TABLE OF CONTENTS - Resurrection Lutheran Church

Resurrection Lutheran Church
Confirmation Curriculum
In the Years of our Lord 2015 – 2016
Sixth Grade Curriculum
Torah (the teachings)
Nevi’im (the prophets)
Ketuvim (the writings)
Church History: Grafted to the Root
Seventh Grade Curriculum
The New Testament: What? So What?
Who is Jesus? (Prophecy, lineage, birth)
Baptism and Beyond (The Crossroads of History and Hope)
Church History: The Great Commission and the Early Christian Church
Eighth Grade Curriculum
The Rest of the Story: Now What?
The Acts of the Apostles
The Epistles of Paul, Peter, and James
The Letters and Revelation of John
Church History: The Reformation and Beyond
Because Christ is Risen, I Believe in God the Father
Session 1: Introduction to the Bible (Large Group in Sanctuary)
Opening prayer and introduction
The written word of God in which is found the both Law and the Gospel of Christ
Alpha and Omega…In the beginning…Amen, Come Lord Jesus, Amen!
Law and Gospel in both Old and New Testaments
Hebrew: Old Testament – Jewish Bible (TaNaKh) – Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim
Greek: New Testament – Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistles, Revelation to
Translations…Septuagint, Vulgate, German, English, et al
Apocryphal Writings, other histories and other sacred texts
All creation is relative to Christ – the Word, the Truth, and the Life
John 1:1-5
Adjourn to small groups for discussion and prayer
Session 2: Service at Worship as an Acolyte and Crucifer (Large Group in Sanctuary)
Opening prayer
Liturgy – Work of God’s People – arrive, prepare, pray – sacred solemnity
Gathering – Light and Cross of Christ enters the sanctuary, procession, reverence
Word – Readings, Gospel, Preaching
Sacrament – Baptism, Holy Communion
Sending – Light of Christ is sent into the world
Adjourn to small groups for practical application (acolyting and crucifering), discussion and prayer
Torah (the teachings)
Session 3: Genesis: Creation (Read Genesis Chapters 1 and 2)
‫ ברא‬bara' means to shape, polish, to lovingly bring
In the beginning when God created… in Hebrew:
into existence. Note that God says that repeatedly that His creation is good!
How did these earliest people – before scientific discovery – come to learn that all of creation was
ordered in this way? This ordering of the universe was revealed to mankind through the Holy Spirit.
Formless void (nothingness, outer darkness, outer space…then the great wind or Spirit of God)
Light (Explosion of the universe of stars…ever wonder what that sounded like)
1. Rotating planets (day and night)
2. Cloudy atmosphere around the earth
3. Seas and continents with vegetation
4. Clouds clear so sun and moon and stars could be seen
5. Fish and birds
6. Mammals and human beings both male and female
7. God rests
Earliest establishment of time – the day and the week. God establishes the 7 day work week pattern
with a Sabbath (day of rest). In Jewish tradition the Sabbath is on Saturday. Sunday is the first day.
After the Resurrection, God establishes a two-day weekend! Thank God for weekends!
The 7 days are understandable and have meaning for primordial people. Through the use of 7 days
God establishes order and structure for people’s lives. Measurement of time in billions of “years” has
no meaning yet, folks can’t count much past 10. Even today, we don’t understand how big the
universe is, nor do we understand what the smallest particles are made of. We know “gravity” exists,
but we don’t understand how it works. The part of the universe we can see is estimated to be 93
billion light years in diameter. That means light travelling at 186,282 miles per second would take 93
billion years to get across the universe that we know of. That means many of the stars we see in the
sky no longer exist! Now, try explaining that to a goat. Maybe that’s why God explained it to us in
something useful…7 days. The goat doesn’t need to know, and neither do we…yet.
In time, all the secrets of God will be made clear to us. See Luke 8:17 -- For nothing is hid that shall
not be made manifest, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light.
Also 1 Cor 13:12 -- For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then
I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood.
In Chapter 2, we learn that God hallowed the seventh day – a day of rest – and provided for mankind
the abundance of the Garden of Eden, giving us responsibility as stewards to keep watch over and
care for the garden of God’s creation with all its creatures. God establishes the mandate of labor –
man is to till the soil and keep it. God also establishes marriage between a man and a woman – an
equal partnership of people of the same flesh. This chapter is a transition between God’s grace and
man’s response. Then in Chapter 3 we learn of man’s response…
Session 4: Genesis: Adam, Eve, and the boys (Read Genesis Chapters 3 and 4, skim 5)
The serpent is a symbol of evil, of the tempter, of the devil.
God established rules for good living, but man went and broke the rules.
Why is there evil? For every action there must be an equal and opposite reaction. So for all the good
created, there had to be an opposite – evil.
Man has conscience…is aware of good and evil and now can judge between the two.
Guilt and punishment. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
God sees that physical man has the potential to be spiritual, like God.
God’s love for creation takes risk. Man sent out from the garden to work the ground.
The tree of life is reserved for those of God’s choosing later along the way.
Cain and Abel and the importance of first-fruits giving. God knows the heart of the giver.
Cain kills Abel out of jealousy. Guilt and condemnation.
But God forgives and saves even Cain!
Generations go on and on, through bronze and iron ages. Folks living a long time (Methuselah tops
the chart at 969 years)! I wonder how long a year was back then???
Session 5: Genesis: Noah and the Ark (Read Genesis Chapters 6-8)
Life expectancy bounded at 120 years (age of Moses at death)
Wickedness of human kind grieved God; God was sorry he mad man
But Noah, a righteous man, found favor in the sight of the Lord
Noah’s sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth (Asia, Africa, Europe – Chapter 10)
Earth filled with violence because of man; God decides to destroy mankind
Make an ark (
300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, 30 cubits high… with a roof!
Cubit: Approximately 18” (or about fingertip to elbow)
Noah, Mrs. Noah, Sons and Wives get aboard with at least two of every kind
40 days of rain, seven months at sea, landing on Mt. Ararat (Eastern Turkey)
Scouting by Doves, Noah builds an altar and gives thanks
Rainbow Covenant (Chapter 8: 20-22; Chapter 9:13-17)
Where do you see Jesus in this scripture? (In Divinity and in Humanity)
‫ תבה‬tebah) of Gopher Wood (Cypress) covered with pitch
Session 6: Genesis: The Nations Divided (Read Genesis Chapters 10-11)
Shem, Ham, and Japeth all go to different regions to settle.
Get a map and try to find all these places
Shem goes to the “orient” – the “middle east” as we know it today.
Ham goes to Africa
Japeth goes to Europe.
Tower of Babel…people want to concentrate – God wants us to spread out across the world.
Confusion of language. People want to be in control. Rulers want to exercise power over people and
use them to build up stuff to make the leaders seem great. Pharaohs of Egypt are another great
example. These aren’t leaders…they are “misleaders” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer). God confounds the
designs of mankind whenever it works for evil and not for good. All the great designs of mankind
come to naught if they do not put God first and work for good…for justice and mercy and humility.
Out of the lineage of Shem, comes Abram.
Carefully read Genesis 11:24-32 – it sets the stage for Abraham. Point out Ur and Haran on the map.
Session 7: Genesis: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Skim Genesis Chapters 12-35)
Abram and Sarai, their travels and deception in Egypt (Gen 12)
Abram rescues Lot – first recorded hostage rescue! (Gen 14)
The order of Melchizedeck (Gen 14:18) – bread and wine…wow…communion! Jesus doesn’t claim
ancestry through from the “Priestly” line through Aaron – he comes through the Order of Melchizidek
(Read Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 5:6-10, Hebrews 6:20; Hebrews 7:11)
Tithing established (Gen 14:20) – Abram’s free will offering. Ever since then, people of God have
given 10% to the work of the church.
Sarai and Hagar birth of Ishmael (Gen 16). Ishmael is the line through which Islam tradition runs back
to Abraham. Jewish and Christian tradition through Isaac.
Abram renamed Abraham, Sarai renamed Sarah, birth of Isaac to Sarah when Ishmael was 13 years
old, circumcision established (Gen 17)
Birth of Ishmael which means “God Hears” (Gen 16:11-12). Islam claims lineage to Abraham through
Ishmael, while Judaism claims it through Isaac (“He Laughs”). (Gen 18:11-15)
Abraham discusses with God the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 18:16-33)
Abraham and Isaac sacrifice a ram (Gen 22:1-18) – focus on God saving Isaac and providing a ram.
Talk a little about why Abraham would sacrifice his own son? Why did he need to be tested? Was he
misled in understanding this is what God wanted? Does this sound like being led into temptation?
God did not want it and put a stop to it – God did not permit this to happen. There are demons that
we all face, but by turning our hearts to God and trusting God, God will provide the answers. And
God’s answers always work for good…not evil! Beware of people who claim to have heard God tell
them to do what seems to be wrong! But then again…it is God who sacrifices his own son Jesus for
us. Why is this so wrong and so right at the same time??? God shares completely in our suffering
through Jesus…and provides us proof that no evil can separate us from the love of God. If we live, we
are Christ’s; if we die we are Christ’s; no matter when we live and when we die we are loved by Jesus
eternally. God gives us the gift of eternal life through Christ Jesus!
Isaac marries Rebekah. Sons Esau (older) and Jacob (younger). Jacob gets Isaac’s blessing (Gen 27) –
tension between Esau and Jacob … like Cain and Abel
Jacob marries Rachel. Difficult family relationships! (Gen 28-30). Jacob and Rachel are parents of
Joseph (Gen 30:22-25)
Jacob “wrestles with God” and is renamed Israel (Gen 32)
Esau and Jacob both bury Isaac when he dies (Gen 35).
Session 8: Genesis: Joseph and the boys go to Egypt (Skim Genesis Chapters 37-50)
Joseph is Jacob’s favorite son, his youngest. Jacob gives him a coat of many colors. (Gen 37:3)
Joseph’s brothers are jealous and throw him in a well. (Gen 37:19-24)
Then they decide to sell him to a caravan bound for Egypt (Gen 37:25-36)
The Lord blesses Joseph and he is given success in Egypt (Gen 39:1-5)
A famine forces the brothers to go to Egypt to beg for food.
