Annual Report 2013 - The Gladesville Ravens

Gladesville Ravens Sports Club 2013
Annual General Meeting
Annual Report
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Annual General Meeting ......................................................................................................................... 3
Agenda .................................................................................................................................................... 3
AGM Minutes 2012 ................................................................................................................................. 4
Annual Report 2013 ................................................................................................................................ 7
President’s Report................................................................................................................................... 8
Treasurer’s Report .................................................................................................................................. 9
Registrar’s Report ................................................................................................................................. 15
Men’s Football .................................................................................................................................. 16
Women’s Football ............................................................................................................................. 16
Women’s State League ..................................................................................................................... 17
Netball ............................................................................................................................................... 17
Sports Directors’ Reports ...................................................................................................................... 18
Men’s Football .................................................................................................................................. 18
Women’s Football ............................................................................................................................. 20
AGM Netball Report.......................................................................................................................... 28
Board Listings ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Sponsors: Season 2013 ......................................................................................................................... 30
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Annual General Meeting
Date: Monday, 25th November 2013
Time: 7:30 pm
Venue: The Green Room
Bayview Hotel
Victoria Road, Gladesville
1. Welcome – David Clark
2. Acceptance of 2012 Annual General Meeting
3. President’s Report – David Clark
3. Treasurer’s Report – Caroline Galanos
4. Registrar’s Report – Vicki Kevans
5. Sports Directors’ Reports:
i. Women’s Football – Rob Barbagallo,
Director Women’s Football
ii. Men’s Football – Jason Moody, Director
Men’s Football
iii. Netball – Cathy Inglis,
Director Netball
6. General Business
7. Election of 2014 Board Members – Returning
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AGM Minutes 2012
Minutes of the 2012 Annual General Meeting
Returning Officer:
26th November 2012
Bayview Hotel
David Clark
Sue Hardaker
Colin Munce
Meeting opened
By David Clark at 7.50pm Attendees – See attendance sheet.
David welcomed all the attendees and gave a quick overview of the meeting and
delivered the President's report at the same time.
Lee Owens, Steve Levett, Lyn McDonald, Michelle Gilmour, Joel Hardaker, Jeff Saul
Acceptance of 2011 Annual General Meeting minutes
Motion: That the minutes of 2011 AGM are accepted.
Accepted by: David Clark
Seconded by: Sue Hardaker
Matters Arising from Minutes
No movement on golf
Policies to be updated & published
General Business
David Clark presented several Council Initiatives that Ravens were involved in developing
 Synthetic Soccer Pitches - Opportunity to obtain greater training availability if
managed correctly and appropriate stakeholders involved
 Lighting at Morrison Bay – Council seeking financial contribution from Clubs.
Ravens and Putney expressed interest. Security and level of exclusivity to be
sought in contract with council. Special meeting to be held prior to any decision.
 Encourage shared usage of fields with local organisations eg Netball courts for
training – approach schools for training availability
Jock Cunningham requested honour boards be updated.
Jason Moody advised that 50th Anniversary DVD would be distributed by December.
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Margot Cooper thanked for managing netball issues. Complaints down. Communication
was identified as a big problem causing netball members to feel disengaged.
David Clark advised that communication problems were in hand.
Advertising to commence immediately to notify & prepare coaches for 2013 season.
Grading committee policy to address involvement of coaches in decisions and selection.
Coach to be consulted ONLY post-committee decisions. Promote transparency in grading.
Small sided games to be introduced for U11.
Treasurers Report: Sue Hardaker
Accepted by: David Clark
Seconded by: Colin Munce
Men’s Football Report: Jason Moody
Accepted by: David Clark
Seconded by: Jock Cunningham
Women's Football Report: Rob Barbagallo
Accepted by: David Clark
Seconded by: Colin Munce
Netball Report
Accepted by: David Clark
Seconded by: Rob Barbagallo
David thanked everyone for his or her assistance during the year while he was president.
He handed the meeting over to the returning officer, Sue Hardaker, who declared all
positions vacant.
Nomination of David Clark by Jason Moody. Seconded by Colin Munce.
David accepted the role and the vote was carried unanimously.
Vice President
This position was not filled on the night.
