Java Developer woth 3+ years of experience

Passport / Visa
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E-mail :
Czech Republic
Mobile :
London, E17 6HF
Other :
0 74 8157 0773
0 20 7766 5209
Master’s degree in Software engineering
Bachelor’s degree in Computer science / computer engineering
Technical University
Ostrava, Czech Republic
Technical University
Ostrava, Czech republic
A Java Backend Developer with more than 3 years’ commercial experience using Spring (Core, Boot, Data
JPA, Security, Batch), Hibernate (JPA), MyBatis, basic knowledge of Java EE (JBoss) and Oracle
Database also have basic knowledge of JavaScript and AngularJS. Experienced across the software
development lifecycle (SDLC) having worked in an agile environment using scrum methodology.
Worked on large scale enterprise projects in finance, electricity and gas delivery networks, telco and
additionally in the public sector.
Possesses a continuous track record of contributions to successful projects, working collaboratively with
technical teams and business personnel. Efficiently utilises well rounded technical, analytical and
communication skills to deliver effective solutions.
Committed to creating of high quality software and always aims to ensure better usability of applications.
Opened to new technologies and new ways of how to create software.
Seeks contract work and is immediately available for both interviews and starts throughout London having
recently arrived from Czech Republic.
Java, JavaScript, Groovy, SQL, XML, XSLT, UML
Ant, Maven, Gradle, npm, bower, JUnit, Spock, Spring (Core, Boot, Batch,
Data JPA, MVC, Security), JBoss Forge, Java EE, Log4J
Presentation Layer:
AngularJS, Struts, Wicket, Flex
Database Layer:
Hibernate (JPA), MyBatis, Oracle Database
Web services:
SOAP (Axis, Spring WS), REST (Spring MVC, JAX-RS – Jersey)
Productivity Tools:
IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, NetBeans, Toad, SQL Developer, Altova
DatabaseSpy SQL Editor, CVS, SVN, Git, Hudson/Jenkins, Docker
Web Servers:
Apache Tomcat, Oracle Weblogic, JBoss AS
Operation Systems:
Windows 95 – 8, Mac OS X, Linux (Ubuntu, CentOS)
Issue tracking:
JIRA, Remedy, Redmine
Continuous integration:
Hudson / Jenkins, TeamCity
Development methodology:
Waterfall, Agile (Scrum), TDD, Continuous integration
Industry Experience:
Finance, electricity and gas delivery networks, telecommunications and also
for public sector
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Sep 2012 – Feb 2015
CGI (former Logica), Czech Republic
A Canadian multinational information technology consulting, systems integration, outsourcing, and
solutions company. CGI employs approximately 68,000 people in over 400 offices across 40 countries. In
August 2012, CGI acquired the British IT services company Logica.
Employed as a Java Developer to work on development and maintenance of large scale enterprise projects
in finance, electricity and gas delivery networks, telecommunications and also for public sector. Worked
mostly on database information systems in Java within teams of 3-10 people, whilst cooperating with
globally distributed teams.
Worked on a number of projects for example:
1. Investment bank – Java Developer
 Developed a large financial information system for one of the worldwide biggest investment banks. The
purpose of the application was processing and tracking of investment loans.
 Estimated, designed and developed new user stories and also bug fixing of existing code written in Java.
Information system consists from several Java applications and one legacy mainframe application.
These applications use REST for communication (JAX-RS - Jersey framework).
 All Java applications were based on the Spring framework and all applications used MyBatis for work
with the Oracle Database.
 Used TDD for the development of a new functionality (JUnit, Mockito)
 Modified and bug fixed user interface in Flex
 Created and modified database procedures (PL/SQL) in Oracle Database
 Used Maven for building of applications and TeamCity for continuous integration
 Worked in team of 8 people in Prague, liaised with remote teams of 100+ in Bangalore and Bucharest, a
product owner in London and the customer in Milan. Teams were managed using the Scrum
 Developed in IntelliJ IDEA and Toad, used Subversion (SVN) for source version control and Jira for
ticket tracking
Skills Snapshot: Java, Spring Core, Spring Batch, MyBatis, JUnit, Mockito, TDD, Maven, Adobe Flex,
Jersey, REST, Oracle Database, PL/SQL, IntelliJ IDEA, Toad, Subversion (SVN), TeamCity, Jira, Scrum.
2. Telefonica O2 – Java Developer / Analyst
 The ARP (Alternative Roaming Provider) handler aimed to separate data from foreign mobile phone
operators between Telefonica, virtual mobile operators and alternative roaming providers
 The EU directive required to use TAP protocol in version 3.12 for exchange of data between mobile
operators for data of customers using ARP. Czech Telefonica O2 uses TAP protocol in version 3.10.