Joseph reveals himself (Gen 45:1-10) and brings the people of Israel to live in Goshen.
This is how the Israelites get to Egypt where they are later enslaved.
Jacob dies in Egypt and Joseph takes his remains back to be buried in Canaan.
Joseph later dies, and is buried in Egypt.
After Joseph dies, a new Pharoah has all these Israelites to deal with, so they become slaves.
Session 9: Exodus: Moses and the Ark (Commandment 1) (Read Exodus Chapters 1-3)
MEMORIZE: I AM the Lord your God; you shall have no other gods before me.
Remember talking about Pharaohs misleading the people? Here they are again misleading
folks and telling them to kill their children (boys) because there are too many Israelite men
and the Pharaoh is afraid of losing control.
Remember the ark (‫ תבה‬tebah) that Noah built? Here it is again – Exodus 2:3 – the
word for “basket” in Hebrew is tebah…the same ark saving little Moses so God can use him
to save the people of Israel.
Exodus 2:7 “his sister” is Miriam – sister of Moses and Aaron (see Numbers 26:59)
Exodus 3:1-10 The burning bush – intense light radiates from God in the bush and he calls
Moses. How does Moses respond (3:11)? But Moses said to God, "Who am I, that I
should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?"
And who is God: I AM! (‫ היה‬hayah) (3:14) Tetragrammaton: YHWH = YahWeh = Jehova
It has most often been proposed that the name YHWH is a verb form derived from the
Biblical Hebrew triconsonantal root ‫( היה‬h-y-h) "to be", which has ‫( הוה‬h-w-h) as a variant
form, with a third person masculine y- prefix.[28] This would connect it to the passage in
verse Exodus 3:14, where God gives his name as ‫( הֶ ְהיֶה הֶׁ ֶשא הֶ ְהיֶה‬Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh),
translated most basically as "I am that I am" (or "I will be that which I now am"). ‫ יהוה‬with
the vocalization "Yahweh" could theoretically be a hif'il verb inflection of root HWH, with a
meaning something like "he who causes to exist" or "who gives life" (the root idea of the
word perhaps being "to breathe", and hence, "to live").[29] As a qal (basic stem) verb
inflection, it could mean "he who is, who exists".[
Session 10: Exodus: The Exodus (Commandment 2) (Skim Exodus Chapters 4-15)
MEMORIZE: Do not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord.
Session 11: Exodus/Deuteronomy: The Ten Commandments (Commandment 3) (Read Exodus
Chapters 16-20 and Deuteronomy 5)
MEMORIZE: Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
Session 12: Leviticus and Numbers: Law and Government (Commandments 4 - 10) (Skim
Leviticus and Numbers)
Honor your father and mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.
You shall not covet anything of your neighbor’s.
Session 13: Deuteronomy: Let’s go over this again! (Commandments 1 – 10) (Skim
Deuteronomy, which means “second look”)
I AM the Lord your God; you shall have no other gods before me.
Do not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord.
Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
Honor your father and mother.
You shall not steal.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not bear false witness.
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.
You shall not covet anything of your neighbor’s.
Session 14: Midterm Review Advent! (Review the Torah Genesis through Deuteronomy
and recite the 10 Commandments)
Nevi’im (the prophets)
Session 15: Christmas! Joshua: Joshua and the Promised Land (Skim Joshua)
Who is Joshua, son of Nun? He is first mentioned in Exodus 17 as a warrior-leader chosen by Moses to
lead the fight against Amalek – a son or grandson of Esau (Esau is the brother of Jacob, through both of
whom descendants claim lineage to Isaac and Abraham). In Numbers (11-34) we find that Joshua is a
trusted assistant to Moses, essentially raised by Moses as a mentor, who serves as a “directed-telescope”
to gather information on the land of Israel along with Caleb. In Deuteronomy (1-34) we find that as
Moses prepares to enter life eternal, he passes on all authority to Joshua to lead the people of Israel into
the promised land. “Now Joshua the son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid
his hands on him; and the sons of Israel listened to him and did as the LORD had commanded Moses.”
Joshua means “God is our Salvation” or “God Saves Us”
The Book of Joshua has an introduction (Chapters 1-5, and a conclusion (chapters 20-24. In between are
two major narratives – the conquest of the promised land (chapters 6-12) and the settlement and
apportionment of the land to the tribes of Israel (chapters 13-19).
Joshua is commissioned by God to lead the nation of Israel. In that role he is much like a modern day
general, and officer “commissioned” by a King or President to lead in battle. Read Chapter 5:13-15 –
could this vision be that of the archangel Michael? As a leader, it is important to have vision. Do you
think Joshua prayed for vision and strength and courage to lead the people?
Session 16: Judges and Samuel: Leading the People Israel (Skim Judges and Samuel)
Session 17: Solomon and David (Skim Kings)
Session 18: Isaiah and the Messiah (Skim Isaiah)
Session 19: Ezekiel and the Son of Man (Skim Ezekiel)
Session 20: Jeremiah: A Voice Crying in the Wilderness (Skim Jeremiah and the Minor
The Twelve:
Ketuvim (the writings)
Session 21: Lamentations: Wrestling with God in Adversity (Skim Lamentations 1-2, Read
Lamentations 3, Skim Lamentations 4-5)
Session 22: Psalms: Songs of David – Selah! (Skim the Psalms)
Session 23: Proverbs: Wisdom of Solomon (Skim Proverbs)
Session 24: Ecclesiastes: A Time for Everything Under Heaven (Read Ecclesiastes 1-3, 1112).
Session 25: Midterm Review (Review Prophets and Writings)
Session 26: Daniel, Esther: Life in Babylonian Captivity (Skim Daniel and Esther)
Session 27: Job: Life is Tough (Read Job 1-2, Skim 3-41, Read Job 42)
Session 28: Ezra and Nehemiah: Church and State Work Together (Read Ezra 1 and
Nehemiah 1-2, Skim the rest of both)
Church History: Grafted to the Root
Session 29: Genesis: Abraham and the Order of Melchizedek (Read Genesis 12-17, reread
Gen 14:13-20)
Session 30: Exodus: Aaron, Brother of Moses (Read Exodus Chapters 4, 6, 12:43-51, 16)
Session 31: Exodus: The Tabernacle and the Ark (Read Exodus Chapters 24-26, Skim
Chapters 27-33, Read chapters 34-37)
Session 32: Chronicles and Kings: Church and State (1 Chronicles 13-17, 2nd Chronicles 15, Ancient Judaism: Faith, Law, and Sacrifice (Review the whole Old Testament by listing
examples of Faith, Law, and Sacrifice)
Session 34: Plenary Session: Questions and Answers with the Pastors
Summer Break!
Because Christ is Risen, I Believe in God the Son
Session 1: Review of the Bible and Confirmation (Large Group in Sanctuary)
Opening prayer and introduction
The written word of God in which is found the both Law and the Gospel of Christ
Alpha and Omega…In the beginning…Amen, Come Lord Jesus, Amen!
Law and Gospel in both Old and New Testaments
Hebrew: Old Testament – Jewish Bible (TaNaKh) – Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim
Greek: New Testament – Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistles, Revelation to John
Translations…Septuagint, Vulgate, German, English, et al
Apocryphal Writings, other histories and other sacred texts
All creation is relative to Christ – the Word, the Truth, and the Life
John 1:1-5
Adjourn to small groups for discussion and prayer
Session 2: Service at Worship as a Greeter or Usher (Large Group in Sanctuary)
Opening prayer
Liturgy – Work of God’s People – arrive, prepare, pray – sacred solemnity
Gathering – Light and Cross of Christ enters the sanctuary, procession, reverence
Word – Readings, Gospel, Preaching
Sacrament – Baptism, Holy Communion
Sending – Light of Christ is sent into the world
Adjourn to small groups for practical application (greeting and ushering), discussion and prayer
The New Testament: What? So What?
Session 3: The Synoptic Gospels: What is the News? Teach us to Pray (Lord’s Prayer)
New Testament is written in Greek -- the most prevalent language in the Mediterranean Region
The New Testament is all about Jesus. The first 4 books of the New Testament are called the Gospels.
Gospel means Good News. The Good News is that Jesus loves us and through him we have eternal
Matthew, Mark, and Luke all tell the Good News of WHAT Happened. They are history.
John tells the SO WHAT – it is Christology – the study of the Christ that gives meaning to the history.
The rest of the New Testament after the Gospels starts with the Acts of the Apostles after the
Ascension of Jesus and the letters (epistles in Greek) written by different authors that all testify to
Jesus as the Christ. These are the NOW WHAT. You’ll study those next year in the 8 th grade.
7th grade will study the Gospels…the Good News about Jesus! His birth, life, death, and resurrection.
Matthew Mark and Luke are called the “synoptics”. They give us a synopsis – a summary – of what
happened. That’s why they’re called “the synoptics”.
God is with us…Emmanuel – in Hebrew “El” is God. “Immanu” is with us.
God (Jesus) experiences first-hand the life he has given for us to live.
We’ll study the three synoptic gospels in parallel – meaning we’ll compare the descriptions of Jesus in
each one.
Mark was the first Gospel written, followed by Matthew and then Luke. Matthew arranged first
though because it provides a transition from Old Testament to New. Talk about the “Q” Source.
Compare notes from everyone’s study bibles on the Gospels, when they were written and by whom.
All must know the Lord’s Prayer. That’s the main thing you need to memorize out of the 7 th Grade.
Read and compare Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4.
The Roman Church ends their prayer with “deliver us from evil.” Why do we add “for thine is the
kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever and ever, Amen.”? Answer: It’s in the Didache!
Didache – another 1st century manual on organization of the early church…not found till 1883!
Pass out copies of the Didache and talk about the two ways: The Way of Life and The Way of Death.
Session 4: Mark: Young and Fast (Read Study Bible Notes or Wikipedia on Gospel of Mark)
Mark is the oldest of the Gospels, probably written in the late 60s…about 30 years after the
Resurrection in A.D. 33. What does A.D. mean? Anno Domini (Latin for In the Year of Our Lord).