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Nomination of Caroline Galanos by David Clark, seconded by Vicki Kevans.
Caroline accepted the role and the vote was carried unanimously.
Nomination of Colin Munce by David Clark, Seconded by Rob Barbagallo.
Colin accepted the role and the vote was carried unanimously.
Nomination of Vicki Kevans by David Clark, Seconded by Jacqui Wisematel.
Vicki accepted the role and the vote was carried unanimously.
Communications Director
Nomination of Jacqui Wisemantel by Jason Moody, Seconded by David Clark.
Jacqui accepted the role and the vote was carried unanimously.
Director Men’s Soccer
Nomination of Jason Moody by Rob Barbagallo, Seconded by David Clark.
Jason accepted the role and the vote was carried unanimously.
Director Women’s Soccer
Nomination of Rob Barbagallo by Colin Munce. Seconded by David Clark.
Rob accepted the role and the vote was carried unanimously.
Director Netball
Nomination of Cathy Inglis by David Clark, Seconded by Colin Munce.
Cathy accepted the role and the vote was carried unanimously.
Public Officer
Nomination of David Clark by Sue Hardaker. Seconded by Colin Munce.
David accepted the role and the vote was carried unanimously.
Child Protection Officer
Nomination of Colin Munce by Sue Hardaker. Seconded by Jason Moody.
Colin accepted the role and the vote was carried unanimously.
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Annual Report 2013
President’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Registrar’s Report
Sport Directors’ Reports
i. Men’s Football
ii. Women’s Football
iii. Netball
Board Listing
Sponsors: Season 2013
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President’s Report
Dear Members, Supporters and Life Members,
Another great year of winter sport is behind us and all participants should be
congratulated for their efforts.
In the 2013 season the Club has 1,105 members. This is a historical high level.
The club should be proud to continue to attract and retain members of the
The Club has made progress in the development of the Ravens. Key
developments include the creation and delivery of a football development
programme for children 3-6 years old as an introduction to the sport. This was
delivered over 10 weeks and was a great success that will hopefully help our
junior recruitment efforts. Men’s Football and Women's Football also ran
development squads with positive outcomes. Added to this we have ‘Before
and After’ School care programmes being facilitated via Ravens in a bid to help
our community. Women’s Football should be congratulated on being confirmed
in State League by Football NSW. Netball has also has a great year and with
strong leadership we have seen numbers grow.
We still have our challenges. Limited playing resources (fields and courts),
time constraints of our members/volunteers and working cohesively with
governing bodies can at times be challenging.
On a financial front, we remained conservatively positive in delivering a healthy
cash reserve for future development whilst trying to restrict our fees to a
sensibly low level. After more than fifty three years, Ravens is still strong,
healthy and serving our community.
Thanks you to our wonderful coaches, managers and directors. You should all
be very proud of the positive impact you provide to the Ravens Community.
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Treasurer’s Report
1st October 2012 – 30th September 2013
Year in Summary:
 Major Sponsors for 2013 were the Bayview Tavern and McGrath Real
Estate - John Paranchi.
Other sponsors were Function Physio, Health Cleaning Services, Williams
Roncolato Lawyers, Three Threes Condiments, Kenny Constructions, TJ’s
Quality Meats, Crust, TimeMinder, Kingsgrove Sport and Boronia Park
We would sincerely like to thank all our sponsors for their support.
 The club’s total revenue for the year was $335,753.
Profit for the year was $7,351 which is an increase of $2,300 from last
year. This is due to a reduction in total club operating expenses.
 The club’s bank balance at the end of the year was $74,776.
Changes in registration fees will be advised after the Annual General Meetings
of GHFA (Men’s Football), ERNA (Netball) and NWSWF (Women’s Football).
Merchant fees on registration will be payable by the player from 2014 when
paying online.
The Auditors Report, Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss statements follow.
