the back of your rubric, create a list of
all the text features you observe in your
Drill 4 (1/30ADGH)(1/31F)
Homework: All Bring in craft supplies
 Block AG Algernon Final due 2/3
 Block FH Modifiers 139-154
 Block D Read project book
 Objective: SWBAT examine effective
before, during, and after-reading strategies
in order to create some to enhance a
child’s literary experience.
 No drill on drill sheet today.
Algernon Essay Turn In
Please turn in the essay in the following
 Rubric
 Final
 Draft
 Outline
 Anything Else
Book Kits
Please wait for instructions BEFORE login
-ONLY OPEN Safari & Word Document
-Computers, Falcon Links, Mrs. Demos,
Service Learning Project Book Kit
-You will pick your activities today!
Your Project
*Decide your activity, after researching BDA
Reading Strategies, & your book
 Create rough draft of your activity,
1. Name 2. Directions 3. Age-level
4. Book Title 5. Pre/During/Post Reading
raise your hand when it’s drafted
*Rough Drafts MUST be submitted
electronically by end of next class.
Electonic Submission
 On the bottom dock, go to the “Teacher” folder
 Find “Dorothy Demos”
 Click on it & find “Hand In” folder
 Drag copy of your document from DESKTOP to
“Hand-In” folder
 Listen for “BLOOOOOPP”…DONE.
 Then save your work to your Documents Folder
and/or thumb drive.
Drill 5 (1/31DGH)(2/1AF)
Homework: All Bring in craft supplies
 Text Features Quiz(2/1G) (2/2ADFH)
 Block AG Algernon Final due 2/3
 Block FH Modifiers 139-154
 Block D Read project book
 Objective: SWBAT establish an authentic
purpose, audience, and form in order to
produce Service Learning book kits.
 Drill: Gather all materials and meet in the
computer lab.
Text Features Quiz Review
Text Features
 Index
 Picture
 Questions
 Caption
 Glossary
 Atlas
 Bold/Italics
Copy Right
Table of Contents
Drill 6 (2/1G)(2/2ADFH)
Homework: All Bring in craft supplies
 Theme Quiz (2/10DGH)(2/13AF)
 Block AG Algernon Final due 2/3
 Block D Read project book
 Objective: SWBAT analyze the plot in
order to determine theme.
 Drill: A theme is a message the author
wants to share with the reader. What is
the theme or message of your service
learning story?
Drill 7 (2/3ADGH)(2/6F)
Homework: Service Learning Due 2/10
 Theme Quiz (2/10DGH)(2/13AF)
 Block D Three Note Cards due 2/6
 Objective: SWBAT establish an authentic
purpose, audience, and form in order to
produce Service Learning book kits.
 Drill: Gather all materials and meet in the
computer lab.
Drill for the week of 2/6
Homework: D block outline due 2/10
 All Theme Quiz (2/10DGH)(2/13A)
 Service Learning Written 2/10
 Objective: SWBAT use proof reading and
revising strategies in order to produce high
quality book kits.
 No drills this week.
Drill for the week of 2/13
Homework: Final Service Learning Book
Kit due 2/16. Theme Quiz 2/15
 Objective: SWBAT use proof reading and
revising strategies in order to produce high
quality book kits.
 No drills this week.
Drill 14 (2/21DFGH)(2/22A)
Homework: All Service Learning BCR
 Context Clues Quiz (2/23F)(2/24ADGH)
 Objective: SWBAT use context clues in order to
determine definitions.
 Drill: Use context clues to determine the
meaning of the underlined word. Explain your
Jeremiah joked around so much that when he told the
others about the accident that had occurred, they did
not believe that he was being earnest.
Drill 15 (2/22FG)(2/23AD)
Homework: Context Clues Handout
 Context Clues Quiz (2/23F)(2/24ADG)
Objective: SWBAT reflect on the service learning project
in order to complete the service learning form.
Drill: Use context clues to determine the
meaning of the underlined word. Explain
your answer.
 The
lady decided that it was tea time, so, by
jingling a tiny silver bell, she beckoned her
servants to begin serving tea.
Service Learning BCR
Staple the BCR in front of the organizer.
 Underline the complex sentence.
 Proof read one more time.
 Complex sentence:
 I go to Baskin Robbins because I like ice
 Because I like ice cream, I go to Baskin
Drill 16 (2/23F)(2/24ADG)
Homework: Blocks AFGH Phrase Review
 Block D Paper final 2/27 or 2/29
Objective: SWBAT demonstrate their knowledge
of using context clues in order to determine word
Drill: Clear off desk, Write name, block,
date, and context clues on the scantron.