What does B.C. mean, as in 587 B.C.? Before Christ. The birth of Jesus changed time!
Why do you think it took so long to write this stuff down? (Give them a piece of paper and a small
paint brush with some paint, then tell them to write down very neatly the most important thing
they’ve ever witnessed in their lives – be neat about it because people might read this thousands of
years from now!). Remind them of the lost “Q” source written earlier. Paul’s letters written earlier
Written by John Mark, who was probably about 13 years old when Jesus was crucified. He followed
along as one of the disciples, and ran away when Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane
(Mark 14:51). So he’d be in his forties when he starts writing. He’s a helper to Peter who is probably
20 years older than Mark, so he’s writing down a lot of what Peter tells him, since Peter is soon to
pass on. Mark writes fast! It is a fast, exciting read!
Mark is written to explain Christianity to the wider Greek-speaking community around the
Mediterranean Sea. The readers are not expected to be Jewish.
Writing (in Greek) is cruder than that of Matthew or Luke. It is history,
remembered by the participants. It is a proclamation of the historical events told
by eye-witnesses.
Read and discuss Mark 1:1-8 – as well as the quoted text from Isaiah (read the
original Isaiah 40.3 and Exodus 23.20 and Malachi 3:1). What image comes to
John the Baptizer was an Essene rabbi; a cousin of Jesus, 6 months older. Lived
and preached near the Jordan River. Draw the map of Israel (Sea of Galilee and
Dead Sea connected by Jordan). Discuss all these places. Does anybody have maps in the back of
your Bible? Compare everyone’s maps.
Flip through Mark, and see what is covered, and how short it is! End with Mark 16:19-20. The last
word should be “Amen.” It is missing in some original texts, so it may or may not be in your Bible.
What does Amen mean?
The word "amen" is a most remarkable word. It was transliterated directly from the Hebrew into the
Greek of the New Testament, then into Latin and into English and many other languages, so that it is
practically a universal word. It has been called the best known word in human speech. The word is
directly related -- in fact, almost identical -- to the Hebrew word for "believe" (amam), or faithful.
Thus, it came to mean "sure" or "truly", an expression of absolute trust and confidence.
in Greek
‫ ןֵ מָ א‬in Hebrew
Pronounced (in both): “Ah-Mane”
Note that the Western Church seems to generally say “Ah-Men” or “Ay-Men”, while the Eastern Church
sometimes uses “Ah-Mean”. In Islam, the pronounciation is “Ay-Mean”. These are just differences in
pronounciation – accents, dialects – it’s all the same word throughout the world.
Session 5: Matthew: Bridge Between Old and New (Read Study Bible Notes or Wikipedia
on Gospel of Matthew)
Matthew is a record of the remembrances of Matthew the tax collector (read Mat 9:9-13) – one of
the twelve apostles. Perhaps written by an old Matthew, but more likely by a younger scribe
recording the old man’s remembrances (much like John Mark did for Peter).
It was written most probably around A.D. 70-80, but we really don’t know exactly when, because
nobody put dates on their papers back then. People hadn’t figured out time yet!
Matthew had Mark’s Gospel as a reference, as well as his own memory, the “Q” Source and oral
Matthew expands on what Mark hurridly wrote down.
Matthew is written from the Jewish perspective, for Jewish readers, and is very much influenced by
Jewish tradition.
So if Matthew was written after Mark, why is it first? Ah…that’s because it bridges the Old Testament
with the New Testament the best. It is a more complete history than Mark’s account, and it is written
from the Jewish perspective. See how it starts… (Read Mat 1:1-18). Any familiar names in there?
Talk about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,David, Solomon. All fathers…but notice that Jospeh is husband of
Mary, who is the mother of the Messiah. And that deportation to Babylon… that happened around
587 B.C.
The “Messiah” – what’s a Messiah? Messiah literally means "anointed (one)". In standard Hebrew,
The Messiah is often referred to as ‫המשיח מלך‬, Méleḫ ha-Mašíaḥ (pronounced Méleḵ haMMāšîªḥ),
literally meaning "the Anointed King." In Islam, Isa (Jesus) is also called the Messiah (Masih), who will
come back to earth a second time before the last day.
Matthew tells us of the birth of Jesus, and of the visit by the Magi (wise men) from the east, and of
fleeing to Egypt. All of these are important from the Jewish point of view. Jewish readers would read
this and understand the importance of all this because it links to the Old Testament.
Of special note in Matthew is the most complete record of the Sermon on the Mount in Chapters
5,6,and 7. It’s most complete, because Matthew was probably there taking notes! We’ll be reading
these in detail this year. Read Mat 6:5-14 for the Lord’s Prayer. Note that this instruction is given at
the Sermon on the Mount. Check out Mark 11:25 – that’s all Mark has to say about that. Maybe
Mark wasn’t at the Sermon on the Mount. Maybe he was in school!
Flip through Matthew and look at the paragraph titles if your Bibles have them. See how much
longer it is than Mark. Let’s meet at the end once you’re through at Matthew 28:16-20. Read and
discuss that passage.
Session 6: Luke: Healing for the Nations (Read Study Bible Notes or Wikipedia on Gospel of
The Gospel of Luke is the last of the synoptic, and is written by Luke a gentile physician who is a
Christian. What’s a gentile? What’s a Christian? Luke is a Greek-speaking Syrian Physician, who lived
in Antioch. Find Antioch on a map. As a physician, his writing tries to heal the Nations (the Gentiles)
bringing them together in recognizing the Christ Jesus. He accompanies St. Paul as an evangelist
throughout the Meditteranean Sea area in the first Century. What’s an Evangelist? Wikipedia has a
tough time with this one! Evangelon (εὐαγγέλιον in Greek) means Good News – Gospel in English).
So an Evangelist is one who spreads the Good News about Jesus! Here’s something neat…cut and
paste the Greek εὐαγγέλιον into a Blue Letter Bible search, and the word will automatically change to
“Jesus” !!!
Luke is not one of the apostles, but he is a learned man who is a disciple of Jesus, Luke also writes
the Acts of the Apostles which you’ll study in the 8th grade.
Luke is written for Greek-speaking populations (gentiles). It is very elegantly written in Greek, and
gives us the best historical account of the life of Jesus and the works of the apostles.
Read and discuss Luke 1:1-4. Reads and discuss Acts1:1-5.
Who is Theophilus? Θεόφιλος Theo-philos God-Friend
Theophilus is a friend of God. Are you a friend of God? This book is written to you! Jesus has this
book, and all other books of the Bible, written for you…expect to be encountered by Jesus when you
read any book of the Bible!
Luke also includes an account of the Lord’s Prayer. Read Luke 11:1-4. Note that this version is not
placed at the Sermon on the Mount. Luke most probably wasn’t there…but Matthew was! Note also
though, that when the disciples later ask Jesus to teach them to pray, he uses essentially the same
words he used during the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew has the fuller account because he was
probably there taking notes (he was a tax collector afterall, real good bout taking note of things!).
Flip through the pages of Luke, and meet at the end. Read and discuss Luke 24:50-53.
So when Jesus physically left the earth in the Ascension, he blessed the disciples. Blessing as in the
Greek: εὐλογέω eulogeō
That is repeated each Sunday in the blessing we receive at the end of
worship. Traditionally, the words are from Numbers 6:22-27. Read and discuss these, then end your
prayers with them. Who was Aaron? After the bendiction, and final hymn, we are told to “Go in
Peace, Serve the Lord” and we respond “Thanks be to God!”. Note that in Luke 24:53, the disciples
end up in the temple, blessing God. Same Greek word, but here in context the meaning is to praise,
to celebrate with praises -- kind of like eulogy at a funeral asking God’s blessing on the life departed…
εὐλογέω eulogeō
1) to praise, celebrate with praises
2) to invoke blessings
3) to consecrate a thing with solemn prayers
a) to ask God's blessing on a thing
b) pray God to bless it to one's use
c) pronounce a consecratory blessing on
Session 7: John: The Word (Read Study Bible Notes or Wikipedia on Gospel of John)
When we talk about the “Word of God” we mean Jesus. Jesus is the Word made flesh.
When we talk about the “Word of God” we also talk about the proclaimed Word of God….as the
apostles and disciples proclaimed after they had witnessed the resurrection – and some like John the
Baptizer and Peter proclaimed before the resurrection.
When we talk about the “word of God” we also talk of the written word – the Bible. The church put
the Bible together officially in A.D. 325.
So in the beginning was the Word, then the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, then we
proclaimed the Word, then we put together the written word – the record of God’s influence on
mankind from the beginning of history (stuff people can remember) through the birth of the early
church in response to the Resurrection of Jesus. Because Jesus is risen, we believe in God the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Read and discuss John 1:1-18
Jesus is Life. Jesus is Light. Jesus is Grace. Jesus is Truth. Jesus is the beginning and the end. The
one who is and who was, and who is to come…the Almighty! (Read Revelation 1:8).
Who wrote Revelation? (John). Who wrote the Gospel according to John (John). Who wrote the 1 st,
2nd, and 3rd letters of John? (John). Like Moses, John writes five books of the Bible.
The Gospel according to Saint John is not a synoptic Gospel. It is all about Jesus, but it is not written
as a history of Jesus. It is written as a study of who Jesus is. What we call a “Christology”.
It is the Christology that really has differentiated all the various denominations of Christendom in the
early church. The big questions were is Jesus God who came down from heaven, or is Jesus a man
who did such good works that God claimed him as his Son? Is Jesus divine or is he human? The
Council of Nicaea in 325 agreed on the Nicene Creed that emphasizes that Jesus is BOTH fully human
and fully divine. Find and read the Nicene Creed in the LBW Hymnal. Note the emphasis on the
humanity and divinity of Jesus.
Flip through John reading the paragraph headings, and meet to read and discuss John 20:30-31.
Session 8: John: Why is this Good News? (Read John 1:1-34 and John 3:1-36)
John 1:1-18 is so important, we’re gonna read it again (and a little more)! And then we’ll read the
whole 3rd chapter. Once we’re done reading, I will ask each of you to explain your understanding by
answering the questions: Why is this NEWS? And why is it GOOD?
