COP 2360 – C# Programming Introduction The Evolution from C to C# Introductions Bradley’s Contact Info – – 407-925-8751 Bradley’s Background Syllabus List the historical evolution of programming languages such as C, C++ that led to the development of C# and its standardization as Visual C# in .NET platform. Describe and use Visual Studio IDE environment and its components. Compile and run C# programs for a wide range of platform including mobile devices. Write C# programs which use different control structures, classes, objects, and methods. Write C# programs which utilize exception handling. Write code that uses object-oriented programming and uses abstraction, data encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. Required TextBook C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design – – – – 4th Edition Barbara Doyle Cengage ISBN-10: 1285096266 Other Required Stuff You will need a thumb drive or your own laptop to work on in-class assignments and follow-alongs. You will need access to a PC with Visual Studio 2012 (or later) installed to do the take home assignments. Dreamspark access available for this class Course Outline Aug 26 – Introduction – Chapter 1 Sept 2 – Variables & Arithmetic – Chapter 2 Sept 9 – Methods – Input/Output – Chapter 3 Sept 16 – Logic – File I/O – Chapters 5 & 13 Sept 23 – Iteration – Chapter 6 Sept 30 – Exam 1 Oct 7 – Arrays – Chapter 7 Oct 14 – Collections/Classes – Chapters 4 & 8 Course Outline Oct 21 – Windows Programming – Chapter 9 Oct 28 – Windows Forms – Chapter 10 Nov 4 – Exception Handling – Chapter 12 Nov 11- Exam 2 Nov 18 – Database Access – Chapter 14 Nov 25 – Web Development – Chapter 15 Dec 2 – Web Development Continued Dec 9 – Advanced Object Oriented – Chapter 11 Dec 16 – Comprehensive Final Exam Grading 5 Programming Assignments – Each worth 10 points – (Sep 9, Sep 30, Oct 21, Nov 25, Dec 16) – There may be bonus points in some assignments 3 Exams – Each worth 12 points – (Sep 30, Nov 4 and Dec 16) Attendance 14 points. – Each class attended is worth 1 point except the first and last Add up your points and apply the standard grading scale – 90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, Below 60 = F Grading Makeup exams are given only if there is solid evidence of a medical or otherwise serious emergency that prevented the student from participating in the exam. Assignments are to be submitted on time, with 2 point per day late penalties. Appropriate accommodations will be made for students having a valid medical excuse for being unable to work on an assignment. The excuse must be presented to the instructor as soon as possible once the issue is identified. Requests for an extension the night the assignment is due will not be accepted. Unless there is solid evidence of medical or otherwise serious emergency situation, incomplete grades will not be given. Withdrawal Policy Students who miss more than three days of class without notifying the professor of why they have not attended class before November 4, 2015, will be withdrawn from the class and receive a WX. Regardless of reason, students are responsible for missed lecture materials and assignments. The last day to withdrawal from this class and receive a “W” grade is November 4, 2015. Course Website A website will be maintained with a menu to all power point slides and assignments – Electronic Device Use and Email Policy Cell phones may be turned on but must be set to vibrate/quiet mode during class. If you must make or receive a call, please exit the classroom. Laptops may be used as long as the usage does not interrupt other students. The speakers must be turned off. All email to the instructor must come from your Palm Beach State College email account. – – This account goes directly to my phone, so if you need to reach me, this is the best bet. YOU NEED TO CHECK YOUR EMAIL AT LEAST DAILY TO SEE IF I SENT YOU A MESSAGE. PLEASE RESPOND WHEN ASKED TO RESPOND!! Ethics Students at Palm Beach State College are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the college’s mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the college community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and place high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. Cheating??? There is always a fine line between helping your fellow student and cheating. Pointing a student in the correct direction, giving advice, suggesting other reading or explaining that an answer or assignment is wrong is permissible. Giving another student the solution to a problem or working together on an individual assignment will be considered cheating and will be disciplined. Considered Cheating – – Two (or more) people working together on an individual assignment. Someone finding out another student’s ID and copying their work. Not Considered Cheating – – Comparing assignments after they have been independently completed. Helping another student with hints or suggestions on where to get additional help. Pet Peeves Talking in Class Cheating Not Following Instructions – Let’s Discuss This Since It Is Very Important Any Questions? Your First Assignment Your Name Your Palm Beach State Email User-Id Your current status, class and program (full time/part time, 1st Year, 2nd Year) A list of any other computer classes you have taken. Please indicate if the class was at PBSC and the instructor's name. A short paragraph of what you hope to learn from this course. Any other information you would like to relate to me. Email me this information to the appropriate email Account – Do This Now - Then Take a Break!! Dot Net Platform Platforms provide environments for development and execution of programs Two “largest” platforms out there today is Microsoft .Net and Java – Both provide similar executable modules that rely on an “interpreter” at execution time, but in different ways .Net runs only on Microsoft Windows devices, – – but there are many front end languages that can be used to generate the “Common Intermediate Language” (CIL). Only one IDE is available Java provides only the Java programming language, – – – Open Source (although now owned by Oracle) Android Law Suite Multiple IDEs that all pretty much try to do the same thing. The resulting “bytecodes” can be used on several different operating systems Main Objective of .Net Platform Provide component based support for Web Applications, Web Services and Windows Application. – Classes are self-describing and reusable When I had hair – One would compile a program to an object file, and then link the object files into an executable Same subroutine was compiled and placed into EXE over and over. (Each EXE would have a copy) When I had a comb over – Concept of DLL (Dynamic Link Library) introduced Separate pre-compiled routines that could be called from main programs to do work Was a mess with the way it was managed usually resulting in multiple DLLs