Standard Grade Business Management Course Outline The Standard Grade Business Management Course is divided into 4 separate and distinctive areas of study. Area of Study - 1 What is Business? What do businesses do? Why do businesses exist? How are businesses organised? Sub Sections 1. Course Notes 2. Home Work Tasks 3. Power Point Revision Area of Study - 2 How do businesses develop and perform? 4. Revision Questions How do businesses start? How do they grow? 5. Past Paper Questions How do they survive? Why do businesses fail? What is a successful Business? Area of Study - 3 What resources do businesses use? Where do businesses locate? How people contribute to businesses? How do businesses use information? How do businesses operate What are the challenges facing businesses? Area of Study - 4 How are businesses managed? What are the key decisions that businesses make? What influences decisions? What aids decision making? How do businesses communicate? Assessment There are three different elements that are assessed in the Standard Grade Business Management Course: 1. Knowledge & Understanding 2. Decision Making 3. Practical Abilities The knowledge & Understanding and Decision Making elements will be assessed externally during the main SQA examination diet. The exam will be based on Areas of Study 1- 4 and will account for twothirds of pupils’ overall grade in the subject. The practical abilities element will be assessed internally with pupils being expected to apply the knowledge they have gained through the course to a business simulation scenario that is conducted through the use of an interactive CD Rom. Pupils will undertake a Practical Abilities Project during class time. This project will account for the remaining one third of pupils’ overall grade in the subject. Progression Pupils who successfully complete the Standard Grade Business Management Course can progress to: Intermediate - 2 Business Management Higher Business Management