Geography 2009 The Map Quest Student Atlas of the World Submitted to Gloucester Township Public Schools by C. Stephen Ingraham 10 Numbered stars indicate notebook pages Social Studies Block #___ Your first & last name Mr. Ingraham & Mrs. Ross Today’s Date Wiki: e-mail: Table of Contents Geography Table of Contents 1. Latitude & Longitude Song 2. Pre-Test 3. Key Concepts 4. Three Geography Diagrams 5. How to read a map (A&B) 6. Compass Rose 7. Eastern Hemisphere Map 8. Latitude Lines 9. Longitude Lines 10. Latitude & Longitude 11. Map Practice 12. Performance Assessment This is how Mullen students roll…. We are always on time to class We come prepared to learn. We always allow other students to learn. We respect the personal space of others. Latitude & Longitude Song Sung to the “The Wheels on the Bus” 1 I’m climbing the ladder of latitudes, latitudes, latitudes. The rungs on the ladder are latitudes, parallel around the world. We use latitudes to measure North or South, North or South, North or South. North or South of the equator we measure in latitude. It’s a long, long way from pole to pole, pole to pole, pole to pole. It’s a long, long way from pole to pole, so we call those longitudes We use longitude to measure East or West, East or West, East or West. East or West of the Prime Meridian we measure in longitudes. Ms. Fleming & Mr. Ingraham Geographic Review: All things Change Answer these Questions. 2 1)How many continents are there? 2) List as many as you can by name 3) How many Oceans are there? 4) List as many as you can by name. CSI07 Geographic Perspectives: The Five Themes Evening News Announcer: “And now the evening news. A terrible tsunami has struck the coast of Sri Lanka….” What would you like to know next? CSI07 Geographic Perspectives: The Five Themes Radio Announcer: “Now listen boys and girls WAAM is sponsoring a free concert to be held at Third and Market Streets in Wilmington….” What would you like to know next? Essential Questions: As a result of this Unit of study you will be able to answer these questions: What is geography? Why is the study of geography important to me? What are the tools geographers use? What is location? What are the characteristics of place? What is the difference between location and place? How do humans interact with their environment? How does climate affect humans? How do geographical landforms affect movement, ideas, cultures, and technology? How do natural resources affect human activities? How does technology impact the Earth and the way people live upon it? What are the ways that humans have affected the environment? CSI07 Geographic Perspectives: The Five Themes a)Where are we? Geographic Perspectives: The Five Themes a)Where are we? b) What kind of place is Gloucester Township? Geographic Perspectives: The Five Themes a)Where are we? b) What kind of place is Gloucester Township? c) How do humans and the environment affect each other? Geographic Perspectives: The Five Themes a)Where are we? b) What kind of place is Gloucester Township? c) How do humans and the environment affect each other? d) How would our lives change if our movement options changed? Geographic Perspectives: The Five Themes a)Where are we? b) What kind of place is Gloucester Township? c) How do humans and the environment affect each other? d) How would our lives change if our movement options changed? e) What are the characteristics of a region? CSI07 II. Key Concepts Place: A portion of space on a map or globe. An area with boundaries. Characteristics of Place: 3 1) temperature 2) weather 3) physical (natural) features 4) human features (Man Made) Location: A site where something or somebody is. A tract of land that has been surveyed and marked off. Region: A part of the earth characterized by distinctive climate, animals, plant life, or peoples. Climate: The usual meteorological conditions including average temperature, precipitation, and winds of a region. Culture: A human society’s traditions, behavior patterns, art, knowledge, and religious beliefs. CSI07 Geographic Perspectives: The Five Themes Review a) List 5 things that describe the kind of place Gloucester Township is. 1. _______________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________. b) Give an example how do humans affect the environment. ___________________________________________________ c) Give an example how environments affects humans. ____________________________________________________ d) How would our lives change if our movement options changed? ____________________________________________________ e) What are the four characteristics of a region? 1. ______________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________ CSI07 4. ______________________________________________ Geography Terms #1 Archipelago –a group of Islands. Basin – an area surrounded by higher land: an area drained by a river and its tributaries. Bay – a coastal indentation of the sea or a lake into the land. Canal – a man-made waterway, for irrigation or transportation. Canyon – a deep valley with steep sides, usually with a river flowing through it.. Cape – a point of land extending out into a body of water. Cataract – large waterfall. Channel – a narrow stretch of water connecting two larger bodies of water. Cliff (or bluff)– high, steep rock face. Coast – a strip of land bordering the sea or ocean. Geography Terms #2 Continental Divide – a ridge of land (divide) that separates the great drainage basins of a continent, each basin emptying into a separate body of water. Delta – an area of land formed by deposits at the mouth of a river. Desert – an area of land with little rainfall or vegetation. Fall line – area along which rivers form waterfalls or rapids as the rivers drop to a lower land. Fjord – deep, narrow inlet of the sea, with steep slopes, formed by a glacier. Flood plain – flat land that is near the edges of a river and is formed by the silt deposited by floods. Glacier – a large mass of ice that moves slowly, from higher to lower ground. Gulf – an extension of the sea partly surrounded by land, larger than a bay. Geography Terms #3 Harbor – a sheltered area along a coast where ships can safely anchor. Hills – an upland area, smaller than mountains, with gentle slopes. Island – a body of land completely surrounded by water. Isthmus – a narrow strip of land that connects two larger bodies of land. Lake – a body of water completely surrounded by land. Mesa – a flat upland area with steep sides, smaller than a plateau. Mountain – an area of land rising much higher than the land around it, with steep slopes and pointed or rounded tops. Mouth of river – the point where a river empties into another body of water. Oasis – a place in the desert with enough water to support vegetation. Peak – the pointed top of a mountain. Peninsula – a long piece of land surrounded on three sides by water. Geography Terms #4 Plain – a large area of flat or gently rolling land. Plateau – a large elevated area of flat land. Point – a narrow piece of land jutting out into a body of water, usually low-lying. Range – a chain of mountains. Reef – an underwater ridge, lying near the surface of the water. Reservoir – a man-made lake, sometimes formed by a river dam. River – any stream of fresh water flowing by gravity from an upland source into a body of water or another river. Perennial rivers flow all year: intermittent are dry part of the year. Sea –a large body of salt water, smaller than an ocean. Sound – a stretch of water between an island and the mainland. Geography Terms #5 Source of river – place where a river or stream begins. Strait – a stretch of water joining two larger bodies of water, narrower than a channel. Swamp – low-lying land permanently waterlogged. Timberline – line on a mountain above which it is too cold for trees to grow. Tributary – a river that flows into a larger river. Valley – a long, low area, usually with a river flowing through it, and often lying between mountains or hills. Volcano – a cone-shaped hill or mountain formed by lava and ash; may be active or extinct. IV.A Reading a Map 4 Maps are drawing of places on Earth Map Title –Tells the subject of the map Physical – Land forms & bodies of water Political – cities and national boundaries ( borders) Historical – dated maps Legend (or Map Key) – is a reference that explains what the symbols on a map stand for. Compass Rose – direction markers a) Cardinal Directions – North, South, East, and West b) Intermediate Directions – Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest. Inset Map – small map within a larger map Grid – North-South and East-West lines on a map that cross (intercept) each other. Latitude – East-West lines (horizontal – left to right) Longitude – North-South lines (vertical – top to bottom) Absolute Location – where lines of latitude and longitude cross to give CSI09 you an exact global address. IV. B Reading a Map Projections –Making the Round World Flat A globe is the most accurate picture of the Earth. Only a globe can show distance, direction and the true shape of land and sea. Types of Projections Robinson – Looks right, but poles are represented as lines rather than points, which causes many distortions. Mercator – shows direction and shape accurately. However land areas closer to the poles are very distorted. Azimuthal – shows accurate direction and distance from a central point but both are distorted near the edges Scale (or Distance) – a ruler to compares the distance in miles and kilometers represented on a map to a distance in the real world. “The Larger the Scale the More Detail” CSI09 Compass North 0 0 30 0 60 0 0 90 East Compass North 0 0 30 0 60 0 0 90 East 120 0 180 South 150 0 0 Compass North 0 0 30 0 60 0 West 270 0 240 0 90 East 0 120 210 0 0 180 South 150 0 0 Compass North 0 330 300 West 270 0 360 or 0 0 Cardinal Directions 30 0 0 60 0 0 240 0 90 East 0 120 210 0 0 180 South 150 0 0 Compass North 0 330 300 West 270 0 360 or 0 0 Intermediate Directions 30 0 0 60 0 0 240 5 0 90 East 0 120 210 0 0 180 South 150 0 0 Prime Meridian Arctic Ocean The Eastern Hemisphere The River Civilizations 6 ASIA China EUROPE Pacific Ocean Mesopotamia 40 O N India Egypt AFRICA Tropic of Cancer 23O 27’ N O 20 N Indian Ocean Equator 0O 20O S CSI07 Southern Ocean Tropic of Capricorn 23O 27’ S Geographic Perspectives: The Five Themes Review f) Look at the list below write “Physical” if it is a feature of nature or “Human” if it is man-made. 1. Lake __________________________________ 2. City ________________________________ 3. Ocean ______________________________ 4. Skyscraper __________________________ 5. Airport ______________________________ 6. School ______________________________ 7. Island _______________________________ 8. Super Highway _______________________ 9. Mountain ____________________________ 10.Hydroelectric Dam ___________________ 11.Canal _______________________________ 12.River _______________________________ 13. Bridge _____________________________ 14. Reservoir __________________________ 15. Fjord ______________________________ CSI07 We measure Latitude North or South of the Equator. Latitude lines, also called parallels, are 90o N 7 imaginary lines circling the Earth from 80o N 60o N east to west. They are parallel to the 40o N Equator. 20o N 0o Equator They are measured in 90 degrees from 20o S the equator to the North or South Pole. 40o S Lines of Latitude Each degree can be further Divided by 60 into minutes and each minute of latitude can be divided even further into 60 seconds. The Latitude line dividing our classroom is 60o S 80o S 90o S 20o N 40o N 0o Equator 60o N 80o N 90o N 39 44’ 59.85” North o 39 degrees 44 minutes 59 and 85 hundredths of a second CSI11 North Pole Longitude Lines The most Important line of Longitude runs from the North Pole to the South Pole through Greenwich, England. It is called the Prime Meridian and is Zero Degrees. All other meridians are measured East or West of it. 180 degrees on the other side of the world the International Date Line completes the circle around the Earth. Lines of Longitude divide the Earth into 360 degrees, which are further divided by 60 into minutes, which can be divided even further by 60 into seconds. Because the Earth turns once everyday on its axis (360 degrees), any point on its surface passes under the sun each 24 hour period. The longitude line which runs through the center of 75 00’ 56.39” o our classroom is 75 degrees 56 and 39 hundredth of a second csi11 8 Let’s Review Longitude & Latitude Lines South Pole CSI09 80 E 60 E 40 E 20 E Prime Meridian O 20 W 40 W 80 W This is a table which represents the times it takes the earth to revolve on its axis. 24 hours = 360 degrees 1 hour = 15 degrees 4 minutes = 1 degree 1 minute = 15 minutes of latitude 1 second = 15 seconds of latitude. 