The Indian Mascot School Board Blues Clip

The Indian Mascot
Katie Morris
School Board Blues Clip
Oakland Warriors
Atlanta Braves
Kansas City Chiefs
Washington Redskins
Cleveland Indians
Chicago Blackhawks
What’s the Controversy?
While some individuals view the use of Native
American images as mascots to be depicting
heroism, others argue the use of such images as
promoting a negative stereotype, one that is
offensive, demeaning and insensitive and thus
should not be used
Arguments Defending Use of
Native Americans
Use as a mascot is paying homage
Meant to be respectful
Natives are depicted as brave fighters
Its an honor an aims to symbolize the
greatness of a people
Arguments Against Use of
Native Americans as Mascots
• “breeds insensitivity”
• perpetuates negative stereotypes
• Unfair and racist
Teach respect , not racism
Based on research, the American
Psychological Association (APA) recommended the
immediate retirement of American Indian Mascots,
Symbols, Images and Personalities by Schools,
Colleges, Universities, Athletic Teams and
They concluded that use of such images:
• Undermines the education experience of members of all communities, especially those who
have little to no contact with indigenous people
•Establishes an unwelcome and sometimes hostile learning environment for American Indian
students that affirms negative images/sterotypes that are promoted in mainstream society
•Has a negative impact on self-esteem of American Indian children
•Undermines the ability of American Indian Nations to portray accurate and respectful images
of their culture, spirituality and traditions
•May be a violation of the civil rights of American Indian people
•Is a form of discrimination against indigenous Nations that can lead to negative relations
between groups
1968 -National Congress of American Indians initiated a campaign to rid
the media of images they regarded as promoting negative stereotypes
1969 -Dartmouth College changes nickname from Indians to Big Green
1988- Saint Mary’s College changes their mascot from Red Men to
1989- Charlene Teters, a graduate student attending University of Illinois,
begins efforts to eliminate the school’s Chief Illiniwek mascot
1991- The National Education Associate (NEA) passes resolutions
denouncing the use of ethnic related sports team mascots, symbols and
1991- Some protesting at Super bowl XXVi where the Buffalo Bills played
the Washington Redskins
1992- 7 Native Americans filed a lawsuit against the Washington
Redskins and petitioned U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for
cancellation of federal registrations for Redskins
1993- National Congress of American Indians issues a resolution
denouncing the use of Native American Names to be used as team
1994- Marquette University adopted Golden Eagles as their mascot
in place of Warriors
1995- St. Johns changes nickname from Redmen to Redstorm
1997- Jay Rosenstein’s documentary “In Whose Honor” airs on PBS
Charlene Teter
Controversy at the
University of Illinois
February 21, 2007
Chief Illiniwek’s Last Dance
1998- The Los Angeles Board of Education consolidates school district
moves to eliminate “Indian” related mascots from four schools in is
1998- 200 anti-”Indian” mascot activists from around the county meet at
the University of Illinois for the first national Conference on the
Elimination of Racist Mascots
1999- Crayola changes the name of the “Indian red” color crayon
1999- NCAA’s Minority Opportunities and Interest Committee decides
that Indian Mascots do not comply with the NCAA’s commitment to
ethnic student welfare
Eventually, in 2005, they proclaimed that any school with a
nickname or logo considered racially or ethnically "hostile" or
"abusive" would be prohibited from use during postseason
events. Mascots will not be allowed to perform at tournament
games, band members and cheerleaders will also be barred
from using American Indians on their uniforms beginning in 2008
Other Supporting
Advocates for American Indian Children
The Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians
American Counseling Association
American Indian Language and Culture
American Indian Movement
American Jewish Committee
American Psychological Association
American Sociological Society
Asian American Journalists Association
Association on American Indian Affairs
Inter-Tribal Council of the Five Civilized
Modern Language Association
Morning Star Institute
National Association of Black Journalists
National Association of Hispanic
National Coalition on Racism in Sports
and the Media
National Conference of Christians and
National Conference for Community and
National Congress of American Indians
National Education Association
National Indian Education Association
Native American Journalists Association
Rainbow Coalition
United Church of Christ
United Methodist Church
United States Commission on Civil Rights