Read John 1:1-34 and John 3:1-36.
Ask the questions…why is this NEWS, and why is this GOOD?
What’s the most well known verse in the whole Bible? John 3:16. Read it again. Issue a Teen or
Tract copy of Max Lucado’s 3:16 The Numbers of Hope for each confirmand to have. Discuss some of
Pastor Max’s main points.
What is the difference between a hope and a wish? Hope includes a reasonable expectation that the
hope will be fulfilled. A wish does not carry that expectation. When you put your hope in Jesus, you
can expect that hope to be fulfilled. Read John 14:13-14 (Mat 7:7, Mar 11:24, Luk 11:9).
Who is Jesus? (Prophecy, lineage, birth)
Session 9: Gospel links to Old Testament Prophecies of the Coming One (Read Isaiah
Chapters 7:14, 9:6-7, Micah 5:2, Jeremiah 23:5, Zech 9:9, Isaiah 52-53, Isaiah 61:1-2, Psalm
Session 10: The Lineage of Jesus the Christ (Read and discuss Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3)
Session 11: The Birth of Jesus (Read and discuss Matthew 1:18–25 and Luke 1-2:20)
Session 12: Read and discuss The Song of Simeon (Luke 2:21-38)
Session 13: A Light to Lighten the Gentiles (magi) (Read Matthew 2:1-12)
So how do you think Jesus grew up with Mary and Joseph as his parents? Was it an easy life of luxury, or were
they a refugee family on the run? Can you think of refugee families today? Do you think Jesus knows what it’s
like to be a homeless refugee living in fear? What are we called to do to help families who live in great peril?
How does our church help them? What can you do?
Session 14: Midterm Review Advent!
Session 15: Christmas! The Holy Family and their Travels (Read Matthew 2:13-23; Luke
In Matthew, an angel tells Joseph in a dream to escape to Egypt. In Luke, the whole escape to Egypt
and return in not discussed. In both, the Holy family ends up in Nazareth in Galilee, where Jesus
grows up. Where is Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Egypt, Nazareth? Trace the path.
Seems like angels communicate with Joseph while he’s asleep. Do you ever get ideas while sleeping
and wonder “where’d that come from?”
After the escape to Egypt, Matthew is the only writer to tell us about the murder of the innocents by
King Herod.
How do you suppose Matthew knows about the dream of Joseph, the flight to Egypt, and about the
murder of the innocents, while the other Gospel writers apparently don’t?
Matthew was a “G-man” (Government man) – a tax collector.
Do you think maybe Matthew interviewed Joseph and had access to Government records or local
knowledge that none of the others did?
Matthew 2-18 references Jeremiah – find the original scripture in Jeremiah. (Jer 31:15)
Where is Ramah? (small town 8km north of Jerusalem) Who is Rachel? (Wife of Jacob (Israel)).
Talk through the murder of the innocents…do we still have such evil in the world today? Talk through
some examples (holocaust, Pol-Pot, Rwanda, pre-invasion Iraq, etc). Tough topic.
How do you think the Holy family supported themselves while in exile in Egypt? Maybe the gold,
frankincense and myrrh helped?
Luke 2:40…how are you doing in growing and becoming strong? DO you feel the grace of God upon
you? Jesus was a kid too…and he grew to be an adult…just like you are doing. Do you think he went
to confirmation class?
Luke 2:41-49…Jesus liked confirmation class! He participated!! He read and learned and taught
Luke 2:50-2:52. Jesus parents did not understand what he was saying. Anybody have that problem?
But Jesus went to Nazareth and WAS OBEDIENT TO HIS PARENTS. Mary treasured all these things in
her heart. What does that mean? What things? Wow…God is with us…when you kiss your child, you
kiss the face of God!!!!
Do you think maybe Luke interviewed Mary after the Resurrection as the new church was being
formed…after Joseph had passed on? Is that how he knows all these things that Mary treasured in
her heart?
Baptism and Beyond (The Crossroads of History and Hope)
Session 16: There was a man called John (Read Mark 1:1-8, Mat 3:1-12, Luke 3:1-20, John
Mark starts with John the Baptist. No discussion of the birth and childhood of Jesus. Because of this,
the Eastern church (Greek and Russian Orthodox) often place more emphasis on Jesus after his
Baptism – thought in Christendom that Jesus grew and then became fully God again in his Baptism).
All the Gospels agree on John the Baptizer, don’t they? Who was he? Essene Rabbi, contemporary of
Jesus, son of Elizabeth and Zechariah (Elizabeth is a relative of Mary; Zechariah is a priest). Tough
guy…lives in the desert beyond the Jordan. Baptizes in the Jordan river. What is this baptism all
about? How is it similar to ours…how is it different? Then water for forgiveness of sins from the
coming wrath of God; now sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever! We
are baptized into LIFE, not into death. Baptism is not about forgiveness so much as it is about being
grasped by the Holy Spirit for abundant life! Jesus changed everything!
Why did Herod the Tetrarch (Herod Antipas son of the Herod who killed the kids) have John arrested?
(Because John preached against the evil doings of the Herods).
Many thought that John the Baptizer was the Christ…John had to work hard at pointing folks to Jesus
Session 17: The Baptism of Jesus (John 1:29-34, Mark 1:9-14, Mat 3:13-17, Luke 3:21-23)
John proclaims Jesus as the Messiah – What a powerful testimony of John the Baptizer as recorded by
John the Apostle. Read it through again…slowly and picture yourself as one of the congregation who
hears this.
1:29 – “The Lamb of God” – in Greek Amnos Theos (ἀμνός
What does it mean to be
the “Lamb” – what would people who heard this think?
Yes…lambs were sacrificial. Takes away the sin of what? The world! In Greek its “takes away the sin
of the kosmos”
How does John the Apostle know of John the Baptizer’s proclamation? Sounds like he was there as a
disciple of John the Baptizer and heard it first-hand.
Compare the first-hand account in John with the historical accounts in the synoptics.
Mark: Jesus came from Nazareth and was baptized by John in the Jordan. Jesus saw heaven torn
open and the Spirit descending like a dove. A voice from heaven – you are my Son whom I love; with
you I am well pleased.
Matthew: Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. John said: I need to be
baptized by you, but you come to me? Jesus said let it be so now, it is proper for us to do this to fulfill
all righteousness. Jesus saw heaven torn open and the Spirit descending like a dove and landing on
him. A voice from heaven – this is my Son whom I love; with him I am well pleased.
Luke: When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was too. As he was praying, heaven was
opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him like a dove. A voice from heaven – you are my Son
whom I love; with you I am well pleased.
Why aren’t all these accounts of the same event the same? Does each one add a little more
completeness to what happened that day?
What does it mean in Matthew when Jesus says “to fulfill all righteousness”?
Righteousness: In a broad sense: state of him who is as he ought to be, righteousness, the condition
acceptable to God
a) the doctrine concerning the way in which man may attain a state approved of God
b) integrity, virtue, purity of life, rightness, correctness of thinking feeling, and acting
Since Jesus is God, why does Jesus need to get baptized? Jesus is both fully God and fully man. He is
setting the example for all of us to follow. As a man, he is showing us what people should do to try
and be acceptable to God. As God, Jesus knows that because of our sin, all people are unacceptable,
yet He accepts us anyway, because as The Lamb, he has taken away our sin.
Read John 1:35-51 to close out. The rest of the story…what happened the next day? This part is only
recorded by John (since he was there). "I tell you (singular as in “Nathan”) the truth, you (plural as in
“y’all”) shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man."
Session 18: The temptation of Jesus in the Wilderness (Mar 1:12-13, Mat 4:1-17, Luke 4:121, Isaiah 61:1-2)
Mark: The Spirit sends Jesus out to the wilderness for 40 days being tempted by satan (satan in
Greek and Hebrew). HE was with the wild animals and angels attended to him.
Matthew: Jesus led by Spirit to be tempted by the devil (diabolos in Greek). After fasting 40 days, He
is hungry. The tempter (parazo in Greek) tempts…if you are the Son of God:
o Turn stones to bread
o Jump off the temple
o Bow down to the devil and all the earth can be yours
In each case, Jesus resists and fights the devil with Scripture…then the devil leaves him and angels
attend to him.
Luke: Jesus led by Spirit to be tempted by the devil (diabolos in Greek). After fasting 40 days, He is
hungry. The tempter (parazo in Greek) tempts…if you are the Son of God:
o Turn stones to bread
o Bow down to the devil and all the earth can be yours
o Jump off the temple
In each case, Jesus resists and fights the devil with Scripture…then the devil leaves him until an
opportune time.
Is the devil still prowling around actively today? Where do you see the devil in action? Name some
evil things that have happened around the world …. What force is it that drives men to do eveil?
What will you do when you are tempted? Fast and pray. Quote scripture. Tell the devil to go to hell!
Jesus returns to Galilee and news about him spread through the whole country. He went to the
temple in Nazareth, and stood up to read the Scriptures…the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. Today this
scripture is fulfilled in your hearing!
Isaiah 61:1-2. How would this be understood by those at the time?
What do Mark and Matthew say about what happens after the wilderness?
o Mark: John in prison > Jesus goes to Galilee
o Matthew: Jesus hears John is in prison > returns to Galilee and begins to preach and call
disciples. Footnotes on Mat 4:16 (read it to close out).
