Rhetorical Triangle { Ethos, Pathos, Logos What are some of the tactics you use to get what you want from your parents. Jot down a few things you typically say or do. Discuss The act of influencing the mind by argument or reasons offered. Persuasion Ethos Convincing by character, credibility, or ethical appeal. Who would you be more likely to vote for? To build ethos in presentation: To build ethos in writing, include: Ethos Dress appropriately for the occasion/topic Do not fidget or play with hair/clothing/etc. Correct grammar/appropriate language Personal credentials Appropriate tone and examples Persuading by appealing to people’s emotions. Think about the animal cruelty commercials on television: Pathos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO9d2PpP7tQ To build pathos in your writing and speaking, include: Pathos Emotional anecdotes Figurative language Persuading by appealing to people’s logic. Logos To build logos in your writing and speaking, include: Logos Facts Statistics Cite your sources http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHMQEggEG 4k Now for a corny video… In your notes, number from 1 to 3. Identify the persuasion techniques used in the arguments below, by labeling them as [E] ethos, [P] pathos, or [L] logos. Explain why you believe that utilize that particular technique. 1. “Ms. Wooten, you know that I am a good student. I have an A in this class, I participate, and I always do my homework. If you let me make up the quiz, I won’t let you down again.” 2. “Ms. Wooten, you have to let me make up the quiz! I couldn’t read last night because my brother was sick; he was throwing up every where and I had to clean it up off the floor, the walls, and the toilet. It was so disgusting, but someone had to do it.” 3. “Ms. Wooten, I need to make up this quiz because if I don’t I will get a zero and my grade will suffer.” Rhetorical Triangle Assessment With the person sitting next to you, write a persuasive speech using ethos, pathos, and logos on one of the following topics: Persuade Mr. Howatt to serve Chick-fil-A in the cafeteria. You have a mean craving for onion rings, but you have made a New Year’s Resolution to be healthier. Convince yourself to not order the onion rings. You and your friends want to go see a movie on Saturday night, but they are too scared to see the new thriller movie that you want to see. Convince them to go see the movie you want. Should be 30 seconds long. Be prepared to share your work with the class. Assignment