Caroline Galanos
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Registrar’s Report
Total Participation for 2013
Mens Football
Womens Football
Womens State League
Mightymites: 40 participants
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Men’s Football
Age Group
Under 6
Under 7
Under 8
Under 9
Under 10
Under 11
Under 12
Under 13
Under 14
Under 15
Under 16
Under 21
All Age
O 356
O 45
Super League
Number of Teams
Number of Players
Number of Teams
Number of Players
Women’s Football
Age Group
Under 7
Under 8
Under 9
Under 10
Under 11
Under 12
Under 13
Under 14
Under 15
Under 16
All Age
O 35
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Women’s State League
Age Group
Under 12
Under 14
Under 16
Reserves & Firsts
Number of Teams
Number of Players
Number of Teams
Number of Players
Age Group
Under 8
Under 9
Under 10
Under 11
Under 12
Under 13
Under 14
Under 15
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Sports Directors’ Reports
Men’s Football
2013 was another exciting year both on and off the field.
I was privileged to see some great football from our new little U4 and U5’s (in Mighty
Mites) all the way up to our newly established O45’s team. I believe our youngest player
this year was 3 and our oldest was nearly 60. That is a great testament to the game and way
our community embracing the game but it also presents some challenges to us as Club.
2013 had the greatest minis attendance in history with 11 teams plus another 40 players
attending our new Mighty Mites initiative. Young boys and girls are embracing football in
record numbers in our community and in response to this we have set up a special Minis
Committee. This Committee will help us focus on the needs of minis such as coach training,
management resources, kits, special OH&H needs and all other things that will help our
young Ravens learn good football in a safe and friendly environment. Gala Day and
Registration day were well attended and everyone helped out.
Our junior teams did well this year on the whole but we continue to struggle to cope with
the influence of SAP, private schools and other Rep teams in the area attracting our strong
players and often coaches. We witnessed as a Club some of the advantages and
disadvantages and pressures of SAP and Rep football on some these young boys and that
has prompted the Club to take a much greater interest on the GHFA association. All of our
kids need to know the pathway to excellence and the pathway to simple social football and
that balance is our greatest challenge in Junior Football in the coming years.
Youth Football continued to be strong and the formation of our Youth Elite team this year
helped us forge a path for youth Ravens to higher graded football. This Youth Elite team
played AA3 and competed admirably. I am really looking forward to keeping our young men
playing football despite all the changes in their lives. Contrary to what some may say, study
is not more important than football!
All age and Over 35 and Over 45 football did very well this year. In fact, the most beautiful
football played this year was by these men... no question.
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Super League had a tough year with lots of injuries and absences. However, they played
good football and are developing players well. The Club and the Coaching staff have
committed early to strengthen Super League with the creation of a Three Year Plan, Grading
Committee and stronger integration with the Club. I think we can expect good things from
Super League in the next few years.
All Men’s Football within the Club will be better served moving forward with the new
establishment of the Men’s Football Committee. This and the Minis Committee are made
up from people across the Club (Minis, Junior, Youth, AA, O35's and SL) to serve all of the
The GHFA is being pressed to change the way it operates and this Club and many others
support that change. For many years now the GHFA has not served this Club as well as it
could and this Club is deeply troubled by the current GHFA's Board treatment of the Clubs,
the GHFRA and the Football NSW. We are looking forward to change that leads to our
Association helping its Clubs with the challenges they face and helping the players and the
coaches make their football the best it can be.
Finally, I must thank the volunteers that give up so much of their time for you. All the
coaches and managers, thank you for all you time and effort; thank you to the Board who
have a largely thankless job but yet they stick with it; thanks to Vicki for those 3am mornings
registering all the players and thanks to all the Committees and people who helped open
the canteen, setup Gala Day and to those other people that help make this Club tick. But
finally, I'd like to thank Ewen Page, the Head Coach, for taking on far too much and being
next to me this whole year. Thank you.
Go Ravens. See you in 2014.
Jason Moody
Director of Men’s Football
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Women’s Football
NWSWF competition
In 2013 Ravens fielded 17 competitive and 6 non competitive teams in the North West
Sydney Women’s Football Association and 5 teams in Football NSW Women’s State
League competition. This equates to a total of 30 teams playing female football in 2013.
The breakdowns of these teams are; 9 all age women’s, 14 junior and 5 Women’s State
League teams.