Session 19: Water and Wine (Read John 2:1-11)
Session 20: Calling the Disciples (Who before what) (Read John 1:35-51, Mark 1:16-20,
Mat 4:18-22, Luke 6:12-16, Mat 10:1-4, Mark 3:13-19)
Session 21: Teaching: Sermon on the Mount, in the Temple, Transfiguration (Read
Matthew Chapters 5-7, Mark 3:7-13, and Luke 6:17-49)
Session 22: Healing: Women, Children, Centurions, and Lazarus (Find examples of healing
in all 4 Gospels – each confirmand should find 7 examples to share and read) End with
raising of Lazarus (John 11:1-John 12:11)
Session 23: Palm Sunday: Hosanna! (Read Mark 11:1-11, Mat 21:1-11, Luke 19:28-40 and
John 12:12-19)
Session 24: The New Covenant in My Blood (Read Mark 14, Mat 26, Luke 22, John 13)
Session 25: Crucify Him! (Read Mark 15; Mat 27; Luke 23, John 19)
Session 26: He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia! (Read Mark 16, Mat 28, Luke 24,
John 20)
Session 27: The Ascension (Read John 21, Mar 16:14-20, Mat 28:16-20, Luke 24:44-53)
Midterm Review (Review the Gospels, and have each confirmand choose three favorite
Church History: The Great Commission and the Early Christian Church
Session 28: The Great Commission and the Acts of the Apostles 1-11
Session 29: Acts of the Apostles 12-28
Session 30: ICTHUS and the three Creeds (with emphasis on Apostles in session 30, Nicene
in session 32, Athanasian in session 33
Session 31: Rome and Persecutions
Session 32: Constantine and the Council of Nicaea
Summer Break!
Because Christ is Risen, I Believe in God the Holy Spirit
Session 1: Review of the Bible and Confirmation (Large Group in Sanctuary)
Opening prayer and introduction
The written word of God in which is found the both Law and the Gospel of Christ
Alpha and Omega…In the beginning…Amen, Come Lord Jesus, Amen!
Law and Gospel in both Old and New Testaments
Hebrew: Old Testament – Jewish Bible (TaNaKh) – Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim
Greek: New Testament – Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistles, Revelation to John
Translations…Septuagint, Vulgate, German, English, et al
Apocryphal Writings, other histories and other sacred texts
All creation is relative to Christ – the Word, the Truth, and the Life
John 1:1-5
Adjourn to small groups for discussion and prayer
Session 2: Service at Worship as a Lector or Communion Assistant (Large Group in
Opening prayer
Liturgy – Work of God’s People – arrive, prepare, pray – sacred solemnity
Gathering – Light and Cross of Christ enters the sanctuary, procession, reverence
Word – Readings, Gospel, Preaching
Sacrament – Baptism, Holy Communion
Sending – Light of Christ is sent into the world
Adjourn to small groups for practical application (lectoring and communion), discussion and prayer
The Rest of the Story: Now What?
This year will be a study of the New Testament after the Resurrection of Jesus. For sessions 3, 4, and 5, read
through the three creeds of the church, and find the biblical references. This is a great review of the Bible.
The Apostles Creed is first, and must be memorized for confirmation. The Nicene Creed is similar. The
Athanasian Creed is rarely used and very long, but a great explanation of the Holy Trinity. Find the creeds in
the hymnals. Read through each creed, with a one-page handout of the creed for each confirmand to write
on. Have them together find Bible verses that support each part of each creed. Apostles Creed bible verses
are done for you, just read them through. Then in the next two weeks, have them do the other creeds
together. Have an electronic bible resource present to help in word search along with concordance –
Session 3: The Apostles Creed (Read each related Bible verse together and discuss)
The Apostles' Creed as we now have it dates from the eighth century. But in truth its roots are in the “Old
Roman Creed,” which was used in some parts of the ancient church as early as the third century. Before
the Old Roman Creed, in turn, were variations rooted in the New Testament itself. While this creed does
not come from the apostles (Jesus’ followers sent to share the good news), its roots are apostolic (in
keeping with the teaching of the New Testament apostles). The creed describes the faith into which we
are baptized and therefore is used in the rites of Baptism and Affirmation of Baptism.
I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. (Gen 1:1; 2Cor 6:18)
I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, (John 3:16, 3:35) who was conceived by the
Holy Spirit (Mat 1:20), born of the virgin Mary (Luk 1:26-31), suffered under Pontius Pilate (Mar
15:1-15), was crucified, died and was buried (Mar 15:37-47); he descended to the dead
(1Peter3:18-22). On the third day he rose again (Luk 24:1-7, John 20:10-20); he ascended into
heaven (Mar 16:19, Luk 24:50-51), he is seated at the right hand of the Father(Mat 26:24, Mar
14:62, Luk 22:69, Col 3:1), and he will come to judge the living and the dead (Acts 10:42, 2Tim
4:1, 1Pet 4:5).
I believe in the Holy Spirit (Mat 28:19, John 20:22, Acts 1:2), the holy catholic Church (Mat 16:18,
Acts 20:28, Col 1:24), the communion of saints (Eph 3:18, Eph 6:18, Heb 12:1), the forgiveness of
sins (Mat 26:26-28), the resurrection of the body (1 Cor 15:42), and the life everlasting (John
6:47). Amen. (Rev 22:21)
Note on the word “catholic” -- The word catholic is derived (via Late Latin catholicus and French catholique) from the Greek
adjective καθολικός (katholikos), meaning "universal". The word derives from the Greek phrase καθόλο (kath'holou) meaning
"on the whole," "according to the whole" or "in general" and is a combination of the Greek words κατά meaning "about" and
όλος meaning "whole." It was first used to describe the Christian Church in the early 2nd century to emphasize its universal
scope. After the reformation, some protestant denominations substituted “Christian” for “catholic” to break more cleanly from
the Roman church. Lutherans retain “catholic” because that’s what we mean… it really is one whole church – the body of Christ
– throughout the world…even if people try to break it up.
Session 4: The Nicene Creed (Go through this creed and mark down the related Bible
The Nicene Creed was first adopted by church leaders in 325 at the First Council of Nicaea. Later that
century, at the Council of Constantinople (381) some minor changes were made and it was again
reaffirmed at the Council of Chalcedon (451). This ecumenical creed is the most widely accepted creed in
the Christian faith and it is an essential part of the doctrine and liturgy of Lutheran churches. Historically it
has been used at Holy Communion on Sundays and major feasts.
We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen
and unseen (2 Cor 4:18).
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God
from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the
Father; through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from
heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary and became truly human. For our
sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he
rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right
hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom
will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the
Son, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who has spoken through the
prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one Baptism
for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to
come. Amen.
Session 5: The Athanasian Creed (Discuss this creed, the meaning of each article…what
does this mean to you?)
This creed is of uncertain origin. It was supposedly prepared in the time of Athanasius, the great
theologian of the fourth century, but many scholars have theorized that it seems more likely that it dates
from the fifth or sixth centuries because of its Western character. It communicates two essential points of
Bible teaching: that God's Son and the Holy Spirit are of one being with the Father; and that Jesus Christ is
true God and true man in one person. Traditionally it is considered the "Trinitarian Creed." In many
congregations it is read aloud in corporate worship on Trinity Sunday, the Sunday after Pentecost.
Whoever wants to be saved should above all cling to the catholic faith.
Whoever does not guard it whole and inviolable will doubtless perish eternally.
Now this is the catholic faith: We worship one God in trinity and the Trinity in unity, neither
confusing the persons nor dividing the divine being.
For the Father is one person, the Son is another, and the Spirit is still another.
But the deity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is one, equal in glory, coeternal in majesty.
What the Father is, the Son is, and so is the Holy Spirit.
Uncreated is the Father; uncreated is the Son; uncreated is the Spirit.
The Father is infinite; the Son is infinite; the Holy Spirit is infinite.
Eternal is the Father; eternal is the Son; eternal is the Spirit: And yet there are not three eternal
beings, but one who is eternal; as there are not three uncreated and unlimited beings, but one
who is uncreated and unlimited.
Almighty is the Father; almighty is the Son; almighty is the Spirit: And yet there are not three
almighty beings, but one who is almighty.
Thus the Father is God; the Son is God; the Holy Spirit is God: And yet there are not three gods,
but one God.
Thus the Father is Lord; the Son is Lord; the Holy Spirit is Lord: And yet there are not three lords,
but one Lord.
m. As Christian truth compels us to acknowledge each distinct person as God and Lord, so catholic
religion forbids us to say that there are three gods or lords.
The Father was neither made nor created nor begotten; the Son was neither made nor created,
but was alone begotten of the Father; the Spirit was neither made nor created, but is proceeding
from the Father and the Son.
Thus there is one Father, not three fathers; one Son, not three sons; one Holy Spirit, not three
And in this Trinity, no one is before or after, greater or less than the other; but all three persons
are in themselves, coeternal and coequal; and so we must worship the Trinity in unity and the
one God in three persons.
Whoever wants to be saved should think thus about the Trinity.
It is necessary for eternal salvation that one also faithfully believe that our Lord Jesus Christ
became flesh.
For this is the true faith that we believe and confess: That our Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son, is
both God and man.
He is God, begotten before all worlds from the being of the Father, and he is man, born in the
world from the being of his mother -- existing fully as God, and fully as man with a rational soul
and a human body; equal to the Father in divinity, subordinate to the Father in humanity.
Although he is God and man, he is not divided, but is one Christ.
He is united because God has taken humanity into himself; he does not transform deity into
w. He is completely one in the unity of his person, without confusing his natures.
For as the rational soul and body are one person, so the one Christ is God and man.
He suffered death for our salvation. He descended into hell and rose again from the dead.
He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
aa. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
bb. At his coming all people shall rise bodily to give an account of their own deeds.
cc. Those who have done good will enter eternal life, those who have done evil will enter eternal
dd. This is the catholic faith.
ee. One cannot be saved without believing this firmly and faithfully. (Luk 18:26-27, Hebrews 11:6)
Session 6: The Acts of the Apostles, Epistles, and Revelation (Skim the New Testament)
The New Testament following the Gospels is a record of the early church in the first century. There
are 27 “books” in the New Testament. Take out the first four Gospels, and there are 23 remaining
books or letters (epistles from the Greek ἐπιστολή (epistole) is a writing directed or sent to a person
or group of people, usually a letter and a very formal, often didactic (teaching) and elegant one.
Discuss each book or letter, it’s author, the intended audience, and the purpose of the book or letter.
Fill out the chart below, and discuss each one. The first three are done as an example; often the
purpose of the letter follows the salutation. Point to the location of the audience if known on a map.
