Ubiquitous and Secure Networks and Services As taught in: Fall 2010 ANA BELÉN GARCÍA HERNANDO (COORDINATOR) LOURDES LÓPEZ SANTIDRIÁN JOSÉ FERNÁN MARTÍNEZ ORTEGA Department of Telematic Engineering and Architectures Technical University of Madrid Image by The Opte Project [CC-BY-2.5 (www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5)], via Wikimedia Commons. This subject is taught during the first semester of the "MSc in Systems and Services Engineering for the Information Society" (Máster en Ingeniería de Sistemas y Servicios para la Sociedad de la Información), being compulsory in the professional itinerary and optional in the research itinerary of the curriculum. In order to be able to follow it it is strongly advisable to have a previous background on the main telematic concepts related to communication networks, protocols and services, since these basic concepts will not be part of its contents. Its 5 ECTS correspond to a total of around 133 hours of student's work, including both theory- and practical- (i.e. laboratory-) oriented activities. Three hours a week are devoted to classroom lectures and activities. Lecturers: Ana Belén García Hernando (Coordinator) Lourdes López Santidrián José Fernán Martínez Ortega Laboratory assistant instructor: Pedro Castillejo Parrilla ECTS: 5. Degree: MSc in Systems and Services Engineering for the Information Society. Revision: October 2011. Syllabus The complete learning guide for this subject can be obtained here [RSUS-Learning-Guide.pdf]. The weekly scheduling of the different units and milestones can be obtained here [RSUS-weekly-scheduling.pdf]. PREVIOUS REQUIRED BACKGROUND Any of the following graduates (or students with demonstrable equivalent knowledge) may access this course: Graduate in Communication Electronics Engineering. Graduate in Telecommunication Systems Engineering. Graduate in Sound and Image Engineering. Graduate in Telematic Engineering. COURSE OBJECTIVES Be capable of performing independent learning during their professional career. Be capable of projecting, calculating and designing systems and services for the Information Society. Be capable of applying and integrating the acquired knowledge to solve problems in new environments, inside broader and multidisciplinary contexts, in the framework of their expertise area. Be capable of performing research, development and innovation activities in the context of the Information Society. Be capable of developing systems that offer ubiquitous and secure services. Be capable of critically interpreting and assessing scientific documents in the area of the Information and Communication Technologies. Be capable of communicating and disseminating their research results. LEARNING OUTCOMES Classify the ubiquitous services and applications according to their technical characteristics. Explain the technological characteristics of the architectures, platforms, networks and protocols that offer ubiquitous services and applications. Analyze the security threats to be considered in a ubiquitous system, according to both the application/service and the network environment. Assess the security methods to neutralize the threats present in a ubiquitous system. Design a system that offers a ubiquitous application or service, having a set of specifications and technical requirements as input. Implement a ubiquitous system, having its design as input. COURSE MATERIALS Lecture notes with the relevant class information for each unit. Case studies: additional required readings for each unit, together with the associated forms. Labs and practical project: this course includes an introductory lab exercise as well as an assignment that consists on the development of a complete project. Lecture Notes UNIT UNIT 1 - Introduction to ubiquitous systems. (Author: Lourdes López Santidrián) UNIT 2 - Applications and services. (Author: Ana Belén García Hernando) UNIT 3 - Architectures and models. (Authors: José Fernán Martínez Ortega and Iván Corredor Pérez) UNIT 4 - Network technologies. (Author: Ana Belén