60 W North Pole Remember this is how Latitude lines would appear as viewed from above the Earth in an Azimuthal Projection. Now let’s combine them with Longitude lines. 90 N 180 120 W 120 E 90 E Prime Meridian O North Pole Longitude Lines would 90 W appear as straight lines, like spokes of a bicycle wheel, 60 W when viewed from above either the north or south poles. CSI09 150 E International Date Line 180 150 W 30 W O 60 E 30 E North Pole 180 Longitude & Latitude 9 120 W 90 N North Pole 40 S 60 S 80 S 90 South Pole 80 E 60 E 40 E 20 E 20 W 40 W 20 S 60 W 80 W O Prime Meridian O 60 W 20 N 90 E 90 N 60 N 40 N 120 E Prime Meridian O 90 W 80 N 150 E International Date Line 180 150 W 30 W 60 E 30 E O In a Projection of the Earth we can also combine both lines of Longitude and Latitude to identify any point on by its Absolute Location CSI10 Latitude & Longitude: Migration Practice 10 Use the political map of Africa in the Atlas on page 90. Find the African country’s name find the latitude & longitude intersection within its borders. Country Latitude (N or S) Longitude (E or W) 1) Ethiopia ______________ ________________ 2) Somalia ______________ ________________ 3) Kenya ______________ ________________ 4) Uganda ______________ ________________ 5) Democratic Republic of the Congo ______________ ________________ 6) Chad ______________ ________________ 7) Nigeria ______________ ________________ 8) Ghana ______________ ________________ 9) Mali ______________ ________________ 10) Algeria ______________ ________________ 11) Libya ______________ ________________ 12) Egypt ______________ ________________ Latitude & Longitude: Practice Use the political map of Africa in the Atlas on page 90. Find the African country’s name find the latitude & longitude intersection within its borders. Country Latitude (N or S) Longitude (E or W) 1) Zimbabwe ______________ ________________ 2) Ethiopia ______________ ________________ 3) Mauritania ______________ ________________ 4) Namibia ______________ ________________ 5) Mali ______________ ________________ 6) Guinea ______________ ________________ 7) Angola ______________ ________________ 8) Zambia ______________ ________________ 9) Nigeria ______________ ________________ 10) Somalia ______________ ________________ 11) Kenya ______________ ________________ 12) South Africa ______________ ________________ Latitude & Longitude: Practice B Quiz Use the political map of Africa in the Atlas on page 90. Find the African country’s name find the latitude & longitude intersection within its borders. Country Latitude (N or S) Longitude (E or W) 1) Zimbabwe ______________ ________________ 2) _____________________ 10 N, 40 E 3) Mauritania ______________ ________________ 4) Namibia ______________ ________________ 5) _____________________ 20 N, 0 6) Guinea ______________ ________________ 7) Angola ______________ ________________ 8) Zambia ______________ ________________ 9) Niger ______________ ________________ 10) Gabon ______________ ________________ 11) ___________________ 0 , 40 E 12) South Africa ______________ ________________ CSI10 Latitude & Longitude: Practice #2 Quiz Use the political map of Asia in the Atlas on page 96. Find the Body of Water or the Asian country’s name find or the latitude & longitude intersection listed below. Latitude (N or S) Longitude (E or W) 1) 20 N, 50 E 2) 0 , 100 E 3) 20 N, 100 E 4) 20 N, 80 E 5) 30 N , 60 E 6) 40 N, 60 E 7) 50 N, 70 E 8) 60 N, 140 E 9) 50 N, 100 E 10) 40 N, 90 E 11) 20 N 60 E 12) 60 N, 180 E 13) 70 N, 40 E 14) 20 N, 140 E 15) 0 , 80 E Country or Body of Water ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Latitude & Longitude: Test #3 Use the physical feature map of Africa in the Atlas on page 91 to identify the name the physical feature or the body of water in which these intersections occur, or the Latitude and Longitude of the intersection. Latitude (N or S) Longitude (E or W) 1) _____, _______ 2) 0 , 10 W 3) ______ , ______ 4) 10 N , 50 E 5) 40 N , 10 E 6) 0 , 0 7) 20 N, 20 E 8) _____ , ______ 9) 0 , 20 E 10) 0 , 50 E 11) _____,_______ Physical Feature or Body of Water _Muzambique Channel _________ ____________________________ _JOS Plateau______________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ ___Drakensberg (Mts.)