To record a history of the Apostles after the Ascension
Church at Rome
To edify (build up) the church and teach about Jesus
1 Corinthians
Church at Corinth
To rebuke division and immorality and to seek unity in
2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
1 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John
The Acts of the Apostles (Read Acts Chapters 1-2)
Session 7: Acts: Come Holy Spirit, Come!
Written by Luke to record the history of the early (first century) church. Luke writes down the
experiences of the early church…he is the “church historian”.
The Gospel of Luke was about Jesus; Acts is about the Church of Jesus. Both volumes probably
written around the same time (A.D. 80-90).
Both Acts and the Third Gospel are written to Theophilus…which means what? Friend of God. In
Greek Theo means God. Philos means Friend or Love…as in “Brotherly Love”. Which is why
Philadelphia is known as the City of Brotherly Love. Philos = Love Adelphos = Brother or Adelphe =
In Acts 1:16 and Acts 2:29, Peter uses the term brethren (adelphos) to speak of those men made
brothers in the church through our Lord Jesus. Brothers and Sisters can be used togther to erfer to
the body of Christ which is the church (as in Pauls use of both terms in 1 Cor 7:15). In Strong’s
reference numbering system (called Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance), sister (adelphe) is G-79,
brother (adelphos) is G-80. G stands for Greek. H for Hebrew in Strong’s (published in 1890 by Dr.
James Strong of Drew University). See if anyone’s Bible includes Strong’s reference numbers. Talk
through concordances, and compare everyone’s study bible notes.
Where do you see Jesus in Acts Chapter 1 and 2?
What is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is God, as are Jesus and the Father. One God three persons.
The Holy Spirit is the power of God presented by Jesus to the Church.
What are some other names for the Holy Spirit? The Spirit, Comforter, Advocate, Eternal Spirit,
Breath of the Almighty, Holy Ghost, Spirit of…truth, prophecy, wisdom, grace, judgment,
understanding, etc. The Glory of the Lord. The Peace of God which passes all understanding
(Philippians 4:7). Shekhinah (note that in Hebrew, Shekhinah is a feminine gender word).
What metaphors are used to reveal the spirit? Wind, breath, flame, dove, fire, cloud.
Holy in Greek is Hagios -- ἅγιος
Spirit in Greek is Pneuma – as in Pneumatic --
Where is the Spirit made manifest (evident to the senses) in your life? Where do you feel the Spirit in
your life? Prayer, hymns, Holy Communion, Baptism, helping others, preaching, giving of your
offering, reading the Bible, climbing a mountain, feeling the wind in your face?
How about that “speaking in tongues” thing…what does that mean? Speaking in tongues (Greek =
glossa γλῶσσα simply means speaking in the language of others. The Holy Spirit gave the
apostles the ability to communicate with other cultures throughout the world. Read Acts 2:1 -2:4
How about those tongues of fire? Yep, same Greek word, glossa. Note that these tongues – the
ability to communicate in other languages – appeared to the disciples like fire after the sound of the
wind. Shekhinah! God’s Holy presence made manifest to them just as Jesus said. They could feel the
presence of God (remember Moses and the burning bush, and Moses face shining after his exposure
to the presence of God).
Note Peter’s quoting of the Septuagint translation of Joel 2:28-32 and Psalm 16:8-11. Who is the
audience of Peter’s speech, and how do they understand what he says? More on Peter next time!
Session 8: Acts: Peter, Paul, and James (Skim Acts Chapters 3-12)
Who were these three Peter (Acts 3-5), Paul (Acts 8-9), and James (The Great) and James (The Just)
(Acts 12) or is it James (The Less) (probably not) and are those two the same James (probably not)?
Don’t spend too much time on this, the church has been discussing it for almost 2,000 years now.
PETER. Remember this is Simon the fisherman, brother of Andrew, who Jesus nicknames “the Rock”
(Cephas in Aramaic or Petros Πέτρος in Greek). Read and discuss Acts 3:1-4:21 and Acts 5:12-16.
Peter and John and the Apostles are TEACHING and HEALING. The Jewish authorities at the time
(High Priest (Caiaphas) and Sadducees since they didn’t believe in the Resurrection) were jealous.
PAUL. This is Saul the Pharisee and persecutor of the church who is chosen by Jesus, converted to by
the Risen Christ to Christendom, and made an Apostle. Read and discuss Acts 8:1-4, Acts 9:1-31,
JAMES. Peter, James, and John are the three Apostles closest to Jesus. They are present at the
Transfiguration and in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus is always taking them aside as his closest
disciples. James the Great is what the church has come to call the first James mentioned in Acts 12
(Read Acts 12:1-4). He is brother of the Apostle John, the two of them being the Sons of Zebedee.
James the Just is the second James mentioned in Acts 12 (Read Acts 12:5-17). This James is the
brother of Jesus (later son of Mary) who leads the early church in Jerusalem. This James is the author
of the Epistle of St. James.
If you have time, go back and read and discuss Stephen (Acts 6 and Acts 7:51-60 – skip the history
lesson Stephen gives them, but make note of it). Lutheran Stephen Ministers and diaconal ministers
throughout Christendom draw lineage to Stephen.
If you have time, also read about Philip and the Eunuch (Acts 8:5-40). How are we doing in
proclaiming Jesus and making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit? Seems like we’ve got over 2 billion of the worlds 6 billion people
If you have time, Also Read Acts 9:32-43 and Acts 10:1-48. Cornelius the centurion, a devout man
who prayed to God constantly and gave alms. What are alms?
End with Acts 12:18-25 and set the stage for Paul’s journey next time.
Session 9: Acts: The Journey of Saint Paul (Skim Acts Chapters 13 – 28, reading the first
and last few verses of each chapter). Have a map available of the Mediterranean.
The Epistles of Paul, Peter, and James
Session 10: Paul’s Letter to the Romans (Read and discuss Romans Chapters 1-2 and
Romans 3:21-31 and skim the rest of Romans).
Session 11: Paul’s Letter to the Romans (continued) (Skim Romans and review. Read and
discuss Romans Chapter 15).
Session 12: Paul’s Letters to the Corinthians (Skim the two letters to the Corinthians).
Session 13: Paul’s Letters to the Philippians (Skim the letters to the Philippians).
Session 14: Midterm Review Advent! “Crossing the threshold of History and Hope”
Session 15: Christmas! What is “X-Mass”? Paul’s letter to Philemon (Read and discuss the
letter to Philemon). How might this relate to Christmas?
Session 16: The Letters of Peter (read and Discuss both letters)
Session 17: The Letter of James (Read and discuss parts of James)
The Letters and Revelation of John
Session 18: The Letters of John (Read the 3 letters of John)
Session 19: The Revelation to John (Skim the Revelation; Read the first and last chapters)
Church History: The Reformation and Beyond
Session 20: Pre-Reformation Roman Catholic Church
Church closely aligned with state
Papacy was corrupt (Julius II “Warrior Pope”)
Nepotism – Making a “Papal Dynasty”
Unwillingness to allow Bible to be printed in the vernacular
Sale of Indulgences (emphasis on salvation through merit)
Emphasis on teachings of man (the Church) vs. teachings of God
Clergy served as intermediaries between man and God
Seven Sacraments
Session 21: Early Luther and the Age of Exploration (Film clips from Luther)
The seas are explored, mapped and navigated by great explorers such as Columbus.
The New World is discovered, and the Gospel is spread
New Ideas are brought forth during the Renaissance Era (Humanism, Church Reforms – Erasmus)
Erasmus – “Laid the Egg that Luther Hatched” – Introduced reforms within the Catholic Church
(within, not outside). Stressed a life based on Jesus (Philosophy of Christ or “What Would Jesus Do?”)
Luther’s father wished for him to become a lawyer.
Luther gets caught in a thunderstorm and asks for God’s guidance in the promise of becoming a monk
Luther is frightened by God, who is portrayed as unloving at that time, and tries to do everything that
the Church says he must do. Yet he feels that no matter how hard he tries, his salvation can never be
assured… Sounds like there might be something wrong with the system here, eh?
Luther begins to distrust the Catholic Church’s teachings and “explores” the Bible.
Validates only two of seven sacraments (Communion and Baptism), finding inadequate proof to the
sale of Indulgences.
Sacrament: Instituted by Christ using earthly elements
Salvation through Faith Alone (Romans 3:23-24)
God has Luther translate the Bible into the common language in order to save humanity; Noah is
instructed by God to build an ark to save humanity… See the parallel?
Session 22: 95 Theses and the Diet of Worms Show clips from the movie "Luther" Read some of the funnier
theses (like #11 about the Bishops being asleep) and link them back to Scripture
Luther posts the 95 Theses on the doors of the Castle Church at Wittenberg – a list of arguments
against the Roman Church’s teachings and selling of indulgences.
The 95 Theses were not intended to spread as far as they did, but the Holy Spirit called some
determined town’s folk inspired by the arguments of Luther to make copies. With the help of
Gutenberg’s printing press, Luther’s ideas spread like wildfire (kind of like e-mail), thus sparking the
Luther’s ideas did not sit too well with the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (the state), who was
closely allied with the pope (the church).
Talk about two mandates of God, Church and State, and how each is a necessary corrective to the
other (Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Paul Tillich). For example: Aaron and Moses, Ezra and Nehemiah,
Caiaphas and Pilate.
In January of 1521, Leo X excommunicated Luther.
Charles V summoned Luther to the Diet (assembly) of Worms (a city in the Holy Roman Empire) to
publicly recant his ideas on the 18th of April, 1521. The Pope sent Cardinal Cajetan as his
representative and lead examiner.
Luther witnesses to the power of the Gospel and says “Here I Stand; I can do no other. God Help Me.
The Holy Roman Empire was a cluster of many small states ruled by a local prince who had
considerable autonomy. The princes, being fed up with the Emperor being involved in local affairs,
answered God’s call to support Luther.
Luther was captured by Frederick the Wise and was taken for safe keeping at the castle of Wartburg.
He lived under the name Knight George, growing a beard in disguise. While there he translated the
New Testament into the vernacular (German). Give them a Bible, and have them start translating
into a language of their choice!
Empowered by the Gospel, the people revolted against the Church and the State. Martin Luther
married to Katherine Von Bora. Lived and preached the Gospel until his passing in 1546.
