Portuguese sailors had found a water route around Africa to the East Indies to use as trade routes for spices Spain wanted a share of the Asian spice trade so… Columbus planned to reach the East Indies by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean Columbus had actually reached the West Indies (islands off the coast of North and South America Columbus explored the islands for almost 3 months before returning to Spain to report his success Author • Columbus – Italian sea captain, explorer/adventurer – Christian • Bartolome de Las Casas – His father sailed with Columbus on the first voyage, he came later and edited Columbus’s journal Place and Time • Caribbean islands (modern day Cuba/Bahamas) • 1492 Prior Knowledge • Europeans searching for a new westward sea route to “Spice Islands” in India/Asia Audience • Himself (journal), the King and Queen of Spain who financed the trip, others interested in exploration Reason • To keep track of daily events, future reference for other explorers • Convince the King and Queen that the journey was worth the $$ so they’d finance additional missions 1st Close Reading of the Journal • Highlight main ideas • Circle vocabulary you need to define/review • “Talk to the text” in the margin (main ideas, question you have, key terms, connections you make) • BE READY TO SHARE “MAIN IDEA” (Question 1) with team tomorrow The Main Idea • Columbus describes “first contact” with Native Peoples of the Caribbean and hopes to convince King and Queen of the value of what he has found Practicing with TDA • Use the document to find EVIDENCE (in the form of a quote) to support your answer • Make sure the EVIDENCE you are choosing is directly quoted from the source (not the introduction or your own paraphrasing) EXAMPLE: Statement: At first, Columbus hoped to gain the trust and friendship of the natives by giving gifts. Evidence: On October 12th 1492, Columbus describes “because I knew that they were a people who could better be freed and converted to our Holy Faith by love than by force, [I] gave to some of them red caps and to others glass beads..” Significance • Illustrates the cultural differences of Europeans and Native Americans • Illustrates European feelings of SUPERIORITY over Native peoples • We can learn more about the motives and feelings of Europeans in the new world • We don’t see the Native American perspective 2nd voyage (1493-1496) 3RD voyage (1498-1500) Columbus made three more voyages , exploring and conquering the Caribbean, Central America and parts of South America 4TH voyage (1502-1504) Columbus and the Spanish in the Caribbean…the later trips • Gold and slave raids dominate Spanish policy in the Caribbean – natives had gold quota to fill every three months…or else • Resistance by natives did happen, but Spanish armor, muskets, swords, horses…etc. overpowered them • Within 5 years, half the population of the Caribbean had been killed • Within 30 years of Columbus’s arrival between 80-90% had been killed from violence and disease Bartolome de las Casas … Husbands and wives were together only once every eight or ten months and when they met they were so exhausted and depressed on both sides...they ceased to procreate. As for the newly born, they died early because their mothers, overworked and famished, had no milk to nurse them, and for this reason, while I was in Cuba, 7,000 children died in three months. Some mothers even drowned their babies from sheer desperation...In this way, husbands died in the mines, wives died at work, and children died from a lack of milk...and in a short time this land which was so great, so powerful and fertile...was depopulated...my eyes have seen these acts so foreign to human nature, and now I tremble as I write... - Bartolome de Las Casas from “Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies” So who is to blame for the destruction of the Caribbean peoples? YOU DECIDE! DEFENDANTS: • Columbus • Columbus’s men • King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella • The Tainos (tribes of Caribbean) • The System of Empire • Each of these defendants is charged with murder: The murder of the Taino people in the years following 1492 In your group you must: – A – Defend yourself against the murder charge POINT/COUNTERPOINT – B – Explain who you think is guilty and why – Percentage guilt will be assigned (EX: Columbus 50% guilty, King and Queen 50% guilty) Point – Charge against you Counter-point – your defense Counterpoint Point 1. King and Queen financed Columbus’s mission 1. Just because we paid for it doesn’t mean we should take the blame for what happened while he was there. What if a parent pays for a child’s ticket into a movie and they misbehave while watching, is this the parent’s fault? And the verdict is… Reflection: Who do you think was guilty and why? - Percentage guilt can be assigned! - Was anyone entirely not guilty? Why? - How did you weigh responsibility between the “bosses” and the men they hired? Columbus and the Caribbean…today • How are the people of the Caribbean represented in popular culture? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6o_MM 02vAA • How do we honor/remember Columbus today? • Do we need to change this? http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/p olitics/2014/10/13/dnt-seattle-changes-