García Hernando) UNIT 5 - Ubiquitous systems security. (Author: Lourdes López Santidrián) Link to the material RSUS-Unit-1-Slides RSUS-Unit-2-Slides RSUS-Unit-2-Video about the SODA project.avi RSUS-Unit-3-Slides RSUS-Unit-4-Slides RSUS-Unit-5-Slides Assignments: Case Studies UNIT 1 (Introduction to ubiquitous systems) Case Studies: Case Study 1: Boonsri Dickinson. “With ’smart dust,’ a trillion sensors scattered around the globe”. May 2010. Available online from: [http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/science-scope/with-smart-dust-a-trillionsensors-scattered-around-the-globe/1673]. Case Study 2: Delphine Christin, Andreas Reinhardt, Parag S. Mogre, Ralf Steinmetz. “Wireless Sensor Networks and the Internet of Things: Selected Challenges”. Multimedia Communications Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt. August 2009. Available online from: [http://www.ti5.tuharburg.de/events/fgsn09/proceedings/fgsn_031.pdf]. Case Study 3: Wayne W. Manges. “Wireless Sensor Network Topologies”. Sensors Magazine. May 2000. Available online from: [http://archives.sensorsmag.com/articles/0500/72/index.htm]. Case Study form [RSUS-Unit-1-Case-Study-Form.doc]. UNIT 2 (Applications and services) Case Studies: Case Study 1: Wen-Tsuen Chen, Po-Yu Chen, Wei-Shun Lee, Chi-Fu Huang. "Design and Implementation of a Real Time Video Surveillance System with Wireless Sensor Networks". IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2008, pp. 218-222. 11-14 May 2008. Case Study 2: Junguo Zhang, Wenbin Li, Zhongxing Yin, Shengbo Liu, Xiaolin Guo. "Forest fire detection system based on wireless sensor network". 4th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2009, pp. 520-523. 25-27 May 2009. Case Study 3: Barbato, A.; Borsani, L.; Capone, A. "A Wireless Sensor Network Based System for Reducing Home Energy Consumption". 7th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), pp. 1-3. 21-25 June 2010. Case Study 4, sections 6, 8, 9 and 10 of: Reiner Jedermann and Walter Lang. “The Benefits of Embedded Intelligence – Tasks and Applications for Ubiquitous Computing in Logistics”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008, Volume 4952/2008, pp. 105-122. Case Study form [RSUS-Unit-2-Case-Study-Form.doc]. UNIT 3 (Architectures and models) Case Studies: Case Study 1: Matt Welsh, Geoff Mainland. “Programming Sensor Networks Using Abstract Regions”. Proceedings of the 1st conference on Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation Volume 1. 2004. Case Study 2: Abdelzaher, T.; Blum, B.; Cao, Q.; Chen, Y.; Evans, D.; George, J.; George, S.; Gu, L.; He, T.; Krishnamurthy, S.; Luo, L.; Son, S.; Stankovic, J.; Stoleru, R.; Wood, A. "EnviroTrack: towards an environmental computing paradigm for distributed sensor networks". 24th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 2004, pp. 582- 589. 2004. Case Study 3: Kamin Whitehouse, Cory Sharp, Eric Brewer, and David Culler. “Hood: a neighborhood abstraction for sensor networks”. In Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services (MobiSys '04). ACM, New York, NY, USA. pp. 99-110. 2004. Case Study 4: A. L. Murphy and W. B. Heinzelman. “Milan: Middleware Linking Applications and Networks”. Technical Report. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA. 2002. Case Study form [RSUS-Unit-3-Case-Study-Form.doc]. UNIT 4 (Network technologies) Case Studies: Instructions and form for Unit 4 case study: [RSUS-Unit-4-Case-Study-Instructions-and-Form.doc]. Bachir, A.; Dohler, M.; Watteyne, T.; Leung, K.K. "MAC Essentials for Wireless Sensor Networks". IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. Volume: 12, Issue: 2. 2010. Pp. 222 – 248. Kemal Akkaya, Mohamed F. Younis "A survey on routing protocols for wireless sensor networks". Ad Hoc Networks 3(3). Pp. 325-349. 2005. Felemban, E.; Chang-Gun Lee; Ekici, E. "MMSPEED: multipath Multi-SPEED protocol for QoS guarantee of reliability and timeliness in wireless sensor networks". IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume: 5, Issue: 6. 