Scope and Sequence for 2015- 2016 Cluster: Course Name: School Year Instructor: STOKES Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Livestock Production (1/2 to 1 Credit) Course Description: To be prepared for careers in the field of animal science, students need to attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire knowledge and skills related to animal systems and the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and skills in a variety of settings. Animal species to be addressed in this course may include, but are not limited to, beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, sheep, goats, and poultry. Course Requirements: The course is recommended for 10th, 11th and 12th grade students on the Animal Science Pathway Week Number Unit/Lesson Title Topic TEKS Taught 130.3c10D,E Week 1 130.3c10A,B,C Week 2 Intro to FFA Prezi Student Handbook/Permission Forms Course Syllabus Set up AET Record Books (profile) ICEV Blue and Gold Basics: SAE Brainstorm My SAE FFA Friday 130.3c2A 1.1 Animal Planet-The Livestock Industry ICEV The Livestock Industry 1.2 Livestock Across the United States 130.3c4A 2.1 Taming Animals-History of Livestock Production 2.2 Livestock: The Basic Terms 130.3c3C 3.1 Animal Rights vs Welfare 3.2 Animal Behavior Temple Grandin Movie 130.3c3D 4.1 Animal Identification Systems ICEV Animal Systems-Identification Ag Awareness Day Assignments Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 The student develops a supervised agriculture experience program as it relates to agriculture, food, and natural resources: The student will participate in youth leadership opportunities to create a wellrounded experience program in agriculture and produce a challenging approach for a local program of activities in agriculture. The student develops a supervised agriculture experience program as it relates to agriculture, food, and natural resources: The student will begin to apply proper record-keeping skills as they relate to their supervised agricultural experience on the customized record-keeping system. The student demonstrates technical skills relating to the interrelated human, scientific, and technological dimensions of animal systems: The student will assess the importance of the livestock industry to the United States economy and the impact on world markets. They will identify the regional differences in livestock production and assess what causes these differences. The student explains the history of animal domestication while using correct terminology: The student will learn basic anatomical vocabulary related to animals, specifically livestock. They will utilize this vocabulary as they explain the causes and impact of animal domestication on society. The student understands the differences between animal rights and welfare and the impact those views have on animal agriculture in the United States: The students will learn the difference between animal rights and welfare and how those views impact animal production and sporting events. They will learn ways that producers have adapted to promote animal welfare. Students will learn about animal behavior and how producer’s management practices promote animal safety and well-being. The student performs technical skills relating to livestock production: The student will demonstrate animal identification techniques Week Number Unit/Lesson Title Topic/Unit Title TEKS Taught 130.3c5BC 5.1 Animal Nutrition ICEV Animal Nutrition 130.3c5A 5.1 Digestive Systems ICEV Digestive System Week 7 Week 8 130.3c5D,E 5.2 Need for Feed 130.3c8B,C 130.3c2C 5.3 Feedstuffs/Need for Feed 130.3c5E 130.3c9A,B 5.4 Nutritional Disorders Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 130.3c5A,B,C,D,E Week 12 5.4 Animal Nutrition Review The student understands the fundamentals of livestock nutrition and made decisions based on animal welfare and least cost factors of feeding: The student will learn why livestock producers maintain that good nutrition is one of the most influential factors in animal agriculture. The student determines nutritional requirements of ruminant and nonruminant animals: The student will describe the digestive systems of several animals including: poultry, ruminant, monogastrics, and modified monogastric systems. The student identifies the 6 nutrients essential for life: The student will compare the nutrients required by animals to the USDA food pyramid used by people. Students will then apply their knowledge of nutrients to make informed decisions about their personal and animal nutrition. The student formulates rations based on the nutritional requirements of an animal and cost factors associated with feedstuffs: The student will learn the feedstuffs that make up animal feed. They will then learn to formulate rations and made educated decisions about livestock feeding programs. The student identifies common nutritional disorders in animals and ways to prevent/treat them: The student will learn about common nutritional disorders in livestock species and they will research and conduct a feeding experiment related to their livestock species they’ve selected for their producers management guide. The student reviews the Animal Nutrition Unit: The student will review the material learned to prepare for a comprehensive test over digestive systems, nutrients, feedstuffs, formulating rations, and nutritional disorders . Week Number Unit/Lesson Title TEKS Taught 130.3c10A,B,C,D,E **Thanksgiving Holiday** Week 13 130.3c6A Week 14 Week 15 130.3c6B,C 130.3c3E 130.3c6A,B,C,D 6.1 Animal Reproduction ICEV Livestock Reproduction ICEV Beef Reproduction I, II, III ICEV Poultry Reproduction ICEV Embryo Transfer 6.2 Generating Generations 6.3 Pathway to Production Week 16 130.2c2B,C.9A,B,C,D Week 17 **Semester Finals** Close AET Record Books for Semester Topic/Unit Title The student develops a supervised agriculture experience program as it relates to agriculture, food, and natural resources: The student will begin to apply proper record-keeping skills as they relate to their supervised agricultural experience on the customized record-keeping system. The student explains animal genetics and reproduction: The student will describe