Vibrational Healing

Margie M. Mulligan, Ph.D.
What You Will, LLC &
Energetic Healing, LLC
Vibrational Healing by H-w-E
 Pyradym Instrument – Sound, vibrational, crystal and
color therapy synchronized to balance energy systems
 Quantum Touch – “Hands-on” energy healing to raise
vibration of cells in body to heal themselves
 The Healing Codes and The Success Codes – Spiritual,
emotional, mental energy healing system to clear out
blocks to healing and success
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
Pyradym Instrument
 The Pyradym™ is a Class 1 Medical Device, approved by the FDA
for pain and stress relief, and improved circulation
 It is used to stimulate and boost the human bodies’ innate selfhealing mechanisms (endocrine and immune systems)
 It is a NEW class of vibrational healing instrument using a synergistic
combination of 4 modalities for mental, emotional, physical and
spiritual balancing, using:
– Sound – for relaxing, sounds like Tibetan bowls,
– Vibration – for clearing destructive cellular memories, sounds like a
Didgeridoo (Australian tribal musical instrument)
– Crystal therapy – generated by low grade ultrasonic pulse
– Color therapy - colors associated with each energy center
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
Pyradym Instrument
PyradymTM is excellent as a stand-alone healing instrument or a
complimentary healing modality:
 For sufferers of chronic pain, it relieves discomfort quickly
without the “hung over” feeling associated with most drugs.
 It stimulates the endocrine and lymphatic systems, building the
human immune system for greater resistance to viral and
bacterial infection.
 Tuning the physical, emotional and mental energy bodies
improves alignment with the spiritual body for a more profound
connection to Source.
 Improves the speed and effectiveness of other modalities
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
Is there scientific evidence?
 The physioacoustics component has FDA approved claims for pain and
stress relief and improved circulation (Class 1 Medical Device, durable
medical equipment has CPT codes for insc. billing),
 Osteoporosis – High frequency, low magnitude stimuli are capable of
augmenting bone mass and morphology, improving bone quantity and
Department of Biomedical Engineering and Center for Biotechnology, SUNY
at Stonybrook, NY, Aug 2000,
Physioacoustics componitor generates vibrations within ranges identified.
 Alzheimer’s – Decrease in levels of 40 Hz magnetic oscillation in thalmocortical loop in clients can be reset by sensory stimuli, and this resonance
may help offset the pathology of Alzeimer’s:
Center for Magnetism, Department of Physiology and BioPhysics, New York
University Medical Center, 1991, 2006,
40 Hz is a dominant frequency in the physioacoustics component output.
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
Is there scientific evidence?
 The healing power of red and blue colored lights were tested in
NASA research on plants. Humans tending plants unexpectedly
healed minor wounds quickly and maintained more bone density
and muscle mass than other astraunauts.
 Light Force Therapy technology is based on research indicating that
bio-vibrations from light, sound and color benefit cells by:
Accelerating the repair process,
Reducing pain,
Modifying mood swings, and
Increasing the production of collagen and the synthesis of adenosine
triphosphate (ATP).
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
Quantum Touch
 Quantum-Touch is an energy healing modality that applies the
principles of resonance and entrainment to facilitate healing,
 Practitioners learn to focus and amplify life-force energy by
combining various breathing and body awareness exercises,
 When the practitioner’s hands resonate at a high frequency, the
client entrains to, or matches, the higher frequency, to
facilitate healing using the body's biological intelligence,
 Life-force energy affects matter on the quantum, subatomic level
and works its way up through atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, and
structure to create healing,
 Both the practitioner and client are “healed” by the high vibration
(no exhaustion after a full day of sessions for the practitioner).
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
Quantum Touch
What to expect from Quantum Touch:
 Extremely fast and profound pain relief for a wide range of conditions,
 Acceleration of the healing process,
 Spontaneous adjustment of bones into their correct alignment with
only a light touch:
Even cranial bones will adjust back into alignment,
Scoliosis reduced and the spine straightens.