2006. Pp. 738 – 754. UNIT 5 (Ubiquitous systems security) Case Studies: Case Study 1: Ming Li; Wenjing Lou; Kui Ren. "Data security and privacy in wireless body area networks". IEEE Wireless Communications, vol.17, no.1, pp.51-58, February 2010. Case Study 2: Kun Sun, An Liu, Roger Xu, Peng Ning, and Douglas Maughan. “Securing network access in wireless sensor networks”. In Proceedings of the second ACM conference on Wireless network security (WiSec '09). ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 261-268. 2009. Case Study 3: Rung-Ching Chen, Chia-Fen Hsieh, and Yung-Fa Huang. “A new method for intrusion detection on hierarchical wireless sensor networks”. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ICUIMC '09). ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 238-245. 2009. Case Study 4: Tahir Naeem, Kok-Keong Loo. “Common Security Issues and Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks and IEEE 802.11 Wireless Mesh Networks”. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, Volume 3, Number 1. March 2009. Case Study form [RSUS-Unit-5-Case-Study-Form.doc]. Assignments: Labs and Practical Project Authors of Labs and Practical Project documentation: Pedro Castillejo Parrilla, Ana Belén García Hernando, José Fernán Martínez Ortega, Lourdes López Santidrián. Slides: SunSpot Development Platform. [RSUS-Unit-6-Slides.pptx] Lab exercise: Introduction to SunSpot Environment. [RSUS-Unit-6-Lab-exercise.pdf] Practical Project: Requirements and general information. [RSUS-Unit-6-Project-requirements.pdf] Additional Resources Some online resources useful for this Unit: About JAVA - JAVA tutorials for beginners. We recommend you to read and follow either (or both) of the following JAVA tutorials if you have never programmed in this language: The Java Tutorials <http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/index.html>. Inside section "Trails Covering the Basics", you can follow the following tutorials at least: "Getting Started", "Learning the Java Language", and "Essential Java Classes". JAVA for Beginners <http://moodle.upm.es/titulaciones/oficiales/file.php/2161/project/bibliography/JAVA-forBeginners.pdf>. Riccardo Flask. It includes lots of code examples. - Java Platform, Standard Edition 7 API Specification <http://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/>. Use this as a reference for using the methods provided by some of the main Java libraries. About SunSPOT - Sun SPOT Tutorials <http://sunspotworld.com/docs/Yellow/Tutorial/Tutorial.html> - API specification for the Sun SPOT Libraries <http://sunspotworld.com/docs/Yellow/javadoc/index.html> Authors Dr. Ana Belén García Hernando Associate Professor. Department of Telematic Engineering and Architectures (DIATEL), Technical University of Madrid (UPM). Dr. Lourdes López Santidrián Associate Professor. Department of Telematic Engineering and Architectures (DIATEL), Technical University of Madrid (UPM). Dr. José Fernán Martínez Ortega Associate Professor. Department of Telematic Engineering and Architectures (DIATEL), Technical University of Madrid (UPM). MSc. Pedro Castillejo Parrilla Researcher. Department of Telematic Engineering and Architectures (DIATEL), Technical University of Madrid (UPM). MSc. Iván Corredor Pérez Researcher. Technical University of Madrid (UPM). [Foto_Ana_Belen_Garcia.jpg] [Foto_Lourdes_Lopez.jpg] [Foto_Jose_Fernan_Martinez.jpg] (Sin foto) [Foto_Ivan_Corredor.jpg] Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the institutions and persons who have kindly allowed the inclusion of images and other materials in this course lecture notes. If we have inadvertedly included any material that you consider copyrighted or you feel you have not been adequately acknowledged or cited, please let us know in order to correct the situation. We also want to acknowledge the work performed by José Manuel Baños Expósito, who has assisted us both with the English proof-reading of the texts and with the permissions requests for using other authors’ images and materials.