SNC1D/2D Laboratory Assessment Rubric Name: ______________________ **Refer to Lab Report Outline for more specifics** SelfReflection Aspects Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Planning (Experimental Design) Limited number of aspects are completed. Some of the aspects are completed. Most of the aspects are completed. All aspects of the criteria are met with a high degree of effectiveness The aspects are completed with some effectiveness The aspects are completed with considerable effectiveness Some of the aspects are completed. Most of the aspects are completed. The aspects are completed with some effectiveness The aspects are completed with considerable effectiveness Some of the aspects are completed. Most of the aspects are completed. The aspects are completed with some effectiveness The aspects are completed with considerable effectiveness Some of the aspects are completed. Most of the aspects are completed. The aspects are completed with some effectiveness The aspects are completed with considerable effectiveness Title Bar: Contains experiment title, date and other group members. Question: Formulates a focused problem/research question including the IV and DV Hypothesis: Is in proper format and contains IV/DV and reasoning Design: Selects and identifies the relevant independent, dependent and at least 3 control variables. Briefly describes how they will be measured (instrument, units and technique). Materials are provided as a complete list and properly labeled diagram when necessary Data Collection (Procedure & Observations) Designs a method for the effective control of the variables and collection of relevant data. Records appropriate raw data Presents raw data clearly, allowing for easy interpretation and Processes the raw data correctly (questions &/or calculations) Demonstrates one sample of processed data (reactions &/or calculations that show equation, substitution, & solving to the appropriate number of decimal places with units) Makes a valid conclusion / answers the Question (Purpose) of the lab by identifying the correct relationship between the selected variables Supports conclusion with evidence & specific reference to processed data (tables & graphs) Reflects on hypothesis/prediction (Evaluation) All aspects of the criteria are met with a high degree of effectiveness Limited number of aspects are completed. The aspects are completed with limited effectiveness All aspects of the criteria are met with a high degree of effectiveness Graphs (when applicable) show results appropriately with labeled axes, figure# & title, data points, line(s) of best fit (Conclusion) The aspects are completed with limited effectiveness Summary Table: processed data is presented in a fully labeled table (# & title, borders, headings & units). Data Interpretation Limited number of aspects are completed. Tables have titles, borders, and units in the headings. Data Processing (Analysis) The aspects are completed with limited effectiveness Identifies & describes a minimum of one relevant limitation of design/data collection States the effect of each limitation on the result. Suggests realistic, specific improvement(s) to rectify identified limitation(s). Limited number of aspects are completed. The aspects are completed with limited effectiveness All aspects of the criteria are met with a high degree of effectiveness Complete the following table: i) Did you review the rubric and comment file from your previous lab report(s)? ii) Did you complete the self-reflection checklist on the rubric? iii) Identify an area of improvement from the previous lab report. iv) Describe the changes that you made to the current lab report to demonstrate the improvements. v) Describe an area that you would like feedback on for the next report.