Differentiation - Education Designs



A flexible approach to teaching using teaching methodologies for learners with different needs

Providing tailored instruction to meet the differences among all learners

Why we need to Differentiate

34% of 4th graders and 27% of 8th graders score below basic level of proficiency (2007 –


Students reading below the basic level have trouble:

Demonstrating understanding

Making obvious connections to their experiences

Extending ideas by making simple inferences

The Need to Differentiate

Increase in low-achieving students

Decrease in resources

On & Above-grade level students

Gifted students need engagement and in-depth problem solving

Graduation Rates

“Georgia among 17 states with the lowest overall graduation rates in the country.”

AJC, July 23, 2009

State Graduation rate: 79.9%

2010 – GA DOE

Lanier County Graduation rate -


Lower among minority populations:

72.6% - Blacks; 69% - Hispanics; Whites – 82%

Why do Kids Drop Out?

Not enough demanded of them

Could have if they had tried

58% had two or less years left to complete school

Brain Research

We must use it or lose it

Provide the learner with the appropriate amount of challenge to prevent anxiety or boredom

Appropriate level of challenge is needed to ensure curiosity and learning

Response to Intervention

Tier I

Universal strategies for all children

Tier II

Customized intervention to meet the specific needs of the student

Tier III

Intensive interventions for students with severe or chronic needs

What it is…. What it isn’t….

students in your class

It is NOT giving up control in your classroom

It is NOT classifying “like-learners” together

It is NOT “tailoring”

It is NOT giving MORE or LESS

What it is….

It is providing different avenues to

Acquiring content

Processing ideas

Developing Products

It is proactive

It is rooted in assessment

It is responsive

It is labor intensive at first

You have to differentiate ALL of the time

Only for SPECIAL ED students

It is not FAIR to all students

Uses gifted & talented students as TUTORS

Makes assessment EASIER

Differentiation Scenarios


What students learn?


How do students make sense of ideas and information?


How do students demonstrate what they have learned?

How STUDENTS best learn:

The Engine that drives effective differentiation is...

Wiggins &McTighe

Motivation increases when we feel a kinship with, interest in, or passion about what we are attempting to learn.


“Bridging the Gap”


Needs of Advanced Learners




Coaching Advanced Learners

Continually raise the ceiling of expectation

Students need to compete against themselves, rather than against a norm.

Maximize Capacity for the

Struggling Learner

Look for Positives-


Enhance Strengths-

Use all avenues

Power Learning-

Teach UP

A Teacher’s Plan for Success

• Avoid Teacher FOG

• Set Goals

• Make learning relevant

• Teach using multiple modalities

• Reinforce legitimate success

• Think of multiple avenues to learning

• Maximize growth for each student

The Role of the Teacher

Organizers of Learning Opportunities

Create ways to learn that both capture students’ attention and lead to understanding

Gives students as much responsibility for learning as they can handle, ...and then a little more.

A coach or mentor for your students

Understand students’ interest and learning preferences

Create a variety of opportunities to gather information, explore ideas, present information and expand understandings.

Teach for Success

Build a Sense of Community

Organize and focus the curriculum on essential information

See and reflect on individuals as well as the group

Know your students, look beyond actions and erase stereotypes

Share responsibility for teaching and learning, ensure students are prepared for their role

Move students among varied work arrangements to help them see themselves in new way

Give students a voice

Be flexible with time

Think of many ways to accomplish a common goal

Craft learning experiences based on diagnosed need

Think of what could go wrong and structure to avoid potential problems

Keep track of student growth toward personal and group benchmarks

Rules of Thumb

Be clear on the key concepts and principles that give meaning and structure to the lesson you are planning.

Think of assessment as a road map for your thinking and planning.

Lessons for all students should emphasize critical and creative thought.

Lessons for all students should be engaging.

There should be a balance between student-selected and teacher-assigned tasks and working arrangements.

The Learning Environment

Everyone feels welcomed

Mutual respect is nonnegotiable

Students feel safe

There is a pervasive expectation of growth.

Fairness is evident

Teacher and students collaborate for mutual growth and success.

The teacher teaches for success!

Strategies for Management

Understand student readiness, interest, and learning profile

Begin at a pace that is comfortable

Time differentiated activities to support student success

Use and anchor activity

Plan how students will turn in work

Teach students how to rearrange the furniture

Have a plan for “quick finishers”

Make a plan for “Calling a Halt”

Let students talk about classroom procedures and group work

Create and deliver instructions carefully

Assign students into groups or seating areas smoothly

Have a “home base” for students

Be sure to plan for students to get help when you are busy with another student or group

Minimize noise

Minimize stray movement

Promote on-task behavior

Give students as much responsibility as possible for their learning