on a machine that did the same thing, but different version. Main Objective of .Net Platform When I shaved it all off: – .Net Assemblies were introduced that used the Common Intermediate Language (CIL) approach to produce reusable components Assemblies result in either an EXE or a DLL Exe has a “Main” entry point – DLL’s can have multiple entry points that are self-described What the heck does “self-described” mean? – DLL’s can be shared between programs (or as a Web Service) – Assemblies are what execute through the Common Languages Runtime (CLR) .Net Platform Components .Net Framework – CLR (Common Language Runtime) – Framework Class Library Virtual machine that “interprets” the CIL and manages the execution of the program or call to the library A set of base classes used by C# that can be used by other .Net Languages. (Types, Strings, Objects, etc) Compilers Interactive Development Environment (Visual Studio) .Net Enterprise Servers (SQL Server, BizTalk, Sharepoint for example) From C To Shining C# In the beginning there was machine code. Programs were entered with a bunch of ones and zeroes (and if you were lucky, maybe in octal or hex). Every machine was different. Life pretty much sucked. Next came machine language which mapped a mnemonic to an instruction, and introduced variables instead of direct addressing. Life sucked, but not as bad. Then development programming took off and all the academic and business types got their own damn programming languages. (COBOL, FORTRAN, Basic, PL/1, LISP, etc.) Finally, the “C” language (based somewhat on ALGOL) was introduced that added a layer of abstraction for lower level system development making it easier and more consistent to program, but still allowing for lower level “stuff” to happen that may not be that welcomed in a development language like Basic, COBOL or FORTRAN. – – – All the basics were there. If you needed something else (string manipulation for example), you wrote it yourself or tried to find someone else that already did it and borrowed the code. Machine Language finally could be replaced with it’s own “higher level language” Programs (and operating systems) that were traditionally written in Assembly Language, quickly adopted “C” – Unix, Microsoft Windows for example BTW – Yes, there was a “B” developed at Bell Labs. Not so sure about an “A” though!! From C To Shining C# C++ was introduced to support Object Oriented Programming and correct some “mistakes” in base “C” – – – – – Implementation of the New and Delete operators to better request and remove memory allocations during run-time Providing byRef type arguments to function calls Basing types on Classes that can inherit their attributes from other Classes allowing developers to create their own new data types Improvements to the struct concept (well, really making a struct and a class the same thing). Both classes and structures can contain data definitions as well as functions and can specify the visibility of these attributes. Many applications written in C were upgraded to C++ when it become available. From C To Shining C# Java was then developed from C++ to provide an overall IDE that resulted in simplifying development and deployment. – – – – – – Java Virtual Machine and bytecode meant that one could compile on one operating system and run the resulting object on another All Java code is contained in classes (a Java program is a collection of classes, where at least one of these classes contains a main). There is compile-time strong type checking between all the classes in a program, regardless of which source files the class definitions are contained in. Therefore, there is no need for header files, and header files are not supported. Like C, and unlike C++, call by value is the only parameter passing mechanism. Java has much more restrictive use of pointers (no address or explicit dereference operator). From C To Shining C# More Info on Java – – – – Note that in Java, a variable is a local variable, parameter, or a field. In Java, all garbage collection is automatic. The existence of a Java execution system (i.e., the JVM) that guarantees how primitive types are implemented, promotes safety, guarantees binary portability, and provides dynamic linking. A modified form of Java became the language for Android App development. From C To Shining C# C# is a modification of Java (in an approximate sense, C# is an enlargement of Java) that: – – – Includes some shout-outs from VB and Delphi Corrects mistakes made in the Java design (e.g., call by reference and printf style formatting put back in language). Provides a type system that allows special objects (i.e., instances of structs) to be treated as values, as opposed to Java where only pointers and instances of primitive types are treated as values (i.e., can be values of variables). – We’ll talk all this values and references next week In C#, the primitive types are defined as structs, arguably providing C# with a type system that is more unified than the one in Java, because, in C#, all types derive from Object (including ValueType), and all value types (i.e., enumeration types and structs) derive from ValueType. From C To Shining C# In C# – A type is either a value type (in which case it derives from ValueType) or a reference type (such as a class). – Incorporates improved versions of some C++ features (such as operator overloading) that were excluded from Java. – Provides the option of including unsafe code, in which unprotected pointers are used, so that C# can replace C and C++ in low-level implementations such as device drivers. – Provides features (such as properties, events, and attributes) that are useful for component-based programming. – Provides features such as indexers that are convenient for implementing collection types. – Provides improved versions of statements from non-C-family languages (e.g., the foreach statement). Top Level Java to C# Comparison FEATURE JAVA .NET Execution system JVM (Java Virtual Machine) CLR (Command Language Run Time) Class library Java class libraries FCL (Framework Class Library( Intermediate code bytecodes CIL (Common Intermediate Language) Unit of deployment class file, jar file assembly IDE JDeveloper, etc. Visual Studio 2013 SQL API JDBC, SQLJ; TopLink and other ORMs ADO.NET, ADO.NET Linq to Entities Web programming API servlets, JSP (Java Server Pages), JSF (Java Server Paces) ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC (Model View Controller) GUI programming API AWT, Swing, JavaFX (latter has RIA (rich internet app) support) Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation (latter has RIA support) .NET Other Languages Because of it’s Common Intermediate Language (CIL) and Common Language Runtime (CLR), .Net provides for many front end languages including: – – – Visual Basic COBOL (believe it or not) F# (Best comparison is a .Net version of Fortran)