TWA Workshop Summary - The Women's Alliance

Revised Sept 22, 2014
TWA Workshop Summary
Speaker Contact Info
Cheryl Adas
Xerox Corporation
(co-presenter with Charles)
Session Description
Presenter Bio
Crucial Conversations
With over 17 years of experience with Xerox Corporation,
Cheryl Adas is currently working in the Xerox Learning and
Development organization in the position of Learning
Business Manager. In this current assignment, Cheryl is
responsible for sales skills training for the US Large
Enterprise Operations, direct and channel sales force. In
addition, her team is responsible for rolling out an innovative
insight selling and sales coaching program to our Sales
Leaders, Managers, and Professionals.
Teaches skills for creating alignment and agreement by
fostering open dialogue around high-stakes topics to
provide skills that mitigate the pitfalls of why we are seeing
these failures in organizational strategy.
In this workshop, we will provide an overview of the key
elements that will help you get started to see where you are
stuck, learn to look when a conversation becomes crucial
and the action you can take to achieve the results and
In the past few years, Cheryl has traveled throughout the
Americas, India, Africa and Canada training and coaching
Xerox employees in Lean Six Sigma methodology. Cheryl is
a Certified Master Black Belt at Xerox and a certified
instructor in Team Effectiveness, VitalSmarts Crucial
Conversations, and in VitalSmarts Influencer and is working
on her certification in Crucial Accountability.
Cheryl holds her MBA from Rochester Institute of
Technology and her B.A. from Michigan State University.
Charles Pfeffer
(co-presenter with Cheryl)
Crucial Accountability
A step-by-step process to enhance accountability, improve
performance, and ensure execution.
In this workshop, we’ll learn the steps to hold people
accountable when there is a gap between what we were
expecting and what actually happened or we observed.
Through this interactive overview workshop, we will
practice how we can describe the gap, and see how we
can diagnose using the six sources of influence to
understand the underlying causes of the problem.
Charles Pfeffer is an Executive Coach and Leadership
Consultant with over 25 years of experience coaching
diverse global leadership teams in the pharmaceutical,
aerospace, materials, telecom, and information technology
Charles lives in Rochester, New York with his partner,
Christine. They have four grown children, love to travel, ski,
sail, and have a passion for films and live music. Charles
writes poetry and non-fiction.
He was recently Board Chair of Bivona Child Advocacy
Center, a non-profit agency that helps sexually abused
children to heal. He is also a volunteer mentor to start-up
Lucie Stephens
ABCs of Smart Nutrition for the Multi-tasking Woman
Avoid the bad, Boost the good, Combine the best. Knowing
what to eat and what to avoid is key to feeling, looking and
Lucie Stephens graduated from the Canadian School of
Natural Nutrition with the Award of Excellence. She is a
Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner and a
performing your best.
Women’s health is different from men’s and being aware of
how to balance hormones, limit stress, and how to fit it all in
every day is paramount to staying healthy and strong. As
we age our needs change. In this workshop you will learn
the top 10 foods no woman should be without as well as
the top 10 to be avoided. Learn strategies to deal with a
busy schedule while maintaining a healthy, balanced diet.
Learn what health risks are dominant in women’s health
and why/how to minimize your risk.
Eileen Chadnick
Big Cheese Coaching
Hone the Positivity Advantage and Create Your Own
Positivity is no longer considered a ‘soft’ skill. Rather, it’s a
serious EQ competency that can distinguish a high
potential/high performer from those that simply get by. This
session explores the connection between positivity and
one’s ability to flourish and succeed in work and life. Learn
what the science says about positivity and our capacity for
handling increasingly complex and heavy work (and life)
loads. Learn how positive emotions impact our creativity,
critical thinking skills, resilience, “mojo” -- and ultimately,
how it may increase our chance for greater success and
personal and professional well-being.
This session will draw from Eileen’s book, Ease, and show
you how to develop a robust positivity habit - even in times
of ‘crazy busy’ -- and answer questions like: How much is
attributed to one’s nature and how much can we really
control? How much positivity do we need daily? How do we
measure it and actually create it – especially in tough
times? How can we bring more positivity to work to inspire
Registered Orthomolecular Health Practitioner and
specializes in personalized nutritional consulting. Her main
areas of specialty are Autism, ADD/ADHD, Celiac Disease,
Crohn’s, Irritable Bowel Disorders, Diabetes and
She is a published author of many health and wellness
articles as well as a gluten-free cookbook. Over the last
decade she has developed specialized recipes catering to
food allergies and intolerances and owned and operated The
Autism Bakery. Lucie has also conducted numerous private
cooking classes and delivered several seminars on topics
ranging from gluten intolerance to detoxification and impacts
of sugar on overall health.
Eileen Chadnick is principal of Big Cheese Coaching which
she established in 2003 and author of a new book called
Ease – with strategies to manage overwhelming times of
“crazy busy” .