To manage and run these teams takes a huge effort collectively and I would like to take
this opportunity to thank ALL the coaches and managers for their efforts this year and
hope that they enjoyed the season as much as I did in making Women’s Football such a
success in 2013. Special thanks go to: Judy Gillespie, who won Volunteer of the year for
her ongoing support and assistance
Highlights of 2013
 Ravens Girls Football Academy for U9-U13 by Sandra Awondatu – Dutch
 5 teams competed in NWSWF Grand Final
 2 teams rewarded with premiership and championship
 1 Team rewarded with Championship
 7 Team rewarded with Premiership
 3 teams runners up in the Grand Final championship
 O35 crowned Champion of Champions
 U21 (AA2) runners up in Champion of Champion.
2013 Premiers
2013 Champions
U12/1 Ravens White
U14/2 Ravens Black
U14/2 Ravens Black
U16/1 Ravens White
U16/2 Ravens Black
Ravens Black
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Perpetual Award
Grand Final Runners Up
U16/1 White
U16/1 Ravens White
Lee Owens Shield
Best performing female team
Volunteer of the Year
Judy Gillespie For her services to women’s Football
Mini’s U7- U11
We can be proud of the results and development of our U7 to U11 age groups. One can
feel secure in knowing that Ravens offers the opportunities for girls in their development;
always ensuring our junior teams will be competitive and within striking range of their
competition ladder. The girls are showing some wonderful skills and commitment and at
the same time having fun.
Six teams participated in this competition. Our U7 girls are a mixture of kindergarten and
1st class and have enjoyed their first season ever. Our one and only U10 team were
dynamic; the girls have improved so much this season and are able to string a number of
passes together. This will be a team to watch in the future. Our U11 were very
competitive and a pleasure to watch, they have built on last year’s experience and are
developing some very good skills. There are signs of some rising stars amongst them.
These teams will become our foundation for next year in the competitive U12
Juniors U12 to U16
This year 2 teams competed in the U12 competition U12 White and U12 Black and
finished 1st and 3rd respectively, where Ravens were handicapped with only receiving one
bye whereas all other teams received 2 byes and associated points. Both teams were
excellent in their execution on the field playing some wonderful football which resulted
with the Whites producing 39 goals and only having 6 scored against and the Black’s
also performed equally as well with 37 goals and 16 goals against. Both teams were the
highest goal scoring of all teams in the competition.
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Due to very little nominations for U13 teams, no competition was able to be formed.
Two teams were nominated for the U14 division 2 competition: U14 Black & U14 White
with outstanding results which were unsurpassed throughout this competition or any
junior’s competition. The U14 Blacked scored 68 goals for only 6 goals against. The U14
Blacks won both the premiership and championship a fantastic result. The U14 Whites
were not as fortunate and finished in 8th position but never gave up on any game.
Due to very little nominations for U15 teams, no competition was able to be formed.
3 competitions were formed for the U16 age group. Ravens nominated 2 teams in
Division 1 and 2 teams in Division 2. The U16 white division 1 team won the premiership
with 29 goals for and 7 against the best performing team in that competition but lost the
grand final in a tough fought game that ended up in a penalty shoot out. The U16 Black
finished 3rd but were unable to win a place in the grand final all these girls were 15 years
so will make a real difference next year.
The U16 Division 2 Black team won their competition by 10 points which is super effort
and was underpinned by 40 goals for and 14 goals against.
The U16 White division 2 did not have the same capability only due to the commitment of
the team. Coach Duncan was not able to coach the girls this year and this had immense
impact on their confidence. Hopefully, they can turn this around next year.
Seniors AA to O35
AA2 – U21 Champion of Champions
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A second-half blitz added to a fifth minute goal was enough to see off a determined
Gladesville Ravens as Como-West Jannali battled the intense heat better at Blacktown
Football Park to become the EA SPORTS Champions of Champions 21 Womens.
It was the Ravens who started the game the brighter when opening up Como in only the
4’ minute with Matilda Vaughan firing narrowly wide and less than a minute later forcing
‘keeper Lauren Militich into a fine save.
However, after the initial onslaught Como hit on the counter and after a goalmouth
scramble it was Cherie Stewart who managed to prod the ball home to open the scoring
and the Ravens could have, perhaps, equalised in the same minute when Georgia Brown
hit a dashing effort straight at Militich to gather from good work by ‘Tilly’ Vaughan who
was proving a real handful in the early stages.