 Worked in team of 3, tasked with analysing the difference between versions of TAP protocol and
converting data between two versions of the protocol.
 Proactively learned XSLT and created XSLT transformation for conversion between protocol versions
TAP 3.10 to TAP 3.12 and back. Wrote simple Java library to be used in our application and created
documentation which describes differences between versions
 Wrote part of the functional specification of ARP handler application
 Developed in IntelliJ IDEA, used Subversion (SVN) for version control
Skill snapshot: XML, XSLT, TAP 3.10 and 3.12, Java, JUnit, IntelliJ IDEA, Subversion (SVN), Microsoft
3. Prototype of Database of debtors – Java Developer
 There were several debtors databases in the Czech Republic which this application would aggregate data
from all sources and provide simple API for checking solvency of people and companies.
 It was Java EE 6 application running on JBoss AS 7 application server. Skeleton of the application was
created by JBoss Forge framework. Used Hibernate for work with Oracle Database, Apache CXF for
SOAP endpoint and Maven for building of the application.
 Created by TDD method with help of frameworks JUnit, Mockito and Arquillian
 Developed in IntelliJ IDEA and use Subversion (SVN) for source version control
 Worked as a sole developer on this project
Skill snapshot: Java EE 6, JBoss Forge, Apache CXF, Hibernate (JPA), JUnit, Mockito, TDD, Arquillian,
Maven, JBoss AS 7, Oracle Database 11g, IntelliJ IDEA, Subversion (SVN)
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4. National library of the Czech Republic – Java Developer / Analyst
 The National Digital Library goal was mass digitisation and archiving of monographs and periodicals
contained in depository of the National Library of the Czech Republic and the Moravian Library.
 Joined the project during the final phase of development, worked within a team of 4 developers and was
responsible for analysis of anomalies in the production line, bug fixing and development of change
requests in Java modules of the application (Modules are rest web services connected by Mule ESB).
 Created many Groovy scripts and Java applications for repairing corrupted xml files
 Used TDD for developing of new functions and also for bug fixing if it was possible (JUnit, Mockito)
 Developed in IntelliJ IDEA
 Used Subversion (SVN) for source version control
 Jira was used for ticket tracking
Skill snapshot: Java, Spring, Groovy, XML, JUnit, Mockito, TDD, Maven, REST, Mule, Jenkins, Jira,
Subversion (SVN)
5. Logica / CGI US – Java Developer
 Asset & Resource Management (ARM) Suite is large pack of applications for management of
maintenance of electricity and gas delivery networks. Used by several big companies mainly in the
United States. ARM simplifies planning and optimising of repairs of the network
 Worked on one of applications called Mobile, which was used by repairmen to plan and report everyday
work and communicate with superiors. Worked on the new functionality and bug fixes.
 Used Java, SQL, Oracle Database on the server side, Sybase, Swing and FieldIT on the client side
 Discovered possibility of conversion of application from Ant to Maven
 Worked in team of 10 onsite, liaised with remote teams in India and testers in the USA
 Used TDD to develop new functions and also for bug fixing if it was possible (JUnit, Mockito,
 Development was done in Eclipse and SQL, used Subversion (SVN) for source version control, Remedy
and Redmine for ticket tracking and Jenkins for continuous integration
Skill snapshot: Java, SQL, Sybase, Oracle Database, Swing, FieldIT, JUnit, Mockito, PowerMock, TDD,
Ant, Maven, Eclipse, SQL Developer, Subversion (SVN), Remedy, Redmine, Jenkins
 Telefonica O2: Effectively created library for conversion between TAP 3.10 to TAP 3.12 and back, so
the application was able to satisfy requirement of EU regulation
 Prototype of Database of debtors: Created prototype of new application, which was offered to the
 National library of the Czech Republic: Proactively improved the quality of code by fixing of broken
unit tests and added plug-ins for code analysis into Jenkins. Better quality code simplified code changes
and bug fixing, so the development was faster
Dec 2010 – Nov 2011
Home Credit International, Czech Republic
A leading mass market consumer finance provider established in 1997 with an increasingly growing position
worldwide. 52,200 employees serve more than 40 million customers.
Employed as a Java Developer / Analyst on a range projects including the development of financial software.
Worked in teams of 6-10 people.
Projects undertaken:
1. Home Credit Czech Republic, India, Russia - Developer
 CIF web services were used for operations involving clients’ addresses, such as validation, auto filling of
addresses and the ability to connect people with their place of residence.
