Keys to Making the Most of your VBS Potential

2013 VBS Early Clinic for Directors/Pastors
“Keys to Making the Most of your VBS Potential”
This 2-hour clinic is designed in two parts – the first part is general information not related to a
curriculum, and the second part briefly introduces the LifeWay VBS theme and Bible focus. The clinic can
be publicized using keys as artwork rather than VBS theme logos if desired, to convey that this training is
for all churches, not just LifeWay users.
Part One - Keys to Making the Most of your VBS Potential
Introductory Activity: The Purpose of VBS (5-7 minutes)
1. Obtain a pack of self-stick notes.
2. Prepare a tear sheet or poster board (or use PowerPoint slide) with these instructions: On your
sticky note, answer this question – What was successful in your VBS last year?
1. Give everyone a sticky note as they enter.
2. Tell them to follow the instructions on the poster (or PowerPoint slide) at the front of the room.
3. When it’s time to start, introduce yourself, and welcome the participants. Explain that this clinic
will have two parts, with the first part being information for all VBS leaders regardless of what
curriculum they will use. After the break, Part Two is an introduction to LifeWay’s Colossal
Coaster World theme and Bible content.
4. Ask for several volunteers to stand and read their sticky note.
5. Lead the group to applaud in celebration of the VBS successes.
6. Comment (or read from Ppt.) – “For many churches VBS is their most effective outreach tool,
reaching children and families who have no other spiritual or church relationships.”
7. Explain that children, youth, and even adults come to Bible School who don’t come at any other
time to church. VBS gives us a window of opportunity to develop relationships with them and
share the Gospel. It is also a time of concentrated Bible study for our church family to help them
grow in their relationship with Christ.
8. Comment (or read from Ppt.) – “For every VBS held, there is an average of four professions of
faith”. Continue – “What awesome results these are for God’s Kingdom! This is why we do VBS!”
9. Lead in a prayer of thanks for God’s work through VBS last year, and ask for His blessings on this
planning/training time together.
First Key: Prayer (5-7 min.)
1. Mark a Bible at James 5:16 and another at 1 John 5:14-15.
2. Before the session starts, place each of the Bibles under a participant’s chair.
3. Draw a key shape on a piece of 11x17 paper. Make 3 copies. Write the following in large letters,
one on each key: Prayer, Promotion, Sharing the Gospel, Follow-up. (or use the Ppt. slides).
4. Make copies of Keys Worksheet (Item 1) for the expected number of participants.
1. Comment: “We will look at 4 keys to making the most of the outreach and evangelism potential
of Vacation Bible School. The first key is Prayer”. Show the Prayer key (or Ppt. slide).
2. Call on the participants with the Bibles under their chairs to read the scripture verses: James
5:16, 1 John 5:14-15. Comment on the importance of praying for VBS, both in your VBS
leadership team and among the entire church.
3. Ask – “What are some ways you have involved your church in praying for VBS”? Affirm
responses, and if a participant doesn’t mention it, point out that the Administrative Guide in
their VBS materials may have resources and suggestions to help them lead their church to pray.
(The LifeWay Admin. Guide does include a section of prayer helps, including a calendar for 30
days of prayer, and a guide for a prayerwalk for VBS.)
4. Distribute the worksheet (Item 1) and guide participants to write “Prayer” in the first key.
Second Key: Promotion (10 min.)
Prepare: Print out one copy of the Answer Key (Item 2).
1. Show the Promotion visual (key or Ppt. slide).
2. Say – The second key area in reaching people through VBS is Promotion, or “advertising.” If you
want to get unchurched people into your VBS, you must advertise to the community, not just
within your church.
3. Have participants write “Promotion” in the second key on their worksheet.
4. Ask participants to give examples of ways their church has advertised VBS to the community.
5. Use the Answer Key with comments (Item 2) to lead participants to complete the worksheet.
6. Point out that the directors materials in their chosen curriculum will probably include ideas or
products to help with promotion. (LifeWay includes a “Promotion Calendar” with suggestions
for the months and weeks before VBS.)
Third Key: Sharing the Gospel (10-12 min.)
1. Obtain inexpensive key rings for the expected number of participants. (Option: Office supply
stores sell packs of hinged “loose leaf” rings that open and close.) Place the key rings in a basket.