Another chance went begging for Gladesville when Stephanie Seaman won the ball in
midfield and slipped Vaughan through once more in the 12’ minute that required great
reactions from Militich in coming to the rescue for Como.
Toward the end of the half and it was Vaughan again who powered off on a run toward
goal leaving all in her wake, only to scuff the ball on the uneven surface that didn’t
trouble the score board and, it has to be said, found Ravens unjustly behind at the break.
It all changed after the interval when Cherie Stewart set up Elizabeth Grey inside 60seconds of the half to increase the lead from the kick-off.
Gladesville fought back hard and received scant reward when Vaughan finally found the
back of the net in the 65’ minute after a poor defensive slip in the Como ranks after
sustained Ravens pressure.
Come had to overcome increasing attacks as Gladesville sought parity but they left
themselves open to the counter and were finally caught out in the 86’ minute Deborah
Stewart rounded off the scoring for the math and added Como’s third of the morning to
finally put the match to bed.
Match Stats
Gladesville Ravens 1
Como-West Jannali 3
Gladesville Ravens: 1.Deniz Yuzguc, 2.Claire Fameli, 3.Madeline Morgan, 4.Georgia
Brown, 5.Alexandra Falzon, 6.Ellen Schiffler, 7.Caitlan Wood, 8.Celeste Loyzaga, 9.Rosie
Bisset, 10.Kathryn Ramsay, 11.Stephanie Seaman, 12.Jessica Weston, 13.Winona
Enright, 15.Rachel Shore, 20.Matilda Vaughant
Coach: Shane Bissett & Nick Seaman
Manager: Margaret Ramsay
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All seniors’ teams performed very well throughout the season
AA1 – This is the second season after 4 years of absence. Under new coach Macca the
team finished 4th and were coming into their own in the second half of the season. Next
year coach Macca believes there will be a huge improvement in the team as they come
to realise the expectation of this competition.
AA2 - 2 teams competed in this division: the “young babes” where a majority of the girls
were 17 years of age and our seasoned seniors. The “young babes” took out the
competition with 31 goals for and 10 against.The seasoned seniors finished 3rd on the
ladder with 25 goals for and 20 against.
AA3 –Black improved on last year’s standing by winning the competition with 30 goals for
and 16 against but failed to win a spot in the grand final.
AA4 – runners up in this very competitive competition for the second year running but
turned it around in a creative display of football in the grand final with a 2-1 win against
West Ryde rovers.
AA5 – 2 teams competed in this competition AA5 Black & AA5 White finishing 4th and 3rd
respectively AA5 Black managed a place in the grand final only to go down to the Bats in
golden goal.. AA6 team finished 6th in their competition and were not able to pull it
together in the games that counted.
AA6 – A team that has come together from various age groups and were well managed
by Graeme Bourke finished in 4th position which was a great result.
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Ravens Over 35 women played outside our competition in the NSFA (Northern Suburbs
Football Assoc.) W35 Div 1 due to circumstance outside our control. We would like to
thank the NSFA for including us in a very strong competition. Despite this, the Ravens
were both minor and major premiers, losing only one game and drawing one game
throughout the season.
Ravens qualified to represent the NWSWA in the Over 30 Champion of Champions
competition after beating the premiers from the NWSWA competition (The Flying Bats)
4-0 in a playoff. We then travelled far and wide against difficult opposition in always hot
conditions to finally win out in the final against Tarrawanna 3-1 and become champions
of the state for the 2nd time in 4 years.
Obviously this team is a quality side and all played their part throughout the season.
Congratulations to the Ravens players, Sharon Baker, Karen McMahon, Margaret Bass,
Amy Carr, Moya Dodd, Kelly Duncan, Gillian Green, Suzanne Hardaker, Michelle
Heffernan, Alison Kerry, Sandy Killick, Bianca Kringas, Vee Moustakas, Kathryn Person,
Jo-Anne Plug, Christine Rudge, Sandra Awondatu, and Lisa Wollaston.
Coach: Sepp Disch, Assistant Coach: Matthew Bass, Manager: Megan Disch.
