CMM Details

More CMM
Part Two : Details
Recap of CMM Levels
Defect prevention
Technology change management
Process change management
Key Process Areas
by maturity level Quantitative process management
Software Quality Management
Organization process focus
Organization process definition
Training program
Integrated software management
Software product engineering
Intergroup coordination
Peer Reviews
Requirements management
Software project planning
Software project tracking and oversight
Software subcontract management
Software quality assurance
Software Configuration management
Objectives of Key Process Areas
Level Two
Requirements Management
Software project planning
select and effectively manage subcontractors
Software quality assurance
visibility into project's progress
Software subcontract management
reasonable plans of what to do and when
Software project tracking and oversight
necessary to build software that will satisfy the customer
process and product are reviewed to create visibility into the process
Software Configuration management
baselines and traceability
Objectives of Key Process Areas
Level Three
Organization process focus
Organization process definition
describe technical activities (e.g. write the SRS, design, coding, etc)
Intergroup coordination
integrate development and management activities into a coherent
software process (followup to level 2 tracking)
Software product engineering
develop skills to perform roles
Integrated software management
institutionalize process data, criteria, training, etc
Training program
coordinating and improving the organization's process
the development teams talks with engineering, marketing, etc
Peer Reviews
remove defects
Objectives of Key Process Areas
Level Four
Quantitative process management
Software Quality Management
notice when performance falls outside of expected bounds
quality goals, supported by plans
Level Five
Defect prevention
Technology change management
identify causes of defects and prevent them from recurring
identify, evaluate, and integrate beneficial technologies
Process change management
continuous process improvement
Each of the five CMM levels is composed
of key process areas
each key process area is organized into
five sections called common features
common features contain key practices
Common Features
1. Commitment to Perform
2. Ability to Perform
3. Activities Performed
4. Measurement and Analysis
5. Verifying Implementation
Defect prevention
Technology change management
Process change management
Key Process Areas
by maturity level Quantitative process management
Software Quality Management
Organization process focus
Organization process definition
Training program
Integrated software management
Software product engineering
Intergroup coordination
Peer Reviews
Requirements management
Software project planning
Software project tracking and oversight
Software subcontract management
Software quality assurance
Software Configuration management
Process Area: Software Quality Assurance
Goal 1 - Software quality assurance activities are planned.
Goal 2 - Adherence of software products and activities to the
applicable standards, procedures, and requirements is
verified objectively.
Goal 3 - Affected groups and individuals are informed of
software quality assurance activities and results.
Goal 4 - Noncompliance issues that cannot be resolved within
the software project are addressed by senior
Process Area: Software Quality Assurance
1. Commitment to Perform
Commitment 1 - The project follows a written organizational
policy for implementing software quality
assurance (SQA).
This policy typically specifies that:
1. The SQA function is in place on all software projects.
2. The SQA group has a reporting channel to senior management…
3. Senior management periodically reviews the SQA activities and results.
Process Area: Software Quality Assurance
2. Ability to Perform
Ability 1 - A group that is responsible for coordinating and
implementing SQA for the project exists.
The group can be one person.
Ability 2 - Adequate resources and funding are provided for
performing the SQA activities.
Ability 3 - Members of the SQA group are trained to perform
their SQA activities.
Ability 4 - The members of the software project receive
orientation on the role, responsibilities, authority,
and value of the SQA group.
Process Area: Software Quality Assurance
3. Activities Performed
Activity 1 -- A SQA plan is prepared for the software project according to a
documented procedure.
Activity 2 -- The SQA group's activities are performed in accordance with the
SQA plan.
Activity 3 -- The SQA group participates in the preparation and review of the project's
software development plan, standards, and procedures.
Activity 4 -- The SQA group reviews the software engineering activities to verify
Activity 5 -- The SQA group audits designated software work products to verify
Activity 6 -- The SQA group periodically reports the results of its activities to the
software engineering group.
Activity 7 -- Deviations identified in the software activities and software work
products are documented and handled according to a documented
Activity 8 -- The SQA group conducts periodic reviews of its activities and findings
with the customer's SQA personnel, as appropriate.
The SQA plan covers:
Responsibilities and authority of the SQA group.