Luther called the church the Church of the Gospel before others began to call them Lutherans.
Session 23: Luther and Zwingli and the Marburg Colloquy
Session 24: Calvin in Geneva and the Counter Reformation
Session 25: Augsburg Confession and the Book of Concord
Session 26: The Lutheran Church comes to America – Synod and ELCA websites Your
Christian Library – Bonhoeffer, Tillich, King, Lucado, Manning, et al
Session 27: Review
Session 28: Faith Statements
Session 29: Pastors on the Ten Commandments
Session 30: Pastors on the Lord’s Prayer
Session 31: Pastors on the Apostles Creed
Session 32: Pastors on Faith Statements
Live lives of witness and service as Ambassadors of the Risen Christ!
A good glossary linked to the King James Version of the Bible can be found at:
A great 1200 page concordance is available on-line at:
Another good resource is Wikipedia to learn about Strong’s Concordance:
OK…here’s a Lutheran glossary…
The Apocrypha is a collection of 12 books found in the Greek translation of the Old Testament called the Septuagint
and in the Latin Bible called the Vulgate, but not in the Hebrew Bible. Lutherans understand these books to be
important documents of the faith, but do not consider them to have the authority of the Bible. These books are called
deutero-canonical (or second canon) books.
Associate in Ministry (AIM)
Associates in ministry are laypeople called and commissioned for service in congregations, agencies, schools and
institutions of the ELCA. Their primary areas of service are education, youth, spiritual formation, campus ministry,
outdoor ministry, music and the arts, administration, service and general ministry. For more information,
visit Associates in Ministry in Rostered Leadership.
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One of two sacraments for Lutherans, the other being Holy Communion. Baptism is the entry rite into Christian faith.
It is an act instituted by God, performed using water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, whereby the
baptized is united with Christ.
The Bible is a collection of writings that Lutherans believe to be the written Word of God. It is accepted as inspired by
God and the authoritative source and norm of the church's faith. For more information, visit the Bible.
A bishop is a pastor, an ordained minister of Word and Sacrament in the ELCA, who is elected to a six-year term to
provide pastoral care and oversight for the congregations and leaders of an ELCA synod. The bishop is the chief
executive officer of the synod, and may be reelected. To learn more, visit ELCA Conference of Bishops.
Bishop, Presiding
See Presiding Bishop
Book of Concord, The
The Book of Concord is a collection of 16th century confessions of the Reformation churches. Within it is the
Augsburg Confession, which the ELCA accepts as a "true witness to the Gospel," as well as other confessional
writings that the ELCA considers "further valid interpretations of the faith of the Church." (ELCA Confession of Faith)
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For Lutherans, “call” or “calling” refers to the vocations of every Christian — the roles in which they live out their faith,
such as family member, citizen, worker, church member. In the context of public ministry, a call is an official invitation
to become a public leader in this church. A pastor, deaconess, diaconal minister or associate in ministry receives a
call as he or she begins serving a congregation, institution or agency of the church. For more information, visit Life as
Vocation: Living Our Call, Each and Every Day.
Candidacy is the process through which individuals explore their own sense of being called to public leadership in the
church and through which representatives of this church determine if the individual is suited for this public ministry.
The candidacy process includes a period of discernment and preparation, and concludes when a person is approved
for service. Synods are responsible for overseeing the candidacy process. To learn more, visit Become a Leader.
A person officially preparing for rostered ministry in the ELCA. A formal positive entrance decision is made by a
synod candidacy committee in order to be designated as a candidate. The candidate must then complete all
requirements and also receive an endorsement decision and an approval decision. Learn more in Candidacy.
Derived from a Greek word meaning universal; may therefore be used to apply to all Christians. When it is used this
way, it begins with a lower case "c"; when used with a capital "C" this word usually refers to the Roman Catholic
A pastor or a theologically trained lay leader who serves in an institutional setting such as a hospital, nursing home,
prison, college or the armed forces. Learn more in Chaplaincy.
This word is used to refer both to a local congregation (for example, Trinity Lutheran Church) and to the organization
that includes congregations, institutions and agencies (for example, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America).
When capitalized, it usually refers to the whole Christian Church around the world and throughout history.
Church Council
The Church Council of the ELCA is its board of directors, serving as the interim legislative authority between
meetings of the Churchwide Assembly. The Church Council meets at least two times each year and is composed of
33 members who are elected to six-year terms by the Churchwide Assembly together with the four churchwide
officers (presiding bishop, vice president, secretary and treasurer). Learn more in Church Council.
Churchwide Assembly
The Churchwide Assembly is the ELCA’s highest legislative authority. It reviews the work of the churchwide officers
and churchwide units. It establishes ELCA policy and adopts the budget for the churchwide organization. It has sole
authority to amend the constitution and bylaws of the ELCA. The Churchwide Assembly meets biennially in regular
session. Learn more in Churchwide Assembly.
Churchwide Organization
The churchwide organization is one of the three expressions of the ELCA. It functions interdependently with
congregations and synods of the ELCA. It is responsible for developing churchwide policy, standards for leadership,
including ordained and rostered lay ministries and affiliation of institutions, and the coordination of the work of the
ELCA both globally and throughout the territory of the ELCA.
In the ELCA, the term “clergy” is normally used to describe those who are ordained pastors of the church. Learn more
in Ordained Ministry.
Communion, or Holy Communion
One of two sacraments for Lutherans, the other being Baptism. In Holy Communion, also called the Eucharist,
Lutherans recall the saving acts of God through Word, bread and wine, and are connected with Christ and with
Christians of all times and places. In this sacrament we are fed with the Body and Blood of Christ.
Conference of Bishops
The Conference of Bishops is composed of the bishops of the 65 synods, the presiding bishop and the secretary of
the ELCA. The conference meets at least two times each year and is a forum in which goals, objectives and
strategies may be developed and shared concerning pastoral oversight, care and counsel for the synods. Learn more
in Conference of Bishops.
Confession of Faith
A confession of faith is a brief statement of a group’s beliefs. The ELCA Confession of Faith confesses the Triune
God, Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the written Word
of God, accepts the Apostles’, Nicene and Athanasian Creeds as true declarations of the faith of this church and
accepts the Augsburg Confession and the other confessional writings in the Book of Concord as valid interpretations
of the faith of this church. View the ELCA Confession of Faith in its entirety.
The Confession of Faith is also a normal component of Lutheran worship. The assembly affirms its own faith and their
connection to the church catholic by saying the words of one of the ecumenical creeds.
A community of believers who assemble regularly for worship and who nurture, organize and carry out ministries
among members and the neighborhood. As one of the three expressions of the ELCA, congregations cooperate with
and support the wider church to share God’s boundless love with the world. Find a Congregation near you.
Constitutions, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions
The basic commitments of the ELCA as well as its organizational outline, structural patterns, and rules of governance
are expressed by itsconstitutions, bylaws, and continuing resolutions.
ELCA as congregations, synods and churchwide organization.
These documents govern the life of the
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A theologically trained, professionally prepared woman who is a member of the ELCA Deaconess Community and
the underlying ELCA roster of lay women serving in ministries of Word and service. These ministries are an
outgrowth of the European deaconess movement of the 19th century. Deaconesses are called and consecrated to
serve in congregations, agencies and institutions of the ELCA and theEvangelical Lutheran Church in
Canada (ELCIC). To learn more, visit Deaconess Community.
Diaconal Minister
A member of the ELCA Diaconal Ministry Community and the underlying ELCA roster of lay men and women in
ministries of Word and service. This roster was established in 1993. ELCA diaconal ministers are called and
consecrated and they serve in congregations, agencies and institutions of the ELCA. Their focus for ministry is the
extension of the church’s ministry of witness and care into the world.
Discipleship is being called to walk with Christ, equipped to love like Christ and sent by Christ to love and serve
others in the world!
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Of or relating to a church (“ekklesia” in Greek), especially as an established institution. This term is often used to refer
to the organizational and legislative functions of the church.
A reference to the whole Christian church, including denominations and groups. The beliefs and practices of those
who desire and work for worldwide unity and cooperation among all Christian people. Learn more about the ELCA’s
approach to ecumenism in Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations.
Endorsement is a step in the ELCA candidacy process in which the synod candidacy committee and the seminary the
candidate attends evaluate and affirm the candidate's continued growth in preparation for, and sense of call to,
rostered ministry. It is also part of the approval process of those preparing for ministries in specialized pastoral care
and clinical education. Learn more in Candidacy.
From the Greek word for “thanksgiving.” Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper, is one of
two sacraments for Lutherans, the other being Baptism. “The Eucharist” is also used as the name for the liturgical
celebration of this sacrament.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America understands "evangelical" as emphasizing the gospel or good news of
salvation received apart from human works and, based on this, the ELCA values worship forms and confessions of
faith of the historic Christian tradition. In the United States, the term “evangelical” is often associated with a religious
and cultural movement known as "evangelicalism" that came to prominence in the 19th century and stresses
individual conversion, the authority of the Bible, and moral and social reform.
Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW)
Evangelical Lutheran Worship (2006), is the primary worship resource for use within the ELCA. It was preceded
by Lutheran Book of Worship (1978). Learn more about ELCA worship resources in Worship.
The act of spreading the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ by word and deed. Used specifically for the activity
of inviting people to learn about Jesus Christ. Learn more about evangelizing activity in the ELCA.
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Federal Chaplaincy
ELCA chaplains serving in federal prisons, Veterans Administration hospitals and the Armed Services (Army, Navy,
Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard, their Reserves and the National Guard). To find a Federal Chaplain, or for more
information, visit Federal Chaplains.
Full Communion
A "full communion" relationship between denominations is an acknowledgement that there is enough agreement on
matters of faith and life between denominations to commit to joint ministry, witness, and service. The ELCA has full
communion agreements with The Episcopal Church, the Reformed Church in America, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),
the United Church of Christ and the Moravian Church Northern and Southern Provinces. Learn more about the
ELCA’s full communion partners in Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations.
