Essay 1

Essay 1 - Submission Deadline: 13 February 2006
Your critical reflections on the content of one of the
seminars given by Mr Chan Kwok-Kin in January 2005.
Future Development of the Electricity Market in Hong
Kong: Environmental considerations. (You should first
refer to the governments’ consultation document at
The strategic role of Engineering Marketing and how it
can differ from technical sales in defining a product.
How to capture the growing consumer market in
Mainland China through CEPA.
Solving the pollution problems in Hong Kong.
Your critical reflections on the content of one of the
seminars given by Mr Chan Kwok-Kin in January
1. Listening and communication
2. Self improvement: Chairing a meeting
3. Management practice
Future Development of the Electricity Market in Hong Kong
A possible new cheaper supply from mainland China.
(a) Is the source reliable?
(b) Is the demands within H. K. rising? How fast?
New licenses for the two local power companies: profit rates
Rising cost of natural gas, oil and coal as the fuels for the power
stations. Per unit price of the electricity.
Half of the pollutions in Hong Kong are due to the two local power
Connecting the China Light network with that of the HK Electric
The strategic role of Engineering Marketing and how it can
differ from technical sales in defining a product.
• 1. Identify the potential customers.
• 2. Buying power of the customers
• 3. Identify the markets: Local, South East Asia, Mainland
China, Europe, USA etc.
• 4. Estimate the volume of sale in each market region
• 5. Decide the priority list of the markets; some markets
will not be touched.
• 6. Market strategy: advertisements
form alliance with a customer
7. Get feedbacks from customers
Technical sales engineer
• 1. knows the technical details of product to be sold.
• 2. knows the strong points and weak points of similar
products from competitors
• 3. knows how to stress the strong points of a product.
• 4. understands the needs of a customer and help him to
install your product to his system. For example, he may
sell a signaling subsystem to the KCR.
• 5. He may suggest to his company to modify the product
slightly to suit the need of a big customer.
How to capture the growing consumer market in Mainland
China through CEPA.
• 'Cepa' is China's free trade agreement with Hong Kong.
It grants easier access to China markets for Hong
Kong-made products, and Hong Kong-based service
• 1. Duty-free export to China for Hong Kong-made
1087 categories of 'Made in Hong Kong' products will be
exempt from tariffs when exported to the Chinese
mainland. More information.
Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)
• 2. Easier market entry for Hong Kong-based service
Cepa covers 26 service sectors and reduces, or
removes geographical, financial and ownership
restraints. Any nationality company can apply if it:
• Is incorporated in Hong Kong
• Has operated for 3 to 5 years (depending on the sector)
• Is liable to pay Hong Kong profits tax
• Employs 50% of its staff locally
Overseas companies, not based in Hong Kong,
can take advantage of Cepa by outsourcing to,
or partnering with a Cepa-qualified manufacturer
or service provider in Hong Kong.
Solving the pollution problems in Hong Kong.
Local pollution:
1. Air pollution due to power stations
2. Air pollution due to motor cars and planes
3. Air pollution due to factories, restaurants.
4. Air pollution due to smoking
5. Noise pollution due to cars
6. Noise pollution due to construction work
7. Drinking water pollution
8. Sewage pollution of the HK harbor and rivers
9. Rubbish, industrial waste
• Pollutions imported from Pearl River Delta
1. Water Pollution to farms supplying HK
2. Air pollution sent to HK by wind blowing from
the north
3. Pollution of the HK fishing zones by water from the
Pearl river
ELE2860 Course essays
Each student should submit two essays of about 1200 words each and one site visit report of about 600
words. The deadlines for submission and the possible topics for the essays are listed below:
Essay 1 - Submission Deadline: 13 February 2006
Choose one of the following topics
Your critical reflections on the content of one of the seminars given by Mr Chan Kwok-Kin in January 2005.
Future Development of the Electricity Market in Hong Kong: Environmental considerations. (You should first refer
to the governments’ consultation document at
The strategic role of Engineering Marketing and how it can differ from technical sales in defining a product.
How to capture the growing consumer market in Mainland China through CEPA.
Solving the pollution problems in Hong Kong.
Essay 2 - Submission Deadline: 27 March 2005
Choose one of the following topics
The value of ethics to a professional engineer and to society.
How government encourages new start-ups in Hong Kong and the your views on the roles that the Hong Kong
Science and Technology Parks Ltd and Hong Kong Productivity Council can play in helping new companies.
Critical reflections on one of the course seminars given after 13 February 2006 by a guest speaker in ELE2860.
Can collaboration with Pearl River Delta help Hong Kong moving towards a knowledge based economy?