Information Powerpoint

Welcome to our State of Texas
Assessments of Academic Readiness
Parent Information Night
Grade 3 : Reading and Math
Grade 4 : Reading, Math, and Writing
Grade 5: Reading, Math, and Science
5th grade students must pass reading and math STAAR to be promoted to
6th grade.
Only 5th grade students have the opportunity to retest.
Student Success Initiative (SSI)
SSI promotion requirements apply to
student taking STAAR (including STAAR
Spanish, STAAR L, and STAAR A) grade 5 or
8 mathematics and/or reading assessments
if – The students are enrolled in grade 5 or
8 and – Are receiving on-grade-level
instruction in mathematics and/or reading.
Testing Dates
March 29th :
4th Grade Writing &
5th Grade Math
5th Grade Reading
3rd and 4th Grade Math
5th Grade Math (2nd Admin)
3rd and 4th Grade Reading &
5th Grade Reading (2nd Admin)
5th Grade Science
March 30th :
May 9th :
May 10th :
May 11th :
Each testing session is 4 hours. Please try to have your child at school
during testing, however, make-up testing will be held during this week.
STAAR is Rigorous!
The students are required to read, comprehend , and analyze lengthy
passages in 4 hours.
Questions are complex and require deep thinking.
For success on STAAR reading across all genres, students must be able
to –
 apply the academic vocabulary associated with literary and
informational reading
 make connections within and across texts
 identify text evidence to support ideas
 identify the “tools” an author uses to craft a piece and how these
affect meaning (in both literary and informational texts)
 It is imperative that author’s craft be taught as part of the
informational genres. Our current TEKS require students to go
beyond the “what” and analyze the “how” and the “why.”
Students must be able to…
analyze a variety of texts, their organizational patterns, and make
connections between texts in a logical way.
draw conclusions about the interaction of characters and the
changes they undergo throughout the text.
make complex inferences within and between a variety of text
using text evidence.
recognize how the structure of the text affects meaning.
determine the meaning of unfamiliar and multiple-meaning words
using context, prefixes, suffixes, and roots.
understand how the author uses sensory language to create
imagery and how figurative language contributes to the meaning.
identify the theme, determine the order and importance of the
plot’s main events.
summarize the plot and describe the interaction of characters.
identify the author’s purpose.
use text features to locate information that supports meaning.
 Uses
complex questioning that
requires analysis and logical reasoning
to understand the task.
 Multiple-step problems with fewer key
word indicators to help determine
appropriate strategies.
 More fill-in griddable questions without
answer choices. Computation errors
can go undetected.
 Test is limited to 4 hours
STAAR Math Griddables
What is being tested and what are the
The 3-5 Math Reporting Categories and Student
 Numbers and Operations: The student will demonstrate an
understanding of numbers, operations, and quantitative reasoning.
Patterns and Relationships: The student will demonstrate
an understanding of patterns, relationships, and algebraic reasoning.
Geometry: The student will demonstrate an understanding of
Measurement: The student will demonstrate an understanding of
geometry and spatial reasoning.
the concepts and uses of measurement.
Probability and Statistics (graphs): The student will
demonstrate an understanding of probability and statistics.
* Underlying Processes and Mathematical Tools concepts are embedded
within multi-step problem solving.The students will need to read
carefully to identify the appropriate steps.
4th Grade STAAR Writing
One day writing test with 18 multiple choice questions and a written
Students will write a one-page composition addressing expository
Create a brief composition that establishes a central idea in a
topic sentence, contains a concluding statement, and includes
supporting sentences with simple facts, details, and explanations.
STAAR Science
Multiple Choice Questions
 Extensive use of content vocabulary
 Application of scientific knowledge
STAAR Science
– Scientific Investigation and Reasoning
– Matter and Energy
– Force, Motion and Energy
– Earth and Space
– Organisms and Environments
What we are doing to prepare our students
Daily instruction on Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills or TEKS..
Mathletics, Think Through Math, Istation(Can be done at home also)
Learning Academy
• 4 days a week (M-TH)
• 3rd Grade LA: 2:30
• 4th Grade LA: 12:45
• 5th Grade LA: 8:00
• Small group instruction
• Kids grouped based on academic need
• Intensive Review Lessons
• Lessons focus on strengths and weaknesses of most current data
How can parents help?
Help your child get to school on time each day. Try to limit early
checkouts and unnecessary school absences.
Check your child’s backpack/folder and planner every day. The
graded work will help you know if your child is struggling in an area.
Read with your children, have conversations about what they are
reading and ask questions. Include questions such as “Why would the
author include that sentence?” and “What message is the author
trying to convey?”
“Think out loud” to help your child understand how to logically
think through the information.
Make sure that your child does their homework and that they show
all work clearly. Help them when necessary.
Make sure that your child reads at least 30 minutes daily!
How Parents Can Help? (cont.)
Ask Your Child Higher Level Questions
• How would you explain ….?
• Why does this work/not work …?
• How could you verify…?
• How would you prove… or disprove…?
• What can you conclude about…?
• What information lead you to draw
this conclusion?
• Where else could you apply this
How Parents Can Help?
 Help
your child memorize multiplication factspractice with flashcards
 Encourage your child to show all their work and
explain it to you
 Model your thinking aloud to solve problems and
then have your child solve a similar problem
 Use math vocabulary with your child
 Make connections to every day math
 Make your child read EVERYDAY. Good reading
skills are essential to understanding STAAR math
How Can Parents Help?
Practice science vocabulary at home. Have kids
draw diagrams or demonstrate.
 Encourage discovery. “How do you think that
happened?” “What if we changed this?”
 Get on the computer! TONS of science
The Night Before
On STAAR Testing Day
Visualization: Have a
conversation with your child
about what the day will look like. 
Eat a good, healthy breakfast.
Treat this day as a normal day.
Arrive on-time to school.
Self-Talk: give your child a few
phrases that can motivate
him/her "I just need to do my
best!" "I can do it." "Stay cool."
Feel free to leave cell phones,
backpacks, hand-held games at
Wear layers so your child is
comfortable in any temperature.
Answer any fears or questions
your child might have.
Remain calm and positive.
Get a good night's sleep. Kids
need a full 8-10 hours of sleep.
Prepare your child’s snacks,
comfortable clothes, etc. the
night before.
Thank you for what you already
do and what you will do. Your
child will be successful with a
strong home-school partnership!
Please visit the Texas Education
Agency website below or contact one of
us if you have any questions.
School Phone (830)798-3675
Susan Cox
Cathy Ellis
Sonya Smith
Jodi Fruge
Courtney Webb
Vonda Orton
Katherine Hardaway
Ashley Crouse
Audrey Beltran
Thanks for attending!