
Sparta Flash Card #47: Everyday Life: Occupations
Spartan Terms:
Helots: The agricultural slaves of the Spartans, owned by the state
and not by individuals. They were assigned to individual Spartiate
Periokoi: The dwellers around. Formed townships around Sparta
and were independent within their own communities. They were
subject to Spartan magistrates.
Spartiate: A full (male) Spartan citizen who had completed his
agoge. Also homoioi, equal.
Krypteia: The secret police. Possibly a part of the agoge, its
presence was to keep the helots from revolting.
Kleros: Plot of land given to Spartans at birth. A result of the
Lycurgan reforms. Plural – Kleroi.
Delphi: The Oracle of Apollo at Delphi was the sanctuary of
Apollo where ancient people would ask about happenings and etc
to get an idea about the future.
Pythia: One of the priestesses of Apollo chosen to go into a
trance and answer questions with garbled utterances which would
be transcribed by a prince of Apollo.
Eunomia: Good order, balance, stability, how the poet Tyrtaeus
described Lycurgus’ set of laws and rules.
Polis / poleis: city / state. Sparta and Athens were poleis.
Sparta: Consisted of five villages and Laconia and Messene.
Amyklaion: The most important religious shrine. (At Amyclae)
Gerousia: The Gerousia consisted of geronets (28 Spartan noblemen over the age of 60) together with the kings. Acted as a court
for capital offences and decided the Agenda for the Assembly.
Ephors: The 5 chief magistrates of the Spartan state elected and
formed by the citizens by lot or direct election.
Apella: The assembly, membership was all male citizens over the
age of 30 who had fulfilled the agoge and kept up contribution to
the messes.
Agoge: State-run education system
Eivene: At 20 years, Spartan men in agoge become eviens, were
given permission to marry but still had to stay in the barracks.
Syssition: The public messes. Also, phyditia.
to other
Syllabus dot
 Occupations.
- Warfare only occupation
- Were soldiers, youth trainers and participants in the assembly
- Crucial role in economy, thought few sources giving work details
- Paid taxes, worked as craftsmen, traders, farmers and merchants
- Worked on kleroi as farm laborers
- During war acted as servants to Spartan soldiers
- When necessary helot combat units were raised
- Hoplite
- Overseeing the training of Spartan youth
- Fishermen, shipbuilders, sailors
- Blacksmiths, hoplites
- Craftsmen/artisans
- Potters
- Miners, farmers