____________ ___________________________ ___________________________ __Ruwenzori Mts.______________ 11 CSI09 Latitude & Longitude: Test #4 Use the physical feature map of Asia in the Atlas on page 97 to identify the name the physical feature or the body of water in which these intersections occur, or the Latitude and Longitude of the intersection. Latitude (N or S) Longitude (E or W) 1) _____, _______ 2) 60 N , 150 E 3) ______ , ______ 4) 60 N , 60 E 5) 40 N , 50 E 6) 40 N, 110 E 7) 30 N, 70 E 8) _____ , ______ 9) 0 , 100 E 10) 30 N, 80 E 11) 10 N, 150 E 12) 20 N, 40 E 13) 60 N, 80 E CSI09 Physical Feature or Body of Water _Tarim Basin___________ ____________________________ The Gulf of Thailand______________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ ______Luzon Strait_____________ ___________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Performance Assessment • Create a tri-fold travel brochure and present it to the class. Your project must include the natural characteristics that define the region known as the Middle East (either past or present), relative and absolute location, climate. Culture. Ecosystems, and technology. Final Performance Assessment Physical Features of Mesopotamia Landforms, Bodies of Water, Plant and Animal life on back. 12 Geography Four Geographic Regions Climate Including: Average Temperatures and Average Rainfall of Mesopotamia on back Inventions and Innovations of Mesopotamia on back Map of Mesopotamia Picture of Interest Title of Travel Agency Slogan Emblem Price CSI07 Travel Brochure Research Topics Textbook Topics Ancient Mesopotamia Encyclopedia p. 70 p. 69 p. 69 p. 62 & 70 p. 61 ------p.61 pp. 61 & 66 Assyria Babylon King Hammurabi Maps of Mesopotamia Mesopotamia Seven Wonders Sumer Inventions/Innovations ----------- The Modern World Modern Iraq (map) Climate/Rainfall/Temp. pp. 784-787 pp. 9-12 pp. 33-4 p. 346 pp. 345-6 pp. 253-6 pp. 778-9 p. 327 pp. 324-9 The Five Powerful Ideas of Social Studies 1)Commonality & Diversity 2)Conflict & Cooperation 3) Continuity & Change 4) Individualism & Interdependence 5) Interaction Within Different Environments Multiple Choice Questions 1) ___ The characteristics of temperature, weather, physical (natural) features, and human features refer to a) climate b) culture c) place d) traditions. 2) ___ A part of the earth characterized by distinctive climate, animals, plant life, or peoples. a) location b) region c) place d) human feature 3)___ The usual meteorological (weather) conditions including average temperature, precipitation, and winds of a region is a) climate b) culture c) place d) location 4) ___ A human society’s traditions, behavior patterns, art, knowledge, and religious beliefs. a) climate b) culture c) place d) location 5) ___ the subject of the map a) map key b) map legion c ) map compass rose d) map title. 6) ___ Maps of Land forms & bodies of water are called a) political maps b) physical maps c) historical map d) polar maps. 7) ___ The legend that explains what the symbols on a map stand for a) map key b) map grid c) inset map d) map pictures. 8) ___ Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest are know as the a) cardinal directions b) intermediate directions c) usual directions d) logical directions 9) ____ Where lines of latitude and longitude cross to give you an exact global address. a) physical location b) absolute location c) relative location d) location of relatives. 10)___ A map projection represents all the longitudes as parallels. The correct directions are shown, but it distorts sizes of places especially at the poles. a) a conformal projection b) an equal-area projection c) an equidistance projection d) a polar projection. Multiple Choice Questions 1) ___ A portion of space on a map or globe. An area with boundaries. a) physical feature b) human feature c) place 2) ___ The characteristics of temperature, weather, physical (natural) features, and human features refer to a) climate b) culture c) place d) traditions. 