 Review for the context clues quiz.
Drill 17(2/27DFGH)(2/28A)
Homework: Pick four prefixes and four
suffixes and create a flip book or
flashcards. Include definition and at least
one word.
 D Block Paper Due 2/29
 Objective: SWBAT reflect on strengths and
weaknesses in writing while completing
portfolio activities.
 Drill: Write the following definitions on
your drill sheet.
Drill 17
Root or base word: a word that can have
prefixes and suffixes added to create
related word.
 Prefix: A word part added to the beginning
of a root or base word to create a new
 Suffix: A word part added to the end of a
root or base word to create a new meaning.
Drill 18 (2/28FG)(2/29ADH)
Homework: Review notes for the
 Objective: SWBAT develop background
knowledge of the Elizabethan Times and
William Shakespeare in order to help
understand the text.
 Drill: Complete the KWL chart for
Drill 19 (2/29F)(3/1ADGH)
Homework: Prefix/Suffix Quiz
 Objective: SWBAT develop background
knowledge of the Elizabethan Times and
William Shakespeare in order to help
understand the text.
 Drill: Answer the following questions.
How many children in quintuplets?
2. If derm means skin, and hypo means under,
where does a hypodermic needle go?
Drill 20 (3/2DFGH)(3/5A)
Homework: Complete the BCR of the
webquest. Due next class.
 Prefix/Suffix Quiz next class.
Objective: SWBAT develop background knowledge of the
Elizabethan Times and William Shakespeare in order to
help understand the text.
Drill: Answer the question.
In the old Roman calendar, the months are
named by number, with December being the
last month. How many months in the
Roman Calendar? What other number
prefixes do you know?
Drill 17(2/27 D)
Homework: Pick four prefixes and four
suffixes and create a flip book or
flashcards. Include definition and at least
one word.
 Paper due 2/29.
 Objective: SWBAT distinguish between
active and passive voice in order to revise
papers for active voice.
 Drill: Write the following definitions on
your drill sheet.
Drill 17(2/27FGH)(2/28A)
Homework: Pick four prefixes and four
suffixes and create a flip book or
flashcards. Include definition and at least
one word.
 Objective: SWBAT reflect on strengths and
weaknesses in writing while completing
portfolio activities.
 Drill: Write the following definitions on
your drill sheet.
Drill 17
Root or base word: a word that can have
prefixes and suffixes added to create
related word.
 Prefix: A word part added to the beginning
of a root or base word to create a new
 Suffix: A word part added to the end of a
root or base word to create a new meaning.
Drill 18 (2/28FG)(2/29ADH)
Homework: Review notes for the
 Objective: SWBAT develop background
knowledge of the Elizabethan Times and
William Shakespeare in order to help
understand the text.
 Drill: Complete the KWL chart for
Drill 19 (2/29F)(3/1ADGH)
Homework: Prefix/Suffix Quiz
 Objective: SWBAT develop background
knowledge of the Elizabethan Times and
William Shakespeare in order to help
understand the text.
 Drill: Answer the following questions.
How many children in quintuplets?
2. If derm means skin, and hypo means under,
where does a hypodermic needle go?
Drill 20 (3/2DFGH)(3/5A)
Homework: Complete the BCR of the
Webquest. Due next class.
 Prefix/Suffix Quiz next class.
Objective: SWBAT develop background knowledge of the
Elizabethan Times and William Shakespeare in order to
help understand the text.
Drill: Answer the question.
In the old Roman calendar, the months are
named by number, with December being the
last month. How many months in the
Roman Calendar? What other number
prefixes do you know?
Drill 21 (3/5FG)(3/6ADH)
Homework: Shakespeare’s Language
 Objective: SWBAT develop background
knowledge of the play in order to fully
understand the literature.
 Drill: Clear off your desk, fill out the
scantron: Name/Date/Block/Prefix and
Drill 22 (3/6F)(3/7ADGH)
Homework: Complete Character Chart
 Verona Reading and Questions
 Objective: SWBAT identify characters
using text features in order to understand
the play Romeo and Juliet.
 Drill: Take out Shakespeare’s Language
handout. Discuss and correct answers
with team. 7 minutes. This will be
Drill 23 (3/8DFGH)(3/9A)
Homework: Make a flipbook/flashcards
for the drama vocabulary. Due Monday
 Objective: SWBAT identify dramatic
elements used in Shakespearean drama in
order to develop meaning in Romeo and
 Drill: Is Romeo and Juliet a comedy or a
tragedy? (Use your notes)
Drill 24 (3/9FG)(3/12ADH)
Homework: Take a walk. Get some rest.