2. Make a copy of the Sharing the Gospel Key Tags (Item 3a). Cut the tags apart and place all the
tags from that page in one envelope. Repeat, making enough envelopes for each participant to
receive one. Place the envelopes in a basket.
3. Review the Comments page (Item 3b) so you can give brief explanations.
4. If possible, show or provide samples of witnessing tracts such as The Gospel: God’s Plan for Me
(LifeWay), CrossTalk (, or The ABCs of Becoming a Christian (LifeWay)
1. Show the Sharing the Gospel visual (key or slide).
2. Say – The third key to success in outreach and evangelism through Vacation Bible School is to
share the Gospel as much as possible! Have them write “Share the Gospel” in the key shape on
their worksheet.
3. Pass around the baskets for everyone to take a key ring and an envelope.
4. Instruct participants to find the title tag and the first numbered key tag in their envelope and
place them on the ring. Ask for a volunteer to read it aloud.
5. Continue until all key tags are placed. Comment that this will give them a quick reference to help
them remember how to talk to children about salvation.
6. Show or distribute a sample tract and briefly talk through the main points of the gospel as
outlined in the tract.
Fourth Key: Follow-up (10 min.)
1. Make copies of the Follow-Up Worksheet (Item 4) for the expected number of participants. This
could be copied on the back of the Keys Worksheet (Item 1) to save paper.
2. Print the Key Words (Items 5 a-e) and cut apart.
3. Before the clinic, scatter the Key Word cards around the room, taping some to walls, laying or
propping some on surfaces (pianos, tables, windowsills, etc.).
1. Show the Follow-up visual or Ppt. slide.
2. Say – The final key to making the most of the outreach and evangelism potential of VBS is
Follow-up. Have them fill in the word on the key shape on their worksheet.
3. Instruct participants to stand. Challenge them to move around the room to pick up the key
shapes that are taped up or tucked here and there, finding them all in less than 12 seconds. Say
Ready, Set, Go and time them.
4. Call time, and have participants return to their seats with the key shapes they collected.
5. Distribute the Follow-Up worksheet (Item 4), or instruct participants to turn the Keys Worksheet
over to the Follow-Up side.
6. Point out that the key shapes they found contain words to complete the tips about VBS followup, and are numbered. Ask the person with number 1 to stand and read statement 1 with their
word in the blank.
7. Continue going through the tips, commenting as needed.
Closing (5 min.)
Prepare: none needed
1. Comment that a lot of work goes into Vacation Bible School, and it’s a big task for a VBS director
to coordinate it all. Encourage the directors and pastors to delegate out the work by enlisting
team leaders such as a prayer leader, promotion leader or follow-up leader, just as they enlist
leaders for the snack team, recreation team, and Bible study classes. Challenge them to use
some of the ideas they’ve heard in this session to make the most of VBS as a ministry to reach
people outside the church and share the Gospel with all that come.
2. Lead in prayer that God would guide and bless these leaders, and that He would prepare the
hearts of those who will attend their VBS this summer so children and families will come to
know Christ as Savior or grow in their relationship with Him.
3. Remind participants that after the break, Part Two of the clinic will introduce LifeWay’s Colossal
Coaster World VBS.
Break (10 min.) – If providing refreshments, keep them very simple for quick pick-ups.
Part Two – Introduction to Colossal Coaster World (CCW)
Beginning Activity (5 min.)
1. Print “Admission Tickets” from the CCW Administrative Guide CD on 3 different colors of
heavyweight paper.
2. Display the logo poster from the CCW VBS Visual Pack, or use a PowerPoint slide.
1. Give each participant an Admission Ticket as they return to their seats after the break.
2. Ask a person to call out the name of their favorite roller coaster, and encourage anyone else
who’s ridden it to throw their hands up and say “Woo!” Repeat, giving others the opportunity
to call out their favorite.
3. Indicate the visual poster or Ppt. slide and welcome participants to Colossal Coaster World.
Theme Introduction (10 - 12 min.)
1. Obtain 3 pieces of poster board in the same colors as the Admission Tickets.
2. Print one phrase on the top of each poster:
Fears Children Face
Why Kids Love Theme Parks
Things God Gives Us
3. Fasten the posters to the walls in different locations around the room, and provide a marker at
each location.
4. Set up a CD player with a CCW Music for Kids CD.
5. Display the VBS motto and Scripture in one of these ways: put up posters from the VBS Visual
Pack, or show PowerPoint slides, or give everyone a VBS catalog and direct them to the bottom
of p. 4.