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Gospel, which is a translation of the Greek word for “good news,” tells us of God who created and sustains
everything; of Jesus Christ who lived, died and was raised from death to give us life and salvation; and of the Holy
Spirit who gives us faith and makes us holy. The four gospels are books in the New Testament that document the life
and teachings of Jesus Christ. You can learn more about the gospel by visiting the Bible.
The dictionary defines grace as "unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification; a
virtue coming from God." Martin Luther's emphasis on grace, not our own works, was the keystone of the 16th
century Reformation, based on a related key Bible verse: Ephesians 2:8, "For by grace you have been saved
through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God."
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Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is one of the three persons of the Trinity, in addition to God the Father and God the Son, Jesus Christ.
We believe that the Holy Spirit calls, gathers, enlightens and sanctifies us in the faith.
Holy Communion
One of two sacraments for Lutherans, the other being Baptism. In Holy Communion, also called the Eucharist,
Lutherans recall the saving acts of God through Word, bread and wine, and are connected with Christ and with
Christians of all times and places. In this sacrament we are fed with the Body and Blood of Christ.
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Activities of dialogue and cooperation among Christians, Jews and Muslims. "Interfaith" and "inter-religious" are
sometimes used synonymously, although "interfaith" is usually a term used with specific reference to the three
Abrahamic faiths — Judaism, Christianity and Islam. To learn more, visit Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations.
Interim Ministry
Word and Sacrament ministry, following the resignation or retirement of a congregation's pastor. Interim pastors
serve for a specific period of time, or for the duration of a "pastoral vacancy," and some are specially trained to assist
with transition following an extended pastorate, or for resolution of recent or long-term conflicts. Learn more in Interim
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Jesus, or Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ, Lutherans believe, was the son of God, who was born, lived, died and was raised from the dead in the
first century A.D. Fully human and fully divine, Jesus Christ is one of the three persons of the Trinity, along with God
the Father and the Holy Spirit.
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Lay / Laity
A term that refers to the people of God. This word is typically used to refer to those who are not members of the
ordained clergy. The collective community of laypeople is sometimes called the laity. For more information, visit Life
as Vocation: Living Our Call, Each and Every Day.
Lifelong Learning
All members of the ELCA are encouraged to engage in lifelong learning through participation in Sunday school and
other Christian education opportunities in the congregations or other offerings through higher educational institutions
of the church. Learn more inLifelong Learning.
From the Greek word for "public service," liturgy is sometimes called "the work of the people of God." It is the rite or
body of rites prescribed for public worship, a set order of worship used by the "liturgical churches" such as Orthodox,
Catholic, Anglican and Lutheran churches all over the world.
Luther, Martin
Martin Luther, 1483-1546, was trained as a monk and a priest in his native Germany. His efforts to bring reform and
renewal to the church were part of the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century. Though he never wanted a church
named after him, he is considered the founder of the Lutheran faith tradition. To learn more, visit Martin
Luther in History.
Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW)
Until the release of Evangelical Lutheran Worship in 2006, Lutheran Book of Worship was the primary worship
resource for use within the ELCA. Since its release in 1978, it has been supplemented by other worship resources.
Learn more about ELCA worship resources inWorship.
The beliefs and form of church governance associated with the 16th-century Reformation and Martin Luther. There
are presently more than 68 million Lutherans around the world in over 150 Lutheran church bodies, of which the
ELCA is one. To learn more, visit What Lutherans Believe.
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The word means “servant,” and is sometimes used as a synonym for “pastor” or as a title for lay people who perform
certain duties within the congregation, such as "communion minister." It can be used as a noun or a verb, and it
refers to the work of all Christians — to share God’s boundless love in the world.
The ELCA affirms the shared mission of all its baptized members and commits itself to the equipping and supporting
of all its members for their ministries in the world and in this church.
Ministry in Daily Life
God's people fulfill their shared mission in a variety of ways. Lutherans believe that we are called to serve others in all
our roles or offices — for example, as parents, children, citizens of a nation and the world, as workers, employers,
retirees, students, congregation members and more. Clergy are called to the public office of preaching the Word and
administering the sacraments. According to Martin Luther, the mission of every Christian is to pray for each other, to
listen to and heed their neighbors’ cries of distress, to speak God's cheering word of forgiveness and consolation, and
to share God's love by ministering to the poor and oppressed. Learn more at Life as Vocation.
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Ordained Ministry
ELCA members believe that God has instituted the office of ministry of Word and Sacrament within the people of
God. To carry out this ministry, the ELCA affirms the call and ordains qualified people, who are referred to as pastors.
To learn more, visit Ordained Ministry.
The rite by which a person becomes a minister of Word and Sacrament in the church of Jesus Christ. In the Lutheran
church, a person is only ordained when he or she has been prepared and approved for ministry and has received and
accepted a call to a particular public ministry, usually a congregation. To learn more, visit Become a Leader.
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From the Latin word for “shepherd,” “pastor” is used to describe an ordained minister of Word and Sacrament. A
parish pastor serves in a congregational setting. The term pastor may also be used to describe an ordained minister
serving in a non-congregational setting.
The public proclamation of God’s love and mercy for all creation through the crucified and risen Jesus
Christ. Preaching is rooted in the readings of Scripture in the assembly’s public worship.
Presiding Bishop
An ordained minister of Word and Sacrament who is a teacher of the faith of this church and who provides leadership
for the life and witness of this church. The term is rooted in worship (“the bishop presides over the worshiping
assembly”) and the presiding bishop serves as the chief pastor of the ELCA, the chief executive officer of the ELCA
Churchwide Organization and the chief ecumenical officer of the church. The presiding bishop is elected to a six-year
term and may be reelected. The current presiding bishop is the Rev. Mark. S. Hanson. To learn more, visit Office of
the Presiding Bishop.
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Reformation, The
When capitalized, the word most frequently used to describe the religious, social, political and economic movement in
the 16th century that led to the establishment of various churches including the Lutheran church. To learn more,
visit History.
Reformed Tradition, The
One of the branches of the 16th-century Reformation. Denominations that are part of the reformed tradition include
various Reformed Churches, the Presbyterian Church and United Church of Christ. To learn more, visit History.
There are nine geographic regions within the ELCA, recognized as a partnerships among synods within the region.
Each region is a means to coordinate responses by synods and the churchwide organization to mission and program
opportunities within the region. To learn more, visit Synodical Relations.
Representational Principle
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has determined that at least 60 percent of the members of assemblies,
councils, committees, boards and other organizations should be laypeople, half female and half male, and that, where
possible, the representation of ordained ministers should be both female and male. It is also strives for a minimum
goal of 10 percent of the membership of its assemblies, councils, committees, boards, or other organizational units
being people of color and/or people whose primary language is other than English.
The official listing of those who have been ordained, consecrated or commissioned and are called to service in the
ELCA. Currently, there are more than 17,000 rostered leaders in the ELCA. The ELCA has four rosters: associates in
ministry, deaconesses, diaconal ministersand ordained ministers (pastors). Learn more in Rostered Leadership.
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A sacrament is the physical sign of an unseen promise. Sacraments are rites of the church that convey God’s
forgiveness, life and salvation through words and physical means. Lutherans celebrate the sacraments
of Baptism and Holy Communion.
A word often used to refer to the Bible, the sacred scriptures include the 66 books that are divided into the Old
Testament and the New Testament.
Institution that offers theological education and professional training for leaders in the church and others interested in
graduate-level study of theology. The ELCA has eight seminaries. Find out more about them in ELCA seminaries.
A sermon is part of worship in which the pastor proclaims the Word of God, based on the written Word of God in the
Bible and applying it to the worshipping community as appropriate. In the Lutheran liturgy, it comes right after the
Bible lessons are read and before the confession of the creed, the offering and the Eucharist.
There are 65 synods in the ELCA. A synod is typically a geographical grouping of congregations, with one exception.
Each synod, in partnership with the churchwide organization, bears primary responsibility for the oversight of the life
and mission of the ELCA in its territory. To learn more, visit Synodical Relations.
Synod Assembly
The synod assembly is the highest legislative authority of the synod, with a regular meeting held at least biennially.
(Most synod assemblies meet annually.) All ordained ministers under call and all rostered lay ministers under call are
voting members, as are representative lay members from every congregation within the synod. To learn more,
visit Synod Assemblies.
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A word used to refer to the study of God and God’s interaction with the world. Formal study of theology usually
includes study of the Bible, doctrine, church history, ethics and worship, and may also include study of the practice of
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Vision and Expectations
In 1990, the ELCA Church Council adopted the documents "Vision and Expectations: Ordained Ministers in the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America" and "Vision and Expectations: Commissioned Associates in Ministry" as
statements of this church about the vision for rostered leaders in the ELCA and the expectations of those who serve
in that ministry. It is used primarily in the candidacy process.
From the Latin word for “call,” the word refers to our many callings as God’s baptized people — whatever our places
and opportunities in life, we are called to serve others with love. Martin Luther emphasized, for example, that a
shoemaker, a father changing a diaper and a pastor preaching a sermon are all called by God to serve in the roles in
which they find themselves. To learn more, visit Vocation: In Service for the World.
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Word of God
The Word of God -- read, preached and sung by the assembly in worship, is essential to the orders of service in the
Lutheran tradition. Lutherans understand the Word of God as:
1) God's incarnate Word made flesh in Jesus, living among us;
2) The word of God proclaimed and heard as law (that which convicts) and gospel (that which frees); and
3) The recorded Word of God in the canonical scriptures
To learn more, visit Book of Faith.
Maps are a great teaching tool! They give a common shared perspective for discussion, and provide
spatial reference for both teachers and students. Some of our favorite maps follow, but check this one
out to start…you can draw it on a whiteboard:
Sea of Galilee
Jordan River
Mediterranean Sea
Red Sea
Dead Sea
Here’s another unorthodox map that may be of use:
Here’s a Google Earth image of the Holy Land. Great for discussing the Exodus.
Bring in a computer and look around!
Here’s a good global image for discussing the sons of Noah, Abraham, et al…
Check out these maps (and the whole PowerPoint brief) on the Journeys of Paul…dates are best guess as
to when he wrote each epistle.