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Ravens Women’s State League Squad 2013
Gladesville Ravens relegation from Premier League to State League was a hard pill to
swallow but we have learnt a great deal from that and now have established a structure
that will enable sustainability when we next get promoted.
The structure is introducing a qualified technical director to lead a coaching a framework
and suitable coaches with the culture for exploring and developing through the FFA
Sandra Awondatu a Dutch international is taking charge as TD and believes all the girls
as well as coaches will benefit from her involvement.
2013 saw some mixed results with the U12 developing into a very good team that made
it to the Grand Final only to go down to UNSW Lions 2-0 under hot conditions in
September .
The U14 and U16 finished 7th and 5th respectively and had opportunities but were unable
to capitalise, whilst our seniors started to find their stride in the second half of the
Season only to find the push to the top 5 was too difficult to reach.
This was year of re-building and re-structuring to ensure we can deliver not only the
results but great coaches to develop the players to meet their aspirations.
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The Ravens WSL coaching staff for 2014 is as follows:
Technical Director
Sandra Awondatu – UEFA B license (Dutch international)
Under 13
Daegal Richardson FFA C License, assisted by
Tom Browell FAA Youth License
Under 15
Wayne Richardson FFA C License assisted by
Colin Munce FFA C License.
Under 17
John Cook - FFA Senior License (Capital Football ACT 2013)
Reserve Grade
John Prince - FFA C License (SAP Bankstown)
First Grade
Claude De Francesco - FFA C License (Marconi 2013)
Senior Assistant
Johnny Casni FFA C Licence
Goal Keeper Coach 1
Peter Joseph – Goal Keeper License – NPL keeper
Goal Keeper Coach 2
Jessica Francis – Goal Keeper coach - Former PL GK
Fitness Consultant
Johnny Casni
Squad Manager
Amanda Bowering former PL player
Rob Barbagallo
Director, Womens Soccer
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Netball Report
Gladesville Ravens netball had another successful year with 25 teams in the ERNA
Saturday competition in 2013 with a total of 243 players.
This year we had 7 teams playing Netta modified netball at Brush Farm. Netta is for 8 to
10 year olds and incorporates skill development and round robin game play with the
emphasis on participation and FUN. It allows the girls to learn and develop their skills
with a positive introduction to netball, ensuring enjoyment and continued participation
within the sport.
There were 18 teams in competition netball at Meadowbank with 10 junior teams, 2
cadet teams and 6 senior teams.
With 10 of the 18 competition teams making the finals the results were:
B1 finished the season as premiers
5 teams in the grand finals, one senior and 4 junior – B1, 12/3, 11/3, 11/4, 11/5
One championship team - 11/4 who won their grand final
Holly O’Brien in 11/4 won the ERNA Most Valuable Player in 11/4 grade. This award is
voted by the opposition teams every week and with the most votes over the season, Holly
won this prestigious award out of all the clubs in her grade.
The perpetual Lyn Macdonald Trophy was awarded to the 11/4 team for their
outstanding season in 2013.
I would like to thank Deb Randell for coordinating umpires every week for each of our
teams and also to all the umpires. We have struggled with umpires this year for the
senior teams with 5 teams playing at 3.30pm. Deb has done a brilliant job ensuring we
had enough umpires. Ravens have supported 2 umpires through the umpiring
development program.
The time has come for all teams to change to the Ravens bodysuits, so the last
remaining teams in the old uniforms must change for 2014 competition.
I would also like to thank the netball committee Margot Cooper, Cettina Lahiri and Deb
Many thanks to all the team managers, coaches and volunteers for their contribution
throughout the season. Without these volunteers there would be no netball.
Cathy Inglis
Netball Director
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Board Listings
David Clark
Secretary & Vice President
Colin Munce
Caroline Galanos
Vicki Kevans
Director, Men’s Football
Jason Moody
Director, Women’s Football
Rob Barbagallo
Director, Netball
Cathy Inglis
Director of Communications
Jacqui Wisemantel
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Sponsors: Season 2013
Bayview Tavern
McGrath – John Paranchi
Function Physio
Health Cleaning Services
Williams Roncolato Lawyers
Three Threes Condiments
Kenny Constructions
TJ’s Quality Meats
Kingsgrove Sport
Boronia Park Framing
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