She is a certified executive and leadership coach, accredited
business communicator and a former wellness/fitness
professional. She is a champion for personal, professional
and organizational success and well-being. She brings a
multi-disciplined focus to her work drawing from diverse
fields including emotional intelligence, positive psychology,
and neuroscience to help leaders of all levels more
successfully navigate the opportunities, goals, and
challenges within their work and life.
Eileen is a Globe and Mail careers columnist. She has a
blog at Huffington Post and frequently provides insights on a
range of career and work-life issues for various media. She
also blogs regularly at
Eileen is a recipient of an International Coach Federation
Prism Award – recognizing excellence in leadership and
performance coaching.
Come away with easy – yet scientifically proven strategies - that can give you a greater leverage to achieve more
success and well-being, and even create more ‘luck’ in
your work and your life.
Sara Ross
Institute for Health and Human
Emotional Intelligence - The Science of Leadership Under
Why do smart people fail? Why do technically brilliant
individuals have trouble managing others and collaborating
on a team? It is not because they lack intelligence or
technical skills. Far from it. What they lack is a critical level
of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and the ability to manage
Backed by science and infused with a contagious energy
describes Sara’s style when she delivers programs to
organizations across North America on the topics of
professional and personal development as they relate to the
Leadership, Change Management, Communication, and
Emotional Intelligence.
their emotions and others when they are under pressure.
The workshop focuses on the foundational principles and
the brain science of emotions that drives your behavior
under pressure and how that affects your decision making
and the impact you have on others.
You will learn how to:
Increase awareness of the situations that put you at
risk of having your emotions lead to unskillful behavior
and poor decisions .
Suspend judgment and get curious.
Effectively engage and influence others.
Manage your emotions in your most difficult moments,
in order to perform and lead at your best and connect
with others in a more meaningful way.
Lauren Brown
Courtesy of Ceridian
Sherry-Lynne Kirschner
As the Director of Innovation and Product Development ,
Sara is known as IHHP’s “Curator” of content and research
as she brings together different disciplines to support IHHP’s
focus on driving human potential by bridging the gap
between the research and the business. The product division
manages the current portfolio of programs, assessments and
services, but also leads the delivery, development and
management of new products and research.
Sara has a Master’s of Science from the University of
Waterloo. A CTI Coach in training with additional
certifications including: Language and Behavioral (LAB)
Profile Consultant & Trainer, Process Improvement
Methodology, Organization.
Silencing the Inner Critic
Is there a little voice in your head that often says to you:
“What a dumb person you are!” or “You won’t do it right, so
why bother!” or “Either I get that new job, or I’ll be stuck in
this one forever!” Your inner “Critic” is that voice – the one
that is all-too-ready to berate, criticize and demean you. If
your “Critic” is not managed, it can rob you of feeling good
about yourself. Strong self-esteem – the value and worth
you put on yourself – is an attribute that enables you to
succeed at work and in relationships. In order to have
healthy self-esteem, it’s important to confront the “Critic”
and change the language of that internal voice. There are
many strategies that can help people develop healthy selfesteem.
Lauren is a women's Certified Health and Wellness Coach,
with a Master’s Degree in Human Biology and Nutritional
Sciences, specializing in the area of nutraceuticals.
She has a passion for empowering others to make healthy
lifestyle choices and does so by teaching about healthy
eating, active living and promoting one's own mental and
spiritual health.
Lauren has a designation in Workplace Wellness & Health
Promotion and a degree in Human Kinesiology.
Mindful Meditation
Cultivating our mindfulness on a daily basis provides
strategies to see glimpses into this way of living. We slow
down and take time to listen, really listen to our loved ones
and our inner self. We become aware of our inner dialogue
and the role it plays on shaping our experiences. We
breathe and allow our breath to anchor us and gently guide
us to return to the present moment. We learn to be
compassionate to others and most of all ourselves. By
examining the impact on the brain of practicing
mindfulness, we begin to become aware of the possibilities
of living consciously.
We learn to cultivate a state of awareness that is not solely
goal-oriented but is more concerned with “being” rather
than “doing.” We can then reflect on our day in terms of
our relationship to each moment, not just to what was
accomplished or ticked off the infinite “to do” list. This
Sherry-Lynne Kirschner, B.A., B.Ed, RYT, gained her
expertise in working with children, teenagers and adults
through 25 years of teaching as well as owning and directing
a Leadership and Personal Growth Centre in Southwestern
Ontario. She received her training by studying with renowned
leaders in the field of mindfulness including Jon Kabat Zinn
Ph.D (founder of International Mindfulness Based Stress
Reduction Centres) , Dr. Daniel Siegel M.D, Neuroscientist,
Harvard) and Daniel Rechtschaffen. (Therapist and Founder,
The Way of Mindful Education).
She has created and facilitated workshops in personal
wellness for people of all ages in Canada, the USA and Asia.