1. Call attention to the colored posters. Ask participants to stand next to the poster that matches
the color of their admission ticket.
2. Explain that they will have 30 seconds to list ideas on their poster.
3. Play “Colossal Coaster World” for 30 seconds, and then stop the music to call time. Ask
participants to return to their seats.
4. As you read the lists on each poster, add the information from p. 31 of the Admin. Guide, Step 9
(that page lists two additional posters, but those are omitted here for time’s sake).
5. Indicate the motto and scripture, and have participants read them aloud together. Explain that
the same verse will be used all week, with each day emphasizing a different portion of the verse.
Bible Content (15 min.)
1. Print the Daily Titles/Day Number signs (Items 6 a-e) on heavy paper (cardstock). Cut apart.
2. Place the Day Number signs on a wall with some open space in front of it.
3. From the CCW 3rd & 4th Grade Leader Pack, find the Teaching Pictures (Pack Items 10, 11, 15, 18,
20). Place these on the wall under their corresponding Day sign:
Day 1- Picture 10
Day 2- Picture 11
Day 3 – Picture 15
Day 4- Picture 18
Day 5- Picture 20
Obtain two large boxes or plastic tubs (larger than a copy paper box would be good). Fill them
with packing peanuts or shredded paper. Place them in the open space in front of the Day
Number Signs.
Bury the five Daily Title signs in one of the tubs.
Print the Life Application Statements (Items 7 a-c) on heavy paper or cardstock, cut apart, and
bury them in the other tub.
Tear 2-inch pieces of masking tape, roll them, and stick them around the edge of the tubs.
Provide CCW VBS Catalogs for the participants.
Optional – provide small prizes for the game-winning team (such as CCW pencils, wristbands,
sunglasses, etc.)
1. Divide the group into two teams. Have each group choose 5 players to represent their team and
send them to the area with the tubs. Invite the teams to stand nearby to watch and help.
2. Instruct players that they are to take turns digging in the tub to find a piece of paper that they
will place on the wall next to (or under) the Day that it corresponds to. Indicate the prepared
tape rolls.
3. Distribute catalogs and tell team members they can use the chart on p. 6 to help their players
find the correct Day for their item.
4. Start the game, and celebrate the team that places all their items first. Optional -give prizes.
5. Point out that this year’s Bible studies all feature the apostle Paul. Use the game visuals to
overview each day’s title, Bible story, and life application.
6. Spend a few minutes talking about the decorating possibilities for this theme, and the helps
available (Decorating Made Easy book, videos on the LifeWay VBS website).
Backyard Kids Club (BKC) and “VBS in Every Church” – (10 min.)
1. If possible, obtain a BKC Kit and become familiar with the contents. (A kit can be purchased by
your association, displayed at the clinic, and then returned to LifeWay intact.)
2. Review the information in the CCW Catalog, pp. 14-15.
1. Showing the kit and directing participants to the catalog pages, describe how BKC may be used.
Encourage participants to consider taking VBS beyond the wall of their church to reach more
people with the gospel.
2. Challenge the directors and pastors to contact churches in their area that do not hold a VBS and
offer to assist them. Churches can link up with “non-VBS churches” to provide materials, help
with publicity, and/or send leaders to help with teaching duties so that they can reach the
children in their community for Christ. Often these are small, “senior adult” churches that think
they have no kids or no workers. But kids are all around them, if we will help the church reach
out to them and teach them!
3. Comment: If every church in South Carolina held a VBS, BKC or something similar, there would
be about 8000 new believers in our state by the end of the summer! (Based on the average of 4
professions of faith per VBS). Encourage participants to pray that there will be a VBS in every
church, and to help their neighboring churches that don’t have VBS.
Club VBS: Jungle Jaunt (5 min.)
1. Become familiar with the Jungle Jaunt mini-catalog (found inside the CCW VBS Catalog at p. 3233).
2. If desired, prepare to play the Jungle Jaunt theme song (found on under
1. Explain that there is another theme option for churches that want something different than
CCW but still want to use Southern Baptist materials. Direct participants to p. 32 in their CCW
Catalog, where they will find the Club VBS mini-catalog.
2. Point out the “Club VBS is ideal for…” section on p. 2 of the mini-catalog, listing situations where
this material could be helpful.