3) ___ A site where something or somebody is. A tract of land that has been surveyed and marked off. a) location b) physical feature c) Human feature d) place 4) ___ A part of the earth characterized by distinctive climate, animals, plant life, or peoples. a) location b) region c) place d) human feature 5) ___ The usual meteorological conditions including average temperature, precipitation, and winds of a region is a) climate b) culture c) place d) location 6) ___ A human society’s traditions, behavior patterns, art, knowledge, and religious beliefs. a) climate b) culture c) place d) location 7) ___ the subject of the map a) map key b) map legion c ) map compass rose d) map title. 8) ___ Maps of Land forms & bodies of water are called a) political maps b) physical maps c) historical map d) polar maps. 9) ___ The legend that explains what the symbols on a map stand for a) map key b) map grid c) inset map d) map pictures. 10)___ A small map within a larger map a) physical map b) political map c) Inset map d) reset map. 11) ___ Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest are know as the a) cardinal directions b) intermediate directions c) usual directions d) logical directions 12) ____ Where lines of latitude and longitude cross to give you an exact global address. a) physical location b) absolute location c) relative location d) location of relatives. 13)___ An map projection that divides the hemisphere into equal areas. The regions’ relationship are correct, but shapes are distorted is know as a) a conformal projection b) an equal-area projection c) a mercator projection d) a polar projection. 14)___ A map projection represents all the longitudes as parallels. The correct directions are shown, but it distorts sizes of places especially at the poles. a) a conformal projection b) an equal-area projection c) a mercury projection d) a polar projection. 15)___ An Equidistance projection shows accurate distances from a central point. This is an example of a) a conformal projection b) an equal-area projection c) a mercury projection d) a polar projection. Bonus Questions (one point each) 1. ___ What is 90 0 North is also known as? a) South Pole b) North Pole c) Equator d) Prime Meridian. 2. ___ What is 0 0 longitude also known as? a) South Pole b) North Pole c) Equator d) Prime Meridian. 3. ___ What is another name for the lines of latitude? a) meridians b) parallels c) longitude d) equator. 4. ___ The line that separates the northern and southern hemisphere? a) South Pole b) North Pole c) Equator d) Prime Meridian. 5. ___ What is another name for the lines of longitude? a) meridians b) parallels c) longitude d) equator. 6. ___ What is 90 0 South also known as? a) South Pole b) North Pole c) Equator d) Prime Meridian. 7. ___ What is 0 0 latitude also known as? a) South Pole b) North Pole c) Equator d) Prime Meridian. 8. ___ An exact location on the earth using latitude & longitude? a) relative location b) absolute location c) earth address d) global spotting. CSI07 Label the following: Equator, International Date Line, South Pole, Tropic of Capricorn, Tropic of Cancer, Prime Meridian, and North Pole. CSI07 The Middle East Climate: In contrast to the comfortable areas bordering the Mediterranean and Arabian Seas the inland regions are desert and almost uninhabitable. This same climate extends from the Arabian peninsula into northern Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Iran, and further to the East Afghanistan. Rainfall: five to ten inches per year. Usually in the form of a downpour for just a very short period in winter. Temperatures: Average 130 degrees during a summer day but as low as 40 degrees at night. Agriculture: With irrigation wheat, barley, olives, figs, nuts, and grapes can be cultivated in the steppe regions. Sheep, goats, donkeys, and camels can be raised even in the desert regions. Natural Resources: (Scattered throughout the region) North Africa- Iron Ore & Phosphates Israel- Salt Turkey- chromium and molybdenum CSI07 Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran- Oil Black Sea Asia Taurus Mountains Mediterranean Sea * Ur Persian Gulf Syrian Desert Africa CSI07 Geographical Regions of Iraq Black Sea Asia Taurus Mountains Mediterranean Sea Lower Plain Desert Africa Persian Gulf Syrian Desert CSI07 Black Sea Turkey Lebanon Mediterranean Sea Israel Iran Syria Iraq Persian Gulf Jordan Saudi Arabia Egypt CSI07 Iraq – Ancient Land of Mesopotamia Four Geographic Regions: 1) Mountains in Northeast and Eastern sections. This area has good pastures and a few fertile plateaus. 