She designed her own program, “Attention in Action” which is
being piloted in 15 schools in Thames Valley District School
Board. She gives private mindfulness classes to children
and adults to help develop their abilities to regulate their
emotions and handle stress more effectively.
practice teaches us how to hold each moment in our
awareness allowing us to embrace the next moment with
authenticity. It helps us respond to situations with
confidence, composure, calmness and compassion.
Suzanne Colmer
Your Shop Girl Image
How to Build a Successful Style
This session will cover everything you need to know to help
you elevate your style.
Starting with discovering your style personality through
style icons; then onto working through how to use clothes
to help balance, camouflage or accentuate
our body shapes. Next we will go through how to put your
ideal look together using accessories, patterns and colours.
Once we have looked at what our ideal style is, and the
tricks to get us there, we step back to analyze our existing
wardrobe with a few simple questions. Lastly, we take our
knowledge into the stores where we identify the questions
to ask while shopping for new pieces.
You will walk away with the ability to shop smarter and
more effectively – saving you time and money.
Jennifer Pierce
Optimum Talent
Bill McLean
Optimum Talent
Courtesy of Optimum
The Perceptions and Realities of Female Leaders…and
their Male Counterparts
There are critical behavioural traits for leaders and
executives that will in very large part determine the level of
success they will achieve. But, is there a difference
between the women and the men who hold these
positions? And is this difference perceived or real?
This highly energetic and interactive session will explore
the profiles of more than 1000 top performing male and
female Leaders & Executives, sourced from the best-inclass Pathfinder™ Career Assessment. Considered by
many to be one of the world’s finest career assessment
tools, the Pathfinder System was built with over 30 years of
research to predict the likelihood for an individual to have
exceptional performance in a specific role. The system is
underpinned with statistical validation with over 60,000
Upon completing her undergrad at the University of Toronto,
Suzanne became a graduate of George Brown’s Image
Consulting program. Soon after, Suzanne’s thirst for
knowledge lead her to the centre of fashion itself – Paris,
France, where she studied at the prestigious Sorbonne
University then onto New York to conquer the Fashion
Institute of Technology. In 2006, Suzanne created Your
Shop Girl Image Consulting. The company specializes in
makeovers for real women. Your Shop Girl’s personalized
services include colour analysis, body analysis, closet
cleanses and personalized shopping experiences.
Since 2006, Suzanne has been featured on CBC radio and
Cosmo TV and in the National Post and The Toronto Star.
She has worked with hundreds of clients and trained teams
in numerous fields including companies such as Hewlett
Packard, Sporting Life, and Oliver & Bonacini.
Jennifer has a passion for all things that build self-awareness
and understanding. She holds the GM/SVP position for the
Pathfinder Career System at Optimum Talent.
brings more than 20 years of diverse industry experience.
She held the position of Senior Vice President, HBC Talent
Management – North America with Hudson’s Bay Company
as well as the position of Vice-President, Human Resources
for a national retail organization. Jennifer also worked for
several years as a Consultant at KPMG Career Consulting.
Bill McLean is the Chief Operating Officer at Optimum Talent.
He is also the nationwide leader of the Executive Coaching
His 25 years of business experience has
developed far-reaching strengths in building and leading
integrated businesses and teams. He has held progressively
senior roles with Procter & Gamble, ACNielsen and Carlson
Companies, where he held the President’s position at
Carlson Wagonlit Travel Canada. Bill also launched an
entrepreneurial technology start-up venture that was
recognized by Profit Magazine as one of the fastest
emerging businesses in the country in 2010.
Teresa Freeborn
Courtesy of XCeed
Financial Differences: Can Spenders & Savers
Stay Together? This breakout session will help
participants identify their “money personality” and
discover strategies for resolving financial differences
between spenders and savers in a relationship.
Pulling from our Psychology of Spending workshop,
we’ll cover facts about debt in America, plus educate
participants on what influences them to spend and
how to make the most of their paychecks, control
spending urges, and become more conscious of their
spending habits. We’ll discuss ways for couples with
differing spending habits to manage potential issues,
such as practicing effective communication, setting
financial goals together, and seeking help from a
financial counselor. Exercises and quizzes will be
incorporated into the workshop.
Teresa Freeborn was named President and Chief
Executive for Xceed Financial Credit Union in 2006.
She oversees all aspects of the Credit Union’s
operations and represents Xceed globally. Rising
through the ranks during her four-decade career, her
experience encompasses the full breadth of the
international credit union system. A passionate
advocate in the credit union movement, she was an
inaugural member and is an active participant in the
World Council of Credit Unions’ Global Women’s
Leadership Network. Named one of the industry’s
“women to watch” by CU Times magazine in 2012,
Freeborn has been awarded the California Credit
Union League’s Distinguished Service Award in
recognition of her current and ongoing commitment to
the credit union community. Freeborn is a frequent
speaker at high-profile industry events and a regular
source for news media seeking comment on issues
relating to credit unions and finance, as well as women
in leadership. A native of Vancouver, British Columbia,
Freeborn holds an MBA from Simon Fraser University
and currently resides in Palos Verdes Estates,