3. Explain the major differences between Club VBS and the main-line VBS:
a. Shorter – 2 hrs. instead of 3
b. Does not include a Missions rotation or a Music rotation
c. Fewer age groupings (2 in preschool, 2 in children rather than 3 in each)
d. Simplified and scaled down – fewer products, fewer accessories & decorations – makes
it good for smaller churches or for taking on mission trips, etc.
Closing (5 min.)
Prepare: Obtain a CCW Hand Stamp.
1. Pray for the leaders as they plan and prepare for VBS, that the lives of the preschoolers,
children, youth, and adults who attend their Bible Schools will forever be changed because of
God’s Word.
2. Stamp the participants’ hands as they leave, to give them a “take-home reminder” to pray for
the upcoming adventure of VBS!
Note – for a 1 ½ hr. clinic, adjust as follows:
Part One, Introductory Activity – omit teaching steps 1-2, 4-5.
Part One, Third Key – prepare and use only key tags 1-5, omitting the rest of the tags
Part One, Fourth Key – place the key words under participants’ chairs so they simply pick them up rather
than search for them.
Omit refreshments, and take a 2-minute stretch break (to let non-LifeWay users slip out)
Part Two, Theme Introduction – omit steps 1-4.
Part Two, Club VBS – omit steps 2-3, and offer to talk personally with anyone who wants to know more.
Keys to Making the Most of your VBS Potential
Promotion Principles
1. Start VBS promotion _________________.
2. Put someone _____ ________________ of VBS promotion.
3. Know your target _________________________.
4. Use a _______________________ of promotion methods.
5. Be __________________________ and use your theme.
6. Make _____________________________ a priority.
Marketing Tips
1. Use the word “____________.”
2. Call for ________________ - “enroll today” or “call now.”
3. ____________________ a phone number or website for additional information.
4. ____________________ a map or directions to your church.
Keys Worksheet-Item 1
Answer Key & Comments
“Keys to Making the Most of your VBS Potential”
Promotion Principles
1. Start VBS promotion __
(You want people to hear about it over & over, so it will stick in their minds and become a part
of their plans.)
in charge
2. Put someone _ _
__ of VBS promotion.
(Enlist a Promotion Leader or team, discuss plans with them, and then let them do it!)
3. Know your target __
(Who are you trying to reach? Where will they see info? Where do they hang out?)
4. Use a __
___ of promotion methods.
(The more ways you can get the word out, the better.)
5. Be _
___ and use your theme.
(Set the tone of fun and enthusiasm with creative publicity. Remember to use the VBS theme as
a “hook” to draw people in so they will hear about Jesus.)
6. Make _
__ a priority.
(Your publicity will be a first impression for those who aren’t familiar with your church.)
Marketing Tips
5. Use the word “__
(First, it’s an attention-grabber. Secondly, people who aren’t familiar with how churches operate
may assume there will be an admission fee.)
6. Call for _
___ - “enroll today” or “call now.”
(Call for the person looking at the publicity to do something, to take action.)
7. _
___ a phone number or website for additional information.
(so people can find out more or ask questions)
8. __
__ a map or directions to your church.
(This can be on your website… Do not assume that everyone knows about your church or where
it is!)
Answer Key - Item 2
Sharing the Gospel
in VBS
Every VBS worker should be prepared to
share the Gospel.
Provide multiple opportunities to hear the
Include a brief gospel presentation in the
Parent Night program.
Be clear in how people are to respond for
salvation or for more information.
Give out gospel tracts at pre-registration
events and in follow-up contacts.
Witnessing to Children –
Talk individually with each child that is
interested in salvation.
Witnessing to Children –
Determine the child’s spiritual
understanding by asking questions.
Witnessing to Children –
Give the child time to think and express an
answer to your questions.
Witnessing to Children –
Take ample time with the child. Make an
appointment if necessary.
Witnessing to Children –
Ask questions that cannot be answered
by “yes” or “no”.
Ask why, how, & what questions to
determine their understanding.
Witnessing to Children –
Use a Bible, preferably the child’s own.
Have them look up and read the verses
you use.
Witnessing to Children –
Use language a child can understand.
Witnessing to Children –
Avoid questions with built-in answers or
abstract language. Example: “You want
Jesus in your heart, don’t you?”
