What was Sparta to do after the Annex of Messenia Spartan Citizens- massive minority They are the ruling people but they must find a way to keep the power How to Hold Power It was from their past to which Sparta looked when the decision was made to create/ make the Greatest Warrior Society Greece had ever seen. Sparta’s new purpose: production & maintenance of professional/soldiers.... The world’s first standing Military How does this Society get created? Enter Lycurgas Mythical Being, who no one really knows if he existed How does this society become created? Lycurgas created the reforms/ constitution that would shape Sparta Other Greek City States promoted culture and academics...Lycurgas as was the Spartan way went completely the opposite The arts were abolished and “useless tasks” by artisans were no longer acceptable End of Cultural significance in Greece What are ways in which we in the 21st century are able to know what happened in Ancient Greece? Who did we find this information from? Why do we not know as much about Sparta? New Spartan Ideal The new Spartan Ideal would be solely focused on the building and sustaining of it’s standing army. There would be no ‘room’ for culture or individuality within this Sparta Conformity Start them Early New Sparta would not coddle it’s children Childhood...a term that would not be found within Sparta 18 is considered an Adult today, other milestones fit as a benchmark to becoming an adult; first job, first ‘real’ job out of school Spartans started their job at the age of 7, they were adults while we were in grade 2 Spartan Life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v97o90bnUVs “Do not be in Love with life, when you are a fighting Man”- Spartan Warrior Life in Agoge 7-20 they were bullied, brutalized to conform to Spartan Law Spartans were not jacks of all trades...they did one thing extremely well...Fight Agoge- literally means rearing, the children were treated like animals Lived in the wild, with older Spartans serving as disciplinarian and punisher 1 Cloak a year...only piece of clothing, no shoes and had to create their own places to live Encouragement from Elders They were encouraged to scrounge and steal food so that they did not starve However they were severely punished if caught stealing.... Not for the act of stealing but for being caught Priorities were different in Sparta Controversies Surrounding Agoge Though there are many controversies with Agoge one of the most hotly debated topics is that of the Krypteia Krypteia- the Secret Service of Spartan Warriors. The young boys who in Agoge show the most promise are recruited for this death Squad They kept the Helots in order with Fear Continuously Tested 12 years of age right of passage, had to try and steal cheese from an alter, while older boys were tasked with defending the cheese....with Whips Bred to show no fear or pain, the boys made the gauntlet run again and again which could lead to death Outside Idea of What Spartan people were like Because Spartans were so loyal to their homeland they were often compared to bees swarming around a beehive, always ready to attack Military Life was all they knew how to do After Agoge was completed at 20, the boys would have to be elected to a ‘Mess’ (like a group hall) and finally become equals Served in the Army from age 20-60 or until death It was the only job they did which made them unique from all other Greeks Continuously Tested 13 years of tests Inspected at the birth and again at 20 Though not with cliff, the inspection could also lead to death Agoge is like University...even after you finish your still not guaranteed a job Equality among Spartans, rich and poor were one in the Mess Halls Question Do you think Agoge was a good training Method or the right way to raise your children in Ancient Greece? If no explain why not and if yes say what factors of Agoge you agreed with