DMG-12/00 Digital Communications Basics Dan M. Goebel 4/23/2002 April 23, 2002 Page 1 Digital Communications System Block Diagram DMG-12/00 From: B.Sklar Digital Communications, Prentice Hall, NJ 2001 April 23, 2002 Page 2 Digital “Bandpass” Modulation DMG-12/00 PSK FSK ASK APK/QAM Figure of Merit = Eb/No = Energy per bit divided by noise power density (digital systems equivalent for Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)) From: B.Sklar Digital Communications, Prentice Hall, NJ 2001 April 23, 2002 Page 3 Digital Data Rate DMG-12/00 • The data rate (bits per second) is given by the energy per bit (Eb = the energy in the digital pulse) times the rate at which bits are sent (“bit rate” for binary pulses, or “symbol rate” if each bit represents a word) Average Signal Power Level = Eb * R • The data rate is increased by increasing the rate at which bits or symbols are sent, which effectively increases the duty of the signal • At a given Eb, increasing the rate increases the required signal power Higher digital data rates require higher signal power April 23, 2002 Page 4 Maximum Digital Data Rate DMG-12/00 • Maximum channel capacity is given by Shannon’s Law: E C (bps) = B log2 (1 + SNR) = B log2 (1 + b B ) No R where B = bandwidth, R = symbol rate • Maximum bit rate = n (bits/sec/Hz) = log2 M (M is the number of constellation points) • Maximum data rate is the bit rate times the bandwidth = n*B M 2 4 8 16 32 n 1 2 3 4 5 Type (f) BPSK QPSK 8PSK 16PSK ---- Type (QAM) ----4QAM 8QAM 16QAM 32QAM Example: B=2 MHz, SNR=20 dB C = 13.3 Mbs (Shannon) Data rate = 4 Mbs if use QPSK = 10 Mbs if use 32QAM (must increase B to get higher rates) April 23, 2002 Page 5 Digital Signal Detection “constellation plots” DMG-12/00 Quadrature (imaginary) Q In phase (real) am Q de u t i pl f I I BPSK QPSK 16QAM M=2 states n= 1 bit/sec/Hz M=4 states n= 2 bit/sec/Hz M=16 states n= 4 bit/sec/Hz Must be able to distinguish each point, which leads to “bit errors” April 23, 2002 Page 6 The Useful Digital Data Rate Determined by Error Probability Bit Error Rate (BER) DMG-12/00 • For high data rates and low bit error rates: High bandwidth High SNR (Eb/No) 64QAM 32QAM High-order modulation schemes 16QAM BPSK/QPSK 8PSK From: B.Sklar Digital Communications, Prentice Hall, NJ 2001 April 23, 2002 Page 7 Constellation Plot Example DMG-12/00 Bit errors in red Eb/N0 = 11 dB Eb/N0 = 6 dB Eb/N0 = 2 dB Low signal to noise ratio leads to discrimination errors April 23, 2002 Page 8 Cause of Performance Degradation in Digital Communications Systems DMG-12/00 • Signal loss (Eb term) – due to absorption, scattering, reflection, refraction, pointing, etc. • Inter-Symbol Interference (N0 term) – due primarily to frequency dependent effects (in channel or amps) • Noise and interference (N0 term) – – – – April 23, 2002 intermodulation distortion interfering signals (co-channel and adjacent channel interference) amplifier noise sources (shot, flicker, thermal) atmospheric and galactic sources Page 9 Constellation Impairments DMG-12/00 Quadrature (imaginary) Gaussian Noise In phase (real) Amplitude Distortion Input Phase Distortion April 23, 2002 IMD Page 10 Error Probability versus Phase Jitter DMG-12/00 10-4 Probability of Error 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 QAM constellation RMS Phase Jitter (deg) RMS Phase Jitter (deg) with AWGN and phase jitter Average power constrained Peak power constrained Note: amplifier AM/PM produces phase noise from amplitude changes in channel April 23, 2002 Page 11 Reducing Impairments for Bit Error Rate DMG-12/00 10-2 BER with a saturated amplifier Bit Error Rate 10-4 Saturated QPSK amplifier produces large impairments Backoff 3 dB BER with a backed off amplifier 10-6 Amplifier linearity reduces impairments, so backoff improves the bit-error rate BER = 10 -7 10-8 10-10 BER = 2x10 -8 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Energy per bit/Noise density in dB (Eb/No) April 23, 2002 Page 12 Trends in Digital Communications DMG-12/00 • QPSK Systems were “standard” – constant amplitude: amps. run near saturation for high efficiency – common in satellite communications (DirecTV and Satellite Radio) • Want higher data rates (High Definition TV, Internet, etc.) – utilize 8PSK (compatible with QPSK hardware, 2x data rate) – utilize QAM or other higher order modulation schemes – amplifiers run with varying amplitude and phase • May need spread spectrum (CDMA, OFDM) – mobile system fade/reflection tolerant – effectively thousands of channels (frequencies) in band – high peak to average ratio is very hard on amplifiers (clipping) April 23, 2002 Page 13 High Peak-to-Average Operation DMG-12/00 100 Gaussian Fit y=40exp(-(x+1)^2/14) CCDF for OFDM Data Gaussian Fit Time (%) 10 1 >1% of the time the amplifier is saturated 0.1 CDMA is similar, requiring >9 dB OBO to avoid clipping 0.01 amplifier saturation 0.001 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 Output Power (dB above RMS rated) April 23, 2002 Page 14 Telecommunications Example DMG-12/00 • Intermodulation Distortion is critical – adjacent channel power level is strongly regulated Carriers 3rd-order distortion (2f1 -f2) C/3IM (dBc) f1 f2 (2f2 -f1) adjacent channel power April 23, 2002 Page 15 Reducing Intermodulation Distortion DMG-12/00 Run “backed off” from saturation 50 Saturation 60 6 dB backoff (DARS) 55 Linear regime 9 dB backoff (PCS) 50 45 2-Tone C/3IM (dBc) Output Power (dBm) 65 40 35 30 25 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Input Drive Power (dBm) 35 20 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Backoff from Saturation (dB) 5 4 Backoff reduces the adjacent channel power level April 23, 2002 Page 16 Amplifier Design For Digital Comm. DMG-12/00 • Low intermodulation distortion (IMD) requires large backoff Psat * C/3IM = 2 10 log + 3OI Po Output Backoff Third-order Intercept Point • Need good third order interception point for low IMD • Options: – Design for efficiency and accept large back off – Design for minimum AM/PM – Design for C/3IM (gain, power and phase together) *D.M. Goebel, R.Liou, W. Menninger, “Development of linear TWT amplifiers for Telecommunications Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 48, 74-81 (2001). April 23, 2002 Page 17 3rd Order Interception Point DMG-12/00 70 3rd Order Intercept = 67 dB Conventional figure of merit for linearity 60 Output Power (dBm) 50 Higher 3OI gives lower IMD at a given operating point Sat. Power = 58.9dB 40 30 20 1-Tone AM/AM data 1-Tone Linear Fit 2-Tone AM/AM data 2-Tone Linear Fit 10 0 10 April 23, 2002 15 20 25 30 Input Power (dBm) 35 40 Page 18 TWT Amplifier Designed for Linearity DMG-12/00 Conventional design produced ≈40˚ phase shift at saturation TWT designed to minimize AM/PM to reduce phase shift to <10˚ at sat. Resulted in slight gain expansion and non-uniform AM/AM curve April 23, 2002 Page 19 Improve Amplifier Performance Predistorter-linearizer DMG-12/00 • Utilize predistorter to improve transfer curve characteristics and overall linearity • Many types available – – – – April 23, 2002 Passive Active Harmonic Digital Page 20 Passive Predistorter-linearizer DMG-12/00 Amplitude (2 dB/division) Optimized to match TWT design #3 with low phase change ≈9 dB expansion Phase (2 deg/division) ≈7 degrees correction April 23, 2002 Page 21 Predistorted Amplifier Performance DMG-12/00 C/3IM (dBc) Gain or Power Phase (degrees) Input Power (dBm) Transfer Curves April 23, 2002 Strongest improvement near saturation (5 to 7 dB) Outut Power (dBm) C/3IM versus output power Page 22 Predistorted Amplifier Optimization DMG-12/00 • Need to match TWT characteristics to predistorter characteristics • For a passive predistorter with parabolic diode-type transfer curves, the “optimized” TWT (design #4) produced only 5-to-7 dB improvement in the 2-tone C/3IM – Could not match “diode-like” predistorter characteristics to the TWT’s shallow AM/PM transfer curve and inflecting AM/AM curve • The more conventional TWT design of design #5 produced over 15 dB improvement in 2-tone C/3IM with the predistorter – Conventional “parabolic” transfer curves matched well April 23, 2002 Page 23 Telecommunications Feed-forward Linearizer DMG-12/00 Multi-Channel Power Amplifier (with feed-forward circuit) Pre-distorter Power Amplifier Input Signal Output Delay line Delay line TWT only TWT#4 TWT#5 Feed-Forward -----5 dB >15 dB 28 dB 35 dB 30 dB Correction Amp Total 30 dB 30 dB 30 dB 65 dBc 70 dBc >75 dBc *FCC requires ≥70 dBc April 23, 2002 Page 24 Conclusions DMG-12/00 • Digital Communication is headed for higher data rates – Higher bandwidth and higher order modulation schemes – Requires higher power levels and/or lower noise amplifiers • Digital Communications systems are sensitive to impairments – Energy per bit (power level) important for low error rates (BER) – Linearity important for detection accuracy = BER – Intermodulation distortion for inter-symbol interference and adjacent channel power • Communications amplifiers must be designed for these points – Trade off between backoff level and linearity to reduce impairments – Predistorter/linearizer helps, but it must be optimized with the amp April 23, 2002 Page 25