the reproductive system and research current and emerging technologies in animal reproduction. The student will learn the differences in avian and mammalian reproductive systems and take a close look at beef production. The student explains animal genetics and reproduction: The student will identify various breeding methods and systems used in production agriculture. They will compare these methods and make educated decisions about what type to use for various species and animal operations. The student explains animal genetics and reproduction: In this lesson, student will study the main stages of reproduction, the function of hormones in the estrous cycle, how the reproductive cycle differs among species, and how the cycle may be manipulated for production purposes. The student develops a supervised agriculture experience program as it relates to agriculture, food, and natural resources: The student will begin to apply proper record-keeping skills as they relate to their supervised agricultural experience on the customized record-keeping system. Unit/Lesson Title Week Number Week 18 TEKS Taught 130.3c6B Topic/Unit Title CDE 7.1 A New Pair of Genes Week 19 Week 20 Week 21 130.3c6B 130.3c2B 7.2 Predicting Genetic Inheritance 130.3c7A,B 130.3c4B 8.1 Animal Health and Diseases 130.3c7A,B 8.2 Bugged 130.3c7A,B 8.3 Prevention Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 130.3c3B 8.4 Basic Livestock Surgical Procedures The student explains animal genetics: This lesson expands on knowledge learned regarding reproductive anatomical parts and function, breeding systems for animal production, and the stages of reproduction in animals presented in Unit 6 Animal Reproduction. Specifically, this lesson examines animal reproduction at the cellular level. Specific topics include genes and gene transmission, mitosis and meiosis, and the fundamentals of genetics. The student explains animal genetics: Students will learn about the tools mentioned above and practice using them to predict inheritance for quantitative and qualitative traits that are economically important to livestock producers and animal breeders. The student identifies animal diseases: The student will identify methods of disease control, treatment, and prevention. They will also learn about the dangers of zoonotic diseases. They will identify normal vs abnormal vital signs in livestock species. The student identifies parasites common to livestock: The student will learn to identify common symptoms of a parasitic animal and how to treat them. They will make informed decisions about the method of treatment and will evaluate the effectiveness of different deworming medication. The student performs technical skills related to livestock production: The student will describe common veterinary procedures and skills. They will also demonstrate how to give a routine vaccination. The student performs technical skills related to livestock production: The student will learn about common surgical skills in livestock production Week Number Unit/Lesson Title TEKS Taught 130.3c3A 9.1 Animal Selection and Conformation Week 25 130.3c8A 9.2 Marketing Livestock Week 26 130.3c1A,B,C,D 9.3 Careers in Animal Agriculture Week 27 Week 28 130.5c2B Week 29 Equine Science Unit E1.1 The Basics: Equine Terminology Week 30 130.5c4A,B Week 31 E1.2 Horse Industry Overview Topic/Unit Title The student will perform technical skills related to livestock production: Students will learn about the ideal conformation of animals and make decisions about selection of show animals, market animals, and replacement breeding animals. The student plans dynamic changes in business operation: Students will utilize marketing skills to sell a product or service related to animal agriculture. Students will explore product branding, development, and placement as well as niche marketing. The student identifies career and entrepreneurship opportunities in the livestock production industry: Students will learn the employability characteristics of a successful employee as well as identify career opportunities in animal agriculture. SPRING BREAK The student learns to utilize language related to the equine industry: The student will learn to identify the anatomy of horses and use the correct terminology when referring to horses and the equine industry. **Testing Days Scheduled M-F** The student compares and contrasts issues related to the equine industry: The student will learn the importance of the equine industry to the American economy as well as look at issues concerning biotechnology and animal welfare. Week Number Unit/Lesson Title TEKS Taught 130.5c1A,B E2.1 Colors and Marking 130.5c1A,B E2.2 Breeds and Selection 130.5c3A,B,C E3.1 Horse Management 130.5c2A,B,C E4.1 Equine Health and Soundness Week 32 Week 33 Week 34 Week 35 Week 36 Week 37 130.2c2B,C.9A,B,C,D Week 38 **Semester Finals** Close AET Record Books for Semester Topic/Unit Title The student analyzes equine science as it relates to the selection of horses: The student will identify and recognize different colors and markings found on horses. The student analyzes equine science as it relates to the selection of horses: The student will learn the history behind major breeds of horses and identify characteristics related to each breed. Students will select horses based on breed standard. The student analyzes equine science as it relates to the management of horses: The student will select equipment and facilities for horses, demonstrate methods for safe handing, and identify procedures for breeding horses. **Testing Days Scheduled M-F** **Testing Days Scheduled M-F** The student knows how to provide proper nutrition using accepted protocols and processes to maintain animal performance: The student will determine the nutritional requirements of horses, describe the anatomy and physiology of horses, and explain methods of maintaining health and soundness. The student develops a supervised agriculture experience program as it relates to agriculture, food, and natural resources: The student will begin to apply proper record-keeping skills as they relate to their supervised agricultural experience on the customized record-keeping system.