Witnessing to Children –
Use a visual aid (a tract, for example) but
avoid gimmicks that may be too
Key Tags - Item 3a
Sharing the Gospel in VBS - Comments for Key Tags
1. Every VBS worker should be prepared to share the gospel. Include in your faculty meetings a training
session on sharing the gospel. You could use this Key Tag activity or use suggestions found in your
2. Provide multiple opportunities to hear the Gospel: in Bible studies, in rotation classes, on more than
one day, etc.
3. Give out gospel tracts at pre-registration events and in follow-up contacts. This gets the message into
the homes.
4. Include a brief gospel presentation in the Parent Night program. Through the drama/musical, through
class presentations, or by the worship leader or pastor.
5. Be clear in how people are to respond for salvation or for more information. Give instructions on how
to respond – filling out a response card, coming forward, meeting with a counselor in the foyer, or
whatever your church has planned.
6. Talk individually with each child that is interested in salvation. You can present the gospel to a group,
but responses should be dealt with individually.
7. Take ample time with the child. Make an appointment if necessary. Only by sitting and talking with a
child can you determine where they are spiritually, if they understand and are under conviction, or if
they’re just curious or just following the crowd.
8. Use language a child can understand. Church-y words must be defined (sin, Lord, repent, confess,
9. Determine the child’s spiritual understanding by asking questions. “Why did Jesus die on the cross?’
or “How does someone become a Christian?” Asking questions is absolutely necessary to see if the child
understood the gospel presentation and is ready for a conversion experience.
10. Ask questions that cannot be answered by “yes” or “no”. Ask why, how, & what questions to
determine their understanding. “Why did you raise your hand that you wanted to receive Christ as
Savior?” “What do you think it means to be a Christian?”
11. Avoid questions with built-in answers or abstract language. Example: “You want Jesus in your heart,
don’t you?” It’s obvious how you’re supposed to answer such a question! Who would say ‘no’ ?
12. Give the child time to think and express an answer to your questions. Wait. Don’t answer for them.
If they can’t answer, re-phrase the question.
13. Use a Bible, preferably the child’s own. Have them look up and read the verses you use.
14. Use a visual aid (a tract, for example) but avoid gimmicks that may be too distracting. A child, or any
person, under conviction of their sin will not need a gimmick to hold their attention.
Comments for Key Tags - Item 3b
VBS Follow-up
1. Consider ________________ a follow-up leader and follow-up teams.
Follow-up on Decisions/Questions:
2. Talk with _____________________ to explain their child’s decision.
3. Help the new Christian understand the next ____________ in their walk with Christ.
4. Answer __________________ and present the gospel to those who want to know more.
5. Offer to enroll them in __________________ ____________________.
6. Leave _________________________ as appropriate.
Follow-up with Unchurched
7. Offer to ___________________ them in Sunday School.
8. ____________________ them to Sunday School and other church activities.
9. ____________________ the gospel appropriately.
10. ____________________ their names to Sunday School teachers or outreach teams for
continued contacts.
Consider these Follow-up Actions:
11. _____________________ from VBS teachers.
12. A _______________ _________ from the appropriate age-group Sunday School teacher.
13. A door-step __________________ to deliver a VBS photo.
14. A ”VBS ______________________” event at the end of the summer.
15. _____________________ to Fall Festival, Christmas activities, etc. and plan for some kind of
contact regularly throughout the year.
Follow-up Worksheet- Item 4
1. enlisting
2. parents
3. steps
Key Words - Item 5a
4. questions
5. Sunday School
6. information
Key Words - Item 5b
7. enroll
8. Invite
9. Present
Key Words - Item 5c
10. Give
11. Postcard
12. phone call
Key Words - Item 5d
13. visit
14. Reunion
15. Invite
Key Words - Item 5e
Daily Titles/Day Numbers - Item 6a
Daily Titles/Day Numbers - Item 6b
Day 1
Daily Titles/Day Numbers - Item 6c
Day 2
Day 3
Daily Titles/Day Numbers - Item 6d
Day 4
Day 5
Daily Titles/Day Numbers - Item 6e
I can trust God and
obey Him without
I can trust God to
help me speak
boldly about Him.
Life Application Statements – Item 7a
I can trust God’s plan
of salvation and share
His love with others.
I can trust God to help
me have self-control
and honor Him with
my actions.
Life Application Statements – Item 7b
I can trust God to give
me the power to face
my fears no matter
what comes next.
Life Application Statements – Item 7c