 Healing deformed or broken bones,
 Rapid reduction of inflammation due to injury,
 Excellent results with babies, animals and people under general
 Emotional and psychological conditions respond well to QuantumTouch,
 Induction of sleep or deep meditation,
 Distant Healing.
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
Is there scientific evidence?
 Longstanding (10-18 yrs) symptoms of Fibromyalgia reduced with
4 weekly sessions. Pain relief extended over longer time with
future sessions at longer intervals. Kjol Lahti, massage therapist
and certified QT practitioner and instructor.
 Sports injuries with U. California at Santa Cruz men’s basketball
team over 6 weekly sessions: pain and inflammation relief,
swelling reduced, returned to athletic play sooner, Richard
Gordon, QT Founder.
 Evidence of healing verified by M.D.s reported to practitioners by
their clients for cancer, aids, pneumonia, scoliosis, broken bones,
bunions, etc.
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
Quantum Touch
 Alternative Medicine Magazine says, “Quantum-Touch is a significant
breakthrough in hands-on healing… an essential and invaluable skill
for every lay person and professional practitioner….
 Whether you are a complete novice, a physician, chiropractor,
acupuncturist, reflexologist, Qigong practitioner, massage therapist,
or other health-care professional, Quantum-Touch offers a
dimension of healing that, until now, has not seemed possible.”
 “Quantum-Touch appears to be the first technique that may truly
allow us all to become healers.” Dr. C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.
 “Quantum-Touch is a remarkably effective and easily learned
method of generating powerful healing energy.” Dr. William S.
Eidelman, M.D.
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
Quantum Touch Testimonial
 I can name people who have been 'cured' of serious illness. Utilizing [QT]
in the operating room as a nurse anesthetist, with physiologic monitoring
in place, I can give you oodles of documentation of the effectiveness of
 I was giving a fellow anesthetist a break recently, and the surgeon was 2
hours into trying to fix a tibial fracture that would not reduce.
 The OR nurses know first hand of my abilities, and smiled when I went
into my 'voodoo' mode. While doing a vector analysis, I noted that the
femur was also affected by the tibial fracture.
 By utilizing Quantum-Touch, the tibia realigned itself under fluoroscopic
visualization to the amazement of the surgeon and the radiology
 The returning anesthetist just smiled and nicknamed me 'Dr. Bombay'
after the character in Bewitched."
-- Joanne R Boyer, RN, BSN, CRNA, MEd
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
Quantum Touch Testimonial
 "Quantum-Touch has become integrated into my practice of
surgery for breast cancer patients.
 Pain is reduced, scars heal faster, spasms relax, depression and
fear turn to hope and healing, and patients are aware that they
are loved as well as receiving quality surgical care.
 Thank you for making this available!"
George R Webber, MD, FACS, Breast surgeon
Knoxville Comprehensive Breast Center, Knoxville, TN
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
Quantum Touch Testimonial
 “From the first day I took the Interactive Video course, I was
indeed able to move the pelvic and sacral bones of a person
standing, with only a light touch on their iliac crests.”
 “The occiput and spine demonstrated a similar level of response
to the process of ’running energy’.”
 “I was able to produce some remarkable reductions in my patients
pain levels for a variety of conditions ranging from the usual neck
and back complaints to those of knee, wrist, elbow and
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain.”
Jonathan D. French, D.C.
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
Quantum Touch
 “I fell off my bike and hurt my left knee. My shin bone was out of
alignment by ½ inch from the line of my leg, but the skin wasn’t broken.
 As I sat waiting for the emergency vehicle, I called a QT student on my
cell phone and asked him to do “remote” QT while I put my hands on my
knee. We worked on my knee for 10-15 minutes before the ambulance
the shin bone had moved back into alignment with my leg,
the pain was completely gone.