Have a nice meal.
 Objective: SWBAT identify iambic
pentameter and the sonnet in order to
understand Romeo and Juliet.
 Drill: Write the following definitions on
the note paper that says “Shakespeare’s
Shakespeare’s Meter
Meter: Describes the sound patterns of
verse (poetry)
 Foot: smallest repeating rhythmic unit
 Iamb: a foot of two stressed syllables with
an unstressed and stressed syllable
 Iambic Pentameter: a five foot metrical
line of weak followed by strong syllables
Drill 25
Homework: Extra Credit Memorize the
 Objective: Objective: TSWBAT link
appropriate experiences and prior
knowledge about the topic, author, or type
of material in order to understand the text.
 Drill: Read the passage about Bubonic
Plague. With your team answer the
questions. This will be collected.
Make and inference about this
picture and caption.
Drill 26(3/14F)(3/15ADGH)
Homework: Extra Credit: Memorize
 Objective: SWBAT read verse aloud and
visualize through dramatic activities in
order to understand Romeo and Juliet.
 Drill: Paraphrase this passage. Who said it
and why?
“What drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the
word as I hate hell, all Montagues, and
thee. Have at thee coward.”
Drill 26 answer
Tybalt says this to Benvolio at the
beginning of Act I.
 What drawn and talk of peace!
 You
have your sward out and you talk about
keeping the peace!
I hate the word as I hate hell, all
Montagues and thee.
hate the word (peace) just like I hate hell
everyone named Montague and you.
Have at thee coward!
 Let’s
start fighting.
Drill 27(3/16DFGH)(3/19A)
Homework: Review notes on Shakespeare
Terms. Compliments extra credit
 Objective: SWBAT read verse aloud and
visualize through dramatic activities in
order to understand Romeo and Juliet.
 Category Red
 Drill: Skim through Act I scene i. Identify
one example of figurative language and
add it to your notes sheet.
Compliments Extra Credit
Thou art a
F block 3/16
Take out the Act I notes sheet.
 Fill in Act I Scene i.
 (That is what we acted out last class.)
 Work quietly for five minutes. Then share
with team.
Drill 28
Homework: Review Shakespeare
Vocabulary. Compliments Extra Credit
 Objective: TSWBAT analyze how dialogue
and stage directions work together to
create characters and plot in order to
understand Romeo and Juliet.
 Drill: Skim through Act I looking at the
stage directions. How do stage directions
help with understanding the play?
Homework: Review Shakespearean
vocabulary for a quiz on
Objective: SWBAT analyze main ideas and universal
themes especially experiences, emotions, issues, and
ideas in order to understand Romeo and Juliet.
Category B
 Drill: Identify one theme in Romeo and
Juliet and explain why this is the author’s
Drill 30 (3/22F)(3/23AHDG)
Homework: Review Shakespearean
vocabulary for a quiz on
(3/26FH)(3/27AG)(3/28D) Status Check 1
Objective: SWBAT paraphrase selected lines of
Shakespeare in order to understand Romeo and Juliet.
Category A
 Drill: Put your name on the project packet.
Start reading the packet quietly. Put due
dates in your planner.
Drill 31 (3/26DFGH)(3/27A)
Homework: Status Check 2
 Objective: SWBAT read verse aloud and
visualize through dramatic activities in
order to understand Romeo and Juliet.
 Drill: Take out the Romeo and Juliet
project journal. Make sure you have
completed both pages of check one.
Drill 32(3/27FG)(328ADH)
Homework: Status Check 2
 Objective: SWBAT read verse aloud and
visualize through dramatic activities in
order to understand Romeo and Juliet.
 Drill: : Paraphrase Act I scene ii lines 7-11
 Who said this to whom and why?
 (Open your books and find the passage)
Act I scene ii lines 7-11
But saying o’er what I have said before
My child is yet a stranger to this world,
She hath not seen the change of fourteen
Let two more summers wither in their pride
Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride.
Is this in iambic pentameter?
Why do you think the last two lines rhyme?
Drill 33(3/28F)(3/29ADGH)
Homework: Finish reading Act II.
Complete notes sheet and BCR
 Objective: SWBAT read verse aloud and
visualize through dramatic activities in
order to understand Romeo and Juliet.
 Drill: Complete Character Matching
Handout. Turn in for a grade.
Drill 34(3/30DGH)
Homework: Read Act III Scene i.
Complete Notes Sheet
 Objective: SWBAT read verse aloud and
visualize through dramatic activities in
order to understand Romeo and Juliet.
 Drill: