Stock Market Assignment

Stock Market Portfolio
You have been given $1,000,000 to invest! This simulation is designed to give you an understanding of the
stock market, however, investing money in real life is serious business. By investing in numerous companies at the
same time you are diversifying your portfolio of stocks (not putting all of your eggs in one basket), essentially
creating your own personalized.
Set up an account by September 25th. Must use www. You need to invest in a
minimum of 5 stocks and must use a minimum of 10% of your cash ($100,000). Hand in a printout showing your
initial portfolio on Monday September 28, 2015.
1. Track the performance of your portfolio. It is up to you to buy and sell stocks.
2. On October 7th, please bring in another printout showing that you have invested in at least 2 new stocks
and your investment is greater than 30% ($300,000) of your cash.
3. On October 21, you will need to bring in a printout showing that you have invested in at least 2 more
companies using at least 50% ($500,000) of your cash.
4. Two more printouts are due November 10 (75% cash used) and December 02 (90% cash used) at which
point the game ends.
5. On Friday, Dec. 11, you will turn in a portfolio. This is to include a 1-2 page typed report describing your
experience with investing in stocks (12 font, Times New Roman, double-spaced).
a. In your report you will need to answer the following questions:
1. Why did you choose those specific companies for your portfolio? You do not need to talk
about each stock but at least 4 of your choices. Support at least 1 of your choices with
Internet articles that promote “good news” for the company to support a “buy “position.
Highlight the key facts in each article.
2. Describe the performance ($)of your portfolio. Calculate your % return (yield) on your
$1,000,000. (this may be a negative number for some of you). Show your calculation
3. Explain how you achieved diversification (by industry). Can you calculate % invested in each
industry by the end of the game. Make a spreadsheet for this question.
4. List the penny stocks you invested in as well as the total $ value invested by the end of the
5. What have you learned about stock trading/investing from this simulation? 3 things
6. Would you like to be a stockbroker, day trader, fund manager or commodities trader? Why or
why not? What qualities do you think are important to be successful in this line of work?
*Your portfolio should include
5 portfolio printouts on the proper dates
Your 1-2 page typed answers (include the questions followed by your answers)
Add a proper title page and place it in a binder with a professional stock portfolio look.
This will be your communications mark for Term 2.
Remember- Due date is Friday December 11, 2015