Resource requirements for the SQA group (including staff, tools, and facilities).
Schedule and funding of the project's SQA group activities.
The SQA group's participation in establishing the software development plan,
standards, and procedures for the project.
Evaluations to be performed by the SQA group.
Examples of products and activities to be evaluated include:
operational software and support software,
deliverable and nondeliverable products,
software and nonsoftware products (e.g., documents),
product development and product verification activities (e.g., executing test cases), and
the activities followed in creating the product.
Audits and reviews to be conducted by the SQA group.
Project standards and procedures to be used as the basis for the SQA group's
reviews and audits.
Procedures for documenting and tracking noncompliance issues to closure.
Documentation that the SQA group is required to produce.
Method and frequency of providing feedback to the software engineering group
and other software-related groups on SQA activities.
Process Area: Software Quality Assurance
4. Measurement and Analysis
Measurement 1 - Measurements are made and used to
determine the cost and schedule status of
the SQA activities.
Process Area: Software Quality Assurance
5. Verifying Implementation
Verification 1 - The SQA activities are reviewed with senior
management on a periodic basis.
Verification 2 - The SQA activities are reviewed with the
project manager on both a periodic and eventdriven basis.
Verification 3 - Experts independent of the SQA group
periodically review the activities and software
work products of the project's SQA group.
Defect prevention
Technology change management
Process change management
Key Process Areas
by maturity level Quantitative process management
Software Quality Management
Organization process focus
Organization process definition
Training program
Integrated software management
Software product engineering
Intergroup coordination
Peer Reviews
Requirements management
Software project planning
Software project tracking and oversight
Software subcontract management
Software quality assurance
Software Configuration management
Process Area: Training Program
Goal 1 - Training activities are planned.
Goal 2 - Training for developing the skills and knowledge
needed to perform software management and
technical roles is provided.
Goal 3 - Individuals in the software engineering group and
software-related groups receive the training necessary
to perform their roles.
Process Area: Training Program
3. Activities Performed
Activity 1 -- Each software project develops and maintains a training plan
that specifies its training needs.
Activity 2 -- The organization's training plan is developed and revised
according to a documented procedure.
Activity 3 -- The training for the organization is performed in accordance with
the organization's training plan.
Activity 4 -- Training courses prepared at the organization level are developed
and maintained according to organization standards.
Activity 5 -- A waiver procedure for required training is established and used
to determine whether individuals already possess the knowledge
and skills required to perform in their designated roles.
Activity 6 -- Records of training are maintained.
The training plan covers:
The specific training needed within the organization and when it is needed.
The training that will be obtained from external sources and training that
will be provided by the training group.
The funding and resources (including staff, tools, and facilities) needed to
prepare and conduct or procure the training.
Standards for instructional materials used in training courses developed by
the training group.
The schedule for developing and revising the training courses that will be
developed by the training group.
The schedule for conducting the training, based on the projected need
dates and the projected number of students.
The procedures for:
selecting the individuals who will receive the training,
 registering and participating in the training,
 maintaining records of the training provided, and
 collecting, reviewing, and using training evaluations and other training feedback.
Defect prevention
Technology change management
Process change management
Key Process Areas
by maturity level Quantitative process management
Software Quality Management
Organization process focus
Organization process definition
Training program
Integrated software management
Software product engineering
Intergroup coordination
Peer Reviews
Requirements management
Software project planning
Software project tracking and oversight
Software subcontract management
Software quality assurance
Software Configuration management
Process Area: Peer Reviews
3. Activities Performed
Activity 1 - Peer reviews are planned, and the plans are
Activity 2 - Peer reviews are performed according to a
documented procedure.
Activity 3 - Data on the conduct and results of the peer reviews
are recorded.
Reviewers have assigned roles in peer reviews.
Readiness and completion criteria for the peer reviews are
specified and enforced.
Checklists are used to identify criteria for the review of the
software work products in a consistent manner.
The checklists are tailored to the specific type of work product and
peer review.
Examples of items addressed by tailoring the checklist include:
compliance with standards and procedures,
rules of construction, and
and on it goes…
The full lists of activities can be found at