2) Central Desert Area doted with few oasises. 3) Upper Plains – dry grassland savannah 4) Lower plains -Irrigated valley between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Iran – Once known as Persia Geography: High plateau much of it desert Climate: dry continental Natural Resources: coal, iron, copper, lead, borax, manganese, nickel, cobalt, and oil. Agriculture: tobacco, cotton, corn, rice all grown on small farms. CSI07 ___ Bowl-shaped area of land surrounded by higher land a) bay b) basin c) bluff d) delta 2. ___ body of water that is part of a sea or ocean and is partly enclosed by land a) bay b) basin c) bluff d) delta 3. ___ triangle-shaped area of land at the mouth of a river a) bay b) basin c) bluff d) delta 4. ___ high, steep face of rock and earth a) bay b) basin c) bluff d) delta 5. ___ deep, narrow valley with steep sides a) cape b) canyon c) cataract d) cliff. 6. ___ a point of land that extends into water a) cape b) canyon c) cataract d) cliff. 7. ___ a large waterfall a) cape b) canyon c) cataract d) cliff. 8. ___ dry land with few plants a) delta b) dune c) coast d) desert 9. ___ deep, narrow part of sea or ocean, between high, steep banks a) fjord b) glacier c) gulf d) hill 10. ___ large ice mass that moves slowly down a mountain or across land. a) fjord b) glacier c) gulf d) hill Geography Vocabulary Test 1. 11. ___ flat land that is near the edges of a river and is formed by the silt deposited by floods. a) oasis b) floodplains c) isthmus d) mouth of river. 12. ___ place where a river empties into another body of water. a) oasis b) floodplains c) isthmus d) mouth of river. 13. ___ narrow strip of land connecting two larger areas of land. a) oasis b) floodplains c) isthmus d) strait. 14. ___ area of water and fertile land with desert on all sides. a) oasis b) floodplains c) isthmus d) mouth of river. 15. ___ land that is almost completely surrounded by water a) plateau b) savanna c) source of river d) peninsula 16. ___ large area of grassland containing scattered trees. a) plateau b) savanna c) source of river d) peninsula. 17. ___ place where a river or stream begins a) mouth of river b) savanna c) source of river d) peninsula 18. ___ an area of high, flat land with steep sides. a) plateau b) savanna c) source of river d) peninsula. 19. ___ narrow channel of water connecting two larger bodies of water a) strait b) isthmus c) swamp d) tributary A. The area along which rivers form waterfalls or rapids as the rivers drop to lower land. 20. ___ foothills B. A ridge of sand, rock, or coral that lies at or near 21. ___ timberline the surface of a sea or ocean. 22. ___ tributary C. The area in the mountains above which no trees will grow. 23. ___ reef D. The land with water on all sides 24. ___ island E. A stream or river that empties into a larger river. 25. ___ fall line F. The hilly area at the base of a mountain. 26. ___ valley G. The body of water that is partly enclosed by land 27. ___ gulf but is larger than a bay. 28. ___ mountain H. The low land between hill or mountains. range 29. ___ sea level I. The level that is even with the surface of an ocean or sea. 30. ___ marsh J. A row of mountains. 31. ___ mountain K. Lowland with moist soil and tall grasses. 32. ___ ocean L. A large stream of water that flows across the land. 33. ___ river M. The body of salt water, larger than a sea. N. The highest kind of land. MATCHING EXTRA CREDIT Geography Term Test • DRAW & LABEL THESE TERMS: ( 1 point per correct drawing) 1) Isthmus 2) Strait 3) Tributary 4)Timberline 5) Fall line What You need to Know Geography Knowledge Test 1) Items on each Map (title, key/legend, scale, & compass rose) 2) Usual meteorological conditions 3) Characteristics of Place & Region 4)The three characteristics of a region’s climate 5) The four characteristics of a human society’s culture 6) Cardinal & Intermediate directions 7) Absolute location (intersection of Latitude & Longitude 8) Latitude = parallels = East-West lines (Equator 0o) 9) Longitude = meridians = North-South lines (Prime Meridian 0o) 10) Map Projections & How they look a) Mercator Both poles stretched into lines, but Longitude lines still curved b) Robinson both Latitude & Longitude lines appear parallel. c) Azimuthal Latitude lines appear as concentric circles & Longitude as bike spokes. 