 Worked in a team of 6 to develop a version for India and fix bugs in versions for the Czech Republic and
 Applications were SOAP web services created in Java and based on Spring framework. Web service
endpoints are created in Spring WS. Vlad for validation of input and Dozer for conversions between
DTO and domain objects.
 Hibernate was used for communication with Oracle Database running on WebLogic application server.
 The applications had high code coverage of unit and integration tests (JUnit, Mockito), it was built by
Maven and we used continuous integration (Hudson / Jenkins)
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Developed in Eclipse, used TDD to develop new functions and fix bugs (JUnit, Mockito)
Used Altova DatabaseSpy SQL Editor for view and modification of data in databases, Subversion (SVN)
for source version control, Jira for ticket tracking and Hudson / Jenkins for continuous integration
Skill snapshot: Java, SQL, Spring, SOAP (Spring WS), Dozer, Vlad, Hibernate, JUnit, Mockito, TDD
Maven, Oracle Database, WebLogic, Eclipse, Altova DatabaseSpy SQL Editor, Subversion (SVN), Hudson /
Jenkins, Jira.
2. AirBank – Developer
 Card CRM is system for management of Air Bank payment cards, communication with systems
providing payments by debit cards and money transfers between banking accounts
 Worked in team of 6 to develop a new functionality, modify the code and fix bugs.
 The application was a pack of SOAP web services created in Java and based on Spring framework. Part
of the application was a modified version for another country which used Apache Axis for SOAP web
services. The new part of the application used Spring WS for SOAP web services. It used iBatis
framework for communication with Oracle Database
 The application had high code coverage by unit and integration tests (JUnit, Mockito)
 Developed in Eclipse, used TDD to develop new functions and bug fixing (JUnit, Mockito)
 Used Altova DatabaseSpy SQL Editor for view and modification of data in databases, Subversion (SVN)
for source version control, Jira for ticket tracking and Hudson / Jenkins for continuous integration
 Used continuous integration during the development (Hudson / Jenkins) and build by Maven
 Applications are running on WebLogic application server
Skill snapshot: Java, SQL, Spring, SOAP (Spring WS), Axis, Dozer, iBatis, JUnit, Mockito, TDD, Maven,
Oracle Database, WebLogic, Eclipse, Subversion (SVN), Hudson / Jenkins, Jira
3. Home Credit – Developer
 Homer Lite aimed to replace all legacy systems used by Home Credit for providing of loans in all
countries and saved money for development and maintenance.
 Worked in team of 10 on this green field project, created in Java and based on Spring framework, used
Hibernate for work with Oracle Database and Wicket for user interface
 Very high code coverage by unit and integration testing (JUnit, Mockito)
 Used TDD to develop new functions as well as bug fixing (JUnit, Mockito)
 Developed in Eclipse, the project ran on Tomcat and WebLogic
 Used Altova DatabaseSpy SQL Editor for view and modification of data in databases, Subversion (SVN)
for source version control, Jira for ticket tracking, Hudson / Jenkins for continuous integration,
continuous integration and build application by Maven
Skill snapshot: Java, SQL, Spring, Wicket, Hibernate, JUnit, Mockito, TDD, Maven, Oracle Database,
Tomcat, WebLogic, Eclipse, Subversion (SVN), Hudson / Jenkins, Agile, Jira
4. Home Credit China, Kazakhstan - Developer
 Homer was a pack of systems with different versions for every country, used to provide financial
operations by Home Credit Group. Joined the project in the final development stage and worked on bug
fixing in team of 7
 The application was created in Java and based on the Spring framework. Used iBatis for work with
Oracle Database. SOAP web services in Axis were used for communisation between modules of the
system and Struts framework for user interface
 This version of Homer was created to simplify the provision of loans by stores in China and Kazakhstan
 High code coverage was achieved by unit and integration test (JUnit, Mockito)
 Used TDD to develop of new functions as well as bug fixing (JUnit, Mockito)
 Developed in Eclipse, used continuous integration in Hudson / Jenkins during the development and
Maven for build of application running on WebLogic application server
 Used Altova DatabaseSpy SQL Editor for view and modification of data in databases, Subversion (SVN)
for source version control and Jira for ticket tracking
 Gained commercial experience in software development and effectively contributed to the development
of applications.
Skill snapshot: Java, JavaScript, SQL, Spring, Struts, SOAP (Axis), iBatis, JUnit, Mockito, Maven, Oracle
Database, WebLogic, Eclipse, Subversion (SVN), Hudson/Jenkins, Jira
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