 I ultimately had surgery to repair damage inside the knee joint and used
QT in the hospital, rehab facility and at home. After 5 days, I was
completely off pain meds and only used homeopathic remedies for pain,
 My orthopedic surgeon was amazed at how fast I healed, how little pain I
had and how quickly my scar cleared up. “
Margie M. Mulligan, Ph.D.
Certified QT Practitioner and Instructor
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
The Healing and Success Codes
The Healing Codes – The spiritual, mental and emotional energy
healing focused on health, using 4 centers in the head and neck
which allow each individual to:
 Remove physiological stress completely (VHR monitor),
 Clear out the destructive cellular memories stored in “the
heart”, mind and body,
 Boost the energy of the bodies systems compromised by stress
(e.g., the immune system, prefrontal cortex, digestion, etc.),
 This is a method that can be used by a practitioner, but is
designed to be used by an individual at home, in 15 min a day,
 On line support and discussion, weekly tele-conference.
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
The Healing and Success Codes
The Success Codes - The spiritual, mental and emotional focused on
success and abundance which uses the four centers but different
combinations of hand positions from The Healing Codes to:
 Clear out unconscious, sabotaging beliefs that keep you from
achieving your goals,
 Unleashes a force that is beyond "will power" to manifest your
 This is a method that is designed to be used by an individual at
home, in 15 min a day,
 Includes an 8 week Success Unlimited Coaching Program.
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
Is there scientific evidence?
 “HeartMath research has shown that emotions are reflected in
our heart rhythm patterns,”
 “The analysis of Heart Rate Variability (HRV), or heart rhythms, is
recognized as a powerful, non-invasive measure” of stress,
 “HRV reflects heart-brain interactions and autonomic nervous
system dynamics, which are particularly sensitive to changes in
the emotional state.” emWave PC Stress Relief System,
 “The heart is a sensory organ….The electrical signals the heart is
sending to the brain have 40-60 times more amplitude than the
brain.” It sends signals to the higher brain that inhibits or
facilitates cortical function. Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., Research
Director, Institute of HeartMath.
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
Is there scientific evidence?
More research findings:
 Heart Rate Variability (HRV) expert at Harvard Medical School says,
“We really do not know how to improve HRV.” Goldberg, 2004
 AND YET, from energy healing methods…
 HRV results from The Healing Codes field studies of over 400
students showed reduction of HRV to 0 after one session. (20042006)
 Thought Field Therapy results show statistically significant
improvement in HRV and other symptoms for malaria patients in
Africa (TFT report, Roger Callahan, Ph.D., La Quinta, CA)
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
Is there scientific evidence?
Cellular memories appear to be the “healing control mechanism” of every
cell in the body.
 Southwestern University Medical School in a study released Sept 05.
“Our best hope for healing incurable illness and disease in the future may
very well lie in finding a way to heal cellular memory. “ They studied
humans, animals and plants. The difference between health and lack of
health was the cellular memories of the plant, animal or human.
 Stanford University Medical School, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., says everything
is caused by stress. Stress is caused 100% of the time by a wrong belief
imbedded in cellular memories. If you can heal the wrong belief, even
genetic illnesses and diseases can heal.
 New York University Medical School, Dr. John Sarna, says that adult
chronic pain and illness is caused by destructive memories. They create
constant stress inside of us until eventually something breaks. If you can
heal the destructive memory, you can heal just about anything.
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007
Is there scientific evidence?
 “The brain is not the master controller. The heart is the
mainframe…. The heart sets the emotions, responses,
perceptions and physiology.” Bruce C. Wilson, M.D., Division Chief
of Cardiology, Wilson Heart Care Associates
 Heart Math research demonstrated that reactivation of stored
memories can have a healing or damaging effect on human DNA
stored in a test tube at a distance from the person activating the
destructive or healing memory.
– Quoted by The Healing Codes in DVD
Copyright Heal with Energy 2007