11) North Pole 90o N & Tropic of Cancer 23o 30” N 12) South Pole 90o S & Tropic of Capricorn 23o 30” S Longitude & Latitude N W E S Northern Hemisphere Western Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere By C. Stephen Ingraham CSI07 Eastern Hemisphere Latitude lines are measured in 90 degrees from the equator to the North or South Pole. Each degree can be further Divided by 60 into 60 minutes. Each minute of 40 N latitude can 20 N be divided even further into Equator O 60 seconds. 20 S Latitude to distance Conversion chart Lines of Latitude 90 N North pole 80 N N 40 S 60 S 1 degree = 60 nautical miles 1 minute = 1 nautical mile 80 S 90 S South Pole CSI07 Lines of Longitude divide the Earth into 360 degrees, which are further divided by 60 into minutes, which can be divided even further by 60 into seconds. Because the Earth turns once everyday on its 120 W axis (360 degrees), any point on its surface passes under the sun 90 W each 24 hour period. Longitude Lines 180 150 E International Date Line 180 150 W 120 E Prime Meridian O 90 E 60 W 30 W CSI07 60 E 30 E O North Pole Longitude Lines South Pole 80 E 60 E 40 E 20 E Prime Meridian O 20 W 40 W 60 W North Pole 80 W Lines of Longitude divide the Earth into 360 degrees, which are further divided by 60 into minutes, which can be divided even further by 60 into seconds. Because the Earth turns once everyday on its axis (360 degrees), any point on its surface passes under the sun each 24 hour period. CSIo7 LONGITUDE LINES 180 120 W 90 W 60 W CSI09 150 E International Date Line 180 150 W 120 E 90 E Prime Meridian O Longitude Lines would appear as straight lines, like spokes of a bicycle wheel, when viewed from above either the north or south poles. Viewing the Earth in this manner is called a Azimuthal projection. 30 W O 60 E 30 E North Pole Lines of Latitude Remember this is how Latitude lines would appear as viewed from above the Earth. Now let’s combine them with Longitude line. CSI07 90 N North Pole Compare Maps with Different Projections CSI08 South Pole 80 E 60 E 40 E 20 E Prime Meridian O 20 W 40 W 60 W 80 W 1. Every map is a projection of the Earth which attempts to represent a round earth on a flat map. Each representation has some distortions. 2. An equal-area projection divides the hemisphere into equal areas. The regions’ relationship are correct, but shapes are distorted. North Pole 3. A Conformal projection represents all the longitudes as parallels. The correct directions are shown, but it distorts sizes of places especially at the poles. (Mercator Projection) Compare Maps with Different Projections CSI08 4. Robinson Projections are a combination of both Equal-area & Conformal projections. 80 E 60 E 40 E 120 W 20 E Prime Meridian O 20 W 40 W 60 W 80 W 150 W 90 W 60 W South Pole 30 W Prime Meridian O International Date Line 180 180 North Pole O 150 E 120 E 90 E 60 E 30 E North Pole 5. An Equidistance projection shows accurate distances from a central point. A polar projection is one example. Longitude is represented like spokes of a wheel, but shapes and distances are distorted beyond the equator. E o 90 E E 80 60 40 o 70 E E o 50 E E o 30 10 20 0 o E E W o o o 10 W 20 W 40 o o 30 W W 60 o o 50 W W 80 o o 70 W W 90 o 90 o N 80o N 70o N 60 o N 50o N 40o N 30 o N 20 o N 10 0o o N 10o S 20 o S 30 o S 40 o S o CSI07 50 S 60 o S 70 o S 80 o S 90 o S Latitude & Longitude Lines 180 150 E International Date Line 180 150 W 120 W 90 W 120 E 90 N Prime Meridian O In an Azimuthal Projection of the Earth we can also combine both lines of Longitude and Latitude to identify any point on by its Absolute Location 60 W 30 W 90 E 60 E 30 E O CSI09 North Pole Latitude to distance Conversion chart 1 degree = 60 nautical miles Lines of Latitude 1 minute = 1 nautical mile In a Polar Projection the latitude lines appear as concentric circles rather than the straight lines we are used to. That is because we can see only the Northern hemisphere (if the North Pole is in the middle) or Southern hemisphere (if the South Pole is in the middle. 90 N CSI09 North Pole