The American Dream Part One Dreams, goals, plans. Every person envisions a particular future filled with success. These dreams are products of upbringing, background, history, place, personality, and experiences. For most people, many of these dreams will be realized while others will not come to fruition. The American Dream has changed over the years. What the first immigrants envisioned no longer holds true for modern day Americans. “Traditionally, Americans have sought to realize the American dream of success, fame and wealth through thrift and hard work. However, the industrialization of the 19th and 20th centuries began to erode the dream, replacing it with a philosophy of "get rich quick". A variety of seductive but elusive strategies have evolved, and today the three leading ways to instant wealth are large-prize television game shows, big-jackpot state lotteries and compensation lawsuits.” Still the basic goals still remain—love, happiness, success, freedom—these constitute the lasting American Dream. Read: Winter Dreams By F. Scott Fitzgereld pg. 857 in text Complete worksheets Due _____ ___________ The American Dream Part Two We have now explored several ideals of the “American Dream” in several different time periods for various cultures and how those ideals are expressed through song. We have also been exploring how symbolism through song is one of the most powerful and effective ways to communicate emotions and meaning. It is now your turn to show me what the American Dream is now for your time and your culture . . .for YOU! Choose one of the following projects: A) Create a "music video” slide show using power point to the American Dream song of your choice using photos/ clip art etc. to metaphorically symbolize your American Dream. I should be able to understand what you are dreaming and why you chose the song you did to represent your dream. B) Create a mobile/model representing your American Dream then write a paper to accompany your model explaining the following things: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What are the elements of your American Dream? What symbols have you included to represent these elements? Why have you included these specific items? Why did you place each object/visual in that particular place? What is the relationship of that particular object/visual to the rest of your model? How did you decide on the components of your model? What did you leave out and why? How does your American Dream compare to the stereotypical one? To other mobiles in this classroom? C) Write a song titled “American Nightmare” a song about the America Dream gone wrong.( the articles about the 5 myths and Who wants to be a Millionaire might be inspiration for this) Then make a power point slide show containing and illustrating the lyrics of your song and/or set it to music and perform it for the class. Final Projects are due: _______________________________________________ Rubric- American Dream Project Music video Points 25 20 15 10 5 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 Song Choice Symbols & Meaning Creativity Overall presentation Mobile Paper Symbols & Meaning Creativity Overall presentation American Nightmare Song lyrics Symbols & Meaning Creativity Overall presentation Comments: